HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-5-4, Page 7Hints for Busy Housekeepers. EleelPes agld »User VIuabc afermatlos sif Particular 'wrest to Women Folks. mi,g.4101NONNOMIMMI........10.1.1111• 1140.1•101MMIMI TESTED RECIPES. process of st;arching Pnd ironing Coffee Moss.—Yolks a five ego ,wex and worry are banishes' ants cupful sugar, oneshalf cuptul ohe home lannslare 'Wring, nap- ttrong boiling coffee, one pint whip-, kin s out of warm water and when yee cream, Beat the eggs eget, ironing them iron on both sides, then add strained coffee andsugar, then fold, They will be like new. when perfeetly cold acid svhipped For scorched articles, even white Dream. Mix well, pour in mold end silk tea, use elear water and a pack on ice for four hours, clean cloth; rub the sterch carefel- perfect sunshine 0,,e0,.,,41„ she ly, and while still damp place in one-half pipt cup to measure.with, the sunshine- The ecorch will en - the ,egg beater, end sifted cake to 0144 disappear- BY Placing an ' Mix with and bake in a tin with iron pan over the irons the latter tube in center and removable will heat better •and you will save elides, and perfect cake will result. the consumption . of fael. • Measure everything level, Unless -- LEFT CVERS. one can use both hands at the same . . time, whioh oast be learned to do Beef Loal.—Take one pound of :readily, two persons are required hamburger steak and one-half ' :to Mix this cake, one te beat yolks Pound of pork ground. Season, while the other is beating the with salt, paprika, and onion •to whites'as the former must not be teste—inulce into a loaf and put in ,allowed to stand a moment after a baking pan over which pour a can they hay.been suffieteatlY beatee. of tomato soup, basting occasionally Bereiniies the secret of perfect sure ancl adding a littilts,water. It takes --': :shine cake. 'Use the whites pf sev_ about an hour to bake loaf well. en large eggs and the yolka of only Just before serving add a litVe epee, one ;and one-quarter snips fine flour thickening to tomato sauce granulated sugar sifted once, one and serve. Garnish with parsley. .sup ordinary wheat flour sifted ten Will serve six people. times, one-half teaspoon cream tar- Left Over Lamb.—Take the scraps tar (level), and one teaspoon smnil- of any leftover lamb, pit through la. Whip whites to a foam in a the chopper and add a ground green large cake bowl, add cream tartar, pepper; then put in pan, heat with and whip till stiff. At the seine batter. Heat a rich cream gravy, time and with the left hand, if pos- season with salt and paprika and :sible, whip yolks in a small bowl serve hot on toast. with a fork, then add them to the Take a, piece of round steak an whites, then the sugar beaten in inch in 'thickness. 'Score well and with egg beater, then vanilla, and lastfold in the flour with the cake _spoon. Adjust the slides in cake tin and pour in cake mixture. Bake in moderate mven from twenty to thirty minutes. Invert cake as - .soon as removed from oven and leave in tin until cold. Cream Waffles.—One cup flour, three heaping tablespoons corn- starch, two cups sour cream, one .scant teaspoon soda, one teaspoon .salt, one egg. Beat egg, then add 'ere= into which soda has been previously beaten, then the flour, • previously sifted, with salt and cornstarch. Bake in hot waffle _iron and eat with butter and maple .syrup. CAKE. Favorite Cake.—This cake is a :great favorite in any family, equals sponge take in texture and is more 16, -economical. Sift one cupful of su- gar, two teaspoonfuls of baking ,powder, one and one-half cupfuls •of flour and one-half teaspoonful of salt into a bowl. Add one-half eup- Jul of shortening and work into the ..dry ingredients as in making pie crust. Beat two eggs and add gra- -dually with one cupful of milk. Make into a stiff batter. Spread about •one-half inch deep in buttered pans. Sprinkle top with granulated sugar. Bake one-half •hour in moderate -oven. If desired may be iced with -chocolate or orange and nut icing. .Makes a delicious cake. Fudge Cake.—One-third cup but- -ter, two cams sugareone cup sweet • milk, two and one-half cups sour, • one-half cup cocoa, three eggs, whites and yolks beaten separates ly, two level teaspoons baking; pow- -der, pinch salt, vanilla to flavor, mreaan, sugar, and butter, then add well beaten yolks,, sift flour, cocoa, •baking powder, and salt together, milk and flour alternately, then -add well beaten whites. Any good icing can be used. - Irish Cake.—One cup of butter, -two cups of sugar (creamed); add ,yolks of four eggs, beaten,, Table- spoonful of cloves, tablespoonful of 'cinnamon, one-half nutmeg, one- -half cup chopped English walnuts, •one-half cup chopped white seedless raisins, one-half cup sweet milk, •one -hall cup of granulatel choco- late, one teaspoon of vanilla, one aup mashed potatoes seasoned • as for table, two teaspoonfuls of bak- ing powder sifted in two cups of flour, and whites of four eggs bea- ten mid added alternately. Bake in layer and ice with caramel icing, .or bake in loaf cake. STARCHING. • Flour Starch—Mix first with ,colcl water the flews. Then pour on • gradisally boiling water and boil till clear. Strain through cloth. Add bluing. For table linen add lesy tablespoons to rinse watem Clothes keep stiff longer and MOTO satisfactorily than by using regular .starch. Starch Making Recipe, --Two -tablespoonfuls of 'best, lump starch, .ono tablespoonful of powdered bor- lax, one cup of cold water. :Stir un - 71,i1 starch is dissolved. Two quarts fig hot (not boiling) water; stir well while sneering- water on the' stareb. • Have the starch as hot UN you can •.bear your hands' in it. The clothes to be starched should be dried first. •,Dip in the starch and wring as dry • ELS POSSible; • wimp in clean damp -claim. They can be ironed at once or sot aside over night if desired, When taking an iron from the flee dip it quickly into cold water, wipe off and sec how smoothly glidPs neer the starched 01011165 flv t'ais is ry pe id et. n., y - of 66 Id rk ea he, sl, Id CT 110. - ed cl ? 1113 1.S 11 011 of rk ry ils an :ay - he ;ht eo 860 105 of 660 ihe de- yit) ith igh :an :nit Ilia ale dredge with flour, pepper, and a pinch of granulated sugar. Have a tablespoonful of lard smoking hot in 66 frying pan. Seasithe steak well until done. Remove to a hot plat - tor, dot with bits of butter, no beead crumbs, tomato ketchup, and a sprinkling of salt. Add • last a tablespoonful pf good • 'clear, fra- grant coffee. Place steak in hot oven until 'crumbs are browned. Have ready some erisp parsley. When dish is removed from oven garnish with the parsley greens and serve at once. While steak is brown- ing in oven put 66 tablespoon of flour in frying pan, stir until blended with fat. 'Add a cupful of rice milk, stirring fast until well blended. Let come to boil. Salt and pepper. Serve in gravy boat. LITTLE HELPS. To Keep Furs.—Every housewife knows what a great worry furs and woollen garments are during the summer months, when moths are so ready to destroy any within their reach. Take a five gallon -crock and after sunning and brushing the furs place thein in the erock, then *Liver with a heavy piece of wrapping paper which is glued fast to the crock, making it absolutely air tight and there are no cracks or crevices for moths to ,enter. This can be kept in a dry cellar all sum- mer, or if you have no cellar or clothes press get a large tin lid to fit :the crock and make a cover of cretonne and use for a corner seat in any room, and save all worry over moths for the summer. Mothproof.—In packing away furs for the slimmer, and to avert dan- ger from moth, air the furs on a cloudy day. Do not hang them out in the sunshirle. 'soiled, sprinkle with cornmeal and rub with a cloth the *ay the fur runs. Shake well, place them in large paper flour bags. Tie tightly and hang them in a closet or put them away in a chest and you will never, never be trou- bled with moths. No need to pack away with • the odorous camphor, moth balls, or tar paper. Experi- ence has proven that the above me- thod is the only. safe and satisfac- tory method of preserving one's furs. , When cooking wild ducks they are often found to taste "fishy." This may be taken away by skinning the ducks before they are cooked. If you would rather not skin them, boil them for fifteen minutes iu soda water. • To clean white woollens and have them look white and also keep -their shape aeld a teaspoonful of ammonia to every gallon of water that is used to wash them in. White Kid Gloyes.—Wash gloves with gasoline and ivory soap, using gasoline as you would water. Wash the same as you would a silk glove. Repeat this') process three times, Using clean gasoline each time, omitting the %Pap in the last; pro - (less, using that for rinsing, Let dry, then sprinkle with cornstarch and wrap in to towel foe a half a, day. They will turn out soft and white as new. A MANICURE PARLOR, Tho Blaine public school in Min- - 001410185, WhiCh WaS the first school to instal a bathroom, now has a manicure parlor, By order of the board of education a comer of the .bathroom has been partitioned"off and here the pupils may. impair to beush their hair sted manicure their hands. The board employs an at- teusbilt to tales charge 01 1110 baths and itistruet the children in the art of menicuring and tailetesialc- ing. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 7 ..„ MOIL W.-11441th, Bing of Judah! humbled; 2 Owen. 26, Golden 91104. PPM'. 16. 18. Verse 1. The people , took Uzziah—We are 104 .to infer that there was sosne. dispute over the succession, inasmuch as the people were not ordinarily the determinism factor in the selection of a king. As the new king wee tonly sixteen years old, and his father Amezia,h was fifty-four at a time of his aseassin- ation, it seems likely that there were other claimants, by the chroni- cler unmentioned, In the King's lIzziah is called Azariah. The two names jra Hebrew are much alike and mean, one, "Jehovah his help- er," and the other, ",Tebovah his strength," 0. Eloth—A -seaport in the ex- treme south of Edom. In the reign of Solomon ft was an important na- vaA station. Later on, in the time of Jehoram, Edorn became indepens. dent, but the port once more pass- ed into the hands of Judah in the reign of Amaziah, who, however, left it unfortified. Half a century later it missed over to the posses- sion of the Syrians. 4. He slid that which was right in the eyes of jehovah—Thimis a gen- eralization taken from the older ac- count in Kings, and, when there is added, according to all that his fa- ther Amaziah had done, the state- ment seems incongruous, as Area- . ziah's degeneracywas pronounced. The verse must be taken aa a sort of formula, and interpreted ac- cording to the judgment of tire rea- der, in the light of all the facts. a. Zechariah—A prophet other.: wise unknown. There are no less than twenty-nine persons in the Old Testament with this -name. The statement that he had understand- ing in the vision of God is also ren- dered, "gave instruction in the fear of God," either one of which indi- cates that he was a man rich in spiritual things and an able teach- er. 0-15—The military and industrial prosperity of the reign of Uzzia,h. These verses, as well es the five which folkw, are peculiar to the Chronicles. 0. The Philistines—They were Semitic immigrants into Palestine 16-23—The tragic conolusion of Uzziah's reign. The book el icings toile us simply that -"Jehovah smote the king," but -remains silent as to tho sin thus punished. The ahroni- tiler, however'many years after, adds what he believes to have been the 0480 of this eatastrephes name- ly, the' presumptuous exercise, on the part of Uzziala of the sacred prerogative of the priests, of burns mg intense, and the anger -with which the king withstood them, 10. His heart was lifted up—Of how many of the kings of Israel was it true that they oeuls1 not stand up under the terrible temptations that came with prosperity 1 To burn /cleanse upon the altar— An especially sacred ACt, and be- longing exclusively to the seed of Aaron (Exocl. 30. 1-10). Anyone usurping these functions was liable to the penalty of death. The rest of the story speaks for itself, Aga - slab the priest is not mentioned in any other connection (17). Tire sud- denness of the outbreak of the lep- rosy reminds us of the case of Geh- ems. 21. A separate house—Like all lepers. the king was consigned to a place .-sf absolute isolation, being deprived of royal functions and the privileges of the house of Jehovah. • 22. Isaiah the prophet—His rela- tion to the reign of Uzziah comes to view in the next lesson. This reference may be to some fuller re- eord of the reign than the meager statement in the present Isaiah. ' $3. They buried him with hie la- thers—Not in the tombs of the kings lest these should suffer defilement from a leper's body, but in the ad- joining field. jetham—He reigned as coregent during the fourteen years his father remained a leper, and then continu- ed two years as sole king, pursuing the aggressive molicy of Uzziah. • TILE DOLL'S FESTIVAL Annual Dedieated to Them .in laean. The familiar saying that "he who makes the people's songs has great- er power than he makes their i prehensive glance over the scene— laws" may with justice be parodiedthe prostrate horse—the damaged by putting "dolls" in the place of I carriage—the disappointed pleas- "soags," .In Japan there is an lure seekers • Standing helplessly annual holiday dedicated to thee I around. Then he spoke in a brisk, miniature playfello Of the Japan -1 business -like tone that put courage t 11 I A New Anecdote About King Oeqrge 11 •,...mumagammor,,,mazmomm.sftworus• One bank holiday some few years Prinee and Princess of Wales," ago the King, Queen • Mary and Then, before the recipient could their little daughter Princess Mary, filially recover from his bewilder - were motoring in the neighbor- silent, the Prince had stepped into hood. ef Windsor, when they came his oar, where his wife and (laugh- upots the scone of a strange acci- ter were already seated, and had dent, A party of holiday folk had glided off, The byestanders, how - hired a landau to enjoy a drive in ever, had taken in the situation, the eountins, and all had gone well and they- cheered wildly, again and until within a short distance of again, eongratuleting themselves Wail:Igor Park. Then, by some on their good fortune which had misoliance, the horse had caught madethis bank holiday a red let - one of its hind legs in the front of ter day to them for the rest of their :the carriage with such force that lives. it seem inextricable, But more good fortune was in The occupants had scrambled out store for the coachman, for when in terrified haste, fearful lest the he arrived at the livery stables, he poor animal's frantic efforts. to was surprised to find his master on free itself should capsize the ve- the look -out for him; but suppos- hicle. Its wild plunges were fruit- ing that already his mishap had less, and it fell to the ground ex- become known through wayside mi 'sted, its f oot still imprisoned. tattlers, he approached with a dig - The driver and his fares exchanged mal apprehension of impending exolainations of dismay, and eyed late, which even the remembrance the smart motor ear bearing down of a Prince's kindness and generos- upon them with ,manical uncertain- ity could not dissipate. For it, as ty as to the view its occupants seemed certain, he should receive would take of this predicament of his dismissal, even the Prince's commonplace bank holiday makers. gift would not go far towards al - With the courage of despair, how- leviating the consequences. ever, the driver held up his hand It was at this moment that he slis- as a signal of distress, apparently covered what had been the errand determined to believe that human on which the Prince had sent the hearts might be found even under the disguise of aristocratic motor- ists. The car slowed down; its digni- fied owner stepping out. Approach- ing the disconsolate -looking driver with a cheery manner that promis- ed much, he Said, sympathetically: Royal Guardsman. Incidentally, also, he discovered something of the depths of that kingly heart. Not secret acts of benevolence upon his part. Undoubtedly he had the content with rendering" first aid" to man and beast on the spot, T1% tee TAUB, INSTINCT OF CHARITY. Prince had bethought him of the 1 Five years ago a iumber of coachman's future. With the fore- ! charitable organizations in York, sight of a naval commander he had ; England, received anonymous gifts CRIMES FOR CHARITY'S SAKE IIIONEY OBTAINED BY FRAU» USE» POW GOOD ouJEcTs, -Weauhte Neu, Mae Stolen It In Order to Cifet daa.: I Ways Wo, • Poor, About eight years ago the cashier of the French faeulty of mediehle was arrested for being $3,000 she/A in his accounts. It was proved at his trial that he led the simplest of lives, never drank anything strong- er than milk, and that his salary of 18700 more than sufficed fox: all his wants. Ite was, however, of so charitable a, nature that he' seems to have found itimpossible to resist ap- peals. He had 'given away every penny of his own income that he could spare, and then stolen to find more for his dependents. • Paris seems to be the home of this type of criminal, Only a few -months ago the most popular man in a certain charming little suburb of the French capital was led away m to prison, and imagine the amaze- inent of • his neighbors when. they heard that he was the hero of a number of daring burglaries 1 Tnis man had posed for years as it local philanthropist, his name be- ing at the head of all subscription lists. Nor does it appear that he had done this sort of thing simply to throw the pff olice and others o the scent. Alter he n -as arrested numbers of people testified to "You have a nasty accident I sent word to Ins employer thatevaryinglfrom $5 to $250. There „eeeh ," "You're right, sir," re- had een in no way to blame for was no clue to the mysterious don - l e sponded the man, shaking Ins head the unfortunate accident, and that or, dismally, but with a gleam of hope and there might never have his character as a driver was not been, had not the whole thing come creeping into his eyes at the kind- ly tone. "It beats me to know how we are to right things."' The noble stranger east a corn- , ese children. Of them Miss C. F. Gorden-Cummkg writes in her book. of 'Memories": Fascinating as are even the eora- "if you will just follow my dir- ections," he said, "we emil try and extricate this poor creature," and monest kinds of Japanese dolls I turning to his chaffauer be bade , was tantalized by accounts of the 1 him bring the tools belonging to delightfully quaint doll army that , the cr. inc. best' holds mysty througheut the land for coat, and with a, sailor's ready wit Off went the motorist's long w ose ongm u ce . estimate makes them. out the have lone day in every year, nv,mely, the come 1118 diterranean from Crete or Cyprus. , known as the Hine Matsuri, that' N.v. ork, while- Ins wife and little From earliest times they were in is eonflict with the children of Israel. is to say, "The Dolls' Festival." 1 et,aughtee left the car and joined The dolls in miestion all represent the small CrONVfl which had gather - Four times they oppressed Israel historical or mythological eharacs1 ed• t° watch with them the results (compare judges 3. 31; 10. 11; 13-18; gods and demigods, mikados of his efforts. 1 Sam. 7; 13). With the death of tem— :tied shoguns. warlike heroes,, em- The tools, however, were found inadequate to the task; something Saul, the Philistine power became and other ladies of note, supreme in Israel. But David ITsstss,1 courtiers, , Th stronger was needed. What was to vary in size frora tiny things to ' a Y • - - about twelve inches in height, and which made the byestanders are made of good wood or baked sy•O"Y nder -who the stranger could be, • for, calling a man, he directed him clay, but all alike are beautifully to. go to the park lodge and there third day of the tined month It 4nd skid our Sailor Prince set te) threw oil t ie yo ce, an even le ed these ancient foes to vassalage , Then, with the disruption, the Phil istines regained their independence u t •ey neve g ' ' gloey. There were five chief citie m us re 8' priests. l be done? The. difacult was met in dressed in correct costume s in Philistia, of which Gath and Ash- Two dolls are presented to every dod were two. Jabuels„ better baby girl at the first festival after known by its Greek name, jamma, lay twelve miles south of Jempa, four miles froln the sea,. After the fall of Jerusalem the Jewish rulers removed there, and it was for a while the center of worship far -the Jews. 7. The Arabians—These "people of the desert,". in the Chronicles, were the strong kingdom south and southeast of Judah. Gurbaal has remained unidentified. The Mennins, or last people, were an Arabian pee- ple from Mount Sair. 8. The Ammonites—A...especially cruel people dwelling on the cast of the Jorslaa. To the entrance of Egypt—Prob- ably not more than 150 miles from Jerusalem. 9-10. Built towers—These were for the protection of the cattle, and husbandmen and vinedressers. The cisterns were something more than wells. From early times artificial reservoirs were hewn out of the rock for the storage of water. 11. Went out to' war by bands—'• This may refer to the custom of at- tacking an enemy by means of ma- rauding expeditions, bug more like- ly it describes the careful organiza- tion of the army. 12. The heads of fathers' houses— Thal is, the troops were assembled by families. The ewhok number, them; hundred •andseven thousand and five hundred, was about the same as that of his father's army (2 Chron. 25. 6), but smaller than the armies of Jehoshaphat and Asa. But this army was superior to Amazi- ah's, since 'Uzziali did not eashly 'depart from his 'own people to hire -troops from Israel, as his father had done. 14, Shields—The enumeration of fighting, implements • used in the army of Uzzilth is more detailed than thet of apy ptevious king. The invention of war engines marks am adyasice in military science. The chronieler speaks of them as "en- gines engineered by the ingenious" (15), 13y means of them the Hebrew soldiers were 0,6 well equipped DR 1i11.0 Assyrians with their battering rams and catapults. her birth, and as they are careful- ly treasured from year to 3 -ear, and fresh dolls are ocecsionally added, the family doll -house requires to be capacious. When a:girl mareies she tekee her original brace of dolls with her to hor new home, as an early offering for her prospective family. The done are provided with miniature properties of all sorts, tiny but exquisitely lacquer- ed tables, with complete dinner oe tea -sets, all requisites for the toi- let and for painting, and for mak- ing mimic. Wellaptought-up little Japanese Meidens begin their festival by mak- ing formal offering of -naimet-meats and rice wine to the dolls who per- sonate the Mikado and the Kogo, and then devote the whole longs happy day to play with the delight - fel companions who at night will be hidden from thein, not to be seen again for twelve long mouths. I have had the luck to be shown some of these precious dolls, but they Inc offered for sale. only at the proper season. WILL SAVE MANY LIVES. — - Lunginotor Restores Many Appar- ent Den I he. A wonderful contrivance 'which provides a method of preventing deaths of hundreds of persons an- nually evereome by inhaling gas, by drowning ,Cir electric shock has been brought from 'Germany by officials ofs the United States Bu- reau of Mines and made a part of the equipment of all of the govern- ment's mine resette cars, Where there is a spark of life kft in the body this machine, which is known as a pulmotor, or lungraot- or, will restore the victim by caus- ing the natural movements of in- halatiou and exhalation at the same the giving a, carelully meas- ured supply of oxygen to the lungs. Offanals of the Bureap of Minos repent that during the brief time the machine has been in use by this Government fifteen men have been restored 16110 apparently were dead, make known his requirements. Evidently he must be e -ell known at the palace to venturs. on such a step as that. The , necessary tools were brought; the frightened horse was set free; but it Jay panting and trembling, exhausted almost to death. Iu vain willing but ignor- ant hands longht, to raise it; the nook creature was powerless to respond. At this fresh crisis the noble carpenter assumed a fresh role—that of veterinary surgeon. "Water!" he 'commanded prompt- ly; "bring me a pail of water and -when it was brought it -ems from his compassionate hand the tefreshinF stream was poured upon the fainting animal's head, the re- sult being that in a very short time it revived and was able to struggle to its feet. Meanwhile the driver stood sadly contemplating the half -wrecked carriage, for the horse's hoof had been literally cut out of the wood- work. What sort of a recepticai could he expect from his employer at the livery stables? Just. then a Guardsman eame in sight cycling along the road. He glanced with indifferent curiosity at the little erowd gatherea around the scene of the late disaster, un- til hie eye fell upon the motor car. Then his expression smidenly changed to one of vivid interest. Leaping from his machine he look- ed searchingly around and caught Sight of the motorist just as he turned towards him. He saluted with a pesinptitude and reyerenee that made the byestanders stare in greater astoniehment than ever. The Royal Guardsman received some command, and, sainting again with profound respett, remounted his bicycle and mode off in haste to- wards 'Windsor. His errand was not discovered till later. lint the myetery of the .,motorist's identity was cleared up before thd Guards- man 'was out of sight. !rho sVranger, having completed his self-imposed task, •once more donned the long grey coat, and, going up to the coachman as he thereby impugned. This certificate from the Prince of Wales nifturally reversed his position in the eyes of his mastee„ away all he possessed, but had left and no doubt he was regarded 111 i his bills unpaid in order to have the light of a hero. The injury to 1 more money to distribute. A out in the examination of a man who had suddenly gems bankrupt. This man had not only given the carriage, too, was overlooked in the happy realization that the life of the four -legged hero had been saved, and that by royal skill and kindness. It was fitting that this tharming story of our present gracious king should be revised at this juncture, for it assures us that the lustre of the Imperial Crown, which has since descended to him, will remain undiminished, since he has proved himself so staunch an upholder of the noble- traditions of Inc house, that "Mercy becomes the throned monarch better than his crown;"— Cactus, in the Ladies' Field. RADIUM CLUE TO CANCER. Secret May Be Unearthel Ily 1 40 Ild0.11 Physkians. 'While it is nut yet possible to say that a cure for canter has been found, some very tangible results have been obtained from the -ex- perimental work a which the Mid- dlesex (England) Hespital is the chief London centre. Hero cancer De-seareh is chiefly concerned :with the remarkable fact that human tissues. contain varying quantities of radiura-like substances and that there appears to be some connec- tion between the presence of these and the ,origin of cancer. It is well known that radium and its congen- stranger case can hardly be imagin- ed, for, as WO have said, all his gifts wets anonymous, aud he could not, therefore, have been inspired by the e'asire for notoriety which is at the bottom of so many similar offences. The absolute antithesis of this case was seen when Mr. Peter Van Vliseengen, the well-known Chica- go philanthropist, was arrested in September, 1908, chaaged with the forgery of mortgages to the extent of about $1,100,000. Van Vlissengen had risen from bank messenger to bank manager in less than twenty years, and was known far and wide for his great gifts to charitbk associations and 'clumehee. He could have lived more than comfortably upon his honest earn- ings, yet preferred to perpetrate 'extensive forgeries apparently for the sole reason of posing as a phil- anthropist. At his trial he confes- sed he had effected the" forgeries • by the aid of a powerful electric. lamp under a glass cover on his desk. This rendered the docu- ments transparent a,nd enabled him to trace the signatures. CRIME FOR CHARITY'S SAKE. includes et least one case of self - murder. A tradesman of an'elon, having lost all his money, wits anx- ious to have something to leave to a relative. • He, therefore, -hired a cinematograph machine, and hav- ers give off X-rays, and these rays, ing focussed it and set it running, under certain circumstances, sate sat down in front of it and delibeie known to lead to the production of atelv blew his brains out. He left a letter requesting the company to pay to his relative the value ef the awful eeCord. How- ever, the police very naturally eons fiscated the rolls, and morbid sight- seers 'acre rubbed of a hideous sensation. Some time age Sir Albert de Rat - cancer. Hence, et has been suggest- ed at the Middlesex, according to the medical correspondent of a London paper, that the secret of cancer is probably to be found in the occasional overcharge of cer- tain tissues with radimn-like man- ner, fur under such circumstances surrounding parts would be sub- jected to the continuous action of zen had before Ilan an old man charged with begging. The police tiny closes of X-rays, which, al- gave evidence that this was not tlietigli minute, might in the course of time, be able to '11.171,1 their can- the. firsteoffence, and the man wee fined. _Afterwards it came out that cer-producing effect.' It will be re membered that it is only 1111681 1111 this poor, dilapidated old beggar had once been a, very wealthy man, , man tissues are exposed fur a ver long time—say, for many hours a S but had given away everything he possessed. . day and months at a thm—that they are able to Iming abota sash One gift alone had been a sum of a result. $25,000 to a church. The amazing part of it is that he WAS still 'skeet - Up to the present time a numbs),. of important farm have been dis- ing most of the ptoceeds of his begging to charity, leeeinag only covered which appeared to confir111 enough to buy the barest neceneere this view, and it 15 not imprebable les, that this remarkable and lengths- .1. investigation will ce,eurnally thr es: light on MR ly of the ebscure pro- MARRIED A CONVICT. &kills which et metind the camer At the prison of Montpelier, question. Al though 110 s La rtl e 1 g France, the other day, a convict or sensational sledusti las lmee yet been made in the loam:atm-Les, a was married to a young- dressmaker I„, from Marseilles. The man, named vast numba er of facts re steadily accinnulated in regarbseft peullerY wile was resentlY -sen- this connection between radium and teneed o ahong P , d 1, ' term of one"; 5017' 0011838, which, no aloubt, min some vitude, was leader of an organize slay be made to fit into their pro -ban d of bandits operating in the per place in 11(716 theory of the south and 0511185 of F ranee, and cense of the disease. was nicknamed. "Big Heart." Tho One important advance- that has witnesees to the ceremony were the lately been made at the Middlesex peisoecr's brother and three of the is the- diseos-ery cif certain tiny prison warders. The doors of 'the granules in normal -tissue-cells, mason were thrown, wide open so stood a little aloof, his ntemzemesa wilich are not famed m caneer-eells, thet the ceeemo,ny might be "pub - struggling: with the thanks 1)0 1(1111)4 and it is hoped that this discovery lie," but there sva,s a strong nnlie himself poweeless to utter, the 111113' 111 lAniately lead to 5 valuable tars- guard t111 ,1111137The deessmaker Prince, held out his basal, saying nestle -Id of settling the (Meath") aa seemed proud ancl haPpY Al the with a genial -tank 1 to el -tether any growth or doebtful idea (if havieg become the wife of "Accept a littee present from the appearance is (11111(1)115 or net. a real bandit.