HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-7-6, Page 8areen, .................0
14..^.4lIt's1tfe.fr- be. ..es
The Potato liegs are here the same
as other years, ocoupyiagF first pie=
on the "Ground Mem, and abent
the only thing to do is to be on hand
and finish there with a dose of
A Gooa Heitinnoek will mid to the
Cut.etscloor life of Summer.
One of or Very speolal values is a
closely woven Benicia* in it pretty
conthinetion of red aud green lore
at Sr,85. The same Hammock with
valance mama at $2,50, Other lines
that are good values cost front $2 25
up to $15,00
We buy the best to be bad and guar-
antee 11 ±0 be pure and strong. You
will not be disappointed with your
work (as 10 sometimes the case after
using Paris Green) if you use ours,
It will pay to use a dependable
grade. Price 3so a Ib.
Get all the breezes that are going
with a Palm Leaf Fan. It iSn't
worth while being without one as
they are to be had for sc.
The Ivazie, Store
tug Retus items
RASPBERRIES and cherries next.
BIPIDER twine will soon have its in-
LIVERY horses were at a premium
last Saturday,
THE most popular spot is "the old
• swimnainhole,"
ORANGE Celebration at Kincardine
next Wednesday.
"Its Hot" got to be a very common
salutation for a few clays.
HURRAH ! for the Huron Old Boys.
They are to be here on Saturday.
ALFRED BARKER has bred his two
Monbars young mares to fast stock in
the Wince stables at Galt. Alf. is quite
a horse fancier.
Comeait did not meet Monday even-
ing owing to absence of Reeve Leckie
and Councillor Dames. It will convene
next Monday evening.
MosinAv afternopv.e.: next week the
regular _glee:R.1g. of the Directors of
Morris and Grey Telephone
' Co. will be held in the Board room in
the Public Library.
Banssess Base Ball team is still at the
top and putting up a great sample
on the diamond. Where are the Juniors
this season ? Now that school is over
they should get busy.
IT is said Brussels will supply tbe
bride for a former resident now in the
West, THE POST congratulates him on
his thoice. It is a fine Art. to make a
selection in this line.
A QUARTETTE of Bowlers from town
consisting of D. C, Ross, A. Strachan,
R. Downing and Thos. Ross went to
Owen Sound tournament on Tuesday to
have a band in locating the kitty.
Reims:Ls tat men -Andrew and
Jack Currie -won est and 2nd in the
race for gentlemen who lean toward an
accumulation of adipose tissue, at the
Wroxeter Celebration last Saturday.
POSTMASTFR SCOTT has had a rural
telephone installed in bis private office
at the postoffice. Tbere are now eos
phones in Brussels and a total of over
600 with those in the neighboring town-
FALL ASSIZES. -The dates of the Fall
sittings of the High Court of Justice are
announced. Justice Riddell will pre-
side at the sittings for jury cases at
Goderith on Tuesday, October 17 and
the non jury sittings will be held by
Justice Teetzel on Tuesday, November
PIC xic,-The local W. C. T. U. and
Loyal Legion will picnic in the Davidson
grove, lath con., Grey, on Friday after-
noon of this week. Conveyances will
leave the Public Library at 2 o'clock.
The lunch is to be provided by the
members of the Legion. Good time is
Hs AN AUTO. -Inspector J. M. Field,
of East Huron Inspectorate, is the latest
addition to the ranks of those who travel
by automobile. He has received a
handsome Himmobile car of twenty la,
p., which will be a great help to him in
his work of visiting the scbools of his in-
Tin BEAMS. -J. C. Smith, B. A., of
Wingham, is the presiding examiner at
Bressels, this week in connection with
theildepartmental examinations. .18 are
writing on the Junior Teachers' exam.,
one candidate on full matriculation and
16 part of the metric. Papers are con-
sidered very fair, Results will not be
known until next month.
Ease Hinters AOL. SOCIETY. -A meet-
ing of the Directors of East Huron
Agricultural Society will be held in tbe
Council Chamber, Brussels, Saturday,
July 8th, at 2 o'clock, sharp, to arrange
a number of matters pertaining to the
coming Fall Fair on October 5 and 6,
A large attendance asked for so that
the Society may share the benefit of
your opinion.
• Mary McArter leaving Myth the pupils
of her department of the public school
made her a present of an elegant Le.
moges salad howl. Following address
was read by Mary McMurchie and Sara
Milne presented the glft :-
To Miss McAereit, Blyth, Ont.,
Dent Tes.cnne.--We, your pupils of
Myth Public School, regret very much
your departure from •our school and
r village, During the three terms you
have been teaching us we have learned
to love you and to appreciate your
•ability as a teacher and your kind and
• synipathetio interest in us. Sometimes
no doubt we bave grieved you by our
fl laek of attention and our inclination to
• shirk rather titan work, but we hope
that you will carry may with you some
• pleasant memories of us and your so-
journ itt Blyth and we assure you that
we will always entertain for you the
. kindest thoughts and feelings. In ask-
ing yeti to accept this gift, please do so
with Our esteem for you, our gratitude
for your many kindnesses to its and our
best wishes for your future success and
' happinese,
• Y01.11t.liVPH.S OF ELVTIL
Wee MeArter thanked the children for
their much appreciated act and wished
them the beet of encteess in their studies
and future life,
THE J. A. Hunter Monument Co.
Brussels, have placed a &tie monumen
in Brussels cemetery for Miss E. Imlay
in memory of her father and mother,
the late G. G. and Mrs, Imlay,
DOMINION Day was as quiet as a Sun-
day in town. A large crowd from Brus-
sels went to Wroxeter; a number took in
the Palmerston races and several picnics
were the drawing card for others.
WORK is booming at Brussels Crearn-
ery. A new valt, cooler and churn
have been added to keep pace with large
increase of cream and from a ton to Pt
tons of A r butter is made each day.
AN interesting letter from the pen of
Mrs, R. F. Moore, formerly Miss Jessie
Telfer, of Grey township, descriptive of
a trip from Edmonton to Grand Prairie,
is to hand and will appear in next issue
of THE Poses
ments have been completed for a special
train on July szth to Kincardine along
the W. G. & B. Brussels Lodge will
take in tbe lakeside town on that date,
hoping to get there by it a. m. It is ex-
pected that 300 or more will take ad-
vantage of this excursion.
PLENTY of Asters et the Brussels Green-
house, Miss Reinr.
ACTLAL Loose Leaf Ledger for students
practice at Lietowel Businese College. Fall
Term from Sept. 5th.
YOUNG cow for sale. Will come in in a few
days. Apply to Wm. OAKLEY, Lot 1, Oon. 12,
Grey, Brussels P. 0. 51-tf
Do 1100 intend taking a Business College
Course. Let us get acquainted. Edwin G.
Matthews, Listowel, Ont.
Tim best time to enter Listowel BuSines9
College is on Sept. fith, the opening day. A
good start is half the battle.
KITCHEN girl wanted.. Apply to Mrs. James
at the American Hotel.
FARMERS SONS : 'We have a apecial Farm
Amounting course for you 55 Listowel Busi-
ness College. Fall Term Sept. 511a.
Fon &UM OR 80 Reter.-House mid lot on
Turnberry street, Brussels, belonging to Thos.
Nicholls. The 50 acre farm being Vi54' Lot 2,
Oon. 12, Grey. is also offered for sale, ror fur-
ther particulars apply to A. F. Stewart, Brus-
els South.
Early Thursday morning when the rain
started Rev. A. C. Wisbart rose from
his bed upstairs to close the parlor
windows. While attending to that duty
there was a crash and on investigation
the ceiling of bis bedroom sbowed a
hole where a bolt of lightning had made
its way. The house was filled with
sulphurous spoke and the telephone
wires and attachments destroyed. Rev.
Mr. Wishart had a violent headache and
experienced quite a nervous shock but
was thankful he was still in the flesh.
Slate from the roof and a splintered
pinnacle gave evidence on morning's
dawn that the electrical current had cut
close but fortunately without doing
much datnage.
FOOT BALL.- Monday evening tbe
Foot Ball contest between the English
eleven and a local team eventuated on
Victoria Park and afforded considerable
pleasure to the onlookers. Capt. Cook
could not muster a bit quota of John
Bulls owing to the pressure of work so
filled in with kickers who never saw
Merrie England. A goal each was
scored with many a close call for in-
creases. Jas Ballantpne presided as
referee. Mr. Matthews. of Sunderland,
Eog., had the honor of kicking the win-
ning goal for England. The line was as
follows :-
Scott 139n7kis English
Ewan Blake
1..,. ei'ro3;
Shurrie 4 backs Cardiff
Emlgh Franklin
Armstrong or..07.13
Denbo :
For wards
Listowel Standard says of Coronation
Day sport. -"In the evening a baseball
match was played between Brussels and
Listowel and was easily won by Brussels.
'Phe game in the morning and the
sports in the afternoon seemed to take
the life out ot the honte team. This and
lack of practice made them easy prey
for Brussels. Listowel made error after
error until Brussels had secured a lead
that it was impossible to overcome.
Only a few innings were played as
Brussels had to stop to catch the train,
Before Listowel again plays against a
team of Brussels class they want to do
some bard practicing and not go on the
diamond without a single practice."
The Standard omitted the score which
was It to 2 111 4 innings.
Blyth Standard remarks :--Blyth Base
Ball team journeyed to Brussels on
Tuesday afternoon of this week to play
the feet nine of that place a genie of
Base Ball. They thought when they
beat Wingham last week, they could
continue in the good work but when
they ran against Brussels they had a
different proposition and the home team
was victorious hy n score of 17 to 8.
But our boys do tiot need te be dis-
°mimed as they play a very good article
of ball considering they practice very
little. If they would have some genies
at home they would be in better shape
mid there is no 'reason they should not
heat Brussels.
business Chance
is often missed when it might have been
easily embraced by
Systematic Saving
Begin now to prepare for' the day of op-
portunity by depositing your savings in
McCaLc-- GRAHAM.- The Calgary
Standard of July ist says of a former
Brusselite t- On Wednesday at high
• noon Knox church was the scene of a
quite but very pretty wedding, when
kev. 7. A. Clark officiated at the mairi-
age of Miss Mabel Graham, of South
Mountain, Ont.'end David McCall, of
the fleintzman Piano Co., of Calgary.
The bride's gown was of marquisette
mounted on ivory satin richly trimmed
with seed pearls and silk applique. She
wore a hat of black lace over white with
large willow plume. Her lovely baguet
was composed entirely of bridal roses,
The bridesmaid, Miss Gli1re, of Calgary,
wore a very pretty gown of tan marqui.
Bette over satin of the same shade with
pretty lace trimmings. Her, hat was of
bine lace daintily trimmed With blue rib-
bons and pink rosebuds. Site carried
pink roses. Rev. Mr. Wilkie support.
ed the groom. After the ceremony
dainty wedding luncheon was served at
Cronn's Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. McCall are
spending their honeymoon 111 Eastern
cities. Upon their return to the city
they will reside on Mount Royal,
People We Talk About
Mrs. R. Paul visited relatives i
W. J. Murray, of Exeter, was a hoe
day visitor in town.
Mrs. Skelton and Miss May were holi
day visitors at Elora,
Miss Vera Wilbee, of Stratford, wa
home for a few dries.
Miss Lin, Colvin, of Tavistock, i
home for her vacation.
Miss Maggie Scott, of London, is en
Toying a holiday for a few weeks.
Rus. Brown dodged the heat of Tor-
onto by spending Sunday in town,
Miss Olga McKay, of Chesley, is
holidaying with Brussels relatives.
Mrs. D. Ewan and her sister, Mrs.
Travis, visited relatives at Dundalk.
Cline Scott, ledger keeper at the
Standard Bank, is having his holidays.
Thos. Ross and daughter Edith, of
Chesley. were here for a few holidays.
Harry Goodwin, of Wingharn, was
visiting bis sister, Mrs. Kyle, over Sun-
Mrs. Geo, A, Best and son Gordon
were visitors with relatives at Tees -
Mrs. Juo. Ritchie is relieving 0115 0±
the deputies in Winghatn postoffice for
a few weeks.
Miss Carrie McCracken is betelc to
town from Chatsworth, where she has
been teaching.
Mrs. Robt. G. Dark has been visiting
friends at Clifford and Wiartou during
the past week,
Miss Winnie McGuire is home for her
vacation from Merlin, where she held a
millinery position.
Alex. Anderson and his brother, Dr.
Jim, of Tavistock, are holidaying with
relatives at Chesley.
Mrs. Will. James and daughter were
visitors with the fortner's parents in
Toronto tor a few days.
Misses Winnie Long and Alice Wilton
were holidaying with relatives at At.
wood during the past week.
Miss Annie McQuarrie, who was fill-
ing a post as milliner at Colborne, is
back to town for her holidays.
F. H. Gilroy spent the holiday at
Mount Forest, where Mrs. Gilroy and
Mrs. Barrington are also visiting.
Miss Margaret Stewart is home from
an enjoyable visit with relatives and
friends at Parkhill and Stratford.
Miss 1 essie Phillips, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
is a visitor with Mrs. John Lott. She
viettasa. resident of Brussels for several
Mrs. FI, H. Matheson and daughters,
Misses May and Myrtle, of Toledo, are
visiting at the former's sister, Mrs A.
Misses Priscilla Manning and Lora
Mueller, of Paris, spent a few days at
the former's home, Turnberry street,
blaster George Edwards is away to
Stratford for a holiday with relatives.
He headed his class in the closing Slim-
mer exams.
Mrs. Torrance, of Deloraine, Man ,
and her daugbter, Mrs. Orr, of Van-
couver, are visitors et D. Ross. The
former is a stster.in•law to Mr, Ross.
W. and Mrs. Goodwin and Mies
Viola, of Chesley. were visitors at
Station Agent Kyle's, Mill street, over
the holiday. Mrs, Kyle is a daughter
of the former,
J, S. and Mrs. Humphries and daugh-
ter, of Toronto, were visitors with
Councillor and Mrs. Jones. Mrs.
Humphries is Mrs. Jones' sister and a
former Brusselite.
Friends of Miss MeIntosb, missionary,
will be pleased to know that she passed
safely through a medical operation at
Clifton Springs, N. Y., and will semi
be convalescent we bope.
W. F. Robinson and daughter,
Marjorie, of Newbury, and Mrs. Wm.
Mundell, of Toronto, were visitors at
W, H, Pryne's. The former is a son.in.
law and tbe latter a sister to Mrs. Pryte,
Miss Kathleen Manning, who has
been in London for the past four
months, is home. She will accompany
her mother next Tuesday on a trip to
Medicine Hat and other points in the
Norman Forbes left this week for
Winnipeg where les expects to make
his home, He leaves many old friends
in and about Brussels who will be glad
to hear of his success, Melville church
choir loses one of its bassos iby Mr,
Forbes' removal
July 12th
following are fares for Round Trip
ATWOOD $ 1 05
HENFRYlal 1 55
ETHEL 1 45
See Sills for time of trains leaving or
consult 0. T. R, Agents.
R. and Mrs. Francis ancl daughter
Spent the holiday with relatives at
o Woodstock.
- Harold Willis, of Wingham, was a
- visitor with his graudpareuts. B. and
Mrs. Gerry.
Mrs. N. F. Gerry and Harold are
visiting the former's daughter, Mrs,
s Merklinger, at Bay City, Mir!).
Mrs. Stacey and two children, of St.
e Marys, spent the holiday with Fletcher
and Mrs. Sperling, The ladies ere
- sisters
Misses Elsie Wilton, of Elmira, Mary
McArter, of Blyth, and jean Armstrong,
of Listowel, are home for their vacation
as teachers.
Avon McKelvey, of Stouffirille is
holidaying with relatives aurl old
friends here. He is in the Standard
Wm, G. Glassier, who is on the draft-
ing staff of the Westinghouse Co. in
Hamil ton, was home here for a few
days. He is well pleased with his work.
Mrs. Faulkner and children, Willie
and Jean, of -Chicago, are here on a
vacation at the home of Mrs. Jas. Wil-
son, the former's mother.
Miss V. Davidson, teacher of Brussels
Continuation school staff, has gone to
her home at Wingbam. Her people
purpose moving to Toronto, we under-
Miss Perls Sharpe is off for a vacation
with relatives at London, Ingersoll and
other points. A Brusselite is said to be
mournfully eine' g in an undertone :-
"Absence. makes the heart grow fonder
Miss (Jaye Mooney, who has beet'
milliner at Blyth, where she spent an
enjoyable term, is visiting in town for
a short time. She expects to go West
next Tuesday to visit under the
parental roof at Elva for a few months.
Leon F. Jackson, of Ottawa, who is
Quartermaster Sergeant in the Corona-
tion Artillery contingent, was also ap-
pointed Paymaster. His letters to his
brother, H, L., ot Brussels, speak of
the never -to be -forgotten time in Old
London. The boys are on their way
home this week.
Mrs. Robert Brown, of Cranbrook,
was visiting MIs. T. Ritchie and other
old friends during the past week. The
visitor is a smart, brigbt woman whose
age would rarely ,be geessed as 78. She
is the mother of 52 children and has'
been a resident of Grey for many a long
Church Chimes
'Phe services 10 Melville church next
Sunday will be in charge of Rev. Mr.
McLeod, of Belwood. Rev. Mr. Wis-
hart will preach nnniversary sermons at
Belwood that day,
The enc Society Representatives elect•
ed to the Official Board of Brussels
Methodist church for this year are :--
W. H. Pryne, Jas. Cardiff, R. J.
Hoover, Wm. Rands, S. Carter and L.
Wheeler. George Sperling is the
Cranbrook representative.
' Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr,
Humphries, a probationer in the minis-
try, preached in the Methodist church.
He is a fluent, pleasing speaker and will
supply the pulpit of Rev. Mr. Howson.
at Verillaceburg, during the next month.
Mr. Humphries will attend College next
Come to Goderich
The Prottioirt and Healthiest Town In
A. Short Precession,
Attractive Special Prizes.
Are You Married ?
Good Speakere.
Special Trains and Rates,
Eg61" 1673 OF CANADA 80 Bmches
is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is
sufficient to open an account and entitle the Depositor to
a pass Book. The highest mama rote of Interest is
allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time
without delay.
Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. as
3. F. Rowland, Massager
Socraa -Thursday evening of this
Week, Jtily 6th, the Sewing Circle of
-.Melville church will hold et social on the
manse lawn. Admission 150.
Rev. Dr. Oaten discoursed Sunday
evening on 'The Modern man in So•
clety" and marked out a large dela of
operation. Next Sabbath the evening
subject will be "The modern man and
his Bible."
ORANGE SERMON. - Next Sunday
niorning the members of Brussels
Orange Lodge will attend St. John's
church at•is o'clock where the annual
sermon will be preached, Members are
asked to assemble at the Lodge room at
ro 3o to march to the church.
Miss Ethel Cameron, a daughter of
R, D. Cameron, of Lucknow, and niece
to J. H. Cameron, formerly of Brus-
sels, has been appointed to the Mission
field in India anol will leave before long
to enter upoo,her work. Miss Cameron
will have the best wishes of uunterons
old friends here for abundant success in
her labors.
Letter from Mrs, Geo, Thomson,
A Trip to Vancouver.
DEAR MR. XERR.-You asked me
for a few notes but there have been
so many travelling over the earn
road and writing back to THE POST
that I cant tell you anything new. I
will however give you 15 very brief
outline of the trip. We left Toronto
Saturday nighb at 10 in a fierce
thunder storm, getting into Sudbury
next morning, travelling all day in
what is well named the Highlands of
Scotland, the only want being the
heather. We passed Fort William in
the nuicicUe of the night. From there
to Winnipeg there are some pretty
parts, especially at the Lake of the
We got to' Winnipeg at 2 o'clock.
Will. Leatherde,le had just read in
Tan POST that we were going West
and thinking we might be on that
train hurried down and he kiudly
asked ua up to his home but as we had
only 60 minutes to stay we did not
leave the depot, promising to ste,y a
day on our return. Dr. Ross, son of
D. 0. Ross, and Dr. Moore, of .Listo-
wel, who were on the train with ns, -
stopped off for a, day or so.
Portage la Prairie seems a very
nice town with its Manitoba maples.
After passing Brandon the country be-
gins to look a little bare.
We arrived at Swift Current at 6.16
the next morning, Jim Dodds meeting
us at the station. Spent the day
with his father and mother out in the
country. After dinner he gave us a
drive across the prairie for 0 miles.
Crops were looking splendid. Drove
into the town at night. Next day Mr.
Jim sent an auto for ns to go out 20
miles in the opposite direction and it
seemed funny flying over fields in an
auto but the trail was good, not a
stone on them and just an occasional
bump over some little .hole on the
road. The town seemed very busy,
wagon loads of one thing or another
leaving for the country aud building
going on in all directions. Left at
4.30 for Nelson. A. very bare weary
all the way till we got into Medicine
Hat at 10 o'clock. It was dark and
could not see the town. Ohanged
ears for the Crow's Nest getting in
nextiday to Wank. Oranbrook abnoon
where there -was 10 minutes of a stop
permitting One getting out to bave it
walk on the platform. Were were
some Indians and Hindoos amongst
the crowd, the Indiaes and squaws
with long black hair plaited and hang-
ing down their back. •
After leaving Oranbrook the scenery
wan beautiful, the train winding
round hills and lakes. The day was,,
fine and the reflection of those 11101.11.1 -
.tains in the water was lovely. Ar-
rived at Koothey Landing at lrevehen
we transferred to the boat titelt was
beautiful just like sailing don a very
waiting and the sail of 52pl es was
wide river with mountainton each
aide. Reached Nelson at 7 where we
met our Mends. It is a retty town
built on the face of a 1i1l. Season is
about 10 days later the usual, Straw-
berries are just be in ug to come in.
Had a drive arounc t wn but there is
not much pleasure i driving as it is
either up or down dB. ali bhe time.
Everyone who can afford a boat has
one and on SundiW every one that is
for hire is out. treet cars are to be-
gin running on yhe 22nd. There is a
Presbyterian church and a Methodist.
We went to the former where there
were about 100 people present out of a
population of over 7,000. .
At each side of the lake for 3 or4
miles there are Pettit farms at the fools
of the monntain. They seern to grew
More cherries, pears and apples than
anything else. Left Nelson at 7 p, tn.
by train and got into Robson at 9
where the boat was Waitiug to take us
down the Arrow Lake, There were
Emit faring for a long way down,
Lekes are about, 200 miles long and
and we of into Areow Bead next
lay at 2 p. im Scenery down was
very floe and beautiful boats 220 feet
ongs I used Lo like to hear the horn
blow ancl hear the echo in the rnouns
ales, They stopped at several places
n the way. Owing to a flee Our train
neetime at Revelstoke. I was very
much pleased for we meld see the
country eo much better. I would
have been sorry to miss the beautiful
scenery along the Thomson and
Fraser rivere. Passed eeveral Indian
villages with their Cateolie church.
limn% of the Indians WOVO clown at
the river doing thine washing and
putting them on the fence to dry.
The wild roses and fuechias werem
part of the Cariboo bridge still
stands where so many people
went in search of geld and so many
never returned. 'We met very nice
people on the train, which made the
time pees very pleasantly. Arrived
in Vancouver at 10.30 p. tn. last night
and are going down street to -day to
see the pecteession. The Japanese are
going to celebrate the Coronation by
sending. off a fine display of fireworks
to -night. You're, ,Scc„
Mns. Gno. THOMSON.
Vancouver, Tune 22nd, 1010.
YOU May So 8ick To -night
Without a moment's warning pain
springs upon ue. At the ontae±ftis
instantly cured by Nerviliue. Sur-
prising what fifteen drops of this
marvelous medicine will do. lt's ex-
ternal action is no less certain than
it's wonderful effect when talceu in-
ternally. Of course Nerviline is
e powerful or it couldn't be so penetrats
ing. But not irritating or caustic.
There are no other pain remedies, but
when. rota use .Nerviline you see the
difference. That difference is this,
-others relieve, but Nerviline does
cure sprains, strafes, swellings, eae-
ache, toothache, neuralgia, lumbago,
in fact all muscular pains. Large bot-
tles 25c at all dealers.
See bIlle arid circidaes foe full particus
A Great 13ig Day at a Sinall Price,
JOS. MeHEYIN. al.T0D12. 0
anc m see the con,
Emon,-InMoosejaw, Sask., on June 285li, to
Air. and Mrs. Robt. Belot, a daughter.
Gmaar.-At Mount Forest, on July Otil, to
s ssess5iiti,-;56,ftsWRAS
Guaranteed 2
There is none better
than the Green we
oSfer, 'Yon take no
elialieee. 'We will
cheerfully r of und
purchase price whines
our Paris Green fails
to give satiefacition.
35c. per lb. 0
Drrug Store
00• 000000041500000C4200610001110
Tang/MAY, JIII,Y8T1L-80 mires of hay. NX
Lot 20, Con, 5, Morris, Sale at 2 p, in, F. M
Ortieken, Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Ane.
Wheat *0 76 0 76
Oats 88 84
Peas 78 75
Barley 55 . 55
Butter 10 17
Rags 14 111
Potatoes PO 40
Ray 800 0 00
Re 000 0 00
Cattle 4 50 8 75
Wool 18 18
Voters' List 1. 1911
Municipality of rho - T- ownship of Croy,
County of, Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have transmit,
ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in
sections 8 and 1/ of the Ontario Voter& Lista
Act, the eoptea required by said lieCtif)11A to be
so transmitted or delivered of the list made,
pursuant to said A et, of all persona appearing
by the hist revised A HileSSIII ell t Roll of the said.
LIVisittiP4vieltAlsasie' ?ATP `21,1110e Itehee.
1 if o ; and that the said ilst wain first posted
up briny office at Ethel, on the 4811 day of
July, 1011, and remains there for inspection.
Elootorn ;ire called upon to examine the said
list, and, if any omisisions or any other errors
ings to have the said errors correeted accord-
Ifinrge fto.uinndw.therein to take immediate tiroceed-
Dated this Oth day of July, 1011.
Clerk of Grey,
Mr. andlirs. F. Gilroy, bf the Metro-
' politani3ank, Brussels, a son.
Pnstra.-In Brussels, on July 8rd, to Mr, and
Mrs. Roy A. Pryne, a daughter.
Kerciee-Proxenn.-At the home of the bride,
on :lune 2.2nd, by Rev. Mr. Irwin, assisted
by Rev. Mahlon Pickard, Grandfather of
the bride, Rev. John F. Knight, M. A., B.
D., of Dawn Mills, to Miss Grace, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pickard, of Kent
Bridge. •
bloimus-Ailmsmiona.-At ..The Maples," the
home of the bride's parents, on June 28th,
by Rev..A. 0. Wishurt, B. A.,. Mr. Wm. R.
McInnis to Miss Florence Isabel, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mre. Wm. Armstrong,
all of Grey township.
PRANGLEY l011041.8. -In the Methodist
church, Dawn Mills on June 21st, by Rev.
J. F. Knight, B. D., brother. of the bride,
Mr. Byron Prangley, of Walkerville, to
Mise Eliza Marie, daughter of lar, John
Knight, of Oranbrook.
BENNETT.-In Grey township, on June 28111,
Robert Bennett, in hie 75th year.
COMMANE.-In Morris townehip, en July 8rd,
Wm. Coolunne, aged 71 years.
The People's Column
C°12;21f?;11.3e.„HZY,I1 .141,1tW'. 13=e1e.
Good locality and premises in first.class repair.
immediate possession if desired. For further
particulars apply on the premises to
.1IDROPERTY TOR ;SALE. -The undersigned
1- offers for sale lg acres in park lots on
Fishleigh street, Brusseht. There 15 an acre in
one plot. 210 15 known a,s the Driver property.
For further particulars as to price, tering, ,te„
apply to MRS. I. W. POLLARD, Ethel. 18-55
Stock for Service
Vion.-Theundereigned will Iraqi for ser -
vise on.Lot 4, 00,1. 8, Grey, a there -bred. Jer-
sey bull. Terms, 51.00 to be paid at time of
service with privilege of returning if neces-
sary, TROS, LOTT,
. Proprietor.
Tlie animal is for sale. 51.4
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of George
Clark, late of the Township of Grey,
in the County of Huron, farmer,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The
Revised Statutes of Ontario," 1807, chap-
ter, HO, that all oreditors and others hav-
ing olninis egninat the estate of the said
George Clark, who died on or about the 22nd
day of June, .4.. D., 1011, are required on or
before the Fifteenth day of July, A. D.
3011, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to
Agnes (nark, the widow of the deceased, at
Walton P. 0,, their Christian and surnames,
addresses and descriptions, the statement of
their accounts and the nature of the security
(if any) liehtby them,
And further take notice that after ouch
lost mentioned date the Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the deoeased
amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which they shall
then have notice and that the said Executors
will not be liable for the said assets, or any
part thereof,to crnyperson or persons of whose
claim vette° shall not have been received by
them at bite time Ulbrich distribution.
Dated this 28th clay of June. 1011. '
• Solicitor for ItoberW5DMUiSmiaNnasorA; ainRd. Samuel
Wilton, the Exeantors of the estate. ,
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Post-
master General, will be received at Ottawa
until 110011, 011 Friday, the 11 th August, 1011,
fin the conveyance of Ais Majesty's Mails, on
n proposed contrast for four years, 12 times
pss week eaelt way, between Binevale Pest
Whoa and Grand Trunk Railway Station, from
the 1st October next.
,Printed notices containing furt14or Informa-
tion as to conditions of proposed contract May
be seen and blank forms of tender ma vibe ob-
tained at the Post Office of Bluevale and ab the
Office of the Post Office inapeotor at London.
Poet Officio Department,
Mail Service Branch, '(0,0. A NinenSon,
Ottawa, nth June, 1011Superintendent.
for your your horse will make
him comfortable, We
have them at close prices.
Also Dusters,
Stable Sheets,
Rugs, &c.
See our Single Harness
A niee assortment and the priee will pieties. sem,
Shoe Depart, nt
10 stocked with comfortable and durable Shove for the &miner, and
our [Lint is Always to give best valise 10 be obtained,
Shoes Of all sizes and styles,
I IS •