HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-5-4, Page 8RING ...HOUSIE.CLEANNIC There are many tbings you'll need that are in our line, Oooti pl sinfpctants Formaldehyde atone or along with Perniitnggnate of Potash mattes. one of the best I rnigatersltafit'y. 'c Chlor.. Onitrrie • • 8c, too and rye packages. Red Cedar Flakes When putting away your For or bevy Winter things be sure and T sprinkle some "Red Cedar Flakes" with thein and keep them free from moths -15c package: Also Moth Balls in any quantity. Household Ammonia --a great cleanser -Loc a bottle. Caltatie gods -makes the finest of Soap -5 11' tin 400, Powdered Borax -pure --15c lb, Crystal Floor Oil -makes a good Furni. ture Polish as well as being excellent for Floors -35e quart. h�l11 arra p„tumulia 1- - . We have the Patterns you will like. Now that the bright days are here, and house-cleaning is in fell swing, some rooms which before seemed to look all right, mite begin to be shabby. . It is surprisiog .what a difference Fresh Wal! Paper will make, See our samples of Paper and get an estimate atwhat your rooms can he re•papered. In our books wilt be found this year many patterns, at a very low price which are in perfect taste and corn pare very favorably with the higher priced goods, F. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER T B t Pad aa811tz� Cfyryr MAY. Bat/am:Ls on the 24th. A. 0, U. W, Friday evening of this week. ARE von an applicant for the Post- nlartership HEAR Mr. Clark at the Library audience room uext week. TACK FROST stung some of the early products last Monday night, THE paper hangers are having a busy time in the Spring outfitting, 50 CENTS gets THE POST for balance of _Ig12- to any postomee in Canada. THE are lights are out of Commission on the streets owing to decrepitude of "dynamo. Incandescent system is giving good service. THE Morning Herald, of Fort William dated April 28th says that Geo. P. Mc- Lauchlin, formerly of Brussels, is to operate the new motionP icture house on North street. THE foot bridge over the Maitland. adjoining the old flex mill, which had been removed last Fall to save it from destruction by the floods, was replaced last Saturday. It is a great convenience to many. DURING the past week the old brick house known as the Bruce property was razed to tbe ground owing to the walls being considered unsafe. It was one of the oldest brick buildings in the town and the lot now belongs to Dr. W. L. Holmes. .'IMPROVEMENTS, -W. A. Grewar is en- larging and improving his cosy -resi- dence, corner Queen and Princess streets. -The brick cottage recently pur- chased by John fetch. Turnberry street :South, is undergoing quite a trans- formation along the line of modernizing and adding to convenience end comfort. A new stable will also be built. BRUSSELS Foot Ball team will play in the Junior series this year and is drawn with Seaforth for the first round. las. Ballantyne, of Brussels, was ap pointed convenor. A double schedule will be played and goals will count on the whole series. Harry Brotvn, the well known veteran foot ball artist, of Berlin has been elected Secretary for the W. F. A. MISS AVERY, who is sow making her home in Toronto, has sold herhouse and lot on William street, Brussels, to Mrs. Duncan Livingston, who is having a number of improvements made before taking up dwelling therein. Mrs. Livingstone's residence, ri miles North of town, was destroyed by fire last year hence the necessity of rebuilding or purchasing in another locality and the latter was decided upon. PROBLEMS OF Y011110 TIEN - W . L. Clark, who is a specialist in dealing with the problems of young men and boys, has been engaged to spend a week in Brussels in this department of work." He will open on Sunday, MaY 718 and will hold afternoon and ' evening meetings the week following, The visitor com.s highly recommended and has had an active and wide experieuce and his coming should do good and be heartily supported. A list of Mr. Clark's subjects may be found on posters distributed In Brussels. SOME THINGS' NEEDED. -A dress of paint on the Town Hall exterior. -Leas boisterous conduct on the part of a few who visit the Public Library Reading Room. -The street watering cart on duty once more. -An example made of the stone thrower at windows in a few unoccupied houses.- Everybody to boom program of games and sports on Victoria Day 10 Brussels. --To "cut out" profane language on the part of some persons, who frequent Victoria Park in the t".enings.-Your lawn mower honed sous to be ready to shave your grass plot. -Your neighbor to fence in bis in- dustrious bens. CHANGES IN G, T, R, TRAIN SERVICE. -A number of important¢ chat es will be made in the train service of the 0, T. R., to takeyfeet on May 7th, with the issu ile:'of the new time table : `` 4lxr?;l aw leaving Toronto 4.15 p, m. for Guelph, Palmerston, Southampton and intermediate stations will leave Toronto at5 p.m. arriving at Palmerston 7.50m and Southampton to 20 p.I p. m. and willstopbetween Toronto an Pal - merston only at Parkdale, Brampton, Georgetown and Guelph Stops North of Palmerston will remain unchanged. Trains now leaving Southampton for Toronto at 5.soa. in. will leave at 6 a. in., arriving at Toronto bean. 'Train, how leaving Palmerston at8,33 a. m. for Toronto will leave Palmerston 7 to a. m. stopping only at Guelph, George- town, Brampton and Parkdale. New train will leave Palmerston 8.45 a. 10,, arriving at Guelph /0 .202 • New train will leave Guelph 6. p s arriving Pal- merstoe 7 3s p.. n?P 2w; train will leave London 42, - • iii ,velaelitratfo•d, arriving at Torah', , 4 �i��S,1w, ;rain now leaving Stratford d a y,Ytna, .w .tl leave J , i, `' , 'a 'tT k. Y fie r at 6. o .m �. rr vi 8 0.l , a 5 5 p r +� + p. m„ instead of, to p, in; REcaprtow DAYS. -Mrs. A. C. Backer will receive Thursday and Friday, after- noon and evening, of next week, at her home, Turilberry Street.. I'VE gone and took my flannels off Before the 111 of Juue And now I've pot a dreadful cough, Alas ! it Was 100 SOCA. DECISION was reserved on the Brus cels -McKillop Rural 'Telephone con. nection case before the Ontario Com- mission last Friday in Toronto. IT in said there are ten or a dozen ap- plicants for the Postmasters hip al Bin. eels, An appointment should be mad, at au early date as a month has trans. pired since Mr, Farrow resigned. B ceeseT price for potatoes atMOCna0R1.a's, BUTCHER business at Ethel for sale. .Apply at once to W. J. CLARK. TAIL -board of wagon lost between Brassrl- and Lot 28, (Jon, 8, Morris, with owner's name stencilled on 15. Finder will kindly len ve it at THE PoaT, ROBT. NioaoL, Telephone 1810 50 r1a0'a-CLAss spruce arses, 18 inches high, for sole, at the low price of 68 for the ror Thio ie a bargain for whoever needs anything in this line. Trees are at R. Leathrrdnle'., Beussele, wlio hes been attending to Sprint delivery. GOOD working pony for sale. Also humps and light wagon. .Apply to ROA), THOMiSON. Brussels. CLovan, Timothy, Mangolds and other garden seeds at MOURAcwiz'a. Fon !SALE.-Oa•1n to our intention to re- move to the West the following artlelee are neared by private sale, all of which must In- disposed of inside of the next week :-15 Cordo of wood, 100 cedar posts, about 1000 feet of joists and scantling, 1 robber tired buggy,sr, good 015100, holey extractor, 2 coal stove,. and pipes, coal oil stoves, hand sleigh, boring muoh- ine, large work bench and,oat box, number of young liens, tubs, wringer, cupboard, chairs, tables, bicycle. 2 lounges, bedsteads, linoleum, baby cutter, baby go-cart. rocking chair, high chair, kitchen utear'ils and other articles. felt at Taos. Ntcaonrss', Turnberry street South, Brussels. IP yourlawn mowers do not cut fast and easy call and sen T. 51c(a0Oon, Brnseela. Bunn and lot for sale or to rant. -Good brick house and an acre of land on Turnberrt street, Brussels, for sale or to rent. Bargain for quirk buyer. Apply at once to THOS. NionoLLs, Brussels. WHITE Leghorn and White Wyandotte eggs for hatching, 61 00 per setting or two sett1ngs for 51.50. JOHN MEAD°ws, John at., Brussels ukvepoplixILbcets and valves et Wilton &Gilespe A ware Store, Brussels, or can have repairs seri thereby phoning A. RAYMANN, Orenbrook Phone 2512. Fox Rale or to rent 60 acres of land, 12th Oon, Grey. Apply to TRO6. NIOnOLLS, Brussels. OiummerAELE house to rent apply to Mrs. Parker, Princess ',treat, Brussels, COMFORTABLE house and y acre lot for sale at a bargain. Fruit, good wit'Ger and A 1 corn - Inanity. For further particulars ask EP Tax 0 - THE Wingham Advance says :--C N Griffin reports the sale of Mr Manner', house ou Frances street, also his shop on Josephine street, to Mr. House 0 Brussels. laking in exchange a stock of harness -making goods in Brussels. A Mission will be held in the R. C. church, Brussels, commencing Sabbath 28th inst., and continuing for a week. Rev. Fr. McRory, of the Oblate Older, will be hereto assist Rev. Fr. Blair 'u the services. AT the 4th Division Court Wednesdai of this week, before Judge Holt, consid- erable of the time was spent over a neighbor's tangle between las. Speir and Sami. Walker, , Decision was re- served. Barristers Sinclair and Van - stone represented the litigants. NO'rrci To THE BoYs.-A permit is now necessary to call.; an air rifle and persons handling them without this authority may get them.elv:s into trouble. This ,s a new provincial regu lation and while thought by some to be drastic will do good and remove a great nuisance. It not a source of danger in some communities. Possessors of air rifles bad better be wise, GREATER CARE NEEDED -Complaint is made to the Council by G, Kerr, upon whose farm the town dump ground is located, concerning the careless and reckless manner to which some parties unload refuse, s, nIe not even gettipr the rubbish into enclosure designated by the fence. If names of offen,lers cell b, secured they will be asked to reload and empty in proper place, Unless this hire is taken other means will be used to stop the cause of complaint. A BUSY SPOT -Sonne idea of the wide circuit ofusinea b , s covered by EW an E an Carriage Works. B • g s, i nasals, may be leaned when we state that at already this Spring they have turned out a Creamer t vara, with a capacity of 36 cats, for Wm. Waddell, Kerwood, Middlesex Co. ; fine wagonettes for the liveries of McIntosh & Turnbull, Serforih ; Jack Beattie, Chesley ; and Robt. Beattie, Wingham ; a delivery cart and a butcher's van fur Backer Bros., Brussels'; a pedlar's wagon for W. T. McCracken, town , 2 Creamery vans for W. W. Harris, of the Shamrock Creamery, Brussels; a heavy monument wagon for J. Tohnston, Paisley ; and a 2 seated carriage, for a Listowel buyer. 'Then there is in ad dittoa the regular buggy ied wagon trade which is neither small nor narrow in the territory -reached, If you want sotnetliing good you can ,get it without fail at Brussels, usiness hallos is Often missed when it might have. been easily embraced by Syste'n lotto , a v a rt g. Begin now to prepare for the' • clay of .op- portllnity by depositing your savings in The METROPOLITAN BANK.. . sire 00. OR . MORE OPENS AN A000UIHT BRUSSELS BRANCH " _ P. H. GILRO) , AINANAOER 10 CoMMYNrims appointed ` in connection with Victoria -Day Celebration meet at Council Chamber - Friday evening of , his week at 8 o'clock, ANNOUNCEMENT-- H. and Mrs. Me Quarrte announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Stella Gertrude to Leonard A. Wright, son of Rev. Dean and` Mrs. Wright, of Brantford City, the weddingto take place in lune. Wz MAY EXPECT. Rhubarb pie, Barefooted boys. Early onions. House cleaning.• Fresh fish. ' ' Speeding on the }mile track, May flowers Sanitary Inspector Oliver. _Somebody to run Brussels Salt Works. S A new Postmaster. Spring gardening. 'IHEPOST CO continue to give the news, WOMAN SHOULD MAKE "LAWS. -The Toronto Globe says :-,Women alone should make the laws that govern them and their children according to Mrs, Asa Gordon's views. "I don't believe it was ever intended for mea to make taws for women and ehiidren she said Men have schemes confluent wide, such as engineering feats and all the great works of industry and euterpribbe, but they cannot come down to legislate for women and children. For iust0nceno woman would ever sign a law to commit a child to jail. Children are _never criminals they are delinquents. Nor would any woman sanction a law per- mitting the marriage of a girl twelve years of age as was formerly the law of [Manitoba and is to -day legal in the Province of Quebec. SERIES OF LECTURES. -Rev, T. G. A. Wright, B. A., will give a series of lec- tures under auspices ot the W. A. of St. John's Church, Brussels, commencing Monday evening, May 8111 at 8 p. m. Monday, May 8th. "St. Patrick,' chair- man - James BoWinan. Tuesday, May 9th, "King Alfred," chairman -W. J. Garside. Wednesday, May loth, "Jonah," chairman -Rev. D. E. Cameron. Thursday, May rith, •'-Temperance," chairman -W. H. Kerr. Additional program of music, &c., provided. Monday evenings lecture will be given in the Town Hall and toliow ng evenings. in St. John's Church Sel-oul Room. Admission to Hall, 150, Children loc. To School Room a fee of Ioc is requested. BLACK BASS FOR THE MAITLAND.-Last year R. Leatherdale, who is a great lover of the piscatorial sport, wrote the Fishery authorities relative to their stocking the Maitland river with black bass and a promise was made that an officer would be sent to investigate Wednesday of last week, Game and Fishery Warden Chauvin, of Windsor, visited Brussels and accompanied by Mr. Leatherdale inspected the mill pond and liver and decided that the surroundings were first class fur bass. If good success is achieved at the hatchery the fry will be deposited in the river about the latter part of May. Auglers are asked that all fish under 10 inches that are hooked be at once put back into the water so as to allow them a good start for development. We are pleased to stale the request of Mr, Leatherdale is to be granted and hope the experiment will be most 500- cesful BaussEta WILL CELEBRATE., --A public meeting was held in the Cogocil Cham- ber, Friday evening of last week, to dis- cuss the propriety of holding a Celebra- tion in Brussels on Victoria Day -24th inst. W. H. Kerr was voted to the chair and Councillor Jones appointed Secretary. On motion it was decided to have a program of sports and the fol. lowing officers and Committees were named : -Chairman, R. Leatherdale ; Secretary, J. H, Kerney ; Treasurer, J. F. Rowland. Base Ball, R. F. Down- ing, N. F. Gerry and A. Hawkshaw ; Foot Ball, Dr. McRae. Glen Armstrong and J. Elliott ; Athletic sports, W. M. Sinclair, D. C. Ross, S. T. Plum, A. T. Currie, R. J. McLauchlin and J. L. Callan ; Printing. R. F. Downing, Dr. ' McRae and W. M. Sinclair ; Band, J. G. Jones, W. A. Grewar and J. Ballan- tyne;- Grounds, etc., R. Oliver, N. F. Gerry, J uo, Long, G. Armstroug and S. P. Plum, Committees decided to meet Friday evening of this week, at 8 o'clock. to report on what was being done so thatublic announcement p could be made. A bigday's tun is oriented In the eveninMrs Addie Wright will take charge of an entertainment in the 'Gown Hall at which the comic opera "H. M. S. Pinafore" will be presented, The day's proceedings will take place on Victoria Park. Watch on t for the bills andg ro rants P Hort OF THE N nr1oN Mrs. Asa Gordon of Ottawa, Dominion Evan- gelistic Superintendent of the W. C. T. U., in speaking to an audience of over iso members of the W. C. T. U. in Toronto recently made the following statements "From ocean to ocean" uvenlle crime is on the increas f e and nothing hat yet been devised by, Church or State to stem the tide of evil. My own personal experience places me in a position to corroborate every Statement made by Mrs. 'Thornley, of London, and I could go further. 1 could tell of eon. ditlons more alsrrning than what she did. Anation ' is only as strong as the homes that compose it are pure and good, the speaker declared. The foundation of the Nation is the hone, the foundation of the home le your boy and girl, Among the more common evils' that threateu the home Mrs. Gordon enumerated the following :- Cigarette smoking, cheap novels, cards, drink and the. social evil including tbe white slave traffic and impurity in the schools. The great responsibility rested 0u the home and the W. C. T, U. is therefore the greatest .organization ot women in Canada, Mrs. Gordon con- tended Since it stood first and foremost for reform' in the borne. ' 92ND ANNIVERSARY OF THE I. 0. 0. 11'. • -Last .Sabbath . evening the members of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. •F„ Brussels, to the number pf 45, marched to Melville church, with W. A. Grewar as marshal, to attend the annual service, this being the Band anniversary of the Order. Rev. Mr. Wishart; B. A., preached a very appropriate sermon dealing with the Rechabites, from the Scripture recorded in Jeremiah 35th chapter and 13th verse, "Will ye not re- ceive instruction t� hearken to my words saith the Lord ?" He referred to the testing of the Rechabites and followed up the line of the relation men sustain to the church. It was shown that there is a good class of men outside the church, largely because the latter is not representative of Christ. The goodness of the outsiders is often traceable how- ever to thesalutory and elevating power of the Gospel and the moral atmos- phere in which men are born. Every man outside the church should be in- side as he needs 'it for his soul's wee- fate. The church has need of all good men as there is a great work to be done. It is a man's job, and not a woman's only as sone seem to think by their actions. The brightest and best of earth have recommended the gospel of our Lord and there is no salvation oaf of Jesus Christ. In ,speaking of the. I. 0. 0. F. complimentary reference was made to their Constitution and work and a circular letter from the Grand lodge dealing with the progress of the Order, its investments, deli uquenI lodges, deceased members and outlook for the coming year was neatly applied to the church in a practical manuer. "Great is the Lord" was the title of the anthem well sung by. the choir, Miss Fairy Robb taking the obligato in good voice. Miss Jessie McLauchlin. aucl Norman Forbes sang a choice duet en- titled -Rock of Ages." On returning to the Lodge room a vote of thanks was passed to Rev. Mr. Wishart and the choir on motion of Bros. J.'1'. Wood and R. Leatherdale. People We Talk About Rev, D. E. Cameron was in London for a few days this week. Mrs. A. Strachan and Miss Isabel were visitors in Toronto last week. Miss Attie Emigh, of Blyth, is visit- ing at the home of her brother, James street. John DeWolfe was a visitor with re. latives in the locality of Hamilton last week. Miss Welsh, nurse, of Wingham, was a visitor at T. F. Rowland's during the past week, Miss May Wood is home from Lon- don, where she has been taking instruc- tion in vocal music.' Hugh R. Elliott will spend the coming season in the West- following his trade as carpenter. Ne wish him success. Rev'. and Mrs. Durrant, of Belgrave, were visitors at the home of John Grainger, Queen street, on Monday and took in the Lecture, lean Valjean. Rev. Mr. Hibbert and daughter, of Gorrie, were renewing old friendships in town this week. They heard Dr. Cleaver lecture ou Monday evening, R. Leatherdale is at Wingham acting as valuator of Furniture, etc , for L. Hanson, the latter having leased his hotel andwill take a holiday to recuper- ate his health. • THE ND B Eatablahed 1873 OF CANADA 80 Breuchw A Complete' Banking Service' Available for Manufacturing and Commercial Houser, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, . Corporations, farmers and private individuals. 80 Savings Bank Department at every Branch. BRUSSELS BRANCH j. _16. IPL,ow3afd, Tolaana'ger • A. C.'$aeker and bride arrived home Wedeie'Rday night ofiietWeelc from their wedding trip and ore getting nicely set- tled in their fine new home. Turnberry street, Miss Norma Lo ick •o Fordwich, w f 1, was renewing old friendships in Brus- sels, with headquarters at R. Leather - dale's. The visitor was a former rest. dent, Mrs. Deadman left Thursday morning for Windsor and Detroit. Sbe purposes, also attending ° the Women's Foreign Missionary Society Convention in Chat- ham next week. Word• was received by S.. Bailey, of town, this week that his son, Fred. A. Bailey, of Moose law, was seriously ill in the hospital with pneumonia. We nape he will soon be fully restored to health. J. W. Craigie, formerly of Brussels, has resigned his position as manager of the Standard Bank,- Colborne, and has moved to 'Toronto where he purposes following another avocation. We wish him success. F. S. Scott and W. M. Sinclair, Chair- man and Solicitor. respectively. of Brim. sels, Grey & Morris Rural Telephone Co., were. at Toronto last Friday at. tending the Railway Commission rela- tive to appeal for connections with Mc- Killop Rural Co. Mrs. P. D. McKinnon and son left Thursday of this week -for their home in Winnipeg. Mrs. Oliver, the former's mother, accompanied them as far as Sudbury from where she goes to Thessa Ion to visit two of her daughters, Mrs. McEwen and Mrs, Thompson. The old lady is over 88 years of age but quite hearty. A former Brusselite in the person of J. Gould, of London. was in town last week and called on old friends. He was a resident of Brussels 17 years ago when he catried on business in the Garfield Block. The passing years have made little difference in Mr. Gould's appearance. He is traveller for a mer- cantile firm and calls here occasionally. Mrs. (Dr.) Kuechtel is here from Win• nipeg on a visit to her parental home. She is a daughter of D. B. Moore, William street. The visitor is accom- panied by her neice, Janet Mc Quarrie, of Rainy River. Mrs: Knechtel will at- tend the Missionary Convention at Chatham next week, she being a dele- gate from Winnipeg Presbyterial. Miss Isabel McIntosh, whose parental home was Lucknow, was the guest of Mrs. (Rev.) Oaten at the Methodist Par- sonage. The visitor is bome from China on furlough and will return to her mis. sion field next Fall. She relates many very interesting stories of the peppleand the work. Miss: McIntosh and Mrs. Oaten are old friends. The ladies visit- ed Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart. at Belgrave, Wednesday of this week. We are pleased to notice that Q. M. Sergeant L. F. Jackson of the and field Battery, Ottawa, and brother to H. L. Jackson, Brussels, has been chosen as a member of the Coronation contingent. Mr. Jackson, who is an old Brusselite,. served a stirring military campaign in the South African war. He was pre- -ented on bis return to Brussels with an address and afine gold watch in connec• lion with a public demonstration. His, old friends here wish him a good time at the Coronation. Mrs. 'Thos. Maxwell, an old resident of John street, Brussels, arrived back to iowu this week after an absence of over aix months. Sbe spent the Winter at Elgin, Illinois, with her sister, Mrs. Munshaw. This is the city where the Eight watch manufactory is. located. They employ-3oo hands. On the home-_ trip Mrs. Maxse,Jb visited at the home of Lorne and Mrs. Pringle, at Toronto. Mr Pringle, wlio is an old Brussels boy, was married last Tuly to Miss ;Alice Smith, of the Queen's City. Mrs. Max. well will continue to make" Brussels her Mune we are glad to state. Belmode Millinery Parlors 1 OUR SPRING MIL- LINERY Display is now at the height of its attractiveness. Many were thecomplimentary remarks we received during our opening, and judging in g by the number of g orders taken we consider it a decided success. We are showing a great many dainty productions In Ladies' reHats Dress as well as a choice assortment of Ready- to-wear to -wear Styles. Misses' and Children's Hats S We have a very complete line of Misses' and Children's Bats all at popular prices, We make a Specialty of Mourning Orders. E INMAN' Tun Posr extends .hearty congratula- tjotis to George H. Ross, son of D. C. aud-Mrs. Ross, Brussels, over his suc- cessful completion of his Dental Course. Convocation takes place Friday of this week. Mr. Rose has not definitely de- cided where he will locate. DIED DRIVER. -In Rochester, 14. Y , on May Ord, Benjamin Driver•' formerly of Brussels, aged 72 years..• MmINmnsa. .51 Mayfield, Man., on April 29011,. Rachel Stewart, beloved wife of Archie McIntosh, egad 42 years , Paemee-In Morris, on April 1101h, John Brett, aged 74 years. - • - BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat;0 76 Oats -09 Peas 78 Barley 58 55 Saga 18 -17 Hay Pastoes 80 80 - 8.00 .000 Hogs - - 6 50- 590 oA meldehyde I It's it pleasure2'tcf sell all at'tiole that you know will give entire. satisfaction.' ' We 'have been selling Formaldehyde for quite a num bee of years and we have yet to hear a complaint regard- ing it. This means tt good deal In several ways -it's disappoint- ing, itftet going to the trouble and exeenee of using an article, to find the results not satisfac' .tos'y. We guarantee our Formalde- hyde to be up to thy standard in every respect and feel satisfied you will experience no disap- pointment in using it. Put up in } b. and Ib.. bottles at 25c and, 40e respectively,. -AT- ATS 0 X S 0X'S .bRUG .DRUG STORE NOTICE l All parties wishing to pay cash for assess. mention' the Nichol Drain, the Murray -Lamb• Dram or the MaCalt Drain will please notify the Reeve, or the Clerk. or some member of. the Coneoll, on or before the 29th day of May, • tell. - A. MACE WEN,Clerk. ' Bluevale, May lot, 1911, - • - , 41-2 Notice 4070. The Court of Revision on the Assessment 80 Boll of the Township of Morrie Will be held et the Town Ban in said Township on Monday, the 20th, day of May, next, at 101, 0100k a. M. All parties interested will please take notice. and govern themselves acaordtnylr. A. MAOEWEN, Clerk. • Bluevale, May 14,1011. SOME1st class alfalfa hay for solo. None better for either horses or cattle. G. A DEAD/JAN. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Alexander McKay, late of the 'Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, gen' lemon, deceased . Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario," 1807, chap- ter, 129, that all creditors and others hav- ing claims aggainst the estate of the Bald Alexander blatey, who died on or about the 26th day of April, A. D. 1011, are requir- ed on or beforetheTwentieth day of May, A. D. 1051 to send by post. prepaid, or deliver to Thiry McKay, or George McKay Ethel P. 0., their Christian and surname+, addresses and descriptions, the statement of their amounts and the nature of the security (if any) held by thoud. Aufurther take' notice that after such Inst mentioned date the said Executors will Proceed 0di r nee t distribute the tleattheret deceased amongsttheto les claims of thereto. they hallg regardhave notice to thea claims he acid they ghees then of beliband that said amid Executors will not fp the said persons assets, o• any part thereof,toolee shall 1lany person obeens received of whose them nonce ihall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Brussels this Third day of May, A.D.101t. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor for the Executors. S'57EALED.TENDELIS addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed "Ten.er for Public Building, Settorth, Ontario," will be received. until p. m., on Monday, May 2011.. 1011, for the construction of a Public Building at Sea - forth, Ont. Plane, specification and form of contract can be seen and forma of tender obtained at the office of Mr B. J. Lamb. District Engineer, 'London, Ont , at tho past office, Senfortli, and at this Department. - Persons- tendering are, notified thnt tenders will not be considered melees madeon the. printed fomes »applied, and signed With their actual 'denatures,.STating their occupations and plumes of reotdellre, . 1n the case of firms, the actual signal in e, the nature of the occupa- tion and place of residence of each member of the firm must be given Each tender must bp.accampanled by en ac- cepted cheque on a °bartered bank, payable to the order or the Honourable the Minister of .Public Woks, equal to tee per rent (10 p.a.,- of the amount of lime tender, which will he for- feited if the person tendering destine to enter into a contract whencalled upon to do so. or fail to complete the work contracted for. If - the tender Minot accepted the cheque will be returned. The department does not bind itself to.ae- cept the lowest or any tender. By order, R. C. DESROOMORS, Secretary. Department of Publta Works, Ottawa. May 1, 1911. Newspapers will not be paid for this adver- tisement if they insert it without authority from the Departm eat. 44.2 Brussels Daylight Store . G. N. McLaren The Newest Styles in Wear- ing Apparel are pp arel a e dere New Dress Goods,P rints and Ginghams. New Embroideries and. Laces. New Collars, Ties and Belts New Waists, Skirts, Suits and g SP rim Coats. New Suits for Boys and Men. New Hats for Boys and Men New White and Colored Dresses. New Boots and Shoes. .New Waists A choice_ lot of new Lawn, and Muslin Waists, all; sizes -750 to $3.50. - New Skirts A splendid list of New Shirts in Blue, Brown and Black, all sizes. -$3.60 to $7.00. New Belts New Wash atarLiheu Belts. New Patent and Elastic Belts. 35o and 50c. New Hats New Spring Hats, stiff and soft, the very latest ahapee atlowest prices. Dresses in New Smart Styles for Summer wear, all sizes -$3,00 to $7.50. Boots and Shoes 'Tho New Spring Styles are ready for vier limspeotion. Shirts New Shirts for Alen and Boys, all sizes -50c, 75c and $1..00r Fancy Pins The New Veil and Jabot Pins - 15c and 26e Hand Bags All sizes, special at 50e to $L50. •r.... . The Nse w e Spring Suits are Extra Good Now ready a splendid assortment of this Season's. best Styles in the Progress Brand ironng McI,'s and Men's'Falsny Wnrslrcls in Greets once Brotvn 1AR.. excelikittnally well imine Coats with canvaa 111,11 hait'- �Oa,00 cloth fionts ; will not bi .'e :tk ' down t Pants have atve 5 pockets ivi hbelt straps and side straps at waist ; tall sizes 83 to 42 ,,, 10.00 Hen's ex o Fancy tut od italic of 13.U� g q It 51 'Worsted Suite, madeiu filo At same way as the 810,00 line.; all sizes to choose frotn- • Special at 13.00 Boys' 2 -piece Suits Boys' 2 -piece Norfolk 'Suits Fancy Wo oed Suits with double Boys' Fancy. Wrn'oted Norfolk Snits breasted coot and bloomer pants, with Knicher Pants,sizes .sizes 27 to 34 --Special at27 to 30. 5.00 to 5.50 Extra Special at 3.60 Goods Bight or your Money back. Highest Prices for Produce. G. N. McLARE' N • •