HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-7-6, Page 6MeeletlageeeelleclaWeeeeneleleaSees
Young Folks
I think you would have nailed him
worm, but he wits what soicetille
people calla larva, He wee a groat
green creature seven inches long
end as large round as my thumb,
ieAlong hie book were two rows of
ng brawn spikes, and hie face was
11 puckered up into curious wrink-
les, making him look quite savage.
We found him one hot day, last
August, stretched but on a twig of
e, butternut -tree, his chubby little
lege clasped closely about it. We
straightway thri-stened him Johnny
Funny u i , an
d' book
him hem
d fe
with us. We made him a home in
a ghee -box, with good soil from the
woods for a carpet. Each morning
we gave him a breakfast of fresh
butternut leaves, -which he enjoyed.
After a few daye, however,
Johnny stopped eating, and began
to show the meet ourioul changes.
He grew shorter and shorter, until
be measured lees than three inches, using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.! done pretending to take no notice
and his glossy green coat grew pale After the birth of my first child L1of the curious, hard shelled boast.
and dull. him 1 i suffered intensely from ailments I It was an armadillo, that curious
Ono morning we found y that too often afflict my sex. T1Qf creature which, like the tortoise,.
on his bash, his legs up in the air was complicated by an attackcarries its house upon its book. The
and his coat split from head to tall• bleeding piles, and the agony of hinged bands in its shell enabled it
We watched hid,. Soon he began to the days and nights I endured as to fold head, feet and tail enabled
ariggle,—this way and"that,-until almost past comprehension. I tried
at last he had east off the old coat, P ly away, and to assume almost the
and there appeared a bright new many eein mys, but theyn dfrd not
shape of a sphere. Its tough, eias-
help me in my trouble, and from a -tic shell was proof against even the
Johnny—the same and yet a differ healthy young woman weighing 140 blows of the big cat.
eat creature. Instead of the old pounds I fell away in weight to 1 The attention was next
worm -like legs, there were slender pounds. l grew so weak I could attracted by jaguar's abs from the jungle
new ones, all folded up on his sides; hardly walk serosa the floor, and of cracking brush, squealing and.
and most marvelous of all, there there were times I hardly knew i Leaping lightly upon a
Thee wings fended up there,
tee.. what 1 was doing, se great was my grunting.
agony. I went to Brandon and fallen tree trunk, he crouched, per -
The new green coat grew darker haps ten feet from the ground, and
and thicker as we watched, until consulted a doctor who said that watched a band of peccaries, little
finally Johnny was a dark -brown,
nothing would helpme but an on
g black pigs of the jungle, which were
lifeless look,, a hreature—a Pupa, eration for both my troubles, and nosing along, the
up occasional
w d call him. Just so he hoe that I would have to remain in tee i, nuts as they came.
_.---" ' -- am all winter, never eating, never hospital for at least eight weeks. I For several minutes stood
even moving. ! Being a farmer's wife I felt that rigid, making nominutes they and od
One of these warm spring days this was impossible, and while fn , spottedigid,cat needed sgelound,
d, -ct the
Johnny's little spirit will awaken; Brandon I met a friend who strong trot -to keep his whereabouts un -
then he will come out from that ly urged me to try Dr. Williams known. Then, one by one, un -
brown coat, and spreading those Pink Pills, telling me that they had pigs turned and nparted to steal
broad wings, appear before the cured her trouble similar to mine, p. g
silently back through the jungle.
world, not as Johnny Funneauffer, after an operation had proved of As the last one turned, the ja
but as abeautiful royal moth—ging no henefit. She had such stroag guar sprang. With one savage
John,—Youth's Companion. faith in them that she gave me the blow he stunnedng.the peccary, and
fi first box, and I began using them. seizing his prey, sprang back up -
GROWTH OF IIAN1fOW. It was not long before I found on the sloping trunk, and climbed
_f the Unusual Products That much relief. I continued to. use theills all the rest of that summer, quickly up for twenty or thirty feet,
Some o t P to a great !not, the top
Aohing Backs, Tired Limbs and
Splitting Headaches Need
Not be Endured
Hew the Great Cat Combined
Amusement 1'U 4 . Beelines,.
the climax on board tbo transport
on the way back to England.
"I dimly reinembcr people gath-
ered about my cot,," he says, "and
one good comrade asking in my ea
MONEY W,B U S OPT 01300 .1r*
rWastage Through Clroulatien on
British Gold and Silver Coins.
It is the duty of each loyal sub-
Oharles Livint;sbon Bull had the fur my last wishes. I remember, set not merely to refuse gold coin
geed fortune to see a young jaguar too, suddenly declaring that I died Met 4. is ander a certain e goltt, but
at play in a jaa ngle ane. Hi tells,
of tiro Jungles' how the great cat can reeolleot that after the usual y'"Every person," the act reads,
combined amusement with besir final settlings of faoe mid limbs thad
"shall by himself or others, out,
break or def ace such coin tendered
nkglaTnder' the Roof' blank,h but not lialtogether , for I a° break it, says S'earsan'5 'Week -
,been made—the eyes ta,vc4 , "^^".."'•_ bio
H climbed a slight rise of ground sheet drawn over the laid ontcfigurre bo him in payment and the poison
to a sandy, forest -wavered ridge- —there was a curious jndict n t d a tendering the same shalt bear the
Just before he mune to the top of in my brain that it lead not as pec- loss"
this low ridge he saw a eurioua area- ple supposed ; that I was still con- ut in spite of this act it is tacky
In silent patience nearly every sure making off among the big gamousBut, and even that I was being business interfering with risks
woman.eaduzes suffering teat sesta roots. serried by invisible hands, or being which you may suspect to be under
a shadow over half her existence. In two bounds he overtook it, floated on tolpards a great cloud- weight or spurious. Some months
h' 1 't g
An aching book, tired limbs; attacks but as he struck. it with bib paw, veil, the passing through
w a i Ie ago a Grimsby woman offered a half
of faintness, ,and headaches and ib curled up into a ba11 and rolled seemed was to be the fin P es sovereign in payment of goods to
backaches, need not be part of a away for a shorb distance, until it out of life, There was no sense a er local shopkeeper. The latter put
woman's life. Such trials indicate trough, up against a big, flat root. tion of bodily pain. How long. I
requires the jaguar at it tensa- lay in this condition I don't know, the coin in a testing machine, and
plainly that at system d The leek sniffedas it broke in two, refused to take
new blood that is supplied through tively pawed it; and. watched it but I remember men coming a wind ft.
a of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. with keen interest as it rolled this about the cot, lifting the sheet,. coin however, was pre- the usher,
the use to each
These Pella are valued by suffering way and that Soon he wasp y- touching me andit htinThese men nounoed in, experts to be perfect- been admitted by .
I 'with other. Then I thought
Or411004 rola
Viral , A/ AI'1'L*W Sc*1sNcEE..
A u►rtrs .t IF
Alatlnwd 4o Y}uean'p Uniroraft►,
111ts1il, iii.
For Calendar of the School and further Information,
apply to the Secretary. Scheel off Mining ICingsten,Onb,
Mining and Metallurgy,
Chemllby and M1nora10SY.
Mineralogy and Geology
chemical Engineering;
MechaniVii a l Engineering,
Eleolricel Engineering,:
Sanitary Engineering.
Power Development. • U
The Heart 0T Plane is the
Action,�f I�nfs}�i{ist onm';N�'hv¢e•
Pisano Awtinn
"In time of trial," said the
preacher, "what brings us the
greatest comfort?'
"Ali acquittal!" reapouded a
low -brow, who should never. have
as a nr
the sea ; and as in 'these hot lati- taken into a court oflaw the s -
refund ten
shillings to the customer.
Money, both gold and silver,
wears out at a startling rate. It
reckoned that there is usually a
hundred million pounds in gold
coin in England, a very large pro-
portion of which is looked in the
strong rooms of banks. Yet of that
which is in active circulation the
wastage is so great that during
every twelve months seventy thou-
sand pounds worth of gold and sil-
ver are rubbed off into fine dust.
women who have used them above sag with it kine plays
wi o er ou ho For Frost Bites and Chilblains.—
' other medicines, because they a ball, knocking it away and spring- aro about to prepare my body for ly genuine,and who the ase was Chilblains come from
the rich, rod blood that makes ing after it, or clutching it with keeper was ordered to
undue ex-
posure to slush and cold and frost-
bite from the icy winds of winter.
In the treatment of either there is
no better preparation than Dr.
Thomas' Eolettic Oil, as It noun -
farads the inflammation and re-
lieves the pain. The action of the
oil is instantaneous and its appli-
cation is extremely simple.
"Paw wants a bottle o' liniment
and maw wants a bottle o' china ce-
ment right away." What'sWhat's
"All right, sonny.
"Maw hit paw with the sugar
women well, bright and at their ;his paws and rolling over on his
best, Mrs. Fred Collard, Poplar back in ecstasy. Then, after a lit -
Point, Man., says: "1 oan give you; tie he left it, and walking to one
but a very small estimate of the side, sat down and washed his face
suffering I endured before I began.. andpaws just as a cat might have
tudes the time between death and
burial in .the ocean'was a very
short one, I felt the extreme hor-
ror of the. situation, and longed to
be able to make some sign or move-
ment by which they might know
that I was not really dead, Next
I heard one of the men who was
moving my limbs suddenly say to
his comrade. `I don't think he's
dead.' It was Bill or Tom, or'Jack,
but I have forgotten whick name it
was. The other man replied,
'Dead? you something or other,
whv. I saw him die at 8 o'clock this
morning.' Thea there was some
more arm lifting or moving, and
the man who had first spoken' went
on, `Well, I don't think he's dead;
anyway, I'll go . for the doctor.'
Then more people came about the
swinging cot; something was done,
and I awoke or became actively con-
scious again."
of which
and the result was they restored was fairly level. There he laid
Fill Its Storehouses. me to perfect health. I told the
An astonishing impression of the doctor what Dr. Williams' Pink down his burden and proceeded to
make a generous meal.
variety and peculiarity of the na- Pills had done for me, and his re-'
tural riches of China is given by ply was that he considered what
the storehouses and factories of the they had done for me little less HAD TIHEIR DOUBLES.
Hankow export firms. Whereas than a miracle. I have since re Instances Among Celebrities—Dick-
the export of tea, the monopoly of commended the Pills to many
a few large Russian houses, has for others who have suffered from Wo- ens and Tennyson.
some years remained almost std- man's troubles, and they always I Many celebrities have had their
e produced beneficial results. I hope
the value of the export that this statement will be of hens- doubles. Grant Dull records that
"Prof tiehrader so ludi-
fit to some other suffering per-; crously he duke Huxley that 1 went up
son-" land shook hands with him at Lady
These Pills are bold by all medi-
cine Alford's." There was a strong
mdealers or may be had by h sical resemblance between Ten -
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes Physical
on and Leslie Stephen, in spite
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' y
"Why are you wandering about
the country instead of looking after
your wife and children at home?"
inquired the lady of the tattered
As a vermifuge there is nothing
so potent as Mother Graves'. Worm
Exterminator, and it can be given
to the most delicate child without
fear or injury' to the constitution.
Oritie—"I tell you what it' is, Mr.
McDaub, those ostriches are simply
superb. You shouldn't' paint any-
thing but birds."Artist (disgusted)
-"Those are not ostriches. They
are angels!"
Inflammatory Rheumatism may
make you a cripple for life. Don't
wait for inflammation to set in.
tramp. to When the first slight pains appear,
"Well, ma'am, it's like this,"fex• drive the poison out with Hamlins
plained the tramp. "My wife has Wizard Oil.
a very fine servant. A perfect tree -
sure." Father-` `And did that young man
"I don't believe there ever was have the nerve to think that he was
such a girl e' in a position to propose to my
"Tharp only is one, ma'am, and daughter?" Daughter—"Oh, . he
—__ —sr-,- _ 1 was, papal He was on his
oil seeds from Hankow, to take one
example of a comparatively unim-
portant article, rose from 3.8 mil-
lion taels in 1907 to 10.5 in 1909.
Boats bring wood tar from the
Upper Yangtze in big round bas-
kets lined with paper to be refined
and remelted in the factories; they
bring astonishing masses of the
greasy pro -duet of the tallow tree
used in European technical indus-
tries, also cotton and beans, gall -
nuts, pigs' bristles; also skins,
which are sun dried in the yards
of the storehouses and packed by
means of hydraulic presses for sea
Millions of ducks' eggs are, dur-
ing the few weeke of the season,
manufactured by the hand labor of
coolie women and children into mas-
sea of pure dried yolk and albu-
men, smelling like biscuits. The al-
bumen is used in the photographic
industry, the yolk in the European
sweet stuff manufacture. On the
same bank of the Yangtze are the
new cold storage houses and the
great tobacco factories of foreign
firma, and near by are ore refiner -
iso, in which antimony, lead and
zinc are prepared for export.
In this rapidly increasing export
trade of China, says the Journal of
the American Asiatic Association,
rho Germans are taking a great
share. Both in Hankow and Shang-
hai nearly 75 per cent. of the export
is handled by German firms, which
look upon Hankow as the most im-
poitant of their branches which are
spread like a net over China. The
capacity of the German merchant,
thanks to his knowledge of the
world market and his zeal to dis-
cover new resources, by which even
unlikely articles of export gradual-
ly present a lucrative side, has giv-
en him a leading position in the
Chinese export trade which the
More conservative and less experi-
mentative English and the Ameri-
cans, thinking far more exclusively
about "big" things, are not likely homes are made dark and sorrow -
to win except be following, similar ful because a precious little 7ifehas
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
of a disparity in years, and betwedn
Jules Ferry and Whiteley, the Uni-
versal Provider, says the London
Tommy had commenced again. unr•
"Dad," he asked "does it oust Edmund Yates was so like the
much to keep a lion?" Shah of Persia that his photo -
"It does, my son." graphs were sold in Brussels as the
"A wolf would make a good meal Shah's when Nasr-ed-Din visited
for a lion, wouldn't it, dad?" that city. Sir Laurence Alma -Tad-
,, Y s n oma used to have a double in
1 1 di wolf, wouldn't it, dad?" they resemble each other that digestive organs, from w
"I suppose so. Go and play." lady at dinner one night addressed many suffer.
"A fox would be satisfied with a Du Maurier as Sir Alma, and assur-
hawk, and a sparrow would be ed him that he was "really nota A QUESTION.
enough for a hawk—eh, dad?" ( bit like that Mr. Du Maurier, as
the fiction,
"Good gracious! She's a very
lucky woman!"
"She is, ma'am. But the trouble
is that girl didn't like me."
"Well 1"
"She didn't like me, and be told
my wife she must either discharge
me or her, so my wife discharged
me, ma'am."
"Oh, ]: see! Poor fellow! Here's
something for you!"
When a fool wants to become
wicked he must meet a wicked man
who is looking for a fool.—Badu
Relief for Suffering Everywhere..
Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows.
Willie (whose father is building a
conservatory)—"Papa, if I planted
this pip, would an orange -tree grow
up from it?" Papa—"Of course,
my boy, and oranges would grow,
up on it." Willie—"That's very
wonderful, isn't it, papa, 'cause
this is a lemon pip 1"
A Purely Vegetable Pill. — The
chief ingredients of Parmelee's Ve-
getable Pills are mandrake and dan-
delion, sedative and purgative, but
perfectly harmless in their action.
They cleanse and purify and have
...OR SALE: --260 norep in Monate Town.
ship, Grey County, soli clay loam
yenta timber, brick house, number of
outbuildings, 5 miles. to Durham market.
Man delivered at door. Will exchange for
smaller farm or for city ar town pro.
rorty. Apply Philip herding, Owner.
ihtrham, Qnt„ or The on es erfl Bea p..
tate Exehaitge Ltd,; L
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sire—This Tall I got thrown on a
fence and hurt my chest very bad, so I
could not work and it hurt me to breathe.
I tried ell, kinds.of.Liniments -and they
did me no good,
One bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT,
warmed on flannels and applied on my
breast; aurid me uo0il11. COSSAB00M.
Rossway, Dighy Co., N.S.
He whose life is made miserable by a most healthful effect upon the se -
the suffering that comes from indi- eretions of the digestive organs.
gestion and has not tried Parme- The dyspeptic and all who suffer
lee's Vegetable Pills does not know from liver and kidney ailments will
how easily this formidable foe can find in these pills the most effee-
be dealt with. Those pills will re- tive medicine in concentrated form
lieve where others fail. They aro that has yet been offered to the
the result of long and patient study angering. •
e and are confidently put forward as
"And a fox would do for the George Du Maurier. So c ose y 1 l a sure corrector of disorders of the
a hieh so
„ away—" tried to make out." "Men who always wear their hats
"AndAo! If you don't go me people it open to - fictionist who soon become bald. I've noticed
a spider would make a meal deals in doubles to point to many that."
for a sparrow? "You're mixing up cause and
"Yes, peal Now—" l instances in real life. King George effect. What you've noticed is
"Wait a minute, dad. Now we're and the Czar of Russia could ex- that bald men cru always careful
coming at it. A spider would" be' change parts without anybody no- bhab wear their bats."
satisfied with a fly, .wouldn't it? tieing the physical difference. The
to d the late
"Ye -es, my son." Duke of Norfolk
"And a drop or molasses would George Manville Fenn were almost for 1 ed, wee z�E dry, REMEDY‘
exact duplicates in outward ap s.
be enough for a fly?" and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't
"Well, supposing it would?" 1pearance- And two such artists in Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. !Druggists
"Yes; that's just it, dad. Now, different ways as Anthony Hop Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 260,
what 1 want you to tell me is this:" and Edward German were in their 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye 'Salve 3n
Could a man keep a lion for more earlier years again and again mis Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books
than a year with apound of mo -'taken for each other. s Mur ne Eye Remedy CO.,e Advice Free Chicago.
lases?" I They were hardly "`doubles,"
And then the sound of a falling but there was a remarkable resem
slipper awoke the echoes of the blance_ between Tennyson and Dick- PUTTING IT IN PRACTISE.
stilly night. ens, Comyns Garr in his "`Emin- "Son, I hear you have joined the
eat Victorians, tells how he °nee Boy seem movement."
showed the poet a pencil drawing `Yes, dad,"
J which Millais had made of Dickens "Nell s'poso you. snout ahead
BY SUMMEiI CDMPbAIhT after death. Mr. Carr himself had and see if your mother is sitting up
— been struck by the resemblance the for me."
Tho life of every baby is threat- portrait bore to Tennyson, and was
ened during the hot summer curious to see if the poet 'would A stitch in time saves nine, and
months by that dreaded trouble — notice it. Tennyson gazed at it every house fly killed early saves a
summer complaint. Thousands of intently for a minute and then ex- thousand at least later on. Wil -
children die every summer from claimed, "Why this is 8 'most ex- son's Fly Pads will kill many times
traordinery drawing. It is exact- more flies than any other article..
ly like myself.,,
NOT PLEASANT. Ethel -"`But why docs your et
tiler object to him ?" Edith-" "Oh,
methods; - been snuffed out. But mothers,
though you fear this trouble, you
can yet fight it --yes, fight it and
Every man wants his innings— defeat it with Baby's Own Tablets.
likewise also an occasional outing. Concerning them Mrs. Jos, Steffs,
Al "`D th
"How pretty and careless
liiabel's hair always looks." "Yes;
and it takes her two hours to make
It look that way."
"Do you think you oan manage
etftlt sny salary of eight dollars z
week, darlleg? he asked, after oho
had said yes, "I'll try, Jack," row
General Butler Tells of Being Pre- sod aftert so h WO areat he a m rriedto1 l Ip -
pared for Burial at Sea, pose;"
Cotttto, Alta., says: urine e Among the many curious adven- veneers Liniment cures Diphtheria.
hot summer days m-- little boy took tures which Lieutenant
ieiit na [General ere, Ma i&trate—"Tho evide>lco shows
ill with summer complaint, He was. Right Honorableg
seized with vomiting and nothing. G. C. B., records in his Autobio- that you threw �a brick at a man."
helped him till I got Baby's Own graphy is that horrible one of all- Mrs, M Duff= An it. shows more
Tablets. They relieved him and most being buried at sea alive, It than that, Iyer honor. It slims that
made him a strong healthy child." was after the Athantl expedition oe 'I hit him,'
Tho Tablets are sale me -
b f 1 b dr the gold coast of Africa, when all
a box from The r. Williams' Me- with fever.General Butler lead it corns with Holloway's Corn Cure
plied, sive. "But what will you do?" dioine Co., Brockville, Ont.
"Mrs. Gabber fell downstairs,
and bit her tongue in two. "I feel
sorry for her husband. She was a
terror when she had one tongue!"robbery in a remarkably ingenious
"Has the two -thirty 'train gone way in facts with quite exception-
"Yes, ma'am; five minutes al cunning. Prisoner (deprecat-
ago." "When's the next train 1"
ingly)—"No flattery, yer honor --
"Four-fifteen, ma'am." "Thank no flattery, I begs of yer."
goodness, I'm in time 1"
Don't ignore the few house flies
you see in June. Unless you com-
mence using` Wilson's Fly Pads possession, as change of water,
early, your house will be overrun cooking, climate, etc., frequently
brings on summer complaint, and
there is nothing like being ready
with a sure remedy at hand, which
oftentimes saves great sufferiug and
frequently valuable lives. This
Cordial has gained for itself a
widespread reputation for afford -
err prompt relief from all summer
Schoolmaster—"When is the best
time for gathering apples?" Billy'
Bates—"Please, sir, when the far-
gether and place' it somewhere for mons at the market and the dugs
a customer to -"knock over, Then is chained rip."
charge him for it."
The best mixed farming district IP
Alberta. The oldest land ttompauy
Alberta, , Tho Sa0kawuewan enemies -tie.
wont a Limited, Red Deer.
Ilomeetead Oompany,
%1'1EN AOR17 remit, 2 1.2 mdse front
J. London market, on Eleotrie Bathyal
line. Five sent faro to city. 2 stir
iramo house,. 3 bedrooms.
loam a bbar
and stable, Splenfi y
Will exchange for larger far
soh p
for0 WI
Town p
or T property. yy Lo
orn Real 'Estate Exchange, Limited,
don, Opt. -
Mrs. Ondego (making a call) -"I
am sorry to hear you are having
trouble with your cook, Mrs.
Upjohn -"Yes, I shall have to let
Selina go. I didn't mind her - prac-
tising on : the piano now and.then,
but she wants to join our tennis
0 PLBNDID English-speaking ppWgrioul.
tural commfrom sa wOoonrtub0 om.
enol prosperity our their n.
What are the farmers In Y
gporitgyP Why not
to Make
the most and beet of your anergy and
ability. At any rate do it for Tout
ehtldren's sake.
Write for all information to
Saskatoon, Saekatehowan, Western.
town of 3,600 pop., 2 miles from 3,11. Sta.
tion, School, Store and P. 0. Soil 3s .
of i gravely an loam having
am of
sub -soil, 2 miles of River Frontage,
Toady fors the plow. cultivation, 1,500acresbuild
ings. 6. miles of wire fencing. About 320
acres of this tract is covered with first -
oleos Pine and Fir timber', estimated a
600,000 ft. Not more than 200 acres o
waste land on the whole tract.Will sell
in- blocks of 320 or 640 wires, at$
to $75 per . aero, according to improve
moats and amount undor cultivation,.
Will sell the whole tract at 560,00 par
acre, one.hnif cash, balance' ten years 11
wanted. This is a flrst-olass proposition
for a -Syndicate to handle. For maps and
other information, address Prod A. Rus,
sol, Oranbrook,
• GENTS WANTED.—A study of other
Agency propositions convinces as
that noun Dan' equal ours. You will alp•
war regret it if you don' apply
particulars to
Albert St., Ottawa.
•if 1ARM SCALES, special price. Wilson''
J12 Scale works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto.
�LAOE your money with us in trust.
We will guarantee largo returns an
solid investments. Correspondence std.
,cited. Edmonton Locators;
uncial Agents, Edmonton, Alta.
UMBER. interior -trim, doors, flooring,
sash. Price' quoted at •your station.
mall or large orders. P. W. T. Boss.
• ld,ts. w;:astow'S 900051r10 Svacr has been "Red Devil" Glass Cnt100 nuts wired
used for over SIXTY TSARS by 111L010110 f g ass, plate glass,- smoked .and window
MOTHERS for their. CHIT UI5.Y WIIILIS ninon, By mail 25c, W. E. Potter &. Co..
TE1;Ti5ING with eeee Cr Slit:CUSS. It 46 Benoit St, Montreal, -
is the host re,nedy for nIARRHo;A. It is a1r tee .hoary, Lathe MB s, Shingle Mills.
solntely harmless. Be sure and ask for ",lira, - lingines and Boilers,.. Mill Supplies. Weae
Winslow'[; Soothing Syrup," rind take no other E. L011g. 31 anufacturing Gil„
kind. Twenty-5ve cents bottle. t Street, Gratin, Ontario-
�7 DW UPRIGET PIANOS, two hundred
le dollars, payablo twenty dollars cash
with order and ton dollars monthly.
Write Wholesale's etla t mnit, The Leach
rLJ ternal and external, cured without
1,a.n. by our home treatment. WriteOohing.
efore too late. Dr. Bellmau.
wood, Ont, -
• TON SCALE, special price. Wilson's
0 Scale Works, Esplanade. Toronto.
WOMEN WANTED to take orders in
spare time, no ezporienee arose.
Mary. Our lines especially used n b
mothers and girls. Apply Dept. A,
tail Canadian Industrial Corepan9. 228
Albert St., Ottawa.
0 us in re,rard to any die all . hinds.
prices in drugs .of
,Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure.
went, Glasse+ ,tied b9 are. Write today
for anything old in llrat•elase drug
stores to Dr, Heilman, Collingwood. Ont.
"Did you tell that photographer
you didn't want your photo taken?"
"Yes," answered the eminent bat
uncomely personrge. "Did he take
offence?" "No. He said he didn't
blame me."
Housekeepers aro strongly ad-
vised to commence the use of Wil-
son's Fly Pads early, because afew
flies killed in June would .otherwise
become a host by August.
An old bachelor says flattery is
merely deodorized slander.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Magistrate (about to commit for
trial)—"You certainly effected the
No person' should go from home
without a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel-
logg's Dysentery Cordial in their
by them in midsummer.
"Have you had any experience in
the china track?" asked the mer-
"Many years of it, sir," answer-
ed the applicant for.the, situation.
"`H'm I Whatdo you do when you
break a very valuable piece of
"Well—er I generally put it to-
eine I byit t 215 ata the (Akers practically came drawn Na one need endure the agony of
werae than most, and had reached at hand to remove them.
"You'll do, -my man. Take' off Minard's Liniment °urea Colds, Eto.
your Boat and start right away."
Eat -a -tat -tat I
The t,ld soldier stood on the door-
step anti listened.
"Washing -day," he muttered; Cit, and is guaranteed to . be in
'"no leek hero, that's pretty sere." perfect order, It is practically as
"I expect it's only another. both- perfect
as rder, it eau10 from' ilio
'ring beggar—confound 'em 1" mut- 1iaiids of tiro; natters. Speed, as
tared the angry woman witllin, as fast .as you can feed it., Will r0lt
she hastil;v snatched her hands from up to 2,500 tier hour and print any .
the steaming wash -tub and marched tiling from a:post card to a whole
grimly forward to meet the base dis- sheet poster.
turber of wn'ihin.e-day's ancient Fountain easily regulated and
rites and mnemonics. heel haricly:to get at. Cost 05 n0\
'If you please, mein," muttered $2,too. Will still for half poles.
rho ancient hero, "I've lost nip Easy terms or a liberal discount.
for spot cash.
the woman fiercely. THE WILSONPUBLISHING
Your �1 verccats
and faded 5,d„ would 1001 hotter died, 15 no ',gout al
Ws In your town, wriir direct to Montreal, Box Int
6 rittsh ArnSrlaan Dyeing. Co.
$1 a box
6 for $5
The most highly efficient application
for the reductiomof Swellings, Goitre,
Thick Nedc, Glandular Enlargamets.
It's Positive.
P 1 L S of art kinds, in any and all
stages, quickly relieved and
positively cured. Cure your suffering
and eve quietly. "Common Sense"' for
Piles will do it. 91 a box, 95 for 0
boxes. •M1ailedon receipt of price.
For Sale at a great bargain
Cranston Printing Press. Bedevil'
take on a six column quarto paper.
This press has been run very little,
and has just bean thoroughly gone
over by 1Vestman & Baker, Print-
ine Press Manufacturers of this
"'Well, 'I ain't get it!" snapped
And the door closed with an ave. COMPANY OF TORONTO, LTD.
4 ISSUE 2if 11 ful bang. 73 Adelaide St, W.