HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-5-18, Page 1VOL 39 NO. 46 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 18, Igll
New Advertisements
Slotioo-F, S, fit Ott.
liewnrd-G. K. Bell.
Wonders -Xs . Scott,
tiara --J,
J. 11roQnvia, ..
Won pap r-J9s. )P9x,,
Pasture if, Duncan.
rten'a went -D• 0, Moss,
Buggies 43.-8. carter.
may 24th G. P. Mnftland,
To oontraotors-A. MaOEWen•
..'arm for sale -3. R. Hamilton.
Tho C{toriona Twelfth -W, 8. Anderson,
Ilzst r`zxt tietus
Bethel Ladies' Aid helcl their meeting
Thursday, of taut week at the home
of John Doherty: There was a good
attendance aijd'the principal business
was arranging for bhe Garden Party
which they intend t0 -hold on June
21st at the beautiful home of John J.
McGavin. Everyone should xternem-
bee the date as there is euro to be a
good time. .
OLose CALL. -There was big -excite-
ment in Molesworth on Monday of
'last week when the baro beside Mit-
'chelYs store was bt;rned down, Some
ashes had been dumped puband it
seems thatthe wind carried these
setting the barn o0 fire. Miss Laura
Mitchell was first to notice the flee and
succeeded in liberating the live stock.
The neighbors and a number in the
village attending the quarterly board
meeting quickly gathered and did
valiant work with pane and buckets,
and though only an alleyway separat-
ed the store from the barn they were
able to prevent the store taking fire.
Glorious Twelfth
es -Sven
Arrange to celebratewibh the Orange-
ran e -
nen on July 12th, 1911, at
Spend the day by the Lake.
Geed Speeches will be delivered.
A fine program. of water sportS'is be-
ing arranged. -
Accotnmodatiou for everybody is be-
ng provided.
Watch for Further Particulars,
J. J. Hunter W. 8. Anderson
W. M. - Seoretary.. -
Several times fire started at ehereh
sheds but each time ib was pet oat be-
fore doing any damage: Mrs, Sang-
ster owned the barn, which was
sated. There Will be a loss of about
$30 on the comtents, which were own-
ed by the Mitchell 13roe., wbn feel
wary grateful for the timely assistance
of those who assisted in fighting the
flames. •
Blyth will probably .send a goodly
delegation to BBrusselsonVicturia Day
to witness the sports.
Rev E A; Fear and J. Moody are
at Gocletcll this week attendingg the
annual District meeting of the Metho-
dist church.
Next Sunday Rev. S. A., Oarriere, of
Grand Bend, will occupy the pulpit of
St, Andrew's Church, The pastor
will beat Grand Bend.
Mothers' Day was observed last Sab-.
bath morning in the Methodist clhurch.
when the pastor preached a discourse
to mothers. Spetlial music was rend-.
r Rev. T. L. Small, B. A., will attend -
the Jubilee services in Exeter Presby-
terian Church next Monclay evening,
representing Huron Presbytery, of
which he is the present Moderator.
A big Concert is being arranged for
'by the Choir of Blyth Presbyterian
Church for the evening on. May 20th.
Among the outside talent will be Miss
Heinike, violinist,, and Miss Belcher,
elocutionist, o1' Goderich. , Program
will be choice.
R. R. and Mrs. • Sallows, of Gode-
rich, am;ouncethe' engagement of
their daughter, Florence Irene, to
Charles K. Saundere,mson of Alex. and
Mrs. Saunders, Goderich, The mar-
riage will take place very quietly the
latter part
of June.
ow R. - The special
committee of Huron county council,
appointed at January. -session, to en-
quire into the feasibility of Maitland
power,conferred.. with the Hydro -
Electric Commission in Toronto the
other day. While thereportof the
engineers of the Coinnhission is not
yet made public, it will establish
the fact that a sufficient supply of
electricity can be generated on the
Maitland river to supply the whole
county of Huron, that is towns and
villages as well as to the farmers.
The difficulty in the way of the devel-
opment of Maitland power seems to be
that the property necessary for the
successful caveying•out of this project
is controlled by the West Shore Rail.`
way Oornpany, who may demand a
Prohibitive price to _relinquish their.
claims. Itis understood that the - re-
port of the Hydro -Electric engineers
will state there is not only sufficient
power to supply all the demands from,
the county, but that at certain seasons
w- . .C.,„..,,...,.
+ •
•.y itemosmume
+ • XPECTING - to
have a long,'l
t. E
:Summer after:_
ttie.severe seasons just
ast we
Meet every.
e n .
� encY
• Monthf:ers ago
g0 we
„it everything for'
� g ) g
• Mans and for Boy's _
+ Comfort during the hot
.♦. weather. Enough
cannot . be said
-: *`- regarding our Great :/ `.
. •
REl5ThA° - •
'"• •t•
:.'.H Selections. W
t10nS■ a mention a few and n Solicit your
.. patronage for same.
• e In Straw Goods ur stocks•
R . ave complete. from the common
• • Bloaters at 10c a to the n
p fi est grades of Pailaruas. •.
♦, See our Young Men's Straws from
g bOc tn'$2.00..' •
• bee our selection of Mens Soft St1•aivs, Sailors` and Panemats, •
' from 50i, up,
+• •
Along with above we excel in Patterns of the Negligee Shirts
1 With Reversible Dollars and Soft Cuffs. Just ththingto - •
-wear to be cool, 1
Summer Underwear
ln many IGaliti
Flee Light Weight Wool Porouss Knit Balliri an;in Knee101 those ose
who da not ` Di`aVyers and Short Steevo5h'trts,
like cotton. • The coolest garment rials;
Balbriggan Combinations 1
gg atson Elastic ails Itt t
gtBiilhri =
the garment, sleeting gan Shiite rind Dr;awers
with approval. bound to please.
Our. Small. Profits and Extra
Quality will convince all
/ /4 il1N2r /
* The
e• _ . ,(:)/S)
Groceries always in
, a on. i»
Highest •
est 1'ric s for Produce.
g re
• lime one, with osis bnitdtu e; etc.
1 Price aid was 8 g lin- d
8I50, He
.l• P
♦ !•6•+•+!+• l • 1 ! L •9'•'t •+.+1+1A +1 F1+'1+• i •1 +gets d
♦4.19 •+1a`1a'•a`•9`� 1 mediate Ossess�on, •1Vt • .
p r. i3nte�rrrsnit ' :fi
of the year there will be a surplus of
energy which will be utilized futile',
East, and in. the dry soitsoli8Niagat•a
power will. be brought into re nlsition
and in this way it is hoped to bring
dawn c w t the price of elect tin 'energy 10
diose contignons to Maitland powor,
below the Niagara figure. However,
nothing ore tlefin'ite character °en be
Swirlmail the report of the Onrnmie-
sion is received by the council, It is
likely the (natter will be dealt with et
the J line 'meeting of the County Conn-
ed, when it will probably be deckled
whether or not the limn lei palitieewill
ol` will not have the advantage of this
cheap power.
a:oak Brandon, of Stratford, s)gilt
Sunday with this sister, Mrs. W. Reid,
of Haat, Wawanosh.
William Watson, of llelgrave, has
fouucl it necessary to take up residence
fora while in CViiigharn hospital. It
is hoped that he will soot regain his
Ileal th.
'There will be a drainage dernonstra-
bion on the farm of Geo. T. Robertson,
Lot 85, Con, 10, East Wawa cosh, est 2
p. m. on May 22nd. . These drainage
clemonstiations are tisefill and -those
interested should attend.
GRADUATES OF .fors wO0D.-The
Guelph Mercury of May 12th speaks
as follotving of the graduation of live
braiued nurses, one of whim is a well
k town i•esi eat of this >
d time hcalitg,•--Tho
Misses Elizab'etlt. Bawtinhimer, of
Henfryn, Ont. •, Aubrey Casey, Thor-
old, Ont. ; Slargat•et O'Grady, Brant-
ford Helen Foley, Cobnurg, Ont., and
Gertrude Rea, of Lindsay, Ont.. five
young nurses of the Homewood Sani-
tarium, were the centre of an inter-
esting cerernony'iu the rotunda of one
Of the handsome buildings of -the san-
itarium last evening. The occasion
was the graduation exercises' and the
ladies wore the fair graduates. The
ceremony was_a8 pretty its it. Was im-
pressive. The five disciples ,of the im-
moi tat Florence Nightingale ware
very becomingly gowned and each of
thein carried a huge boquet ofA'meri
can beauty roses, the gift of Miss
Street, the head nesse of the institut-
ion. The pleasant deity of presenting
the diplomas fell to Rev. Mr. Tovell,
who made a brief congratulatory ad-
dress in doing ea. Dr. Chabot, of
Ottawa, presented a handsome class
pin to each of the graduates, and brief
addresses were given by Dv. A. T.
Hobbs, the superintendent, as well as
by D. Barnes and Dr. Robinson, of
Homewood 'staff. After the formal
exercises tit very enjoyable evening wris
spent in music and dancing." Nurse
Bawtinhimer's many friends about
here wish her great success in plying
the healing Art.
Alex. and Mis. -Munro' spent last
Friday in Toronto.
Robert Miller, of West Toronto,.
was in the village on Friday; "'
Miss 14sA lea
s td
of Loudon, o was th
Pp Ye.
nest at Mrs. P Davey D
g ey receuLly.
Mss E, V.
1 Lewis was - the guest of
friends in Batt I ieton over Sunday.
Merton and Mrs. Rowe returned to
their berme in
Dunnville on SuG rd
tit ay.
Mrs. B. Henning has returned from
Toronto whets she has spent several
Nesbit Lain
'Vette'', i
Laing, ofo s spending
a two weeks' holiday with his mother,;
Mrs. R. Laing.
Mrs. T. Patterson and little (laugh
ter, -of Mussels, .sere guests of Jno;
and Mrs, Patterson.
• Tuesday J. Bretbauer and W. 5.
51:cKeecliet•, of Wroxeter, were at
0liutou attending the Co. Beekeepers'
Convention. '
Thui's11ay-of.lbis",week Rey. Mr, Me-
Keuzie was at Fordwieb, -where the
annual District meeting of the Metho-
dist church: is in sessioh.
lliss A. P. Russell, of London, who
14)011 part in Library Ooricert, last
Wednesday evening, was the guest of
hercnus] t, Mrs. H. Brawn, for several.
days• '
Wm. Wilson, of the Traders Bank,
left for Dutton on Morality, where he
htis been transferred to a branch of
the bank there. His place here will
be ;fallen by Mr. Wilson, of Hamilton.
Brussels is putting o0 a•• good pro-
>5•ram for Victoria Day and Walton -
sans will be there to see the fun, •
Rev. and Mrs. Lundy and Mrs.
Joseph .Bennett attended Maitland
Presbytery and Presbyterial, respect=
ively, at Ripley, this. week.
Friday evening of lttst week Rev. -
Mt. Wright, of Saudis, delivered a
111081 excellent Lecture.in St. George's
church, the subject being St. Patrick,
We are sorry tostate that Mrs.
Alex. Buchanan's health is. nob good
and she will take a 00ti1'55 0f treats
merit et Clinton hospital which we
trust will prove helpful. A good share
of the trouble is in her throat.
Next Sun
daye •
in Bethel'
church, the Young People's meetings,
will be reopened,
Mrs. Lacicland will
give an address on "Iiow to get young
people interested 111- League Work.',
The meeting will begin at 8 o'clock.
and all swill be welcome.
A note from W. j. Hawthorn says :
-I 1101 living in Killarney, thin., and
have my sister keeping house for me
and the children, An, getting along
nicely at my work. Wheat seeditlgg is'
about, done ill my district thrid ]and is
in prime condition, to co inion,()repeats
p coming
on fine.
Pal til Bovc;Ilx »-I
,ttst week ek Adam
Sholdice, a well kuo4n resident of
this locality, purchased the farm of
N. Ii. finis inson, Lot 80, Oon, 14,
111cltillop Jl toile West of• Walt
The farm eoiitafns 127 acres and is a
• For
• �Arr
At BrusselsPhoto Stud'
• Mohr Portrait taken from 9.a.M. •
• to 3 p, ill. at 4 discount, . From
• 3 to 6 p. m, at usual price. ' Sit •
• early and get best Photos, at •
e1 lowest prioe.•
• •
• G. F. Maitland
• •
will hold an auction sale of live stock,
implements, etc., Tuesday afternoon
of next week. ' We wish Mr. Sholdbce
success with his new possessions,- ISiv.
Hutchinson has not definitely decided
where he will locate. We would like
to see Waited his family remain In
the locality.
Mise 1lic0ormic1, of Trowbeid e
Was renewing old friendships here la:t
- Miss Eva Bryans, who has' been
the Queeu City for some time, has al.
rived home.
Watclh Out fora delegation fCom
Jamestown locality at yogi.` Celebra-
tion nextWeduesday,
We are sorry to state that the in-
fant daughter of Wrn. and Alice
Turnbull, at ubull, 4th eon., died onTuesday 'of
this week days. 18 aged,
g ys I'uneraltook
place Thursday to Brussels cemetery.
The pa4•ents will be sympathised with
in the loss of the baby. -
Dixon D Oom roxLtoR.-lura recent
municipal eleeti.on for the new town
of Carmangay,-Alberta, we are pleas-
ed to notice that Dr. Will. E. Bryans,
son of Edward and Mrs. Bryans well
known eesidents of this locality, stood
.2nd in -the list of winners in' a lively
class of 11 candidates. ` He •should
make an A 1 memberaiid we expect to.
chronicle early promotion to the head
of the table.
Township Council will be held next
Monday, 22nd inst.
Miss Lawrence, of Seaforth, was a
visitor with Miss Martha Sinith, 7th
The Celebration at Brussels inn Vic
toria Day will attract a good many
from Grey that•clay if the weather is
There was quite a clearing out of
fat cattle by Grey township feeders
last Friday. 5 cars were shipped from
Last week Mrs. is. H
to the hospital a
t Clinton where she
s 1e
underwent e vent an o exatimr fol• the1
moval of a cancer in her breast Icer
many friends hope she will have a
speedy recovery and soon be enabled
to return to her home.
M. S 'he W
c nen'si '
M sslonai'
Auxiliary of Union Church held
annual meeting on May 10111 in the
church when the following officers
were• elected • :-President, Mrs.
Machan ; 1st.- Vice -Pres., Mrs. Rich-
mend;2nd Vice -Pres., Ars. T. E.
WhiLeld ;
8111. .Vice -Pres;, Mrs.
Batter ; Corresponding .Secretary,
Miss Robinson ; Recording -Secretary,
Mrs. W,: Whitfield ; Asst, Rec.-Sec.,
Mrs. Hastings ; 'Treasurer, Mrs. Gen.
Speiran;; Pres. of Systematic Giving,
Mrs A. Whitfield; Canvasser for the
',Outloolt,' Mts. W. S eiran Organ-
ist., Mrs. I S eirau g
p `hie Society has
raised over $75.00 for Missions, which;
the think 'isa good showing as 11 was
only organized a year ago. It's is,,.cf'e-
tainly a good record and tlte=axlies
deserve encouragement.
OenTVAIiY.-There passed to the
realms of the blest on lliooday May
Sib, the spirit of Mrs. Joshua Bate-
man, after undergoing all operation
ill the hospitalatToronto. Deceased
had been ailing for some months and
as no serious results were anticipated
her death was quibeunexpected.. Mrs.
Bateman was born in the Totvuship
of NorthEast tope, Perth Co. in 1858
and was the daughter of the late John
and Margaret iybeDerinid.- The re-
mains were brought to Stratford on
Tuesday and the funeral took place
Thursday, May Iltll. A very hnpres-
ive service was held, the Captain of
the Salvation Army officiating and
i40011tl: was largely attended by old
residents. Among: tense present from
a distance were .Malcolm and Tenn.
McDerrnid, Mr. and Mrs. McDowell,
Seaforth ; T. and Mrs. }tough, Jas.
lits Mrs. Hough and Mrs. Linklator,
Baton ; W. Bateman and Ars. At-
wood, and Josh Atwood, (the three
titter being, father.
sister 5 and nephew
1' the ie'
1 letthusband,
of Gfe and d
has. Touenod from Toronto. The
ubjecb of this notice wits of at height,
hoerful disposition, svith a kindly
elcorne always fee the stranger ;
thoegghtftl tend, liberal totheneedy
nd',distres ec1. She was uite a
s q rtatd-
rand aopsegnefitly had a well stored
nind. A queen in her own home al -
aye dispensing love and good cheer,
ills snaking it a place of happiness
nd sweet cotitent. Deceased was tit,
rue and staunch soldier of the Salves
on ri
A n andpossessed
y andenjoyed
ttatt f the
q higher Wit i
trial life n
°gather wiitb her hsband scattered
any seeds of IC
Y induces for the rearp-
ig bye and bye, Mrs.. Dittman was
arried to her 1101Y bereft husband on
arch 18th, 1891. There are no elaitrl-
n living, one little girl, Madeleine,
led when about two years old. The
oral oifeiings et the funeral were.
1 ERR, Fro/tietor
vet'y elaborate and beautiful. Those
from the corps where Mr, and Mrs.
Bateman attended service and one
ficin 'the Union Station where Air.
has worked foe a nnwber of
years heal(, worthy or mention,
Many Mende ()I' the bet'eeved Husband
in this community extend their sin-
cere sytnpatliy Lo himiu the bereave-
ment he has sustained:
Council aid Court of Revision on
Monday, 29th inst.
7.'euders arebeing asked by the
Council 1'or the consLrurii"n O1' the
lisnclelson and Gareiss drains,
Brussels Is, plkd nut lie the spot
where a good many of - us will spend
Victoria Day, taking in the progi'itln
of sports.
At South Huron Spring Show, held
atBrucefie]d, Wm. TYtyloi, 9tlr line,
tools the red ticket for his fine brown
driving rare.
Ralph Shaw, 2nd line, who isattend-
ing the Normal at Stratford, is a
member of the school Foot Ball team,
playing on the forward line.
Mrs. Frank Kerney has been in St.
Marys for the past couple of weeks
owing to the "serious illness of her
mother, whorl we hope will soon be
Following officers were elected in
connection with the Johnston church
Ladies' Aid :-Pres., Mrs, Silas John-
ston ; Vice -Pres., Miss Bessie. Moses
Sec., Mrs. Geo. Thornton Treas.,
d11is, Arthur Shaw ; Parsonage Com-
mittee, Mrs. Silas Johnston and Ma's.
'Wm. Thornton.
Taylor, who has a comfortable home•
on the 9th line, has bought the 100
acre farm adjoining bis on the East
from Adam Sholdice, • paying $4,300
for it. This Neill give Mr. 'Taylor a
choicepp ro err
p y of 200 acres which will
no doubt be ao
g od revenuer•odncer.
The -purchaser comes into immediate
possession, Mr. Sholdice going to
the farm he bought on the McKillop
boundary, from lir. Hutchinson,
known as the Rvau farm.
OBIT.-Lkst Sunday Wm. .Laueh-
land, an old and highly esteemed resi-
dent of Oshawa, and a brother to
Airs. Win. Shedden, 4th line, paid
Nature's debt, aged 74 years, Mrs.
Lanchland died a few years ago.
The funeral took place Tuesday after-
noon. Three sons ;-Dr. L., of Dun-
dee ; Wm., of Oshawa ; and Norman,
of Montreal, survive. Mrs. Shedden
and Allan Speit', the latter being a
nephew, went, to Oshawa on Saturday
and Robert Shedden went Monday
afternoon. The subject of this notice
was a fine type of a manly roan and
was widely esteemed. He visited his
Morris relatives usually once a year.
and was always a welcome guest.
PAGE Fswor.-R. Close will continue the
local agency for the well known Page fencing
and gates. Will construct ea well as supply
material if desired. Get particulars from
him.iioIIsn to tent in Ertel. Apply to W. 8,
Council Meeting •in
will be held next
Monday in the. Hall here.
Rev. Mr. Wren and W. E• Sanders
will attend t d Che Win barn District
of the Methodistg
o torch
g1 at
Fordwichon'Thtirsday and Friday of
Out Foot Ba
11 boysI
play L Y at
Listowel on Friday evening of this
week and at Wellesley on Victoria
Day, Hope to see themwin both
The Junior League Missionary En-
tertainment which was slated for
Wednesday evening of this week, in
the Methodist church, was postponed
.next Wednesday owing, to the
rainy evening. A good program. will.
bop resent
g,d and a large at Lend '
is hoped for
Theung1 a si ned w'
x g wish to express
their most sincere thaltks to the kind
neighbors - and friends for their
sympathy and kindly assistance dur-
ing nattiness and after the demise of
Lhe late Alexander McKay. It will
always be remembered.
Yours gratefully,
The house and } acre plot belonging
to Mrs. 1t. i9iaKelvey here has been
sold to Hugh Addie, who with his
wife will move to it, Price was $1200.
It is a desirable property and in good
shape. Mrs. McKelvey has purchased
a residence in Listowel and purposes
removing to that town this week.
We aro 5001y to have her go as she
ilas been a resident here nearly all
her life, but wish her prosperity,
Byrn -Run INV) - Rhi6T. --- Peacefully
came the close of life on May Sad, to
Benjanlin'DI•ivel`, formerly of Brus-
sels. Born in Co. Wicklow, Ireland;
iii the year 1835 and carne to Canada
with his family in 1881, .making his
home in Brussels fur 10 years, lie'
theu Moved to Roohester, New York
State, ' where be resided until bis
death, 48 years ago last July, deceased
Was married to his mow bereft wife
and there et.� botl
to them 11 child -
SIX tx sans are •-William '
B 111ailt
t George,
and John,
all of Roohester
and Thomas ie Ire
land. Da t r
ugh a s, numbering five,
are Mrs. A. Biriningtotr, of Hamil-
ton 4 Mrs. G. W. Pollard, Ethel ; Mts.
'Win. `?Nilson, of Rochester; Marion,
deceased 8 years ago ; and Sadie, at
home. Deceased was in his 7011) year.
nuerttl took place watiu•daty'ufter•-
noou,; May 01,11, to Riverside. Cemetery
and was very largely attended. Pall-
bearers were six tnetubers of St,
James' Vestry, of which deceased was
ai member. abet Rev. 1 r.
1 Gardiner and
ohoir, of St J1lltes officiated, Floral
tributes Were as follows 1 -plant, select
VeObvy (if 81. James' Church spray,
IChtg s Daughters ; spray,, Miss Sadie
Dtivet's 'Class l -pot of Easter lilies,
oflleers and teachers ofSunalay 9011001;
pillow; wife a broken harp, sons ;
anchor, daughters ; sheaf wheat,
grandchildren ; a spray of lilies, Miss I
Listowe!s New Postmaster.
The above is alikeness of John Scott,
who on May est, was installed as Post-
master at Listowel.' Mr. Scott is a big,
genial, sort of chap, one who under any
and all circumstances has a cheery word
and a hearty laugh for everybody. He
has experienced his share of the ups and
downs of life, and there are few who
will now begrudge him the somewhat
easier position he has' entered upon
after his strenuous life during the past
3o years. Mr: Scott was born at Moles-
worth in /857, and when only 14 years of
work e started t
g v k in the implement busi-
ness. He left however and d h as been
in the stock business for the past 3o
years and knows every farmer in this
part of the country. Of course his ac-
ceptance of the postoffice necessitates his
giving up the other activities. His farm.
er friends, and be has lots of them, will
miss Mr. Scott's bluff acd cheery
salutation when he went into buy and
while others will take up his work they
witlbe a long time before they can "fill
his shoes" in the accepted sense. Mr.
Scott was married 27 years ago to Miss
Tughen, of Trowbridge, and with his
wife and family has lived in Listowel for
the past 17 years and now that he has a
"government job" ought to live to a
ripe old age, Here's hoping he does.
Sofrin, New- York ; wreath, Irene and
Gordon Meyer ; wreath, Mr. and Mrs.
Merritt wreath, Misses Wike and
Oaibont ; wreath, the Bowles family.;
wreath, Mr. and Mrs. Porter ; cross,
the Relleut• firm ; cross, Mrs. Hansnl-
man, Geis., Bethre ; plant, Miss Stall ;
pot of roses frorn Grandchildren ;
sprays from the following Miss Helm -
bold, _Mrs. Harvey, Miss Wile, Sulli-
van family, Misses Moriaritys, 1VIr.
and Mrs.
Bethune Miss ss n Klenhis
bliss Lansi u
gs, Miss l
and Air.
and Mts. Putrid
ge. Mr. Driver leaves
23 grandchildren. The subject of this
notice e
Was an I honest, honorable, in-
dustrious man nlLn'ho r
w adefr'ads ease]
and never lost ,them. iHe was the
soul of geniality and was
greatly Y
to his family. y The bereaved
will be sincerely sympathized with.
Mrs. Geo. Pollard, of Ethel, 1s a
daughter of the late Mr. Driver. She
attended the funeral.
The victory in the Ethel -Listowel
Intermediate match last Friday even-
ing went to the home team 1)5,1-0.
A high wind greatly retarded our
boys in the first half but we.. expect
thein to. go on winning as they bays a
strong aggregation. Owing g
to the
weather "Cl1 Ll
the mber of
was ndf lal;ge;
A letter. , front' Earl L. Eckmier,
Macleod, Alta., written on May 12th,
says :-We are having very - fine
weather and warm' at that. Spring
crops at•elooliing gond and prospects
for good harvest next Summer, Crops
were a failure here last year, - .
Canadian News
Colliugwood bas a new police force
Galt has raised $32,237 in one day for
the Y. M.'C.'A.
Frank Norton was found dead in his
shanty at -'Mitchell's Bay;
Reuben jewel] was killed by a shock
at the'Treuton electrictight station.
Sir John Carling of London is growing
weaker and his coudition is critical,
Sir Donald Mann stated that the new
C. 14. R. line will pay from the start.
Writs have been issued for a general
election in Nova Scotia, Polling day is
June 44,
Bernard F. Carney, a boy of thirteen,
was killed by a kick from a horse in Pill:-
ington township.
Frank and Mrs. McMillan,. of Dum-
mer, were killed while driv]Og over a
railway crossing,
William Carroll tvaesentence t
d a Sault
Ste ll
Marie to be hanged July 26 for the
murder of Joseph Tallinn.
Albaav Marcrl, a twelve -year-old boy
of Hull, was drowned in attempting to
save his younger brother,
Dallas 5, Smith, lately of Kingston,
was shot by sil0onshiners in :bohglas
Y, Alabama and seriously wounded:
One of the principal business blocks"
of Altnonte was burned, causing a loss
of $75,000. ''1'he Rhode. -Curry mill at
Little Forks, N. S., was completely des -
ti ed
Ye .
M Kay and Mr. Gordon
were bringing iug two o 7ri o
nets across
'Cobalt Lake in a canoe .when one of the
men stood upwind the Draft thread over,
They chum y t g t o the canes and were saved
A big camel at Howe's circus St,
Catharines, became infuriated, grasped
a boy spectator by : the shonidet' and
apparently was about to traatple Win
under his feet when the keeper lanced
111)0 to let go,
J. W. Stainlaw was killed by falling
between care at Sault Ste, lvfei'ie,
Crop prospects in the West and in
Ontario are reported to be bright.
Little Wilford Trotter, a nine,•yests
old boy of Woodettoek,' Was severely
bitten by a dog on Monday; The dog:
literally worried the child, bitiug Ins
face, which had to be stitched, his hand,
and marking his shoulder and neck,'
The wounds were cauterized by a doctor
and orders have been given that the dog
shall be kept chained ureter three weeks
to see 3f any; disease- develops,
Brussels Council
A, special meeting of Brussels Counc.1
was held last Monday evening when the
Fishleigh drain By -Law was finally
passed, there being no appeals. The
contract will be proceeded with and
tenders received up to the next meeting
June 5th,
The Electric street lighting contract
was discussed and Councillors Tones and
Dames delegated to confer with the
Co. as to terms and conditions.
Board then adjourned.
Brussels School Board
Regular meeting of the Board was
held' last Friday evening in the Board -
room of the Public Library. Members
all present.
Minutes of last > meeting read and
Moved by 111. H, Moore, seconded by
R. Leatherdale that the tender of R.
Henderson for a car of coal for the
school building be accepted at $6.40.
After discussing a number of matters
of interest to the school Board adjotirn-
ed, - M. BLACK, Secretary.
Church Chimes
Maitland Presbytery met at Ripley
on Tuesday.
Synod of Huron will meet in Stratford
on June 13th.
The Epworth League, of Brussels
Methodist church, has issued a new pro-
gram of topics for the ensuing year.
Rev. Mr. Wishartopreached last Sab-
bath morning on "The soul after death"
and in the evening dealt with "Beaten]."
Wingham District meeting' is in ses-
sion Thursday and Friday of this week.
Rev. Dr, Oaten and W. H, Kerr are at-
Annual Sunday School Convention
for the Deanery of Huron will be held
in St. Paul's School room, Wingham,
Friday, June 2nd.
Miss Gordon is at Exeter this week at,
tending the London Conference Wom-
en's Missionary Convention as delegate
from Brussels Methodist church.
A Mission will be held in the R, C.
church, Brussels, commencing Sabbath
26th inst., and continuing for a week.
Rev. Fr, McItory, of the Oblate Order,
will be here to assist Rev. Fr. Blair in
the services.
Rev. T, E. Sawyer, of Ashfield 011.
01114,was taken suddenly t ly tilt on Sunday
while officiating at the communion ser-
He was unconscious ocs oils for over
hour. At last report, he was much im-
proved, which will be welcome news
many old friends.
We are pleased to note that Rev. D.
C meron, rector of St John s church
Brussels, hascompleted his educational
course and c p was v s granted the B. A. degree,
from the Western University, London.
He has prepared a large share of the
work while attending to his regular
pastoral duties, not au easy task by any
means, hence all the more creditable.
We congratulate him.
Mrs. A: M:eS'uire, Mrs, Geo, Thom-
son, Mrs. W. Gillespie, Mrs. David
a Mts. (Dr.) Knechtel attended
the sessions of 'Maitland Presbyterial at
Ripley p y onTuesday. Excellent address-
es were given by Rev. Mr. Davidson
and Dr. Margaret O'Hara, both from
India. The latter has spent 20 years
there. Reports from that field are very
Rev. E. G. Powell, of Exeter, former-
ly of Brussels, preached two fine die.
courses here last Sabbath. The morn-
ing topic was "Getting the vision" and
the sermon in the evening was onthe
text "For there to stood by me this night
the auger of God whose I am and whom
I serve," Acts 27-23. Five of the mes-
sengers spoken of were 1 -Memory, Fear,
Reverence, Conscience and Love. His
old congregation waspleased to hear
him once more and to greet him.
'rhe Bishop has granted Rev. D. E.
Cameron, rector of St. John's church,
leave of absence for several months and
he win go to the Northwest early in
June. In addition to recruiting his.
health Mr. Cameron will do. Mission
work, A student will supply Brussels
and Walton churches and attend to the
regular duties of the incumbent. Rev.
Mr. Cameron's many friends hope that
the change will be productive ,nf sere
good that .he will come back fully
M8Mn>Vasi1lr DAv,-The service in the
'Methodist Church on Sunday morning
will be u der the direction h t ctiou of the Mem-
Comnitt :.aud will be n Roll
Ca11 of the members. ''`•- -•e,.gnottal ticket
of Membership beg to each
r ember.
Short'. dwill '•
a dresse00
ligatio:us and Privileges of (notch Moth.
bbec' hip" will be given by Messrs,..Gerry
and Wood and the pastor, who twill pre-
side, Dr. Oaten will preach at the even-
ilg service o11 the Stibject, "'`A Vision
of the streets,"
At the official Board nteetin of the
Methodist oblurch, 'Brussels, the follow-
lag resolution was enanimotlsly ado ht-
od :-
Moved by
W. t
H, Kerr, second
C ed
li 1
.Wood that hat as'
J. a Board two de-
sire to express our appreciationof the
}past year's services of our pester, Rev.
Or, oaten
, both in rind out of the -pult>it,
mid trust that the happy relations 21 7
be:contnged, A brief reply iii ac]u>0w•
led 1
gueutwas made by Dr. 0titeu iu
which lie reciprocated the brot110117
sentiments and Hoped: Or gloater see -