HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-7-20, Page 8I ints for f3usy Housekeepers. IA:NATIO KIN S Ree at Itillsele:liliCrslIner, Elleellea - s ' ASTOUND1114.:• The inehutcholy tacit 'which hes ,,, PKIICE ,. a, lately, been ehronieled, apeepoe Of f Reelpee ased.Otiter Valuable atformet4e0 . the texty-eldrel birthday of Kine el ll'arteetatse Ileverest *0 WOMIR11 Falk& Otto ef lievaria, to „the effect thee, 'BLUNDERS i while this monarch is phyolcally i,s I welo.Mina9p.M.M...141,...11010,13...410.4."FOIM. r o b u tit ae over, there 14 ao chatese essesereeeesee...........enee...............,.......m. i en h1ti laailtal conditioe, atecalle the mhere•are nieny irieteneee in i.i.g, aiewelseeee.s.elesetitserieeitesele•aelesei*.sell Llse'PY Shortht•eacl,—Take half a pound of flour, 4 quaiteer of a pound oe suttee, thr.ee ouneee of (teeter 511. Knead well together, roll sot, cutainto shapes end piece in s, :Mallow tire Bake klowly, Peachee Eggs vete Friel Onions. —Take three or four SPerlish (ill - lou, *lice there, and fey in drin- ping till idea golden color. Here reaelY SqUaleS of buttered toast, lay the onion on them, and epee Ilene with pepper anti salt. Poach some °gem and lay oue on each square ef . Dainty Gooseberry Pudding. — Stew one pouted of gueseherrice gently, and then boat to a peep; it sheukl then measure one pine. Aelel to it roue- ounces, of Isreadcrunitbe, eefiseifeetieeteitesiteseffeseteeeteseffedeesteif drops of oil of cloves to it and ie tragic story oi the throne of this 11,4 i A V , 1.1 AftA comet 11a1110 'Wh014) 1101100 willkeep peefeetly Sweet, ' I State oe the German EmPiete• It ilf bhindering could easily be proved, iron pillewelips lengthwise. ins! twenty-five yeore ago that Xing says a writer fa London Tit -Bite. etead of (eresseese it each wish to Otto ascended the throne, eucceed- My spao is limited, and therefore d, the, weinklee clue instead of ing his brother, King Louie IL, •e ehtel neet only with such came in, . I who went mad and coannitted 'Buie- as haee coma ender my own per, When hashing cold meat add a ide by drowning himself in Lake eonee notice, aml about the bleeds little elk/mune parsley, It will hue Staremberg, while attempting to eying of which little or no question prove both the taste and appeal.- escape from the restraint which •he eite be mine, had been placed by the Govern- The first police blunder—a ter- , :Select lamp Wicks which are sufe went. King Otto lives in a Jennie' Able one, too—I met with was the and loosely woven, they: will burn castle, Fuestenried, cut ,off from waiteogepei-Bleeder eeee, Dry your (teeter before polish- keepers who attend him night enel figured most prominently ' thirty - in whieh fait better than the others. the rest of the week], with four the names a Wainwright and Lane Dry your fernitave, and you. will day, never leaving him for a mem- aye years ago, . then have no swears /eft behind. I ent. F,xcept dodoes, no visior, not Henry Wainwright—chiee actor Mee and ether milk pudding,' even a relative, ever' meters the in the genesome tragedy—was not must oath very stoney to be geed. King's Presence, as anY communic- blameless, but that fact ofterds no it is enly in this way that the starch ation from the outside world rouses excuse for the Police supiemmas him to frenzy. -Iedeed, his men displayed. grains have time to swell and thicken the milk thoroughly, . I mother was compelled , to refrain Briefly, and because . feley have four ouncea. elute auger, one Carpets should be turned round! froxn seeing him. During the insanity of these two never been made known to theepub- l' before, I give the actual. Mr - beaten egg. ' Pour into a greaeed muele wear. Consta-at turning iii.li monarchs Bavaria has been ruled le , . . ounce ef butte, and lastly (Me eaery eia months where there piedieh, and bake for half -an -hour. this way clauses the carpet to 'Wear .....y , ,. b their uncle, Prince Leopold of "mstanee"nd the '6r81°11 or th° seine put forward by the prosecu- Scatter sugar over, and serve. ereinlY• 1 Bavaria, and it might be mention- Lion. .The young woman, Lane, Fesh cooke.d in paper is most de, Oran.ge flavoring is delicious for Letiir end ic,ng, ! ed that the graedfather of Ring was murdered by Henn, Wain- teate. Take some thin white pa, pieddinge and custards. Savothe i Otto—Louis I. ale wriglit as the result of his being in though a well meaning and ietel- and her constant de- ter, or ell, lay the fieh in, and just Tangerines,. d • it in the oven, and dietige, 05, -- lectual monarch—was forced to ab- want pee, rub it over with melted but- Pee' of orangee, preferably of fold the edges together. Bait, in then store 111 tins for use. account of his connem P-1 n s ." the same. The man was in receipt of .$35..per week, and I tion with the notorious Lola MOD- ,,,ta ii zy gave Lane $100 the night paper, and hand relied sliced lee not rise starch, but inetead a vary, created Countess of Lansfeld and an adventuress whom Louis ' a moderate oven. Serve in the To stiffen a net or lace blouse do: tee, *before the mureleat ! Said the prosecution, the accused mon with it. That is far more tasty weak solution of gum arable. This, allowed .825,000 a year. took his mistress to hiewarehanie, ehaa frying, and is lees trouble. will give a little substance to the; . The -pathetic history of King Ot- slid i Dandelion Wine. — Steak eix -at:trial wethout making e it ---ernY. to reminds one of that of Murad her, and buried her remaine beneath the flooring. No :tele but quarts of dandelion flowers in one as is the case with starch. IV, Sultan of Turkey, who ascend- the prisoner had the ' keys of the gallon of water three daykt ankl Wall:111.4g boots so often spoilsed the throne of the Ottoman Em- warehouse after elosing hem, said. nights, then strain through a, cloth them.- The heat is most injurious pire in May, 1876, only to be re- the prosecutioin This warehouse and add to liquid three pounces of to the leather, arid causes- it to ' moved three months later on ac- had been .given up by Wainwright granulated sugar, juice of two le- crack. Le•ather which has been count of his insanity. For thirty long before enacting the' cruel deed mons and three oranges, one' -half heated needs an application of years he lingered behind the gilded and the keys had been in the keep cake coMpreseed yeast, Let this grease ;to prevent its bemg ruined. , bars of his prison palace at Con- , mg of an reployee, Thomas' Wean- ed, who has been' seven times Pre - stand 'four days and nights, theu Your white straw hat ean prob- stantinople, and ultimately died weight, (Henry's brother), and sident of Mexico, and is just now strain again. Put in stone jar. ably be cleaned with a mixture uf , without recovering his sanity. others. The empty -warehouse was engaging the attention af the whole Keep straining until no scum re- lsmonenice and sulphur (the juke! Tiling Frederick William IV% of unlocked and could be entered at • world on account of his strong ac - mains, then bottle. of a small loam aed a teaspoonful Prussia, grand -uncle of the present any time even by strangers. . tion aneet the American War, has keel Tea.—Iced tea ehould be of solphure If, however, the straw Kaieer, spent the last five years of ,Virainwright gaye $100 to Thomas himself had a career full of the made several hours before needed. is very sunburnt, buy we of the, his life in a state of insanity, under to be given to Lane a few weeks be-, most exciting of hairbreadth es - Set upon Inc. When ready to use, many straw varniseed advertised' the most strict kieel of restraint, fore the crime for the purpoee of ' capes. Once, while in prison, he sweeten and drink without mills or and neake it some other miler. I owing to the volent character of ,establishing her in a little business, had just completed the excavation cream. USe -cracked ice to put into To Temente blood from thin silk ' his mania, althouge his, eueen in - Thomas kept this for his own use. of a gallery from under his bed to or tireea,babie fabric, min eommon elated that he was in his right mind Henry became an accessory after the sti•eet cutting through the the glass. The tea should be extra strong, and do nor be stingy with laundiet etarch with water, the con- ! and that he had been reclaimed ' • • • • . ' P „ , the fact by aiding his brother in thick cement of the flooring of his the ice. Always keep tea in air- • eeetettee of cream. put a little dab ' as men a Smeal'a °mere's.' sat- the removing. of the remains. Had cell, when he was removed to ane t ll ' bl eght cannistere, in (ceder that the, M 4' dish, ' lay the spot, teson it, I . t , . . , P c P the former spoken he could have other prison. From. tins he made elet b retain stl Tett has ...true may e . e . . . pentad another den on tore leave a ient =melon of his brother, the Regent, who died as the Emperor saved his neck, but he would not his escape through the roof, with gre-at. vaeue as an exeitant uf res- piratury action and is a preenoter of digestien. . Onion toast makes a good stre- pee melieh. Take half a dozen licm Put in th'esee lure he died in 1890 the people were voting onions, boil them, changing ineh w a ter ; I the nater twice so that they may fourths tu one bar geed laundry. ruled in his name by his consort, not be too strong. When cooked, eeap, thinly ?sliced. Let it come to; Queen Emma who also acted as draee and chop finely. pIand the a boil, then put en one and one- ' Reeent until her daughter, Queen either in intent or act. as of a man overboard was heard oniette in a basin, with half an hale to two tableepoonfuls kerosene WilItelmina, came of age ha 1808. This victim to most creel and by the watch at eight. .Diaz was at ounce of butter, a quarter 'of st oil. 'When the soap is all diesel -v-1 : Conte° III. is the only British gross bungling left a sealed envel- once sought for and found missing, teaepounfel of pepper, and seine, ed add enough water to fill boiler , monarch, who in modern times, has ope in the hands of the Governoe and, as the sea was infested .with sa't. Stir all together, pleee the of Newgate after demanding d twathirde to three-fourtes full.. been placed under restraint and and sharks, the prisoner was given up basin ire a saucepan r. 4 beiline Theo put clothes in. After boiling , deprived of his anthority because obtaining the lattet's solemn Pro- as lost, especially as ai ship'e buoy water until the contente 'become five to eight menace they can be of meanity, though similar meas- mise that the eehl should not be which was missing at the same time hot. Have reade• eome sliees me removed theroughly white and ures were at one them contemplat- broken until after the execution. ,was thrown up empty on shore. bee -tared teatst. On tee. centre a clean. Without ehanging the cd with regard to his son, George The -contents of that eneelope Nevertheless, tennemberieg that ea,ch plaee a slice of hard-boiled water youean buil two or thee•e IV., the monarch who has been de- have never been made known to the it was the daring :Diaz that they egg, cover with oniens, and serve sueseeeive batehee of clothes. This scribed as "a -bad son, a bad bus- world -even to this day. had to deal with vigilance was not at unee. seethed beats all the washing ma- band, a bad father, a bad subject, Of all criminals it is doubtful if ' d the relaxed' an e steamer, 013 ale 'A etewed joint of beef makee a chino ever -ntatee. In this way a. bad monarch, and a bad friend," any eve?' and them methods than did Charles knew nsore of elle police everhaided by troops, but in vain. riving at Vera Cruz, was carefully nive change when served hot, and eluthes require no rubieeleg. It and whose, conduct while ou the ' - The cemmandant of the port then an Pieace, prince of burglars, murder - is exceelent °old. eepecially for save,. ninedc las of the labor on throne, was characterized by — surrounded the vessel with boats et, deen Dort Juane .ete, A eandeMehes, Get three pelmets of waeh May. Try it and be convine- eccentricity which bordered on lun- manned by sokhers to preclude all rump of beef and cut away the ed. - any , standing Joke of Peace'e. was to skin and fat. Put this into a stew- --3.--_. The insanity of George III. was tea possibility of Diaz escaping. But ' chaff the police about them titter m- y he did. After ba,viisg.been for eev- pan with one quart of broth or really brought about by the elan- auffeLY to , trace out the over bus water, and let it boil up. Seasein SA GA CIO 17 S HORSES. gerous illness Of his youngest and an- in3's ig el • tenons bu . lar who had en days and nights sewn up, half suffocated, in a sofa -seat in the with salt and pepper, a bayleat, favorite child, Priecees Amelia held London and suburban house- . perser's -cabin, he contrived to pass They lenew Their Duty So Well The unlikelihood of her recovery ,,, if holders in -constant fear --meaning tome whole allspice, and an union disguised as a sailor., through the preyed upon him and hastened the "'linnet • The failere tie traede dowe end emir*. .7esek the liepper storide osst es the mest oomplete and eoloseal example of inefficieney it 40 Pee" stble te: And in cioneeetion with Any leoleee orgeeigation eVliil! instituted J11 anY period of history and any put of the alik0. As matter of feet, Jack the Rile - per was not only mean, but might also have been arrested; I now make this known for the first time. The occasion was that the Pin - °hen street (Wee]. The act took place Loader orchway, of wbieh there were - overal, A. police, officer was on the spot in time to see the closing of the eyes of the peer vietint, Be 8aNV the form of a man creeping off hi the darkness, THE ,SUNOAY SCHOOL TODY INTERNATIONA I, LESSON, feLY 22, ta. IStemen 049-11 's }ler a 1 ion Gad, 14, lsle, -Genoa Texte Beef. 12. t, . Val'Sa. 1, JOStah Wati eight yeere old—Cernmeets the eerie ago at whieh Maneeseli aud-Jemeli etenie to the throne. In geneeel this am count agrees with the record of Jo- siah's reign found in 2 Kings 92, MIS was no phantom, but a living 23. Both accounts reeate 'elm re - person, fer the officer beard his ferneation the yenetving of the tem pie, the ducting of the book of the receding footsteps, The emestable did not follow the law, theleeeping of the paessenter, murderer, but remained by the end the last sad days of the king, padne body of the woman. '1 enacie Where there are differences, they it my business te See the °Meer in can be -explained by ataliffevence in question as soon 04 POSSibla after the poiet of view of the ewe writ - learning the etertling Mecum- ere. . stance, This 'Oonstable was Peeing. 2, Did that whieli was Tighe — and had, I was informed, been in Similar statements are made re - the force for nine months or there- gayding other kings, but of Josiah abouts, My endeavor to interview alone is it said that he turned not ray man proved a failure. He niight aside to the- might hand or to the heve been completely deaf and 1,, , , elemb. Not even did he so much as .'rel'a.ted4naA'ret'iligs'lettelliks iinsg'attil ttbeanttyis- open his mouth, es 11 10 fear of his sixth year is reocheel. The Chroni- very life in the event of a word es- eler, on the other hand, is not wil- caping from Ids lips. . . bee ling be let se many years go by in Had he been instructed by a, the life•of so pious and zealous a ssyulpleatiloer ceoflinceeeirnsihngot Iltios br4aagtliicsay ruler without his taking some de - deplorable want . of smarthess—to Beebe genet against the prevalent use as kind a word as poseible—or idolatry. Aceordiegly, here the re - was lie suffering from the effects of sfoinithmiastositTu'w4Olinedc,begine when Jo. extreme fright '1 3. Began to purge Judah --In .1. - Kings the finding of the book of PRESIDENT'S ESCAPES. the. law collies first, and then the — • revelation in worship. However Presideut Diaz Has 'Had Exciting that may be, it is certain the work Career, was thorough, even ferocious.- , • Graven images were either of Porfirio Diaz, th.e dazzling wooel or sfone; 'in face, the word Diaz," as he has been aptly nom- is used for any sort of idol, To- gether with the molten images eveTy variety of idol is meant. There leas nn. mincing; no cane - promise. Everything that bed the aPPearance of kleatry was aboliee- ed. 4. The sun-images—Pillars ei stone set up as a eort of accessory of the teeter, of which they were the primitive expression, and de- dicated to the sun god. They were forbidden- bysthe Deuteron omic law (Deub. 10. 22). betray his own flesh and blood al- the aid of three ropes •and at the 'I I le dry, -h k t I et Allan. Then again the late though his own fleeh and blood be- inmaiment risk of breaking his neck, the first application doee not take it all out repeat the operation. !King of YThiland, h3' reas" of his trayed him. But most amazing of .all tvas his • dissipated life, became a physical Eight years alter the execution of escape front the' as, City of Har - Washing Recipe.—In en eed:nary - wreck towards the end of hie reign, Henry Thomas died. He made a ana. Some ofacbrs had arrived on wash beilcr put one and ons -hail I f ' Al 'ail ' iir° years be- death -Led confession, owning. uP board to take charge of him, and to his oesn guilt and his brother's it looked like short shrift and • a complete innocence of the crime, long rope for Diaz, when a splash' stuck with clovee. Let this simrcee Ile to Require ne Attention. ttbsscI f t 1 el ten ement This criminal was both slight and cordon of blockading b.oats., The wetly fee two hours and a half, The old war steed cannot one- which incapacitated him from small of stature but of great der- purser had befriended him on his Men shred half the peel of e. lemon pare with the Covent Garden (Lon- reigning, although be had previous- ing, ounnieg, and agility. His fav- extrication from the sea, hut the incev• and arid to the gravy. Take don) horse for cunning and artful- ly suffered from this malady. este mete disguise took the form of face sofa in welch he n,as hidden was ip the meat, and plate it where it nees. Three times these patient dierl hopeleesly insane, at 'Windsor, contortion—a trick he possessed to several Clines sat upot by the very eill keep warm, Thieken and eu• 'T ethatures travel from the count* Ile er losing his sight as well as his a marvellous degree; added to this officials who were searching for were spectacles formed of blue Diaz 1 ' , glass, and so that, they completely hid his eyes even from a side view. Theo were made by himself. At Ihe gravy, flavor wite het seace districts surrounding London to eences, me lemon -juice, and peer over the the eentral vegetable market every King John of Saxony, granefath- neat. . week of their lives, and they get to es' uf the preeent ruler of that eoun- Nut and Orange Breed.—Halt. know the way so sell that they will try, was mad during the la,st year pint each of lequid yeast and NI -tate, Walk direct from the packing sheds of his life, and his Wreaks were a LANGUAGE OF GLOVES. fl times, too, Peace appeared as a tem teaspoonful of lare, tote tee- at home to their stand an the mark- perpetual 's c' of terror to 1115 M5,15 witb a "hooked arm! - " a niece d i They Are Now elle Rival of Mmes. spoonful ef salt, one-hea eupful of at without the slightest guidance relatives and to the members of his 0 i ei and Flowers. . white sugar, end -half tended uf from the driver, says London Atm- Court, while the Czar Paul, who This he heel also made himself, th•e . shopped nut meats, (lee cupful 01 were. yeigned in IblaSia at the beginning timber—hook end outevatels--being Eeer since ettunps were,invented Ptah!, Iightb bread crumbs. and flour The majority of the main roads of the nineteenth century, was a short enough to be held in the coat they have had a ,special langnage to make a stiff dough. Kneel until leading into the metropolis are us- dangerous maniac. Bo mach so, sleeve by the slightly withdrawn of their own, which lovers have us- slastic and glossy. Cover and tepee I ed by tramway ears directly the in-, that the members of his household hand. ed. Flowers, too, leave servect their to rise. Wh.en well risen, which 1 nee suburban area is reacheel, and who assaesinated him were hailed We have heard much of armed part in the sending of messages too tendet. for lips to sneak. should be 'in two hours, work in alien criminals of late, but Peace it is a fact that the maeket-garden as public benefactors. foie large wea beaten exg. Dip in- horse, with its driver curial up feet et.......__ a' rieNetol.w IgPyvelet idlarvoep aaPPgeloavr.eadonasthae to a shallow baking pan to the asleep. will draw on to the tramline was no alien, and coolly shot floor it indicates "Yes"; ..while by I LECTURE UNHEEDED. Police constable dead who attempt- ilenth of little over one-lialf inch. fur greater mute in hauling. On elird lesiiisteaimiatenscti, colvvhaisrawi3a, smntool<ihelis on e-, rolling the gloves in the right hand When light bake for thirty min_ hearing • the noisy gong, denoting An old gentleman with vdry prac- of one ineane an answer in the negative. -sake the treek, and duly return to ideas 01 philentheopy wae also shot -dead the husband the approach of a train, it will foe- ticai 2tes in a nioderate oven; keep coy- Unglove ..lhe left heed partially, it the moment the swifter vehicle endeavor' to do his share of bet- of his -lady friends. This latter act and you exprees the fact that you tree for fleet ten minutes of bak- wont to walk about the city and 'mg. Make a ceemel of one cupful brought about another police blun- ate really quite indifferent, sf white sugar, a tablespoonful of has passed, • tering the world ey means of street dor. Blind justices woeild have stop - eater, and the Berne amount of lecturing. In pursuance of this ha- ped short only at the hangieg of its To het quite definite, turn the Many a horse has been backwards nee glove inside -out, and the watcher gated evangel peel, Let cool, and bit ee was one day remonemateig victim bad not Peace himself ow will reed 1 hate you" ; or, if you and forwards to market for twenty vhen the bread is cold pour the with a reap of urchins on the up to the deed. His own end as in I wish to be enure gentle, tap the chin years, and in the small hours of meal:eel over the top, smoothing through Piecadilly with a heaped- cruelty of dog -fighting, and termInt view, and the career of one of the with the gloves, which only means the morning will thread its way with e knife, and dot with thin ated his remark.s by pointeng ocean most dangerous enemies to society up load and a dozing daivei in per- "I doe't like you any longer," ekes of swe,et orange. The. bread. the street to where a lady was is marked by this one comniendable Smoothing the gloves steeds for "/ feet safety, trunder, are a great, improvement, standieg with a couple of dainty- act. Three, mho an boor is the pace wish to be tear you" ; while drop - End the result is a feathery, delici, of the. market horse, and the drove locking pooelles by her sitle, ea,y; Louis • Beck's sufferings as the ping both gloves plainly says "I die coffee bread. , CrS in charge are seldom fully inge— "Now, supposing, after what eesult of the most fatuous and ob- love you," "Do you love met" is awake, On songs of the roads 1 heve said, thocce two dear little stieate eller me the part of the asked by wearing a glove on the ri.ouvi HINTS. friendly policeman actually waken dogs were to start fighting) eithat, police must have been unspeakably d left hand with the thumb uncover - the men, though it is a teeheical weulel be the first thing you would man, well placed in. society, and egreet. A Swiss, a creleured gentle - e i .,we...ile timing the gloves round em misdemeanto be found slembele do le' Whercupert toe ef•the street ing whilst in charge of a tvehiele. artate, nue-ming. a critical air, with whoee real vecord -stood without' tne finger is a warning to take care eleniiele, )1.0 was arrested on a as others are evatching, --...---4—___ eee"Wcharge of robbing women of je‘velry „ badele throve. in trousce pocket, s . A VILLAGE quEvx, No whims of fashion. up to elate he meads of , plausible storiee and In plain print frock • I saw her allewered, ell, geveloy, 1 fink Wore Meaty at the cottage gate— No harem -skirt or mushroom hat ;blind persecutors stand, And yet she lcioked, beside the Gerald; "Darling, do you ened, before hi like to twice over, and a third term threat -IA. bunch of vases in her hand, reset, put your dear head on my shot, to eld- s ; A pair of roes on her cbeeke ; In every phase a, village queen, saw the light I Credit, whom cyc- So -simple, yso et full a er 1" greed, Geraldine: "Yee, the Padding in who discovered the rea dib wet w e dee; it a police officer with heitith end heenty on her face, l culprit and And on hev lips tho ovine that that, And seteethiseg even more than your etat is 00 reetfull" brought the, truth to light at last. epeake, Tar Assize shoeld be well rubbed wieli oil before teething, Miter bolting a eake keve it in the tin for flee minutes? before burning out To polish patent lettther use a mixtethe of one part of turpentine with three earte of sweet oil, "Wheel seasoning soup use whelks rterae,r and spices, putting them ln after it has boiled 1111. 11,0 peat -reeve gum arabic add a few id bsvs' tupeeece • on the black geeeral misrepresentation. • Seven years' penal servitude Made duet . . . and strewed, its upon th.e 'graves -1n Kings the dust to.31,1 et hger nAvsehe totitnit hsvea se ognIc arnt tnenr e pde unoen. , greater price than one penny. ne is verwell.off. This statement of the Chronicler y ludicates the fierce zeal with whieh the king sought -to visit retribu- tion even upon the resting -places of the apostate dead. 5. Burnt the bones of the m•iests --Net only was this a desecration of the shrines evhere they heel sac- rificed. It also serves.] as .a puni- tive measureeafflicting the souls of the departed priests. 0. Even unto-Naphtali—As in the case of Hezekia.h, the rnform ex- tended into the Northern Kingdom, thuugh, (strictly speaking, IV 'was not a pare of Josiah's realm. Simeon, though eolith of Judah, was reckoned with the noythern tribes teehnically, in ortlePto make up the aneient number ten. Their ruins—A difficult reading; meaning, perhaps, the idolatrous temples, or the desolate sites of cities laid waste: by the A.ssyrieens. 7. All the land of Israel—The Northern Kingdom is meant.. The energy of Josiah was unspariag. By extermination theselocal sanctu- aries in every section of 'the coun- try, north and eolith, he struck sa death blow to the worship of idols; for, onee confined to Jeruealern, the worship of the people would most naturally become the true worship of God in the temple.. 8-13—The repair of the tereple. The original account,. as found in 2 Kings, is atimlified by the Chroni- cler, by the addition of several im- portant details (compare 2 Kings 22. 3--1). 8. When he had Pereed the land picturesque bit of scenery or some wonderful light effects than of re- ctoi :dng common, everyday incl - dents or merely "taking" people. Queen Alexandra, Princess Pat- ricia, and the Queen of Norway"all e possese -splendid -collections of re- ally interesting and valuable pho- tographs that they have "snap- ped" when visiting other countries •, wbile Princess Patricia brought back a mplendid -collation of photo- graphs which she hod taken during her reeent visit to South Africa. Lady Minas is a110t1101' devotee of the camera. She possesses quite a wonderful variety of photegvaphs of India. Most of them Wtre taken in the early morning, for it is at thet time of the <ley that wonderful effects of light aro obtainable. The Duchess of Bedford makes a, specialty of animal photoerttplay. She has splendid advantages for this reedy, and eer ninnerous pots have afforeed her .excellent subject fur her camera. Perhaps the quaintest and peat. tiet photograph ever takee by her was one depleting one of het mem mete geavline a, salmon which the duchees had met taughle jeleRTUNfle IN ER UP STALLS, Large :Burning:I of English ante Anieriean (teeters. "Apple Mary," the popular ..eruits, and cakestall woman of tmicego, died reeently worth 800,000, It seems almost inerediblehow such a large sum can be made out oe fruit oral -cakes, but pat.t of ehasfortune of "Apple Mary" was doieepoteun, g:Onnest,hiuns stoipnsgiven ±0 le dllenthberyevnrilveil:?ayrtc7i°IP'1.1teltr6leels]eliedinidLrecion's- other, is generally ,paid. A few years ego the, magistrate at' Old BOW Street Police Court hted befothe lehri an old coater who was charged sviele obeteuction. The pollee Me, epeotor told the magistrate thet this old costar need -to set out a, row of stalls, extending for over ninety feet .along the kerb, at nye o'clock every morning. Later in the day the .stalls were let to other misters at an average rout ef a, ehilling. He invariably mana•ged to let all Inc stalls, and made' an ex- cellent income out of them, - Another eoster lees now become a very wealthy man, He used to hawk fish in his earlier clays, but be gradually extended his opera- tions, employed other . casters to work for him, and now dealing in thousande of pounds' avis bit of fieh every week. Hp buys his bell in Billingsgate by the ton, dealing on- ly in one kind.. Ho is thus, able to sell to the British public at a very inrch cheaper rate than the Dalin- er;v fishmonger. So well is this old coster doing that he thiake nothing of buying $2,800 worth ell fish in one morning. Without. office, warehouse, or shop, lie does a. business that many a traeleernau would envy,. The saloon bar of a well-known public -house in Ceeek- enwell is Ids customary settling -up place, Ove'r a, thousand stalls are own, . ed by another caster king. These stalls are distributed all over Lon- don, and he reckons his weekly turnover in some thousands of pounds, He has over a thousand centres from which his stalls ,age supplied every day. A well-known firm of wholesale • druggists in London are very proud of one of -their enstomers. She is a womanpill vendor, who buys her materials ley the hundredweight and mixes them with the help oe' several assistants. She has been over thirty years in the business, and it is one of her boaste that she has never sold a box of pille'at Another curious business .. the gutter that pays well is the selling of cheap eye -glasses. One etitter optician sell% as luau as -eighty to a hundred gross bettveen Monday and Saturday. A very good pair of so-called "pebble" glasses—the very eort that *you pay half a guinea far in many big ehops—can be obtained for anything front ono- telitelfa crowt. A coffee -stall keeper,. who plies his trade not far hoes 'Westminster Bridge, is the owner of a row of houses in the suburbs. He was rich enotigh to have retired some years ago, but the fascination of the life prayed Ito be too strong. Night after night, wet or fine, he Is to be seen serving his custonmes with eteaming hot coffee, and add- ing more to the little pile he has al- yeady. acquired.' • tee - ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHERS. Queen Alexandra. is rand ot ...Snapping," The excellent photographs, taken by Queen Alexandra, which aro mw at at the Royal Photographic So- ciety's Exhibition at Prince's Skat- ing Club, London, England, are one of the many proofs that photo- gra,pby in :Royal circles has eowee days'become classed with the Arts., Princess Patricie of Connaught, Princesa .Renry of Betteeburg, the• Queen of Spain, and Lady Or- s monde are among those who are - more feud of "snapping" is really —Implying that the work of sweeP- ing away the a,bominatime,ef idol' atry consumed.several y,eare. 10. They delivered it—The mar- ginal reading here is 1110Te intel- ligible. The workmen that had oversight gave the money to the worken.en that wrought. The mon- ey was probebly collected throegh- oue the country by the Levites. 11. The heuses—The cbambers of the temple, the Holy Mace and the Holy ef Holies. The temple had not merely fallen into natural de- caybut had suffered at the heeds of several of the kings of Judah (compare 8 Chron, 24. 1). 12. Levites . . . that were eltillful with instruments of musio — The mimes givee are of course nothing more, historically.. "We are re- minded of the walls of Thebee, which rose Out of th.e ground while Orpheus played up on hie flute." 18. .Also they weee over the beer- ers of burdens — The taro with which. -the Chronicler speaks of these various throe/ens of the Le- vites is in entire Itheeing with the spittle; of the two buolee, Everything which .emphasizee the ceremonial and rittalistie side of the life of the kingdom is -ectegerly receded. Aekoraing to jesephite. Herod used the priests as eerpenters and me- sons when he rebeitt the 'temple. Me. Lately Married: "Bide dear- est, I theught we had planned th go to the :mere this evenirtg !" Mrs, Ditto; "'ens, love; but I heve chtteged'otei minder