HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-7-27, Page 1VOL, 40 NO. 4 BRUSSRLS, ONTARIO, THURSp4 Y, JULY 27, 19i W, H. HERR, Froptietor New Advortlserr encs St,rayed-4, Moses..' Strayed -TAM Poqm, Nor sale -Eq Smith. Pin lost -Toa Posm. 1;bdaka-T. R. Wendt. Darin Laboreta-O, P, R. Luoknow Caledonian Day. Single harness --I. 0, Richm'ds. Real bargains -G, N, McLaren. M, istri xt SAO Wroxeter A. Rasmussen left for Stevensville on -Saturday. Miss Viola Lofton is the gneet,of relatives in Islington, R. Welhnei', of Cargill, is spending a few holidays in the village. Miss M. Beattie, of. Seaforth, spent last week with Mrs. H. Brawn. Miss Cassie Harris has returned from a few weeks visit in Hensel]. Mrs. G. K. Hall gave an At Home to a number large r g t t o f friends on Wed- nesday. Harry and Mrs, Brawn, left for Elora on Monday, where they will spend a few weeks. Misses Jeanette Ritchie, Elda and Kate Hazlewood and Wm. Black at- tended the Excursion to Niagara Falls last Friday. Qoderlch St. George's church is moving for the appointment of a rector in suc- cession to Rev. M. Turnbull. Miss Coulson, of Grimsby, was en- gaged as teacher in Oentral School to take the place of Miss Dunlop,- resign- ed. Morrow & Connolly, butchers, have dissolved and business will be carried on by Mr. Morrow. - At the meeting of Ahmeek Chapter, Daughters of the Empire, it was found that the returns from tag day on July 12th would be- $600 clear . of expenses. Ninth annual tournament of Gode- rich Bowling Club will open on Tues - clay, August 1st. ' The program in- cludes the usual events -trophy, asso- ciation and consolation matches. Scotch dodbles and singles. Blyth The Council is shaping up to put their new powers along the line of public ownership into good order. Miss Lottie Bendy will go to Clinton as assistant during the Model School term to Principal. Hartley. She will render good service, Red Dart was at Listowel races last week but the company he struck was a trifle too fast consequently lie was outside the money. 2.13h was the best time, which is going some. The storm of Wednesday of last week will not soon be forgotten and the only wonder is that twice the damage was not done when the size and violence of the hail is considered, Neil Taylor's bread van made a <le - livery of bread not on the program during the stoi'ni, by his horse run- ning away, Walton The Misses 'Telfer and Thos Kirk - gannet' were visitors with friends ab Londesboro locality. Congratulations are extended to John and Mrs, McDonald over the arrival of their twin sons! John is determined that Walton will be kept in the front of the _pr'ocession, We welcome the boys to Walton. We are sorry to state that a number in this locality got a riddling from the hailstorm of last week. In some cases the crops were flattened to the earth and the grain threshed out so com- pletely as to render it entirely useless. Jamestown Dr. Fred. Bryans has gone West on a trip. to visit his brother, Dr, Will. Dr. and Miss Montgomery were vis- itors at the home of Edward Bryaus. The contractor for the new Victoria Hall is at work and the brickwork be- gins to show u very nicely. Mrs. James Strachan went to Buf- falo, N. Y., this week to see her bro- ther, Jno. McVicar, of Nevada. He was a former resident of Grey town- ship years ago. His health has not been very good and he went to Buffalo for medical treatment. Ethel Two.ears of cattle were shipped from here by Mr. Wynn, of Wingham, last Saturday. Mrs, Juo. Cober, of Toronto, is re- newing old friendships at Ethel and locality. She was a worthy resident here for many years. Next Sabbath evening Rev. R. Collis B. A., of Wroxeter, will take the service in the Methodist church, The pastor will be at Gor'rie preaching anniversary services. 185 boxes of first half of June make of cheese were shipped during the past week to D. M. Scott, .Montreal, by Ethel factory. 11a cents' per pound. was the price received. S. S. ExoURsiONa-Tnesday, August 15th, is the date announced for the annual Sabbath "School Excursion to Kincardine and it will no doubt at- tract a good many from this locality. On Sabbath, Aug. 0th the regular Quarterly service will be held at Ethel Methodist church commencing at 10.30 a. m.' Usual service in evening also. Official Board will meet Wednesday evening, in Ethel church, at 8 o'clock. CONGRATULATIONS, -011e conglatu latipns are extended to Mary Mc- Lennand, Olive Cooper an d, Vera Mc- Call in their passingthe Entrance ex- amination. The former was in the Honor roll, the only pupil among the candidates outside of Brussels - who wrote. 2 • Mid -Summer • ® • CIearance e 0 0 0 0o • O To make room for New Fall Goods we 3 are going to sacrifice the balance of our e r, complete and large range of Summer Wash ° © wish up our entire o Goods. We to 3' stock and offer you bargains never before • • e heard of ® In Brussels. We mention a few • ® below and would add we will make it worth i u your while to call and see our offerings. e With a discount of i ® 25 per cent. • • we are now selling Prints all our Crums' Pri• • • ' S • and we have good patterns and <colors- $ Reds, Indigo Blues, Blue Greys,Black and • • • • • + White, Light patterns, L Y w locks, etc:, all at a • one price. °• • •Our' Ginghams an& Chambrays, com- e o prising nearly everydesirable shade and • ill to pattern, both plain- colors and combination : 0 checks, all Anderson's Scotch Cloth, at same • •• reduction as our Prints -25P er cent. r off regular prices, • • s • All our large stock of Embroideries and • g s °e Whitewear. Embroideryfrom as to • I. z : O 5 5 • per yd., now sold for 30 per cent. dis- - • e count. Whitewear comprising Waists, • °og Drawers, etc., with the same bi • reduction,• • • • 30 per cent. off regular prices. i • • • • Fore the # _,.Sig .Mid=summer Sale is .now on. • • .• • • • •• • 3 The Big Store Highest st 'rlce for Produce •s • • p•.00000041ISS00011000000•06•oi0SS0I000000004100000000,I. • • 0 0 • Miss Josie Cocle, of Winnipeg, is a x i i t t s o with Mise Verde. Pollard, She is a niece of Mrs. Wm. Polhill sr, PASSED wIiw IIo ions,- We are pleased to state that Jack Slemrnon has been awarded honors in passing bis primary exam. in piano, He wrote at Listowel and is a pupil of Miss Perle Sharpe, of Brussels, Both the teacher and her hard working scholar deserve credit and we hope will have the stamp of success placed on future undertakings in the Mane line. We hope Jack's success will stimulate other young men to get busy in the musical line, Hecertain, ly dicl well, The examiner was DI'. Vogt of Toronto Conservatory. McKillop TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. -0I1 Monday, July 3rd, Council met. All the mem- bees were present, On motion .of Cowan and Beuernaun the Buchanan drain By-law was finally pureed. Seven dogs were added to the number on the Assessment Roll and the roll as so amended was finally passed. Accounts to the ,amount of $2300.05 were paid. - Council adjourned to meet at Dublin on Aug. 14th at 1 o'clock. NI. Mama, Clerk. 1 Morris A fine baby boy has arrived at the home of Robt. Smith, 0th line. Mother and lad doing 'well. Mrs. Robb, of Barrie, is here oh a visit at the parental 'horse, 51h line. She is the eldest daughter of James and Mrs. Davis. Mrs. E. E. W. Mills and two child- ren, of Grand Forks, B. C., and Miss Mary Smith are visiting their sister, Mrs. F. E. Kerney, 4th line, Morris. J. B. and Mrs. Scott and on are here on a visit from the West. Mrs. Scott is a daughter of It. Bewley, 7th line. It is 6 years since they were here. - We are glad to report that Mrs. R. Warwick. 3rd line, who has been i11, is inaking favorable progress and her many friends hope she will soon be convalescent. Misses Walker, Dark, Robb, Mc. Kinnon and Sparling motored to the Lake on Friday, taking in Bayfield, St. Joseph and Grand ,Bend. They enjoyed the trip immensely: Tuesday of this week Mrs. James Davis,:6th.line, underwent a medical operation and her many friends will be pleased to know thatehe is making favorable` progress. Cann or THANKS. -The undersigned desire to express our sincere thanks for the great kindness of neighbors and friends in the time of our bereave- ment, We will never forget it. Yours gratefully, MRS. COCHRANE AND FAMILY. ex -Councillor W. H. McOutcheon, 6th line, owns a very industrious hen who not only gets busy in providing one egg a day but does stunts of two a day on various occasions. She evi- dently has her eye on the market re- port. It is reported that ex -Reeve Isbister has sold his fine 200 acre faun, 2nd line Morris, to Jno.'Swartz, of Wing - ham, for .$10,700, possession to be given next Fall. Mr. Isbister has been a long time resident and many folk will be sorry to see him remove. A letter from W. A. Tarvey, of Harris, Saskatchewan, formerly of Morris township, says "The crops are looking fine and there is a great acreage to cut. I am getting ;along fine and would nob wish to return to. Morris to live. Ain running a limber yard and elevator for the past 3 years. 1 enclose postal note to keep THE POST coming."' Grey Township Council will meetMonday, August 7th. The sow thistle has a good start in some sections of Grey township. Miss Emma Hollinger, of Detroit, is holidaying under the parental roof. Wild raspberry pickers have been numerous. The showers helped the crop. Miss Margaret McDonald, of Toron- to, is visiting under the parental roof,. 4th con. Mrs. 0. N. Ford, of Albion,. Mich„ is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Eckmier and brother, W. J. Sharpe, 11th con. Weed crop on the highways should be cut and burned. It means much toward clean seed and better farming. Mrs. Oliphant "Smith and twin daughters, Margaret and Marjory, are, visiting at the former's home, 3rd line Morris township. Miss Margaret McArthur, of Toronto is home for a short holiday with re-, latives and friends who are pleased to greet her once more. Rev. • B. Collis, B. A., or Wroxeter, will conduct the services at Roe's church next Sabbath morning and at Union in the afternoon, Druggist Robt. Work, is home from Toronto for a holiday visit for a few weeks. He likes the city but it does not increase his avoirdupoise very noticeably. The lightning knocked out a brick and a verandah post on the residence of Jno. Dark, Otli con., in the storm of Wednesday afternoon of last week. It was a close call. A new faun hand has arrived at the lroine of Fred. Oster, 9th con., on ac- ccounto being green at the business be will not render much assistance for the time being. His name to Oster. Some of the Grey township folk got quite a slap froth bile hail of last week but we .hope part of the apparent damage, at least, may be overcome by theSummer's growth. Part of it is unredeetnable. W. H. Salter, wife and children, of Toronto, antoed to Brussels last week and the former returned on Tnesday, Mrs. Salter and children will visit for a while at the home of her mother, Mrs, Chas. Rozell, and with other' re- latives and friends in the neighbor., hood, Cand 1 . tills B not clot andchildren, t of Arcola A d 99 ,. are here on a visit ab Thos. Davidson',, lith 00n. Mrs, Ben- nett is a daughter, Mr, Bennett hae clisposed of his half section and crop, stook, etc„ so will take a holiday for a time, He had the farm 12 or 15 years, We hope to see them continue here as permanent residents, Cranbrook A. Reymann has an A 1 Baker buggy for sale. Mt!. Avery, of Mitchell, spent Sun- day in Oranbrook, Joseph Coombs, of Blyth; is here on a visit with relatives, Miss Annie Menzies visited for a few days with Fordwieh friends. Mrs. J. Finn, of Toronto, is visiting with her brother, A. McDonald, Wrn. and Mrs. Seel, pf Cadillac, are visiting the former's parents here. Arnold Ralhwell, of Lucknow; is spending his vacation' at Geo. Spar- ling's. Mrs. Wm. McKay and daughter r Grace, of Toronto, are visitors with Mrs. E. McKay. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev, Mr. Durrant, of lielgrave, will preach in the Methodist church. Mrs. Thompson and daughter Florence,of Hamilton, are visiting at tin homof John Dark. W. A. and Mrs. Pollard, of Listowel, were visitors with the Misses Switzer for a few days this weak. - Charlie and Mrs. Muir and Miss Pushelberg, of Monkton, spent Sun- day at the home of Mrs. Menzies. Mr. Box and wife and ,son, Alfred and wife antoed from Seaforth on Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. E McKay. Three sheep belonging to Misses Switzer were killed by dogs and the fourth frightened nearly to death. The township Council allowed the owners $20 for their loss. MIsses Lucy' � Alderson, May Grasby and Addie Sperling were among the enccessful candidates who wrote at the recent Entrance Examination at Brus- sels. Names are arranged alphabeti- cally. We wish the .girls continued success. Leadbury NEWSY NOTES -Thos. Boyd, from. Montana and Miss Ida Boyd, of Mile- stone, Sask., who were called home some time ago to see their mother, re- turned to their respective homes Tuesday of this week, going by way of Chicago and St. Pants. Mrs. Boyd sr., is very much improved in health we are pleased to state. -Miss Violet Simpson, a former resident of McKil- lop, was married at Stratford on Wednesday to Robb. MoGavin, of Winnipeg. The bride is a sister to Mrs. Alex Ross and Mts. Allan Ross and Jas. Simpson all residents of the 10th Con. We extend congratulations to the happy couple. -Mrs. M. 0. Gillespie and son, Frank, of Wing - ham, were visitors at Win. Knechtel's for a few days. The ladies were old girl friends. -At the recent musical exam held at Clinton no less than four McKillop young ladies were success- ful, all taking first class ,honors. 'l'hey are Miss Bessie Davidson and Elsie Mc0utcheon, taking the Junior exam and Misses Tillie Dundas and AliceK e n c linen, the Primary exam, the latter being a little girl of 12 Summers and making 95 out of 100 which was especially commended by the examiner. They are all pupils of Miss Mand Ferguson, of Walton, who is deserving of very high congratula tions bespeaking much for efficient teaching. -Contractor Hunter has his work .well pushed ahead on the Mc- Killop houses but the scarcity of brick at Monkton is delaying the bricklay- ers on several residences. -Thos. Davidson .is very much improved in health and able to be around again and Thos. Leeming also is fully re- covered from his recent illness. DEATH OF W. D. M'LARTY.-There died last Sunday one of St. Mary's most prominent and esteemed citizens in the person of W. D. McLarty, founder of D. • McLarty & Sons' carriage works, in his 79th year. . De- ceased was one of St. Mary's first settlers, living there since 1845. He was a staunch Liberal, and one of the Heat members of the First Presbyterian church. He is survived by two sons and two daughters, James and Wnt. of St. Mary's ; Mrs! Chas. W helihan, of St. Mary's, and Mrs. Shipman, Toron to. Huron County. O. E. Dowding, Molson's Bank manager, Clinton, bus returned from a business trip to tine West. Duncan McKenzie, Deputy Minister of Education. for Alberta, called on Lucknow and Kinloss friends. • Lucknow Pipe Band spent the greater part of a week at Rochester', N. Y. assisting in the entertainment of the Mystic Shriners who were gathered there in attendance at their annual Imperial Council meeting. Miss Sarah Radcliffe:, of Pottlpiece, Man., who was visiting at her uncle's, Win. Webbs, St. Helens, was taken to the hospital at Clinton, to undergo an. operation for appendicitis. She is improving very favorably. Ten head of the fattest and heaviest cattle that ever came into Luoknow, were delivered a couple of weeks ago by Kenneth Cameron. They averag- ed 1636 pounds One pair weigh- ed 8460 pounds. The heaviest known cattle beast previously shipped front. Lucknow station weighed 1650 pounds. PLEASANT REUNION, -A pleasant family gathering was held at the home of H. J. and Mrs, Blake when Mrs. Blake's brothers and sisters assembled to meet their brother, D. E. Mc- donnell of Cape Town, South Africa whom they lied not seen fon•. 14 years. Mr, McConnell, who was a resident of Ashfield a' number of years ago, is now a Senator of. Cape Town, All the Caledonian a _n ay Lucknow, Monday, August 7thg 1911 Lucknow', Old Time Caledonian Gaines which were so Successfully Revived Last Year, will be "Greater and Grander than Ever." -Best Ath- eletes .in Canada have been secured, and the Attractions will be Unequalled. What promises to be the best pro- gramme of sports put on iii Western Ontario, will be given in h,irknow ou Caledonian Day, Monday, A ugust the 7th, next. $3000.00 will be expended in attractions. prizes, etc. The famous Galt Kiltie Band, dressed in their Scottish costumes, has been secured In addition to this, the musical part will be supplied by the Lucknow Pipe Band and the Lucknow Musical Society Brass Bancl. The following athletes have been secured' :-Bobby Kerr the fastest sprinter in America who ran 100 yards in 94/5 seconds at Buffalo, July 4th. Frank Halbhaus, who won the British Empire Championship at the Coronation Sports in the 100yaid dash and the 220 yards ; Jack Tait, wiener of the one mile and champion of 'the British Empire for that distance ; Mel. Brock who soon the half mile in 1.67 the fastest time Ghat has been done hi England this year ; Alex. Cameron 'Palmerston .......,.8:36 champion vaulter of Canada ; E. Mac Pa msrstown 8,44 Donald, the coming champion walker Listowel 8:02 nst 8:52 and the only one who has been able to Atwood make it interesting for Goulding ; Geo. Henfr a 9.I4 Lister, Follinsby and many others. y Several athletic clubs,have written Ethel 9.21 .....•...,...,.. .$5 that they are sending up theirathletesBrussels 9,34 and the running events should prow Bhtevale 9.49 the most interesting run off in the Wingham ...,.,,,9-50 province. A novelty has been secured Whitechurch .... 10.02 in four whippets which will race 100 yards and 120 yards. The whippets will also race against Halhbaus who will be given a good handidap, Bobby Kerr will undertake to run 120 yards while MacDonald walks 80 yards. At great expense, a splendid attraction has been secured from New York, Japanese acrobats and other perform- ers. These will put on their show both afternoon and evening. Good prizes are given for piping and dancing and the best pipers and dancers of America will be there to compete. In the evening a grand open air oancert will be given in the Caledonian Park, consisting of piping and dancing ; per- formances by the Japanese acrobats and others of their Co., all to be con- cluded.with the best display of fire- works ever given in this part of the country. Special rates are given by the railways from all points within a $2.50 single fare radius and a special train *i11 be run from Palmerston and back. Leaving A. NI. Rate ..$L50 1.35 1.25 L10 .70 .50 .35 .25 See large bills for further particulars. Don't miss the Caledonian Games this 'year, "the best ever." members of thefamily were together -Wm. and Mrs. McConnell of Kin- cardine, Mrs. Gallagher and children of West Toronto, Mrs. Durnin and son of Melfort, Sask., Mrs. 'Tait of Bernie, Man., and Mr. and Mrs. Gibson and family of Mitchell, Ont. A photo of the group was taken in which there were ..2. After a couple of happy days spent together in Luck - now, Mr. McConnell left for New York, from which place he sails for bis African home again. Howick Township Council Council metin Brown's Hall Ford- wich, pursuant to adjournment ; mem- bers all present. Reeve in the chair ; minutes of last regular meeting and Court of Revision on thelMinto muni- cipal drain was read and ou motion of Hyndinan and Downey were adopt- ed. A petition was presented to the Council by John Darroch, signed by eight ratepayers, asking for a grant for wire fence, East of Lakelet, as the road drifts in the Winter. Moved by Hyndman and Edgar that the Council take no action. Carried. The report for cleaning out the Hislop drain was then read a bythe Clerk. It was s s moved by Reis and Edgar that the Court of Revision on the Hislop drainbeheld on the third Wednesday in August, the next regular meeting of the Coun- cil. Carried. Moved by Reis and Edgar that the contract given to Johin Tllker jr. to build abutments be trans- ferred to Charles Schafer, he having satisfied the Council by depositing the necessary marked cheque. Carried. Moved by Reis and Edgar that the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillor Hyndman be a committee to look after building the new arch culvert over the mill race in the village of Ford- wich. Carried! Tenders were then opened for building the arch culvert. It was moved by Edgar and Reis that the tender of Schafer Rogers be accepted to do all the work and pro- vide all material for the sum of $5,00 per cubic yard. Carried. Moved by Hyndman and Downey that the fol- lowing accounts be paid :-John Stewart, gravel, $14.70 ; 0.'Maxwell, ravel, $15.60 ; Wm. J. Lynn, gravel, 85.60 ; Geo. Robertson, gravel, $3.20 ;' Chas. King, drawing gravel lots 5 & 6 con. 11 & 12, $30.00 ; Harry Roberts, underbrushing and spreading gravel, $16.80 ; Wtn. Hays, shovelling gravel, 70cts. ; Henry Haase, sand for bridge, $1.00 ; Ben. Hislop, gravel shovelling & wood for road machine, $7.30 ; Wm. Weir, gravel, $4.40 ; Wm. Edwards, underbrushiug lot 5 con. 0, $3.50:; Municipal World Collector rolls & ex- press, $5.80 ; Sawyer & Massey� Co., blade for road machine, 59.75 ; Henry Demmerling, gravel, $2.80 ; Frank Douglas, gravel, $11.40 ; Jacob Waltz, gravel, $2.70 ; Isaac Bayless, gravel, 4.55 ; Jacob Fry, shovelling gravel, $3.75 Alex. Drummond, gravel & shovelling, $3.85 ; Mr. Boyd, for cul- vert lot 17 con. 14,.$6.00 ; Dan Zeigler, wood for road machine and work on toad, $7.16 ; John Porterfield, for gravel and culverts, $17.70 ; John Weir, for work on hill H& 1113 bd $6.76'; Thos. Boswell, for sidewalkn Bellmore, $15.00 Geo. Horton, gravel and shovelling, $8.26 ; A, Davidson, for gravelling :lots, con. 1, $57.20 Wm. Graham, spreading. gravel and rep. bridge, $6.00 ; Bert King, operat- ing road machine, $179.00 ; Win. H. Webber, gravel, $10.00 ; Wm. Wet - Levi, printing by-laws on mtuticipai drain, $8.00 ; Wm. Watters, part of renting contract, $40,00; Adam Reis, male, $3.00 ; Henry Reedt, meals, $1.60 ; Enos Donaghy, gravel, $4.65 ; M.:Leppington, rep. to bridge lot 25, con. 1, $2.00; Gordon. Edgar, clearing out ditch, $4.70 ; John Timms, gravel, $3,20; AlbertPattersou, gravel, $10,70 ; Win. Montgomery, wood for road machine, $2.75; Alex. Graham steamesfencing j.$$ 60 ; E, . Bolton,nd engineers fees on Sanford and Johnston drains, $47.25 ; Wing Rogers, making tile for township, $85.00. Moved by Hynd- man and Edgar that this council do now adjourn to meet again on the third Wednesday in August in the Tp. Hall, Gorrie. Carried. L. WAL$ER, Clerk. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION The papers this year were very fair, and a fairly large percentage of the candidates succeeded. The papers which caused the majority of the failures were geography, arithmetic and spelling. The total marks obtain- able were 650, to pass 890, to secure honors 487. Following are the returns for the recent examinations held at Brussels, Seaforth, arranged alphabtically and Clinton and Blyth BRUSSELS HONORS Armstrong, Wilbur Ballantyne, Lovette Deadman, Truie Elliott, Jean Kerr, J. Bethel Lott, Wilfrid McLauchlin, Annie ...... McLauchlin, Irene McLelland, Mary Roe, Amy Work, Harrold Above were all Brussels pupils ex- cept Mary McLelland, who lives at Ethel. PASS Alcock, Cora No. 1, Grey Alderson, Lucy .................Cranbrook Barkley, Reynold ,.,...... .Brussels Burgess, Hazel Brussels Cooper, Olive Ethel Fulton; Ada ., .. Walton Grasby, May .....................Cranbrook Harris, Wm. ..... . .. ....... Brussels Livingston, May .... Moncrieff Lowry, Edgar .. Brussels. McCall, Veva- ...... . ........ Ethel Sperling, Addie Oianbrook Speiran, eiran, Gerrie ....... Whitfield School Wood, Fred ....................... Brussels SEAFORTH nasion Helen Carswell - - Katie Cowan Agnes Murray Chas. Preston. PASS Annie Archibald Laura Barry Bella Brin tnell Bella Bullard Bertha Chesney Stella Olark Margaret Coyne Wilfrid Curtis Wilbert Dilling. Paul Doig Margaret Edge ...... ... .... Harry Eyre...... Martina Flanagan Corn' Geib. Lillie. Gordon . Edith Goveulock..... ................ Win. N. Govenlock Harry Grieve Ethel Hewn ....... Wm. Hart.... Howard Hays. Bessie Hays .. . Harry Hinchley Clifford Hunt...... ........ ................... Jessie Kerr ,...., Stuart Knox.......... Robt. Laird ... Agnes MacKay Flora MacKay Mamie McCutcheon....... Robb. McElroy Ida McLeod..,... ,. J. Modeland ......... Bessie Rosa :.:... Janie A, Ross . ,., Margaret Ross. .. . Sara E. Sillery .. ivierray Smillie ,,., . •......... Leila Sm ith: ..IRtth Sproat . . ,.„,. .. Harold Stark Edna Webb The marks taken and 50110015 to which pupils belong have not come to hand as far as Brnseels and Seaforth are concerned, GLINT Oil HONORS Margaret McTaggart, Clinton,.•.,..690 Alice Slorrlael " ,519 OellacBeaeonl ,,. 513 Ilelen Rodaway....•" ..,..,.513 Harold l olmea " 503 Harty Shaw,....., .,. , " ..,499 • Arnold Rathwell 0 495 StellaNelsou, No, 9, Goderich•, 400 Cannan Hoare, Olin ton , .488 PASS Wilfrid Dickinson, Clinton .4.75 Harvey Walker. •• 460 Etta MoBrlen, No. 12, G. and lit. ..,451 Harold Kitty, Clinton 452 Lulu Howe ". . 444 W.' Townshend, No. 12, (a, andll439 RoyChowen, Olin COO. .. 488 Edna Powell, No 11, Gode ieh....,,,, 437 - Ilene Collins, Clinton 432. Irene Gould. " ..... .:....,,,,430 LorettaI3arge " 429 Anna Pearl Juuir" 429 Edna Wise, No. 9 Godericli.. 426 Ida Mae Sinclair, No.4, Goderich419 Lack Kennedy, Clinton 415 Elva Stewart, No. 10 Goderich :415 OhesterFfnchlelarsliall, Olin ton-. ..........411 Elate 409 Georgina Rutile, No. 9 Goderieh.....407 Percy Wheatley, Clinton 407 David A Oantelon " 402 Lavern Cook401. , Margaret Muir, No. 5 I.lullett,.,..,.,.4 )2 Edith McMichael, No. 1 Hullett400 0. G. Mair, No. 3. Godelich ` 303 Violet Argent, Clinton...-. ..... . ..... 302 Edna Jamieson, No. 1, Hallett 392. Authony Yesbee, Clinton-- ......:391 Alma 0. Elliott, No. 9, Godericb.,390 Roy Forrester, Clinton 300 BLYTH HONORS - Rebecca McGowan, No. 10 E. W515 Emily Murray, Blyth 491 Lila Howatt, Un. No. 6, Hullett.,490 Norman Radford, No. 10, E. W487 PASS Ivy Roberton, No. 8, Hullett 470 Harriet Spafford, Blyth 451 . Irene Cowan, No, 11 E. Waivanosh484 Jennie Stalker, Un. No. 5, Hullett483 Harry Johnston, Blyth 429 George Sloan, 429 Della Potter, ".. .,.. Rena Barr, Un, No. 5, Hallett 409 - Thornton Fear, Blyth 309. Orval' Phillips, No. 8, Hullett 899 Vanley Garrett, No. 8, Hullett:301 Morris Council Minotes of meeting held in the Township Hall, Morris, July 24th. Reeve in the chair and Oouncill all present. A Court of Revision on the Blyth Creek drain was opened and the following appeals heard :-Oharles 141cLelland, S 3 Con. 9 ; Dougald Mc- Donald, S 53 24, Oon, 7 C. K. Taylor, S 5311, Con. 9 ;R. J.'Oockerline, S 53 7, Con. 9 ; James Gibson, S 51 8, Oon. 9 ; James Nichol, N. 31 17, Oon. 7 ; John Douglas, N. 3116, Oon. '7 ; J. P. Kelly, N. 18,Con, 7. Moved 3 v by O. B. Wilkinson, seconded by William Thuell that the assessments on N Ir Lots 16, 17 and 18, Con. 7, be assumed by the Corporation of Morrie. Carried. Moved by W. Thuell, sec- onded by 0. B. Wilkinson that we sell the debentures on theNichol drain to James Otitbill at par. Carried. Moved by W, Elston, seconded by W. J. Johnston that we sell the deben- tures on the Murray -Lamb. McCall, Peacock, Garness and Henderson drains to Wood, Gundy & Co, at thein• tender at L26 on the dollar. Carried. Following accounts were paid :- William H. Fraser for gravel 7.98 William Thornton shovelling gravel 10.10 ; Joseph Breckenridge gravel 1.68 ; William Salter gravel 3.15 ; George Kerr gravel 8.72: Wiliian, Souchravel 5.74 ; John Roe gravel 4.55 ; Robert Newcombe gravel 2.17 ; Thomas Haley gravel 5.50 ; Thomas McCall gravel 2.80 ; William Taylor gravel 11.76 ; William Taylor work 2.25 ; Peter McArthur use of scraper 1.00; William Skelton gravel 4.84 ; P. J. Kelly gravel 3.84 ; H. Kirkby gravel 1.51; J. Kerney gravel 1.05 ;James Pea - clock gravel1.20 ; Joseph Bewley gravel 6.58; Charles Pollard gravel 7.20 ; Geo., McDonald gravel 2,17 ; James Gibson gravel 4,80 ; Robert Murray gravel 2.78 ; R. B. Albook gravel 11,87 ; W, Taylorin damages •,JamesJaes Kerney gravel 6,20 ; J ames;Thy ne gravel 8.03 ; R. Sheddon gravelling 21.00 ; J.Nichol shovelling gravel 8.00 ; Alex. Oloekey gravel 14.66 ; Duff &Stewart cement, wood 20.50; Robert Ot'aig wood and gravel 5.62 ; James Kerney wood 2.40 ; A. MacEwen 13v -Laws Blyth Oreel: drain $55.00 ; A. T. Cole 5.00 ; W. 11. Kerr part of printing contract 20.00 ; A. MacEwen express and tele- phone .00• H. B. Elliot By -Laws Blyth Greek drain 25.00 ; H, B. Elliot aclvev tieing 2.00 J. McMillan gravel 4.40 ; James Kelly culvert and repairs 11.00 ; Robert Smith gravel 6.60 ; R. Skelton gravel 2.24 ; David Sotutnerville gravel 8:50 ; McMichael & Breckenridge, Gayness drain 7666.00 ; Greenway Castles Jermyn drain 180.00 ; W. M. Bird wood for engine 3.00 ' Dan. Kelly wood for engine 1.25 Vm. Short - reed tvork with grader & wood 20.00; George Pierce gravel 13.90 ; Robert Nichol operating grader and wood 28,50 ; Ballet Nichol grinding knives and: repairs 2.55 ; Wrn. Douglas shovelling gravel 8.00 ; 'Wm. McLean culvert on Smith drain 15.00 •; Thomas Miller making tile, oil gravel moving geode): 28 40 ; Wm. Oakley culvert on Smith drain '15.00; Ed. Brewer wire fence 21.71 ; Win. Bird gravelling 12.57 ; Peter Moffat wood aid board 4.80. The Council then adjourned to ineet-Mondaty, August 2151 at 10.89 o'- cloeit: 4, MAc1l1Waiw, Olerlt.