The Brussels Post, 1911-6-15, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS,
K. Q. r, M.
i30ustols IJ 1)t of tiro AitG g3..a, No, 24
hold their neuter eleetleee in, the Lodge
"teem, 4.3ael(or. nlook, ea the lei and 8td
Toe .say ovnntuga O1 o'tu11 inning(
Ieiau,dni,vay wins u
a k
so, '
lt �
. t, w
b, u 4 il1pU Dtfibl, tt, A.
1� A E L (,13
N b
1 bpi
ince la the koxl •IIIUG, Ethel. 110.4
Agent F.Towick Mutual
Fire £ icul'aues Company
Utnogand tteaidouce-- DR.- M. FSIGUSON
'oarless Oards
Teacher f
a o. 1111)4(
,Studio at Carter's Ai wile litol',oleodeerNorth
of the $taindere i]ank, Weasels, 8-t
M/SSR f"1 RE
has passed a ceenul II xol:ta:,1 -.
s ee to ]a(a• 4040 lid f
((pae(the PianoforteY04o;quota, en,13::ellt the ed
00irto Oonsor :0 hury of 1141' and R I0o(, prepared
tG 4a1tu pl(plls he her Nanta, dfiaturday oa.
ter YiaitB i0aftel lr1 i(1ny and $±ttnrdsg Gf each
linollelor of Aludleine, University of Toronto ;
laioentiate and Graduate of the (Joliette of Vhy•
81(714)6' and SUrgeo)a, 0115. ; boat-g:44000te
Uluoatie BYO, Eltr,NOSS mid Threat 40Npital,
Uilloa»o, TIL Ec ktunsa Surgeon. to 00, Aiiele
ape's hospital, Toronto.
Otflee over 1r. 13 13mitlt s Drag Store, Tela
phone oelttlue en with 0Panb,'uolr et 4111 Neuro,
141 S, i300TP AS AN AUCTION -
I_ • nam, will ::o3l -lor better nriaes, to
ve3Ler won, (n lees Gale sad lees oborges
than any Other Auctioneer in tient Huron or
tae wup't ondrge auythl:,g. Ute aud orders
oaa 1410aye 4 e arranged at nut, uhioe or by
040 ,tel applIcatlon,
l.i 3AL Abd': +»lNVEVAflIWPUI.
Physician and burgeon; Post Ornallntel eOWeen
tendon Mug NOW 'ZOOS gad 032)32» Bus -
Pito lo, Sp000d attention leftisense oi'oyu, ear,
nese and throat. Eyes boated for. glebes.
Dental Burgeon
Honor Graduate Denial Department, Toronto
University ; Licentiate of lteyel Uollege of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. (Mee in Sn,3)h
Bloc)( reoentiy vacated ty 0r, lreild,
R. M. M'LEAN, D,D,S,.,L,D.S.
Gerrie,' Ont.•
Honer graduate Uolye'rail'y of Tormlto, De-
ppartroeuLotDentistry ; Graduate Royal Uol-
lvaofDental OnguunsofOntario. At Wrex-
t:4rravers laos(,y84194 noon dud (Vrdneoday.
Of1]aa In U,-,wd Contra! blurb, At ]rurdwieh
every Friday forenoon, OAW: 11) Go,',io in
Lrrc h'6' tia+uk. : 21-6,n
,`yy. f 11'1 IiINUt.A113- : OR. WAROLAW
" 11 . 11arr,nln, nuha W+ Uaavn auonr Honor graduate of the Ontario yeterinory
Y ()allege. Dal' and night eaha. Olitee opposite
No4my Potato, &u n1uub Lown,a•e If Wali at
1 door Not Le Ir. u„L,,. flour )1111, tarhel.
gl.,00/ 1)r bur the 0 etiopu,,t,.0 rant11:3,
i101J1Jr'OOI', ISAYEi de KILLORAN GiteIN-10 `iatAlr 4` .�itil-i71eay
II A1(Iti1TI•.1t8, h,Ld01'Pt"1413, NOTARIES BRUSSELS
!•Crud -!Ell U. Gots& Soa'rn G01N0Nonrn
W. ra,onvau0, a 4' It U. Hers Mull 7:07 o,,a Exiireo, ..... 111:5.1t in
J. I, Kinn ",,t1 Express 11 :05 a in bail ....,.... 1.50p In
Its ,r 04 - n :-n
tl ":1)5 , E
, x nese 8 m
If .n.
', 1)r •u . d,! i ifs 1 7 1 l
Lifson-) loan larwe, Y e ! i hY AaH p
Urtwrraa ,lt uolt
00001t1en, ON'Ilarn.
Steamship Company ahY Limited
Operating -the finest fleet of passenger steam-
ers on the St. Lawrence route.
Summer Sailings
Royal Mail Service
Corsican )lay 0th . June 2nd
Virginian , , May 12th June 0th
Vunisian Nay 10125. Junelgtll
Victorian May 26th June 28rd
Ionian May 6t1: - June 8rd
Grampian Al ay lath June ]0th
Scotism May 20th June 17t1t.
Hesperlau v,,,,wl, Nay 27th June 24th
'10,11 -To LONDON
`o'\N t(iI' utg at Havre./ Prance....
w14h11ou as to rates, eta., on applies.
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
j Young People
We can prepare you for business at (61
Business College r
� We place our'g1•eduatee In pesitiona.
it Our graduates. are successful. Two y''c
Courses-Oobunercral and Shorthand.. tui
Pall Term opens September 143:.
v r w,v em r„r v ..,. llbvu. ✓ e, rt Distance is Ho Hindrance Eto those Who wish to get the beet.
Many students from the distant pro-
vinces and the United States attend the ',g
Toronto, Ont., This Schoolhasa r
national reputation for high 'R
40t grade work. Graduates readily get
SO good positrons. Open entire year. En-
ter now. Write for. catalogue.
Oor. Young and W. J. ELLIOYT .
Alexander Ste. S : Principal
��• w
At your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My metl1od will cure ap-
parently hopelesscases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why watt until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait - Fill coupon
Age,..,. 'l'lrne Rap. ....
Single or Double
Nance .
Mid :0(147n to
88 Oalodonla 81.
Delft, A Stretford, Ont.
To Toronto To Godet%oh
184 :' r
pass - 41 n: n Esp sae 17.61am
Express m .:..... 2.57 p Express 7.61g m
Going East - 7:05 a': m. and 5:55 p. m.
Going West - 52:40 and 0:47 p.. m.
A1.1 trains going East couneot with 0.P. a, at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Blare and T
GE0.. ALLAN, Local Agent.
Miss Minnie Boyd left last week for
a month's visit withfriends i11 Niagtacta.
3, G. Dickson was at Ottawa as a
Commissioner to the General Assem-
The young people of the Presby-
terian church Intend holding a garden
party on Wm. Inglis'. lawn on Suite
111r. Lowey, the contract agent of
the Bell Telephone 0o., has received
20 new contracts to be connected to
the Atwood exchange.
Walter Blackwell who has purchas-
ed the chopping mill from Joseph
Lehman, has taken : possession andis
now making the necessary repairs.
DEA s os 1 as B S
T n 1 RO T. ALLTH.-
Deat11 relieved of her sufferings an
old and highly respected resident of
St. Marys on Wednesday May 80t1),
in the person of Elizabeth Grant, re-
lict of the late Robert Smith. She
was in her 7701 year and had been
seriously ill for a period of several
months. She was born in Morris.
shire, Scotland, corning to Canada 55
years ago with her husband, the late
Robert Smith, and resided. in New-
market, near Toronto, for about five
years, when they gloved to St. Marys,
where tbel lived over since. Her
died about four years ago.
Her death was due to a general de-
cline of the system incident to advents.
ed etge. A family of five sons and live
daughters survive, as follows • ilex,
Smith, ex -M, P. P., and Jatites'Stnitii,
of M0osomin, Sask. ; John, of Wey-
burn, Stash ; Robert, of Dauphin,
Mau. George, of Regina ; iVIrs. 411.
Dixon, of Indian Bead Sask. ; Mrs- E.
Hoyt, of, Mo0sonin, Sask. ; Mrs. F.
H. Kerney, of Morris ; Mrs. E. AV,
4(11113, of ,Grand Forks; 73. 0. ; and
Mary, at route. She had been a mem-
ber of the First Presbyterian cbureli
0t sr since residing in St. Marys. De-
ceased was a kind and loving mother
and much esteemed by a wide circle
of friends andacquailrtance. The
era! took plttce onSaturday afternoon,
interment being 1
erg lmt4(e in . St. Marys
Dangdr in Corn Salvos
They usually contain acids (aud born
the flesh. The one safe more in liquid
form :is Putnam's Paii1e s Corn .Ex-
tractor, which is purely vegetable,
causes no pain and cures in one day.
Don't forget the name-"Pnthanes,
.J, J. Bell, principal of 1.11e High
School, has resigned.
F. Kibler left on an extended trip to
the coast. De will visit his sons (r1
the West (tied at Vancouver.
Jacob. and Wm. Kritzer,` who re-
cently (roved to Toronto, haze gone
into the contracting business. Jacob
has puecinased a lob and will build a
]louse on it.
Semi-annual lneeiia,g: of the North
Porth Comity L. 0, L. will he held in
the 0716:1ge hall, Listowel, on $1134171-
(1037, 3(2,3(4 1714113 opening at p. m.
Elms District will hold its send -
annual hooting at the °lose of the
County Lodge.
Cp70ilati0n Dtay,,Tune22nd,:pr raises
to be a gay clay in Listowel. Athletic
meet, ander sanction of the 0. A. A.
11:, has been arrlan ed, and some of
the best amateurs of Canada will com-
plete for the liberal prizes which lvlli
be given for the different events,
The meet will be held at the taco
(sock, and at 1 p, in, will he opened by
sllorb speeches by members of the
town Connell and ministers of the
mssilemn town.
At the Meeting of the Public Rohool
.J3oaua1 the i•i•siginaiiorteof AJ]se Gordon
s L r • u• r,
and Mies ,u 1 horn read 1)l
A1sIt 1 a 111
canted, Allae 1224271)es was appointed
alt l tlfd Or 1114 rooms/rod a (1)0(4(11) was
pas4e11 to adveet Ise for :two teaciielii,
Dr, Moore left on Saterday fore a
9, r
trip fit( I the West n i;0
1 e V 1c vel
t a u 1
H ,
ansa will retool by A Uhie/Igo wlnerehe
pal poses taking to post graduate
von 1444) IIe tvili 41100 spend awhile.
with the Mayo Bros., laity/Semis, 0.t
m t L '1
1 t s .fit iesdtu Driving `1',
1 11 i, 1! i 1, l)
Moore's a, 4 • 1 1 i1..
M lust i1) t L1tAaa0 M.1
will take Omega or his prnel ler,
A suggestion of Rare Value
A diseased condition 1)r the siu'I'ucoi
of the air peeseagee ('4011308 kind breath,
but more cultluu ntly eilianatee from
indigestion o•au Somme condition of
the blood.' i'housarnis Of cases prove
that 1)1', Hamilton's Pi11s.Lhrougl4 lb Oil.
s1)4903110 AC Linn of the tree]elury and
eliminative organs., not only vire brut
breath, but tro thneoughl,y purify the
systt'll Lhu4 ae71111ug suggt'sliv(2 or
blond 1)r digestive' l'roohlee is Miens-
sible, O'bruuglt Dr, llahi!!un's Pills
the skin' germs rosy anti clear, netivily
of the body and iniad 3])cre100 S, and
b(1hdl ng ha i. >
6 111th s csttailishsQ, sold
every whe'o in 25c boxes,
W. Li. ;1lelllllOy is bailing cool
shell, near rile 0. 1', lt, Lrl4Olt5 and : Will
handle cool.
Council (made it Leant of $20 0: the
Fig' 1(1(11 ural Society 011 the stole eon-
(li6inus as last year.
1Vui., T. NeL)w y, or Eaoot W l4ty4t-
Limo), was (1,21,111y (muffed .t1) Aliso
Ada 611 iuplel1, ol'-Duogruloo.
J+ ,llaann who is engaged by the
1311)111 or li'nniilmn rt9 tenet' in one 41'
thei s Winnipeg beam -he .1 50)40 home 11)
attend the lveddiug 045 hie sister.
Tin 1'rivl e s m'
1 1
1 C it. 1399119 were
pleased to see hint )(bunt again after
his serious neeidelit tut It will be Notate,
Lime 1, forahewill'b,: able to we]k14
Aliso 1.01lh' 13enih'y, \rho has been
01111 her brother .in.California
for the past 1'lov y7a144, dins (('turned
Ignite looting greatly nopeoved fir
C;,nraellni' Orel mart' with whet
might have I een a y1)serious acts
dent. y
(lent 1Vhile carrying an armful of
i2,4100,11 nut of his stns( he fell, striking
tis head against the non tie post..
Fortunately- he got, off with only a
broiseel forehead.
One of our young couples were
weeded Thursday afternoon of last'
week Miss Fanny, .daughter of
Ben. and Mrs. 11lasnn, to SV, N. Wat-
son, Rev. J. L. Small nfflciating. The
newly wedded 'couple spent -their
.holeymoou in Toronto. and other
Eastern points, and on their: return to.
Blyth will take up residence on Mill
Mrs. B, Mason received the sad news
or the death of.he,:'father, Edmund
Manning, of Hallett, at the advanced
age of 70 years. 13,9 hacl been a suffer-
er for a long time. The funeral took
place from bis late residence in Hallett
to the TJniou Oemetery. Those left to
m001(4 are his wife and four children ;
-Airs. B. Mason, of Blyth ; airs, W.
Grey, of Brills((, and two sons, John
ancl Charlie Manning on the home-
stead, to whom we juin with their
tathyy. friends in exl.etlding • net. syr14-
W. a r er r o o m S
Have received a dandy consign -,t
•• anent of first-class Bnggies from •
well known mllnut'itetnrers. •
which will be sold at genuine 4.
• •, bargains.
+ Cream
• Separators
Nothing Getter on the Market :
• than our C1'0aul Separator.
• r •
• •
Agent for I
4. •
Deering Implements t
Cockshutt .Plows •
Singer Sewing
Machines Z.
Pianos and Organs A
Phonographs, Vic. •
Repairs for Plows
Always in Stock.
If you ere interested in the o
above rueutioued lines call in
and see us and ascertain our low ;
• prices, and easy terms of pay- •
• +
t ck�� e i •;lea •44:14+••••i•44.
By Lydia E. Pinkliar's
'Toronto. -I gladly give you 10!
testimonial in favor of your wonderful
medicines. Last: October I wrote to
you for advice as I was completely run
down, had bearing flown sensation in
the lower part of
1 r•'.p' :i: bowels, backache,
='•.,.:y and pain in thrl
n(��'�2' ' -;'i �+side. I also suf-
:.;• fared terriblyfrom
After receiving
your. directions, I
followed them
closely and am now
entirely free from
l�sin Jo d
Powel9 bacic and aman
stronger in every
14 also took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound before my baby
was born, and I recommend it highly
to all pregnant women. -Mas. E.
WANDBY, 92LoganAve., Toronto, Ont.
Another > Woman Cured
Maple Creek, Sask.-I have used
Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound and Blood Purifier, and I am
now in perfect health. ` I was troubled
with pains every month. I know other
women who suffer as I did and I will
gladly recommend your medicine to
them. You may publish this if you
think it will help others. Mas. F. E.
CooK, Maple Creek, Sask.
i:f you belong to that countless army
of'women who suffer from some form
ills don't hesitate to
of female , n try
Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Com-
pound, made from roots and herbs.
A wedding was solemnized at the
hone of the bride's parents, 1.. and
ars. Pfeffer., Milveeton, when their
daughter, Minnie Adeline, was united
h1 marriage to Otto 1'I. Pinkbeiner, of
Blyth, }rev. Mr. Gisler performing the
ceremony. The many friends of the
bride and groom extend to them best
wishes. Dlr. and Mrs. Pinkboiner
will take up their residence on Well-
ington Street. •
SC1300L Rmsoj1T.-Following is the
report of S. S. No. 9 Grey, (Mouorieff,)
for the mouth of May 4-Entrantee
examined in Grammar, Geography,
Literature and Writing. Total 350.
May Livingstone 274, N. Schrock 152.
Sr. IV.- Total 400 **S. McQuarrie
113. Jr. IV. -Total 400 *Lottie Mc-
aKay 187, *Harriett McQuarrie 158.
Sr. 111. -Total 400 Arnold McKay
100, V. Schnook 147. Jr. I1L-'total
400 Mary Smith 299, *P. Curnrnings
159, 0. McKay 120, '*I3. Machan 73,
***F. Machan 20, *+0417. 'lodge 35. Se.
IL -Total 800 Ina McKay 7.04, *'Seth
Pride 89. Jr. I1. -Total 200 *H,
Snelling 78, *W. Machan 40, *E.
Machan 29 Part II 1M. Livingstone,
Archie Mann K. Howard, 0. Snelling,
E. Mantle Sr. L -H McQuarsie H.
Mantle, E Machan G Meehan Int.
L-l0orresl 147cKay, J. Snelling, G.
Brown, L. Pride, M, Pride, A. Smith,
B. Sanders. Jr, I.-Plura Smith,
Mary Mucha n, Loraine 411417114, Ellie
McKay, Flora Mann, 13erva b`'peirau,
*Denotes au exam. missed.
HARRY 0, 411 OORE, teacher.
growing 01d Before Your Time
Beokot in spirit, weak in body ner-
vousaand discouraged. Something is
wrong, and each day sees 34011 failmg
away.. Just one, t11111g to do -Build
up. 'To clothis, use-.-
as 30030 it is 1 App, -
you eat lremeide.
deed you will. Rich re'u'"titf "1e - :..,.-
carry nourishment to every cover of
the body, tired organs take of new
life, color, spirit and ambition are re-
stored. Perfect manhood and abound-
ing health is the nn railing product of
Ferrozone-try it, 50c per box every-
The Boatel of Otiottol, or Galveston
plan of commission government for
allies as It is the'United
States where It originated, 48 a failure
in (40 fat as Montreal is concerned bac
cnrdi:li, to a band of ex -aldermen,
would he oont•aetors, ward heelers
and others who have formed then(.
selves into an organization whose aim
is to recapture the City Hail for the
old form of alder,nal-ie patronage and
plumber carried on so successfully
until last year under the old system of
civic government by alderma:ic com-
mittees, The Ooumissiolers have
fell the reins of ofli r
held c4 for slightly
over a y0(61' now. Anynue who takes
the trouble to compare, in ever so
results casual a manner, the rstlts which
have been achieved in that; short year
in the away of civic improvement.,
with the results which were never
f0rticolnll g Blaring the (Hang 491149 0f
aldet•,llanic sway, will !agree that the
new system, ins1eltd of being a failnre.
as claimed, has been a great success.
There have been sh0rtecanings of
course, but all around it may be
safely said that 110ver before has the
city's money and energy been put ;to
better use thee during the last twelve
months. When the 7300,711 of Owttrnl
was elected the number of aldermen
was mit down from two to one for
04604) ward. This left e. Few gentle-
men at home who had bad a taste of
political life and hankered for mote.
Up to (11e present they hove kept
quiet, tint now, it, appears, they aro
getting together and intend to 111011e 0
concertedeftett- to obtain control of
01 10 1 1 41 4 111 parse - strings once more.
"Disbelieve it, if you uesi," remarked
on i0foeinant, but it is a fact, 'the
proposition is to issue a petition which
people will be asked 10' sigh praying
for 11 referendum un the (. ues110u,
A 1tut at is that
t 1t tr'Cer&nrtl1)t
111 old,
1 1)l U10 board out 0,1 (xisleut r,
4.1.415 movement 1t'(+ It ntonbel'
1)l' 3.149 members of the 241(1 rtldel'ainillic
('4'g11410 24(1(1 4014.011I eon 1r:Il hn73.' svbo
II 1 1, 4
that 11) c l ••
t L 4 , L1 are -<'
t i bl net
mallets' i
I th tl t tuff alluty This b b Ill. pelt-
LIM) is alrlultlly in prepltratiw). I7uless
Molts of the pr0motdl's mise(1r)•y,
however, the petition will be hungered
on the pubUe In the nelal 1'tilu)'e with
1t hentbig of drinns and rho sound of
trumpets, Watch for developments.
TRAINING] P'n1Ofile (.l.1iz1:Nf3
, Is' the Caned tau Child `for'war'd 14"
Members of the couuntesi0)1of 1 0403103!
('Ilecaliolutl experts who are visiting
Urtnada•iu the intervals of education,
(ansoee the (11)&6'1101 with au euq)hatic
'wend bre. '"('hut 1» tosay," said one
of 131(4 ('((41(1!10S1((l('r8,'' the cb'iid('2n
Ou•e alit "I'on1rard" i 4 Lhe , p or the
Nord, whiell is generally inter nerr
KS' rudeness. On the other hand he
l ,l y
rule bright, anis show nn absolute
absence of s& ll-c0na0I0usnt s, which is
really delightful. It indicates an, i1)-
dividntality anti (41 ill Ivi 1,11-448 5v111031
will' make t119114 gond, hl ighl, self-
reliant cllleei)s of the fntnie. It also
speaks well for the system of instruc-
tion give]) in the sehonis and is a
testimonial of the careful work of the
teacher, whose salttt:y is not c:oln-
lnelisnrate with the efforts that boot
he and sh0 must have liutdo in order
ail obtain slick resin f6' Tile Commine-
1011, Nhi(3, is co113)01e(1 of leading
British educationlsle is waking a
tour of the Dominion with, a view to
repot•liug on the school system 44'40.
General eampnlsory vtaccinralio``1 hits
been ol(hared by the Pro vMetal 13oltral
or 1lealllt al' the Province of Quebec,.
This will mean not only vaccination
for thuse wild haven't, been vaccinated
but eevaceitiaatkm for those ilio have.
not bee), vaccinated for the last seven,
years. 'Phis stx•ingent step has been
adopted in view of the discovery that
cases had been reported in 11101'e than
twenty WW1 Lich'. Moreover. Ole at-
Lrnlinn of the Board has been called to
the fact 4 hat as 111nlheemen rel 4rned
from the bush inspectors found many
E. t n tla lx Dr.Pelletier,
tots t ti 1114
r. 1 L
secretary of the l',ovincial Board of
Health declares that it is little to
sttamp out the contagion betels it has
}seeoue too general, We are sur-
rounded by smallpox, said he On-
tario is infested and the neighboring
States are also on thevebge of an epi-
demic. \Vehave discoveredlately that
hundreds of cases have been shielded
even by physicians, sometimes through
ignorance, and 8011ietime8 mite de.
liberalely. This is the explanation of
the nunlel'oos outbreaks reported from
over twenty 00 /flees of the Province,
Eighteen !lours of work out of
twenty-four should be the limit for
any man, in any class of work. not
only on aaeeonilt of 04080051014 exertion
and tailing strength but also because
of failing brain power, theme,» . losing
his capacity to appreciate his sur-
ionndilgs and to direct his- opera-
tions. Such is the substance of the
opinion given by Dr. Francois de
nlaavtiguy, chief surgeon of the Hotel
Dien, who in the case of Dame L.
Laverdui'e against the Gamed 3/40
Northern claiming $8,000for the death
of her husband. BrauilleLte 4011.0
killed in a fall at about ten in the
:nm -ping after having been at work
sines seven o'clock of the previous
morning, having suspended work only
for .m0111 hours, ami Having worked
through day and night. The con-
tention of the plaiutiff was that tate
company bad no light to (allow igen
to work driving suet) lougg hours. Dr,
de Martiguy Was called by the pltain-
tiil's counsel to state what was the
limit. of a Malt's endurance and placed
the limit at eighteen lotus of con-
tinual muscle or brain work, reason-,
able time being allowed for meals.
Deadly Consumption -
Starts from Catarrh
Thousands Think Catarrh is cold,
- ' Neglect It and. Die.
v per cent. of ail
consumption. These
aliu,iti..• ca1411111 in the first
place, but g ecteti it,
0an't you realize the awf411, horrible
mistake of not curring catarrh now y
PO thorougi,hly rout out all taints of
Catarrh, nothing mot Tact so beneficially
bas 'Oat larrhozoue," whir.]: is acku0ly-
ledged by all doctors to be a specific
for all forms' of Octtal'1'h, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Unmet, nose and chest ail -
The reasons why Catarrltnzone cures
when other treatments fail are are
very simple. In the
first place
O ta4rthezone fee, h
a c es the true source
of the disease, Very Teal, if any, of
the ordinary cures can do this. Ctat-
arrhozone is carried along with the air
yen breath theougil the mouth, throat
and bronchial tubes. Its antiseptic
vapor at once kills any .germs that
:nay' be lurking in these au passages.
No !natter how remote these germs
may be they can't possibly escape
Oatarrhozoue ; it goes everywhere the
air you breothe goes, and no all' cell o1'
art' passage eon escape its healing in-
fluence. The strong point about
00L1u•rllozole is its ability to g1) direct
to the spot where the. rate ,'t+ germ is
working, Every breath through the
inhale,' means instant death to the
microbes, and gives the sufferer relief
from the gnawing. destructive action
of these parasites. It must be re-
membered, also, that Oatl4rrhozoi(e is to
marvellous healer, It soothes t
the in-
flamed me0lbranes, patches up the
little sole slots, aud removes lhestemi-
Live, tender feeling from the nose and
throat, 01' &01)(•59, the discharge. of
111:101)5' stops at once, 0llitar141oznne
prevents this entirely.
Another nasty symptom that Trick-
ly disappears is the dropping of vile
diseh(u'ge from tate throat into Lhe
stomach. :Oatarrhozone clears tint the
ringlets so that you don't have to
breathe til nugh the month. 13iawk•
ing and 1(1)31 ting stop because the dis.
charge 10 (3,01041 11p. The blinding
head150110 that is caused by nothing
else !.hall catarrh 1s .015o lifted from
your, butelen, !hid life begins to look
happy once 14501.0,
Oonlplete' treatment, including
beantifi111y polished beard rubber In-
hales i
! 4 t a(# f simply 1 xllu n 1 1)l' '
I P y liquid, seals
1.10 and ] guaranteed
Jit s
L e 1)t
o cute 1
voai'tunoey 1a101c. SnoLUer sizes259,
and 50e,, at all diuggisls, .1)4' /..)Y�iurtll
84441, The (Jatdu'I'hozolle Company,
Kingston, 0156,
1)1 /
unmil e .-..
A n timidity 1 00 con u r
School G uv 41(1(411
laid Run -Deemed meeting fol' the
C,,unt vof Heron assembled in St. Ptinl'ir
school room, 11 rngl:am, Fridge, lune,
end, 'There (4(58 a eelebralion of the
Holy ('nntmuninn in the morning, at
which Rev, '4,,Hreksassistedthe'Rectot'.
Deanery Chapter :net Jr) the rectory at 1
p m. mut Rev. 114 H. Croly was elected
Secretary 10 replace the Rev, W.
Doherty, 13. A ,1vho bed been appointed.
Rural Deno The intended deptu•Lttre
04 Rev,. and Mrs Murk l'ooshull, of
Goilerieb, fur Mexico was the subject of
a resulul1Jru 1xinessingthe deep regret
of the ',names at their departure, after
finch a long and faithful ver vice in the
Deanery, end praying God's richest
blessing on their future work.
Atterassembliug in the school room
With the new Rural Dean in the chair,
the delegates were cordially welcomed
fa Winglani ht' the Rector of the perish,
Miss Corny) read a paper on -"Holl to
interest tee big boy in the S. 8.," which
1v(S repletewithgood suggestions 001
interesting derails. Hearty discussion
followed. -
341r. Metcalf. (4170 wits :0 have given
an address was LIelained through illness,
so Rev. D. W. Collins kindly read e
paper, tvhielt Ited been prepared by 1V
J. Garside, of 33rnssels, on The S. S.
and the Church," a4vnttltng rile train-
ing of 14hoIu•s 1 o take rhe vet vices of the
Chu, eh tied N unflutmite in our S. 5.
service. Rev T. 11. Farr, 13, A , gave
an excellent paper no hov in the
borne, the S. S. cod 11,e Church," which
p'at e:mc] tho'ougb
(liscussell l llpfilemetlotued tirpartmeut,"ly
ryes the subject of au iu,lructive address
by the lit i'. G. A. Andrew, M. A , of
Sehriugviile. who had tl 1110r1)80
knowledge of h v so1jecl.
Officers were. elveir(1 for ensuing
tear :--Hon. Pres , Rev. Rural Dealt
Doeerty ; Pi'ea., Rev C G Deakins, B.
A 13 i) Cor. -Sec„
Miss Bentley
Rec.-Sec., Rev L 1i (.toll 13 A.
Rep on the Diocesan Executive and
Sup. of finances and statistics, Rev. D.
W. Collins. The following department-
al superintendents were appointed:-
'Nadler trainieg, Miss Le Teazel ;Adult
Bible Class, John Hartle!' ; Home Dept.,
Rev, John Berr)', 1.1 A., S. D. ; Font
roll, Miss Houghton ; Missionary, J. B.
Young; Literature. i'l1. T Garside.
Evening service, conducted by Rev.
John Berry, assisted by Rev. H. A.
Wright. 13 A., was well attended, and
three excellent addresses were given.
Rural Dean, after a few introductory re-
marks, introduced Ole speakers, the first
being Rev. G A. Andrew, who spoke
upon -""Phe Bible in the Home." Rev.
D. W. Collies took for his subject -
"The Tercentenary of the Authorized
Version," The concluding address ou-
.1`be Adult 1)]hie clary," WAS g'!yen by
10111 (Hartley, Misr (drillin's solo, '"rho
rag l•i111," 14111) mush appircisted told the
choir 1 1 111 1141 1 b( Mile leradt'1'shi ] c1f W, lI
\4'iIIL, rendered a gap' annum, The
singing of the Notional Anthem brought
to a close one .of the !Hoye'.. 8110Oe00141
toUvIn �S ever l911 : the Deanery,
Much (' d1 1
i t e,1 ht is to the R. peen air
las entirit:g efforts i1) making it 86:1)4 14
stu;e0ls and to the ladies of St, Paul's
foil the.r boipitnlity,
Come to Coderich
Tho Prettiest and. Healthiest Town in
A Shod, P1002ssi0i1,
Atteaotive Special Prizes,
Are You 11'1071-1 d 1
Good Speakers.
Special Teaius and Rates.
See bills and cirenlars for lull partion-
A Great Big 1:)ay a 8211011 Price.
JOS. McNEVIN, A. 30.005454,
secretary. Chairman-
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1. •s. 0.•
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t 1s the newest and most a
e up-to-date goods procur- •
s able in the line of 1,'191) s e°
attire. *
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very reasonable prices,'•
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• Call early and see•
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. Also have a natty stock 1,t •
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father Morriscy's "N7o.10"
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any similar dangerous drug.
"No. 10" quickly relieves
and permanently cures
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis
and other troubles of throat
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mild cases of Consumption.
Moreover it strengthens
the lungs and the whole
system against further
Trial size 25c.
Regular size 5oc.
At your dealer's or frons
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Were opened for this season,
according' to, announcement, with
an elegant display of Fashion-
able Millinery.
Misses Sanderson
Wish to thane. the Ladies for
their attendance, their compl-
nlents and their highly esteem-
ed orders: Ify ou have not seen
our display call in,
SA -T. . .
, a 0_411.,t,eittie.sat+•**11+40. ..**+••i•r•i•t>1oi-t t1:t+ti,t14+t;titl1