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The Brussels Post, 1911-7-6, Page 1
VOL. 40 NO. 1 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, 7WURSDAY, ,DULY 6, Igllz W..I,IsER , Pro rietor New Advertisements — Per sale—the, Politer, Vie-Note—I. 0. Mallards To Kincardine on dal i2tk, Voters' List -A. a, moo dales , Men's Summer attire—D, s t , Rees, . ,lgrlN CV'T1rII.L,. the flower girl a gold,loeket and chain, Gnesta were: resent from Toronto pt x Brantford, Centralia, Granton suss London, Mr• and Mrs, Snell left Thursday morning. mid showers of '� WY m . A a Owe i r tM confotta and rtes, or a tieip ko TOrorato 'i`hs .. Mrs. Wm. Pollard, of Brussels, Is visiting at her so i' J WPollard,i � r. s J• Ethel. Rev. T. 1, LeGear•, astoroR'Central M. -+ t e Lansing, 1), Oh U li, MrOh„ and son of Mere. LeGrOar, North Weal, kit. Marys, wWs hcri0red by the honrntary degree of Doctor of Divinity Thursday at the semi-eentenniwl commencement eeretnoniee at Albion College, The g . reverend gentleman : was a former in the Methodist. church hem, t'r Among etre formal Ltheliees who wen renawrng old friendships during the ase week were Miss Alice Davies, A past yl- Dick Davies and Miss trite? Va er, of Toronto anti Arehe Patterson, of Brantfrd, Alt were welcome. It is said iMiss Wtalk- er may embark ci in the mercantile line in the Qneatl city. D. and Ta►nee Denman have been iti r S Visiting � in .arzlia for a Pew days with their sister, Mt Sem. Oiosble. Mrs,. Richard Patterson and sons,of lldgal., and.. Mrs, -Rohl. Brown and son, of Silvordrale, have', been here on to • holiday with relatives and p7d friends. The first room in connection with the old school houseinS,S. N h 1 h o, 1 bas been torn down and the basernent for • le neer brick; clstructurelfl the w ill c, i has innie its site, Brickwork will likely commence next week. Grog Voters List for 1911 was first posted up Tueeday of 'this week and contains 1043 names. 885 are in Part, 1 ; 199 in Part 1.1 and 9 'n Part 111.' 567 r are tit serve Rini George as jurymen, i>lthi Orange a next as been xnv n- eft to Trowbridge next Sundiay even- ing where Rev. A. I. hlolielvie will address them, they will be well re pY esented res Ethel is'one of the most enthusiastic lodges of the District, , BARNS r3URNED,-Asa result of lightnings words early Thtired my inorniiig of this. week elle ,doe tants Barn on the farm of James Farr, „ miles North of Brussels lyttadeAttO ed b re, A burn 0r 1 r Y y fi 1 t re Last farm m Alex, Yuill, 8th con., was also burned, Both were partially insured, we under -who attattd, It is a most turfgrtunate time to lose buildings although. possibly not as badasweeks later When crops. would be harvested, 1t71TrtIMONIAL.—" Mlle Ma Maples," the home of Wm, and Mrs. Armstrong, was the scene of a pretty' wedding on y' June 28th, when about 50 guests 50 guests assembled to witness the, marriage of their daughter, Miss Florence Isabel, to Wm. R. McInnis of Ethel, Rev. A. 0, Wishart, B. A., pastor of the bride, officiating, The. young couple took their y g q p pisses under t n arch f everggreens erected on the lawn, while Mendelsohn's Wedding March }v+ie being .played by 111isa Campbell, of Constance, of the Bride. Bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming Cn a , becoming gown of cream net, trimmed with silk lace, over cream taffeta " and wearing' the groom's gift, an amethyst Mn set with pearls. She also wore the con- ventional veil '. held in plata by m wreath of orange blossomsand carried a boquet of lily of the valley and carnations. Gr'oom's. gift to the organist was a blouse -set, After con- Rratu]:Ltiona the company repaired to the basement, which was decorated for the occasion 1a green and white, where ample justice was done to the Rood things provided by' the hostess. i710 wedding presents were nnuaual, Rgiven Handsome and useful, showing the high esteem in which the •young couple is held. The bride's travelling chess was of black chiffon taffeta with. hat to match. Mr, and Mrs• McInnis Cake up house -keeping on hie fine fair; 9th con.; amid the gond wishes of a host of warm friends - KzNDLY'REeteeerEREn:—The school near Listowel where Miss Jean Arm- strong was teaching for the est 2} Years, held aplc-nit on Fridappafter_ noon and One of the wteresting •flea tures was the reading of the following address and the resentation 0f a china tea set:— . •p Miss Jean ,Armstrong, teacher of U. S..S. No. 2, Wallace and Ehna : DBAR Miss ARMSTRONG,—As weave gathered here this afternoon we come to realize with no small regret, that tete very pleasant associations exist- ing between us are about to cease, Y,on go from us with the very best Wishes of the Section- fairlywon , Y your faithfulress,as ateacher and by your bright cheerful disposition. As pupils we feel that we are losing not only a kind, painstaking teacher but also a friend who took a deep interest in our play and in our home life as well. The pleasures afforded us. by - .. your efforts in connection with the plc -pica and the Christmas entertain- xrtentsswill long leave a happy mem- ory. As a token of our love and ,gratitude to you ive would ask you to. accept this china tea set, accompanied by the sincere wish that wherever the remainderofyour life xray be agent that your work iL be blessed and our•lifecrownedwith the )eat Y R' s. Signed ingbehalf of the Section. g - AM:Wm S1EWITer, Pnaf t9BM. Miss Armstron made a tithing reply: What she will do with that china tea set Cs a wonder, unless.- PRESENTATION.— Miss Ida Frain, who has been teacher in S. S. No. 10 but who reelg ned, was presented by the.phlnls with a Ladies Companion and Jewel Case before school closed. Folk)w7u is the address :— , DEAR 'BACKER.— We the pupils of S. S. No, 10, take this opportunity of expressing to you our deep regret and s0t'row ab your departure from our midst after two years of Strenuous labor amongst ns. You have endear- ecl, yourself to es all by proving your- self a faithful, painstaking andioving teacher and have shown great tact. and energy in all branches of year never failing to do your part. In sickness tinct health your thought-, Pel enquiries after' ne absence and kind solicitude for our welfare, is one drat tv1111onrf be remembered by Caincelel�y' regret your departure fiom en1 iiiktst and bei you to accept this Ladies OOtnpantnu and Towel Case as a slight, token of our sincere appreciation of yyour faithful' work amongst 'us.', Ma God 'bless and kee yy p'yon in any sphere you are called to labor in is the sincere prayer and wish of the pupils apd parents, 0f; S. S. Pyci, 10 Groy. . Signed in bettaif of rho School, HIiNRIBi7A DDNMAN, . . GLA»ve suitable N reply Miss Frain made a thanking the pupils and also their parents for heir highly appreciate1 remembratlee and kindness shown to- weeds her, •Lot Those who wish t0 a: s e p e s as cants on thH I3to{yer and BarPelt;u drailla should do so before Titl 15th as de. bs t r•e i Yrarely nC z n hill k ibarn, then; A 11h0 -bank barn, 50X69 feet on commie basement, was raised on the farm o4 I1ugh: Ounnin ham. 9th co oft g nd Wednesday.yKe Geo. McCall and Havey Keys weze ea ta• n ' and p anis' ther -work ahead wills W rush. `Liters went with was a great crowd,n 1 T a al suppee tLiid a good ie pl We are leased • to hear t to t ,- of i s tc seas of'one of our old boys in the 'West in the person of Eec. RGbt. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs, Pearson have of nicelysettled in their new home h m to th Deer: Briend leof iJcong e- ton their kind' friends of bis beaubi-• alienpresented them with 0, beauGi- of silver, asa type writer and ul ei mall other axtioles slight s mo of appreciation of Chair services among them. Rev. Mi, Pearson is a son of Robb; Pearson, 4th con. • _ Mr, eai' y man we hued,. lee Ffa. tvas�a.lioart -man wlzn was very ra • 1 1. .The Ychildren All i Ci lite t. arewe I o purchasing o agent for else Waterloo Wlli'. Oa. 1 r t t t � ea' , a er las 9 ty la . _Alfred U. w ) Stirs. T. W. Oir G •lb me, i e i l3 is ar d Iia, ARhal broSmithe: both e- this township, A half brother of cls, lives ' A A, J, blooded to d e Dakotas Mrs. stirs. Apclrety Ross, alio diad 4 years years ago in ne,NeZealand, was w sister John gocheane,.ol'Grey township and John. Cochrane, of East uneariw0. are nephews and Mrs. Duncan C. Campbell; of Morrie, is a niece. He was a- great reader and well posted on roars easpired to public uic e(al liuC neva! t iusoffice, alomegltihe.vas aschool for some thin. He was soldierly soldiers in.a earapee and was a wall ap for preserved man his yetis. At Edinburgh, Scotland tris grandfather had 10 brothers whose aggcegiab0, height was 86' feet, some of them reaching well uptoward 7 feet. The funeral of the ubject of this notice took place Wednesday afternoon to Brussels cemetery. Service WAS con• y ducted by Mr. Boyd; who is supply ing far RIM. Mt'. Cameron m St,'being R Jon's cliur(hl3ruesels. rhe bean Se share in the e m atlt of the corn- y p Y niuniCY. ' lavin'Minteg' at his co rt .trip to A i befog leaving' foe a short .trip to Mual.okn f er v cl' theyvittgo o n0 after e in r y e t his net LnIVellin Charing Crass. Tho bifid(: 1;'L a ]rr t. 1. a. •IY rt' � n'e ull Ih. Gnavy 1 eb ,I ly tape. suit of= navy bl a with x t t a y Knight, w t urns c on the Me s• er in alta ptbyentc oil file 'eve of her maxtia e by th ' g Kent lar of the ithtaodist Oifnleh Kent Bridge with a beatitifnl gel watch -and chain WAW Alight tOlC0t1 their their• ,appr'eetatlon of her Teal in a ' daptatlinents of the church work May their joys be many is the wit. of roan old friends of the •goon here. Y6 �j�j } w c � 1 ext �`^ Niagara 11'zLlla anti Buffalo, goC�tg. away dress of the bride was an Alice blue paillette sill= with hal and coat to match, The youngtemple have the p beet friends for . Jamestown D , red': Bi aua Toronto,.vas of ap home for abort visit. Me will ''West for a trip. ,} - Mrs,'A, D. McOosh and SOn, of Pine River; were welcome visitors at the home of Mr's. John Strachan over the holiday. Mrs. Feild and daughter, of Owen Sound, are renewing old friendships in this locality. Dr. Valid was here also for a few days. wishes of their many . a don slid happy 'wedded life. Mrs.pastor g i PhY i Snell will be at home to receive friends go after Tuly 18th: Bluepale The Orangemen will go to Kilmer- dine on July 12th, • 1', N. Raney, of Toronto, her is, at pres• ent visitingat his home here,e Mrs. Doi, of Toronto, is at present p visiting her aunt, Mrs, ,Andrewglic Holmes. Miss Irene McEavan and Miss Annie Spence wee enjoying a holidayin Detrce • Wm. Manley, of Southaippton, at spent Sunday .with friends to this locality. Miss Ruth Patton,. -of Toronto, spent Domintari Day with her uncle, Daviel Yatton. Mrs. Jno. Gannett and.. daughter, Elsie s Ont ,. few da s this week in , + p Y Toronto, Mre. Lan forts and dao hear, of of g e i. Co • g star Lend' war v 9i is at Vx of Jermyns over Sunday. Mae M. Demean, of toren to has ret it d afte •. spanning a couple of i e z p _g weeks with Mis. A. Holmes. Rev. Mr, Cook the new Methodist to + h airs ed antook his initial pas Iasi Banda We bid him servicesywere" and his family welcome and wish them a rqs er0its ata p y me 11re many frignde oP 'VI' Adeli Mothers will be, pleased to hear of how well she is getting on in Toronto. R 6 C n The Osteo ethic Dl. there has g ve leer every ho a of wallcip again. y p I g ee, D6minion pay At Wroxeter --.-- Fine Program s — Last Saturday the 44th anniver sary of the Confederation of th Domminn of Canada was toys lY and suecassfally celebrated her and despite the extreme heat all dusty highways there was a large al tepdance, IirusaelR and c0mmunit etut el r g Y ep)asontad. The $OC Regiment, �ly remrrtst ed pr'The 80 musical program land Clarke's Pune and Show supplied fop for thpe pp ' like that kind. A. great Base Ball cruel • was hon; �n_pp and the interest did not wane anti Um see George Paulin called the lac p R mesa out: Win ham and in bbs fore were the opposing teams the f01'E noon, theformer winninga well con testedgame bya score of4 to 3. After diaper the veteran Corgi; ball -tossers werepittedit against Bien sets, with the supposition that Chi former had the a virtually in thei g Y pocket. Play had nob Advanced. ver, far before pitchers were than ed b the but L rrtte'Q. ri hops of savtilgtlt day belt Biases 'ne" eeeeen._aedtb match ended with a vii,feil tee'Cta 11 ofo 10 to 5. ICwas'a tine, contest each team receiving r coats of whitewasl but Brussels 4 runs in the 1st ronin and 5 in the 7th et Oar ill out of tie p Oargill running. 1=tC inbottom itched t real behind bmirwhilesupport ed by ca Hicks behind bat while the in field a out were usually on the alem to put into exercise the `ood o1 - lmaxim "What we lova we'1 hold." The score card weir unfortun ales lost but the result byinning: was as follows :- g Brussels -4 0 0 0 0 5 0.0 —10 — — Cargill1 3 0 0 0 0 e 0 1 5 The Tog c£ War between, Wroxetei and 73otvick was won by the ]attar a 'mast great excitement. Nest cams Cha Blase Ball conflict between Bras sols and Wmghat for the $25.01 p lase offered for the game betweex Cha winners of the former matches Itiggm+ the hard working southpaw front xforarc line, was once more it the box for }Vmgham while Bruss�h pert hue Scott, their 1st baseman in to do the twirling and he did 7t^well going to 1st. Thf rooters" got busy and fora few in nines Brussels was "roasted" but the • the 3rd cit on tawed wooa p11Ri st the get Riggin in and did -ria let phautil 8r'au ns were tallied, whit( g yet scored Geddes, of Belgrave, was sul2stitntec as itoher but Brussels continued Cc win and wheu game closed, at end o] 7th, the retort was I3 to 3. Wing haul was blanked 5 out of the 7 in nings. The following line up ail supply additional particulars :— Brussels R o Wnchani R c Eawkskaw 2 s Geddes ..... . c Ricks 1 4 N etkour ......:. 1 nicks .......... 2 a Nealy 1 '_ .ni inbnttom... 2 1 Start 0 snicked a 1 Loakridge® a engh 1 2 Somers 0 Soatt 1 2 Lloyd IiiaNillan 1 2 ILerr o 2'Soott 0 a Ittgghl o' 10:,1 8 2: Brussels 0 1 8 1 0 2 1-18 Wklgkam0 0 0 1 2 0 0—.0. In the athletic spots the winner: were as t• o owe :—Boy's race under 12 Alex. Sanderson and Wm. Harris. Brussels • Boy's rase under 16, Harold Lowry, i3rus els ;and Milton White Girl's race lender 12, Mary Earles anti Annie Anderson ; Fat man's race, Ove-rie and Jno. Ourr•e, bot. Of Brussels ;one mile gees, T. R:.Beu nett and Oliver Galloway ; Tug of tear Howiok beat 2urrtberry ant: Wroxeter, At the cqucert. in the. evening the Ginik was 0. Lavoy Kenny, R0i1 Miss Eva Cuthbert ani be heat Rnsse11 Notwititstandigp the heat a good pr0gt•arn was render ed. The gate receipts were $204.60 rind the Con $97.40; sq t- at Cha can inittee will be in good shape, and are to be commended for the excellent way everything wH,s mWntuged, ii, Davidson was President ; J. Bondi Vice Psesklenb ; D. M. McTavish, SeereGcary anti W. J. Mather, Treas. tiger. Tiley altr•ays, •give a good day's sport at Wroxeter, Walton. Mn. McClelland, oP rlor0nto, is hqh• daving with George Ferguson.. bhe Orangemen will attend service in Se. George's church next Sunday afternoon, G L. Badley'ie su pl ing the lace p Y p of 0. P. R. agent McKwy,whn is uevay on lila wedding til g P' GREAI BVOOEBA. Tlrc Gatdan Pwu ty on the Manse lawn on Tuesday oven. y ing was a great success, the financial proceeds being $190. Program was directed by Rev. Mr. Lundy, the well known pastor and consisted of selec- lions Froin Blyth Presbyterian choir ; solos by Mrs. MoGoive, seiaforth, Mr, Y Oook, (}oderirli and Mr. Gilroy, Bina- sale ; recitations by Miss L. Harrison addresses byRevds. Masers: Laeklar ld and Wishart and 100aie by "Seaforth Band. Everybody did well. Encores numerous and cheerfully re- sponded to and the noble 600 who were present had a great time. It wet en ideal night, •Henfryn Y J. K. and Mrs. Baker, of this locality, attended the wedding of Choir uleca on Wednesday of ]fast week Exeter. SNELL—BAKER;-• A very • pretty wedding took place Wednesdayof g last week at the home of Newton „and Mrs. Baker, S erran street, Exeter, p when their daughter. Fleeda Beatrice, g was united in marriage to Nilo O. W. Snell, son of Wm. and Mrs. Snell, Usborne. At 5 o'clock the bride enter- ed file parlor leaning on the arm her father, to the strains of the 1Vlendelssghn'Wsdding March, played by 13. K. Eilber, of Creditgit. She looked very pretty in a getter of clew- deep net quer 01001n satin trimmed with silk over -lace and insertion and Silver tassels. Her bridal .veil was caught up with orange' blossoms and else carried a ballast .of: crettnarnl roses., Pile only attendant was little Verde Hill, cousin of the bride, who made a very pretty floivei' girl, carry- ing a basket of pink and white carnia- Ceremony was performed under an arch 0f ferns and evergreens g with roses, by Rev. J. inell, uncle of the groom, in the, pees- ante of abort 75 guests. The x•ooms were ver prettilydecorated with pink and white.. After congratula- Cions a very dainty wedding- supper was served on the lawn •and very hoioe program was given in the even- Mg. Beide was the recipient of many beautiful and costly presents, Gift ;room to bride was a beaut7ful hand painted fruit dial sot in' silver, and t0 Morris Morris Towns' Coancil min es 0n page 5, We ret to stateR g-. thatMls. T. W, y p if goo 3rd line, is still ver r co but ifgood wishes should will aid in ,her tonus- leacenee she soon be beCtar: The trustees of the Anderson school, 3rd line,Wroxeter have re-engaged the services of Miss Murdie at. an advance in salary. She is a splendid teacher whose efforts are appreciated.n, ,:e Miss Idit Frain, 3rd con., GreyN - ship, has been engaged as teacher of the B10 salary sehooi For elle next year ab'a of $550.00: She has hada good experience and has proven a snceeae in her work. .HAY FOR BALE.—$atltl'alaV after- noon of this week at 2 o'clock, F. S. Scott, will sell by public auction on the premises,. acres of hay,or North the Lot 20, Oon. 6, Frank Me West, hence to iietor. He is in the West p' p' hence the sale: The Ingersoll Board of Education has appointed G. H. Btelby, B, A„ of Marys, y , to the position of Science Master at the Collegiate Institute there. He is a son of Thos. and Mrs. Bielby, 8th eon. and are pleased n- note his progress and wish him con- bunted, success. The trustees of Umou S. B. Na e12d Grey and McKillop, have engaged Miss Jennie Robb, daughter of Jno. and Mrs. Robb, 6th line, as teacher for the coining 1; year at a salary of 8500. 14liss Robb has just completed her j p course at the. Nor mal School at State ford, and should make an excellent teacher, We wish her success. Remember the Garden Patty to be bythe Ladies' Aid of the Jahns- ton appoietm'eut on the ,church lawn July 8th, Tea served from 6 to 8. 02 Wiiivill be fatten by Welber Hall, 0f addresses A program consisting of addresses b .newWe pastor, seal J. E. Cook, Rev. Mr. West, of Blnevale and others. ' Music will be furnished by St. Paul's church choir, Wingham. Conte and have a good time. • — Last Friday the Ails ofS. teaeherow'SS. S. addrss an presented their d a fine mantle clock. Address was as follows : Mess Axes= E. MoGowAN : DEAR TEACHER,—We are sorry that the time has arrived when, the happy relations existingbetween us as teach- er and pupils of S. S. No. 3, have to cease. For the past two years you have. striven faithfully, •kindly and persistently to aid us in furthering our best interests along not only ordi- nary educational lines but in the high- er realm of good conduct, right action gg and noble principleai We thank you for your instruction by both precept and example, and hope we may prove in the years to come. that your seed sowing was productive ofgpod results. As a small token of our respect and appreciation we ask you to accept this mantle clock as a parting gift. We scceeiely trust it. may mark off to y y happy and prosperous years and often remind yon of true Ue t else acccomnd offi friends in 5 S. No. 3. Our pat y the gift and P y aG least, have ho a to oecasionall ,the pleasure 0favisit from you. We are, YOUR SORROWFUL Perms. yy aboSut 10 o'clock, Wnl. DEN Cochraneing, resident of the .3rd line for the past 29 years, dropped dead, while ap- tarently in the "enjoyment of good health. His daughter, Mrs. Thos. W. Bone, Who lives on the same line, a short distance West, has been real ill and Mrs. Cochrane was Guar to see how she was, Mr. Cochrane decided t0 go also' but only got to Mr. Bone's g ate when lie met his wife and theyKnight started back to their home. When about 30 rods from the house 11/Ir. Cochranoe staggered but braced up only to fall to the roadway a moment later, when the vital spark instantly tied. A Dr. was `sununoned but of course tog late bo render any assist- mice. Deceased had something like u steolce last, Spring and a few days before his demises oke of a dizziness but it was supposed to be the effects of the heat and nothing aet'ious was $ anticipated. The subject of this 'notice was born 71 years ago last Mondayat North Dumfries, Waterloo •us. Co. His fat erdied of yellow 3 mouths prior at Baltimore, Mary land, IT. S. and the wife came back t0 the hOnle of lel father, Asian Bender- son, where 11 . Cochrane tvas born, as Sttated above. When 0 years of age he went to live with his uncle, David Miller, in township of Wilmot, Water- -Misironing, loo Om, wherehe was married h 1864 10 Miss Ellen, daughter of the late Titus.Bhaar'd, of New Dundee. They niovod Go d0dai'icit towuslup, near Baglteid, wher0 L1iey spent 6 years an a bis h farts but returned to Waterloolilies and farmed for 6 years and afterward keiie store ab Roseville before locating ' Morri•s toivirahip • ill November of 1882, when deceased bought North e 25, Con 4, front Jno, Barker, upon NEWSY NOTES.—Thos. Hemphill, .of 00 Doll, visited relatives in the village on Dominion Day,—Ml's, Alex. Oam -g bell and two sons, of London, are guests of the farmer's brothel., Wm, Leckie, of " beven ss Farm." -0, D. Simpson, of Stevensville, is spending a few holidays here,—Mist Lily Kalb- fleisch, of Milverton, visited over the holiday y with her sister, Mrs. 0, Reis. —Rev. Ma Oaths, the new pastor of the Methodist church, occupied his p pulpit here on Sunday morning. We welcome him to Wroxeter. Miss Batatrice on has returned from Leamington for famly, vacation. Jno. Patterson and family, and 11thes Lille Lamont, of Brussels, visited the former's parents here for two days.— E. Cardiff and little son, of Morris, are guests of Mies: Geo. Leckie. Mr. and Mrs. Snider, of Berlin, wets ggreets, of the lat'ter's uncle, Jno. Harris id 1 over holiday.—Miss eB.r R. Harris left for her home in Ingersoll last week where she will spend the Summer vacation: Skeff Robinson and Miss Sophie Robinson left on• Wednesday for a visit with relatives in wills.—Arthur Stu ht, of Hickson, was a visitor at his home stere this week.—Jno. and Mrs. Rutledge re- turned on Monday from Millbank, where they had spent several clays,— of Me het ,sent Y p Clarence- y nt his the holiday at his home here.—Sam. Willisroand Jno. Barnard, of London, former residents of the village, called on friends this ue ph . J. Mach was home from Guelph tor Dominion Day.—Me. and Mrs. Winger, of Ay- ton, spent last Saturday and Sunday with Harr Brawn.—Miss E. DaveyHiggtubottom returned to Grand Valleyon Tuesday. y' —Eldon Benning, of .Turnt0, was a visitor at his home in Turnberry over • the holiday. — Grey Haying • Cs on the, program: Orap is medium. •Gertrude. Robb. McAllister s entlast Sundaycqusio- p with friends at Fergus.St. The'W. M. S. of Roe's church will meet at Mrs. Jos. Ames next Tuesday ae 3 o'clock: y' ter, 01 Det oitlra, Rozell and ela Ives on+the 9th con. tate visiting• relatives Mrs.. Thos. Smith -of Wroxeter is visiting at the home of her son,er, hiaiit Smith 6th con. P Misses Jean and Matilda Lamont o + f Woodstock, are vizi tors at the home of Hugh Lamont, 10th rqn, A fine time was enjoyed last Fle- (lay afternoon at thel annual stole held in Harry Attwoocl's •rove.p g A number of new rural telephoues have been added to Brussels cu+cui•t •in Grey during the past few mon tbs. Mrs, Jno, Lalce, 4th con., was visit- in her parents, Edward and Mrs. Bosina , at Win ham for a few da s. Mra. Sohn Br sus who has been spending the past weak with friends at Goderich, returned home last Saturday. Duncan Taylor, of Brussels and Miss Hamilton, Gf ShakeA •e:are s cut Mon- day of this week at the home of John Br ens, 3rd con. The many friends of Mra. John Bolger, ifith con., are sorry to hear of her ill health but hope the treatment will soon result in her complete res- tora"tion. ' Last week J. L. Lamont, who bus taught successfully at Bright, arrived home. • He may give up the profes- SIGH for the meantime and take a University course, ADDREas AND PRESENTATION.— Last Friday afternoon the closing day of School Miss Maey Dark, who has taught for the past 3 years very sue- p cesefnlly in S. S. Nn. 3, was Presented with a fine gold Ping set with. real pearl, accompanied by an address -read by Katie McDonald., Presents- tion was made by Millie • McFarlane, Address was as follows :- DEAR 1BAORBIL :—. • - Itis with feelings, of sorrow ive coma to -day t0 bid you a kind GfiocO • During the. pant 3 entre you have tau, taught us not only the lessonswa of SOCeuce an Art but also the nobler lessons of Truth and honor. As on have taught us the magic of Y g 8 numbers and phrases you have also taught us the principles of a higher ,,Art—the Art of living well We feel, Dear ]`staler, that many times we have given you just cause for die- ,court"ement but we wish you to re; RyClarke, member that we have not forgotten your efforts and we hope that in the future when we come Co talcs our place in the stern battle of life, it Will be a pleasure 10 •you t0 point a us tinct as "'these were quos myboys • Y ++ •, • and girls. .Dear Leacher, we wish at parting to put cur kindest regards into material shape and ask you to accept of this ring, not its current value lint as a tokenn0f forour,t esteem, Only 1a little baud of gold but as you meat' it, may it often times remind you of the stronger band of friendship that exists You and your Old rails. e can between yon the beat that rovidehGe can bestow 7n this cluing- g ing world and when we"are all done with the lessons of this earthly eah0gl, may the rutile,(' bhe truth of that climax to a well spentiiife— "That when we inept up yonder In bhe realms of Joy on High, All parting will have passed moray In Heaven there's to Good-bye." Signed . in behalf of the Scheel, KATIE McDoNALD, Miters MOFAR- LANE, STUART 'RANT. The rem tent although surprised.re- plied a propria �ho g The .Trustees es 1 pp 1 also gave short complimentary . ad- dresses. Miss Dark resigned t0 accept a position as teacher' at Battlefoed, Sask., in which 'town het brother is engaged 1n a drug store. Many good wishes will w000m tori Miss Data C0 1 Y l bhe West and Bettieford is to be eon- gratulated. Mee Mary MOArber will take Mimi Dark's place on Sept. 181. Ethel A. A fine...social time was enjoyed at the picnic on Dominion Day here. We are pleased to state that Mr's. S. B. Cole was elected President of. the District Women's Institute . at the meeting held in Brussels Wednesday of last week. • Last Sabbath Communion was ob- served in' the Presbyterian church of here. Rev. Mr. West, of Blnevale, preached Friday afternoon at the preparatory service. Rosi. • BENNETr DECEASED.— An old resident of Lot 31, Oqn. 6, Grey, paid Natgre's debt on Wednesday of lust week, in theperson of Robert Bennett, who was in his ]lith year. Funeral took place on Friday, to Brussels cemetery, Rev, 141r. 131e- Kelvie, of Trowbridge, conducting the ' service. Deceased was a Hoe man and was highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends. /� LMA ILLUSTRATED 4,04 ...Ladies, CATALOGUE CATALOGUE iDLLEGE FREE 011 REQUEST St.'ThomaS Ont. , . 06••66•••bis•..••i•••N•••••0••••00••••0000••f•••N•• • 0 • e • o : F. S ■ �/ 1 A VALUES IN ® • • • e "' • •' © a o • Men s a • • • . • • 0 0 . o S U • • mmer ®, •• 0 - . • o • E2 • a • • • 0 AttireY O • • • • • •bye. • E have a full range of Men's wear that we are • o g • • W going •tp clear at SACRIFICE PRICES. • • •Andrew 0 • Just the articles wanted'to make you comfort-• • able in these extremely hot days. 0 • • • • °s We are selling AT COST • ■ • Regardless of any PROFIT` et • ■ 0 Men's Straw and linP� Nits • • • • • • �_ • Youths Straw and Linea Hats • ■ • • • Bois Straw and Liam Hats • • r • "'' a Men's T Wo piece Suits • The kind that pleases. , These we •work ogle Ott at. half llces 4.00 G,00 8.00 • q y P •. We have one 4e left and onld advise out i4 needing anyto • W h v y a w e w y R • coiuo early and make,your choice'. o •• — Oranbrook D. Campbell visited his brothel' in Milton this week. Rev. R. Cameron, of Georgetown, visited under the parental roof last week. Miss E. Calder, of Toronto, is spend- ing her vecatiou at the home of J. Forrest. Rev, D. Perrie and family, of Wing- ham,are visitingrelatives in this "vicinity. ' C. W. and Mrs. Keeling, of Cargill, sppeuta few days at the home of A. J. M. Halm. The Mesdames Carter, of Avonton, are visiting their parents, 0. and Mrs. Alderson. - Several new members .were added to the list in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Oscar and hers. Shaw are spending their v000tiou 10 Ham71ton and Niagara Falls J. 1VIittleholtz, 04 Hansell, was visit- ing his Pathei-Cu-lwuv, Geo, Heather, over Sunday. Alf. and Mrs, Reymann• Y �ub alid ]77.16 wick A.Rofmandoe spent a few clays y Mrs. Brown, sou and daughter of Seratfor'd, were visitors with Mrs. Jacob Long last week. Some young men from Mitchell hat g here ou etre 1st caught a bass that weighed 3'lbs. 18 oz. Mts. W. Alderson and Mrs. Jas. Cameron were away attending the wedding of tiger brother Rev. J. F. g A., and sisters IiNrGST—PICKARD,—A pretty home wedding on Thursday, Jute .2nd, was that of Miss Grace, only daughter of Mr. and elm. Pickard, Kent Bridge, to Rev. 1, F. Tfnight, M. A., 13. D„ of Dawn Mills. The ceremony was con- ducted by Rev, Mr, Irwin, of ]Jarrow, assisted by Rev. Mahlou Pickard, grandfather of the bride, in the Pvesence of about 50 guests, under. ra floral bell on the beautiful colonial porch, which had been decorated in the pillar tion shades inside, •while the pillars were entwined with reel, white and blue. The bride, who was ivaij awe •fever, g y.by her father, wore a Handsome Paris gown of ivory duchess satin,'vlth au overdress of seed p0alls, embroidered. ttrlle veil Callgbt Vvitll Grange bloss01i1 , anti carried a puresufficienty white Bible. The wedding mrch IVa$ Payed by the beide's . egtlaln of Chatham• `Tile obey attendants nwere four little: girls dress- white, who acted as ribbon- bearers, and Mester Arthult i1leL' are, in a smart beets suit of white serge, as page+ carrying a pretty beaker of of thevalley, g va 1 y, in which was the ling The groom was unattended aid were his 111astei s gown. Daiety re- frestttnelits wore served •Jit the dnruu - room. Mr. end Mrs. Knight motored i to on .5lirtngs, where 11±'. Kuirrltt 0f. A NOTE or Goon Ctri sii.—Danes llmroo.—Enclosed and SUbael'1 t70n TRU cs.— nclP8131118117,sedi rz p , for g , Though it is a number of ears since I ]a , y ft $rue• Sels, still N•a 'Old Htiron ileus have a warns place in our hearts- for the "Old haute,e but et we a yars sways glad tc evelcoiva any the4beldte to hebeCalgary, We hove one of the,best, if net the best oily r» the West and for climate apex celled. Crops this year are the best tits have been for ears ver i m weather ani week•showers lTeuig oiir lot, 1 h,! eniri s ten !a day-: 1.hXblb res-, opens e11, entries are lar i than eves•, ru fact the ntanagenieilt• is; having trouble to RUE place for all the exhibits, althou h ter K . burlcliuRs have leen eulaigetl con bus, abs} since last year. As Ear the buss rely our bank Clearance speak far thein solves. Houses to rent eau hardly b found and real`estate is !Waking' a stead, ieavement. The best thine tl o 1. . i y , a dile' ash 60 is to take bis Ilia 01ysrn the Wes vel! Lie year east ;spaud Ctrrt tn0st of thetii i; C algal y. eel. Suint rely, • We have man other lines' too nullmrous to mention • Y • and would apprecl'ate a Call. • o „ 0 • • • II 1 w • The Big Store BrusSeIS • • ••esi•0se••b•0 0••s0•ab•a 00000•••••••as00•••0000•s• It a • P e 0