HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-5-25, Page 2eseeheesdaevalededadieleadevelesieda Fades Hints tq ? i -ta xt 19 N t1a SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS, Lace, combined with net, is much fused, Everywhere we see a bit of bleak vain,back to Feathers are slowly coming b to the coiffure, "Natural" linens are in greater'' demand than colors. Still veiled are the various parts of milady's costume. Detachable trains are features of this year's bridal gowns. The short evening skirt has had its day except for young girls. Aigrettes -but of the manufactur- ed type are popular as trimming, There is a tendency to make UP simple dresses without a lining. Many little evening frocks are trimmed with cords of precious stones or beads to imitate them. Coral on black and white striped mousseline is stunning. Wonderfully pretty hair coiffures ,may be made by studding a gold ri- band with turquoise, or a black one with diamonds, a green with pearls or turquoise. Satin, either the real article or the cloth backed variety, is to be really the rage for the dressier skirts and suits, and surah asd taf- feta will run it a close second. Many of the Eton jackets have large revers. They are either the supple, folded satin shapes or the straight flat ones. They can be of. contrasting color, embroidered and beaded. Softest satin is now used for all petticoats. It is a fad of the season to have the petticoat for a street suit match the shade of the lining of the coat. Colored linings rather than white are fashionable. NEW TRIMMING FEATURES. Wide, flat ostrich trimming bands overlaid with roses. Butterflies and fans formed by wide, pleated satin ribbon. Fancy brim facings of layers of vagi -colored net or chiffon. Handsome brim bands of braid, jeweled or jet embroidered. Heavy cord -shirred effects in rib- bon garnitures of all kinds. Masses of foliage in the color of the hat, piled over the crown. Buckles, carbo -cholas and other or- naments made of lace Tuscan and studded with corals or turpuoises. 1 CBIPPEN CASE IN FRANCE. ` Woman Strangled by Ex -Convict and Her Body Buried. A man named Victor Gaubert has been arrested in the village of La Penne, near Marseilles, for the murder of his wife under circum- stances which are curiously like those of the Crippen case. Victor Gaubert was an engineer in the French fleet. But he struck his superior officer, and was sen- tenced to twenty years' hard labor. He served nine years and was then set at liberty for good conduct. Sonic years ago Gaubert and his wife Eliza came to live in the Villa Rosita at La Penne. On October 10 last year Eliza disappeared. Her worth studying, as they quickly husband told the neighbors that she mount up to a heavy item in the had gone to Mauritius to visit her year's expenditure. A scrubbing. family. He expressed great grief brush that is left to soak in a buck- et her desertion of him, saying that et quickly rots. Sweeping brooms she had gone without his permis- should never touch the floor except .ion, and that he believed she was in love with another man. Soon afterward Gaubert announc- ed his wife's death, and, after some months, he married a girl named Antonia Sidelles at Le Penne. The two lived at the Villa Rosita until three days ago, when Gaubert's be washed from time to tame as they THE BRIGHTEST DAY FOR EVERY WOMAN Conies 'With .Good. Health Through the Use of Dr. Willianue Pink Phis Her brightest day for every girl and every woman'. is the • day when she looks well, feels well and is well, but with most of the fair sex such days are rare. Instead they, suffer from a painful languor, have a terrible weakness in the back, headaches that make everything seem blurred, and a ceaseless ach- ing in the limbs. These and other trials afflict girls and women through the lack of rich, red blood nature is -calling for, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have given the joy of real robust health to thou- sands of women who are happy to- day because these Pills actually make the rich, red blood that makes weak ones well and strong. This statement has been proven over and over. again Here is fur- ther proof from Mrs. C. J. Brook, Manitou, Man., who says : "After a busy term on second class work, followed only bya short time of re- laxation, and a strenuous two and a half months normal course, in March, 1906, I began 'teaching school. I had a heavy rural school, with a large attendance, and con- sequently a large number of grades, thus I found the work a great nerv- ous strain. This added to the over- work of study, previous to teach- ing, soon resulted in a "run down" condition. When vacation time came I did not pay much attention to my condition as I thought the holidays would restore me, but as I resumed work again I soon found this was not the ease. One morn- ing when I came to breakfast every- thing reeled before me and I almost fainted away. The lady with whom I was boarding advised me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She al- ways spoke very highly of them, her daughter having used them with the most beneficial results follow- ing a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. I decided to take her advice; and had only taken a few boxes when I began to improve in health -and such an appetite as I had. I rapidly gained health, my face had a healthy glow, and I es of sand, he put the legs of this gained -in weight. I have since of- cot into these pots, and signified I ten recommended Dr. Williams' that the vessel was ready to be Pink Pills to others who have used launched. them with equally, beneficial results, l As I sat doubled up on the extern - and I believe the Pills to be a 1 porized raft, -in company with my standard remedy tor the ills for -saddle I found myself raised an which you recommend them." You can get. these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 Dr. ms' from The Dr. WilliaMedicine 1 soon landed me on the opposite Co., Brockville, Ont. A PRIMITIVE PERRY -BOAT, Methods Used in Crossing Flooded Streams in India. In a eoeutry where rivers are subject to sudden and heavy floods, bridges are sometimes so insecure that ferries are kept up. through centuries. Such is the Dasa in India, and the methods' of grossing the streams are now what they have been from the earliest times. Colonel Davidson, in his "Memor- ies of a Long Life," tells how he was taken across a, river of that country in time of freshet. The contrivance was simple, and may have been used in the Orient as long as history shows any record. A cord having been fastened to a largo, elongated gourd, and a smaller gourd being tied to the other, the native gets astride, and laying his breast on the larger gourd, with hands and feet he pad- dles himself across. Women, too, avail themselves of this singular conveyance under the escort of a ferryman, who similarly mounted, for the small remunera- tion of a farthing, takes his charge in tow, carries her basket, with perhaps a child in it, on his head, and eonvays them .safe across. Herds of cattle swim these flood- ed rivers like water -rats, and the herd boy, as a matter of course, takes the tail of the hindmost bul- lock in bis hand, and thus gains a very -comfortable lift across. These methods of crossing rivers, however, are hardly • in accordance with our European ideas of comfort; so thought I one day as I stood after a long ride on the bank of a wide and rapid stream which separated me from my halting -place. I did not relish the idea of buffeting the muddy current on a horse of gourds, but as there was no boat within twenty miles, it seemed as if I must either do this or bivouac on the bank without my dinner. While I was in this dilemma, a native signified that he would soon set me right. From a neighboring hut he brought a native bedstead -- not a four-poster such as Ns, e•luxuri- ous people use, but a small, light frame of wood, having four little legs and held together by the inter- lacing of a piece of cord, which thus forms a sort of netted bottom to this simple piece of furniture. He next brought out four round earthen pots; and after protecting the bottoms of each with a few inch= THE POSTMASTER TELLS HIS FRIENDS inch or two above the level of the water, the earthen pots forming ad- mirable floats. A couple of lusty cents a. box six boxes for 52.00 swimmers then took me in tow, an' HINTS FOR THE HOUSE. Dry your duster before polishing furniture, and you will then find no smears left behind. Some people like hot dusters for the purpose. bank. THAT THEY SHOULD USE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS FOB KIDNEY ILLS. lie had Backache' foe a long time but Dodd's Kidney Pills cured it. That is why lie recommends thont. Dyment, Ont„ May 15, (Special)- John Olberg, postmaster here, and well-known throughout this entire neighborhood, is telling his friends that Dodd's Kidney Pills are the cure for all forms of Kidney Dis- ease. And when they ask how he knows, this is the answer he gives: "I was troubled with Backache for a long time and Dodd's Kidney Pills cured it. That's why I recom- mend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all sufferers from Kidney Disease." And the. postmaster is not the only one in this neighborhood who has found relief from their Kidney ills in the old reliable remedy, Dodd'. Kidney Pills. Others there aro whose Rheumatism has been re- lieved, whose Dropsy has vanished, and whose Urinary Troubles have been cured. For if the disease is of the - Kidneys, or caused by the Kidneys being out of order, Dodd's Kidney Pills_ never fail to cure it. ACCOUNTED FOR. It was at the police -court. A wit- ness for the defence had been ex- amined, when the prosecuting soli- citor stood up to crush him. Solicitor -"Why didyou hide Sullivan in your house on that Sat- urday night t" Witness -"I did not see Sullivan at all en that night." Solicitor (knowingly) -"Will you swear your wife did not hide Sulli- can on that night '' Witness (hesitatingly) -"Ye -es." Solicitor (more knowingly) -"`Will your wife swear that she did not SUFFERED GREATLY FROII OOLIO Mrs. lime Guenette, L'Immac - lee Conception, Que., writes: ' y little boy suffered greatly from Bedroom windows should never colic. I gave him castor oil and be entirely closed if the owner is j' other medicines without helping in fair health. Even on the coldest I him in the least. One day I saw night in winter the window should Baby's Own Tablets advertised, so be open an inch at the top. ( wrote for a box. I found them so The economy of brushes is quite good that I always keep them in the house and would use no other medicine for baby." The experi- ence of Mrs. Guenette' has been that of thousands of other mothers. Not only do the Tablets cure colic, but they cure constipation, vomit - in indigestion, make teething when in actual use; they shoulfl at g, b once be stood on the point of the handle, head upwards, against the' wall if there is not a broom -rack. Dusting brushes should have a string on the handle and be hung up after use. Brushes should all lease expired, and the landlord took possession of the house. Some necessary repairs had to in makingthem thewith workmen made andareborn w and many c noticed that tiles of the hem s, Spare thesuffering by us - flooring of the scullery had been 'them. ing Mother Graves' Worm Exter- taken up and put down again un- minator, the best remedy of the evenly. They took them up again, kind that can be had. saw that the earth beneath showed signs of disturbance, and.a little way down they found the body of Eliza Gaubert. The body was left where it was, and the workmen informed the po- llee, who took possession of the House. Later on the body was sub- jected to medical examination, as a result of which the doctors de- clare that the woman was strangled. Gaubert was asked by the land- lord to come to see him at the Vil- la Rosita. When be arrived there Ire was arrested and taken into the scullery. At the sight of his wife's body he burst into tears and con- fessed that he had buried her, de- claring. however, that be had not killed her. His story is an extraordinary. one, as that told by Crippen. He said: "My wife, was a very Note -temper- ed woman. She was frantically jeer - Pus of Antonia, whom I have since married. On October 16 last we had a bitter quarrel about her. She lifted a knife up, and was threat- ening me with it when suddenly it fell from her hand and struck her. She uttered a tona cry and dropped to the ground dead. I was terribly frightened. I Felt sure that I od;of miirria,'ri7s5l get dirty, just as dusters do. Nearly all children are subject to THERE WAS A REASON. "It's all very well for you to preach economy." said his wife; "but I notice whenever I cut down expenses that yuu smoke better cigars and spend more money for ;your own ple::sure than at any other time." "Well, confound it! What do you suppose I want you to economize for, anywayt" EMPRESS HOARDED iiOLD Secret Savings of China's Late Tire • teal Ruled. There aro Persistent reports in China that gold bars, to the value of $30,OQ0,000, part of the late Dow- ager Empress' hoard, have been &hipped secretly to England, Tse Iasi, the late Dowager Em- press of China, had the reputation of being the richest woman in the world, but it is impossible to esti- mate the millions she possessed. Her rapacity was amazing. Her favor had to be bought by all who sought for it. Money, exquisite genie, houses, and beautiful silks and furs were humbly offered in vast amounts, and haughtily accep- ted., As each ten years of her life was completed, apart from a State - granted additional income of near- ly 5250,000, she gathered an enorm- ous harvest of gifts. On'her `60th birthday she; was said to have re- ceived 57,500,000 in presents, and on her 70th birthday 510,000,000, There is a story that a grant some years ago 01 515,000,000 from the treasury for building warships was largely used in building a pa- lace for Tse Hsi. The simple de- vice of writing "Yemen of the Ad- miralty" on one of the gates was considered sufficient to explain the expenditure to possible grumblers. During the occupation of Pekin by the allied troops in 1900 many of her treasures wore lost in the looting that took place, but the amount successfully concealed must have been very great. ' alp �t' curea•eolda. heals tRb. the etopa con e. 2g cauls. Wa throat aadlun o USED TO IT. _ Thompson -Wouldn't' you hate to have death staring you in the face? "Oh, in varying quantities. Johnson -No. If you'd seen my "Well, that may account for wife's stare, you'd realize that some girls eking better matches death's has no terror for me. than ethers.' A doctor's wife. once attempted to move her husband by tears. "Ann," said he, "tears are useless. I have A New 'Neal in $O Minutes Exchange tbat .sting, tbrobbiny, euU,rigot muddled bead fora clear, -cool, corniulable one by toting a NA -DRU -CO Headache Wafer 25c. p box at S'sur druggists' or by mall from 26 Netionol Orog and Chemical Co, of Canada Limited, Mooned. rr a ri rr it i the A REFLECTION, No wonder they say marriage is lottery with few •proses, What makes you say that 7" Why, even at the very wedding, s never the best man who gets bride," T To ma tab ha. live the al mixt eau mu do wil ben to Jo de ea 60 lit be yo hese Pills Curd Rheumatism. - the many who suffer from rheu- tism a trial of Parmelee's Vege le Pills is recommended. They ve pronounced action upon the r and kidneys and by regulating action of'these organs act as an ternative in preventing the ad- •ure of uric acid and blood that ses this painful disorder. They st be taken according to direc- ns and used steadily and they 1 speedily give evidence of their eficial effects. SUPPOSE. ohnny-"Grandpa, do lions go heaven?" Grandpa -"No, Johnny" hnny-"`Well, do ministers7" Grandpa -"Why,. of course. Why you ask t" Tohnny "Well, suppose a lion is a minister1" Do your feet feel -tired. achy, and re at night 7 Rub them with & tie Hamlins Wizard Oil. • They'll glad in the morning and so will u. PYROTECHNIC. "`Now they claim that the huma body contains sulphur." "In what amount7" hide Sullivan in your house on that analyzed.them. They contain a lit - night?" tie phosphate of lime, some chlor - Witness (more hesitatingly)- ate of sodium, and that s all." "W ell -I -don't -`,hint -so:" Solicitor (most knowingly) -"Ah 1 And perhaps you can tell the court, how it is you can swear your wife did not hide him, while she cannot swear the same thing. Speak 'up, now, and tell the truth." Witness (unhesitatingly) -"Well, you see, I'm not a married man." 1�®Jl CPT, quickly stops coughs, cures colds, heals the throat sad hods. • • • . 2S coats. Put the sugar used in a tart in layers with the fruit, not on the top, for that is apt to make the ,pastry sodden. MInard's Liniment used by Physicians. Locks and door hinges should be oiled from time to time to keep them working well, and free from squeak- ing. easy, banish worms and make ba y bright, active and happy. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. It's all right to have one sided views if you only look on the bright side. EDY EYE REM e �,•1'RY MURINE for lied, Wealc, Weary, Watery Byes and G ranulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell • MEyeLis Salve 25c, 50c, $1.00.ur no n Aseptic Tubes, 25e, ,p1.00. Dye Books and Eye I e hE.7yeiRem Free Co, Chicago Trial is Inexpensive. -To those who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- tion, rheumatism or any ailment arising from derangement of the di- gestive system, a trial of Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills is recommend- ed, should the sufferer be unac- quainted with them. The'' trial will be inexpensive and the result will be another customer for this excel= lent medicine. So effective is their action that many cures can certain- ly be traced to their use where other pills have proved ineffective. ABSENCE OF MIND. A certain absent-minded profes- sor, who was a deep thinker, and consequently preoccupied, was rending one evening after dinner when his wife approached, and, touching him on the shoulder, re- marked softly : "Mr. and Mrs. Branner are coming over this ev- ening, so just go upstairs and put on your Boat." The quiet little professor com- plied without a, murmur. An hour later, when the visitors had been in the house some time, the hostess excused herself for a moment and slipped upstairs to see what detained her husband, She found him in bed, calmly sleeping. "Oh, to bo sure, the Branners i" he said, when she awakened him, "1 must have forgotten what 1 atom up for when I removed my coat, for I kept on undressing and went straight to bed. r1' f k P There may be just as good fish in the sea as ever were caught, but a fish that is caught is worth two in the sea. Mlnard's Liniment Lumberman'. Friend.• REMINISCENT. "And where,"demanded his' wife, with flashing eyes, "would you be now only for mel" The man glanced at the clock. It was verging on midnight. He sigh- ed and was silent. CURED HIS LAME BACK. • lest Port William, Nov. 7511, 1900,-"I bare been troubled with a lame back for the past twenty years and have used plasters and Ointments without ,effect. At last I tried Gin Pills, which proved just the thing, and I would highly re- commend them to anyone who. has a Strained or Lame Back" II, BARENESS. It Rubs Pain Away. -There is no liniment so efficacious in overcom- ing pain as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. The hand thatrubs it in rubs ilia pain away and on this account there is no preparation that stands so high in public esteem. There is no surer pain -killer procurable, as thousands can.atteet who have used is successfully in treating many ail- ments. BLISS. Mrs. Quackenness-"Am yo' daughter happily mar'd, Sistah Sagg 7" Mrs. Sagg-"She sho' is i Bless goodness, she's done got a husband dat's skeered to death of heel" Keep Mlnard's Liniment In the house. Dootor-"Your wife needs out- door exercise more than anything else." Husband -`But' she won't go out. What. am I to. do?" Doctor -"Give her plenty of money to shop with." Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is a speedy eure for dysen- tery, diarrhoea, cholera, summer complaint, sea sickness and com- plaints incidental to children teeth- ing. It gives immediate relief to. those suffering from the effects of indiscretion in eating unripe fruit, cucumbers, etc. itacts with won- derful rapidity and never fails to conquer the disease. No one need fear oholera if they have a bottle of this medicine convenient. DOCTOR IS IMMUNE. Gin Pills aot directly on the Kidneys, reiitv5 the .Pain neutralize trrio Acid which is generally termed when there 10 Kidney Trouble. Try .Gin Pills yourself before' buying the regular .606. boxes. Write Nationa. Drug & Chenrioal Co. (Dept. •IY.L.), Tor- onto, for tree sample.) Mane w all I oared orae of the g MINARD's' LINIMENT, CHRISTOPHER SAIINDE1SS, Dalhousie. - I cured a horse badly torn by a pitch fork, with MINARD'S LINIMENT. St. Peter's, O.B.. EDW.. LINLIEF, I cured a horse of'a bad swelling py MINAR1Y$ LINIMENT.° THOS. W. Reale. Bathurst, N.B. - • 1 Irate Woman -"These po- graphs you made of myself an• us - ba are not at all satisfactory, an refuse to accept them. Why, mssband looks like a babvon." i P g P .her-"Wll, that' no. Ifiscc ra e faulij of mine, madam. You hoard have thought of that befor you had him taken." "When a man dies, is an inquest always held i" "Oh, no. If a doctor has been in attendance, the coroner is not sup- e to enquire uire into the have q pose cause of death." . Never borrow anything you can't return -not even trouble. sNp aokaa wrote CLEANER sr4,510- "SNAP" "SNAP"_ is a wonder - worker in the home. Try it on those pots, pans and kettles that' soap .won't clean. people are discovering new uses for "S -N -A -P" every day. Try it yourself. 15c. a eon. 60 REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND 0HILD.e '•MA5. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYAnr 1 used for over SIXTY YEARS by MIr,I, MOTHERS for their CHILDREN $RNECT SUCC' Tsar SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS th ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND .. It l ..-.. is the.best remedy for DIARRHEA.: It is ab- solutely harmless. De sure and ask or "Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup," and tat no other kind• Twenty-five scats a bottle. 4 s been ON$ of WHILE SS. It CuMS, r FARMS FOR SALE QR RENT. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street Toronto, TFiyouhwant to invest in Alberta, Saar rov dtor unimproved, o ednit Manitoba pay Lunde. flat can �It me, ....p P ,� 1rNDRED ACRES, QDusty vi sena Thirty -Rye Hundrd'd, ,rqq''INDEED ACRS, County of feel. y Five Thousand Five Hundred. $ looking for a Fruit Farm, •I 0011 satrefv you as I 111:075)FruitFerree a I sizes from three sorry up to two gulf*` Brod acPrloes are ac0S & locality and improvements•n It feoordtin conn interrst tores, consult m0. - IOT= Ii uRed, County York, • TwenSl- REE HUNDRED AOREH with hu MIMED acres timber, co. Milton, ill.westY.nine Thousand. p I have over four hundred 1arm9 001 myv list suitable for Stook, Gram or berms, I may have Dust the.: arm youprant.- �w. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne ' Street, Toronto. Phone 6990 Marine lr igo'ts and holidays, Park 627. AGENTS WANTED. ' D REPRESENTATIVES, eithor Z'>V 0e . on goods necessary brt8 sSa locally, ad. Salary 2 dollars par dap and 3, talon, Experience unnecessary. - J. L Spots Co., Limited, Toronto. GENTS WAN'1rED. A study of other Agency propositions convinces as t at none can equal ours. You will (gp1 aye regret it if you don't apply 09 rticrt 6E a Ott0vo„Travellers' Dept,. MISCELLANEOUS. ANTED -Ontario Veteran Lando, ARM SCALES, spottily price. Wilson's Ee lanade, Toronto, W located. A, N. Hott, Berlin, Ont, FSeale works, 9 p BERDEEN-ANGAS CATTLE. g ,� Greatest Bent Breed. IInparail to for es crossing purposes. For tubGuelph, 501505 Bowman, 11lm Park, Gue1Pl5 LEARN THE BARBER TRADE—N.4 system—constant practice — care[ui utetruotton-a few weeks'. complete eobtrgii -tools free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Write 8for eats: 10808. Molar Barber College, 'act, Toronto. CANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, oto, In- k/ ternal and external, cured withoat before byourDome r, Rehman. Write wood, Out, 6 T004 80.8LE, special cToro ilson a Scale Works, Esplanade, T r OMEN WANTED to take orders In spare .time, no experieno0 nese.• mothers nand lines especially oApply Il Dept. used by Brit ieh Canadian Industrial Company, PM Albert St., Ottawa. '-''t PEGIALISTS. ADVICE FREE, Consult. us in regard to any disease. Lowest pricee in drugs of all kinds. masses fitted by mail. Send measure. ment.. Glasses fitted by age. Write to•da7 for anything: sold in ret•olass drag stores' to Dr • Bellman, Collingwood, Ont. MO ereEFertile Eggs, 82 tortthirty.a8*. W Wardle, Corinth; Ont, WE 9 wa kss Yorkshire in Ontario. ton dollars each, write ,for what you wast. Thos._ N. Raven & Son, Aldboro P.O., Out. CHEAP. LANDS in 'Saskatchewan Val• lJ ley Good openings for tradesmen and farmers. English speaking settle, want. Write for illustrated pamphlet to Secretary. Board of Trade, Marshall, Sask. WHY SHE WEPT.' I asked her why she wept And the truth she revealed By holding up before me i An onion she had peeled.; Ask for Minard's.. and take no tither. EXPLAINED. Indignant diner -Look here, waiter; I just found a button in this dish of roast turkey. Calm Waiter -Yes, sir, it is part of the . dressing. Why suffer from corns when they can be painlessly rooted out by.us- ing Holloway's Corn Cure. THE INDIAN'S VISION. CHENILLE CURTAINS end ell kinds of house hangings, sled LACE CURTAINS °'YE u*i11 NEW. Write to-ve about route. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00:, BoMOa8. Montreal 0IIR PRICES ON: EXTENSION LADDERS, BUTTER WORKERS, WASHING MACHINES. ETC: Will Savo Yon Money. Get- our Free, Catalogue. SEMMENS & 5014, 174 York St., Hamilton, Ont. Thr FleieYitb ,RianoISthe Action. lnsilst,en the —OTTO HIGELae Piano Action HER SUSPICION. He (soulfully) -There are a, thou- sand stars tonight looking down upon you. She -Is my hat on straight 7 More or less wonderful accounts have from time to time been given of the powers of vision, possessed by savage races. During a British anthropological expedition to Tor- ies Straits the visual faculty of the natives was carefully tested, and from these tests the conclusion was reached that.the excellence of vis- ion shown by the savages' has a.. psychological origin; that is to say, it arises from knowing what to look for. When'the civilized man acquires familiarity with the en- vironment he can see as far as they can. Thus the power of an Indian to tell the sex of a deer at such a distance that distinguishing feat- ure like antlers were invisible wae. found to rest upon his knowledge of the peculiar gait of the male deer. Mentholated e Vat '� tri:,. s R '' i •.. -�I` .. linVii/ AfiaysNeural%icPainS. ei`yousNeCadactie. Cold in Head. l2Vaseline Remedies.k Tubes - Camphor Ice, Borated, Carbdated,Camphoraied. White.Oxide of Zinc, etc. Eachfor special purposes Write for FreeVaseline Boole tsrxtnaecunro.tatt.•ubssoe.osoln.,si mteu Patent leather belts in back, blue, re :or white are to be e stylish fo- inon tops, 0 cJRE ?OR SKIN' INJURIES & DISEASES. SJ ,r, • .,. .. I,.�.c.uv.�71,P'+ �:.i "•,`. .mob t:ui al . ^Lr,"IR�,. :..�f��w7✓.Ya'a..�.t li,�a1 .�'�-. �i...•t�s x-".+tri;Y._'rn ,,...._ A herbal balm;,, best thing for the tender skins of els ohildrenf, yet poweilui enough to heal aril• dUTt7s ohronio so°'rl; highly ant septio, oases hails and omartingsoon as applied - that is Zam•Ruk. Remember it Is purely herbal -no mineral xt poisons, no animal fats. Power and purity oombined 1 .> `'.. .Afl dinitrate sad 'tares self a1 See. a bat.