HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-7-6, Page 5a Y oySINESS CARDS, K. 0. T. .Nf. 2Sr9a019lT ent of rho Muoowbooa, No, 24 bold Seem, r9$ulur 8, 011 t in l let * 8 4 Room, DaoJlor ntook, on the let and .Nell. Tneolay.evenings 01 089)1 month. 'VNIIo10.ulway4,88100,140 A, 20 +I NUS, lour, 9,. ego 1(11RN;, 1l• 4. w1V1,, SPENCE CONVJJYANQEI1 AND 1SBUE p + Dl" �' A1b,1t1ACzI] x,l<i�,N�ri8 lase ia the Poet *Mee, Whet. 50.4 JOHN HARRIS, Agent Ilowiek Mutual. Fire Infiltration Qonl n 9 intoe sad ltesldouoe WALTON, ONT, '. JOHN 'SOTHERLAN LS• 180086898, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. ii 13. SCOTT M3 AN AUCTION- . can, will sell- for better prices, to better men, in less tune and less °barges than any other Auetioueer in ,Nast Buren or he won't (tharge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged al this °Noe or by . re Jual application, - - 4.i.BAl. ANU I.'ONVEYANCItgl. M. S1NU.1! �/ I' 111— VV V lflic, e04, 1610— r 8 Ouu(eyau°ek (vetaryl'u41i°, dru. 1101 pe—m8 Slee 48110 Nor In el ,.entero hone itnr tar the Metropolitan 148014. pltOUD1r00 T, HAYS dt KILLORAN a Altltl6141.1R8, S0b101TU1i8, NOTAIttite PUMA.), M'rC, W. 5%0o1)200T, K. U 11. 0. UAY0 J, L. KILLonAN' ONoes—Thoea fortnorly occupied by 6renas Uanlurou & Holt 140148 lea, - ONTAnIo. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers Picturesque St. Lawrence Route MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Vlotorlan Fri,' June 26 Fri. July 21 Corsican Fri. June 80 Fri. July 28 Virginian Fri, July 7 ` Fri. Aug. 4 Tunisian Fri. July 14 - Fri. Aug. 11 MONTREAL. TO GLASGOW Snt. Juno 24 Sat. July 22 Ionian Sat. July 1 Sat. July 29 Grampian ...... Sat. July 8 Sat. Aug. 6 Sootlan Sat. July 16 Sat. Avg. 12 MONTREAL TO HAVRE AND LONDON This service is composed of one class, second, cabin Steamers sailing from Montreal every Saturday. (Moderate rate.) Full information as to rates, etc., on applica- tion to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. y6pAmb�smve.4Ss essAre'. Young People • We eau .prepare you for: business at The Listowel Business College e ;x 9 We place our graduates in positions. Our graduates are successful. Two Coarses—Oommerclal and Shorthand. Fall Term opens September 5th. EDWIN O. MATTHEWS, Prin. Fal] Term Opens Aug. 25 In the Popular. and Progressive yg ELLIOTT eka 9 Toronto, Ont., This school ranks (y1 high among tho best Business Col• i'"4 logos of this inn Hnent, Proof of this statement is found in •our large onta- Logue. Write to -day for one. Sal• ori0a offered g y r our graduates this year, g the Pore. p got ave. to et larger than ever tie best practical education. Ale. Young and 1 W. J. ELLIOPrincipal. Alexander Sta. 2 Principal. . owl st'aVRlVei'reurg/,t'avlilltMS'iffgg42a -+'•.' RUPTUREF Cured At your . -bottle without pain, danger or operation. My. method Will cure 2i.p- paf•ently hopeless cases no matter whit your lige' is or• how long ruptured. Why wait until your rap= turebecornc i strangulated when you can he., cured ? Do not wait, - Fill in Coupon Ago Time llup Single or I). ethic Address . and rettli'n -lo J. S. SMITH SS Caledonia et, Dept, A Stratford, Ont. inieummemamoNiemelosmiiiiie "1" 1►iesi; Card* Jubilee of Carrie Methodism MISS PERTHA ARMSTRQNfa 'rancher of Planq Large Audlonee9.—Fine Services.--- Joyous ReelJniens.,-.. Genera Studio at Carter's Music Otere,0ne (1091' N9rtl1 of the Standardilauk, Brussels. 841 APS Contributions and Unabated Entklusiastllll, MISS PERLE SHARPS' has passed suecossfalh' boy 88007141 etouninth tion of the Pianoforte Department 01 1419 T9 ronto Cons9rvat0l'y 9R 118019, and, is prepared to take pupils at 41er home, Princess street. s... -Visits Ethel Friday and Saturday of seen, week, OR. T. T. NIi RAE Rae -helm 9f Mediein9, University of Toronto ; l loontlate and Grndunte of the Uollego of thy 8i00'le 111)11 Sur$oons, 0136,' 1)'081• fadunte Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Chicago, Ill, AM•I:ouse Surgeon to At, Well. ,eel's Hospital. Toronto. oilioe over P. D, Seeth's Drug Store. Tele• phone oonneCti011 with OranbroQlo at all hours. DR, M. FERGUSON ETHEL., ONT. Physlofan and Surgeon' Post Graduate courses 5111 ' the faith 1. n (r 1 k os• volumes t 1 lurk I hioa Ii .els w ) l tale,(Eng), to Yo di e C 0 $ e It Londonu oils N g p piGnls, S e°in! attention todieeas0 of eye, err, eneralship of 8110 energetic paetne, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. 30v, J, W. Hibbert, and bis able and Tile celebration of 4)143 Jubilee of Motllo(islu (14 Gerrie, flora June 18611 to etisday 27811 ult., 1Yae one 01 the Most uolewort )iy a51cl suoccseful (04601011 tuovelneuts that has enol' 18Th 1 1 ) •1,'l hi . Inoalik mark) aGl I 1 t % g t Itt 11 Yr at r 1 ul rs f faithful t l 11 , •� U u o 13111 • ['((v(15 a usil(1 1 Y anti guiltless nil Ute part of pastor% anl. people in the swiftly fleeting years and the vnl'iot,s gathct'i ugs t1! emilfe2- Don with the Jubilee will long live 1)t the memory of all who bad the good fortune t o be 111)10 to atleu(1 them, It was 110 s1111111 undertaking to plan for and c:alry to such 18 91100088401 Is. sue, so well atrauged and highly sue- eessfi11 It program tied it not. only DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Denhpar meat Tor, nto University ; Licentiate of Itoyal i3,C Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office in Smith Block recently meted by Dr. Fetid, R. M. M'LEAN, D.D.S.,L.D,S.. Gerrie, Ont. ' Honor graduate Usiversify of Toronto, De- lpertmentofDe,Itistry ; Graduate Royal Col- ege of Dental 8arge0ns of Ontario, At W rox- sloe every 'Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. ' OfliaeinGrand Ombra' 1)1,13,18. At Ford wick every Friday forenoon. Office in Gorrie in Loeoh'a Block. 21-0m DR. WA RDLAW Honor .graduals 'of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. QRaat.lr9 .8.1z,$,ER'ar BRUSSELS GOING Sona Gol$O 2400011 01 Mall , 070111 I Mall ss 1955 Express 41 n 111 Mail 1 6`ip n1 Express •....,.. 2.6655 p m Express 8.52 p w Morris Council Minutes of Meeting held in the Tp. Hall, Morris, June 10111. The follow rg e In •nt Roll the Assss ( h changes in r g were macre by the Court of Re- vision Iamos Masters changed from M. F. lot 3, Bluevale, to M. 11. owner lot 5, G, S. ; Wm. Windson M. F. S lot 8. con. 2, was added. In auswer to a deputation from Blyth a 'notion by Wm. Elston aud B. B. Wilkinson 17)88 passed granting $10 to each of the Blyth, Wingham and Brussels Agri- cultural Societies, provided the adja- cent townships grant a like sum. The contract for the construction of the Mooaughey municipal drain was awarded to R. B. Alcock at $2,229.80, on motion by Johnston and Thuell. A petition praying for the construc- tion of a municipal drain was received from A. Magee and other's. Elston Thuell—That the petition be enter- tained and that the Clerk be instruct- ed to notify the Engineer to make his survey and report. Carried. A peti- tion to have a municipal drain con- structed was received from, Win. Bird and others. The petition 1708 enter- tained on motion by Thaell—Elston. The Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Roll was then closed on motion by Wilkinson and Johnston. •Elston -Johnston— That the construction of the Peacock drain be given to Breckenridge and McMichael for the sum of $1025.80, the tile to be furnish- ed. Carried.The following accounts were paid :—oauadian Ingot Iron Co., culvert for Smith drain, $63.54 ; W. J. Geddes, fumigating house and material, $5 •; Wiughlun Advance, advertising. $2 ; ,0. Walker, gravel 90c • D. Pope, 'engine on grader, $12 A. 'McEwen, telephone and express, 60c'; J. Wilburn, fumigating and material, 54.50 ; Jas. CruicksIanks,. snow fence on bridge, $11.50 ; Jas. Michie, culvert on Russell drain $8 ; J. Kirkby, tile drain, $2.50 ;J. Phelan, posts for road fence. $6 ; J. Phelan, inspecting culvert $I ; A. J." Kelly, culvert and filling, $15 ; Robt Oraig , putting culvert,. and hauling tile, $4 ; D. Sommerville, stone for abut- ment, $8.10 ; D, Sommerville. re- pairing rood fence, $8.60 ; W. H. Knox, gravel, $4.06 ; R. Geniis, gravel $4.20 ; H. Bosman, gravel, $3.99 ; T. Miller, gravel $5.60. Commit thenad - 1 ' . Hall,Mon- ! journed to inset 1h the 1 p ! day, July 24th, at 10 . o'clock. A. McEwEN Clerk. REV, S. W. BIBBER'T Pastor. . willing staff of assistants but proves how strong a hold 111e old church ties 11e. people. hl8veouL The program opened auspiciously on Sunday. June 18tH, under the chnec- lion of Rev. Mr. Hibbert, with Rev. R. J. Garbutt, L. L. B., of Petrolia, a former beloved pastor, in the. pulpit. Be preached on "The life of Abra- hale" at 10.30 o'clock and in the even- ing on "Thou shalt call his name Jesus," two fine sermons to large audiences. 1;xcellentmusic was given by the choir. with 0. L. Andrew as leader, and Miss Skilling organist. Tuesday evening an Epworth Leagne reunion was held with Rev. W. W. Leech, who is enjoying the evening of life at Trowbridge, one of the Gorrie old boys, in charge, hvhich proved most enjoyable. Rev. Josias Greene, a highly esteemed pastor of 1892.4895, new superannuated and residing in, Clinton, lead an old fashioned prayer meeting Thursday' evening. Sabbath School room was crowded and the ser- vice was most refreshing: The Jubilee Banquet Friday opened at 5 p. m. Basement, where tables were set, was very neatly decorated and the well ladened tables were filled many a time before the great company were all fed. Receipts were $90.00 and went to the treasury 'of the hard working Ladies' Aid. A great array of talent was on the program placed in the hands of Mayor Spotton, of Harriston, who presided with grace and ability. It consisted of bright congratulatory and reminiscent addresses by Rovds. Messrs. Dobson (Presbyterian) Kinder (Anglican) Gorrie ; Fisher (former pastor) Lam- heti) ; Kelly,. Philadelphia; and Forbes, Oklahoma. Choice vocal solos from Miss-Mc0orinick, Trow- bridge; Mr's. (1)r.) Rayson,Barristnn ; well sung duets by Miss Alta Pryue and Rev. Dr. Oaten, Brussels ; and 1lrs. Ino. Hamilton and Harvey Sperling, Gerrie ; and well played violin numbers by Robert Ashton. A q t unique feature of the eveningwas the securing of a subscription lit of 52,050 to provide for debt on the splendid brick Parsonage. The two American divines. both old timers at Gorrie, and the pastor, piloted the looney raising to a successful issue, 510 small accon lisliment. Every- body p 3 body enjoyed the Banquet. A Fellowship service was held Sat - onlay evening which' was most he, spiting and enthusiastic, Jlev, W. W. Leech *Yoshi charge, Many took )pint. Sunday was a gr@1(1 tluuiksglving day, Long before - the hour of open. rthrongs 811111 1 the �l come 11 in people inh hl 1 church to overflowing. Rev, 111'. Kelly was tbo preacher whose die, course 15'08 practical, evangelistic, lip- pealhlg and reminiscent and will live long h'1 the 1p811)08y of the largo 3114311- once. In addition to the anthems by 1 ' k of Trow- bridge, the chair Miss AlcUul l u3, , 11 ' l pilgrim all biicigc, sang "Pin a d a stronger" in good voice. lit the after- noon a Sunday School Rally 91118 held, with Rev, Mr. Hibbert presiding. Short, spicy addresses were given by Reeds. Koine, Kelly and Forbes and Snperillteudento 'Bean, Woodstock ; AIRS. (REV.) HIBBERT Smith and E. H. Leech, Detroit ; Ed- ward Lucb, Trowbridge W. Shuson, Orange, 14111 and W EL. (xui 'ie the latter beingthe resent en- ergetic A 1 r.nnn tenden The rens eL1c S 1 to 1 nt IC e) g p by the orchestra was an interesting feature. AL the eveatng service Rev. Dr. Forbes discoursed on "Heaven". Mrs. Rayson, Harriston, rendered the solo "Somebody Knows" with great acceptability. In addition to the pastor Revels. Keine, Greene and Leech assisted in the services. Sunday was a day nnbsoon to be forgotten by those who enjoyed "the feast of fat things". The Lecture of Rev. Robert Forbes, D. D., Monday evening was looked forward to with such interest, not- withstanding that this was the 7611 day of the Jubilee, the seating capacity of the . eburoh was fully tax- ed. After an anthem given in good form by the choir,,. Rev. Dr. Oaten offered prayer and the lecturer was called upon. Topic was an unusual one, "'Mistakes of the Devil a(11 some other people," but the two -hours oc- enpied by the lecturer (into which were packed wit, wisdom, advice, warning and encouragement) were tilled to the full and nobody asked for their money back. Dr. Forbes, although ill all day, did his part elo- quently and splendidly and great benefit should accrue in years to come by the alert audience. The receipts of the evening were $71.00. A neatly 1 vote of thanks waspassed to Worded n Dr. Forbes on motion of AI. ane and 3110. Montgomery, and a similar 10- eoguitiou was given with equal hearti- ness to Dr. Kelly. Appropriate re- plies were evoked. Tuesday evening the closing gather- ing of the Jubilee series was held and partook of a social chalet - ter in which program of song and story was rendered by the visitors. It proved to be most entertaining and full of pleasant incidents. Thus was bought, to a close these commemora- tive gatherings 171fch will, without doubt, leave their impress on Gerrie circuit for great blessing in the years to come. Pastor and people are lobe congratulated upon the splendid re- sults from every standpoint and the hospitality and icindness manifested to the visitors will be a very happy ineinory. Among the visitors in addition to those already mentioueci weets: Mr. 81111 Mrs. Holmes, 0, and 11, J. Lceeh, and .1. 115131 Mrs. Smith, Dr - twit i Mrs. W. 11. Leech, 0adel'llill 181r. find Alts. Stet/liege, Toroutu ; Dlr. 41111 111.18, A.yleslvcrl.h, 1230rdwioh ; Mrs. Utev.) Oatonand. children, iB1'nssels; A11', and Mis, Spstli»g 1,1111 M1', (green, VVinglianl ; ML'. S)tilUng, Teeswater; Alts, (20(10,Trowbridge ; Mr. and Aire, , $once, Molesworth f Ml'.' Smith, 17.01 til we L. • 1 Saturday aftrininella photo gtonp wee taken of 513elllber9of the old Life Boot Temperance Lodge, a very live institution of the bygones (iorr'10 and Orange /Jill constitute eorri0 Uir'euit MO the field is a• most desir- able one. (100dohtit ches, an A ltnoil- ere 10151'souage and a large live ruem- beiship. Rev. Mi'. Iiibbert fa enter- ing upon the second year of his pastorate. Canadian Order of Foresters The most successful High ()mut er of Foveae's �Canadian was held in'ntenUl and at- tendee.* WAS the largest of the thirty meetings.-t•9Bitrl,s re w two annual b e Presided over by, High Chief Ranger Stewart, of Perth, whose, report was replete with facts and figures, show- ing Order to be in 1t flourishing con- dition, surpassing its 1•eeord for pre010U8 year's. January lst,.1910, 01der had mem- bership of 73,085 ; initiated enuring year 8,280 an increase of 911 over previous year. During year 3,663 members lapsed aiid 498 died leaving net membership at close of year 78,104. Increase in Insurauoe Reserve of Order during year amounted to 5276,- 186.13. On Janlnlry 1st, 1010, amount on hand in this branch was 53,002,- 308.29, and at the close of year $8,278,- (49..42. Standing of High Court Sick 8,11d ]'uneral Benefit is most satis- factory. During year no less than 5147,224.90, covering 6,I32 olaims was paid. Amount to credit of fund at the commencement of year was $170,- 773.82 and at close $207,828.20. Amount of insurance premiums re- ceived during year was $644,077.82, which with the large sura of 5123,690.- 75, derived. from interest On invest- ments made total receipts in this lis. branch $777,768.57. There tvele 498 death claims paid amounting to 5501,- 582.44. leaving $276,186.18 to carry to reserve, whish at the close of the year was 53,278,494.42. Sick and Funeral Benefit fees re- ceived during year were $175,873.29, :alld interest 57,811.06, total receipts in this branch 5183,674.34. 6,132 Sick and Funeral Benefit claims paid, a- mounting to $147,224.95, leaving 536- 449.38 to reserve, which at close of year 97458 $207,228.20. 78,104 members iu eood standing at the close of the year carrying $78,- 102,000 insurance. Issued from High Secretary's office 8,123 insurance certificates and 7,483 membership certificates, or a total of 15,606, and in addition endorsements made on 1,629 insurance certificates. Report of Robert Elliott, High Treasurer, showed funds of Order to be in satisfactory condition. Income in sevetil funds as follows :—Insur- ance, $777,768,57 ; Sick and Funeral Benefit, $188,674.54, and General Fnnd, $102,599.75. Total $1,064,342.69. To- tal expenditure in these funds was $748,05287. Surplus income over ex- penditure amounted to $316,289.82. Iusuranee Reserve Fund at close of year was invested 18s follows :— Municipal and school de- bentures $3,218.797 30 Dominion of Canada stock 150,000 00 Deposited i11 Chartered Banks • 20,000 00 Current Accounts in Char terect Banks 39,697 12 53,278,494 42 Total assets of Order amounted to $3,559,322.09, and liabilities $28,517.97. Assets over liabilities, $3,580,804.12• Dr. U. 111. Stanley, Chairman of Medical Board, showed average death rate since commencement of Order to be 5.22 per 1,000 of nielubership. Sub - mi tied to lIedical Board dnrin year 10,106 applications, largest number for any year in history of Order, 9,2I5 were accepted. Applications 1,290 more than for previous year. \V. G. Strong,Superintendent of Organization, sowed that during year there were 8.280 initiations as a- ainst 7,369 for the previous year, au increase of 911. GOR METHODIST CHURCH AND PARSONAG At olose of year t120re tare -1,069 Courts in the Order representing a Membership of 78,104, There were 517 Courts in Ontario, 180 in Quebec,. 510 in Nova Booties 71 in New 13rilnswiek, 14 in Prince Edward Ietond, 63 in Saelratebewan, 37 in Alberta, 17 iti British Columbia and 112 In Manitoba. Few changes were made 111 Coped. talon, %lanulton was selected as next place of meeting. Oflleers elect- ed were ;—High Cline/ Ranger, J. A. Stewart', Perth 'li ig lr . . • • High V ie e Chief 1 Ranger, .T. A. 1., Brodeur, Montreal ; ford ; High 11(n8urortobetElliott, Roberts, Brantford f High Registrar, Wm. Walker, Al-oltreal I High Chap- lain, Itev, W. 3, West, Al. A., Blue - vale, Executive pomullttas,elecCed were t A, P, Van Soiueron, Sitekatoon ; W. 111, Couper, Mnntleal; N. J. Steven, eon, Toronto 1w, A•: Kemp, :Listowel, lana A, R. G4lpin, Lonllou, T H Secctar3 J. P. Hoag, Brant- ���E el Brantford ; High Auditor, ` W. L. • AFT D CTOR S FAILE Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta. ble Compound Cured Her. Midgie Station, N. B.—One can hardly believe this as it is not natural, but it was my ease. For ten months I suffered from suppression. I had different doctors, tried different erent me- dicines, but none helped me. My friends told me I would go into a decline. One day a lady friend told me what your medi- cine had done for her, so 1 wrote 701.1 for advice and re- ceived your reply with pleasure. I started taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and at the second bottle showed improvement, Now I am regular and never was so Mrs, thanks to M well in life h m r Y Pinkham's medicine. Please publish my letter for the benefit of others.—MRS. JOSIAH W. HICKS, Midgie Station, N. B. Indian Head, Sask.—Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound is indeed a boon to women who suffer from female ills. My health is better now than it has been in my five years of married life and I thank, you for the good your advice and medicine have done me. I had spent hundreds of dollars on doctors without receiving any benefit.—MRS. FRANK COOPER, Box 448, Indian Head, Saskatchewan. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. see - Arrange to celebrate with the Orange- nren on July 12tH, 1911, at DINE I�INCA R Spend the day by the Lake, Good Speeches will be delivered. A fine program ofwater $ A crte is be- ing arranged. Accommodation for everybody is be- ing provided. Watch for further Particulars, J. J. Bunter W. 8. Anderson W. M. Secretary. liineardine.. ♦ I Y o • C01'Oil� �IO� • • ♦• Cloth ♦ ♦ is the newest and most o up-to-date goods procur- : able in the line of Men's o attire. • We v ,1 �- arious h1r in •v ♦ .a.Cc at ® shades and p 3113,1 very, reasonable prices, • considering quality. • Cali early and see samples and get figures. • • Also have a natty stock of • • • S ria and Summer Wear ♦ P 9 ® in Fancy Worsteds, • Pantings, Vestings, &c. • • \\\\\\\\\\\\\� • Merchant • Pr ERASER, • • 9 Tailor- • • ♦ ♦ ♦ • •0 • • •• • • •• • • • .4 •• • With Every Bag °' ' of Flour There Goes A Guarantee That guarantee means that I believe Cream of the West to be the best bread flour on the market. If your bread doesn't beat any you ever baked before, if it fails to rise or doesn't give extra satisfaction in every way, your grocer will pay you back your the unused portion o ftheba. o returnof a moneyng Crcamest�V' t r the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread If people will fairly and honestly try Cream of the West they will have success with it. That's why we guarantee it. We are sure of it. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, President 105 a As...MEIMMOMMI 13 'e»e ;•G•`•O+p-0•a 4,0 01)-',24•©•i.0•; ♦4,4••++.1.04°•4•fiO4.,.1.4.Od•O+4+0.1.0 • a 4 I The Toronto llIhryll�i Pallors •. 4, � ,t• • ♦ ♦ Were opened for this season, 4•• according to announcement, with • ` a. • • 9111 elegant display of Fashion- j • • able Millinery, w 1 4• • 4. 1 • ISse J 1j anderSe10l ? Carr .1 • fi • • • Wish to thank the Ladies for { I ��• their attendance, their compli- ') 4. a ♦ meats and their highly esteem- ' w • ed orders. If you bat*e'5108 seen •• e y our display callin.• o a$' SAT! SF +1•..Cii 10N ASSU R ED e .1`®d'!3_t:'!t®.1:4..•1•4•1_ 14.411L4ili' •IIteq•e•+•1'.4.4144:P,Yetir•t±tti.!'!Cf^'l4 1M