HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-7-20, Page 5RI3 CARR$1 K c3: T. M. Aruseola 17'put of tbo fdai oagoen,. No, 1S4 hold their muter mesonss to the /dodge Aooam, J)Mega, eok, Ou Duo 1st and .Ord oaay evenings at OARS MOntb. V'ld!taraY al( s Weioa l e. H ,til A. D IF : 1 _.•� , Com. A. DioOOiaB, 13, H NUM. sPEAJO$ O04V13YANOE I AND I$STJEB, r F A l r D MBIA Il GE I,I. Ci,N�F„ mee la the Peet Office.H;+UI, 8V 4 trt .uNI� HARRIS, eat Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Oompany Moe and hoeidonee-.. WALTON,' CNT, JOHN SUTHERLAN D. 98808atton, FIRE AND MARINE, • GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. n�l i3. SCOTT AS AN AUU`1'ION- ... nen, will rill for better prises, to better mon in lees time and lean charges thee 002 other Auotio,eer In Bast Huron or be 00,04, 0!20x90 unything• Pates and orders Rau aMWaya be arranged at tune nffiee or by r • r8 mai application. LOA ANI>CONVEYANCINII. -1,9f/ M. iilNUl,AIit- Y • 10 rriatei; *inciter' Cultveynnoor, teutarr 1 (191110, &0. 1189109-o towart's Hlook 1 door North of 4eu)r,11 Solloitor for the' Di strop., lit O1 MUSE. pROUDI'OOl', UAI($ & KILLORAN f?A/MIST ICItH, 901.I002i,108, NOTABLES LUi3t 1:1, ETC. W.:1'aeunsuo'r, M. C. it. 17• liars J. 11, itur.nn40 Ofl9uea-:Those lormarty °counted by Homers Cameron ss Holt 001,913100, (n'1'Au1o. LLAN -UN'E Royal Mail Steamers Picturesque St. Lawrence Route MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL Victorian . F)1 June 28 Fri. July 21 Oorsioan Fri. June 80 .Fri. July 28 Virginian ......... N,1, July 7 Fri. Aug. 4 Tunlefan Frl. July 14 Fri. Aug. 11 MONTREAL TO QLASOOW B:esperien.. Sat June 24 Sat. July 22 Ionim9..„........ Sat. July 1 Sat, July 20 Grampian Sat. July 8 Sat. Aug. 6 Scotian Sat. July 16 Sat. Avg, 12 MONTREAL. To HAVRE AND LONDON This servile is composed of one ulnae, second, oabi2 Steamers sailing from Montreal every. Saturday. (Iloderate rata.) Fullinformatign as to rates, etc., on applies. tion to, W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. ageeVANBNIMe eT.1.4n188.6:6dtal, Young People We can prepare you for business at �lf The Listowel Business College 11 1 We place our graduates in positions. Our graduates aro sncoeseful. Two - Courses -Co emerclai and Shorthand. Fall Term opens September 6th. EDWIN O. MATTHEWS, Prin. Y �.' Y Ws' �;1,9'.b:'4iv.6.vrsb�C� �.bvily♦.Ori,Y.b�i Fall Term Opens Aug. 25 andProgreaeivo SB ELLIOTT In the Popular Toronto, Ont, This school tanks -+' high among the best Business Dot. vc statement continent, our lar)efcata to ue. Write to -day for one. Sal - pries offered our graduates- this. year, Li larger titan ever before. It. pays to get e tho best practical education. a2 Cor. Tatum anti t W. J. ELUOTT, Alexander Sts.l Principal vr ' Vgrita '9�q � 1oa'v�`�daYa'� RUPTURE Cured At your, home without pain, danger or operation. My method will. cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why waft until your rup- ture becomes up-turebecomes strangulated when you can be cured i' Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age Time Rep........... Single of Double Name. Addre' and return to J. S. SMITH SS Oalodonla 8t Dept, A. Stratford) Ont. seIMMEmmasimeemiliiminomplie s Pleteinelie Rlil,i'tllt what to do, 1 tvao advised to glee h'ee Ferrezone anti I slid so, . :t erre• MI$$ BERTHA ARMSTRONG Toaohor or Piano Steel() at darter's Neste etvra,Ope.doorNlorth. 0,t; the St9w,iar1 Bank, Brussels. 94tt .. E P RL s A E H (iPE h r' as p ned suooesefull hoc 001 examine. tient., the PianoforteyDOpprtnleneot 59100 . roil" .,l goneervatory of Music, and is pr0parad t( pike pupils at her home, Prineeas street, A f Ytarts Ethel Friday nod sattt9day or eaob wooly, lone cleared up all the tvenbJe, made )ily,denghter be1Llthy and well. Ne rezoneg ivies good appetite, regulates,. s ' 1 l (1 , r +, , tteigto s Imousiltttk alnedlct)10 every woman should d nsare gnlarly It slur wants to her beet," 1 a vitt 1• t feel b st, e t R b gild with 1 -at t b "o' one tl it is the Ilia of ail ut cee, Price 50c per ,lox at all dealers, DN. r MRA ,r,. E_ 1808h0101• of Medicine, 'University of'Toroutq ; Libent1nte and Graduate et the College of Phy. sionann and 80990008, Ont. • Poat.1,'radnate Chicago Bye, Eat', Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, Ili Bx•Hopee Surgeon to. St, Mich. HOt%a Hospital, Torontp, Office over 21'. It, Smith'sa Drug Store. l e le- Phonn nonot on with Oranbrook at ail hours). OR. M. PERGUSQN ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon • Post Graduate courses London 91)960)8) atte )tion t disease and hof�eye,Hear, nose and throat. Byes tested for &secs. DR. HAM/LYON pental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of liege' College of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office in Smith Btoo1 recently vacated by Dr, Ne11d, R. M, !VP LEAN, D,D.S., L.D.S. Gerrie, tint Honor graduate University of Toronto, De. nrtment of Deptietry ; Graduate Royal Ooi. of lege g DentalTu Surgeons'p onand1 Ontario. d esday, etfl every iGrand eafternoon and t Ford day. Oover 3' ic1 y 1 Central block. In Gor (a n every Friday forenoon. Office in Borrie in Leech's Block. 21.8m DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, BRUSSELS GOING SOUTH Game NORTH Mail 747 In Bxpresa 10:68nm Express 11 :20 a m Mail _,_ - 1:69 p in Ex pas s 2:6b E N m Express P I 8:62 m I P P Cowainax P4011710 WALTON ToToronto , i • To Gorier ah Express �7:41am Express 11• a Exress 2:57 p m t Bxpress 7;65 p m WROXETER Going Bast - 7:05 a. m. and 8:86 p. m. Going: West - 12:48 and 9:47 p. m. All trains going East connect with O. P.R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO.•ALLAN, Local,Agent. rz'�l Iteivs aiteirm THE Pos'r• I'elephones are 31 and 32.:; Hello I Do YOU catch on ? 1. O. U. F -Thursday. evening of this week T. Brown, -of Wroxeter. D D. G. M., will visit Western Star Lodge, No 149. I, 0. 0. F,, Brussels, and in- stall the officers. The 3 linked brethren are asked to accept this notice so -that there may be a good turn out for the coaling of Bro. Brown. Itight in your busiest season when youhavethe least time to spare you are mostlikelyto take diarrhoea and lose several day's time, unless you have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea'Remedy at hand anti take a close on the first appearance of the disease. For sale by all druggists. W oMe1's INSTITUTE -' The regular meeting of Brussels Women's Institute will be held, at the home 01 Mrs. Hugh McKinnon, 7th con. Grey township, Friday afternoon, 21st inst.. .at -2.30 o'clock, Rig will leave town at 2.15. Program includes "How to manage when unexpected company arrives," introduced by Mrs, TES. Ballantyne and Mrs. A. Yuill ; and "Allowance for, children" by Mrs. P. Scott. Everybody will be welcome. Happiest OM in London A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "I had been ailing for sometime with chronic constipation and stomach trouble. I began taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days I was able to be up and got, better right along. I am the proudest girl in Lin- coln to find such a good medicine." For sale by all dealers. The Wiughmn Advance says:- "Wingham has lost a highly respected Family this week, by the removal of 1. T., and Mrs, Davidson to Toronto.. Mr. Davidson has been in the city for some time past, and has decided to locate there permanently. having purchased n comfortable home, Mr. x0,9 -Mrs. Davidson and family will be missed in the Methodist church, where they were active helpers, and their church associates and neighbors much regret their re,. moyat." . Miss Davidson, on the.teacb• ing staff of Brussels school is a daughter. Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of •Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. Foe sale by all dealers. WINGHAM Times reports an accident as follows :-Last Wednesday night One of the drivers for Robt. Thomson, pro- duce dealer, of Brussels. met with a bad accident on the 6th line of East Wawanosh. He had successfully cross- ed the river with a wagon load of bet- ter and when going up the hill on the East side of the river the horses could net hold the load and the wagon back- ed over the embankment overturning the load of butter. 'rhe horses were badly hurt and the butter considerably damaged. From Alex. Scott's telephone oh the North Huron 111.0 a number of neighbors were soon on hand and ren- dered 'valuable 1lsssstance. Thursday morning the telephone was again used and a new team of horses and wagoh were sent from Brussels to take tate butler to its destination. Greatest Fantail" Strengthener on Earth Thousands of women are Ivan, pal- lid, rundown and dispirited. What they need is that nourishing tonic Ferrozone. Soon they regain those laughing eyes, bright spirits and rosy cheeks. Fereozone does We and move its Mer, L. le, Adrianson of 'Whiteley Pier, 0.13., testifi0s, "My daughter was very much run down and had considerable troubles at times, Often 3 was ata loss to know Trowbridge r lY •r•SfOI{ •L LY -�-•• h ria i T B n '1 teaP n ltd1' P t ... young people of Stretford were tudt0cl In nlar)•iage Tuesday afternoon when 121188 Jean McKelvey, daaghtel' of 51, 3. and firs. MMeJ( lvey, 680 2,\199t Gore 8t., Stratford, becal)le the bride of Albert My ere, eon Of John Myers. The tiers 110ny tette per formed by Rev, L A• Mo1Celvey, of Ttrevbridge, bro- thel of the bride, assisted by Rev. 8', M. VVoottoe, pastae of Central Metho- dist chn!'ch. Molesworth LIG10TN1NO.-A pecnlar.. freak of 1 ighlniog is reported Zoom the 1'art11 of Air.' (rhos. Otimin1ngs, heist' Mah•wworth. During the heavy storm which pastiest ave)' this district recently a bolt of lightning struck' 1(8)5 - 1(2)39121207 8)8 Me.' Cummings' house and knocked the stovepipe* across the room. The bolt, then tore 11000181 the room,and filially gut down stairs into the dining 90019), where it ripped up the Wains- cotting and oilcloth. How it got down stairs (19 how itg of out of the dining moth is a mystery, (98 there are no holes to'Show its course, Two children hacl just been Brien out of the room in which it euteved. Your Wisest Choler. If you are might hi the'wet, get stye throat. ileni Mule 0r 1l1nsg1111L1' pilin, don't wait 1'or .001'5e troubles: Begin prompt: treultueut, with Nenvi- line. It drives away all trace of cold, eases fllenitnitiem, neuralgia SAKI pain, staves you front it lay-up 111 bed, No 25c purchase twin het ug more comfort Meth 11 bottle of Nerviline ; it's the cleanest, strongest liniment made. Sold everywhere in large 25e bottles. 4 S. -hod Garden Party held on the parsonage lawn success. wag a ` al 1 e . Mrs 3. P. Genensides is spending this week al her mother's' home iu Brantford. Atwood Fall Fair will be held Thursday and Friday Sept. 21st and 22nd. August 4th the business places of Atwood will be closed it being Civic Holiday: ° An excursion will go to Kincardine. 'Evening service of Atwood Meth- odist church will be held on the lawn on East side of the, church at 7 p. tn'. during the remainder of the hot season. When weather is unsuitable for outdhor services they will be held in the church as heretofore. Sprains require careful treatment. steep quiet and apply Chaliberlain's Liniment freely. • It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition. For sale by all dealers. • • Wtnaham • Miss Earnscliffe Musgrove left on a visit to the West. G. S.Oleghoru has sold his milk' business to -Geo. Finlay. Trustees of Glenannan school have engaged Miss Jennie Bowman as their teacher to succeed Miss Laura.Ansley. James Litiklater httd a bad i'all. He was drawing in bay and in cramping the waggon, he fell off, striking an his head. John Jerome, of Tilsonburg, son of Dr. J. S. Jerome, of town, 18 opening a jewellery business in the South store of the Macdonald block. Ina, youngest daughter of Conduc.- torand Mrs. Rich, was badly bitten by Alt's. Shortts' dog. The animal bit the ehild'on one foot, cutting; right through the shoe and destroying Wingham Methodist church is un- dergoing renovation, Alr. Waltbew, of St. 7:betties, has the contract for the decoration. New Belsey furnaces have been installed and it has been decided bo-cliange the lighting system by installing chandeliers over the galleries and make other changes in the electric lighting of the auditorium, ata cost of about, $250 for this alone. The annual exoursion of, Minerva Encampment, 1. 0. 0. F., ,to Sarnia and Detroit will be rani on Saturday, August 5th. Excursionists will leave Wingh:tm.at 6.85 a. tn. and the re- turn fare to Sarnia is $2. From Sarnia to Detroit the trip will be made on the tnagnilicel )steamer"'rashinoo" of the White Star Line and the fare from Sarnia to Detroit and,retnrn is 75 cents.... IT,(3'. Anderson, of town xeoelyecl it. telegeatlt born ,lie heather $ere. et Coehrauestatin Cult, he had lost I ever' �tld, ug by the rive tvblull deetra9)ad ' the No:el:are town, but that they wo'r'e atlfe, 1889, atld Set's. Anderson yr , , DAIJ6 li"�T � \Yl Went tt, C1alihrano last ball fan111 New iskea L 11) end had Rus to •fj` a l a l a lt a and sCOI'e 1 art 1 tl 0 0e p Y tweeted, b' ALS. - U •; ➢ 1 Wariest DlC E - IAs A,The , friends in town and aronitd Trow- bridge of D1•, 13. P. 'J'ughan, of Grassy Lake, Aibat'i will a •r a b Ver n t s1 to r Y y WAS - CURED By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable. Compound Baltimore Md. -"I send you here- with the pieture of my fifteen year old 1l;ltl'P'!• (t ' 14111i11 daughter Alice, who lii'I+ s$#82,ttllvt8 restored to a" ! health b Lydia E. Pinkinun's Vegeta- jr Net- er Lill ble Compound, She . i i; lVa8 pale, with dark Alii circles under he11 i; I j eyes, weak and ixri- 1ii . llt!1i table. Two different IIII I,u �_ ... I!:Ilill doctors treated her ✓fI and called it Green •, Sickness, but she •a;;grew worse all the ,• time. Lydia l:.Pmk- lam'sy' Vegetal) e Compound was ree- omtnendect and after taking three bot - ties she has regained her health, thanks to your medicine. 1 can recommend it for all female troubles," -Mrs. L. A. CORKRA•N, 1108 Rutland Street, Bald - more, bid. Hundreds of such letters from moth- ers oth ers expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com- pound has aceom lished for them have been received by the Lydia F., Pinkham Medicine Company,, Lynn, Mass. foitng ,Girl:j, Heed This Advice. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, head- ache, ead ache, dragging' -down sensations, faint. ing spells or indigestion, shoud take immediate action and be restored to health byLydia. E. Pinkh m s table Copound. Thousands have been restored to health byis i use. Write. to Mrs.Pinlrbam, Lynn, Mass., for advice, free. James Porter, who has been in the hospital since his serious injury, is do- ing nicely. Wednesday; 5th inst., his neighbors to the nembel' of 18, with two horse -takes and five teams draw- ing in, placed his hay crop safely in his barn. There ,were 38 loads, well - saved without a drop of rain, which fell the same night. • Just Where The Dangor Lies In many catarrh snuffs, 000201(19 is the largely used inggredient;. in con- sequence the drug habit may be form- ed. To be really mired of catarrh,, to do so quickly, safely and pleasantly, doctors say Catarr'hozone is superior to any other remedy. 1t heals sore places, stops discharge, prevents hawking. splitting and bad breath - does this by first destroying the cause of the disease. Oatrnrhozohe is no experiment, it is' a tried and proven cure that is guaranteed for bronchial, throat, nose and lung catarrh. Two sizes, 25e and $L00 at all dealers. Listowel Mayor Hay has decided to proclaim Monday,Aug.t t g 7 l , as -Civic Holiday for Listowel. Listowel Furniture Co. have been fortunate in securing the services of A. J. Mitchell, Hespeler, as Superin- tendent of their factory. The hal a' chair factory has been y a be shut down during the past week while a 20 foot addition is being built on the top of the brick smokestack. Leslie Fleming. son of M. McD. Fleming, left for Winnipeg, whelre he has secured the position of private secretary to H. Matthews, assistant superintendent of 0. P. R. A. C. Bricker, who along with P. W. Raines, of town, and A.. But'ritt, of Stratford, represented the 28th Perth Regiment on the Canadian Coronation Contingent, returned home Tuesday evening of last week. - H. Bonis, B. A., late principal of Vienna High School, has been en- gaged as principal of .Listowel High School ab a salary of $1,400 per annum Mr. Bot11s has been in Vienna 12 years. The by-lali and a,reement re the franchise to 'Bell Telephone Co. for five years flour March 1,1910, was read and passed at the council. • By this the Ball Telephone Co. pay $90 a year in cash for the exclusive' telephone franchise on the streets of Listowel and the town pays cash for any phones used' by them. MMt�d•1•I'�i•♦3•�•P•�.II•17•�9!�-4'hb�•F M'�.F�'w�'t'�•t,B•F�•9•B,F�a,�R'S.F�'F • • • •p •1' • •d• The Great Exhibition • WEST..ERN THE of 1911 FAIR London, Can., Sept. 8 to 16 • • • f M • • •00004+"+•+•+•+•+•+."44.44.004444440444+14.4.44+.44+• $28,000 - In Prizes and Attractions Exhibition of Live Stock The best ever seen in Canada Many Unique Special Attractions, including AERIAL, MILITARY AND HYDRO ELEOTRIO FEATURES • JUMPING AND SPEEDING CONTESTS 9tG 8)0G AND CAT SHOWS.' 70'1711,' SPLENDID BANDS A MOST ATTRACTIVE MIDWAY. -BEST EVER 81EN 198 LONDON Fireworks Display Every Evening Reduced Rall 12 Rates o nRailways. ♦ Prize Lists, Entry Forme, and hit other information from p, •, W. J. t41e1D, President. A. M. HUNS', Secretary. • • i • 1 a% of t 'death e t Gl a dst 1 1 o ht s i t f s est ,able wife, lvllie)1 occurred art July 1st, after 1111 illness of several menthe, The de.. ceased, who was a slaughter of 13, T, Smith, or the Inland revenue depart - Anent; Ottawa, was known to many of our citizens, she having visited here frt• 0hband abobeoute tgainglhree 764815 Wesagotvitil, 11'1'h0e t,sGrassy Lake Gazette of the 7th lust, furnishes the Following particular's 1 Mrs. G. W. Allen of Lethbridge, Dr. 1'lrgltall's 818tee, %vas with biro 111 the Mani of bereavement, and Mt', Allen mane for the Auteuil. ,elm L. W. 'Vomit'', of Meiliuine Flat, a cousin, with her husband, were (6180 hit'(', 1)111) Mt', YOcuut, Iv130 !s au 1n)dp1.1l,kta', took charge of the funeral, The floral tokens of love aid respect were numerous, the I. 0. 0. 1e. lodge, of which Dr. Tughan is a member, eon t)ibuting a beautiful cross. The fueerel on Monday was very largely attended, business in town being practically suspended and farmers and their families from all over the., dietriee attending. The casket was carried from the residence to the Odd fellows hall where the beautiful service of the church of England was perform- ed by Rev. W. 11. Henderson, who also conducted the service at the grave side. Interment took place in Grassy Lake cemetery. The pall -bearers were :-P. Oateuthers, W. Salvage, H. J. Scott, Ed. King, Geo. Haley and G. P. Potter. System Requires Frequent Cleansing Not duly outside but inside us well, your body must be frequently cleaned. Otherwise it becomes loaded with wastes that clog up the wheels of halt. M; health. Much better to act iut !me: Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills ; they strong - hen tand It a regulate the bowels,assist as' s st digestion, enrich the b 1 0,d and there- by fortify the nerves es and lay the. foundation of lasting good health. Dr. Hamilton's bring vim and vitality so )ouch sought for to -day ; they in fuse a feeling of freshness and spi1'it in those who have been ailing for.. years. Really no medicine so potent. Price 25c at all dealers. Fordwich The Record is holidaying. Mrs. John Donaghy, of Vancouver, B. C.,accompanied by Miss Florence and Master David, are here and will make an extended visit with relatives and friends in these parts. Rev. and Mrs, Dobson and fancily left to spend the next six weeks on the lake shore at Bence Beach, six miles Beeth of Kincardine. They are accompanied by Miss Leask and her niece, Miss Marjorie Leask. 1W78s Mabel Dobson, who has been attending theNorinal School, Toronto, was successful at the recent examina- tion and has been granted a profes- sional 2nd class certificate. Miss Dob- son will teach in Toronto. Following parties took in the Home-. seeker's Excursion. to the West: -P. P. and Mrs. Aylesworth ; E. and Mrs. Witmer ; Mrs. W.A. and Lena Ed- wards, and Mrs. Sol. Strome and Beulah and Kathleen, B. S. and Mrs. Cook started for Calgary via Owen Sound. Word has been received that John Tilker, je., and Lfph. Graybiel were in - jilted iila recent runaway accident, near Vancouver, B. 0. • They were e t - ga ed drawing i0,s out of tie woods with a new span of horses, owned by A. S. Strome. Not being used to one another, the horses began kicking and finally ran away. Mr. Tinker received a few bruises and Mr. Graybiel had several ribs beoken. Women Read This Parisian Sage Puts Luster Into Dull, Faded Hair Every woman reader of THE POST who desires radiant hair that every- one admires should go to Jas. Fax to- day and get a large 50 cent bottle of Parisian Sage. It is not only a delightful and re- freshing hair dressing and beautiful, but itis sold ander a rigid guarantee to banish dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp, or money back Parisian Sage is the best hair tonic known. It is the only one that will cure dandruff, cleanse the scalp and make the hair gnaw' long and beauti- ful. ••••••♦••••••••••••••••••• THE BEST RECRE- ATION IS . • • • LJ•►i1.�,, .►.AA. 0 • • • • • • • • • rT7T"""er""r"."� et • • • Now at the bri 11t •e • days are here good Pic- • w• tures areeasily obtained. t ned. e le We carry a complete e line of Rodaks and 1io- • Oak Goods. •♦ • • • • • Ask for a copy of the • • New Radek Oatalogue, •• • s • •• ? s• •1 R. cat d • 1• V r • • Jeweler and Engraver Wroxeter • •••••••************ ••••••; odak Mag>oialnl2 4 lrlm All women etre lovely nod r0tlisntly fair le lbs magazine pages to day. They 1 y aR Axys a map of lux lent !t ' lilt' In the magseine pages to Oily, ri'ne1'e'e not one 521st freckles or Mises askew, c Or teeth that protrude, as tame real girls' do There T e isn'tbl blemish a is h on1078 that e view g w L1 the magazine pages to day. ','here's not opo too podgy or not one too thin; P gY In the magazine pages to day, Nor one whose just losing h01' tor- toise Si1011 pia, In the magazine melee to -day. "Plvixt shirtwaist and belt there is Dever fi gap, Or a; fear In the silk that is 'liuing her wrap, And her gloves hover lack a pearl bulto0 or strap. In the magazine pages to dal. She dnesu't wear pink when she ought to wear blue in the )nfgazlne panes to dile. And she isn't run clown et the 11991 her shoe, In the magazine page9 to-tllly. Yon need/ rail see when silo has hate') 4 hat, I9ow much Js real 'hair and how 1111eh of it's ('at It's only in life khat we rice 11)inge Nlte that, " Not in llisgezine pages to•doy. Very destructive fres took place et Sarnia, legenville, Aylmer, Qiie„ fold: Elmsd810, ei. S, Mrs.: Frederick Bing teas Mot and killed by William h'I0or1, 11 farmer boarder in her hoh8e, at Pett•Oloa• R. L. Borden closed 1119 Western tour et Somerset, Man., and is now back to. Ottawa, fiV:7ii,� tMs"; s,'Se &:i J4stirz'r '¥+also 47) , r N'f�q •111 Il I I 1. I� . 1 Look at the Wheat! There's a deal to know about wheat. If I didn't select the wheat I couldn't guarantee the flour. Cream of the West Flour comes from Cream of the West Wheat. And it certainly does make good bread! heFiur Creamt the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread You just try it. Jf it doesn't give you right down satisfaction your grocer pays your money back. That's the guarantee with every bag. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, President 107 For Sale by John Patterson, Brusseis U , , VARIO�--; � 1 teLr NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His HOMO for Weeks. "Mary work, severe straining and evithabits in youth brought on Varicose leiaa When 1 worked Lard the oohing 9:ou111' become severe and I was often laid up for a week at a t11ne. My family physician told me an operation was my only hone -tut I dreaded it. I tried several specialists, blit soon found out all they wanted was my money. I commenced to look umn all doctors as little better than rogues. One day my boss asked me why I was mil work so much and I told Mainly condition. lleadviacd me to consult Drs, Kennedy & Xemedy,ashehad token treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tux NE14 illarno» Tazi'inENT. My proeresswas same:'hat slow and during the first month's treatment I F85 somewhat discora""l.However, Ieontdrmedtreatment for three months 1ncrerand was rewarded with a complete cure. I could only earn 912 a -week in. it machine shop before treatment, nervi Iant earning Gel and never loose a day, I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment NRY C. LOCUST. 1.0.43 SEEM DISEASED? HAS YOU BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent and most seriousdiseases. They sap the verylife blood of the victim and unless entirely eraQicated from the system will cause serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It may suppress the symptoms - our NEW METHOD mires all blood diseases. YOUNG 078 MIDDLE ACED MEN. -Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken down your system. You feeltho symptoms stealing over vett, 1Vlenta„}q rhysiea1ly anti vitally you menet the man you used to be or shouldbo, 'LS'illyou hoed the hanger signals? READEr)i•eyouavictiml $uveyoulosthopo! Are youintondingtomarryf Has R Your blood been discaccd4 Anis you any wealm0ssf our Nlnn D 59000 TREATMENT will cure you. What It has done for others it 07(1 do for •you.. Consultation From No meteor who has treated you write for an honest o0mmoa Frre of Charge. Books Fres-"Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated) on Diseases of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No names on boxes or envelopes.Everything Confidential, Question List and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR 110110 TREATMENT. Rs. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, MIA nt t a TICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- oimatansomne meat in Windsor,Ont. Ifdesire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroityou dtre as we see and treat Po patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all, letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont ,,Write for our private address. ,_,•..:m.:..$,n`Yk .ri7-104-4. •4 444.444 4.4•44.1•M3.4•t•Ir•iO3•W1•®n•i•444-1.4144P.14+414.4,+0•h4.4.4..+4. 4.. 4. 4• • • The Toronto MiIIinry rrkirs •l• •• • • ♦ • 4• • •i• 4 •I• • Misses Sanderson • • ♦ 4• • •4• • SATISFACTION ASSURE • . .1 * .1'4+•+4+• 4••4••0,a•').••Ai d•It•F-••t•.•l'•4.44.#•i•44.4i•i3'fi•••1.0'944.444 94•).4 Were opened for this season, according t0 announcement, with an elegant display of Fashion- able Millinery. Wish to thank the Ladies for their attendance, their conipli- nients and their highly esteem- ed orders, if you have not seen our display call in,