HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-6-8, Page 4.Cil TlR"tDAii', IUNID+, 8. iiTr:r
awe from the Chin ego (entitle strit;lten
sections is still tit very deplorable
ehllraoter and the generosity of those
better will have to be continued to pre -
Serve the life of snotty a Celestial.
Doo haters are suggesting the re-
estahlielltneut of the muzzle process.
Many a good for nothing ranine was
treated to a short cut to dogdom as the
result of law euforeement loot year, poss.
ibly to the good of the country.
Smelt people are slaving the robins and
at the sante time are laying themselves
able to ll b f
)ia call a oroaMagistrate fo r so
doing. The bta lr
e says the robin de-
stroyers are liable to an asae5anlent
front $L to $20, Let up on it before the
Constable is naked to call
By a recent discussion the Suuday sale
of cigars, cigarettes, ice cream, candies,
soft drinks, ete., has beeu cut out and
those who transgress lay themselves
liable to the law. This is right we be-
lieve. The ve❑dor of boots and shoes or
the grocer have just as good a right to
open up on the Lord's clay as the busi-
nesses mentioned.
Wires 35o Census Commissioners and
8,50o enumerators at work the contract
of covering the Dominion of Canada in
about a month and gieaning information
aloe scores lines ew s o f \vial be accomplished.
To the uninitiated the series of queries
could have been abbreviated without
much loss but probably those directing
the statestical reaping may have good
reasons for covering so wide a range.
By the vigorous kicking some of the
U. S, farmers are doing against reci-
procity in natural products they evident-
ly are believers in the story that Cana-
dian agriculturists would benefit by the
agreement. It is often amusing to read
some of the advice handed out by cer-
tain protectedu
taro of the highly industries
- or combines of this land to the tillers of
the soil. People cannot be caught by
chaff very easily these days.
WHAT about a "Boost Club" for Brus-
sels ? A good many of our citizens give
their assent to propositions for advance-
ment but nothing is done because there
is no specific organization to inaugurate
plans for this accomplishment. Talking
about forward steps is good in its place
but following up the discussion with
something more tangible is better. As
soon as the Summer season is past Ills
Pon' would like to see a bustle to hold
what we have and reach out for more.
It's the wideawake folk who catch the
trade and purpose.
GREAT is the progress of law. It fell
to the lot of a Chatham T. P. to de-
cide whether a son-in-law had the
right to eject his wife's mother from his
home. The law administrator bad the
authority but thought it should be used
with as much mildness as possible. By
that we suppose egress should he by the
door instead of the upstairs window.
We are sure the mother-in•laws of
Huron Co. will be glad they do not have
to reside in Kent Co.
Tats is a go-ahead age. One of the
forward movements is the commission-
ing of an agricultural train travelling
through Manitoba for a month exempli-
fying the dractical working of new
methods in farm life. Public addresses
are accompanied by actual demonstrat-
ion. Good cannot fail to come from it.
It is a sort of
amens oris department
gn o
wheelsf the
0 ordinary Farmer's In-
stitute. If there are safe short cuts to
reach the same spot that has been at-
tained by long round -abouts by ail
means; give us the former. Not only in
Agriculture but in every way of life.
A number of gatherings of church
bodies this month are stirring up the
of boosting the
salaries of the
pastors.With t h the large increase in the
cost of living over the days of the past
it is not difficult to prove that the old
time revenue is not adequate to meet the
demands. notIn
a few cases the out-
come of these free heart-to-heart talks
Will result in increased stipends to the
clergy. The cleries will not offer any
opposition to such a move and the people
as a whole, will coincide when a little
careful thought is applied to their otvn
domestic affairs.
Ws doubt very much if the Im-
migration department of the West
could become men of experience many
recommendations tavorin g the settle-
ment of colonies of blocks from the tJ.
S. in our great prairie Provinces. In
addition to an iubere❑t desire to avoid
toil there isan arrogauCe..belonging to
Ssmbo that does not grow good fruit
wherethe negroes are concentrated.
Then there is the probientbf the North.
ern Winter. The reni enthusiastic may
never feel the cold but we venture the
ordinary nig-wottld , be aware of its
proximity for the first experience. It
might never bother him again as "!Massa
might tie in de cold cold
g ground"
Caoeda don't need to hanker much after
fie'Sentberrl bisoke,
Agerit ed on !notion by \V J, Johnston, es-
cootFa 11 �Ym l lrelcn; '.AVepott
oat the Tilytlt (Melt di•ttin was rrnd
\'Ve want agent for lieuasels and lis.
tool, (.0 sell Edmonton City laropet�ty
and Alberta barns. Lands. Dust be
responsible party and worker. Refer-
ences requited, bank 01 business pre.
ferret". Gruel t'etaiens for it harder.
Apply at once to
Edmonton 03ty Property Alberta Fat'mn Lands
a8 Jasper ave. W. EDMONTON
Gaither preparations are being asktd
E inconnection lth h
or w the celebration of
Coronation Day. We would like to see
the various churebes itt this comniuuity
take holt! of the matter in the shape of a
union gathering v i '
U 1 at 1 111 h �addresses n
mesial selections appropriate to the ae
c asiol7 would form apart of the clay's
program. The youth of this land ean.
not receive to many lesso❑s upon there
greatness an 1 grandeur of the mission
of the British Empire to the world.
Is' is apparent to almost every tbink-
Ing m ill that a . change in the law as it
relates to the [louse of Com:none killiog
time ou any oceasiou the Oppositiou
may desire to obstruct is a prime neces
Bary, Healthy disussiuu, even of a
very -fervid quality may be means 01
real good and advantage but the bold
tug up of business and barring Lite pro
guess of the Souse, at big expense to the
country, is no good and the one way to
cit a stopto it issecuring adopt-
byatm or s t
P s g li p
ing some forte of closure whereby ttte
retrogressioniets may be muzzled and
the program of the House permitted to
be carried out. The electors constitute
the best jury to pronounce ou the great
questions without weeks of dilly-dallying
by the party fighters in the par.liamet.t
tary sessions. The placing of a time
limit on debates, if desired, should cer
tat❑ly he within the powers of the gov-
erning body and we hope to see its early
r. Don't mine.
2. If you do come, come late.
5. If too wet or too dry, too hot or
too cold. don't think of coming.
4. Don't imagine the front seats are
for you. People might think yon con-
5. Come bound to find fault.
6. Don't ever think of praying for
your minister or your church,
7. Don't sing.
8. Don't attend week -day services.
q. Don't encourage the minister, but
tell his faults to others. If his sermon
helps you, don'tlet him know it, it might
make bins vain,
30. If you see a stranger in the audi•
ence don't offer to shake hands w• ask
him to come again, people' might think
von bold.
Tr. Never try to bring anyone to
church with you.
12, Don't believe in missions.
13. Don't give much to benevolence.
14. Let the pastor do all the work.
15. See that bis salary is always be-
x6. If he does not visit as often es
you think he should, treat him very
coolly ; he has nothing particular to do
and could come oftener.
17. Don't take your church paper.
18. Try t0 run the church.
lg. If you see anyone willing to take
hold and willing to carry on any of the
church work, be sure to find fault, and
accuse them of being bold and forward.
zo. Never speak to anyone of Christ,
your minister should do all that kind of
21. Don't go to Sunday School, it is
22. Don't be particular hose God's
house looks inside or out, but keep your
own home looking nice,
23. If you think everything is work-
ing harmoniously try to stir up some-
thing to engender strife,
Mrs. A.P. Ferguson,known
a well o n
Cape Bretoner has cured asthma. b
"Oatarrhozone." Her statement is
convincing : "Although I was troub-
led for years it was only recently I
tried Catarrhozone. When en attack
started I got out my inhaler and in-
variably got quick relief. Feeling sat-
isfied Oatarrhozone would cure, I con-
tinued the treatment till one bottle
was finished, I didn't use more be-
las curedand theasthma t
I v a Irma 1 as
never returned." Catarrhozone is
sure death to asthma and bronchitis.
Try it and be convinced. Two sizes,
26c and $L00 et all dealers.
Morels Council
Minutes of council meeting held in
Council Chamber', 'Monday, May 290h.
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
regular meeting read and adopted.
The council was then formed 11110 u
Ooul't of Revision and the following
changes and additions were made in
the !toll :—names added—T. I4. Mr
Kay, 0. P. It. Agent, Walton, M. F, ;
Geo. Manning, N. i 27, con, 6, M. F. ;
Semite' Cantelon, N. : 19, con. 6, M.
P. • Martin Grasby, changed ream S.
pt. S, i lots. 1 & 2 to N. pt. S. 4lots 1
&2 con, 0 ; Chas. Grasby, changed
from F. & M. F. to T. & al, F. ; C. P.
Smith, added N. t I7 & 18 con. 1, F. ;
Geo. Muldnon, 8, 180, con. 8, tenant ;
Albert Buttery, N. i 8, con. 8, T. & M.
F, • Alex. MoDonalcli N. 14, con. 8,
M. F ;John Cruickshanks, 3 3 11. & 12
con. 1, M>F, ; Dogs strttek off :—Jos.
Ardell, 1 ; It, Messer,1 ; T. Procter, 1;
G. Peacock,1 ;11x. Johnston, 1 ; W. J.
Geddes, 1; H. McArter, 1 ; D. Baclg-
ley, 1; Mary Column, 1. On applica-
tion of Neil Black a motion was rrley
ed by. C. B, Wilkinson, seconded by
'Wm. Elston, that the pay the wire for,
40 rods of farce opposite lot 23, con. 4,
Carried: The By -late on the McCaug-
hey drain was read. and s there a he were
00 appeals the Ey.law was Really pass -
and pa nv lstunaily adopted. No names
were edited 1n'n' volt 1111111,1V/1 to 111 !roto
OW tenth u. The liyhwv Mt thitPena
c0elt drain was read and there tieing
no appeals the By-law tette finally
peewit on motion by 3iessie, Tlinell
and Wilkioscn. Noted by W,'1'huell
enol by W, Elston that we expend $1,00
on digging ditob 0ti stderoad between
lots 25 and 20, con, 7, Carried, Tito
following neenuttts were thiol: --I1.
Jotlnsou, work on road, $2.00 ; R, B.
Alcock, (Melt cu E. l;3ountlaty, $10,00;
Chas, .Pollard, 2 days work on 16.
Boundary, $0.00 ; Wm. Shnldice,
broken plow on East Boundary, $8.00 ;
Wm. McMichael, cut vett stderoad,
$550 Dr.Stewart, disinfecting, i ea
amining schools, etc , $18.00 Dun! &
Stewart, luwbet -culve t and drawing
timber, $20,00 ; R Stonehouse,fowl-
gating house and material $5.00
$lnnicipal World, road lists, $2,17 ;
h iett[1 Btna, advert iy
l , �l90
Win/themTimes lay Jitwe canis, ad
vettising $24.0U• lV J. Smith tile ou
stderoad, $2.75 ; A. Jilrponald, Tress
Grey; & 1l,. 130y. ace., 854,28 lung
Batt', b❑tyiug a caw, $200 Elliott
Bios,. tile on road, $5.80 Thos. Ellis,
repairing culvert, $1.00 ; A. llacltweit,
13y -laws Clerk's fees, drains, $78.00.
The Council then adjourned to sweet
tigain Menday, June 1911,,1911, at 10,80
tt. ht. A. MACEWEN, Clerk.
The test, of time has proved . that
Patina n s torn latetteietor cures t ti gitiek-
el with less discomfort, and mote
thoroughly than any Lhiug else 'Con-
tains no acids 1-, pnryly vegetable and
absolutely guaranteed. Insist an
"Putnant's" only—itts the best._
London Ontario
Prize Lists, Entry Angus, told
advertising matter of different kinds
in cuneectiou with the Western 1�aLr
of Lnndou, Ontario, have !leen sent
out by Ole management, Out. lhuus-
antl 1)0llats in each hat been added 10
the prizes this year. Breeders and
Stockmen should make m1011150008 to
inelittle this popithll Bxhibilinn 1,1
their (et cult this vette. Hxliibithee at
the LoudonExhibition always report
laige sales of their Stock as a result of
atteudiug. It is fully expected that
this year will eclipse them all, and
therefore all who hare worthy stock
of any cannot anno afford kind t cl tc t
lutes it,
The dates this year are September 8th
to 10th IY you have not receive(' a
Prize List write the Secretary, A. M.
Hunt, London, stating the kind of
entry form you wish and it will be
promptly sent.
Refined Women the World over Nee It
Every woman knows that there is
nothingso good for hair
and scalp
tremble as Parisiittt Sage. If Parisian
Sage is used two or three times a
week it will keep the scalp nice and
clean and remove dandruff. it makes
the hair lustrous and fluffy, and keeps
itfxomfalling out.
We urge every woman who loves
radiant and fascinating hair to go to
Jas. Fox to -clay and get a large 50 cent
bottle of Pat iaian Sage. He guaran-
tees it to cure dandruff, falling hair
and itching scalp, or [Honey back,
Patriotism costs money and money
talks. This time money is asking ques-
tions. Last Winter the 13i11 of the Long
Sault Development Company, seeking
power to dem the St. Lawrence river at
the Long Sault Rapids near Cornwall,
came up for a hearing before the Com-
mittee on Rivers and Harbors of the
United States Congress J. Wesley
Allison of Morrisburg, Ontario, went to
Washington, it was understood here, to
oppose it from the standpoint of a
patriotic Canadian looking after the in-
terests of his country. It now appears
that Mr. Allisou's little trip cost some-
thing like fifteen thousand dollars aid
he is asking reimursement from certain
citizens of Montreal for his patriotic
Some days ago a meeting of the Board
Trade was held at t rielt the question
was brought up. One member asked if
fifteen tbonsaud dollars was not rather a
large amount for so short a trip. and
whether it would not advisable s
t be ac sable to ask
Mr. Allison for some of
e so tt at i account-
ing instead of the general lump sun
statement he had placed before them.
It also appeared to he the impression of
the Board of Trade that Mr. Allison batt
undertaken the journey ou his own re -
Change in
The undersigned has purchas-
ed Lite Harness Bust Imes of G.
House, Turn berry st., Brussels,
who will continue it in Lite old
stand where he'tvill be pleased
to meet tt11 the old customers
of the shop and [Hatay new
A full line of both Light and
Leavy Harness and Ilorse
Goode always in stock or matte
to order. Nice range of Grips,
Trunks, Telescopes, &e., tc.
choose from at moderate
Will much annrecia
te a share
of public patronage.
Careful attentionersnnall
given to either xepaitt's or new
sponsib lity and had not made any sag.
e stion as to •t t l ureemeut r is
s i ata .e prior tut.
g P
departure forthe .American capital It.
has also transpired since That Mr. Allison
is int:rested In a small water power de-
velopment at Waddington, N. Y. Which
would nut be worth developing were the
long. Sault plans to go through, It was
therefore decided to offer Mr. Allison
five hundred dollars as Montreal's there
of the fifteen thousand and in the future
fight their owe battles It is not likely
that there will be any more opposition to
the long Sault from Montreal anyway,
uponi i es i anon -'
as .v t u h as been found
that the proposition will benefit rather
damage Ole port .of Montreal.
There isa gloom among tbemembers
of the ancient if not royal order of
tramps. for plans are now under way to
make Quebec the first' trampless pro.
vince to the county and to change it
from the paradise of panhandlers, which
it now is, to a tet ntory tobe shunned:
by every piofessional hobo. .Of the
200,000 tramps in ibe whole count re
figures slimy thatabi,nt 20,000 of this
army of Special parasites are always to
be.found ut this ~'Ate and about io,000
in this 0 1. 0 tate More than $t,000,000
a vent t. spent for the maintenance of--
fthis army in jails and other institutions,
while the cost of the damage to properly
and crimes committed together with
general contributions bt'lups the total up
to $5,000,000. While the plan by n hieh
It is proposed to wipe out this wasteful
expenditure mid at the same time elitnt-
nate the tramp problem has never been
tried in this country it has proven so
successful abroad that there is no donut
as to its efficiency here. It proposes 10
establish somewhere in the country a
'tramp farm colony to which vagrants can
be sent and where the products of their
labor will be used toward their mainten-
ance. The professional hobo for whom
work has no attractions will doub'less
give the province a wide berth while
those sent to the farm will be given an
opportunity to become useful citizens.
The most successful of these colonies it.
road actually makes mooav and it is
believed that a similar result co h
accomplished here
[tie aNTEEN Ya to LOCVSTe
L'he seventeen year locust promises to
live up to his reputation for regularity
and his song ie mein- to he heard in the
land, at letest in this vicinity, for these
ntuclt talked of and seldom seen insects
have been found in thy ground in such a
State of advanced development as to
make it stem certain that within a weak.
or days trey will make their Err ap•
peanutce bereabnu a sn ce 18g4 emelt
advent is not regained with such ap
prehension as iu former years, however,
sitace scientists say that the amount of
damn a which the do is cons ]a 'ivel
v ra
g v
slightand that their notoriety is chiefly
clue to their rem irlcable habit of appear -
With healthy kidneys, one has a
good chance to live long, but weals
kidueys afflict old age with great dis-
comforts. The back becomes bent and
latae, rheuma-
tism is chromic,
eyesight fails
and too frequent
Pt' involuntary
passages of the
urine 0anse 0m-
barrassntent by
day and lost oC
sleep by night.
Booth's Kid-
ney ,Pills bring
new Strength to old backs and quick
1 ' relief to' weakened kidneys. They
banish backache and rheumtttietitin
regulate the bladder and urine.!
Booth's Kiclitey Pills are Inc sick
kidneys in old told young and are
guaranteed by the. peoptietto-e, 'T'lte
Vote; Fele, �t. T. Booth (lo. ,l,1 a
B to ( Ltd., TctLlltie, Out,
Sold.eveeywhcre 60o, box, Free Wei
sent on request. Sold and guaranteed
ht Dt❑ssels by Itis. Fog.
tag only once every seventeen years.
Should the
give npthi
and become re alar yearly visitor,
it held that he would soon sink into
oblivion in comparison to many other
annual pests which dot far more damage
without achieving any particular notice.
Nevertheless lots of peopIe hereabouis
are.propltasying that the seventeen-year
locust will not leave' a single tree or
shrub in this city—a prophesy which
would be very serious if it only happen
ed to be true.
Father: Morriscy's llo. 26 Cures Catarrh
by a Combined Treatment.
The sudden weather variations in our
climate result in a great many cases of
catarrh—a troublesome disease usually
considered hard to cure, and one which
often leads to serious pulmonary and
intestinal troubles.
A neglected cold in the head weakens
the nasal membranes, so that at every
future exposure the trouble returns. At
length these conditions are fastened onto
the system, and the sufferer undergoes
the annoyance and danger of chronic
Some doctors confine themselves to
prescribing external applications, and
thus do not reach the seat of the trouble -
Others give internal treatment exclu-
sively, and thus do not promptly relieve
the affected parts. .
Father Morriscy, the skilled priest-
riestphysician, rightly reparded catarrh as a
double trouble, consisting of unpleasant
local effects and tbeir fundamental
causes, the latter having to do with im-
paired general vitality.
His famous remedy, No. 26, is a com-
bined cure for catarrh. It consists of
tablets to be taken three tines a day, and.
an especially compounded salve.
The salve is antiseptic, and quickly
heals the inflamed nienibranes of the
eThe tablets nasal passages. to istol
p g.
go the
tof the troublea. restore
sea tl and e. re the system
ys m
to its usual tone, Together, they cure,
Insteadof neglecting a disease that is
unpleasant to yourself and to others, and
one which often leads to pneumonia and
Consumption, it is surely the part of wis-
dom to take timely steps to do away with
the effects and at the sante time remove
the cause. No, 20 does just that,
50c. for the combined treatment, At
your druggist's, o
r from Father
MedicineCo Ltd Montreal, Que.
alar. Stalk
Following will be the routes of the
horses named for season of 1911 [—
(100781- 018121
J. J. MCGAVIN, Proprietor
Will stent) this seesot, at tin own stable, Lot
22, Omi 18, 61cEillop. Colts by Loudon's Fav-
orite won 1st and earl of Seaforth, acid let and
2nd itt Brussels Just Fall, Terms -18, 40.8
ANnrtetw F. Beaver & Sow, .Props.
Monday willleave hie own eteble,.Lot 21, Ord
Line, Norris,and go West 1)4 miles, then
North to Chits. Agar's, 2nd Liue, for -noon ;
than East 254 miles,- then North to Geo. John-
ston's, 1st Lilile, Mortis, for night.
Tuesday will proceed hest via Jamestown to
Club. Johnston's, Con, 2 Grey, for noon ,; then
fest to J, E. Roland's eiderond, then South to
Richard Mille', Con. 0, Grey, for night.
Wednesday South 154 mhos, then East to
David Carcoma for noon ; then West 2 miles,
then North 'via R.Dilworthe eidorond, then
West to P. Bishop's, 0th Con. Grey, for night,
Thursday West to Oliphant Smith's side,
road, then South to Dib (Ion,. Grey, then West
to Atttorientt Hato, Brussels, for noon • then
South totet . f
l t N ahopa, 0th Line, Morrie, tot
#Ally Weed)4 miles to 81111610a siderearl,
flame North tin Wm. MilMOH for noon
North to his owe stable for nighw erehho
wilt roman tut tit Saturday noon.
Saturday Afternoon will go West to 0lie •Ire
(layoffs?, nail return home whore he will re.
main until the following Mondny morning,
"You(' D. D. D. Prescription' for
Eczema is the best thing we have ever
handled, and is giving good satisfact-
ion with our oustomera."— Spur
Steventon Drug Oo., Bit Ile, Man.
"I have bad Eczema on and off for
about three years, and notbing I tried
has done 00 much gond as D. D. D.
It will stop that irritation in a few
minutes. Iean do my washing and if`.
I have D. D. D. on hand it will ease it
at once," writes Mrs. A. T. Squires,
Coleman, Ont.
These are just samples of letters we
are receiving everyday from grateful
patients all over the country.
"Worth its weight in gold." "All
my pimples washed away by D. D. D."
"I found instant relief." "D: D. D. is
little short of mirculous." These ate
the wot'cls of others in describing the
great skin remedy, D. D. D.
Proven by thousands of cures, for
ten years, to be absolutely harmless
and reliable in every ease of skin.
trouble, no matter what itis.
Write to -day for free trial bottle to
the D. D. D. Laboratories, Dept. B. P.
40 Colborne St., Toronto.
(For sale by all Druggists)
The People's ,Column
at breeding age, for sale. Alen 2 young
Shorthorn bulls, one of them 1st prize winner
at Brussels Pair. JAS. SPE120, Lot 110, Con. 0,
Morrie. Box 270 Brussels P. 0, 'Phone 108.
AT A BARGAIN.—W111 dispose of. cottage,
Elizabeth street, Brussels, et 4850, a great
bargain, in order to secure guielt sale.. Bey
may belted from Mr. J. Leckie. Por further
particulars see lir. Leckie or write the under-
signed. 3. H. CAMERON
10 St. George St., London.
stable, well, Jae. and 2 eared of choice
iandfor sale in the Southerlypart of Brus-
sels.. Immediate possession can be givetn. For
further particulate apply to P. 8, Scott, Brun
sole, orJNO. MOARiliUR, Willi on P.O.
- ARM 5015 SALE --Beim; Lot 20; Con. 14,
MaU cleared.
town , containing is a brick 08
notes,nitd bat', On t . premisesisabrick
house, bank barn with hag Pett combined, and
a new power mill for pumping, grinding, .Ec. •
also good bearing orohar, ,chiefly Soya. Land.
is in extra good state of cultivation, having
been Dropped light and large stock of both
hogs and cattle Ped on It for yeare. Farm is
situated )4 miles Prom school and 2 miles ffoin
Walton O. P. R. station. Per further � petition -
Mrs write ,T. R. BA MILTON, Walton P.O., or
apply on the premises. s
EfS• P
leAInt f FOR SAID Tlie 102 acre farm, ne-
s- the property of the late Peter lioNeil
211, (Jon. 14,Grey, is G r offered acres salecleared,
ooeo well ti there aro O6 acres there is a
good od bank arn,1,n On the farm there iso
ff' rtablellooee. /ergo
eeo in good riving 1conditionaa Id
well fenced. Per furtherth
partionlars apply -toJAS. A. MoNAI or JAS,
D. . t, Exec-
utors, Orenbroot P.O., mP. S. SCOTT, Beels. 7-tf
FARM FOR SALE.—Tho undersigned oilers for sale, his 100 sore farm, bents Lot 00,
Oou, 15, Grey, About 70 pores cleared, balenee
in swamp, limes In Fall wheat, 81 aorta seed-
ed down. Pall plowing is being done. On the
farm is a frame house, bank barn, driving shed,
good orchard and drilled well, Close to post.
Whoa, church and school.' For farther portion -
tars apply to JOHN OSBORN1ll Proprietor,
or P. 8. Scott, Brussels,.
F11.1(1 FOR SALE, being 'Southhet/ Lot 25,
Don, 4, Morrie township, Huron Oo,, eon-
taining 100 sores more or less. On the pprem-
ises is a frame !tours,bank barn, good orchard
well, Windmtil, ,&a, All cleared except about
an Dei'e. Bawl i5milestlistent. Only 23.4
mites tram Brussels, 4 acres of Pall wheet 11,
and about 50 "ores seeded down, For pride,
terms and other information apply on the
premises or if writing Brussels, .P. 0, Phone
120. Orli!. 8. Scott, Brussels.
11.11 'A. L, KCRR,.Proprietor.
WARMS POR SALE,—Lots 21 and 22, Con. 14,
Meliilleep, and Lot 28 on the "10th Conces-
sion. Leta 21 and
00 compose. the Gardiner
boas and contains a180acres, aI
llast l wellfonoo4, well tile drained
ansi hint 1t, acres
ofgood hardwood bush ; good
comfortable buildings with all modern im-
provements ; plenty of good spring water and
good Minting orchard, This is one of the
oho/deet farms sln the Cblilt t of eat., nisi
will aeon
sold ort corms to suit enrolment., Lal,
60eontarns 125001%81,001 amsll house and here
all in pasture and utas been for years. There
are ton notes of good bash on flus farm. For
further particulars apply to ALEX, GIARDIN-
IDl:t, Waltoh P.O., or on the premises, 45-11
0 A Large School A Good School Ot.
The Beat .4
> This school has a oontinental repute-
epute- 15
' [ton Pur hi 'h grndo work and nor the
eaoeese of Itsatndents. We have three i�
' dopertmente,—Oominereial Shortheitd 6
4 end Telegrnpl,y. Ambttioue young
7 inert end wome [ 0 1 en n
a ea nd a d aro o oe 1'
for. our Jorge free catalogue, rodo for
it once and see what ear greduatea
are doing.
This. Is a good t me f t
s o i o the ear are n.
g r
enter our classes. Students are
45 tering each week, Commence our a
8 course nt once. 5'
G; D. A. MOLACHLAN, Principal.
9 wl,v ve 1i' C� wLY yiiY 4'x'4 -,Y ri.9 '
riiY. -
a , ,a e. .t e e a
,i e. �4-v „0
•1 - ,•e
• •
• ••
• �Od�l►A�A�.i�. •
• •
• •,
• �;. d a k
• oti.e+
s •
• !"T77tg^rRa-7atirTae O
• '
s Now that the bi'igllt
2 clays are here good Pic- -
• tutesat'eeasilyobtained.
• We carr a complete
• line of Ko laky and! Ko-
2 Ask for a copy of the
•._ New Kodak Catalogue.
Y •
• Jeweler and Engraver e
o Wroxeter •
• •
Ta Machinery Users
and farmers
eT...®PV-v—O'rY`I"‘r •
The Nevi Machine Sha of the
• P o
® and MACHINE Co.
is now ready for business, arm, te
• with good Maehiueryand Sicilled
• lyleohanios, we are in a position
ioattond'toyour 1'epaiesprompt-
• ly and at reasonable rates. 4
Ifnil will -lot us
Y know yput
® wants we will give you Honest
••advies and help if connected t
• with Machinery. d
• G'1'ye tlaa trill! aria bye0nliuy yy
• to Brussels, save time and money t
• for yourselves.t
• a
• 3
s ~,
� S
$Mill Street Brussels
_ ___ ____ ._. _
. ? lii,
rise in
s all
l the
a from'
Fid S -
big voice:
makes the
011111111111101 ..
1 Iii!
p.,,I I
,4,tE Os O$O no009 0,1, 80 0000480 e r r[o MONiRE,t
sponsib lity and had not made any sag.
e stion as to •t t l ureemeut r is
s i ata .e prior tut.
g P
departure forthe .American capital It.
has also transpired since That Mr. Allison
is int:rested In a small water power de-
velopment at Waddington, N. Y. Which
would nut be worth developing were the
long. Sault plans to go through, It was
therefore decided to offer Mr. Allison
five hundred dollars as Montreal's there
of the fifteen thousand and in the future
fight their owe battles It is not likely
that there will be any more opposition to
the long Sault from Montreal anyway,
uponi i es i anon -'
as .v t u h as been found
that the proposition will benefit rather
damage Ole port .of Montreal.
There isa gloom among tbemembers
of the ancient if not royal order of
tramps. for plans are now under way to
make Quebec the first' trampless pro.
vince to the county and to change it
from the paradise of panhandlers, which
it now is, to a tet ntory tobe shunned:
by every piofessional hobo. .Of the
200,000 tramps in ibe whole count re
figures slimy thatabi,nt 20,000 of this
army of Special parasites are always to
be.found ut this ~'Ate and about io,000
in this 0 1. 0 tate More than $t,000,000
a vent t. spent for the maintenance of--
fthis army in jails and other institutions,
while the cost of the damage to properly
and crimes committed together with
general contributions bt'lups the total up
to $5,000,000. While the plan by n hieh
It is proposed to wipe out this wasteful
expenditure mid at the same time elitnt-
nate the tramp problem has never been
tried in this country it has proven so
successful abroad that there is no donut
as to its efficiency here. It proposes 10
establish somewhere in the country a
'tramp farm colony to which vagrants can
be sent and where the products of their
labor will be used toward their mainten-
ance. The professional hobo for whom
work has no attractions will doub'less
give the province a wide berth while
those sent to the farm will be given an
opportunity to become useful citizens.
The most successful of these colonies it.
road actually makes mooav and it is
believed that a similar result co h
accomplished here
[tie aNTEEN Ya to LOCVSTe
L'he seventeen year locust promises to
live up to his reputation for regularity
and his song ie mein- to he heard in the
land, at letest in this vicinity, for these
ntuclt talked of and seldom seen insects
have been found in thy ground in such a
State of advanced development as to
make it stem certain that within a weak.
or days trey will make their Err ap•
peanutce bereabnu a sn ce 18g4 emelt
advent is not regained with such ap
prehension as iu former years, however,
sitace scientists say that the amount of
damn a which the do is cons ]a 'ivel
v ra
g v
slightand that their notoriety is chiefly
clue to their rem irlcable habit of appear -
With healthy kidneys, one has a
good chance to live long, but weals
kidueys afflict old age with great dis-
comforts. The back becomes bent and
latae, rheuma-
tism is chromic,
eyesight fails
and too frequent
Pt' involuntary
passages of the
urine 0anse 0m-
barrassntent by
day and lost oC
sleep by night.
Booth's Kid-
ney ,Pills bring
new Strength to old backs and quick
1 ' relief to' weakened kidneys. They
banish backache and rheumtttietitin
regulate the bladder and urine.!
Booth's Kiclitey Pills are Inc sick
kidneys in old told young and are
guaranteed by the. peoptietto-e, 'T'lte
Vote; Fele, �t. T. Booth (lo. ,l,1 a
B to ( Ltd., TctLlltie, Out,
Sold.eveeywhcre 60o, box, Free Wei
sent on request. Sold and guaranteed
ht Dt❑ssels by Itis. Fog.
tag only once every seventeen years.
Should the
give npthi
and become re alar yearly visitor,
it held that he would soon sink into
oblivion in comparison to many other
annual pests which dot far more damage
without achieving any particular notice.
Nevertheless lots of peopIe hereabouis
are.propltasying that the seventeen-year
locust will not leave' a single tree or
shrub in this city—a prophesy which
would be very serious if it only happen
ed to be true.
Father: Morriscy's llo. 26 Cures Catarrh
by a Combined Treatment.
The sudden weather variations in our
climate result in a great many cases of
catarrh—a troublesome disease usually
considered hard to cure, and one which
often leads to serious pulmonary and
intestinal troubles.
A neglected cold in the head weakens
the nasal membranes, so that at every
future exposure the trouble returns. At
length these conditions are fastened onto
the system, and the sufferer undergoes
the annoyance and danger of chronic
Some doctors confine themselves to
prescribing external applications, and
thus do not reach the seat of the trouble -
Others give internal treatment exclu-
sively, and thus do not promptly relieve
the affected parts. .
Father Morriscy, the skilled priest-
riestphysician, rightly reparded catarrh as a
double trouble, consisting of unpleasant
local effects and tbeir fundamental
causes, the latter having to do with im-
paired general vitality.
His famous remedy, No. 26, is a com-
bined cure for catarrh. It consists of
tablets to be taken three tines a day, and.
an especially compounded salve.
The salve is antiseptic, and quickly
heals the inflamed nienibranes of the
eThe tablets nasal passages. to istol
p g.
go the
tof the troublea. restore
sea tl and e. re the system
ys m
to its usual tone, Together, they cure,
Insteadof neglecting a disease that is
unpleasant to yourself and to others, and
one which often leads to pneumonia and
Consumption, it is surely the part of wis-
dom to take timely steps to do away with
the effects and at the sante time remove
the cause. No, 20 does just that,
50c. for the combined treatment, At
your druggist's, o
r from Father
MedicineCo Ltd Montreal, Que.
alar. Stalk
Following will be the routes of the
horses named for season of 1911 [—
(100781- 018121
J. J. MCGAVIN, Proprietor
Will stent) this seesot, at tin own stable, Lot
22, Omi 18, 61cEillop. Colts by Loudon's Fav-
orite won 1st and earl of Seaforth, acid let and
2nd itt Brussels Just Fall, Terms -18, 40.8
ANnrtetw F. Beaver & Sow, .Props.
Monday willleave hie own eteble,.Lot 21, Ord
Line, Norris,and go West 1)4 miles, then
North to Chits. Agar's, 2nd Liue, for -noon ;
than East 254 miles,- then North to Geo. John-
ston's, 1st Lilile, Mortis, for night.
Tuesday will proceed hest via Jamestown to
Club. Johnston's, Con, 2 Grey, for noon ,; then
fest to J, E. Roland's eiderond, then South to
Richard Mille', Con. 0, Grey, for night.
Wednesday South 154 mhos, then East to
David Carcoma for noon ; then West 2 miles,
then North 'via R.Dilworthe eidorond, then
West to P. Bishop's, 0th Con. Grey, for night,
Thursday West to Oliphant Smith's side,
road, then South to Dib (Ion,. Grey, then West
to Atttorientt Hato, Brussels, for noon • then
South totet . f
l t N ahopa, 0th Line, Morrie, tot
#Ally Weed)4 miles to 81111610a siderearl,
flame North tin Wm. MilMOH for noon
North to his owe stable for nighw erehho
wilt roman tut tit Saturday noon.
Saturday Afternoon will go West to 0lie •Ire
(layoffs?, nail return home whore he will re.
main until the following Mondny morning,
"You(' D. D. D. Prescription' for
Eczema is the best thing we have ever
handled, and is giving good satisfact-
ion with our oustomera."— Spur
Steventon Drug Oo., Bit Ile, Man.
"I have bad Eczema on and off for
about three years, and notbing I tried
has done 00 much gond as D. D. D.
It will stop that irritation in a few
minutes. Iean do my washing and if`.
I have D. D. D. on hand it will ease it
at once," writes Mrs. A. T. Squires,
Coleman, Ont.
These are just samples of letters we
are receiving everyday from grateful
patients all over the country.
"Worth its weight in gold." "All
my pimples washed away by D. D. D."
"I found instant relief." "D: D. D. is
little short of mirculous." These ate
the wot'cls of others in describing the
great skin remedy, D. D. D.
Proven by thousands of cures, for
ten years, to be absolutely harmless
and reliable in every ease of skin.
trouble, no matter what itis.
Write to -day for free trial bottle to
the D. D. D. Laboratories, Dept. B. P.
40 Colborne St., Toronto.
(For sale by all Druggists)
The People's ,Column
at breeding age, for sale. Alen 2 young
Shorthorn bulls, one of them 1st prize winner
at Brussels Pair. JAS. SPE120, Lot 110, Con. 0,
Morrie. Box 270 Brussels P. 0, 'Phone 108.
AT A BARGAIN.—W111 dispose of. cottage,
Elizabeth street, Brussels, et 4850, a great
bargain, in order to secure guielt sale.. Bey
may belted from Mr. J. Leckie. Por further
particulars see lir. Leckie or write the under-
signed. 3. H. CAMERON
10 St. George St., London.
stable, well, Jae. and 2 eared of choice
iandfor sale in the Southerlypart of Brus-
sels.. Immediate possession can be givetn. For
further particulate apply to P. 8, Scott, Brun
sole, orJNO. MOARiliUR, Willi on P.O.
- ARM 5015 SALE --Beim; Lot 20; Con. 14,
MaU cleared.
town , containing is a brick 08
notes,nitd bat', On t . premisesisabrick
house, bank barn with hag Pett combined, and
a new power mill for pumping, grinding, .Ec. •
also good bearing orohar, ,chiefly Soya. Land.
is in extra good state of cultivation, having
been Dropped light and large stock of both
hogs and cattle Ped on It for yeare. Farm is
situated )4 miles Prom school and 2 miles ffoin
Walton O. P. R. station. Per further � petition -
Mrs write ,T. R. BA MILTON, Walton P.O., or
apply on the premises. s
EfS• P
leAInt f FOR SAID Tlie 102 acre farm, ne-
s- the property of the late Peter lioNeil
211, (Jon. 14,Grey, is G r offered acres salecleared,
ooeo well ti there aro O6 acres there is a
good od bank arn,1,n On the farm there iso
ff' rtablellooee. /ergo
eeo in good riving 1conditionaa Id
well fenced. Per furtherth
partionlars apply -toJAS. A. MoNAI or JAS,
D. . t, Exec-
utors, Orenbroot P.O., mP. S. SCOTT, Beels. 7-tf
FARM FOR SALE.—Tho undersigned oilers for sale, his 100 sore farm, bents Lot 00,
Oou, 15, Grey, About 70 pores cleared, balenee
in swamp, limes In Fall wheat, 81 aorta seed-
ed down. Pall plowing is being done. On the
farm is a frame house, bank barn, driving shed,
good orchard and drilled well, Close to post.
Whoa, church and school.' For farther portion -
tars apply to JOHN OSBORN1ll Proprietor,
or P. 8. Scott, Brussels,.
F11.1(1 FOR SALE, being 'Southhet/ Lot 25,
Don, 4, Morrie township, Huron Oo,, eon-
taining 100 sores more or less. On the pprem-
ises is a frame !tours,bank barn, good orchard
well, Windmtil, ,&a, All cleared except about
an Dei'e. Bawl i5milestlistent. Only 23.4
mites tram Brussels, 4 acres of Pall wheet 11,
and about 50 "ores seeded down, For pride,
terms and other information apply on the
premises or if writing Brussels, .P. 0, Phone
120. Orli!. 8. Scott, Brussels.
11.11 'A. L, KCRR,.Proprietor.
WARMS POR SALE,—Lots 21 and 22, Con. 14,
Meliilleep, and Lot 28 on the "10th Conces-
sion. Leta 21 and
00 compose. the Gardiner
boas and contains a180acres, aI
llast l wellfonoo4, well tile drained
ansi hint 1t, acres
ofgood hardwood bush ; good
comfortable buildings with all modern im-
provements ; plenty of good spring water and
good Minting orchard, This is one of the
oho/deet farms sln the Cblilt t of eat., nisi
will aeon
sold ort corms to suit enrolment., Lal,
60eontarns 125001%81,001 amsll house and here
all in pasture and utas been for years. There
are ton notes of good bash on flus farm. For
further particulars apply to ALEX, GIARDIN-
IDl:t, Waltoh P.O., or on the premises, 45-11
0 A Large School A Good School Ot.
The Beat .4
> This school has a oontinental repute-
epute- 15
' [ton Pur hi 'h grndo work and nor the
eaoeese of Itsatndents. We have three i�
' dopertmente,—Oominereial Shortheitd 6
4 end Telegrnpl,y. Ambttioue young
7 inert end wome [ 0 1 en n
a ea nd a d aro o oe 1'
for. our Jorge free catalogue, rodo for
it once and see what ear greduatea
are doing.
This. Is a good t me f t
s o i o the ear are n.
g r
enter our classes. Students are
45 tering each week, Commence our a
8 course nt once. 5'
G; D. A. MOLACHLAN, Principal.
9 wl,v ve 1i' C� wLY yiiY 4'x'4 -,Y ri.9 '
riiY. -
a , ,a e. .t e e a
,i e. �4-v „0
•1 - ,•e
• •
• ••
• �Od�l►A�A�.i�. •
• •
• •,
• �;. d a k
• oti.e+
s •
• !"T77tg^rRa-7atirTae O
• '
s Now that the bi'igllt
2 clays are here good Pic- -
• tutesat'eeasilyobtained.
• We carr a complete
• line of Ko laky and! Ko-
2 Ask for a copy of the
•._ New Kodak Catalogue.
Y •
• Jeweler and Engraver e
o Wroxeter •
• •
Ta Machinery Users
and farmers
eT...®PV-v—O'rY`I"‘r •
The Nevi Machine Sha of the
• P o
® and MACHINE Co.
is now ready for business, arm, te
• with good Maehiueryand Sicilled
• lyleohanios, we are in a position
ioattond'toyour 1'epaiesprompt-
• ly and at reasonable rates. 4
Ifnil will -lot us
Y know yput
® wants we will give you Honest
••advies and help if connected t
• with Machinery. d
• G'1'ye tlaa trill! aria bye0nliuy yy
• to Brussels, save time and money t
• for yourselves.t
• a
• 3
s ~,
� S
$Mill Street Brussels