HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-7-20, Page 7BUSiNESS (MHOS. K. a, r, M. Prowls Pout t aP the Maccabees, 2 hold their rerlar Moottnaa 1n the Bodge Room Seeker mock, on the jape 8r4 Tn pdLLy inga D3 aoith m9nkh, 'Visitors always 4oue, , 4. WM, SPENOE 1 4UNyI3XANUER AND Ia,SUit]l?, or MARRIAG] I+TC NSF , 011111 lit lido Psrnt 011100,1,,,,pg, 80.4 HARRIS gout Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Qtlioo and lieeidenee- WAL.TON, • ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND. 18908AN08, FIRE AND MARINE. • GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. I.it 13. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION - 1• axe, will sell for better prices, to better men, in lees time and lees °bargee than any ether Aepttuueer In East Huron or he won't (Large anything. Pates and orders can always be arranged at dile office orby w•re mal' application, kigAL ANIL CONVEYANCING. t,t) M. Silt Olt Alit - Y • 33errletet; 8ulantur, Uuo¢eyaneer, Notary Pohlie, 4,0. I.Wue-atewares Bloch I door Nor th o1 (Amer(t 11 stat Solicitor ler the 51 etropel it en leans, p140UD1ro01', RAYS & KILLORAN SAUnita' It U OLLICIT Ilt8, NOTARIES W rNonnse0T, E. O. - It. U,. HATH J. 1., KILL"RAN Offices -Thome formally oust. pied by Messrs cattlemen Se Hort tionentOa,. - tin•rearo. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers leusin(do O✓1F'J* ., what to do. I WAS 1,40.e0 t give 1,000 cleared up ail the. ta'ooblk, matte Plano any dangilter healthy and well, Feet ru00n0i�ivee good eppotite, .l'egi11ot e, siren gtttens. I consider ]t a medicine g 'F til''lf use 1 Irl i t should 1 y ever ivon#i ag Y she wants to feel ]ler best.' 1Zcbuil(1 isfit of all with POtrozune, it lib; King clues, Price500 per box at all dealers. MOP F3EPTHA ARMSTRONG To cher of PI o Studio_at rter's ltu is Store, o po doorBerta rtl of Ole o t9P4nrdBuAF,Tr (la sIf / M S P ERLE HAfi ,E 'S P f. has Passed successfully bor second examine. tion r, the Piaooforto Department of the TO. re. of Sluaio, apd i6 prepared s street. ty ppha pupils a her Noma, d. Saturday A oP , t 1' 6 pam da idSa 1).d. 1 n$.0'410414) Ethvl 11'113 y and. 7 Week, DR. T. T. M'RAR Baphelor or Medicine, University of''orpnto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy- sicians it -sioians and Surgeons, Ont, : Post• radua0e Oliicagt(o Elyyl0,itar, Nose and Throat 2200 t1tell, aorsa((lio, fl. 1, BxxTollonse Burgeon to 80, _31911' ronto, 00100 over F. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phone) connection with Urnubrook at all 1191100, Picturesque St, Lawrence Route MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Vieloran Fri. June 28 Fri. July 21 Oor0i,an Nri. Juste 80 Fri. July 28 Virginian Fri. July 13. Fri.Aug. 11 Tunisian Fri. July MONTREAL TO GLASGOW 7aesperian Sat. Juno 24 - Sat. July 22 Ionian Sat. July. 1 Sat, July 29 Scotian lett Sat. Julyy 16 Sat. Avg.12 MONTREAL TO HAVRE AND LONDON This service Is composed of one class, second, cabin Steamers nailing- from Montreal every Saturday. (Moderate rate.). Full information as to rates, eta, On applica- tion t0, W, H. KERR. A gent Allan Line, Brussels. • Gsama Teriware Ram,&war BRUSSELS 00700 0017111 GOING NORTH. Mail7;07 a m I Express 10.65 a m Express - 11 :15 a m Mail I :58 p Express 2:65p m Express ........• 8:62 p rn DR, M, P ERGUSON ETHEL., ONT. Pllyeloien and Surgeon; Post Graduate courses London t1 (Eng.),eattent en todiseeee oC eye, ear, Immo and throat, Eyes tested fpr glasae8, DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University • Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office in Smith Block recently vomited by Dr, Feiid. R. M. M'LEAN. D.D.S., Oorrle, Ont. Honor graduate Uldversify of Toronto, De- partment of Dentistry ; Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental"Su7'geone of Ontario. At Wrox' atom every Tuaaday afternoon and Wednesday. Offiae in Grand eientral bloelc. Ab Fordwioh every Friday forenoon. Office in Gerrie in Leech's 13I001c. 21.8m DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night calls. Office oppeolto Flour M111, Ethel. t.,AvuybvwAr Ssc...11=0:02�: to Young People le We can prepare you /or business at. A. The Listowel Business College 1 We place our graduates in`poaitions. 0 Our graduates are suceesafnt. Two -Courses-Commercial and Shorthand. Fall Term opens September 5th. P TTHEWS Prin. EDWIN ; G. MA , ", Y,m rr801v1`0.8/10 .2oa7.L"AYot-yA'1,`scow r' vrb"�b lb rkm .AvtyAv.v.4,J Full Terra Opens ns Aug.Au . 25 In hhePopular andProgressive ELLIOTT Ca6•R°wenzaJv F4701144' WALTON = To Toronto • To Goderlch , a m Express .. ..11:27 s m P Ee rasa 7:41 p Teas 7 66 m m lir P Express 2 67 P I P p WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 8:55 p. Going West - 12:40' and 9:47 p• m.. Alt trains going East connect with 0, P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stotione. GEO. ALLAN, Local,Agent. Toronto, - Ont, This school ranks •e high among the best Business Col- loges of this continent. Proof of this statement is found in our large cata- logue. ata- 13 l0 1)e. Write to -day for ono. Sal - ares offered our graduates thio year, larger than ever before. It pays to get the best practical education. (lou, Young and. 1. W.J. ELLIOTT, Alexander Sts. i Principal. RUPTURE Cured At your' home without pain, danger or operation. My method will' cure ap- parently hopeless cases no. matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated .when you can be cured ?' Do not wait - EDI in coupon Aga...., ,..,.. Time Rai) ... Single or Doable Name Address and return to J. S. SMiTH 88 Oatedo,lla 8t. Dept. A Stratford. Ont. rural elvs Items Trowbridge ;NIY>:Il,s--MQKPuL'VEY.--Two popular palar . 1 ' young Neoplo oP+`}tmatfortl wple Wei in marriage Tuesday afternoon wheat Mies Jean McKelvey, daughter', of S. J. and Mrs. Meltivey, 8139 West Gore st., Stratford, became the bride or Albert Myers, son of 301(21 Myers The 1301'ern0117 was petfoentecl by Rev. I. A, McKelvey,' of Trowbridge, bro- ther of t'o-thei'02 the bride, ,assisted t)elltt'ylLlov, '. 111.. Wootton, pastor. o - dist °bevel), • - Molesworth LIGHTNING.- .A. pecolar freak. of 1 ighttdug io repert0(1 from the fart!! of M r. Thos, Cummings, tear Molesworth. During the heavy storm which .passed over tl4IS d1St Vie t recently a bolt of lighlroing st.ruck'the -ehlutley.of Mr. Oununings' linna0 and knocked the stovepipes across the T00111. The bolt then tore around the room, and filially gut down stairs into 13(0 dining 1101)11), where it ripped up the wains- cotting and oilcloth, liow it got down stair's of how it got out of the dining room i8 14 mystery, as there are no holes to'show its course. Tiro children had jest been taken out of the Groom i0 which it entered, Your Wisest Choice- If hoiceIf you are caught i1) the wet, get 80(20 throat. Il evil al Hilt 01' tln$lnlitl• pilin, don't wait for w01'00 troubles. Begin prompt treatment, with Nervi- line. It delves away all trace of dold, eases rlterntatism, neuralgia and pain, saves yin from (0lay-llp in bed. No 25c purchase can bring more colnfort than It bottle,nf Nerviline; it's the cleanest, strongest liniment made. Sold everywhere in large 25c bottles. THE POST, 1'elephopes are 31 and: 3z.. Hello 1 Do you catch on ? 1. O. O. F-'rhursday evening of this week T. Brown, -of Wroxeter. D D. G. M.. will visit Western Star Lodge, No 149, I. 0. 0. F., Brussels. and in- stall the officers. The 3 linked brethren are asked to accept this notice so that there may be a good turn out for the coming 2f Bro. Brown. Eight in your busiest season when you have the least time to spare you are most likely to take diarrhoea and lose several day's time, nniess you have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrh0ea'Ltemedy at .hand and take a dose on the first appearance of the disease. For sale by all druggists. W OMEN'S INSTITUTR - The regular meeting of Brussels Women's Institute will be held at the borne of. Mrs. Hu111 McKinnon, 7111 con. Grey township, Friday. afternoon, 2(st'inst.. at 2.30 leave town at 2.1 . Rigwill 5 o'clock. Program includes ow to ro ant. e when unexpected company arrives," introduced by Mrs. las. Ballantyne and Mrs. A. Yumll: and "Allowance for children" by -Mrs. P. Scott. Everybody will be welcome. Happiest 1711r1 in London asimismidmismememameilele Atwood Garden Party held on the parsonage lawn wee a success. Mrs. J. P.Green idea is spending g this week at her mother's horue, iu Brantford. Atwood Fall .Fair will be 'held Thursday and Friday Sept. 21st and 22nd. August 4th the business places of Atwood will be closed it being Civic Holiday. An : excursion will go- to Kincardine. Evening service of Atwood Meth- odist church will be field on the lawn nn East side of the chluch at 7 p. m. during the remainder of the hot season. When weather is uusuitable for outdoor services they will be held in the church as heretofore. Sprains.regnit'e careful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely. it will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy ` condition. For sale by all dealers. ALiucolu, Neb., girl writes, "I had. been ailing for some' time with chronic constipation and stomach, trouble. I began taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days 1 was able to be up and got better right along. I am the proudest ,girl in Lin- coln to find such a good medicine." For sale by all dealers. The Wingham Advance says:- "Wingliam has lost a highly respected family this week, by the removal of 1. 'I'. and Mrs, Davidson to Toronto.. Mr. Davidson"has been in the city for some time past, and has decided to 'locate there permanently, having purchased a comfortable home. Mr. and `Mrs. Davidson and family will be missed in the Methodist church, where they were. active helpers, and their church associates and neighbors much regret . their rel moyal." Miss Davidson, on the teach- ing staff of Brussels school, is a daughter. Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For elute by all dealers. DAUGHTER 1 WAS CURfI By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Baltimore, Md --"7 send youyyhere- with ere with the picture of a lighter Anlice, who Wa8 restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegeta- ble Compound. She was pale, with dark circles under her eyes, weak and irri- table.Two different doptors treated her and called it Green Sickness, but she grew worse all the time. Lydia E.Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound was rec- ommended, and after takingthree bot. ties she has regained her health, thanks to your medicine. lean recommend it for all female .troubles." -Mrs. L. A.. CoBKRAN, 1108 Rutland Street, Balti- more, Md. Hundreds of such letters from moth- ers expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E. Ptnkham's Vegetable Com- pound has accomplished for them have been received by the Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. Young Girl* Heed This Advice. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, head- ache, dragging -down sensations, faint- ing spells or indigestion, should take immediate action and be restored to health by Lydia E. Plnkham's 'Vege- table Compound. Thousands have been restoredto health by its use. ' a In 'Write to Mrs. Ykb i;ry Lynn, . Mass., for advice, free. ' Wingham Miss Barnscliffe Musgrove left on a visit to the West. G. S. Oleghorlf has sold his milk business to Geo. Finlay. Trustees of Glenannan school have 1 r' Jennie Bowman as their d141iss engaged. to succeed Miss Laura Ansley. James Linklater had a bad fall. Re wits drawing in bay and in cramping the waggon, he fell off, striking on his head. John Jerome, of Tilsonburg, son of opening ' me of town,.is g Dr. J r S.Jerome, p 1 i1) the South jewellery y business store of the Macdonald black. Ina, youngest daughter of Conduc- tor and Mrs. Rich, was badly bitten by Mrs. Shortts' dog. The animal bit the child on one font, cutting right through the shoe and destroying it. Wingham Methodist church is un- dergoing renovation. &1r. Walthew, of St. Thomas, has the, contract for the decoration. New Belsey furnaces have been installed and it has been decided to -change the lighting system by installing chandeliers over the galleries and make other changes in the 01002110lighting of the,tuditoriurn, at a cost of about $250 for this alone. The annual excursion of Minerva Encampment, 1. 0. 0. F., :to Sarnia and Detroit will be run on Saturday, August 6th. Excursionists will leave Wingllarn.ab 8.811 a. let. and the re- turn fare to Sarnia is $2. From Sarnia to Detroit the trip will be (lade on the magnificent steamer ""Tashrnoo" of the 'White Stan' Line and the fare from Sarnia to Detroit and return is 75 cents.' ' r 0, Ankerson, of town received a teleg1'anl train . his brother Bert, at (loclnane, 0tating that, he bad lost evel'ytalillg by the fire whiuledsstrnyetl the N(n'lltorn town, but that they Were eaf0i Mt', and Mrs. ,Aaldeosou f+o ew •t ilia from IV • e last Vali tvelab to Cochlatl 1 s un.. atom; h alouel d Id hehad 'd of Giskeat d pattly areae . Tile Mee, iIIftlfAN DECEASED,7. friends in WWII alai around 'Prow - hl'ldge of Dr. B, It Tughan, of Grassy Lake, Alberta, will be very s 011y to learn of ttodao h of hie e8t' t abl e wife, whichocourmei on July lot, after an illness of several months. The de- ceased, wino was a daughter of E, T. Snaith, of the inland revenue depart - merit, Ottawa, was known to malt Bof our citizens, she having visited here before' going West with iter husband about three years ago, The asst' Lake Gazette of the 7111 inst, furnishes the following particulars : Ml's: G. W. Allen of Lethbridge,, •r, ''Vughan's sister, Was with hilt in the hone of bereavement, and Mr. Allei, clone for the funeral. Mrs. L. W, 'Yocum, of Medicine Eat, a cousin, with her husband, were also hero. crud D 4' Yocum, who is an unfit masker, took• charge of tile funeral l'he floral tokens of love and respeet were numerous, the I. 0. 0. 1•'. lodge, of which Dr.Tugilan is a member, con- tlibuting a beautiful cross. The funeral on Monday was very largely attender], business in town being practically suspended and farmers and their 'families from all over the district attending. The casket was carried from the residence to the Odd - fellows hall where the beautiful service of the church of England was perform- ed by Rev. W. H. Henderson, who also conducted the service at the grave side. Interment took place in Grassy Lake cemetery. The pall -bearers were :-P. Carruthers, W.' Salvage, H. J. Scott, Ed. King, Geo. Haley and G. P. Porter. Seines Porter, who has been in the hospital since his serious injury, is do- ing nicely. Wednesday; 5111 most., his neighbors to the number of 18, with two horse -rakes and five teams draw- ing in, placed his bay crop safely in his barn. There were 88 loads, well - saved without a drop of ramp, which fell the same night. Just Wherc The Danger Lies In loamycatarrh snuffs, cocaine is the largely used ingredient; in con- sequence the drug habit may be form- ed. To be really cured of catarrh, to do so quickly, safely and pleasantly, doctors say Catarrhozone is superior to any other remedy. It heals sore places, stops discharge, prevents hawking. splitting and bad breath - does this by first destroying the cause of the disease. Catarrhozobe is no experiment, itisa tried and proven cure that is guaranteed for bronchial, throat, nose and lung catarrh. Two sizes, 25c and $1.00 at all dealers. WINGHAM Time6 reports an accident. as follows :-Last Wednesday night one of the drivers for Robt. 'rhomson, pro- duce dealer, of . Brussels, met with t( bad accident on the 6th line of East Wawanosh. He had successfully crow edthe river with a wagon load of but- ter and when going tip the 11111 on the East side of the fiver the horsescould not hold the load and the wagon back- ed over the embankment overttlrl to t g the load of butter. The horses were badly hurt and the butter considerably damaged. Froin Alex. Scott's telephone on the North Baron Iii.e a number of neighbors were soon on hand and ren- dered .valuable asssstance. Thursday morning the telephone was agaitl used and a new team of horses anti wagon were sent from Brussels to lake the butter to Its destination. Greatest Fomalo Strengthener on Earth Thousandsof women are wan, pal- lid, ttindown and dispirited What they need is that nourishing tonic Ferrozohe. Soon they, regain those laughing oyes, bright spirits and rosy cheeks. Ferrozono dues this and more as Mrs. L. F. Adria:item of Whitney Pier, 0. 13., testifies, "My daughter was very much run down tihad sltt� times. Often ltroubles ssto knov Metga*1n) O3rla All WQIPOI3 are lovely and radiantly In 1110 magazine pages to Clay' x dant v o of 141 11 '"1 •f e a mop le t.1 have l Y hair pages to day. It themagazine a aY ahg r, 1 c o es i noses s • ok e t It freckles 1 Itere'e n oo vtt rs i eskeW, (' Or teeth that protrude, as some reel girls' do, hal We o iris 1 11 r isn't a blemishn T e0 g view . le the magazine pages to clay, There's not one too pudgy or not ape, too thin, In the magazine pages to day. Nor one, whose just losing her for noise shell pin, In the magazine pages to -day. 'l'wixt shirtwaist and belt there is never gap, ' Or a; tear in the silk that is lining' her wrap, And her gloves never lack n pearl button 00 strap, In the tnagazine pages 10 dam•. She doesn't wear pink when she Dust to wear blue System Requires Frequent Cleansing Not only 'outside but, inside lits well, your body must be frequently cleaned. Otherwise it becomes loaded with wastes that clog up the wheels of health. Much better to act in time. Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills ; they streng- then incl regulate the bowels, assist digestion, enrich the blood and there- by fortify , the nerves and lay thef foundation of lasting sting good od health. Dr. Hamiltons bring v1111 and vitality so much sought for to -day ; they in- fuse a feeling of freshness and spirit in those who have been ailing for Pr25cat, years. ise Really no medicine so potent. Listowel lllayor Hay has decided to proclaim Monday, Aug. 7211, as. Oivic Holiday for Listowel. Listowel Furniture Co. have been fortunate in securing the services of A. J. Mitchell, Heapeler, as Superin- tendent oftheir factory. The chair y lair factor has been shut down during the past week while a 20 foot addition is being built on the top of the brick smokestack. Leslie Fleming. son of 1rt. McD. Fleming, left for Winnipeg, where he has secured the position of private secretary to 11. •Matthews, assistant superintendent of C. P. R. A. O. Bricker, who along with P. W. Raines, of town, and A. Burritt, of Stratford, represented the 28th Perth Regiment on the Canadian Coronation Contingent, returned home Tuesday evening of last week: H. Bonis, B. A., late principal of Vienna High School, has been en- gaged as principal of Listowel High School at a salary of $1,400 per anunm Mr. Bonds bas been in Vienna 12 years. The by -late and agreement re the franchise to 'Bell Telephone Co. for five years flout March 1,1910, was read and passed at the council. By this the Bell Telephone Co. pay $90 a Year in cash for the exclusive telephone franchise/on the streets of Listowel and the town pays cash for any phones used by them. •••••••+44.0+•444•444•0+•+•+ 0•04.04.•+•+•+•444.0+•4.•+ •+•4. The Great Exhibition of 1911 THE 1 WESTERN FAIR London, Can., Sept. 8 to 16 $28000- i IMany any Unique Special Attractions, including 1 AERIAL, MILI'PARY AND HYDRO I1LI]OTRIO FEATURE • JUMPING AND SPEEDING CONTESTS ,•I•. 1310 !DOG AND OAT SEiOWs. FOUR SPLENDID BANDS LONDON MIDWAY.=BEST' EVi7R BEI7N IN 0 A MOST ATTRACTIVE. Fireworks Display Every Evening In Prizes ®tad Attractions Exhibition of Live Stock The best ever seen in Canada Redueed'Rates on all Railways, Prize Lists, Entry Forma, and all other information from W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary. • +11444..1..4•••F•4••'D•+••'1•H.•••4•;•.•.+.44+ 4444449+i 41+4+44, • •• •• • Fordwich The Record is holidaying. &Ips. John Donaghy, of Vancouver, B. C., accompanied by Miss Florence and Master David, are here and will snake an extended visit with relatives and friends in these parts. Rev. and Mrs. Dobson and family left to spend the next six weeks on the lake shore at Brace Beach, six miles South of Kincardine. They are accompanied by Miss Leask and her niece, tyliss Marjorie Leask. Miss 14Iabe1 Dobson, who has been attending theNormal School, Toronto, was successful at the recent examina- tion and has been granted a profes- sional 2nd class certificate. Miss Dob- son will teach in Toronto. Following parties took in the Home - seeker's Excursion' to the West :-P. P. and Mrs. Aylesworth; E. and Mrs. Witmer. ; Mrs. W. A. and Lena Ed- d w • Ed- wards, and Mrs. Sol. Slit oma an Beulah and Kathleen. 8. S. and Mrs. Cook started for Calgary via Owen Sound. Word has been received that John Tilker, jr., and Epll. Graybiel were in- jured in a recent runaway accident, near Vancouver,caver B. C., They were en- gaged drawing logs out of the woods with a new span of horses, owned by A. S. Strome. Not being used to one another, the horses began kicking and finally ran away. Mr. Tilker received a few bruises and Mr. Graybiel had several ribs broken. 4. e • •• r Women Read This Parisian Sage Puts Luster Into Dull, Faded Hair Every woman reader of THE POST who desires radiant hair that every- one admires should go to Jas. Fox to- day and get a large 50 cent bottle of Parisian Sage. It is not only a delightful and re- freshing hair dressing and beautiful, but it is sold ander a rigid guarantee to banish dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp, or money back. Parisian Sage ,s the best hair tonic 'known. It is the only one that will cure dandruff, cleanse the scalp and make the flair gam- long and beauti- ful. •••••••••••••••••••••••••� • • • THE BEST RECRE• •- ATION IS • o • • 4 • •....�.. u.uJ..0 o• • •• ikodaki • • •• : „..„ i• • • • Now that the bright e A dturays resareut's .ohlteresilygood inePio-d. 4,i 0 • We carry a complete 2 line of I odaks and Ko- • • dak Goods. • • • • Ask for a copy of the • New Kodak Catalogue. • • 2 R.endtI. - Jeweler and Engraver 4 • . ' Wroxeter • • ••••••• •M••4N••4••4•••••• I. n'. Irl the inagaxies,psges to led she isn't run down at the heel or her shoe. 111 the magazine pages 10,day, YOU never gall see when alio has hasn't:a hat, now much is real hair and flow .amen O1it's rat, 0 It's only ' t' 11) alfa that we see things 111 tlin t Not in nlag21i110 pages to•dny. Very destructive fires tools place at nod Que.,. 1 e' t vitae Aylmer, n A S2 1 H a Y Sarnia, e S. , tl le N FI r a Mrs. Frederick King was shot and killed by IVtllfaell 141.ors, R fernier boarder in her house, at Petrolea. 12.. L. Borden closed his Western tour at Somerset, Man„ and is now 'back to Ottawa. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE TREE 011 REQUEST It ,41Ii3542lld2':S' n 1i illli1 NIX Look at the" beau There's a deal to know about wheat. If I didn't select the wheat I couldn't guarantee the flour. Cream of the West Flour comes from Cream of the West Wheat. And it certainly does make good bread! f� ,�i ti9 r-. .. Cream11.13116.11510890 ___ the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for !bread You just try it. If it doesn't give you right down satisfaction your grocer pays your money back. That's the guarantee with every bag. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, President 107 For Sale by John Patterson, Brussels VARIOOS DEr NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "Heavy work, severe straining and evilhabits in youth brought on Varicose 'Veins. 'When 1 worked hard the aching would'•become severe and I was often laid up for a week at a tine, 'My family M. 1 tredianeral speanoperant nooni and out �lt tl vn' nae']wnslay I tried. I0on raencespecialists, s money. I e day y boo loot u-�on all 1 ss oil lints o c than rogues. One dao my boss ask-edamIIwhy I was oft' work .mucheand !tom dy,himmycondition. IIs ament mono consult Dns. and:ky-& they he had t l.en treatment from them himself and:knew they were square and skillful. 1 wrote t'.7rm and got Tun Now Marirtm nemuvre My mentI1058ewns somewhat slow and duriHowever, the first month's treatment I was some what discom'adr,1. rewarded riot '' longer and was rt., a Icontinued omplete ure, for three months with a fore complete IoouId only earn ing $l.'. a work: 1 a machine t shop before treatment, now I nm corning S`.'1 and never 10058 a day. I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. O. yOCIIST. HAS YOUR 131.0 - EE2 ®ISEA.(. ED7 sapthe most serious diseases. They anent and est rev are the -most POISONScause la LOOD PO m will ea B system ted from the at prevalent. ' emu/looted ]mss anti 1 blood of like victim and un rNEw lips -o1) very suppress the symptoms serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It may pp METHOD cures all blood diseases. YOT7NG OR MIDDLE ACED M011. -Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken down your. system. You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, 111yslcally and vIEally you are not the man you used to boor shouidbe. Willyouheed the hanger signals? READERMayon a viatica Have you lost hope? Are you intending to marry? Hasyour blood been diseased? Savo you .any we'lno for o1). Con I1OTI On TREATMENT will cure you. what it has done for others it w.. d y Free. No matter who has treated you write -for an honest opinion -Free of Charge. Boole Free -"Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated) on Diseases of Ken. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No names on envelopes. TREATMENT. Everything. iConfidential, Question List end Cost of Treatment FREEFOR H DRVs KE Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart - rt went in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patient; in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. !111tir e••444.4.4••4.4- .4••••4• • • 4 • r • 4 • • • 4 • 4 4 • 4• • 4 • •• • 4. 4 • e 4 • • 4. 4 4 4.•.•••4'•+4 4'14.4•.44+.•••b!4•44••+04.•s'•.'.04.+•4'd +44.4.1'A4+t'44•4•44 The Toronto MUhiery Pariors Were opened for this season, according to announcement, with an elegant display of Fashion- able Millinery. Misses Sanderstn 'Wish to thank the Ladies for their attendance, their compli- ments and their highly esteem- ed orders, If you have not seen our display call in. SATISFACTION ASSURED