HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-6-8, Page 5BUSINESS S. CAROL �I a K. O .Te 11111. B elloe}e Met et the eneenieeea, NO, dl' Irot(1 alrq r Polluter ulevtleen au the Dodge Rom, (poker Incas, 0(1 pbo lei mud are 7ue+day evenings of eaoh mouth.: )(Islam ,tl.v.Ay• weld, u•-. A. 180 • (alta, aunt, o Jio i11lal+l, WM. 8PENQE OONVEY4NGELI AND 1 SUER .o IVL&11111AGE II(;UN�Eb moo. Ih Ago Pest 001oe, Ethel. 00.4 Ha i HAoiItl tS JOHN Agent H.owiek blutnal Vire insurance Oompany Usioo and fiesidence-- WAL.TOiv. ONT. JOJ•IN SUTHERLAND'• FIRE. AND MARINE, rUELPH' AUCTIONEERS. 14, B. SCOTT-AAJ4 AUU'I1IO1y- son, will sell for butter prices, to 0(1(00- wen, 10 less tulle and tees charges than any eater Auutiu neer In Past Huron or bowon't come. anything Oates and orders can nlnaye ue an'n 1081 81 elle OIIIOe or by 1...e .Ian spph'atroa. r•t-'.•A1 14N 4l)NVZYA1'NClNG.. )08 t`i1:Y1Jl,diil-• - 't� T/ (tau058183 nun nitu i, 130088yantdr, u, i,ew1( u bt«w t'a 1,1 Ja' les II I 0 4 Y . 1 1 I u (KOH .al«tro �«l. I n t ,,ununa, to, t, 1 t 13 tt rde SIrAQ S �i 11 Q Mf S [i RTHA A RMSTRO NIC3 Tea01or Of Piano Studio 1 t llartor•'s 11210)0 Stora, one door Math et the etuuderd Bank, 13ruseels, lett MI$$ PERLE SHARPE k has passed Pianoforte r tey plan sucund f the Te don of no PIanOY()eta Depal•tu;eutof thtTO• rent0 Cieneeroo0Ory of Mwile, and hi prepared +{ 1 tlN 880080. Il •. lo urn t h.0a , as t dat,k nu I pp wt (alto 1ut11e4 Priday and Saturday of Yeah (('8012, OR. T. T, M'RAa^ Hnohelor of tdedielnv, University of TOreute t ioentlote and (andante of tl ' UWOage of t'1tyy aleeuts and Surgeons. Ont. rest-gl'adl2ate tiblelgu Svc,Elm Nuso and Throat Postman, Oltenia), liI Ex -108.0 aargron to Et. Allele 801s.IlOspttel Toronto, OIAee over N, 08,, sown Drug Store. Tele- pileneeonneetion with Ureabrook at n11 home• OR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physlolan 88.1 Surgeon 1 Post Grad natecpursee London Rang 1, New"York Bed Chicago Hos-. nose Inti 1i1I''oat,tG 10y08 bested tor s1(1888ese' rat, DR. HAMILTON Dontal surgeon Honor (andante Dental Department, %'trent() Univorsity ; Licentiate. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto, Office in Siuith. 181ock recently vacated by Dr, lreild, R, M. .M'LEAN, D,D.S„ L..P.S. Gerrie, Oat. lienor graduate University of Toronto, De - pert e,entoYDentistry 1- LIP on to Roy al col- lege of 001.tnl Surgeons of Ontario. A t tyros ,ter every Tuesday afte'nuun and Wednesday. Mee In Greed Uentrel Illn0lr, At ll'ordwi0h. every;!ridgy forenoon. 0111oe hr (-}01190 beech's Block. 21.0111 OR. WAROLAW 0(02100 grndrtltto .:nf' the 010(1'10 Veterinary Uollege. Dor m41.nigl(t pulls. Olaoe opposite Flour 01111 Ethel. J .Noe L t rouol.ou „Ha Ya EILLORAN • M.iztri.Cf Aus AltIOSTr,ltli, Kr/L(U1'I'I.lifi, NOTARISE - ('U181,1', l'YIU '. dere W 1'ni,uor ! r I( r' K 4 A .1, 1. lSlLLla A (.111ce1,-'rhlse unwell), ,rony184 by. Alnser9 The yntln MOIL ,i lin 1 (808 A cItU 1011 (.anlcr10 h 11811 I 0 oustu iu, Perth County ont8010. or 1',a-1. Unroll 11118 receiv0(1 the ac. :epi mice of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, P1•8111111. ul In Port -'11 won in Sep t1111)e1, Steamship Company Limited Operating the finest fleet of passenger steam- ers on the St. Lawrence route. Summer Sailings MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL Royal Mall Servide Corsican • May 618 .June. 2nd Virginian May 12th June 0811 Vlntisian D1ny IOth June 10t11 Victorian May'Nth June26rd MONTREALTO GLASGOW Ionian '' May Otlt June Ord (*rampian - - May 10th Jona 10114 Scotian May 20th - June 17th liesperinn May 27th June 24th MONTREAL TO. LONDON - 0,18 Ciase Moderate rate) • Steamers calling at. Havre, France. Pull information as to rates, etc., on applica- tion to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. �ribtiYAAY2mGrsybvavdv3r C y Dear Reader Wr lin business at The peopleThe for b Listowel Business College 0, and place our graduates in positions. Students ratty enter nt any tint. Spring ternrope n April Ord. For par• tieulare address EDWIN Q. MATTHEWS, Prin. � �r ��V,cv�✓�1%abt�v�a �+a`Y�av[�`4a'a.�a ,rr,_ybvm v tai.A.L.asAw ybcay4. zy,) Distance is Ho Hindrance to those who wish to get the best. fq May students from the distant pro- vinces and tho United States attend the Toronto, Ont., This School has a r national reputation for high grade work. Graduates readily pet . good positions. (Von entire year, En. ter new. write for eatidoglre, Oor, Young and t W. J. ELLIOTT,' Alexander Sts. Principal.' EY - RUPTURE RUPTURE Cu red At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- turebecomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age,. .....,'rime Rup.......... Singh; or Double Name . , Address ail return' to J. IVl1TH S8 Oaladonia'S*. Dept. A Stratford, Ont. suiparfassigemi Glorious Twelfth ' 11t.- ' l0Or4 -'lel rote with 1110 Orange- men re t0 e t 1 t g f, b 1011 t on 128 a nt 1 Iv, 1n, 0E CTO ADVISED Meeting 01' Hutt board the compilation 11111 000001011 te(111 Ii'es, of it Ilet. of 1ruaOlifeetnl'1ng lndnstl•ir8 A game; of three hundred 11101) are at al61111h1u, huste a 111 the \iui r+g )t(u1t 1 itu N, linet Yr L - 'u . duping Veers, 1UOr, ONO tt11t rOlt. 1 1Slir1ewill r ive O1 and l uua I las 110 ice aEdmonton. 0 1 1 1 U1:0 161261 111Lsu.h c s! 1 f, sl 16161161 t 12611 w (die 6111 448 untny. I'ullctioes, the a(iver- !t 10 a dis1amc0 of fur by -110111' 11111os. t t a 1 r1i11'- ' u u Winnipeg is a ul a1 6111 a r1 Using f Ng '11111 n No 1112' wlioleaale eetablielneents are levitated in thio list and the big g elttemsl0ns in railway slava and yards, 1 • t 191 rturi '' equip. a' 111011 for unit t les i i0t 1 1 1 1, 9 1 Mettle are also not mentioned The ('nalpll1Lt io11, consigning Reel!' en- tirely 1.21 positive newitifigemehlg plumps which are laet311111y ma141Il good Imre, the list of ol'Icre now industries, not classified as lliltinll'actare8, out h2.. cl9drd, 8vo1110 Meng' the total list up to over 200, which Is, wit.hnut a 011111111,, One ol` 111e (8(5(81. l'elt1l1I')( 11180' showings Of any city 0(1 111e continent. (1V10 13IJILOINGOU'r(7ROWN 1110 sem.• dor 11101 1'1esi4rlit Ts] 1 8•1 1 he the In vier( est thegol e1H11u e,t t u h pending' 1 eui 1r'o est tlt1.\ 1111 I I 3 res uucement drit l le Ideas rat (611 I Pr& mien Lauiter ale to be there on the s.une clay has received 0x61 iutdt1111 y attention, . Blue a e A'Iiss Cora Messer was visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Wrn. Robb, of Luoknow, was visiting with Mrs. Rogers. The Bazars given by the Ladies' Aid of Knox Church was well patronized. W. J. Johnston is still nursing a very paiuful hand, caused by injuries 1•eceved by taken 01.0111U a silo.. Tile' Willing Workers of the Metho- dist church will held a Garden sParty on the grounds of the parsonage, Monday, June 12th. Rev. W. J. West, M. A. was holding special services in Ladies' congregat- ion assisted by Rev. Ali. _Gibson. and Rev. M1. McMillian. The contractor has completed the addition to Lite Presbyterian chetrch sheds which are now 120 feet long and 45 feet wide. Seaforth Seaforlh race. meet, .will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, June 14 and 15. - • Tender ofEdge H. Lcl a for the c onstruc- tines of cement sidewalks at 87 cents per square yard was accepted. ' W. J. Ryan and family,' who have been living here for a year or so, n last week, to Walton i- • t Mr. Ryan haserected tet 1 a t. !L teN re NI .y tyle dente. ' Alex. Davidson has had the old board platform in front of the Cou1 21)0101011 Hotel removed and is having the cement walk extended into the building and will have steps placed up to the doors. This will be a decided improvement. rovement. Fire wits discovered in the stable of Postinaste1• Dickson and althon8h the amulet) were promptly on hand, the bnilcling was Ia mass of flames when they arrived, the: lire appitrontly hav- ing been burning for some time before discovery. l+oetnuately A1r. Dickson's horses were not in the stable at the tlnle and he was also able to get his buggies out. The building, however, is ra complete wreck, A HARD OABE OVERCOME No longer necessary to suffer from muscular rheumatism. . Every case can be cured. Ft 11 aznne. is unfailing as proved by David Johnston of Or- moncl,'Onl. "My wife was a (heedful snfeeee" he writes. "For two years she could scalecly da any work. Her knuckles and joints swelled, cansin g tot tura To get up 0r clown stairs was impossible She took box atter box of Fet 1'000110 and rubbed.tb a sots places wtNtnentstarted with Nerviline, rove Tm 1 a she is mended feet. ':tool n she de and Y quite eursd and eve thank Fet'rezone roe her t ecovel'y " No remedy more popular with doctors than Ferrozone ; 11cloes cure, 50e per (lox at all dealers. KINCARDINE Speed the ('lily by the fake. Goa.) Someehes will be delivered. A fine program nl' water sports le be- ing arranged. A00omuludation for everybody isbe- ing provided, Watch for further Particulars. 1 J1 J. Hunter W. S. Anderson IV. M. $iucardhto.. Seorotory. V. 11. Vttn110rliut9 Hits ali1(i3011 10 carloads of potatoes to Vancoutlet, 0, 0., this Spring. John F. (heves ttll(l .1oh(1 1.441(10»t were elected at the last Inee11(lg of Maitland Lodge, I. O. 0. F., as dele- gates to the 0raud Lodge meeting to be 1 1 Niagara Falls in August. PITY THE 13U8Y OFFICE MAN 13e ('eels Il all' demi, t4 Sellae of (1(1 UNPLa, headache utt11 nerve keret 9. Re is esu the verge of breakdown 1heuugh 51Lew. work and lack of exei eke,. These difficulties are best, (veecoule.by Or. llaluilto11 s Pills, which rn103(e the l f e s and uwela tr Ll e stimulate ulntc LI in ,Y f al I hvel'(11111)1 thereby free the system of iniplu'ities To revitalize and stimulate your whole l cul r, to shake 1,18 lethargy and thee] Imes, nothing compares with Dr. which do munod Pills ,vh d(+ 4 Hamilton's g looks, good spirits gond health. Sold everywhere in 25e Boxes, Clinton• A..0.Holloway am! ' It. A. Downs, are Census e11t1311eratels for 01iat011. Mrs. (Rev.) Jenkins mai son are. It fotltier's , spending 1L,IIl711 111 at the 110„0 in AI0 »heal. A. 11. Toad, late proprietor of the 0odr1icll Star, who leaves newspaper work after 130 years is moving to Toronto to engage in the ptintiug busi- ness on Adelaide street, along with his sou, Lorne Cecil Todd.. Rev. a B. Jenkins left for Montreal as a witness in a case against the city. Mr.'Jeakins was going along the street in Montreal a year ago when an old lady net with a accident and the reverend gentleman assisted her horde and is now summoned to attend the tried. The avater,vorl(s department is hav- ing another busy season, Applica- tions for service:aare coining in daily, and to dale over 'one-third of the houses have 'connection with the system, and itis expected that before the snow flies one-half the town will be using town water. As Jacob Beokerevas on bis way to work at the St2pletpwn Salt woks the fell into (a ditch dna Ontario Street, which had been opened for the laying of the waterworks pipes, and in trying Wingham Mrs. Dineley leased the Dinsley Rouse property to John Schaefer, of Ethel. Weir Elliott's pony"Daisy," is the proud mother of a little foal named 'Mayflower." W. S. Sheppard, or Cltalt, a former well-known 1Vinghnlllite, has been engaged as lender of the citizens Band. Brown Sc Wilfrid ave hushing the ,voek oil the new apple evaporator on the South end of Josephine street. V. It., 3. W. R. and Chas. 01. Van - unman left on a business trip through the West and purpose being away for three months. In the Whnghaul opera house, on Feiday evening, June 91,11Agnes Iinox Black, the well-known dramatic reader Will give a recital 1lnder the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of St. Andrew's chinch. At aV joint meeting of the OiflOial and Trustee-Boarcc1s of Winghfam Methodist ehur011 the Property ooln- 0111ttOP was instructed to let Contract, tor new furnaces, and the Decoration eounni tteeto proceed (vitt the work. Of renovating the church, ••••••••••••••••••••••••., f Carter's • • + • • • y • • w arerooms• • •.BRUSSEL.S r...-Y•-7rY'P7-vT + • • •• Buggies • p ,l•:'Have received a dandy consign- 4' hent of first-class Baggies froth• fi•. • welt known-llanefacturei'S. • + which will be sold at genuine 4- • bargains. • 4• ••• • • rs i 't• • •• • Cream •P Separat • Nothing better on the market • hLm. aur Wenn Separator. Lt iarator. • • *. 2 • 91 •0 �e� for • t, + Deering Implements ••• • Cockshutt:Plows •+ • Singer Sewing i Machines ' Pianos and Organs Phonographs, (Sic. • • 4r. ••N • Repairs for Plows Always in Stock. • • • k lau are in If Y eteste(l in the • • slave mentioned linos call i1 Il i • •1, and see tis gild (Lscerba1(1 0111 logy .. • prices (Led easy 101'(110 of pays. • •i' Menti. • • S. CARTER • I BLOCK O I% LE CK L C Cured by Lydia C. Pink- ham7 sVegetableCori>!ppui>!d I Canif ton, Ont. --"I had been a great sufferer for five years. One doctor n s told me it was ulcers ,of the liter and another told me it was a llbroid 1 tumor. 01'o one knows what I suf- fered. I would always be worse at certain periods, and never was regular, and the bearing -down painsweroterrible. I was very ill in, bed and the doctor told me I would have to have an Operation, 'an(1 that I might die during the operation. I wrote to my, sister about it and she advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Through personal expe- rience I have found it the best medi- cine in the world for female troubles, did not have for it has used me. and i c a c to haveoperation P the o r tion after '111. The. e . Compound also helped me whilepass- ing through Change of Life."—Mrs. LsrrITIA I3r.AIn, Canifton, Ontario. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, madefrom roots and herbs, bfi P has proved to be the tsuccessful remedy for curing the most formf fenlalo ills, •inoluding displacements, inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu- larities, periodic pains, backache, bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion, andnervous prostration. It costa but a trifle to try 1t, and the result has been worth millions to sufferingwomen, to save himself had the small bone in his wrist cracked. Mr. Becker states that there was no lights or no protect- ion at all. The principal- officers for the next six months in the I. 0. 0. P. ;tae Noble Grand, Will Johnson ; Vice Grand, NL H. Tiellyat ; Rte. -Sec., B. J. G ibbi pigs ; Rer: Sec.J. Wiseman; Treas., H. B. Chant. The delegate to Grand Lodge which meets at 1Vinget'a Falls this year is Jas. Tucker. 3. Wiseman and W. Moore were elected to attend District meeting. At the close of the W. 0. T. U. meeting, held at the home of Mrs. J. Ouningihume, Mrs. Duncan Stevenson was presented with some beautiful pieces of Limoges China from the W. C. T. U. and the W. Al. S. _arid Ladies' .Aid of Wesley Church. Ad- dresses were also read regretting Mrs. Stevenson's departure and wishing her all good things in het' new Thome. Nies. James Twitchell presented the China and address was read by Rev. J. Greene. WHEN THAT COLD COMES Haw is it to bemired ? '1'his method Rub the chest anti ` slur 141.41 itself. R h is p Y throat well with Nerviline, use it 11,0 a gargle and take some in hot water be- fore retiring along with one of Dr. 13aini1ton's Pills. Next poen 11 ng finds you 1efreshed, free from cold and bright (. l<1d ht as a dollar.P These household remedies ere wond(+i frilly successful, and certainly won't fail in 70111' case. P01- sale at all dealers. OUR WINNIPEG LETTER 'J'89011Ly theuette1 Square feet 1(11 finny space is now being rented by 1 be city to accommodate several of the depttr't»lente that hare been 1'I nwded out of the city hall for want el• 1110(0. The 13ua1(1 0t' 00101•01 annuli need their • intention or calling tut rinuprluive plansfo• a new city hall annex 11f ten 010'3138 i11 height, which will provide fill assembly Mall for coil von tion p11 - poses that, will seat 0,000 people. In officially opening the new hydro-; Eleolrie Department this week it wets ueeessto3' toseem a space in a business' block opposite the Present city Hall, and tees(' offices will be occupied 01(111 the crnilpletion of the new central sub- , statical, where pet moment offices are to be provided. Business interests throe glimit Lhe West are optimistic, over the pa»8pects for a bander year in 1011. 111)81 11 is es - (invited that if the 14,000,1100 acres under crop turn out well that it will maul n return to 1110 country c f 25 pee cant increase in Cash (wee that ;.f last year. GREATER CER 12.0! LUX OR AMERICANS The hoard of assessors' report just issued shows that the population of Winnipeg increased last year 10,238, a gain twee the pi evions year of 15 per cent, and as cu0lpiled.froul Lhe assess- ment tolls, it total population of 151,- 058. This is (a record ; year except that of 1400 ,v11en the percentage. of gain shoved au increase of 22 per cent. The report also shows an in - (Tense in assessment values of $15,000,- 030. The exempted property is this year valued at $27,511,350, which added to the rateable really assess- ment of 8152,077,250 gives a total realty valuation for the City ofWimui- peg of $200,188,000. AerOT13E1t BIG BUILDING YEAR 0110 million one hundred thousand dollars a mouth is the record of new buildings so far this year, the total to live and a half mil- lions. exceeding 1 u May LOE c 1 y g pious these figures do not tante Into. ae10a0t buildings in the immediate. subnrinan districts, of which there is an 6(11080,3 development this year. An autllo'itative statement of the activi- ties edea in new buildings in the principal cities of the three western peturte. provinces has given 1850,000,000 expen- diture (18 the )llinfnlnfa. ,REAIAl21(AI3LE INDUSTRIAL D17VE.LOI' (16ENT Great strides in the expansion of. new industries is shown by a compil- ation of facts issued this week by the Winnipeg Development and. Industrial Bureau, )which shows that one bun- dled and aloe ilea industa'ies incluit- big only uuun(fartlirhl9 concerns, is the t'seotel which Winnipeg has estab- lished during the last four years, and considering that during two at least of these years the whole world has st\fferecl from a peeled of commerical and fluenci d depression the record is nothing short of remarkable. It is doubtful if any other city on the eon tinont can slow' an eqqually gool're cord, population'considete(1, and the Winnipeg Iodestri*l Bureau, which instrumental 11t4L1 in largely s t has been g y 1 11ne bringing most of these' industries to the city, is naturally very proud of the show iflg. Or11`101A L LIST At1SrliOltIZED In order that motnhers and eitirens Within and avithcilb the bureau height be able to see at a glance the condi- tions of rnatluractnrtng in] Winnipeg, the Clirecters authorized at the last lit tine Walker, Dominion Immigra- tion uuigra- 1' 1 (mii s1 tn at Winnipeg, hits announced 11:11 181.1 year will ace at 1(aS1 200,000 A1(ieri('011 ;'enures cone into l\rfstel n Canada, turd 0p I0 the pi esent the increase final fate British Isles•sholvs fully 40 flee cent Orel: last year 4.(1611 1011 reach the enormous. total of anther 200,000 to be added to the )o ulat)no of the West this year. i N AL2. Wl.s'1.'111N CITIES ACTIVE As evidence of the growth and in- creasing prosperity in western cities it may be observed that in Prince Albert Saskatchewan, there were last year twenty-five autos all told, while this ye;u' the total 10 well over one him - deed. Most of (hese are four and six cylinder cars. '1'he Empress Theatre in Prince Al- bert, Seek.. was opened this week. This building is, so travelling com- panies have stated by far the hand- somest for its size between Toronto and Vancouver. It has a seating capacity of 800 andcost over $50,000.- 00. 'Work started this week on a $150,000.00 hotel and a $75,000:00 apart - menu block is also on the way ill the same city. Over three 1011d80d and fifty music- ians from all Barts of Saskatchewan are in Prince Albert this week taking part in the annual provincial sangee- fest. Saskatchewan musicians are nothing if not ambitious, and the choeaipieces include such works as Spohr's "Last Judgement". and Cole- ridge Taylor's "Death of Mtnuehala." The assessment of Red Deer, Alta., for 1011, just completed, atnounts to $2,915,245, and for Ole school district, $3.087,920. These totals represent in- creases e or 73 and 85 per cent over last yen; s ligules, aocl indicate in (L re- markable way the wonderful expans- ion that is going on here. Grading is being pushed forward on the Braman branch of the 0. N. It., and many teams ace going o1 t daily bridges with timbers for the over the Mecli01110and Saskatchewan rivers, Recent rains have made 1110 crop prospects very bright. Winter ,wheat is in good conditions, Building permits for April were nearly ten times those of one year ego. Work commenced on Monday on the exciavtation for the basement of the Scandinavian College for A,lbel'ta which is lobated at Camrose, Alta. Tenders will shortly be called for the carpenter and plumbing contracts. The college into be ready for 0ecupen ey by Octet*: 1st, when it expected that two Muth ed students will be in attendance. The college grounds of twenty-eight, acres are laid not with a view nt' adding other buildings as FOU FAMILY USE EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Thine leave Toronto 2.00 P.m, on APRIL 9, 18 MAXJUNE 1, 21 JULY 11, 26 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT, 6, 18 50,0,111 cod ticked from Ontario gallons W principal No, hwe,t point, at LOW ROUND..TRIP RATES Winnipeg and return $33.00; Edmonton and return 841,00,. pad le other point, in Proportion. Ticket. good to Morn within 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all excursion. Comfortable bads, fully nipped with bedding, eau bend 1) modaale raIo tluoueh heat Early application must be made ASK FOR HOMESEEKERS' PAMPHLET 0881a111188 rates and full information. Apply le nearest C.P.R. Agentor taR, L.Thomplan, Dist Pm,, AO., Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS H. L. JACKSON, •••.as••g••••AP•••••' E 6 • ,r • 0 jet P `: l� 6 1 1 r1 nation• • . „x • •lot!" • vis the newest and most e up-to-date goods procur • able in the line of Men's toattil'e.'' • • o We have it in various • shades and patterns at very reasonable prices, • coniderieg (plality. O(a11 eant. .:. samples, toad117 g'1. alid 111100see •• • Also have a ua,thy stuck or : rd and Summer Wear • in Fey Worsteds, • • Pantiugs, Vestings, Sec. •• • • \\\\\\\\\\\\` i8 • • •' Merchant • iyl • • • • • • :' t • • • 4 a RISER P. npR9 Tailor • • • Agent BRUSSELS 0.000•.••000.•••.•.•.•••00 ® ,""It,"0.40 , vorsvl'1�r An Ideal Remedy for Coughs, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Weak Chest. After having mule to special study of the treatment of the throat and 7 years, t.of. D. jack - snit states that in his opinion no pre- paration for general family use is so Ortain o cure in so t c ' n so peal c molt healing g asst./atm thezone. making this clta3lu n for s As his lraeo s for Oataarhozone, Dr. Jackson says :— "Oatarrhozone is free feom opium. '•The patient, can breathe its rich, balsamic fumes rlirect to the diseased spot. "11 is a I'elnlldy 11103 treats tend em'eS causes—prevents disease spreading. "Reaches the innermost 190088es of 1810 threat, nose, bronchial tubes and 19(1913. "Allcviales chest soreness. "Stops coughing instantly, "Pi events bronchial irritations. "Relieves (logged nostrils. "Cures sniffles ian(1 nasal catarrh. "Prevents La G t i ppe. "I•Ias proven itself 7L care for weak pings, loss of voice, speakers' sore throat, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, colds, and Winter ills," Catarrhozoie-is unquestionably the world's greatest breathable cold, cough and catarrh medicine, and being free from all drowsy drugs, entirely safe for e1111111 -en and old folks • it makes 0.n ideal family remedy. ate Re- commended by the medical profession and sold by all reliable dealers. 13e - ware or imitations, get "Oatarrh0z0ne't only ; large size lasts two Months, and 1s gilat'alll l>ed, piece $1 ; smaller eiees 25e. rand 50c. By snail flout the OateLt•thozono Comhpany, Bengston, Ont. � Sing9e Hari5s We have them all our c n. 1 the l 'make , u owl ml nc popular trimmings are Genuine Rubber, Goldean, Solid Nickle and will please you. Material best. .Also Lap Dusters, Trunks, Satchels, &c. Hard Rubber. Our prices and Workmanship are the Fly Sheets, Rubber Rugs, Shoe Depart '4 eat See our new Styles and note how low our prices are. Special Bargains each Saturday beginning May 27th. See our Bargain Table for that day. : '11115 1 •v..as L C. R I wed H A R D S S l f1:I r 11�1� i ,S1 L.� � �I�+llJ : A )nnalny1leL 1aI, L ok at the Wheat! There's a deal to know about wheat. If I didn't select the wheat I couldn't guarantee the flour. Cream of the. West Flour comes from Cream of the West Wheat. And it certainly does make good bread! e est.y re 4 b„ a r the hard wheat flour guaranteed for 'bread You just try it. If it doesn't give you right down satisfaction your grocer pays your money back. That's the guarantee with every bag. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, President 107 For Sale by Johan Pattersoro, Brussels a+O,-O•'-•'-41.11.0 ;•21—'00 •a7+0s O -:•O-.44,4 •1•• 04.0 •.-14444••-1•.3••i 44.• • O • • • + ♦ + • •i• • '1• • -H 1 w • • + • + • + • • + • + • •• 0 • • • 4. 4. + • •• • • s A 4, 4, ♦ The Thrinth Unry Parlors Were opened for this season, according to announcement, with art elegant display of Fashion- able Millinery. • • • Sanderson & Carr R • Wish to thank the Ladies for their atten.daliCe, their collipll-. ments and their highly esteem- ed orders. If you have not Seen our display call in: 4. • • + 0 ♦ • • + • •• •SATISFACTlON 'ASSURED k 4 , 1 $•1•$4.1'•1 ,4, .l. ♦ •k 3" 'i $ O�i•01• ? 0 .t1•�'II•Oi�:9-'s��•t•9:i•!3'��•..•4�� -'S -l''3y !►'i' •i' �'L.9_ , �ttI@,li/f",: "lr.'awe