HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-6-22, Page 4ICK 1siug-30AY JUNE ,a tett Huron Co, Council RRPOa'r Ott POWxa eelittttl•T0E The following is the report of 11 commutes appointed to interview Ho Adam Beek 0oucetnhtg the eteveloptne oMaitland o f power :— "'0 li111' -committee Appointed at la meeting of the cesium' us interview Hu Adam lick as to what position th Govorititem would aleaunle on the tole tion of a power, Ugh and heat ,ycitem produced iron] the Maitland River i this comity, met Hon. Ada mBeck, i Toronto on April gth last and had meeting vary setisfaetory to everyoio i present, including a number of interes ad parties from Godtericli- and oth planes itt the county, also the Warde clerk and treasurer of the count "Mr. Seek assured 118 that he was anx nus t0 aid any and every county in th Province, which had a waterpowe of development,tin estab i hin 1s Hydroelectric: poer In the same at co and further stated "that the Gover ment would advance the money for sue development at four per cent, payable i thirty years, adding one and three tenths percent as a sinking fund to race the liability at maturity, allowing th same rate of interest on accumulatin sinking fund. That if required, tit Hydro -Electric Conhmission would d the whole work of establishing shin the plan and transmission and supply the enine ering staff free of charge, That then engineers would examine further an send us a full report as to transmissio and cost per hoe e o r s we to the users P 5 etc It no turns w u s out that,for reason given in a letter received g e c Ived by the clerk Mr Lane,dated June and which b submitted herewith, that a report con taininp thedesiredinformation canno be supplied at this meeting. The tette will be read in open council and tit reasons for further delay explained ve bully, if uecessary, and we reoommen that the council continue the committe now appointed or appoint another to re place it, to whom matters in connectio with the scheme may be submitted a they turn. up," Te e letter addressed t ytr. Lane troth the L:ommtssion unde date of June and, was as follows: "With reference to your favor of )nn Jst, iu regard to report which was prom ised for the meeting of the count i council n ane, we are nosy rather in J clined to the opinion that it would be a great mistake to snake public any figures at the present stage of negotiations, owing to the tneagre data upon which our figures were based. Another reason for having altered our opinion is that the terms of purchase, as proposed by Mr. Moyes, are such that the Commission could not possibly consider them until more information bas been obtained with regard to the power possibilities of the Maitland River, As you know we are taking steps to have this information available at the earliest possible date. We are informed by our Mr. Acres that, when in Goderich recently he asked your solicitor to prepare a report dealing with the status of the Maitland River Power Company, principally with regard to deeds, titles, etc„ and also with regard to the history of the Company from its inception. We are awaiting this infor- mation with interest." Mr. Glen, of Stanley, inquired for information rela- tive to the expenses of the committee which interviewed the Hydro -electric Power Commission at Toronto a short - time ago. He was told that a paysheet had been made out and left with the treasurer, The necessary information was promised to be forthcoming on Wednesday, none of the members of the committee apparently being able to make a statement without reference to the paysheet. Mr.' ytavlor, of Exeter, p contended that such accounts should be included in the report of the p committee. This brought Mr. Leckie to his feet Lviththe remark that it would be just as reasonable to ask for a similar statement from all the other committees. Before sitting down the Reeve of Brussels, re- ferred to the attempts he made, as chair- man of the committee, to set a date for an interview with Mr. Beck and also to the efforts made to induce the Power Minister to come to Goderieb. He be- lieved that all members of the committee were well satisfied with the results of the interview, Mr, Glen was by nn means ready to let the discussion drop at this poigt. He read a paragraph from a local newspaper whish made ref- erence to the number who were present at the interview, "Were all these par- ties paid by the county ?" Mr. Glen I asked. He was again assured that only f the members of the Counoil who were R members of the committee were paid, 1e u, nt S 0t 11 s- e, u n a le t- er e 0, g st n-. h n e g e 0 d n 3 r e r d n 0 e y OUR MONTREAL LETTER. The scientific discussion which has been waxing warm of late as to whether it would be i w possible to make Lawrence river an all the year[ round navigable stream was given a new fillip .•last week when Dr. Olgar Manheim, consulting engineer on rivers and har- bors to the Norwegian Government, who is finishing a tour of Investigation of the principal waterways of this con- tinent, suggested that it might be more practicable to pay more attention to Summer conditions on Canada's great river than wasting time theorizing about what might be done in Winter. 'rhe discussion was originally started when a report to the Government by Dr. How. ard P,'Barnes, Professor of Physics at 1VMCGi11'University and world famous as an ice expert, was made public, Dr. Barnes said Winter navigation on the St. Lawrence was quite possible. En- gineers, rivermen and others split on his opinion. n Some Mood with him, some against. Then Dr, Manheim came along and, turned the public mind to Summer navigation with a brand new theory, Ili. Manheim relieves that millions now spent in dredging may be saved and that the low water period in the Autumn may be entirely eliminated, ' `I do not know whether it has ever been suggested in this country," said he "bit I believe that regulation or conservation of the water would solve the problem far more cheaply and lastingly than by dredging. When I was in Co•nwlell. I took alittle le motor boat an k b d went It to the foot of the Long Sault rapids, where I understand it is proposed to dant the Sr. Lawrence for the purpose of pro - Tho £3ouree of Consumption Cured Pern'ianerntle By QATARRHOZQNE4 it Soothes and Houde every part of the Mucus Mem grant,' Cures all forme of catarrhal pleeases of the nolo, Tat Throabos, Lt, Voungcae land Ohordeoeafn,oes, Bronchial If you have Catarrh . or a cold you cannot; (t( ' i t a t1 # 1 to be ' lihcUlTPlent o t > s ( proge3a Youruu8al.isl'actoty, experi- Monte with the old-fashioned treat- ments requiring the use of disagree- able snuffs, Itowdore, washes, Oiut meals, et0„ should not influence you. against Csttarehozoue,: 81,()What ll les On L,—"Best tiring for.. Oatetreh of the 111101st '1 ever tried, Tl>ornits Elliott.. .Godeuth, Ont Lxcelleut remedy for throat irritation." ---Rev, 11. Mc. Kay. Blyth, Ono—"No mote bronchial at- tacks since using Oatarrhozoue,"-- Wllliam Pollock. Halifax, N. $,—"[-las cured my Ca- tarrh, I recommend it to my friends."—W. P. Connors. Kingston, N. B.—"Best remedy in the world for Catarrh."—Bessie Mc- Kendry, Wawota, Assts.— "The very best Catarrh remedy on the market," — Robt. H. Davies. Bannockburn, Out. -- "No better remedy in the world for catarrh."— k M Patri llar c eQa a land, West Lake, Ont.—"It's ts P vetyfhmg it is guaranteed to he."—Ethel Hnld- man, Hickey, Mich.—Has cured me of Oatarlh "—S. S Ward. Olements ort S.—"Oatatr1ln z n e cured me of chronic Ast11tna."— Samu el Ferndel. Woodstock Ont— CatarrhozonP restored m s 1 1 y yen -e nl' smell."—Mrs. 1 . Simpson, Brockville, Out.—"Yost convenient remedy on the market."—Thos. Me- (fillivrfty- Vanirleek HillOnt,—"Oatlu•rhozone cannot be beaten Rod ie :ilcDougall. Perth, Ont.— Catarrhnzoye is of real value."—Rev. 8. J. Hughes. Get the large $1.00 size of Uatarrho- zone, including a beautiful hard rubber inhaler, and suf oertt, medicine to last three months. Smaller sizes 25c. and' 50e. Beware of irritations. By mail from the Catarrhozone Company, Kingston, Ont. , n. viding water power to the towns on the Canadian and American shores. It is a gigantic proposition they have there, and one I think which might be followed all along the St. Lawrence as far as Montreal, 1 do not mean that the dam- ming should be done particularly for water power development, but for better- ing navigation. The dam at Long Sault I believe will make that part ot the river into a quiet navigable stream, instead of the dangerous passage it is note. It will not divert any water from the river, but will hold it back and thus regulate the depth for miles to the Westward. The time will come when similar works will be required at other points ou the St. Lawrence, that is to say regelatiug dams will have to be built to conserve the water and maintain a high enough level for the navigation of large vessels." The progress of the new world is fleet- ing int() the darkest part of dark old China not on the wings of the wind but on the wheels of a modern invention. The Chinese are nothing if not up to date these days. Ten years ago a street car would have been tabooed in the Celestial Empire. Today the Chinese have not only adopted them bat are de- manding the very best and Jai est models of the "pay as you enter" type. These cars, strictly Canadian, for it was in Montreal they were e invented and first tried Out, have been the one great spec- tacular success iu city transportation since electricity has been used, Mon. treal alone adopted them for some time. Then Chicago, New York, Cincinnati, Toronto, in fact cities and towns all over the continent saw their value and took them up. The three strong points J0 favor of these cars are the closer collec- tions of fares it is possible to make, the increased receipts per car hour and a most establishing decrease in the num- ber of accidents. It may well be said that China is waking up. Charles M. Hayes has completed his annual coast to coast inspection trip of the construction and maintained way of the Graud 'frank Pacific and returns to headquarters at Montreal hoping that the first through train on Canada's third transcontinental will steam into Prince Rupert about n year from now. Be also says that the Pacific terminus of the road has doubled its population in the last six months and that the municipal authorities are planning for a city of 7o0,00o inhebitauts. Stteh is the faith of the Bank of Montreal in the future of the place that they have loaned the dollars corporation one million d ars cold cash without security to make necessary im- provements. The Grand Trunk is spending some- thing like $15,00m000 on drvdocks, ter- minals, car shops and foundaries while capital from other sources is also count- ed in the millions, The Prince Rupert Hydro -electric Company is commencing work on their water power development on the lChtada river under the direction of R. F. Hayward, general manager of Western Canada Power and it is expect- ed that power will be turned into this city within two years, The Western Canada Compall V'S works are about completed and power will be transmitted to. Vancouver next month, Mr. Hey- ward will then devote his time to the Prince Rupert enterprise, The Western Canada Company was started in precise ly the same manner as the Prince Rup- ert Company, o lip C y, about assay and a half ago with the same master minds of Messrs. Gahan and Hayward being both, Mr. Hayward expecte to develop abqut fifteen thousand horse power at first, 7,50o of which has already been contracted for, and may, if so required develop as high as 3o,000. The com- pany owns and controls all the water power withina radius of a hundred and thirty miles of the city, and es power can only be ,transmitted satisfactorily abo tt ninetyv tmiles it is evident that their's will ba a monopoly for a loner time t0 scene, No mmiey'Was. spent in acquiring the water powers, all the ven- dors agreeing to take stook in the neW company, so that the peepeede of bond issue or the company rally be used for rlevelopinept purposes solely, 1)r. Hay. ward hos it neck of developing power just a little bit more cheaply and .eRi- eieutly than anybody else so that it looks as though Priiloe Rupert will not have to step into the class of most ntuuicipali ties where high prices and extravagance are the bugbears of eerporable pl'ogtes siveness. His work with the Mexicsu Light and power'Compauv of which he wee chief F.ugineer during the entire construction and with the Western Canada which he is jest finishing, are proofs of this ile was associated with Mt', Cahan Ju both enterprises. in the former Mr, -Cahan•heing,resident direct or and living iu Mexico fee six years 01 more. Fatal Blood Poisoning. Frequently follows the use of cheap corn salves and plasters The safest gel is the best and tltat's "Putnam s,' which hlisa record of fifty yUus 81100085. lteluse substitutes fol' "Pulliam's" which tants 25e lit t' ' ry drag store. Letter from Chicago Valises ill real estate and 9'eilts ate tremendously high in Chicago. 'mi.. papers glinted the other clay the sale of aL lot 111 Philadelphlia, 20 by 100 feet, at $15,000 per foot frontage and l0- warked though high, was lar below Chicago prices, which ranged- tenni $25,000 to $40,000 per I•ct,1 trim' age in the central district. An offer of $40- 000 et fool was lately >( ht t refused for desirable corner. Rena also are]sol pnetiolultely high Penni 4 to 8 room fiats in l espectahle situations tango Crow $40 to $80, and sometimes $110 per month steam ilet litL wilhehva ur service We lately took an automobile drive to the north Shoe lake fiend and 5110' an immense steam ti re(lge two suloke.... pipes said to be the hugestin line: world (everything is un „seat scale Iters) sucking npsancl lu,ul 111e Malone of the lake runt throwing i1 back on the shore Crust, making miles of re- tuatle land, making fortunes to invitees 111 that disitict is the Lincoln .Park,. utiles in extent, laid out n•ifll great taste and great cost. 'Chose beautiful roadway drives, trees and ahrubbety full of pedestrians and autos ; i11 toe. centre of this park is a large collection of animals of every known description, from the elephants, lions, tigers, zeb- ras; to the numerous cpmcal wen key tribes. s I toldou the leading sling and best paper here, the Record -Herald had a circulation of 200,000, SInday 228,000, but I find. the News claims a daily cir- culation of 800,000, sold for one cent at every cornet• of the city, When. you board et ate net car, always crowd ed, you find everybodyrea ding a news- paper. We are now having midsummer weather, the thermometer registered 87 degrees ; a. week ago though sonny the alt was chilly. The markets here are full of deli- ciousfruits from the South, mainly Florida rhubarb, asparagus, tomatoes, peas, strawberries, the latter selling at 8 cents a box. Wish we could send a few sample boxes to one Brus- sels friends—yourself in particular. 'the American youths etre passion- ately fond of games, the numerous large parks in the city offering such flue facilities, the smooth mown lawns all free, euconrfiging such games, they soon become experts. The university (Rockefeller) students, mostly million- aires' sons, last year took a trip to Japan to play in that far away region a friendly game of baseball. they were so royally entertained that they invited Ole Japanese youths to come to Chicago and be entertained at their expense in a similar friendly gauge. Last week k totsg ail e was adv r ' e used to take place yours truly with some friends attended ' • 7,500 persons were r e actually ptesPrtt ; admittance o`Oc. up to $1—note the great income. The gauge lasted two hours, the tesult being 0 to 4 i favor of Chicago. These little brown men were exceedingly active, but tire larger Chicago boys %vete too mends for them, The Japs, who speak fairly gond English, were 11108/ royally entertained at one of the biggest and best hotels in the city, were oleo toted all sound the city 111 autos. Both of Dur nephews were twcf of the enter - tatters and told us holeimitative the rips are, did nollutaltez'whaL they did he Japs would immediately follow Mt and do likewise. The Japs, twelve n number, are going all around the urger American cities to play similar atues•and return to Chicago for final ontests. These National games evi- ently etre1ull of brotherly love and ill (10 08 much for the w'orl(I'v peace hnost as the glorious President 'raft, it' Edward Grey, Wotid's Arbitra- tion compact, as our beloved Bemis wig an long ago : It's 00111ing yet for a' that, Vheu n to 1111Ln>this t ns wohid o'er hall brothers be for 11 that." J a 1 g d W 5, 8 s It 8 Am pleased to say Mayor Ilatelson is moving to recover the money dao the poor (lead flecrnens' widows. Yours, etc., J. 1). RoKill,O. P. H.—A11 I have spolceu to here favor Canadian reciprocity. Chicago, June 18, 1111. SIMPLE REMEDY For Backache and Kidney Trouble The simplest and most effective re- medy for sick kidneys is Bootle's Kid- ney Pills, If there 18 weakness, eon gestion, inflanlmat011o1' a01'erlese, Booth's Kidney Pills quickly relieve it. They gently stimulate, tone + r and stten tlrair 81011 kidneys, drive away. barkttche, ghetl- matic paill and dizziness, cleat tip and regulate the urine and. resteets a pet'- ' feet filtering of he blood. Best of a11, this relief is per . ) 1tLtlnll f, All drag ists sell and g gar u an Cee 1 L1 Boo ' Is {re cn yPllls,50cbox...MOntty back if they fail to relieve. Write to The R. I, Booth 0o. Ltd, '+ • Erie, „ PorL Ltie, Ull L', for a free trial. The Presbyterian Assembly. The Presbyterian teria n Assembly has Hu - proved of the payment of conlmissioin• ers' travelling expenses to the General Assembly based on estimated expenses for ten years, allowing two assemblies in the far East, two in the far West and six in the Centre of Canada, Each Presbytery i y y s to contribute at the rate of roc per family. If a Presbytery does not contribute the full amount its coin• missioners will be paid only in accord- ance to the sum contributed. Three. cents a mile, one wey,.by shortest route, will be paid out of the fund, less $5 and' if fund in any one year is 'not sufficient, the fund will be strengthened by in- creasing the flat rate (nominally fi5), to be borne by the Commissioners. A committee of seven, with Rev. W. T. Wilkins, Trenton, Ont., convenor, will control the fund, PRESBYTERY/Nil sTATIS'r/cs At the sessions of the General As- sembly in Ottawa, Church union came up 00 the report from the seventy pres- SO asessissaimesansmasszteemESissamasseasaa The undersigned has purchas- ed the Harness Busiuess of G. House, Tnrubetry St., Brussels, who will C011 ti it in the old stand where he will be pleased to meet all the old customers of the shop and many new 01108. A'full line of both Light and Heavy Harness and .Horse Goods always in stock or made to circler. e i'.1. NiOI range of Grips, Trunks, Telescopes, 8tc., to choose from tit moderate prices: Will 1110011 itppreoiate 1L share of public patronage, Careful attention personally given to either repel I'd dr new wo1•It, GIL9 t�` t ;I F a !f HARNESS MAKER EXCURSIONS TO Manito'aa, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m, on APRIL 4, 10 MAY 2, 19, 20 J011613, 27 JULY 11, 26 AN. 0, 22 SEPT. 6, 19 Second elms ticket from Ontario stations le principal Northwest points at LOW ROUND-TRIP HATES Whieless and rotors $33.00t L''+dsoplon nod .morn *41,00 and to other points ,e proportion. Tickets good to return within 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING+ CARS on all excretions. Comfortable bogs, hilly equipped with bedding, tae be neared at moderate rates through local, cant. Early application must be made ASK Pen Honfigaggitenfli PAMPHLET nonlen'n and full information. Apply to merest C.P 2. Ascot er MR, LThom wa 'JA. Pas, Arg., Toronto.ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS H, L. JACKSON, Agent .i 0ttuss61,81 beteries which showed a total vole of o members mbers:of the for s 7presbyteries nd 3 476paain tch s arch cion u proposed with g [lie Methodists and Congregationalists, 'rhe clerk reported that 67 out of the 7o presbyteries had sent in answers to the vote or church union. Of these 4g were for approval on the basis suggest- ed, t2 disapproved, 2 had a tie and 4 ap- proved the principlebut qualified their report as to the basis, The question was remitted to presbyteries at the last assembly and returns show 'a large majority in favor of it. The report of the statistical committee ggives the statistics for the year ending Dec. 3r. tgto. The report shows ad - yahoos, but it also contains the signifi- cant statement that a comparison of statisticsof finance would seem to indi- cate that the activity of the church has expended itself on the raising of money, rather than securing additions to the church membership on profession ot faith. The number of communicants added on profession of faith numbered 16,68e. au increase of q49 over last year, -.or a little over one for every ten families in the church. . Congregations paid in salaries to their ministers Slr,495,137. This is an in- crease of $84,876 over last year, but there is also au increase of annual sti- pend of Si3gg: The•amount reported as rinsed for all purposes is $i4,5o6,6344 be- ing an increase over last year. of 4428,- 0, Tho amount of per c 30 �ommunJ- 5 cant before the church as thep resent standard t ndard fti mad at ofgivingfor the schemes of the church has riot been reached by a Presbyterian church. The uearestto it is Westminster, $03,46, next N Kamloops, $3.20 and Calgary conies third with 53.27. No Presbytery East of Port Arthur has reached $3 per com- municant for the schemes, i • Cobwebs in A Question Often Asked. Why so many people feel worse c after Inking illthan before 1 Trouble is that drastic pills are used. No remedial action is, obtained, the bowels ace irritated and dreadfel con s.tipatiou follows. In using Dr. Hamilton's fills you are scarcely con- scious t of having tatter' me(lica' u . L- tatter' e A though very mild, Dr. I3aluilCou's-Pills do regulate the bowels, stimulate nor- ; mal action of the glands, and neither Inausea, griping or violent action. Positively guaranteed for 'biliousness, indigestion, stomach, liver and kid- ney ills. For a safe family pill rely oty Dr. Hamilton's, 25e per box at all dealers., Popular Stallions,, Following will be the routes of the hearses named for season of 1011: THAT WELL KNOWN STALLION LOUDON'S FAVORITE 118075). (118101 J. T. MOGAVIN, Proprietor Wilt stand this season at his awn stable, Lob 22„0011. 18, MaIilllop, Colts by Loudon's Fav- orite won 1st and 21ld at Senfortli, and 1st and 2nd at Brussels last Poll. Terms -48. : 40.8: The People's Column HORO BR 'e"' ICD ge, fo sale. eitheryoung brooding age, for sale. g 6 Ic puia 2 inner 01 Brussels n bttlla, one of them 1st prize winner M rre. B Fair.x206 uss.aP.0.,JLot 1111 Con. 3, Morris.. Box 276 Brueaelq P. O. 'Photo 180. r'sT A BARGAIN,—Wilt dispose of cottage, Elizabeth street, Brus0ols, an 4950, a great U,raisin, in order to secure quick sale. Key luny belted from 1310.11, Looltlo. For further particulars see Mr. Leckie or write: the under- signed. 3. 11. CAMERON, 10 Sb. George $1., London, COMPORTABLB 1311/C14 HOUSE with stable, well, &e„ (aid 2 acres of choice land for sale in. the Southerly .Part of Bros - possession can be given, For t e orning, further pnrtlontars ail dy to L'. S. Scott, Brus- 0015; 0011(00. MOAR'l 11, Walton P. 0 Cobwebs in thehead on rising in the morning is the result of a Lazy Liver, one or two mornings in succession and sick headache follows. I Father lelorriscy's Liver Pills will clear the Brain. These Pills are a purely vegetable com- pound prepared with great care, and are without doubt the very best pills for gen- eraluse, on the market. The greatest care has been given to selecting the -in- redient in- gredients, and being entirely vegetable, they act upon the liver and bowels in such a manner as not to disturb the other func- tions of the body as, many pills do, As a Liver 'Invigorator, Blood Purifier and General System Renovator, they are unequalled. Sick headache is invariably i brought on by a sluggish liver, constipa- tion or irregular bowels 1 these pills are a cure for sick headache in any form. Pimples, eruptions and yellow skin are often caused by a Lazy liver; one pill three times a week, will soon clear the complex- ion.—Price zsc. per box. TIM Poe'r telephones are Nos. at and 32. TMMM. Methodist church of Canada 15 to have a new hymn book. This was deckled at 0 meeting held in the Wesleyle Y Building, Rich Moll d street, .Toronto, A committee was appointed to carry on the work, and the new boots will be en- tirely new, 2801 a revised one. TIM stall ori Iies of .the. Church. of England in Canada have itstred a letter which was read in all the Anglican churches of the Dominion in which a decided stand is taken a- galoat the provisions of the "Ne tentere" decree, Tho letter brought out the ex-' act position of the Anglican clergy in Canada en the subject, end while it pointed out that the A aue t Ofmarriage sheuld be eeicguerded in every way, t110obarch deplores and deprecates all interference with legally sanctiolhed fancily life, FARM EOR: SALE. -peeing Lot 2g on. 14,. Mal°hat township, 3 28(8) 40(0 a n brick nems, all cleared. On ice premiae:o is a brier( house, bank born: with log pen combined, anti 0 now power olll for pimping, grinding, &eJ also good bearing orchur; , ¢brifly Spys. Land ie in extra good 0titte of eultivution, having been cropped light and large stools 01 both hogs and cattle fed unit for years.. Parra is situated miles from school and 2 miles from Walton 0, P. R. station, Foe further portion - tars write J. 1(. HAMILTON, Waltml P. 0., or apply on the preneaes, - d0'tf ' WARM FOR SALE.—Tho 100 Imre farm, bre in the h property o h g 14,p y f the sal MCNeie underunder,Orae Trey, a e6erod forsolabyy flee. 81(05 well tlu rad,Theare 96 soma there he Aril, boa good well ebur ,lar 011 dile -form a 10. os a good bank uslarge hi good condition and n nand Sortable house. Place hl good oonditfon mid well fenced. For further portioalarsapply' to JAS, A. MCNAII1 or JAS, D. MoNAIRExec- ntoro, Oranbrook P. O„ 0r F. S. SCOTT', 13rus- eels. , 7•tl' CENTRAL STRATFORD. ,ONT, A Large School A Good School t The Best This wheelbase continental reputa- tion for high grade work and: for v k the success of its students. We have Hid r departments,—Coanaroial Shorthand pa end 1'elegrapll;', Ambitious young 9• '� 1010 and large should mend r once 10 for oar lnrga hoe catalogue. Wrie for ,N( it of once and see what our graduates to ),,, are doing. ycci '!'lila is n good Mina of theyeur for you to enter ourclaims, Students Are cu- ttaring each week. Commence your , coarse at once. e P. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. d• ♦ h• t, d• O ♦ 0 't' '1' • a d• r 8 d • O o.l. a StudentsO lint B1][Pt' any 4 .Y y day. d• V ]l tl ell Lir O e i t o year. NOW is rL good : : ,Lime to Prater. Largest trainers 4 in C ,. aneula. Graduates get beet 0 • positions. Thousands studying k • at hone. Exclusive right of the :t. 4' "Mum nls Bliss Book -Keeping • a System" for Ootrtt•io. "Actual •• 4' Business from Start to Finish." ♦ 4. Write for ,particulars. o 4• 0 O • 34. • 0• London02. • 'l' O 0 3 • Business College ,• p • (Affiliated with \Vinghatu 13usi- '.Ot, we nese College.) ♦ 4. raEO. SPOTTON, President d•♦+1'O'4'♦•b0'f•0'd'0' 4+4,+,04.4x+4441.+0 4.414•004004..0040.00000 0 0.00 5 ,®0 I0m • To MachineryUsersi p and ♦ farmer' A • 0 N I',v-,r•'-q"®"T'�' a i FARoi•0b,RsAL0E'0r0hnmmbiraLoo09, 0 0 0 Con. 15, Grey. About 70 acres eloaled, balance • The New maw" shop of the o l in swamp, Oaeres 1n IPall wheat, lit acres- seed- • ' ed down. Fall plowing is being done. On the 0 li fare( is a frame louse milt barn, driving sled, 0 pn �i�1[ �+ fl AfI+( e good orehnrdand driliedwell. Oloso to post ♦ UIIOdULLU LIRE APPLIANCE 0 office, church and school, Pm further portion' • 0 tars apply to .10HN OSBORNE, Proprietor, 0 , 0 ot l', $, Scotb.13rnonela. •an MACHINE ' CO. • FARM FOR SALE, bepng 85u1111)01f 0,0125 ® - con, 4, Morrie township, Huron Oo., coal • i r ,nining10,aererietown•10p,. On tits prom :0 is 1- ---eady_ foe bneineaa, and, 0. ism is n Panne house, bank barn, good ora6ard' wall, windmill 8as. All a distant. moot n about e it Dora. knoll 'r a S ranee es 0 J4 t, 011l y� mitesfrom p erns • o H eU0 Odor onfi t o� a whom id and about 6otores n fOrni down. apply prleo, preinitermsaesanotlwr ing Brussel . on the 126. Orf . .f aettlttg ossle, la.P, 0, talions 120. - 1 F. S. Sects, BruaseJO. 31-tC A, L . KERB, Proprietor. ', FARMS FOR SALE,—T,ots21 and 22, Con. 14, Martinet), and Lot 211 on too 18111 Comma - Won. Lots 22 and 22 nonj>�ose the Gardiner homestead and contains about 190 soros, all drat -class land, well fenced, well tile drained and has 15 acme of good hardwood bush ; geed comfortable bulidingowith all lnodorn iln- iereeemonts 1 Pinot of good opting water and n good hawing orchard. This is ho of the hal t r e e0 farms In the Comity qq q Ool t of Huron y slid wnl bwee nld on dotes to suit phouse en, Let 211 i main' 125 notes with small house and halt( fill in ima re a mid hni bemt n for snag, T}4q'OL' are ton sores oC goodbrredi nn thivN fio•m. P'ar further particulars apply to ALEX, GABDU14' ER, Walton(, 0,, nr on the premises, 45.10 • Mechanics, we aro.In a position to attend to d 0n110 ' 11119 prompts )L Ohr ' • P it 1 .' p � ly and aL•s'0asonablc rates. • •• Ifw ou ill • y 1 of us know yourOs wants we will give you honest • advice' and purl 1f: connected c With Machinery. Give 11s a triol and, by Coining te to 13rns5els, save time 4100 money s • for yourselves, • a, z JAMES G � hof t2i � L- O Mill Street Brussels i .p '�# � S'+xs r• 11°n _-,. •h 1'ha' ,."V. •� . - � tttlx'+�'. �' ""%C.� .. 11...Yd1n'S. FP � .1•„' n... -F5 3 ^ ' . u� } t:: „„ , — lillIIIIII ilii11111111111 IIII) IiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lllllllllllllllllll till ...11�l �. "Listen, Bud reads: Rose." er^ •_..�... � - rrj r�t.'f t „ f , t i .--- �_,/ l ' rye e ®, N " "Madam first is "hygienic "Till and Till "clean of to nearly more in new .your ouch t. Y one automatic spotless. a clear packages, own FIVE creamy white m ire filled hands RASES. vets 't travels 1 a processes strewn it fudl.weigh are through t flows the g —more into by !v r• Sst_ . M, .F nfallib �machinery--sewed .:" l eY a utoma flea 1 l V,\s% fi i ^ ���a t �° �, ,y, � , . e� " Goodness Bud Hand reads -proof, ! said eagerly: germ.proof. round-eyedRo Rose. Every littlest aA� ) c s ®_1C, �.. hv6eos4f` 4i' t �. 1 "bit "those u !magma h earth. Unbleached, Nobody of piano y touches such machinery keys flour . too. my purity—get is of tw holeaome flout bright—polished yours. -but FIVE FIVE .one r n me" said ROSES. ROSES Rose. like is like it: It IIIIIIIIIIMMIIII inns' . , III : � :. IIII . 1 IIIII IIIo I 1 ® nIII ml uumi�uli l JIIIIIIIPIVHllhI111!LIIIIIIIij 111111 iI I4111111011001101III HI,^ Il ,,e T.__ 'HI" /l�%� l% III II i� IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ililln,,,,, IIaullll �',.��y oC� IIIIIIIIIIII I1 II III EA N6 O. 1 W0006 IIIIIIII(IO MILLI N0 0OMPAN T L I 16 MONTREA The Presbyterian Assembly. The Presbyterian teria n Assembly has Hu - proved of the payment of conlmissioin• ers' travelling expenses to the General Assembly based on estimated expenses for ten years, allowing two assemblies in the far East, two in the far West and six in the Centre of Canada, Each Presbytery i y y s to contribute at the rate of roc per family. If a Presbytery does not contribute the full amount its coin• missioners will be paid only in accord- ance to the sum contributed. Three. cents a mile, one wey,.by shortest route, will be paid out of the fund, less $5 and' if fund in any one year is 'not sufficient, the fund will be strengthened by in- creasing the flat rate (nominally fi5), to be borne by the Commissioners. A committee of seven, with Rev. W. T. Wilkins, Trenton, Ont., convenor, will control the fund, PRESBYTERY/Nil sTATIS'r/cs At the sessions of the General As- sembly in Ottawa, Church union came up 00 the report from the seventy pres- SO asessissaimesansmasszteemESissamasseasaa The undersigned has purchas- ed the Harness Busiuess of G. House, Tnrubetry St., Brussels, who will C011 ti it in the old stand where he will be pleased to meet all the old customers of the shop and many new 01108. A'full line of both Light and Heavy Harness and .Horse Goods always in stock or made to circler. e i'.1. NiOI range of Grips, Trunks, Telescopes, 8tc., to choose from tit moderate prices: Will 1110011 itppreoiate 1L share of public patronage, Careful attention personally given to either repel I'd dr new wo1•It, GIL9 t�` t ;I F a !f HARNESS MAKER EXCURSIONS TO Manito'aa, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m, on APRIL 4, 10 MAY 2, 19, 20 J011613, 27 JULY 11, 26 AN. 0, 22 SEPT. 6, 19 Second elms ticket from Ontario stations le principal Northwest points at LOW ROUND-TRIP HATES Whieless and rotors $33.00t L''+dsoplon nod .morn *41,00 and to other points ,e proportion. Tickets good to return within 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING+ CARS on all excretions. Comfortable bogs, hilly equipped with bedding, tae be neared at moderate rates through local, cant. Early application must be made ASK Pen Honfigaggitenfli PAMPHLET nonlen'n and full information. Apply to merest C.P 2. Ascot er MR, LThom wa 'JA. Pas, Arg., Toronto.ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS H, L. JACKSON, Agent .i 0ttuss61,81 beteries which showed a total vole of o members mbers:of the for s 7presbyteries nd 3 476paain tch s arch cion u proposed with g [lie Methodists and Congregationalists, 'rhe clerk reported that 67 out of the 7o presbyteries had sent in answers to the vote or church union. Of these 4g were for approval on the basis suggest- ed, t2 disapproved, 2 had a tie and 4 ap- proved the principlebut qualified their report as to the basis, The question was remitted to presbyteries at the last assembly and returns show 'a large majority in favor of it. The report of the statistical committee ggives the statistics for the year ending Dec. 3r. tgto. The report shows ad - yahoos, but it also contains the signifi- cant statement that a comparison of statisticsof finance would seem to indi- cate that the activity of the church has expended itself on the raising of money, rather than securing additions to the church membership on profession ot faith. The number of communicants added on profession of faith numbered 16,68e. au increase of q49 over last year, -.or a little over one for every ten families in the church. . Congregations paid in salaries to their ministers Slr,495,137. This is an in- crease of $84,876 over last year, but there is also au increase of annual sti- pend of Si3gg: The•amount reported as rinsed for all purposes is $i4,5o6,6344 be- ing an increase over last year. of 4428,- 0, Tho amount of per c 30 �ommunJ- 5 cant before the church as thep resent standard t ndard fti mad at ofgivingfor the schemes of the church has riot been reached by a Presbyterian church. The uearestto it is Westminster, $03,46, next N Kamloops, $3.20 and Calgary conies third with 53.27. No Presbytery East of Port Arthur has reached $3 per com- municant for the schemes, i • Cobwebs in A Question Often Asked. Why so many people feel worse c after Inking illthan before 1 Trouble is that drastic pills are used. No remedial action is, obtained, the bowels ace irritated and dreadfel con s.tipatiou follows. In using Dr. Hamilton's fills you are scarcely con- scious t of having tatter' me(lica' u . L- tatter' e A though very mild, Dr. I3aluilCou's-Pills do regulate the bowels, stimulate nor- ; mal action of the glands, and neither Inausea, griping or violent action. Positively guaranteed for 'biliousness, indigestion, stomach, liver and kid- ney ills. For a safe family pill rely oty Dr. Hamilton's, 25e per box at all dealers., Popular Stallions,, Following will be the routes of the hearses named for season of 1011: THAT WELL KNOWN STALLION LOUDON'S FAVORITE 118075). (118101 J. T. MOGAVIN, Proprietor Wilt stand this season at his awn stable, Lob 22„0011. 18, MaIilllop, Colts by Loudon's Fav- orite won 1st and 21ld at Senfortli, and 1st and 2nd at Brussels last Poll. Terms -48. : 40.8: The People's Column HORO BR 'e"' ICD ge, fo sale. eitheryoung brooding age, for sale. g 6 Ic puia 2 inner 01 Brussels n bttlla, one of them 1st prize winner M rre. B Fair.x206 uss.aP.0.,JLot 1111 Con. 3, Morris.. Box 276 Brueaelq P. O. 'Photo 180. r'sT A BARGAIN,—Wilt dispose of cottage, Elizabeth street, Brus0ols, an 4950, a great U,raisin, in order to secure quick sale. Key luny belted from 1310.11, Looltlo. For further particulars see Mr. Leckie or write: the under- signed. 3. 11. CAMERON, 10 Sb. George $1., London, COMPORTABLB 1311/C14 HOUSE with stable, well, &e„ (aid 2 acres of choice land for sale in. the Southerly .Part of Bros - possession can be given, For t e orning, further pnrtlontars ail dy to L'. S. Scott, Brus- 0015; 0011(00. MOAR'l 11, Walton P. 0 Cobwebs in thehead on rising in the morning is the result of a Lazy Liver, one or two mornings in succession and sick headache follows. I Father lelorriscy's Liver Pills will clear the Brain. These Pills are a purely vegetable com- pound prepared with great care, and are without doubt the very best pills for gen- eraluse, on the market. The greatest care has been given to selecting the -in- redient in- gredients, and being entirely vegetable, they act upon the liver and bowels in such a manner as not to disturb the other func- tions of the body as, many pills do, As a Liver 'Invigorator, Blood Purifier and General System Renovator, they are unequalled. Sick headache is invariably i brought on by a sluggish liver, constipa- tion or irregular bowels 1 these pills are a cure for sick headache in any form. Pimples, eruptions and yellow skin are often caused by a Lazy liver; one pill three times a week, will soon clear the complex- ion.—Price zsc. per box. TIM Poe'r telephones are Nos. at and 32. TMMM. Methodist church of Canada 15 to have a new hymn book. This was deckled at 0 meeting held in the Wesleyle Y Building, Rich Moll d street, .Toronto, A committee was appointed to carry on the work, and the new boots will be en- tirely new, 2801 a revised one. TIM stall ori Iies of .the. Church. of England in Canada have itstred a letter which was read in all the Anglican churches of the Dominion in which a decided stand is taken a- galoat the provisions of the "Ne tentere" decree, Tho letter brought out the ex-' act position of the Anglican clergy in Canada en the subject, end while it pointed out that the A aue t Ofmarriage sheuld be eeicguerded in every way, t110obarch deplores and deprecates all interference with legally sanctiolhed fancily life, FARM EOR: SALE. -peeing Lot 2g on. 14,. Mal°hat township, 3 28(8) 40(0 a n brick nems, all cleared. On ice premiae:o is a brier( house, bank born: with log pen combined, anti 0 now power olll for pimping, grinding, &eJ also good bearing orchur; , ¢brifly Spys. Land ie in extra good 0titte of eultivution, having been cropped light and large stools 01 both hogs and cattle fed unit for years.. Parra is situated miles from school and 2 miles from Walton 0, P. R. station, Foe further portion - tars write J. 1(. HAMILTON, Waltml P. 0., or apply on the preneaes, - d0'tf ' WARM FOR SALE.—Tho 100 Imre farm, bre in the h property o h g 14,p y f the sal MCNeie underunder,Orae Trey, a e6erod forsolabyy flee. 81(05 well tlu rad,Theare 96 soma there he Aril, boa good well ebur ,lar 011 dile -form a 10. os a good bank uslarge hi good condition and n nand Sortable house. Place hl good oonditfon mid well fenced. For further portioalarsapply' to JAS, A. MCNAII1 or JAS, D. MoNAIRExec- ntoro, Oranbrook P. O„ 0r F. S. SCOTT', 13rus- eels. , 7•tl' CENTRAL STRATFORD. ,ONT, A Large School A Good School t The Best This wheelbase continental reputa- tion for high grade work and: for v k the success of its students. We have Hid r departments,—Coanaroial Shorthand pa end 1'elegrapll;', Ambitious young 9• '� 1010 and large should mend r once 10 for oar lnrga hoe catalogue. Wrie for ,N( it of once and see what our graduates to ),,, are doing. ycci '!'lila is n good Mina of theyeur for you to enter ourclaims, Students Are cu- ttaring each week. Commence your , coarse at once. e P. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. d• ♦ h• t, d• O ♦ 0 't' '1' • a d• r 8 d • O o.l. a StudentsO lint B1][Pt' any 4 .Y y day. d• V ]l tl ell Lir O e i t o year. NOW is rL good : : ,Lime to Prater. Largest trainers 4 in C ,. aneula. Graduates get beet 0 • positions. Thousands studying k • at hone. Exclusive right of the :t. 4' "Mum nls Bliss Book -Keeping • a System" for Ootrtt•io. "Actual •• 4' Business from Start to Finish." ♦ 4. Write for ,particulars. o 4• 0 O • 34. • 0• London02. • 'l' O 0 3 • Business College ,• p • (Affiliated with \Vinghatu 13usi- '.Ot, we nese College.) ♦ 4. raEO. SPOTTON, President d•♦+1'O'4'♦•b0'f•0'd'0' 4+4,+,04.4x+4441.+0 4.414•004004..0040.00000 0 0.00 5 ,®0 I0m • To MachineryUsersi p and ♦ farmer' A • 0 N I',v-,r•'-q"®"T'�' a i FARoi•0b,RsAL0E'0r0hnmmbiraLoo09, 0 0 0 Con. 15, Grey. About 70 acres eloaled, balance • The New maw" shop of the o l in swamp, Oaeres 1n IPall wheat, lit acres- seed- • ' ed down. Fall plowing is being done. On the 0 li fare( is a frame louse milt barn, driving sled, 0 pn �i�1[ �+ fl AfI+( e good orehnrdand driliedwell. Oloso to post ♦ UIIOdULLU LIRE APPLIANCE 0 office, church and school, Pm further portion' • 0 tars apply to .10HN OSBORNE, Proprietor, 0 , 0 ot l', $, Scotb.13rnonela. •an MACHINE ' CO. • FARM FOR SALE, bepng 85u1111)01f 0,0125 ® - con, 4, Morrie township, Huron Oo., coal • i r ,nining10,aererietown•10p,. On tits prom :0 is 1- ---eady_ foe bneineaa, and, 0. ism is n Panne house, bank barn, good ora6ard' wall, windmill 8as. All a distant. moot n about e it Dora. knoll 'r a S ranee es 0 J4 t, 011l y� mitesfrom p erns • o H eU0 Odor onfi t o� a whom id and about 6otores n fOrni down. apply prleo, preinitermsaesanotlwr ing Brussel . on the 126. Orf . .f aettlttg ossle, la.P, 0, talions 120. - 1 F. S. Sects, BruaseJO. 31-tC A, L . KERB, Proprietor. ', FARMS FOR SALE,—T,ots21 and 22, Con. 14, Martinet), and Lot 211 on too 18111 Comma - Won. Lots 22 and 22 nonj>�ose the Gardiner homestead and contains about 190 soros, all drat -class land, well fenced, well tile drained and has 15 acme of good hardwood bush ; geed comfortable bulidingowith all lnodorn iln- iereeemonts 1 Pinot of good opting water and n good hawing orchard. This is ho of the hal t r e e0 farms In the Comity qq q Ool t of Huron y slid wnl bwee nld on dotes to suit phouse en, Let 211 i main' 125 notes with small house and halt( fill in ima re a mid hni bemt n for snag, T}4q'OL' are ton sores oC goodbrredi nn thivN fio•m. P'ar further particulars apply to ALEX, GABDU14' ER, Walton(, 0,, nr on the premises, 45.10 • Mechanics, we aro.In a position to attend to d 0n110 ' 11119 prompts )L Ohr ' • P it 1 .' p � ly and aL•s'0asonablc rates. • •• Ifw ou ill • y 1 of us know yourOs wants we will give you honest • advice' and purl 1f: connected c With Machinery. Give 11s a triol and, by Coining te to 13rns5els, save time 4100 money s • for yourselves, • a, z JAMES G � hof t2i � L- O Mill Street Brussels i