The Brussels Post, 1911-6-29, Page 1E�$
VOL. w.1\10. 5z
W. H. KERR, Proprietor
New Ad a se encs
Na V 4ti m,u
Looal-Mise Kelly. ,
Pail ooneea-Jas, Vox.
Retiieo10ciodito,0.An11 Sin, d
Notleo to aroditora-W. M. Sinolatn
Notice to or'editora-Mra, T. Mower.. 's
Tho haat earwot-Ventral Buafnoaa College, n
Summer and we hope will ret rn
featly benefitted by the phangb.-A
load of youngpeople from here attend-
4 reception at the 117 a of J.
ed it held t d
McGlynn, of Howick, on Wednesday
eveningin ho ci• p his daughter who
was married 4 I g
•that' day,. -Miss Etta
Smith spenta few days of this week
in Brussels. -Thos. Brown was a visit-
or in Toronto for a few days recently,
-Mrs, Geo, Leckie has returned from
Morris where she has been the guest
of her sister Mr's. E. Cardiff. -S. M,
Robinson, of Toronto, is spending a
two weeks' vacation, at'his home here,
-Mise A. P. Russell, of London, visit-
ed last week with her cousin, Mrs. Ii.
Brawn, -Miss May Perrin returned
frorn (Toronto On Satuvdity where eho
has been attendin the Conservatory
of NtueiO.-Mrs. B. F. Carr is'dn inion-
to attending her mother who is
seriously d11. -Hire, Johnson and child-
ren, who have spent several months
here, leave for their home' at Ninga,
Man, on Thursday. -W, 0. Currie
spent Tue�day in Wingham,
BI th and Doe -Pere of Milverton, late
y ,
actor hate. Int was an impressive
service and manykindlythings were
deserved! sent of the subject f this
y j
notice,. PallbearOM were W..• Sime,
Jas. Gibson Fred. Toll W. Nlc$slro •
, Yr
W. Bryantancl W. Nowcprnbo, lister-
motet was made in Union cemetery.
A. large number, of friends from ad-
joining points were .resent to pay
their tribute of resect to a well known
citizen. The floral tributes were
beautiful. Mrs. Wilford and sons will
share largely in the sympathy of the
community in their bereavement
We are sorry to report that P.' Wil-
Lowe is very nosily and .his friends axe
anxious over his condition.
Miss Gibson, who has been holding
a millinery position at Wheatley,
Kent Co., arrived Fora this week for
her vacation.
The Coronation Lawn Social given
by the Ladies' Aid Society of St.
Andrew's church was well patronized:
Receipts over $102.
Subjects in St. Andrew's Church
next Sunday will be as follows :-
Morning -"The letter to the church at
Sardis." Evening- "National Ideals
and National Perils."
A pretty wedding was solenrized.
Wednesday evening at the home of
Mrs. Mills, the bride's mother, Blyth,
when her daughter, Miss Edith, be.
-came the bride of Rev. F. E. Olydes-
dale, who was ordained last Conferen-
ce-at Stratford, and goes to Malden
circuit, near Amberstbur , for the
next term. We extend congratula-
tions and wish: the yonhg parson and
his Bride many happy years.
This application by Blyth
Municipal Telephone system against
the McKillopMunicipal Telephone
p P
system to compel the latter to au
interchange of telephonic communica•
tion between the two systems'and
.carne up for hearing before the Ont-
ario Raiiwa Board at Toronto on the
20th suet and an order wets mane in
favor of the village of Blyth_in terms
of their• application. It as reported
in some Of the daily papers that jndg-
resent was reserved. This was moor-
rest as the decision was given at the
close of the. argument. W. M. Sire-
()lair, of Brussels, was counsel for the
village of Blyth and T. P. Galt 'epee-
sented the Township of McKillop.'
the rapidly disappearing pioneers of
Ga'sy has gone to his rest. The her-
Paved share in the sympathy of the
Community, -
GArtOBN PARTY.- Next Tuesday
evening a Garden Party and Ice Create*
Festival will be held on the Manse
lawn here, under the auspices of Duffs
church. Program following supper,
served from 6.80 to 0.30, will be a
choice one consisting of nnusical selec-
tions by Blyth and Moncrieff Presby-.
terian climes, Mts. McGuire, Seaforth ;
Mr. Cook, Goderieh, Mr, Gilroy, Bros-
eels, and Seaforth Band ; elocution by
Rev. J. L. Sinull, Blyth, and Miss L.
Harrison. ; and addresses by
Rev. A. 0, Wishaet, B. A Brussels,
and Rev. Mr. Lackland, Walton, Re-
freshutent booths on ground. Rev. R.
A. Lundy..., will preside. A' cordial
invitation is extended and an A 1 time
We are sorry t0 hear of the serious
illness of -Mrs. Reuben ()amiss and
hope she will soon regain her usual
degree of health and vigor.
- We are Spiry to hear that Misses
Kate and Nancy McDonald, 9th line,
are not enjoying good health but we
hope for speedy emprovehient,
lieu. Mr. Andrews preached his
farewell sermon in Joltnstou's chinch
Sabbath last taking era the .foundation
of his remarks I 00r. 13.11. His
discourse was interesting and helpful
and it is with a certain degree of re-
gree that we' sever our connection as
pastor and people.
ANOTHER 51 Boy Mamma Ibe
GOOD. -0, M. Fraser, BI. A. on the
14th of this month had the degree of
Ph. D. conferred u onlhim by the Old
Gold University of Iowa City, Iowa.
Old friends here extend hearty con.
gratulations and hope he may attain
all he' deserves.
Remember the Garden Farts 10 be
given by the Ladies' Aid of 1,he Johns-
ton appointment on the Church lawn
July 6111. '" Tea served from 3 to 8.
Ohan• wiifbe taken by Walter Hall,
of Wiughamn. A program consisting
of addresses by•new pastor, IJ:ev. J. E.
Cook, Rev. Mr. VtTest, of Blitevale and
others. Music will be furnished by
the Sr. Paul'schur'eh choir, Winghant.
Cotne,and have agood time.
guests were Alex, and Mrs. McKay,
Mrs. Ti'. Burped antl114isa lrptap, Adam
and Mrs. McKay, Mrs.- A. A; Box and
R•Iis. Jatnes Willis of Seafoetkz;Alex,
and Mts. McKay, Hickson ; Mrs.' Alex,
teoliertson, of Godetich ; Mrs. Isaac
McKay Master Williamwudzliiss]fdibh
of Niagara Falls, N. Y. ; and Miss
Edna McKay, Toiouto. Mr. and Mrs.
McDonald left for their home in the
far West last Saturday carrying with
them the good wishes of a large circle
of friends Inc et long, happy and
prosperous life.
as the audience arose, . with a 've
solemn service, Mr. Wisltat't laid t ha
beautiful corner atone ou which was t n
scribed "Knox Church, MonCYi6 ir,
x e 1," declared it well and truly Jai
and in earnest prayer invoked God
riehesC blessing pu pastor and people i
their uobla enterprise.
Congratulatory addresses were give
by Rev, D. Wren. M. A., Ethel ; Re
Mr, Lackland, Walton ; Rev, Mr. Ferg
son, Monkton ; and James Smilll
Walton. Rev. Mr. Wishart, Brussel
brought the greetings of the Freels
tory and gave an excellent address
the Inc"ufoundation of the church
Christ." Reeve Livingstone and Ba
rister Proudfoot, M. P, P. of Goderic
gave brief but excellent addresses. M
Proudfoot dwelt on the value of t
Moral and Spiritual Work of the Chur
and its worth to the community a
wished pastor and people.Godspeed
their noble work.
The choir Ind the service of grail
and gave the anthems in good styl,
The Children sang ',The Maple Lea;
and evoked; hearty applause. Free
will offering was $zit 70. Hymn 4
and the Benediction brought to a clo
the finest corner stone -service ever he
in these parts.
!)loncrieff hospitality provided be
of •, etc„ for the horses and soon tl
litotes had the Garden Party tables loci
ed with all the good things possible
cold hate, salads. warm potatoes, cake
pies and even every delicacy possibh
About le people bad supper and st
enough left for 200 more.
g and firs
Pied fine music. 'then followeda firs
red en Band came followed
class program by Mrs. Wright, Qyrig
brothers, Brussels Quartette; Miss M
Naught, Miss Spence and the Wal[
choir, all of which the audience receive
Proceeds of the Garden Party w
$276.00, making the total for the day
bout $400.o0.
Heartiest congratulations to past
May the hargoomony
and rd ipeon unity
God's richest bless ngarmony and and
{ �} c
x ^" "
nicked at Auburn
i men'
The W)
sent representatives
meeting at
The Methodist
Is having its
tit the Parsonage
The trustees
school have
Miss Jennie
teacher, at
has had a
teacher and
term at Stratford
Rands comes
re -open on
tractions here
be a Base -Ball
teams from
ton and Winghain
tug of war
star tvill also
There will
and young
head family
will give a
Oaring the
has been arranged
which the
part, O.
Clarke, Miss
Russell. The
of Harriston
former well
friends here
shortly for
has been appointed
the 0. P.
B. R. Hull
the Entrance
wich this week.
son, of Toronto,
days with
Dickson. -Mrs.
Willits,, of
mother, Mrs.
is visiting
Mies May
sniff, entertained
home, near
daughter of
few weeks
Mrs.' G.
family visited
may. -Mrs.
ed her son,
torn to Toronto
spend some
Rilla Smith,
health for
on Tuesday
1 r v
Beg a e
Presbyterian choir plc
on Coronation Day.
Insist to of el rave
s u B
to the DistrictoRRiB
Brussels on Wednesday,
church at Belggrave
annual Garden Flirty
on June 20th.
Band is to be in attendance.
of Be rev - public
c lied .the es3rvica of
Rands, of Brussels, as
a salary of $525.00,' She
successful experience as
completed her Normal
last Easter. Miss
highly commended to
School closes this week Co
September 1st.
•Monometr Centre Huron Domination
Barrister Proudfoot the choice.
William PtOndfoot, K. O„ will again
be the standard-bearer at the Liberals
of Centre Huron for the Ontario
Legislature, The Nominating con-
ventlon was held on Saturday after-
noon, at Seaforth there being a large
and representative gathering. When
nominations were called for no other
narne than that of 'lir. Proudfoot was
meutiotied, and his three years of
active work in the Le islature as a
supporter of Hon. A. 0. MacKay re-
ceived the nuanimous endorsement of
the Convention.
This was also the annual meeting
of the Centre Huron Liberal Associa-
tion, and the following officers were
elected : President, Michael Miu,tlie,
Winthrop ; Viae -Presidents -Dr. J.
W. Shaw, Clinton ; J. N. Kernighan,
Se tet ler ; James 'Cowan, Seaforth tr ;
Secretary, J. L. l ullorau, Seaforth ;
Pleaeurbr, Joseph Bell, Carlow ;
Auditor, W. J. Paisley, Clinton.
Municipal Chairman were chosen as
follows :-Brussels, it Wilton dwell ;
V. Cameron ; McKillop, J. McDowell;
Seaforth, R. S. Hays ; Hallett, Jas.
Watt ; Clinton, Fred. Jackson ; Col-
borne, S. Bisset ; Goderieb, C. Nairn.
ConvMr. Proudfoot, after thanking the
spoke eofithon for tee hitt L done him,
pre created by the reatli lis i opor-
tion of members on tire Government
and. Opposition sides, respectively.
The Opposition had little influence
numerically, but by carefully scanning
each item of legislation, and making
it t•uu the gauntlet of an open discus -
sire, they were often able to make
improvements. Mr. Prounfoot criti-
sized the arbitrary exercise 01 power
by the Government in its Hydro -oleo-
trier policy and in its administration
of educational affairs drew attention
to the rapid increase of expenditure,
and declared his intention of reintro-
tlucing Iris bill to abolish the three-
fifths clause at every session at which
he was a member,
Hon. A. G. MacKay made an ad-
dress which held the close attention
of his hearers. The warmest ap-
ianse was when he advocated 1oca1
die in assesing , any she whed
in discussing reciprocity he scored
those responsible for the cry of the
destruction of Canadian nationality
through better trade relations with
our neighbors. lie thanked the Lib-
orals of Centre Huron fm• sending to
the Legislature nue of the most able
supporters he had in the House. Mr.
Proudfoot had made a name for hint-
self at the Bar, and he found that the
mien who achieved eminence in their
own vocation were elle men who were
most successful in political life. He
dealt at some length with the Gov-
ernments's mismanagement and hung-
g g
As rio connection
rwmple ofeeonditoons
existing throbgh.:ut the Province he
quoted from the report of the Pub-
l c School Inspector
, fseventy-fourroasPeter-
schools ten years ago there was nota
single unqualified teacher, and when
last year thirty-four teachers hadab-11
solutely no proper qualifications. lie
believed in the model school system,
not only because it provided the best
source of supply for the schools of
the Province, but also because it pro -
vided an opportunity for the poor
man's son or daughter, which the
Government's policy had taken away.
M. Y. McLean, M. P., W. H. Kerr,
of Brussels, and Arch. Hislop, ex -N1.
P. P., also addressed the meeting.
Resolutions were P118sed. expressing,
confidence in the Provincial leader.
and the representative of Centre
Huron, pledging oontiuued support of
the Government of Sir Wilfrid
Laurier and endorsing the reciprocity
Barrister Sinclair, of Brussels, past
President, presided at the Convention.
l3ntcN RAISING. -A . royal, time was
spent at the barn raising last Friday
ou the farm of L. Eckmier. About
150 able bodied men and 60 bnzorn
women were there and In their
respective departments were o. k.
28 feet were added to the barn. Mr.
Eckmier has one of the best farms in
Morris and is a good farmer,
DIHD AT WHITBY. -On Sunday ofs
last week Selah Orvis, a resident of
Whitby locality for over 50 pease,
passed over to the great majority,'aged
88 ears. He had been in- fettling
health for over a year and had been
blind for 12 years. Funeral took place
Tuesday. Deceased'is survived by his
wife, 3 sons and 5 daughters. One son
isLee Orvis,of lnrnberry township,-
and Mrs. D. Breckenridge jr. of this
localityis a daughter. Mr. Orvis and
Mr. Breekeuridge attended .the
funeral. Mr. Orvis was a fine man,
honest, honorable and highly esteem-
ed. He was a Quaker in religions be-
DIED AT PONTIAC Mon. -Mrs. Thos.
Wright, who resided here for the past
40 years, and had gone last Satuday
horn Wroxeter to. visit her daughter,
.died at Pontiac, Mich., last Monday,
aged 82 years. The remains were
brought to Brussels on Wednesday
and the funeral, which was private,
was held Thursday afternoon to Brus-
sets cemetery to the family plot and
laid alongside her husband who passed
away Christmas morning 1900, at 79
years of age. Andrew Pollock, an old
and true friend of Mrs. Wright, eon-
ducted the service. Deceased's maid-
en:name was Ann Robinson, who was
born in North Berwickshire, Scotland,
where she was also married to the late
Thos. Wright, when 17 years of age.
They came to Canada in 1872 and after
a sojourn at Seaforth moved to James-
town in 1875. pour sons survive viz :
-Frank, Turnberry; Jas. Chicago ;
Thos. in the U. S. some place ; and
' Jno. Brussels. George was killed at
Pittsburg by a;fallilig bar of iron while
engaged at his trade as a structural
worker. The two daughters are Mrs.
Robt. Laing, of Wroxeter; and Mss.
W. S. Parker, of Pontiac. Mss.
Wri ht was an intelligent woman,
who had enloyed good health and her
sudden demise `came as a great sur-
prise to the community.
A. E, Metheral, of Castor, Alberta.
is visiting friends in the neighbor-
Blyth has been supplying large
quantities of strawberries . to outside
Rev. Mr,Wileywas ordained and in-
ducted on Tuesday . in the Baptist
church in Auburn.
Rev. 0. 0. Keine and faintly, of
Granton, were visitors at the home of
Mrs. Mills this week.' .Bert.
SL. Andrew's choir will sing'at
Walton Garden Party on Tuesday
evening of next week. •
A special Coronation sermon was
given byRev. Mr. Small last Sabbath
evening in St. Andrew's Church.
Rev. W. L. Hood, of Alma, Mich.,
was here on a short visit with his
mother, Mrs. G. Hood and sisters,
Mrs. W. Jackson, and Miss Hood,'01
Blyth, and Mrs. A. T. Cole, of Morris.'
He occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's
church here last Sabbath morning.
Rev. Mr. Hood goes to Rapid City,
North Dakota, as his new charge.
He was a welcome visitor.
After an extended period of ill health
an old and highly esteemed resident
of Blyth, in the person of John Wil-
ford, answered the great roll call and
passed away to his reward on Wed-
nesday of last week aged 59 years,
months and 15 days. Isle was born in
Esquesfng township, Halton Co. and
came to Morris township in his early
manhood and lived for a number of
years on the 9th line. 27 years ago he
teak up residence in Blyth, where he
lived continuously. - in the year 1883
deceased found a true helpmeet in the
person of Miss Eliza. A,. Nesbitt who
with two sone (Dr. E. C., of China
and Albert H., of Win ham survive.-
Chronic bronchitis and a weak sero-
ach were the cause of Mr. Wilford's
death. He was closely connected
with various business concerns in
town at .various dates, iu which he
showed tack, industry and thrift
and occupied a seat as Councillor and
afterward as Reeve in the village
Council for several years. He was
member of the Orange Lodge and
seldom missed a celebration er an op-
portunity. •of expressing his •views.
The Methodist church lost a loyal and
sailed member when Mr. Wilford
passed away. Whether as a local
preacher, class leader, Sunday School
superintendent or other office he al-
ways did his part faithfully and with
00 small ability. Generous financial
schemes a of the church andhe his various
were often employed on neighboring
fields of labor before the decline of hisun
health. Few - men were better known
in the.Co. than John Wilford and by
his geniality and friendliness was
most approachable. In politics de-
ceased was a supporter of the Con
servative party and took no small part
in the furtherance of their interests.
The funeral took place Friday
afternoon and was under the direction
of L. 0. L, No. 963. Service was Con-
ducted by Rev. Joseph Philp, B. D.
of Essex. an old friend of deceased,
assisted by Revds, pear (pastor) Small
(Presbyterian) Farr, (nglican) of
DAY. -Amongst the at
on the 1st of July will
tournament in which
Cargill; Brussels, Walker-
will take part. A
between Glome and Wrox-
be an interesting event:
be number 0f races for old
and Clarke's famous block-
and P110011 andJudy show
continuous performance
afternoon. A good Concert
for the evening in
well-known talent will take
Le Roy Kenney, Robert
Eva Outhbertaud Harold
30th Regimental Band
will be in attendance all
A • Morrison,
known resident here aC-
by his bride. called on
on Saturday. they leave'
the West where the former
. station -agent on
R. near Moose Jaw. -Mise
is presiding examiner at
examinations. in Ford-
-J. J. and Mrs. Gib-
visited for several
the former's sister, Mrs. F.
Baxter and Miss B.
Chicago, are guests of their
A TPillits.-Jos. Gowan
relatives at Dunsford.-
Hogg, of the Public School
her pupils at her
Jamestown, on Saturday
-Mrs. Orr and little grand-
Toronto, are spending a
with former's daughter,
P. Jackson. -C. Reis and
with relatives in Mild-
W. H. Brawn, accompani-
John Brawn, on his te-
on Monday. She will
weeks in the city. -Miss
who has been in poor
sometime, left for Calgary
where she will spend the
Mrs. John Oliver and son, Jack,
spent art 0f lash week with Mrs. Joe
Evans, 12th con,, has been on
the sick list but we hope he will soon
be as well as ever.
, Miss McIntosh, of Toronto, is a via-
iter at P. A. 'McArthur's. She is al-
ways welcome back to see her man
S. S. No. 1 Sabbath and nubile
schools will hold their annual plc-pfc
in the Davidson grove, 12th con., Sat-
urcday afternoon of this week.
A letter from Walter McKay, Earl
Grey, Sask., says :-drops never look-
ed better. I got 200 acres in this year
and 100 acres "broke' for wheat next
, Milton Engel, of Paw Paw, Nisch.,
is here on a visit at the Mizell home,
9th con. He is a grandson of Mrs.
Rozell's and visited relatives at Detroit
en route,
This Spring H. Tyerman, of the
gravel road, has 3 eleggant Clyde foals
from "Hopewell," W. J. Cooper's
horse. Mr. Tyerman was also `present-
ed with a dandy' roadster Colt, bred
from A.-Baeker's horse. •
Fred. Cardiff, 8th con., left on Tues-
day •on a holiday trip for a few months
through the West. His headquarters
will be Edgley, Sask. Mr. Cardiff's
farm is being worked this season by
his uncle, Jas. Cardiff, across the road
from his place. We wish the visitor a
good time.
was 1 TU >�-A most enjoyable time
as spe t t the Garden Party on L.
Frain's lawn last Tuesday, evening.
After an extra good supper had been
served the following well rendered
program was presented :-Opening
chorus by Roe's church choir ; gram-
ophone selections ; solos, by F. H.
Gilroy, Brussels ; addresses by $+evds.
Messrs. Wren, Oaten and McKelvie ;
selections by Brussels Ladies' Quar-
tette : solos by Miss Dailey ; violin
Iosola Miss a d%t,oiss
NIiss an solo,Peyne
and Rev. Dr. Oaten. All did well.
W. H. Kerr was chairman. Proceeds
$1x.00. Tuesday being 91'r•
Frain's 50th birthday he was royally
toasted and made a short, appropriate
t tl a hosttes andfhoste es the program passed
talent and all others who had helped
any way.
Mid -Summer Promotions.
Per cent on Total, -Pass 60 ; Home
Promoted from junior Fourth tc .
Fourth. Names iu order of merit :-
G Edwards L Tndkson
J McLaucitlin
J Oliver • H Fox
•L Burgess R Sinclair
L Lowry G Colvin
J Ballantyne
D. ST[tTlr, Teaches
From Sr, III to Tr. IV.
R Stewart E Rands
3 Campbell L Wright
L Ament
.0 McLauchlan V Sinclair
A McLauchlan S McLaacielin
From jr. III to Sr. III.
D Ross 1 ea sial H Stewart
H Gerry; L McCracken
E C tmeron PASS
M Carter
P Barkley F McNaughton
H, DowxmNc, Teacher.
Promoted from Sr. II to Jr. III.
C Moore M Skelton
T Warwick H Lott
Stewart G Thomson
A Fox V Harris
M Hoist E Jamieson
A Currie
Promoted from Int. II to Sr. IL
B Wright M Ross
C Moore W Burgess
H Tames M Dueford
0 Hemingway M Pawson
11 McLauchlin R Currie
J Fax
W Roe I Mci ichol
T Jamieson M Campbell
C Auderson
Promoted Erom Jr. II to Sr. II.
NI McLauehiin
M Cameron G Backer
A Drage A Cardiff
E Tomhusmn•
G, Ross, Tetchar.
Mid S77mmeY Exam. for Prime
Room. From Sr, Pt II to Jr. iI.
NI Berney 1., Conley
E Burgess 1 Emigh
W Snider W James
M Wilton 0 Howard
A Stetvartl. equal
L Francis i
J Harkness G Snider
E Hollinger J Lowry
From Ir. Pt II to Sr. Pt: II.
Ethel Stewart Ellie Stewart
1) Holmes Milton Oliver
Cassie Thompson
Fm•,u Si. Ist to Jr, Pt Il.
1) Walker M Wood
1 Stewart L Drage
2, Barkley 3 Howard
perm Int. Ist to Sr, Ise
; ,
M NICGiaclean
From Is to Int, 1st.
F Stewart F Oliver
E moose '1' Burgess
le Hemingway • 13 Cameron
E Olivet 'd McLattehlha
A Stewart B Tltdell
1+'. iiuclYArtnN. Tenehei
$' A new fence is being placed around
the cemetery just outside of our
On Dominion Day the hours of
Ethel postoffice will be 8 to 9 o'clock
a. m. and 2 to 3.p. m.
Miss 0, Ballantyne and John John-
ston, of Atwood, were visitors over
Sunday with Miss Ida M. Cole.
Presbyterian Sabbath School will
; picnic in the Jackson rove on Domin-,
ion Day, which will be et public boli-
day v
Rev. Mr. Wren and Miss Spence
took' part in the corner -stone laying
Program at Moncrieff on Coronation
Mrs, J. M. Lake and daughters,
Lottie and Isabel!, of Hamilton, are
enjoying a month's outing at I. Lake's,
a 10th con., Grey.
The eveuingservice in the Methodist
church will be held at 7.30 instead of
0 cloak during the mouths of July,
iiexttst and Sabbatb September, comwencing.
Next Sabbath evening the annual
sermon to the members of Ethel
Orange Lodge will be pteaohed in the
Methodist church here at7.30 o'clock,
by Rev. D. Wren; M. A. The broth-
Pru will march from •tis Orange Hall.
Next Councilmeeting Julp 24th.
Jno. and Miss Shurrie were visiting
at London.
Harvey Beam, 7th line, has One on
Y g
the West
a s. rind Mrs. ordan were holidaying.totalled
with 0.. Mu toed, of Turnberry,
The 5th line continues t0 prosper
itncl the latest is a brand new top bug-
gy at W. H. Ferguson's.
Mrs. John Anderson and son, of
Wingham; were visiting for a few
days at James Anderson's, 5th line.
John and Mrs. Clegg enjoyed Cor-
onation Day' by a visit with relatives
at the well known Summer resort-
Point Farm -near Goderieh.
Wednesday of this week Dave Mc-
Call, formerly of Morris and later of
Brussels, was married to Miss Graham,
at Calgary. Further particulars are
not to hand.
Wednesday of this week Frank M.
Martin, 5111 line, arrived home from
the Fergus hospital. He is snaking
fair progress and we hope he will soon
be as well as ever.
Contract for the McCaughey muni-
cipal drain was let to R. B. Alcock,
6111 lino, for the sum of $2,229,80.
The Peacock drain teas let t0 Brecken-
ridge & McMichael at $1,025,30. The
contractors will no doubt do their best
to rush Ole work along.
The trustees of S. S. No. 3 have en-
gaged Miss Bella Henderson, of Bios-
sell, as teacher succeeding Miss Annie
E, McGowan who has resigned. Sit}-
dry will be $550.00 duties to commence
September rat: Miss Henderson is a
good teacher and we wish her success.
SCHOOL REroHT.-Following is the
School Report for S. S. No. 10, Morris,
for the month of June :- Sr. IV.-
Pupils examined in Hygiene, Arith,,
Spell., Writing. Total 300,-Theressa
Rohb, 188 ;Harvey Ontt,110 ; Walter
Messer, 103 ; *George Moffatt, 71 ;
*Moffatt Miller, 28. Jr. IV. --Exam,
in Lit. Total 100. -Maggie ]ticharri-
Pen; 74. Sr. IIL-Exam, in Writ.,
Hist., Rec., Comp.. Arith. Total 350,
Zelina 'Purvey, 238 ; Viola MacLeod,
207 ; Herbert Powell. 125 ; *Mary Mil-
ler', 15. Jr.. IIL-Exam. in Reading.
Hist., Went. Total .200. -Maggie
Breckenridge, . 60`: "Seleth Brecken-
ridge, 40.• Sr. IL- Exam. in Geo
Ree., Writ. Total. 250.- Hazel Robb,
129 ; Alex. Shaw, 111: Addison Wag-
er, 110 ; Melissa, ohnston, 09. Jr.. II•
Exam. in Writing, Read., Rec. Total
200. -Rettig Turve , 178 ; Christte
Forrest, 141 ; Elsa Ramsay, 80 ; Ver-
na.7ohnston, 75 ; *Margaret Miller•-,
Sr..L-Good-Sparling Johnston. Pt.
L -Good -Laura Johnston.: Jr. I.--
Excellent -Harvey Johnston ; Very
anorl-Jaubt Miller, Gordon Moffatt.
Those marked* missed exams.
B. BnsrANti, Toucher,
The Prettiest
A Short Procession,
See bills and
A. Great
JOS. mems
to /
to Goderich
and Healthiest Town in
Special Prizes.
You Married ?.
S neakera.HONORS
Spacial Trains' and Races.
circulars for full pardon-
Big Day at a Small Price.
g Walton
Miss Josephine O. Rea, is holidaying
with •friends en Toronto and Stratford..
The Orangemen from this locality
will spend the 12th of July at Gorier-
-Mies Campbell, of Hallett, has been
engaged as teacher here at a Bala'y of
$5 th .
Station Agent McKay is away for a
holiday. Rumor says he was married
on Wednesday to Miss Hoover, of
Rev. Mr.' Baker, of 'Teeswater, a
former pastor of the Methodist church
here, who was appointed last 'Con-
ference to Brownsville, declined to go
and may remove to the West.
Before removing from Benmiller
Miss Myrtle Sperling, of Clinton, is
visiting at her home here.
The union Sabbath School plc -pie
on Coronation Day was a tip-top
Thos. Smallrion is home from Si•
Thomas. He is a son of George
Ortembrook was represented at the
McInnes- Armstrong wedding on
Wednesday by the McInnes family.
A. quartette frorn Mitchell was here
on Tuesday on a blackbass fishing ex-
pedition and bad the fisherman's good
The new home being built by Harry
Smalldon is ready for shingling. It is
a 2 story cottage and will be veneered
with brick.
Six pupils from Cranbrook were
writing at Brussels this week at the
Entrance Exam, We hope they will
pass all right.
Tine ever faithful maul carrier Geo.
Reuther, was 0n the sick list part of
this week and A. J. Hohn was doing
his work for Kin George.
Sabbath morning next the Com,
mullion will be observed in Knox
Church. Thursday evening Rev. Mi'.
West, of Rluevale, will preach. the
preparatory service. y
Public Salon' will close Friday,
Principal and Mrs, Shaw go to their
pp arental home at St. Ann's Ont. Miss
Norma Snarling and her sisCei' Myrtle,
of Clinton, will take a trip to the
HYXIEN.EAL.-The residence of Mrs.
McKay was the scene of a quiet wed-
ding at high noon Wednesday, June
21st when her youngest daughter Miss
Elizabeth A. was united in marriage
to `'Vin. McDonald, of Malakwn B.
O. Bride was given away by her
btothor, Adana McKay. of Seaforth,
aid wore a. white embroidered dress:
After the ceremony which was per-
formed by Rev. D. B. McRae, 0t
Craibrook. laneheen was served on
the lawn, which ryas enjoyed by all.
The bride was the tocipient of many
beautiful and useful gifts showing the
appreciation in winch she was held by
her friends. Bride's going away gown
was a smart tailored suit of grey wttlh
bat td match, Among the out of town
N, A. M. Toon, .
will P
' Trunks,'"
�,� Q •,
�� l l ,1',
es _
i 1
have them all our y
make and the i
•, . ,•
trimmings are lr ' I�• +
U b b e1,
Solid Nlckleend Hard Rubber. Our prices
lease you. Material and Workmanship are the
Also Lap Dusters; • Fly Sheets, Rubber Rugs,.
SatC11e15 •$L
' ' C. •
Department V'r1t .
See our new Styles and note how low our prices
Special Bargains each beginning
27th.. See our Bargain Table for that day.
�e . �. H A R V
circuit Mrs. (Rev,) Baugh, formerly of
Walton, was presented by a kindly
address and a purse of money.
Rev. Mt'. Baugh has moved to -Wallace
circuit near Listowel. •
old and well known resident of Lot 16,
Con. 17, Grey township, for the past
80years passed off this scene of action
Thursday of last week, after it short
illness, in his 77th year. He
to be about as usual 0n Wednesday
and died at 3 o'clock 1110' next morn
hug. Heart failure was the cause.
He was born in I+)ngland and crossed
the ocean with his parents when 7
years of age, locating in TnckLBmith
township, When Mr. Clark took up
his farm in Grey it was a solid basil
lot but by hard work, thrift and per-
f Severance he transfortned it into a
` fine property upon which he continued
to reside' 51 years ago last Fall de-
ceased was married to Muss Agnes
Duncanson and' she and 13 children
survive, the father's .'death being the
first Meek to the large family, all of
whom aro married. Sonsare:-Tttos.,
Palmerston ; Amble, McKillop
Enoch, Walton,. John, Grey ; Wm.,
McKillopRobt., Heir and Ed,
; y ,Y
Grey ; and Soo, Saskatchewan, the
latter being the only member riot.
pp resent at funeral on Saturday. The
daughters are airs, Metz, Elmira f
Mrs. L. Williamson, Walton ; Sl'rs. J.
`Ziegler and Mrs. J. Williamson, Grey.
Rev, Mr. Lundy, <loceased's pastor,
conducted the funeral service, infer-
meet being inade at Brnssels come-
tety.. Six sons were pall bearers, In
the de artite% of Mr. Clark another of
Croat Crowd at Moncrloifand Most
Successful Time
Coronation Day, P1; irsday June 22nd,
will be day long to be remembered by
file Moucrieti people Eor ou tint day the
ooxner stone of their new Knox Church
was laid by Rev, A. C, Wishart, 13, A.,
Moderator of Maitland Presbytery, in
the presence of a very large concourse
of people. The day was ideal ; prepare-
tions well made; religious service most
impressive and inspiring.
The pastor, Rev. R. A, Lundy, pre-
sided and opened the service at 3,30 with
prayer and 72nd Psalm. Ser:ptut+e
lesson was the Psalm 122, afros width
James Mann, a respected !alder 0E the
church, gave a fine his' orient sketch of
congregation from the earliest times
when Rey. Mn. Ferguson, of Brussels,
held service In the schoolhouse, up to
the present excellent organization and
bright outlook. This address was great-
ly enjoyed by all, Gordon' McQuarrie
then deposited the usual papers, rill-
gloms. smiler and congregational hi the
stone and William Machan, Chairmen of
Building Committee, presented Rev,
Mn, W ishsrt with a beautiful silver
trowel to la the corner stone, Then
Y t