The Brussels Post, 1911-6-1, Page 4'HVR-3DAY JUNl1, x911
fee Royal Higlieese .9tieen Miry
was 44 Years Old 1111E11'y of hist weak and
reesivod mane beat Ly eongratulatio.s,
We still pin am faith IQ the bettering
of conditions to the farming community
by free beide with the United States in
natural produets. An •election foeght
Ont on this plank would mean a will for
Reciptocity .we believe,
1'1 Sri fruit is inuelt in the public' eye
this sentient of the year and also consider-
ably lo the public month as web, More
people keep a few " biddiee" to -day than
possible any petit record disclosed. The
home grown egg has advantages over
the ones you are not so sere 0E.
Tits month of My proved noteworthy
for its thunder And lightning and the
damage wrought by the freeks of the
latter, Aocaher feature was the wide
range of temperature from frost and
snow to loo degrees of heat, Some of
the weather prognosticators promise
some lively doings in June also.
Saeuecav of this week is the birthday
of King George V. The day is proclaim-
ed a legal holiday not a regularly con-
stituted public one. It relates to banks,
law mitts, etc., but not to the general
business man of the Empire. Canada
is not suffering badly over shortage of
holidays, especially along this season of
the year.
AMONG the many interesting features
of the military display • at; the coming
Coronation program will be the appear-
ance lof 75 Mounted Police from the
Northwest. In addition to taking their
place in the parade,they will perform a
number of fancy and somewhat dex-
terous drills not usually on the pro-
gram of a military aggregation.
AN M. D. named ]3e11 rings out his
belief that people might attain to 128
years of age if they would stick to a bill
of fare made up of fruits, vegetables
and cereals, cooked as little as possible.
He says all flesh diets should be banned.
Dr. Bell assumes that the list of cene-
tarians would increase if Nature's de-
crees were followed.
DOGMA and creed are being eliminated
to -day to a marked degree in the world
owing to a desire for a fusion of Christ-
ian life simply patterned after the
Master and endeavoring to copy from
His example in going about donee good
-not simply being good. A type of
brotherly aggressive Christianity can
accomplish • wonders in any church or
community. No better field for oc-
cupation to day than in helping the boys
and girls into personal experiences in
the straight yet narrow way.
PROSABTLITIEs point to a series of
Liberal public. meetings in the West
during the Parliamentary recess, follow-
ing up the itinerary of Mr. Borden and
staff. The Liberal Government stand
to be large wieners at the next election
in the Northwest because of the in•
crease of possibly a score of seats in
the coming redistri bution and also from
the reason that freer trade with the
'United States appeals particularly to
that section of the Dominion. It will
be well for both parties if they keep
sweet in their campaign and understate
rather than grow bluffy in their address-
Some idea of the traffic over London
(England) bridge over the Thames may
he arrived at when we state that in one
hour from 8 30 to 9.30 one morning
when a count was made the record
was t --Pedestrians, /5,268 ; 124 horse
vans; 74 horse busses; 74 motor busses ;
24 motor cars ; 5 motor vas; and nor
bycieles. When the travel over the
numerous other bridges is added to the
above the conclusion must be arrived at
that old London must possess consider-
able hustle and bustle. The marvel is
that so few accidents occur among such
a concourse of people. One reaSon
given is the splendid police system and
control of the streets.
Tune were more than a few sorry
illustrations among the visitors to town
on Victoria Day from the result of par-
, taking of the flowing bowl. We wond-
er where some of the mere lads got the
"booze ?" Enquiry was made aloeg the
line of supplying mindrs with intoxi-
cants, 11 1S noNnach wonder if a boy
would acquire the habit when he dis-
covers that so many adults set the ex-
ample. The individual who says "I can
take a glass and leave It alone," even if
he lives up to his testimony- which
many do not -is a greater menace to the
youth than the recognized eot, whom no
may desire to emulate.
em, • criteade is being inaugurated in
several places to get after persons under
2r years of age who frequent hotels and
Inspectors are being asked to potty up
the license holders along the legal
rottte in this matter,
The Doane° Quetta!i
t•lon thaltritna eye to Pawed qlgortiors
A doctor's nest question when eon.
salted by a patient, is, "Are your
bowels regales: e" knowe that OirX,
of illness is attended with conceive
bowels and toepid liver, and that In
condition must remoYetlgeetly and
thoroughly beeore health Oen be re,
Bencall Orderlies ei a positive,
pleasant and safe remedy for con-
etipation and bowel diserdeee in
general. We are so certain of Limb:
geeat curative value that we promise
to return the perellasee's money io
every ease when they fail to produce
entire satisfaction.
Bewail Orderlies are eaten like,
candy, they act quietly, and have a
eoothing. etrengthening, bealiug in-
fluence on the eutine istitU thaet,
They do no& purge, gripe, cause nausea
flatulence, exeessive looseness, diar-
rhoea,or other annoying effect. They
are especially good for children, weak
persons or 011.1 f 01 ICS. Two sizes', 2ac.
and 10c, Sold only at our store -The
Rexall Store. F, J, Smith.
Le Finland they offer the able bodied
poor folk for sale to the lowest bidder
who are bound to feed and maintain
them at the bid put in. How much bet-
ter le the plan followed in Canada in
our houses of refuge and homes for the
aged and infirm.
WOULD you like to have a visit at your
home this Summer for a few weeks of
one or two of the "Fresh Air" children
from some of tbe cities ? It is a mission
of love and often productive of good on
more than one side, as the testimony of
many who have had these children with
them proves.
THOsE who are intimately acquainted
with the trend of public affairs in Scot-
land aver that unless radical changes are
made in the laud regulations forthwith
depopulation will do a work from which
the land of the thistle will be a long time
recovering. Numerous emigration
agents are not slow in taking advautage
of this condition of affairs and as a re.
stilt this Dominion is receiving large
accessions of No, 1 settlers. As in other
lands opposing political parties do not
see eye to eye in Scotland and in the
meantime this exodus continues.
THE dinner of the Pilgrim's Society
Tuesday night of last week in London
Eaglaad, in honor of the Colonial prem
iers was historic because of •unexpect
ed and noteworthy plain speaking by
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Premier of Canada.
Sir Wilfrid, addressing an audience Qom
posed of many of the great men of Eng-
land, handled the annexation question
without gloves. He scoffed at the idea
of the possibility of annexation being
seriously considered on either side of
the border. He expressed in warm
terms his admiration for the people of
the United States, but declared that
much as be loved the American people
he loved Great Britain better. The
Premier aroused enthusiasm when he
said that Canada and United States pro-
posed to continue to show to the world
two nations with the longest boundary,
extending from ocean to ocean, living in
peace and mutual respect, without a fort-
ress, a soldier or a gun on either side of
that boundary. The last words of the
Canadian Premier were almost drowned
in applause. "We believe," he said,
"that the day will come of an alliance
of all lands springing from England's
lolos, ensuring the peace ot the world
forever." Wednesday night, Ett the
"Empire Day" banquet, Sir Wilfrid a-
gain spoke of Canada'srevenge on the
United States for baying in previous
years drawn away Canada's population.
He said that there are now in Canada
half a million loyal subjects of the king
who a few years ago were American
citizens. "We have turned the tables
upon the American republic." be ex-
claimed. "The nineteenth century was
the day of the Uulted States ; the
twentieth century will be the clay of
Canada." The Detroit Free Press Saes
Sir Wilfrid is the cleverest public man
in the world,
Good Reasons For its Success
The majority of catarrh remedies
are useless. But one that does cure is
"Cabal rhozoue.' It clears . the bead
of all mucous discharge. Putrid mat-
ter in the noetrile, phlegm ln the
throat, and disease germs are cotn-
pletely swept away. The pause of the
disease is destroyed, and the system
so thoroughly demised of ,catarrhal
poison that; cum is perma,nent. All
types of catarrh, throat and bronchial
trouble, colds and coughs are more
certainly cured by Catttrrhozone than
any thing else. Two sizes, 25a and
$L00 at al] dealers.
E, Matheson has eiorchased the
gyocery bnsiness of .1. W. Vanatter on
Kingston street.
Miss Jean Tom is home from Tor-
onto having completed her first year
at Toronto University.
Annual meeting of the West Enron
Liberal Association will be held in the
Temperance HtU, Goderich, Monday,
Jane dth, all. o'clock p. en,
Goderieh Baptist cinch celebrated
its ninth anniversary Sunday, when
special sermons were preached by the
pastor, Rev, J. Poilock,
A school children& excursion is ad -
10 come to Goclevich from
Listowel and intervening stations on
the C. P. R. on fiattucla,y, June 10.
Annual church parade of Court
Goderich, 82, C. 0, P., will take
place Sunday morning, JUne llth, to
Vioteria street Methodist cher&
erMierattlhtte Harry Haller
1)4 P1Wriel1 J, lannthall on thole este-
nem,' 00 the 1'00014 exatnitottiene at the
011ta4l0,0011ege of Pletrinttey. Both
obtained their cliplotnits, dLr flillter's
appearing in the honor list.
Ageangetneuts have been mule for
oonnectiou between the ()Wheelie
Municipal telephone 8)astern end the
Bell Telephone Co. at. Gotioriolt at a
rate of 10e for each 044 Half of the
toile collected lu thle way g0 to the
Bell Co, and half to the Colborne sys-
When Sinese Ocimoa
Have 3alu near at heed a remedy
that will alleviate pale and help till
the doctor conies ? A wise thing is 1.0
have right in your home a bottle of
"Nervilm 0" whinl elves 1126111111 re-
lief, and prevents disease from spread -
OW. Nothilig known foe the stomach
and bowels that commit es with Nee-
viline, For era '
nipe indigestion,
heat amen and headache, it's itidie-
pensable. For fifty year's Neiviline in
250 bottles has been a family stands
by. 'Get it to -clay.
Following obituary, token from 11
Oshawa Yu -Activator, of May gb, refe
to a brother of Mrs. Wm. Sherlden, 4
line, Morris township, who with her so
Robert mid Allan and Mrs. Spew we
at Oshawa. Mr. Speir beings nephew ;
Thea hundred men and more shoe
break away from the pressing busier
for se email boors to pay the last respee
to the memory of man who hal gene i
and out among them for Arty years w
a striking testimony to the merits oJ l
late Wtn Lam:bland. In a half centm
there is ample time and opportunity t
and any flaws in a man's character, bt
the testimony was univernal on Tnesdn
at his fniteral that here MIS 5 ittI %II`
indeed found favor with his fellow me
because of his virtues. Every busine
Image in Oshawa teas represented in th
procession to the erave of this most et
osten tat Mat cltiz in and in echlitio
nearly three score of his Masonic bretl
ren in the beautiful ritual of the 0 rdc
with han Is on thighs said :-
'We commit his body to the earth.
With tents' crossed on their breaels,
"We (Meet ish his nit mery in 01
hearts " with hands raised over the belt
iu supplication :
"•An,1 we commend his spirit to God
who gave it."
He was a member of Lebanon Lodg
A. P. & A. M., anti his aforetime breth
ren gathered in the lodge room Prior t
two o'clock where the lodge was opene
in due form, and the intermission Nein
taken the brethren formed into proses
sion and marched to the Oshawa Railwa
station where Bro. Walken had a car i
waiting to convey them to the house
South Oshawa. From the house tile
marched up Sitncoe Street to the Fott
Corners and then aloug King West to
tbe hollow beyond the bridge whet'
rigs were 50 waiting to convey them to
the cemetery.
After the private service at the grave
of the deceased, by Rev. Jas. Hodges
the Masonic burial service was perforrn-
ed, S, 1. Babe, W. M., of Lebanon
Lodge, reading the ritual and the breth
ren joining in at stated periods • P H.
Punshon was master of ceremonies, and
the intense feeling of respect by the
brethren made easy the soletnta per-
formance of the rites under his direction.
A long time acquaintance of the de-
ceased gentleman has furnished The
Vindicator with tbe following appre-
ruation hy his uen. which will do
justice to the noble Man W110 has passed
away better than anything we could
personally write ! Itis as follows
• 11
r •
On Sunday morning, in South Os-
hawa, there passed AWRY a citizen of
Oshawa whose heroic figure, distinc-
tive personal characteristic, and busi-
ness relationshipe, had made a re-
markable effect on the community.
William Lauchland was horn Match
tat. 1832, in Beith, Argyleshire, Scot-
land ; he was therefore in his Both
year. The family from whence he
came consisted of three brothers and
six sisters. One sister and a brother
came to Canada some five years pre-
vious to his Arrival In 186o. Elis first
place of residence was at Brussels in
Western Ontario, where his sister had
located and still resides.
In the same year (1860), he indenti•
fled himself with Oshawa, attracted
here no doubt by the fact that his uncle,
also earned William Lauchlancl, was
located in this town. Being a tanner by
trade, he sought employment in the in-
dustry of which he was a master work-
man, and at different times worked In
Warren's Tannery oi. Bartlett's Tannery
both of which were in a thriving con-
dition at that date. It was while thus
engaged that be became acquainted with
the late James Robson; who, like himself
4. •
Now that the bright
days are here good Pic4.
tures are easily obtained, •
We earry a complete •
line of Kodaks nnd Ko-
dak Goods.
Ask for a copy of the ;
New Kodak Catalogue. ••
Ri Wendt!
jeweler and Engraver •
• •
• •
1 11111111
Dainty, Disappearing' Doughnuts.
Devoured near as fast as you
make 'ern.
Golden - tooth - teasing - able - bodied
nut+ of dough.
Made from dough that Tastes Like Nut,&
you know. • '
Use FIVE ROSES flour.
Get that individual toothsomeness of
Manitoba wheat kernels,
Doughnuts with a Palate.Pleasing Personality.
See *em bob up in the rich deep fat -swelling, soft.
A hole entirely circled with Light DlgestiNe Food.
Fat without being fczt-for FIVE ROSES is the sturdy
glutinous flour that resists fat absorption.
Just enough to brown deliciously, to crisp 'wieldy.
No greasiness, heavhiess, sogginess.
Pilling a vacant place so pleasingly with never en
outraged stomach.
Like these make YOURS.'
11 iirJ
IIi i{110-4111111illiglIiiiiiio11111 11Allitimumoill11111 11a11111111111111111111111111111110111.1111
11111111111111111111111111111111 I
1110'" '''''
drat 1,e/itcte,c1.
05 OF *0005 MILLING COMPANY L t� 00555(5
was an employee at the to 1.1 ni tig busines
These two young men, like tnti
youtig are of that clay, considered th
it waS necessary or .desitable to take
trip to the States; hence they depart
for Indianapolis where they worked t
gether for a period of some two yesr
fo r865, sherd.. after the aseassinath
of Lincoln, th'ey returned to Canal
and purchased at public auction, 11
tannery in South Oshawa, then know
as Bartlett's tannery. Under the par
nership name of Robson & Lauchlan
for ttventy•seven yeare, from r865 t
i892 a most prosperous and thFivin
business was conducted by these met
itt 1892 Mr. Lattehland retired fro
business personally, and a new partner
ship was formed whereby the elder
son become the senior member of tit
firm known Rs Lauchland & Robso
which was dissolved in 1893 owing t tit
uutimely cleath of Mr. Lauchland. I
this latter year Ile • entfre business wa
taken over by the Robson & Sons.
These are the mate facts in the busi-
ness history of the deee ised, but as his
life et Me .0') 251' with the community
at so in 1,1y her vital points it would
not be fair to the memory of the de-
parted no, to dwelt for a moment or twb
upon torn En the eirsemding features
of.a lite which so deep y impressed usel
In{ would follow the entrancing soug,
the other half would watch' the. fnce of
Latiehland, without fall unconscious-
ly but how touchingly the silent tear
would roll down that typical Scottish face
An intimate knowledge of just such
characters is the only thing which helps
one to understand the depth and sub-
limity of some ot the lovelist lines in
Robert 13urna,
His home was in every respect a
model of serenity and lumpiness. .. Be
was married April 24112, 1867, Mrs.
Lauchland having predeceased him in
the year 1909. He has three sons noW
living, William. in Oshawa ; NOrroan, itt
Montreal, and Dr. Lyman Lanehland, of
DuodErt His only daughter, Carrie,
died January 2894, and his eldest
son died in 1893,
Stop Limping.Cure tim Corn
Quickly done by Pantines Painless
Oorn Extractor. Atte in one day,
causee no pail), removes every trace
of soreness. Fifty yettee of success
proves Pntnam's is the best. liefuse
Ontario Statutes 1911
The Ontario Statutes for 1911 have been Is-
sued and may be obtained by Justices of the
Peace and other entitled to the saute on appli.
cation at my office.
Godet'Ieh, 20t11 MaY,
47-2 0, SICAGER,
Clerk of the Petwe, Huron.
g A Large School A Good School
The Best
This school has a continental reputa-
tion for high erode work and for the
Success ef Ike students. We have three
&martin ents,-Oominercial. Shorthand
and Telegraphy. Ambitious young
men and women should send et once
for our largo free catalogue. Wrle for
it at once and see what our graduates
are acting.
5(1 totteveir,..0.01. colt,,..U.V;,earraorr you,
TA tering each week. Commence your
ts e en
t coarse at once.
,V D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal
upon the initids and hearts of t.11 with
whom he became acquainted. In alt
his relationships, whether domestic.
fraternal, or business, I liere was ever
present a simplicity, a sincerity and
a ring of honor which no man could
mistake for a Single moment. Perlitipe
there could be found no better key to
the secrets of his life than these "silver
sounds. so soil, so clear," as Sir Walter
Scott describe them, which marked the
accent 05 111 voice throughout it life of
more than half ti century in Canada In
ruversation he was was es , broedly
catch at the Lune of his death its he was
the day he tended in Capada In this
as in all other matters he was the simple
nadornecl child:of uature, and itt the
same unchanging fashion. be clung to
the few noble principles which always
make life sublime and glorious.
There was het one contradiction in
his whole make-up. In politics he was
a staunch and consistent Liberal, while
iu other matters he tuts Conservative
to the lest degree, an unmovable rock
la a chatinel of pebbles Milling over and
over by the passing currents of fancy,
feshioe or novelty.
Few men in Oshawa were more com-
panionable than Mr. Lauchland, and
noue more loved. in Mason circles.
and Wherever the men of the town were
known to meet in fellowship, no gather.
ing was complete whitent his genial
presence. Th t very mention of the
fact recalls 111i118115 times when 'Fein
Galway waft asked 10 sing Itit Scottish
songs, A double entertainment was
immediately 'limited ; half the wittier -
I 3
Nervous Condition
Sick kidneys make you feel sick in a
number of ways audit, is now known
that It 10550115 condition often results
front Malley trouble. When the kid-
neys are siok the
wli ole nervous
systetn becomes
levitated causing
headache, dizzy
spells,. fits of
gio attacks,
ylientnatic pains,
weak' eyesight,
dull tired days,
s and a constant
inalination to worry Over trifles.
Booth's Kidney Pills strengthen Wok
lchtheyss cure backache, regulate the
mine and 1851050 to nornaar
Mons, axe guaranteed. All
dcalere serfs hOt . box ot, postpaid
front The R. T, Booth Go. Ltd., Feet
Erie, Ont. It, you would like to feet
them fetes write foe a trial box, Sold
arid gtiatanteed its Brussels by Jas.
Quickly Cured
Everybody has a cold. Some resort
to tablets and powders that contain
dangerous drugs and death from
heart -depressing remedies is uot in-
frequen ti.
Ib'spoor n
policy toneglect a cold -
especially when it can be cured so
quickly without medicine.
You can send the soothing vapor of
the pine woods, the richest balsams
and healing essences, right to the
cause of your cold by inhaling Cater -
1 hozone.
Little duops of woncletful curative
pnWer are distributed through the
whole breathing appatatne 111 two
ozLonilece wagnillicts•acle, that's how Oatecrh-
in bronchitis, catarrh,
colds, and imitable throat. Yon
simply breathe its oily, fragrant vapor
and every trace of congestion and
disease flees as before flee.
Catarrhozone Cures
No trace of the disease rennaine after
0 ca e mat-
ter to clog up the nese and cause you
to cough and spit --no more headache'
Owe is absolute.
I Because Oaterrhozone contains such
, healing balsams and soothing antisep-
tics it can't help curing every kind ,of
catauft, threat, lung and bronchial
; trouble.
Don't experiment longer--Oatarrh-
ozone means sure mire, TM) Months
treatment guaranteed, price $1.00
smaller size, 500 a11 all dealers, or the.
Caturrhozone Colima!' y, Kingston,
Popular Stallions
Following will be the routes of the
horses named for season of 1011 :-
J. J, MoGAVIN; Proprietor
Willehind this amen at, his oWn stable, Lot
22, Ceti. 18, McKillop, Oolta by Loudoli'a Fat,
orate won 1st and ltd 148ttaforth, and let ind
2nd at Brussele laet Fall. Terms-Sli, 4418
W. 3, Cloommt, Proprietor
MONDAY.-Letives his own tattlee, Lot' 90,
Con. 10, Grey, and gees North via lienfryti
road to Jas. Donaldami's Lot 0, Otin. 5, Elma,
for noon; than BOutli to 10th lime, then West
to Geo. Ellnebtlf 14111 Con, formight,
TITESDAY.-South to Luke 0. %Miran% Lot
28, Con, 15 Grey, for noon ;then West 2X inlleo
then North 2k1 miles, then to rumen Bow;
Orimbrook, for night.
Ii7180/4BsDAY.-8outh to Bobt. flueston"fh
La le, Con. 111, Grey, for noon ; Olen West to
Jaa McDonald's, Lot 1, 00n. In Grey, for tight,
Y,-Nortli and West to Frank
%trim', Lot 15, CO21,7, Morris, ter noon ; then
North via Centre Sid eroad to Oth Llne, then to
American Hotel Brussels, for alghb
lltITSAV.-W 11 go to Adam TUrnbUll% Lot
in, nos. e, Grey, rce• noori; then North aim
Wed to Will to's, Lot 18, 0011,10, Okay, tar
eaTtntlaaVS-Enet and North to Seellaver's
Molesworth, Por noon: then 80011 rIncl
Met to his own stable where he will remain
0581111w following Monday Morning.
Tenders for the construction of the Fiebleigh
Street Drain in the Village of Brussels will be
received up to June 5111. 1911,, by the nuclei -
signed at whose office the plans and specifica-
tions may bonen. E. 8. SOOTT,
Village Clerk.
The Court of Revision on the Assessment
Boll of the Village of Brussels, will be held at
the Council Chamber in the said Village of
Brussele, on Monday, the iith day of June next
at 8 o'clock p. itt. All parties Interested will
please take notice and g, oven theinseive0
cordingly._ F. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
NayBrussels, ay leth, 1911.
The People's Column
TH0110'-BRED YORKSHIRES, either sex,
at breeding age, for eale. Also 2 young
Shorthorn.hulle, one of them 1st Prize winner
at Brusaels JA8. SPBIR, Lot 80, Con, 0,
Dorris. Box 270.13russels P. 0, 'Phone 189.
1' A BARGAIN. -Will dispose or cottage;
Blizabeth street, Brussels, at 1560, ft great
bargain, in order to secure quiok sale. Rey
may be had from Mr. J. Leckie. For further
particulars ase Mr. Leckie or write the under-
signed. 3. H. OAMERON,
1000. George St., London,
land for sale ln the Southerly part of Bras.
stable, well, &u, and 2 urea of allele°
sole. Immediate possession can be given. For
furtheryartieulars apiTyRto F. S. Scott, Bras -
eels, or NO. Mang , Walton P. 0.
WARM BOB SALE, -Being Lot 20, Oon. 14,. 4. •
acres, all cleared. On the premisee bin brick
house, bank barn with hog pencombined, end
0" MoKillop township containing about 12 •
÷ Wingham +
is 111 extra good state of cultivation, having
been cropped light and large stook of both
hogs and cattle fed on it for years. Farm is
tars wri te J. IL HAMILTON, Walton P. 0„ or
apply on the prennses.
situated X miles from ached find 2 inilesaf:toifn
Walton C. P. R. station. For further prtion-
i Th 6 i .
4 .
+ •
I World •
14 calling you, why not. prep:tee 2.
+ now 3 The heisting mercantile •
• houses or oitnada and united t
+ States recognize one efficiency. +
4- •
.• The Spotton Business +
O ' Colleges I
have given thousands of young * people a good start in life. 'We •
+ can assist yen. 4.
2 Our Home Study •
e _ Courses
: offer unexcelled advantages to •
I those who cannot attend Oollege.
iPull particulars 0 pon inquiey, a
IVARM FOR SALE. -The 100 acre farm, (e
Ing the property of the late Peter McNeil,
Lot 22, Con. 14, Grey, is offered for sale by the
undereigned. There are 85 acres cleared, bal.
Fume well timbered. On the farm there le a
geed hank barn, large drivieg idled and a com-
fortable house, °Plaee in good condition and
well fenued. 1Por further particulars apply to
Mors, Oranbrook 55.0,, or F. 8, SCOTT, Brus-
sels. - 745
F' fe.ABN FOR SAL12.-The undersighed offers
for sale, his 102 acre farm. being Lot es
Oen. la Grey. About 50 name cleared, balance
in awamp, acres lu Ell wheat, 81 acres seed-
ed down. Fall plowing is wing done. On the
San ie a frame holute, bank barn, driving idled,
good orchard and drilled well. Close to post -
office, church and school, For further partiou-
lore aunty to JOHN OSBORNE, Proprietor,
or If, S. Soott, Brussels,
leARM. FOR SALE, being South half Lot 25,
11- Con. 4, Morris, townshin, Huron 0o., eon.
Mining 100 acree more or leta. On the prenr•
iseFt is a frame house, bank barn, good orchard,
well, WindMill, &o, All Wert red except about
an acre, School IK miles dietant 1
y 15
miles from Brussels, name of Fall wheat 35
find about 2950550 settled dovvh, For prlee,
terms and Other intorinatieu teeny en Die
promise:1 or if writing Dritakolli V. 0. 'Phone
128. Or F. 8, Scott, Brownie.
11•15 L. Mint% Proprietor.
PAVETeuiltat7strarOto i 2tiihnfa 8=1(3184!
Bien. Lots st.' and s2 compoSeethe Gardiner
homestead and dentate:4 about 180 norms all
firstMasa land, well fenced, well tilettrained
and Iiae news of good hardwood bush ; good
comfortable • buildeige with all modern bre
proeemente E plenty Of gO0c1 Spring Water and
a good g her . 1 is one of the
clotted forma in the Comae of Huron Mid
will besold dn terme 6e snit purchaser, Lot
20 contains 18615555 With 0111511 house end 'barn
an in pasture and has hew for years. There
ere ten acres of good bholt oh this WM. For
further particiiittre aPPIY to ALEX, GAIIIIIN•
ma, Walton P, 0,, or on the eternities, 40.15
2 Business College 4.
• •
1* GEO. SPOTTON, PrIncipB1
+.4444 +Of 0+•+•441
•••••••••••t..• 4,04.0••• ••••
To Machinery Users
and farmers
• •
4, te now ready for business, and,
•with good Machinery and Skilled
• Meehanics; we are In a position
• to attend to your repairs prompt-
• ly and at reasonable rates,
• If you will let us know Your
; wants we Will give yott honest.
• advice and help if connected
• with Machinery.
The New Maghine Shop of the 'I,'
4, Give us 11 teial and, by coming )
• to Evussois, save, time and money. 1
San yourselvea,
Mill Street Brussels •