HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-6-1, Page 7s
Young Folks
plt+WOesseetrti'F6eti Q►eeO ese
This was the namethat Marl
gave the cunning,` fluffy little thing
when all the othells died. It was a
cold, damp spring ;• nobody could
tell what ailed the poor little chick-
ens, although everybody was so Sor-
ry and so puzzled.
"There is only one now, and it
• is so email and so' lonesome 1"
cried Mary, "Let me take care of
it in the house. I'll be just as care
"She may as well," said her fa
She put him in a box of hay up
in the old chimney eupboard, and
fenced in the shelf for a little' play
yard, And she gave him meal and
water from the birds' bath -dishes.
And she did remember to fill
them both, so that the little frail
chicken grew fatter and fluffier and
saucier every minute. Its "cheep-
cheep" was as clear as any bird's
By and by it because a playmate,
too, and as it was a poor little or-
phan, followed Mary all about.
Everybody in. the house laughed
when "Ohiekens" followed her ev-
erywhere in the house.
One clay Mary was sent to the
store in a hurry. Before she had
gone .very far she heard a distant
bird, as she thought, singing,
"Cheep -cheep 1 Cheep -cheep I",
"Why, that's funny/' she
and when she looked round there
Why, Chickens, running as fast as
▪ his two little brown legs could carry
him, in funny little strides, and
calling "Cheep -cheep 1" which
meant, "Wait for me 1" at every
But when the spring vacation was
over, and Mary went to school, a
now trouble came: The little sheik
en wanted to go to school, too.
Now, Mary, I am glad to say, had
always been punctual. 1 do not be-
lieve there was' ever a tardy -mark
against her name 1 But Chickens
came near making her late once or
But one warm day during the op-
ening exorcises, when it was quiet,
he name hopping up the steps right
into the open schoolroom door.
How the children laughed ! And
so did the teacher. She called him
up to the platform, and he just
said, "Cheep-eheepI' for a sort of
a little speech. She petted him a
little till he got rested, and then
, sent Mary home with him.
Then Mary's father said the
chicken was big enough to go to his
own school, and shut him up with
the other chickens all day.
But the school children called him
"Mary'slittle lamb" always after
that, because he "followed her to
school one day."—Youth's Come
Dutch Engineer .Says It Sinks
Eight Inches Every 100 Years.
Geologists have of late years
come to the conclusion that the
entire central European plain,
• which extends from southwestern
France 'through thelow countries
and north Germany to the, Russian
Baltic provinces, is slowly sinking.
The lowest •section of this great
coastal region is that part of Hol-
land which lies from fifteen to
twenty feet below sea level and has
to be protected by immense ,dams
and dykes against the danger of
'being submerged. '
A Dutch, engineer named Ten
Cate has studied this subject and
he deals with Holland's clanger at
length in De Ingenieur, it Dutch
technical paper. His investigations
go beck 2,000 years, and his con-
clusion is that the Dutch coast line
sinks eight inches every 100 years.
This does nob seem' very' alarming,
but every little counts in a nountry
which lies' naturally so low as the
Dutch coastal ,provinces. : Besides
there is no justification for assum-
ing that the settling down process
•will always bo regular, and a Aid -
e'en subsidence would be a very
grave matter indeed.
Ten Cate proves his assertions by
, pointing to the situation of remains.
of Boman settlements in the Low
Countries, which he calculates
must now lie from live to fifteen
feet below their origingi level. They
were haul- none Sixteen centuries
, ago, Then are of course the his
torical facts of the formation of
the Znyder Zoe the i.)ollart and
,ether bays et groan flood tides,
Sufficient data exist for the last
100 years accortline to which the
i;nbs!cleneo, ,i the Dutch littoral
can be figured out to a nicety, and
for that period it amounts to 30
centimeters, or about 14 1-2 inches.
A further indication of the,lower-
ing of Hollaiiel's level is the fact
that the low hills or mounds to
which as We as the Middle Ages
people and their cattle used to flee
for eafety at flood times would not
now afferel the necessary protec-
Not by Treating the Symptoms
but by Tatting up the Stomach
to do i ature's Work
Indigestion should pot be neglect-
ed, for by depriving the body of its
ProperQnourishment it grows stead-
ily worse, Neither stimulating
medicines, which ruin the already
weak stomach by making it work be-
yond its strength, should be used,
nor predigosted foods! which do not
excite a flow of the digestive 'fluids,
and by disuse cause the stomach to
grow weaker. Nowhere is the tonin
treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills more clearly useful. Its prin-
ciple is to enable the stomach to d'o
its own work by building up the
blood and giving tone to the
nerves. When these are once more
restored to their normal health in-
digestion disappears and the oure
is permanent. - In proof of these
statements we give the experience
of Mrs; Paul Gannon, Star City,
Sask., who says : "For more than a
year I suffered with all the terrible
pains of, indigestion, and my life
was one of the greatest misery. It
did not seem to make any difference
whether I ate or not, the pains were.
always there, often accompanied by clem; and the problem involved is
a severe bloating and a belching of by no means elucidated. J. Holme
wind. I did not even get relief at Nicholson, president of the histol' -
night, and sometimes hardly got a ical section of the Archaeological
bit of sleep in my misery. I tried Institute, thinks that the basso -re -
many remedies' said to euro incli- lievo sculpture on this singular
gostion, but they did me not one tombstone, which was unearthed in
the Heysham churchyard near Mor-
cambe some eighty or ninety years.
ago, refers to Scandinavian leg-
Basing his judgment on the re-
searches of Mr. Calverley and' Dr.
Colley -March, the rude carving
beganto improve and could eat represents the Crack of Doom—the
with some relish. I was greatly Scandinavian B,agnorrook. The
cheered, and continued taking the Powers of Evil have been let loose;
Pills until all traces of the trouble war is raging between these and
had tlisappeareil and I could once the gods, and Whorl, the great sea
more eat all kinds of food without serpent who lives at the bottom of
the .smallest inconvenience. We the sea and is the cause of all the
tempests which the world exper-
iences, has broken loose.
Another scientist holds that the
figures represent an animal hunt,
probably owing to the fact that one
of the sculptured beasts is a stag.
One learned gentleman imagined
that he had found a clue to the
'meaning of the carvings in the leg-
ends of the saints in the apocry-
phal Gospels. The stone repre-
sented the despatch of Seth to get
oil of 'grace for Adam when he was
lying on his deathbed.
"But on hearing this a fourth
.savant stated that in his opinion
religion had• nothing whatever to
do with it—the tomb was merely
that on an ancient huntsman, .as
the hounds' heads at the ends clear-
ly showed."
ever let in. Moralising playwrights i Dir i0nr OF THE TRUTH BEFORE ALL,
are perpetually discovering that u
the father and mother and the Thele are oe elder al doubts In the
The mind
s of
OW itre a sacred trinity, xha PIONEER WOMEN , the elders of sthe e of Robe-
oxo; nor who was trying to he family as to the guioltnoss of Bob -
"Parisian" in boulevard cafes by s wits, but there has never been
Ands aaxoss the boulevaxdfer's any doubt that a lesson once learn-
threshold no more subtlety and `TELLS HER S1JI'PERII G SIS- ed by hm, drem mbere, is for
eam lie.ntion than that, over afterwards remembered.
Itisthe Freuchn:an'e flat that TEES TO TINA RELIEF IN. "Won't you shake hands with
is his tiny castle, and will remain DODD'S KIDNEY PIt.IaS. me, Bobby?" asked one of his 818
the last refuge of simplicity in a tar's adn u'ers, but Bobby hung
oomplioated world,
11I1's. Perimeter had Ithoumatism and "I don't caro to," he said, with
terrible distinctness.
1f10ODA Cif TOMBSTONES. other Kidney Diseases for two "Don't you like me?" asked the
Ol Bobby,
tot's Disagree About ;-leaning. ' made her well. and then there was a shocked
chorus from the family.
What is a hogback tombstone? Dinsmore, Seek., May 22 (Speoial) "Bobby," said his aunt,re-
Ninety-nine out of every hundred •—One more of the pioneer .women proaehfully, as she withdrehila
people, on being asked this quos- of Sackatehowano relieved of pain from the public gaze, "why did you
tion would jump to the conclusion and suffering by Dodd's Kidney say such a rude thing to' Mr.
that the answer is a very simple Pills, has given her statement for Bmwal"
one and reply, "Why, a tombstone publication in order that other suf- "Because, aunty,":said Ifni wr
shaped like a hogs back, of Tering women may profit by her ex- g
course, perience. This time it is Mrs. John filing charge, I got sparuth, last
So far sogood, says the Wide week for not telling the truth, and
Toxrester, well known and highly I shan't never take any:risks
World. If one demands more am.- respected in. this neighborhood, again."
ple particulars, however, even the �'My trouble started from a, se- g
learned are placed in a dilemma, were cold," Mrs, Forrester states. '
for the hog back tombstones, which ',AlNOT A CONTORTIONIST.
number but hall a dozen or so in ee sleep was broken and unto- A certain merchant died leaving
the whole of England, constitute freslxing. .I perspired freely at the
' slightest exertion. I had ains'in to his only son the conduct of hi
one of the mysteries which archae- my back and'Iiteumatism develop- extensive business, and' great doubt
ologists are ever attempting to ed, from which I suffered for two was expressed in some quarters
solve, •years. whether the young man possessed
More thought perhaps' has' been rr!do not need to tell you that 1 -the ability to carry out the father's
expended on the hog back at Hey- was far from being a wll woman policies,
sham, for instance, than on any when I started to D d ' Kid- "Well," said one kindly -disposed
other one tombstone in Christen- use odds friend, "for my part I think Henrynay Pills..' But now I am thankful
to say my troubles are gone. Ire- is very bright and eapable. I'm
commend all suffering women to sure he will succeed.'
use Dodd's Kidney Pills." "Perhaps you're right," said an -
Suffering women aan learn from other friend.. Henry is undoubt
the experience of others that the edly a clever fellow, but, take it
one sure way to health is to 'cure from me, old man, he hasn't got
their kidneys, and Dodd's Kidney the head to fill his fathers shoes,
Pills always cure the Kidneys. a.—
el a Few in Eu find and Die. yettrsr but Dodd's Ifidney pills unwfse.visiton „ ,
y Englend
No, x do t, replied'
parixcle of good staid I fully expect-
ed that I would always be afflicted
in this way. At this time my bro-
ther -came home on a visit and he
urged me to try Di. 'Williams' Pink
Pills and got six boxes for me.. By
the time I had taken four boxes I
have since used;D,. Williams' Pink
Pills in our family for other trou-
bles. I am so firmly convinced of
their virtue as a family medicine
that I have no hesitation in recom-
mending them to all weak, ailing
Sold by all medicine dealers or
by mail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wil
Hams' Medicine 'Co., Brockville,
Another World Is the Boulevard-
ier's Household.. •
Little by little the old superfic-
ial judgments are passing away, in
this age of better acquaintance and
of larger sympathy among nations.,
Laurence Jerrold, himself an Eng-
ng-lishman,_an inhabitant of "the
land of homes,"—in "The Real
France," pays tribute to the home
life of Paris.
Only in Paris life' sparkles like
this, free from extinguishing cares,
responsibilities, convaentions, pre-
judices and commonplaces; it daz-
zles for months, then the amazing
discovery begins—the finding of a
solid Paris, a Paris of the .old
earth, ' with roots in deep custom,
a Paris of crock -like consistency and.
.iron faithfulness, a simple, straight,
ordered, long-headed, and earnest
Oross some boulevardier's real
threshold,—but it often takes years
to pass them,—and the boulevard
world disappears. This is another
Let us make the wild supposition
that the foreigner, after six
months,. has crossed theboulevard-
ier's threshold, it would really
take him ten years to do it,—and
imagine his amazement..
He is now immeasurably miles
from the, boulevards. He is in a
tiny castle, battlemented and
guarded against boulevardism. The
daily scandals of journalism, the
hourly intrigues of politicians! the
machinations of actors and critics,
the frantic jealousies and elbow -
'isms of the men of lottery who are
getting on—that is what he called
Parisian life.
In the tiny oasble, papa, who is .e,
famous journalist outdoors, lifts
gently the, curtain of the cot where
the little- crumple -faced, . black -
haired baby sleeps, and leeks with
a great tenderness and without a
The only medicine a mother
should give her little ones is one
she can give; and 'feel absolutely
safe that not the slightest harm
will result—a medicine that is guar-
anteed strictly free from injurious
.drugs. Such a medicine is Baby's
Own Tablets—every box is sold
under such a guarantee and the
mother may feel perfectly safe in
giving them to even the new-born
babe. Concerning them Mrs. Al-
bert E. Wood, London, Ont., says:
"I have found Baby's Own Tablets
all that is claimed for them. My
baby has had them from birth and
will take them eagerly. I am sure
there is no better medicine for little
ones." The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., •Brockville, Ont.
An 'Incident of the Late King Ed-
ward's Kindness!
The irreproachable politeness of
the late King Edward VII. of Eng-
land was not only individual and
relative to persons; it was human
and general as well. Once at Mar-
ienbacl his Majesty and a few
friends were having tea in a res-
taurant in the pine woods near the
town.. At a table close by, states
the author of "The People's King,"
at another party, the host of
shadow of the inglishman s matt- oat
vaise honte.
Parisianisnl sweeps round that
fitly castle in furious gusts, but on-
ly a few filtered breaths of it are
which was a well-known Gorman
The work of attending to the
guests at both tables devolved" up-
on a. young English waitress, and
the king did not fail to notice the
rude, blustering racirmee of the'
royal German, who threatened to
remelt the terrified girl every time
she had aeeasi01 to answer his
summons, Annoyed by this most
unjustifiable behavior, the King
said to Sir Stanley Olarke:
"You are to convey my thanks
to the proprietor for the prompt
and admirable manner' in which
my party has been served at this
The command • was instantly
obeyed, .mach to the disgust • of
the adjoining table, a disgust which
was intensified when the Icing gave
the timid young waitress a gold
There is nothing more just than 'rnwy
Joy„ not! in,q which takes on more Send far, tree aanpto to nsut. W. to
perfectly ll.e form of our soul. National drug and Chemical Ce.,Torente,
d' ("n' SORES. •
VALUABLE DISCOVERIES. Mrs. C. Pardy, of 479 Seigneurs
— St., Montreal, writes:— I cannot
Happy Thoughts That Made Some tell you how thankful I am for the
Men Rich. cure Zam-Buk has worked in the
Many a fortune has been made by
some sudden "happy thought" or
A fallen leaf was the first cause
of a fortunate investment. The
father of the Hon. James Duns
mizir was a miner on Vancouver
Island. One day he was wander-
ing through the woods, when his
eye was attracted by a pretty leaf
shining in the sunlight. He stoop-
ed to pick it up, when his hand un-
covered a part of the ground and
revealed a seam of coal. Mr. Duns-
mtir said nothing, but set to work
to obtain capital to buy the land
and exploit it. Fortune came to
him swiftly, for the ground was a
rich mine of coal,. He built the on-
ly railway on Vancouver Island
and died a millionaire. All through
a leaf, in the first place!
Thirty years ago a young Post
Office clerk named Thomas gave all
his evening leisure to experiments. play.
to"No,"admitted the drum
At last he found out how to make
steel by a process in which phos- j Pounder, "but I drown a heap of
phorus could be got rid of in the bad.
course of manufacture. It was an
epoch making discovery, which A Pleasant Purgative: Parme-
NIA-DRUJ-CO Headache We
stop the meanest, nastiest, most persistent headaches in half en
hour or less, We guarantee that they contain no opium,
morphine or other poisonous drugs. 25o, a boat al your drutt;tats',
or by mail from
National Dyna[ and Chemie; Co. pf Confide, Limitett, s n.• Montreal,
Your v rco +; FARMS FOR SALE ANN TO'
N, W. DAWSON, Ninety conanine street..
•ed tadod anbr would leek bZ.'ir droll• It aoasont of Torente.
euro to your tow,, write ,;turf ac Montreal, Res IOL ^'g�1''. ' - . . .
55,Ittah Am�rlosn -D g e- you want to. purchase Alberta, fiat,.
ytolr, Co. A ,tatc•.bewan of Manitoba Lands its
quarter, bali or whole motions, oe lu..
large plots, I Gan supply yea,
RUNT FAI Ms.. -Tett, fifteen, rwonky,
or fifty acre farms, with good Muni.
lugs and well . planted, home genuine..
.3, buying, direct from tie you can
save money011
Wo will send you Catalogue free.
Ask for it,
174 York 'St, Hamilton, Ont.
"Aro you a friend of the groom's
family?" asked the usher at the
church wedding,
"I think not," replied the lady
addressed, "I'm the mother of the
A Thorough Pill.—To ether the
stomach and bowels of impurities
and irritants is necessary when
their action is irregular. The pills
that will do this work thoroughly.
are Parmelee's Vegetable Pills,
which are mild in action but mighty
in results. They purge painlessly
and effectively, and work a per-
manent 'cure. They can be used
without fear by the most delicately
constituted. as there are no pain-
ful effects preceding their gentle
"I have a great joke .on my
-wife," said William. "I think she
must be getting a bit near-sighted.
She was out for ten minutes this
morning, calling to the scarecrow
to come to breakfast. What do you
think of that?" "Well, if I were
case of my baby son. He was urea- ou," said Henry, "I'd either get
bled with scalp disease and I tried a new suit of clothes or a younger
everything I could think of but in wife."
vain. Finally I tried Zam-IBuk. I
could see an improvement after two
applications 1 After persevering Miaars d'Liniment Co., Limited,
with the Zam-Buk treatment he is Yarmouth, N.S.
Gentlemen, In January last, Francis
now completely cured. Zam-Buk is
Leciare, oneof the men employed by me,
certainly a wonderful balm, and I working in the lumber woods, had a tree
shall always keep it on hand:" fall on flim orushing him fearfully. He
was, when found, placed on a sledand
taken home, where grave fears were en-.
tertained'for Itis recovery, his hips be-
ing badly bruised and his body turned
binpk from his ribs to his feet. We used
MINARD'S LINIMENT on him freely to
deaden the pain andwith the use of
three bottles ho was completely oured
and able to return 6AUVEUak'DUVAL.
Elgin Road, L'Islet Co., Que.
Mothers should use Zam-Buk for
all childr'on's skin sores, ringworm,
scalp sores, cuts, ehafings, bruises,
etc., because of its great purity. Al-
so cures piles, eczema, bad leg,
varicose sores, etc. 50c. box, all
druggists and stores.
Zam-Buk Soap, 25c. tablet, is best
for 'baby's bath and for delicate
"You don't make very good music
with that instrument," said the in-
nocent bystander to the man behind
the bass drum, as the band ceased
made phosphoretic ores available
for the manufacture of steel all
over the world.
The guests at a ball given at the
Tuileries, Paris, were once dis-
tressed by something in the air.
which irritated everybody. The
most famous chemist of the day
was consulted La to the mysterious
cause. His son-in-law, Dumas, had
the happy thought that perhaps the
irritating particles in the aircame
from the wax candles. He found
on analysis that these candles had
bean bleached by chlorin. Immed-
iately they were lighted a com-
pound was added to the air that
irritated throat and noses. This
chance discovery led Dumas to
study the whole effect of chlorin,
with far-reaching results in chem-
The Oil for the Athlete.—In rub-
bing down, the athlete can find no-
thing finer than Dr. Thomas' Ec-
lectrio Oil. It renders the muscles
and sinews pliable, takes the sore•
ness out of them and strengthens
them for strains that may be put
upon them. It stands pre-eminent
for this purpose, and athletes who
for years have been using it can
testify to its value as a lubricant.
Maud—"How pretty and careless
Mabel's hair always looks," Gertie
—"Yes, and it takes her two hours
to make it look that way."
Warts are unsightly blemishes,
and corns are painful growths.
Holloway's Corn Cure will remove
Hew easy it is to spend the money
earned by somebody else!
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
"Six feet in his boots 1" exclaim-
ed old Ietr. flatiron, who was read-
ing about a man's height. "Non-
sense! Why, they !night as well tell
me that the man has six heads in
his bat."
Mother Graves' Worm. Extermin-
ator will drive worms from the sys-
tem without injury -Lethe child,
because its action, while fully ef-
festive, is mild.
POW men give as cheerfully as.
they receive.
Keep Minard's Liniment 10 the hehse,
lee's Vegetable Pills are so com-
as to operate on both the; logg's Dysentery Cordial, the medi-
y ash and the bowels, so that cine that never fails to effect.a cure.
they act along the whole alimentary Those who have used it say it acts
and excretory passage. They are promptly, and thoroughly subdues
not drastic in their work, but the pain 'and disease.
mildly purgative, and the pleasure
"Your husband is of a studious
turn of mind, isn't he?" "Yes,
indeed, Whenever we have hash
he isn't satisfied unless he knows
everything that is in it."
Very many persons die annually
from cholera and kindred summer
complaints, who might have been
saved if proper remedies had been
used. If attacked do not delay in
of taking them is only equalled by
the gratifying effect they produce.
Compounded only of vegetable sub-
stances the curative qualities of
which were fully tested, they af-
fordf relief without chance of in-
Doctor—"You have some sort of
poison in your system." Patient—
"Shouldn't wonder; what was in
the stuff you gave me?"
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't
Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 26c,
500, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes, 25% $1.00. Eye Books
and Eye Advice Free by Mail. e.
*'?Murine Eye Remedy Co„ Chicago.
There is one woman a man can
depend upon under all circum-
stances—his mother.
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend.
Seymour—"Does your wife always
do the carving at dinner?'
Ashley—"No; not when we have
"I think it's wrong for a married
man to gamble." "It's worse than
wrong—it's idiotic. His wife gives
him fits if he loses, and confiscates
the proceeds if he wins."
ISSUE NO. 21-'-11.
Mother—"Why should we make
Willie a doctor when there are so
many new doctors every year ?"
Father—"But think of all the new
ailments 1"
Mlnard's Llniment used by Physicians.
"It is easier to be good than
great," remarked tho moralizer.
Yes," rejoined the demoralizer,
"one has less opposition." •
The next time you feel that swal-
lowing sensation gargle Hamlins
Wizard Oil immediately with three
parts water. It will save you days
and perhaps weeks of misery from
sore throat.
"Has your father ever given you
any idea what he thinks of me 1"
"No. I really don't believe father
thinks of you at all. Re has so
many important things to fill his
-etas. Wiesenv's SoorntNo Svarr has been
used for over SIXTY TEARS by BILLIONS of
menthes for their CI31X,n.RE\ WnII,1i
is the best remedy for 1,IARRnt'k'A. IL is ab.
soletely harmless: De sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow% Soothing Syrup," rind lake no other
kind. Tweati•-five cents a bottle.
Jones "dined out" with an old
acquaintance the other evening.
"Don't wait up for Ire, dear,"
he said to his wife: "I may be
rather late, but it can't be helped."
At breakfast next morning he
was stonily silent, so was the
breakfast -room clock.
"Maria, dear, there must be
something wrong with the clock. I
am sure I wound it up last night,"
ho ventured at last. •
"No," answered his wife. "You
wound up Freddy's musical -box in-
stead, and it played 'Home, Sweet
Home' till three in the morning,
and the hall clock has stopped."
"So you avant to marry my daugh-
ter; what are your prospects?"
"That is for you to say, sir; I am,
not a mind reader,"
'H HAVE several fret -class Hundred Attire,
JL Fern's in Halton, feel and York. Aipq
large farms. Prices reasonable.
1LF . }9, 5AWio70 Ninety Oolborap
Two Street qr nights and boIl}l�,ciays
Two Hundred and Seventy Two 011 ale
Avenue. Phones .SOain 0990 end Pa01cUi1e
• Ax BANK, Burlington, residence of
late Maitland Young, with beauti•. .
ful grounds terraced down to Lake Out.
ario; this property le well situated 19
heart of growing Burlington;. three min.
liter from ears; thirty from Hamilton,.
one hour from Toronto three from Ent.
felq, containing largo drawing and din.
ing rooms, parlor, seven bedrooms, bath,
room, stable, coarhhouse, boathouse and
dock, oto., safe bathing, electric light,
furnace, ample cellars, good water IMP,
ply, large grounds. For 1mrtippulars and
inspection apply:. James Earruson, Bur.
lington, Ont, - •
postal for circulars or 10o for 8a,n.,
Un8 and terms. Alfred Tyler, London,
AGENTS WANTED, -A study of other
Agency propositions convinces us
that none can 'equal ours. You will el
ways- regret it if you -don't apply for
particulars' to Travellers' Dept., 828
Albert St., Ottawa.
..f,_ wanted; stn right here; something
new; sell on sight; automatic) razor
sharpener, for old style or safety; guar.
antee with each machine; 400,000 sold in months; agents making; big monpyi
territory going fast; write or wire.to.'
day. Never Fail -Company, Box 335, St.
John, N.B,
TAT ANTED.—Ontario Veteran Lands,
VV located. A. N. Ilett, Berlin, Ont.
▪ ARM SCALES, special price. Wilson's
-Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto.
J i. Greatest Beef Breed. Unparalleled.
for crossing purposes. For Bulls, write
James Bowman, Elm Park, Guelph.
.LL. Stallion for sale 9 years old, prioo.
0100. 0. Sorby, Guelph.
, heavy, Lathe Mi11s Shingle Mills,M111s,
Engines and Boilers, Mill Suplies. The
E. Long Manufacturing Co., Supplies. West
Street, Orlllia, Ontario.
T) BANDON, Manitoba, offers excellent
lit investments in Real Estate. Writo
for particulars of Fifty Dollar to Seventy-
Five Dollar lots. Six hundred Bold local-
ly. 0. L. Harwood, Brandon, Mau.
CxoTRAWBERl1Y PLANTS mailed post-
paid, two dozen, twenty cents Iran.
dred, seventy coats; three hundred,tw
dollars, Mailed postpaid, E. Er8loy.
Milton, Ont,
't7 Iron Frame Veneer Machine, 1 Ole,
per, 2 Cranes, 1 Drag Saw, 1 Perkins.
Shingle Machine, etc:; send for printed
list. The Rider and Kitchener Co,, Limit.
on', Lindsay.
JL.J system—constant practice — careful
instruction—a few weeks' completeourse'
—tools free. Graduates earn twelve to•-;
eighteen dollars weekly. Write for cath.'
'ogre. Moler Barber College, 221 - Queen
East. Toronto.
ternal and external, cured without
pain by our home treatment. Write us
before too late. Dr. Bellman, Gelling•
wood, Ont.
G TON SCALE, special price. Wilson's
iJ Scab Works. Iepianade, Toronto.
N"7OMEN WANTED to take orders in
spare time, no experience' neon.
Bary. Our lines especially used by
mothers and girls. Apply Dept. A. Brit.
ish Canadian Industrial Company, 738
Albert St., Ottawa.
prllcess ininxeedrugso any dis°a11 . uinde,
musses fitted by mail. Send measure,
meat. Glasses fitted by age. write. today.
Inc anything sold in first-class drug
stores to Dr. Bellmau. Collingwood. Out.
'l f OTTLED ANCONAS, Greatest .Lay:
era. fertile Egge, 52 for thirty. II77
W. Wardle, Corinth, Ont.
E 8pwetke Yxpkresiries,Ontario. Forty,
registered, tan
dollars each. Write for what ybu Tva'rtel +.. ,
Thos. N. Havens S Son, AlUbero P.0., Ont. "..0.•
CHEAP LANDS in Saskatchewan Val.
ley. Good openings for tradesmen
and farmers. English speaking settle.
went. Write for illustrated pamphlet to
Secretary, Board of Trade, Marshall,
"You say the officer arrested you.
while you were quietly minding
your own business?" /
"Yes, your honor. He/caught me.
suddenly by the coat cal)„ •r and
threatened to truncheon me` eeel rain
I accompanied him quietly . to t;,
"You were peaceably attending
to your own business, making no
noise or disturbance of any kind?"
"None whatever; sir."
"It seems very strange. • What
is your business?"
"I'm a burglar."
Borate d
A Vaix.lable
for Catarrh.,
! VasellneRemediesinMlles,
Camphor ice, Mentholated,
f Vlate,OA* of Zi nc;Capsic u m,
ete;l'ath for speck! purpose,
Write for FleeVaselindiook to
Csrstiaoatnt11c Ceke.Mleao c,.o., 'tlen52 0