HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-6-22, Page 1.4• VOL. 39 NO. 51 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, iyxx, W. H. XERR, Frobirietar New Advertisements Watch lost -Tali Pofrv, Locals -E, fa. Matthews. Whitewear-D. 0. Ross. Parts Green -P.11, smiths, - Oow for sale -Wm. Oakley. Sall for service -Thos, 7 ort • Pastore -Hector Magner:le, 'Teachey wonted -Charles Case, x trio e eft Moncrieff Miss Edna Speiran, who trail visit- ing at Wesley Speiran's 14thcon., for 4 weeks, returned to Goderieh Last Saturday; She had not been very well but the country ail' did touch Lb - ward her restoration, Miss Speiran went home by the 0. P. R, road in which she has considerable interest. OoRNER, STONE LAYING.-Every, thing bids fair for a record breaking time at the Corner stone laying cere- monies to take place here on Ooro nation Day. The • afternoon program Will begin at 3 o'clock Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A„ of Brussels. Moder. /tor of Maitland Presbytery, laying the corner stone of the new Knox church!, Addresses are expected from Revels. Messrs. Wishart, Brussels ; McRae, Oranbrook ;, Wren, Ethel ; Amos, Atwood ; Ferguson, Monkton Weigand, Broclhageu ; and Lackland, Walton. Dr. Chisholm., M. P. and A. H. Musgrove, Mt P. P. ; Inspector Field, Goderich ; Dr- Ferguson, Ethel and Reeve Livingston, Moncrieff. In the evening a big Garden Party will be held on the church and public school lawns. Supper served from 6. 30 to 9.80. Booth on the grounds, strawberries, ice-cream, etc. On the program will be Brussels double quartette ; Walton Presbyterian choir Itionktoe Quartette ; Mrs. Addie Wright, of Brussels Geo. Ferguson, Walton; J. Hamilton, Attwood, Miss McNaught and Brodhagen Band. Rev. R. A, Lundy will preside. Gagne of Foot Ball is also on the evening's program at 7 o'clock. Moncrieff vs. Ethel, Walton, There was a large representation from Walton and locality to the moon- light ,Excursion to • Goderich last Friday evening. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr. Ashby, of Atwood, will conduct service in,St. George's church. Holy Communion will follow the sermon. Rev. Mr. Baugh, of Ber, miller, was here last Sabbath taking the services in the Methodist church. He was a former pastor of nearly 80 years ago and was welcome back. While engaged in a friendly game of football one evening last week Will. Farquharson collided with an- other ,player resulting in the breaking eta hone in the leg of the former. Re will be laid aside for some .time but hope he will get along all right. DIED. --On Jane 2nd Mrs. Pinney, sister to W. H. Humphries, a well -.known Waltonian, died at her home in Harriaville, N. Y., aged 61 years. She had been in poor health for some time bavin suffered three paralytic strokes. Mr: Pinney and three child- ren survive. Deceased was a faithful member of the"Methodistchurch. Mr. Humphries attended the funeral CORONATIONS?1RVIcE.-011 the even- ing of Thursday of this week -Corona- tion Day -a public eervice will be held in Sb. Georges church eommencingat 7.30 o'olock, bo which the public are cordially invited. The special offer- tory will be devoted Lo Ronan Famine Fund to which allusion will be made in the sermon. IAMB,- Last Sunda. BROKI9 AER LS y Mrs. Hugh Ramsay fell at the gate at Thee. Williamson a and brake her right limb, Miss Reid, of Wingbarn, has•oome to nurse her. The unfortun- ate accident ; is very' deeply de- plored as Mrs. Ramsay has had such a long continued -series of troubles. Many old friends hope she will soon be, restored to her accustomed vigor. Brussels l�russ Greenhouse s and flowers Plants Any quantity of Tomato, Cauli flower and Celery Plante. Tomato Plants 100 a box or 8c a dozen loose. Fine collection of Flowering Plants Ohnice lot of Geraniums and Annual for bedding. Boston and Japan Iv can be put out any time iu Summer- 150, 20c and 25c each. Floral Designs made to order. Agent for Dales Cut Flowers. MISS KELLY . • a yElasiaieweaaisierwariessia Morris' Council met on Monday. James (Moakley is home from a trip to the West. Census enumerators are well ad- vanced in their work. It ie said that Joe Miller has bought the property recently owned by Che late Township' Clerk. Clark, in Bel - grave. Misses Ellen Evans and Jennie Robb and Ralph Shaw, having completed their Normal tertu, arrived home last week from Stratford. Druggist and Mrs. Wheeler and. daughter, of Detroit, a p here on a visit with Ino. and Mrs. Wheeler, the former's parents, 4th line. Lightning visited the farm of Coun- cillor Wilkinson, 4th line, and killed a 2 year old colt antra 2 year old steel', both extra good animals. While handling a colt at his farm, 2nd lipe, Joseph Sellars had the mis- fortune to dislocate one of his should- ers. We hope he will soon be o. k, George and Mrs. Jackson, 8th line, took advantage- of the Excursion to Detroit last Saturday and visited the Blashill family at Ann Arbor, Mioh. License Inspector Wm. Clegg is not enjoying as vigorous health are in former years bet lnauy friends hope he will soon regain his old time vigor. We are sorry to hear that our old friend, Robb, Souch, 3rd line, is not as well as usual and is a great sufferer at times..,He has been a prisoner to his home for the past few years owing to ill health. FADING.- Any-Patbtnaster re- quiring grading done should apply at once to Robt. Nichol, who is in charge -of the machine this year, Brussels P. O. or telephone 1610, so work may be laid out with some degree of regularity continuity and completed as early as possible. • . Councillor Johnston still carries his left hand in a sling altholigh weeks have elapsed since injury was done by a jag from a musty nail. Bloodpais. owing ensued and he has had quite a serious time with it although improve. meat is now noticeable we are glad to state. .Miss Mnrdie, teacher in the Ander- son school, 8rd line, attended the wedding of her sister, Miss Mary Ettie, • to J'no. R. Leeming on Wednesday of last week. An uncle of Miss Murdie's, Thos. Green, of Mitchell, died'suddep- ly on Sunday 11th inst. He was 70 years of age. QUITE aERIOVSIM INJURED. -The Clare Sentinel, of Clare Michigan, of June 9th, says of a daughter of Mrs. Wm. Shedden. 4th line, Morris :-On Monday forenoon Mre. D. S. Lamont was cleaning out their woodshed and burning some rubbish. In some way two dynamite caps had been mixed up in this refuse and one of them ex- ploded while Mrs. L., was near the fire inflicting.• quite a serious and painful wound upon her head and also der. The other p in'Jurfn' her Ghoul g cap in dame exploded later doing no e. It g was a fortunate escape even as it was. Welcome visitors to this township *are 11. G. and Mrs. Skelton and child- ren, of Elva, Sask., who are here no a holiday run intending to return home in time for harvest. tMr. Skelton is an old Movrisite who went West a score or more years ago and has prospered in many ways. He parted with several farms at good figures but a- mong his -monghis possession he still holds the homestead and a few .other parcels. Crops looked good when the visitors left home and prospects are very favorable. Mr,. Skelton who is a son of the late Robert Skelton, an old resident of Mortis, ie a wide awake man who has seen a good deal of the West, even to the Coast, and is en- joying the passing year's. He notes many (bongos in this locality in the passing away of the older folk and the unproved conditions of the farms and homes here. It is interesting to chat With him aboub the land of ills adop- tion. GORRIE. METHODIST CHURCH JUBILEE S.ERVIOES, Meth, Sn ay School Rally at 3 , i. - In the evening Rev, Robert Forbes, Dr D., Seeretery of ' Hoxne Missions and Church Extension, M. E. church, will occupy the pulpit. "Mistakes of the Devil and some other people" is the subject of Rev. The 50th anniversary services of the Corrie Methodist church, which com- menced last Sunday with Rev. R. Garbutt, L. L. 13, of Petrolin a form- er pastor in the pulpit, are in progress this week. Tuesday evening was lL League gathering ; Thursday evening Grey Township Council last !Monday. ' Farmers are busy with the annual statute labor program, Teacher is wanted for the union school Carey and McKillop boundary. Win. and Mrs. Grimmer, 7th con„ took in the excnrslon to. Detroit last Saturday. The school of S. S. No. 0 intend holding a picnic in Ar.nistrong's grove on June 29th. A. A. and Mrs. Wheeler and daugh- ter Phyllis, of Detroit, are here fora Summer outing with 'relatives add friends. . A fine Jersey bull is kept on the premises of Thos. Lott, 9th con. He will sell the animal if suitable buyer - shows ire. Next Sabbath afternoon the pastor will address the Sabbath School and other young people at Union church. His topic will be "Hoose cleaning." • Congratulations are being showered upon Oliphant Smith. and Wife over the arrival of twin daughters last Monday. This is a Coronation gift we suppose. Miss Beatrice Whitfield is away on a holiday visit' with relatives ' and friends at Alliston, Barrie, Edgar, DeWitt and other points. She will be absent for a • month or so,` We wish her a good time. D,. W. and Mrs. Dunbar, of Ethel, were visiting relatives on the 4th coir., last Monday. D. W. was combining business and pleasure and finishing up the day after the strenuous session of the Township Council. The Sabbath School pic-nic in eon- - nectinn with S. S. No. 3 announced for Thursday' afternoon of this week will not be held until Tuesday after- noon, 27th lest, in the grove an A. Bishop's farm, 8th con. Misses Earnscliffe Musgrove and Hazel Spence, of Fordwich locality, were visitors -atRobert Pearson's over Sunday. The young ladies are teach- ers, the former being a daughter of A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P., of Wingharn. The barn raising at Charles La - 7 01 con., was a great success_ There were abort 70 men in attend- ance and the work went ahead with a rush. Supper was served in'A 1 style. Mr- Lamont will now have ample ac- commodation for storing his crop. We hope he will often have it filled to overflowing: Social at Roe's church Tuesday evening of next week. Tea served from 6 to 8. A choice program of musical and literary selections is to be rendered. Among the outside talent expected are Miss Daley and Rev.. Mr. McKelvie, of Trowbridge ; Rev. Dr. Oaten, F. H. Gilroy, Miss Hing- ston, W. H. Kerr and others: of Brus- sels. ' The trustees of S. S. No. 3 have en- gaged Miss Mary McArter, who has been teaching at Blyth, the salary being $550. Miss Mary Dark, of Morris, has taught No 3 for the past 8 years and has given excellent satis- faction. This section has been fortun- ate in their teachers in the years gone by and we expect Miss MOArter will sustain the reputation as she is an ex- cellent teacher. Her parental home is Brussels. DOCTOR os P»aos orsY.-We are pleased to state that Rev. Dh Victor. Smith, M. A., a former Grey town- ship boy, son of Truman Smith. and cousin to Eli Smith, 7th con., has at- tained the degree Doctor of Philoso- phy from the Northwestern Univer- sity, Chicago. This is the, highest degree conferred in course by the uni- versity. Mr. Smith has pursued the course for four years, the last two spent in the above mentioned insti- tutlon. Many old friends' here con- gratulate him on his attainment. Siegle Harness We have them all our own make and the popular trimmings are Y _ Genuine Rubber, Goldean, Solid Nickle and Hard Rubber. Our prices, will please you. -Material and Workmanship are the best. Also Lap Dusters Fly Sheets, Rubber Rugs, Trunks, Satchels, &c. is 1 � .ps f ' Shoe._, p De artment " See our new Styles and note. how low our prices are. Special Bargains each Saturday beginning May 2 7 t11. See our.Bargain Table for that day. 7 C. _ ICM-HARDS' i� . REV. ROBT. FORBES, D. D., A distinguished visitor, who will preach and lecture at Jubilee. will be observed by "an old fashioned prayer meeting," led by Rev. Josias Greene, of Clinton. • Friday evening there will be a Jubilee Banquet, commencing at 5 o'- clock. In addition to addresses by Revds. Drs. Kelly and Forbes, former pastors, and other ministers, 'there will be a choice program of vocal and instrumental music. A big, time is counted on. Saturday - evening Love Feast and Fellowship service conduct- ed by Rev. W. W,'Leech. Sunday.promises to be a red letter day. At 10.80 Rev. Thos. Kelly, D. I)., L. L. D., of Philadelphia, will REV. DR. KELLY, A. former pastor, who speaks Friday evening and preaches on Sun - clay morning. Dr. 'Forbes' celebrated Lecture for Monday evening. Tuesday evening a social gathering will take place in which a program of Song and Story will be rendered by visitors. .The Gorrie folk have issued aTubilee Souvenir Booklet ooetaiuing a -history of the past and portraits of leading officials lay and clerical, both past and present, which will be a pleasant re- minder of these Jubilee services. 'With suitable weather great crowds are expected at the above mentioned gatherings in the celebration of this Jubilee. Ethel Some talk of another livery in town. Cement sidewalk will be continued this season probably. Ethel Orangemen will celebrate July 12th at Kincardine. the Dntrance write at Six pupils will vt ExLn. at B insse s this year. • at who left here Avery, Principal v P Y 1 i Easter, is teaching at dlmonte Postoffce hours on Col ovation Day 2to8 r. 9a.w.and will be b1 township is r tote o ulat70n of G e The p 1 y s P and 10 years ago than it wale 1000 less th g. about 100less dneing the past year. Harvey Dobson intends overhauling the stables of his bank barn- and will put in convent floors and other modern tmP• svemen ts. r< Sabbath evening in the Methodist church the subject of Rev, Mr, Wren's address will be "House Cleaning. It will be.Children's Day. The new 2 story residence for Geo, McCall is being pushed along ana is now ready for veneering. It will be a cosy home when completed. A)3oot Ball match is on the pea - gram next Wednesday evening here between Moncrieff and Ethel teams. It promises to be a hustling game as both clubs are in good fettle. The Council met here last Monday and had a busy time with drain By - Law delegations. Township Engin- eer Roger, of Mitchell, was in attend-' anee and cleared up many -knotty points, L. 0. L. No. 631, Ethel, has arrang- ed for an Orange Sermon a week from Sunday,•July and, 13retbren are re- quested eqnested to meet at the Orange Hall at 2.30.• Rev. D. Wren will conduct the service at$ o'clock in the Methodist church, Ethel, Visiting 'brethren will bo welcome, Sabbath School picnic on Domin- ion Day. Miss Mallory, of Belleville, was a visitor for a few days at the Parsonage, Mrs. (Rev.):Wren is a sister. We congratulate Geo, - M. Mitchell on the increase to his staff and hope the new hand will prove of real value in the succeeding years. Garden Party on the lawn of Archie McDonald, under auspices of Epworb'h League, on evening of Wednesday next week, promises to be a dandy. Prof. McMorran and daughter, of Lucknow, and the Methodist church choir of Listowel, will give a program well worthy of a great crowd. For a fine time attend this Garden Party. Cranbrook Willie and Bert. Campbell arrived here last Monday from the West for another lot of horses. They will take it couple of cars back with them. This will be the third shipment this season. They say the crop prospects are No. 1 in the West. The boys are sons of Donald Campbell, a well known resident of the 16th con. LITTLE GIRL DIED. -We are sorry to report that Florence Campbell, the little daughter of Allan and Minnie Cameron, of this locality, died last Friday': after a severe illness. She 21days old. e ra 1 month and was 2 aY Funeral took place Saturday after- noon ,to Cranbrook cemetery, Rev. D. B. McRae conducting the service. The bereaved parents are deeply sympathised with in the loss of their dear little girl,' Wroxeter GARDEN rARTY.-A. grand garden party will be held under the auspices of the Presbyterian Chnich, in the Park, Wroxeter, on Thursday, June 22nd, commencing at 4 p. m. ,Supper will be served from 5 to 7:50. A re- freshment stand will also be on the grounds. Base -ball match, football Match and automobile rides. A pro- gram of vocal and instrumental music by the chinch choir. Admission 25c. children under 12, 15e. Proceeds will d A ed buildingfund. . be applied lied to shed welcome to everybody, , Nimes = Y NOTES -A num berfrnm this locality attended the Garden Party held at home of Chas. Forrest, of aidof the Victoria Jamas town. in Hall Fundlast Friday evening.-Mrs.Mrs. 1 h ' s the f tae i Thompson,o lex. P , A guest of her fater, Juo. G ofton . Janes Allan serr a few days of this is week in Toronto. -Mrs. Byron Sim - at the f crest is els n Forest, visiting Lucas, home of Chas. Si romans M1, Lucai i• of BeimorR, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday morn- ing.-Mrs. orn- ing Mrs. R. Moffatt and daughter Fanny are holidaying with friends, rya Leonard Brown s in Toronto last week attending the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters. -Mrs. Noble and son of Hamilton, spent, a week recent with Mrs. R. 13. Harris. --Miss B. It yHull spent Sunday at the home of 1,Iiss M. Strachan, of James- town. -W. Robinson and family are enjoying a few holidays at Port Elgin. -W. 0. and Miss Hazlewood were visitors in Brussels last Friday. -Rev. A. L, ltueseli left last Thursday morn- ing for a foam months' trip during which bins he will visit relatives at Minneapolis, Vancouver and Cobalt.-- Thos. and Mrs. Hemphill, Alvin Hemphill and O. Cook motored from Hensall on Sunday and spent the day here with relatives. -M, S. Alkonhead, of London, was a visitor at the home of Jlio. McNaughton, of Turnberry title week.-Jno. Brawn, of Toronto, spent a few days of this week in the village. He made . the trip - in his auto. -S. and Mrs. Rasmus- sen spent Sunday in Brussels.-- Mrs. russels.-Mrs. Cameron, of Grand Valley, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs, F. Davey. -W. E. Van Velsor was call- ed to St. Thomas last week owing to the serious illness of his sister. -Rev. Dr. Moffatt, a missionary, and former resident of this vicinity, addressed the Mission Band in the Presbyterian church on Friday afternoon. He al- so preached in the same church Sun- clay morning. -Mrs. 0. Cook and little son, of Ilensall, are spending a few weeks with friends here. Belgrave The Methodist church at Belgrave are having an annual Garden Party at the -Parsonage on June 29th. Wingham Band is to be in attendance. work in the. Mission field, In 1800 he went to Bengeella, Angola, Africa, in charge of , the lndestrial clepartniettt of a Mission established there by the Congregational church. Rev. Met Moffatt spent'? years of strenuaue ye enjoyable work and seeing the great vela of mea o . �ij medical missionaries 011 leis t retard from theeo (ailed ',dark con- tinent" attended Medical College and graduated on June 5th. He was ordained to the ministry in. Cleveland on May 21st, Dr. Moffatt' purposes taking it special coui'se of 5 months in Medicine in London, England, en route to Africa. Mrs, Moiratt's maiden name was 5iee Mary Hills, of Cleveland, wbo was a ebudent. at, Oberlin College, tvllen Dr. Moffatt was there. She is a speelalist in Kindergarteis work and bas taken training as a professional nurse aud will be able to greatly assist her hus- band in his enlarged sphere of ser- vice as she has worthily filled hes' place in the past, They have 2 clan h- tere aged 0 and 4{ years respectively, They will leave Montreal on the steamship"Cassandra", Donaldson Line, for England on July 28th and will get back to Africa about Jane- ary. the new post Dr. Molratt is as- signed to is Obyaka, Angola, where he will have a fine pioneer field for operation. Dr. Moffatt is very en- thusiastic over the future of Africa, and thinks the provinces under Brit- ish rule are destined to attract great attention. Where be has been is directed; by Portugal and -might easi- ly be improved. Great and radical changes have been brought abont by the railway from the Cape to Cairo, 6,400 miles long and the longest con- tinuous' road in the world, 5,000 steamboat and railway connections are already establisbed. This road traverses nearly the whole English colony greatly benefitting it. 'hen there is the Benguella West Coastrail- wayof8,000miles that connects with other line running North and South County is rolling and fertile where Dr. Moffatt, was 140 South df Equa- tor with no 'Muter and little frost, 5000 It above sea level. Gi'ow corn, sweet potatoes, wheat, cassava, ,kc„ and by irrigation in the six months dry season can grow continuous crops. The black people ate very anxious to learn and the congeegations from the various nearby villages number from I,000 to 2,000 people. Under British Government Dr. Moffatt thinks pro- gress would be written in large characters where little is being achieved under Portuguese rule. It is a real delight to chat with our for- mer old friend and his work will be followed by new zest by many old friends here. Jamestown Drops are doing well and a good harvest should be the result. Wroxeter will catch a good many from this locality an Dominion Day, The Jamestown Women's Institute will attend the annual District meet- ing Wednesday afternoon of next week, in Brussels Town Hall. A good time is figured on. on the Work has commenced foundation of the new Hall here and as soon as completed the contractor is expected to rush up the brick work and have the building ready before early Fall for occ" on. SPLENDID SuG . -1 A flue time was enjoyed at the Garden Party held at the home of. Alex. Forrest jr. West of here, last Friday evening. 'she evening was delightful ; attendance large and orderly ; supper abundant and well served ; and the program in- teresting and out of the' ordinary. Wfngham Salvation Army Band gave a full program of musical numbers and in addition rendered striug selections and vocal solos by Capt. Gillingham, E. Simmons and the Bandmaster. Short, spicy addresses were given by Rev. Dr. Oaten, Brussels •. Dr. Moffatt, of Africa, LL former • resident of this •i e and A Pollock the latter. ex- pressing , P the thanks of the Trusteesto i essm g ,in greet- ing kindness t pp r u'esLFat d Mrs. I'og ing the use of her premises, the talent for theprogram, e chairman and the r their attendance. W. 1 people ko H. Kerr • Of POET was Ohallm a n , l o $70.00 was taken at the gate, which a- mount was supplemented by $80.00 at arefreshment bonth. Proceeds go to ' fr aid in the urchase of furnishins for the new Victoria Hall tote erected. Numerous representatives were pres- ent, from Brussels, Wr oxetee - Blue vale and Wingharn and all had a good time. The Forrest homestead is an a for such ideals of gathering. P A. -WELCOME VISITOR PROM APDRIA. It was a great delight during the past week to have our old friend' Moffatt back to see us mice more. It is over 20 years since he served his apprenticeship at the blackemithing in the shop then o\vned by Jno. For- rest, nosy of Orahbrook. • The people of this community are proud of Dr. Moffatt and his 'reports of the good work in the African Mission field sbould prove a seal inspiration to other young men and women to get busy for Gab and Ilia cause. Dr. Moffatt, who isa son of the late Robert lvloffatt, and a nephew of John 14. Miller, was born in Turnberry 'o Cleveland township. He went t , Ohio, and later took a literaty coarse in Oberlin College, covering 5 years, with the purpose of preparing for CORONATION SERVICE tiff, J', M. Best, (Soaforth), for defend - en t. ' Lee vs. Carney, et al -An aatlon ep- tered by Win,• Lee, of Goderieh, against Denial E. Carney, and his wife, of Colborne, for damages on the sale of hay, This was postponed until the next December sittings of the Oourt. , L. E. Dancey, for plaintiff ; Came. Garrove, for defeedent, McDonald vs, Stratford Wholesale Grocery Co. et al. -An action for is- suing process maliciously, entered by J, 3. McDonald, of Goderich, againsb the Stratford Wholesale' Grocery Co. The counsel consenting, His kronor directed that the jury be dispensed with and a date for au early trial be- fore Ws Ifonor Judge Holt be fixed, the costs of the day to be paid by the plaintiff to the defendent within two weeks after titration. If not then paid, the action to stand dismissed with costs. L. 11. Dance for plain- tiff ; W. Proudfoot, K. 0., for defend- ents. The °cart then adjoM ned until Fri - clay, the 23rd day of Juue at 11 o'clock a. 10,, when other civil cases on the docket will come up for bearing. Coronation service will be held in St. John's church, Brussels, Thursday, June 22nd, at 10.30 a. m., when the following order of service will be car- ried out :- National Anthem. Responsive reading. -Psalm 72. Prayer -Mr. W. H. Boyd. Selection of music by the united Choir, (Te Deum.) Scripture ture Reading Jos. 1:1-10 - Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A. Selection of music -Rev. Dr. Oaten. Scripture Lesson- Rom. 13:1 -11 - Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B. A. Hymn -355. Prayer -Mr. Boyd. Address -Rev. Dr, Oaten. Solo -Councillor Jones. Address -Mr. Boyd. Offering. Hymn -566. Prayer. di Bene tion. c The offering will be givenen tothe Tor - auto Fresh Air Mission. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The church will be appropriately decorat- ed. CORONATION PORTRAITS Ring George V. and Queen Mary. ax BRU5attts POST has made arrange - meats by which our readers can secure most beautiful Coronation portraits of their Majesties King George and Queen Mary, They are by the celebrated "Langfier," of London• and copyright- ed, The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal, has secured the Cana- dian rights, and is now offering' these Portraits free of charge to all who sub- scribe to that great weekly for the bal- ance of leu at Fifty cents. We will in- clude THE Pos'r with the Family Herald and Weekly Star for the same period for only 75 cents and each subscriber will receive the Coronation pictures. Two portraits are on the one sheet, size about 18 x 75 inches a most convenient size for framing. They are acknow- ledged by competent judges to be the best portraits of their Majesties in"ex isteoce and will become historical, grow- ing in value year after year. The small sum of 750 will bring you both papers until' January 1st, 1912 and the Coronation portraits. The .latter alone could not be bought for the price. JUNE SESSIONS The General Sessions and Jane Co. Court opened at the Court House, Goderich Tuesday of last week. Ow- ing to the absence of Judge Doyle, who was called to Sudbury on urgent business, Judge Holt presided. at the sittings the first day, Judge Finkle, of Woodstock, arrived on 'Wednesday to deal with the remaining cases. This was Judge Finkle's first visit to Huron in his officihl capacity. Ile seems to have the happy faculty of combining JL1d1ial dignity with a pleasing and engaging manner. There w gg were two. criminal cases on the docket but th9 charge .of criminal negligence preferred against J. Garnet 1 n of Lnc,now�was not Armstrong, enceofa the abs heard owingto thecrown. It • t 1' Cl w material saltness f0 ma was again postponed to the sessions in December. Alame bill was bion ht in by the grand jury against Harvey Beattie on a of lode the charge ent assault, but 00 c the accused pleading guilty of con - moa assault sentence was suspended, nded , bonds for his future good behavior be- ing supplied by the father of the young man. The civil cases dealt with were as follows Tait vs. Hamilton. -An action en- tered by Wm. Tait, of Goderich, against Joseph Hamilton, of Colborne, for the detention of ahorse. The ttial was postponed until the next jury sittings of the Court in December. L. E. Dancey for plaintiff ; M. 0. johns - ton for defsndent. The Canadian Bank of (Amman vs. Mowbray, et al. -An action enter- ed by the plaintiffs against J. W. Mowbray, and others on a promissory note, The plaintiff moved to post- po110 the trial on the ground. of the absence of a material witness. H15 'Honor directed that a postponement be made bill the next December ,site zings of the Court with a jury, F, Holinstsd, K. 0„ (Soaforth), for plain - Church Chimes Last Sunday Mr. Garside was at Southampton taking the services in the English church. Coronation service in Melville church next Sabbath morning in the interests of the Sabbath School. Rev. Dr. Oaten will take for the subject of his discourse next Sabbath "Christian Citizenship" and in the evening "The Coronation of God." Holy Communion will be administered Sunday morning next in St, John's church, Rev, Mr. Ashby, of Atwood, will be the preacher morning and even- ing. Rev. E. A Fear, of Blyth, preached last Sabbaih morning and evening in the Methodist church here and gave two ex- cellent discourses. Brussels was the home of Rev. Mr. Fear's parents for a number of years hence has more than a passing interest to the son. Mrs, Addie Wright and a double quartette from Melville church will take part in the program at the Garden Party at Moncrieff on the evening of Coronation Day, In connection with the afternoon exercises Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., Moderator of the Mait- land Presbytery, will lay the corner stone of the proposed new Presbyterian church, Rev. Dr, Moffatt, of Africa, gave a very interesting Missionary ry address in Melville church last Sabbath evening before a large audience. He thinks Africa the next continent to claim the world's attention sad is very optimistic. over the social, industrial and spiritual outlook. The address will do good in awakening a renewed interest in the great Missionary campaign. WOMEN'S INSTLTitTES OF HURON. -The Provincial Government report upon the Women's Institutes of the Province, for the year 191o, contains the following in formation regarding the Institutes in this county r West Huron -107 mem- bers ; 66 meetings held with a total at- tendance of 1,483 ; total receipts, includ- ing balance from previous year, $180,94; total expenditures, $127 q5 ; balance on hand , $58 g q. E ast Htfon 2 77 me m- bens' 93 meetings held with atotal at- tendance t- tendou e of 1.385 total receipts,t5, $149.- 11 ; 149 -11• total expenditures, $112.47 47• balance on hand, X135.64 South Huron -25 members ers ' so meetings held w ith a total attendance of rho totalreceipts,is $ 4 0.- 5o toed expenditures,endunres $37 o6 balance n ee on hand �344West Huron. has eight branches Blyth Clinton Goderich, Holm esvtlle �iutail Lo o St n des or b Helens, WinT{ghamt: . East has the sous nu mber: Bl a ass, Brussels, s, Ethel, 'oriwih Corrie, Jamestown, Molesworth, Walton. South Huron has only two : BsySeld and Exeter. Sheldou left Montreal for the paniten- tiery Monday moruiug looking sick and not likely to outlive his sentence of 5 years. J. P. Heine, who has occupied the Position of Science master at the Col- legiate Institute, Ingersoll, for the past year has l'eoeiyecl the appoiutment to the Principalship of the Goderich Col- legiate Institute. He will comihegee' his new duties in September, While edging shingles in Treleaven's sew mill, at Luckhow, Norman Mathe- son, au aged employee at the mill was struck in the face by a flying shingle, His, cheek was pierced right through between the jaws lute the mouth, leav- ing a terrible wound, from which the blood poured hi a stream. A doctor was rushed to the scene and the wound- ed roan is halting as good progress to. ward recovery as could be e#pectod,