HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-5-4, Page 5BUSINESS CAItpS. Q M 141106el0 Tent of NM Nf000ah0e9, Se. 94 held their Meier meetings 10 *bc bodgo ' A N, N4y V r r8 a;Zeit ad 8rd Visitors w a , 130 rR8, °ou. e. RiiiiAlR14.41T. WM, SPENCE (11V YLYA N kAND ISSUER y of MA1tki,fAGrE LICENSES, nice ►n thy 1'9$ .cal Nlicu, .80.9 JOHN HAiiitiSI u' A eat' Liowick M g tull,i b'iru lueura,too "Company iet00 ant Mostdouge— 'IMo,Tply,• QNT JOHN SUTHERLAND kelteNns, ,PIRk. ANL; MARINO, tineLie AUCTIONEERS. { B. SCOTT AS. AN AUCTION. ala, will dell for bolter prices, to oetter men, 10 lease time and leas charges than any other Auotluneer4D.34001 Huron ur he won't 0),arge nnytbhlg, notes and orders 0011 always be arranged at this ogee or by o.ra•mal application, LORI AW ''O V Y iV ANL N A CIWtt. E Vtif M. SIN ULA11t— V Y • l$o 'inter, Solicitor, Uouvuyttnoer, vutan, 1'ublio, &c. UWua—Htewart'a Bleak 1 door Nor Lb et llontrdl Hotel Solicitor for the Metropolitan 7Sauk. — 7 IiOUDFOO'T, BAYS & K3LLORAN 8& S:ARttltll hRel tlULI01'10. -NOT ARI EB E . lUH1.IU, 1'tl.. W. r1OuDreOT, K. 0. - It. 0. tl AV J. t,. ifiLLOn1I3 Oflces—Tbose furwm'ly occupied by Mortars Ouweruu Jc dolt 1oOnalan, UNTAn10. ALEAN LIN Steamship Company limited Operating the finest fleet of passenger Steam• ere on the St. Lawrence route, Summer Sailings MONTREAL. TO LIVERPOOL Royal Mail Service Corsican gay 5th -.June 2nd Virginian. May 12th June 0th 'Tunisian bin June 18th V y 10111 Victorian hhny 26th Jnne28rd MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Ionian May 0th June Srd Grampian.. .. 141ny 18th .lune 10th Scotian ` Diny 20th June 17th Eesperiou May 27th. June 24th, MONTREAL TO LONDON One °loss (Moderate rate) Steamers calling at Havre. Prance. Pull information a8 to rates, oto,, On applica- tion to W. H. KER, R, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. r„.. SIVA'] yprarbyifttvav-i xarorArAr:0'av,u: Dear Reader \oeareln'e- p a r t -n g Theyoung people for business 1)b. Listowel Business College ,. c 9 and lane our rade a n 3 ' n . ++ P graduates t0. 1 oA time. e ,r g V l Student!) may enter at any time, p • . Spring term opens April 8rd, Per par - Menhirs address r , EDWIN O. MATTFIEWS, Prin. Y •Y :.F.T.LaYEAt/R:1R7>'?16:1?RRa'QAL1. `R:'a'vRt.'1,\'.'?Ft'A+ ver car tay car, eay, Cr. gig Distance is No Hindrance to those who wish to -got the best. Many,etndentn from the riistant pro- r vin cos andyheUutted States attend the ,, Toronto, Ont., This School has rA national reputation for high ,, •'4 grade 'work. (trnduete84redily vet good positions Open entire year. .En- ter LOLnow Write for cntnlo ne • ter Young end3 W. J. ELLIOTT, C Alexander Ets..1 Principal.. RIId Ft's w.' ev •. v 4FVa't'Ai, karA070. 0222 lousiness Oar, MiSS BERTHA ARMSTRONG Teacher of Plano Ktndlo 4t Carter's 1,1qq. ole Steve, ono door North of the ,Standard 13anil, 43ru8stits• 14.12 'M E S Ah P RLE H PE+' has panned oueeoso2ully her second oxntuhm• torr of the Pianoforte Department oY the To• rento Oo30ervatery of ldusi0, and is p1.Op8red. ate anvils at her home, Princess B '(10b. t to n ill h l0 to P n w o I 1 tom' •i t n Ido• Y , 'Vie Whet F ( d a o melt its h t, d a t3 41) 0 y s week. • OR, 7.•M, 13aphel0r of 5094401 8, ljniveralty o!'hd'onto Lla0irtiat0 end G1OdoaL0 Of the VoliOge of Ph1•. 810141)8 and Surgeons, Out, Pest••radutlte Ohmage Eye, Bar, Nose noel Throat kloepltni, Ohloago,111. IDx+1•lansu Surgeon to 131 MUM.1)(.t e Heepitat, Toronto. .Croce ever P It,'31Httt'a Drug Store. 'Vele- AMU'," ,•o"n001tun with. tiranerook at all honk's, DR. M FERC3U SON i=THEE, ONT. pltysiolnu and Snrgeun; Post Gratitude courses London. (Eng .), New York and Ohioago Eno• pitnls. H*,eclnl attention 10,11sf•na(' or eye, cal', nese and throat Eye., tested for ginssea, DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon klonor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto Onice in smith Bleck recently vacated by Dr, Valid, R. M. M'LEAN. D.D.S„' Corrie, Ont. Lipner graduate University of' Toronto,. De- partment of Dentistry ; Graduate Royal OoI• lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, At Wrox• •eten ever Tuesday afternoon and 1Vidnesdny. 0111.0e every todGnt a • n, 11 (3 a r l danoir. At Fordo t let everyFriday forenoon, - Office la Gerrie 6i 11) f cich's Block. JI.Om DR. WARDLAW golor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night veils. Om$oe opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. r.G' wn?` lr fu/', a glaz.wa,r BRUSSELS GOING Septet (SO/Na Nol*irnl Mail 7105 a m lexprees ,.. 10:55 a 110 Express 11:25 all Mail 1:44pn, iexpress 8:02 p m Express 8:59 p m kliztritt nein'; Fordwich 5111. Sbroine started for LLllL Sas k.,, with a car of settler's effects. 13e will drill and hove wells Noble Cattanach bas gone to Mit- chell, where he secured work with the Bell Telephone 0o. Norman Montgomery left for Palmerston, where he has secured a position on the G. T.,R. The rector of Gerrie parish, Rev. B. A. Kinder, is preparing to class to receive the rite of coufirmation on the Bishop's visit to the parish. • Dr. D. G, Mahood and his two little daughter's, are visiting his another and sister hare. Dr. Mahood will re - Wen lt a couple of days, but t e 4rildre willr;emain for some time. Mrs. Mahood died last Noveiubor. • Listowel Rev. W. F. Price, of the Baptist Church, is spending a couple of weeks in New Ontario. First Hough Oup Football match of tlheseason will be played in the rink park, Listowel, .between Wiugbam and Listowel High School teams. Saturday. The boy scouts intend to go to the lake this Summer and in ot'cler to do so theyhave started benefit fund. They to ill undertake to rake lawns, etc. Fred. -Mantling, of Wallace, suc- c0ssfily passed the second year exam- inations for ministerial candidates at o St. Marys tinder the direction of the London Methodist Conference. ;'Sunday. 23ed April, markedd an event in the lives of Wm. and Mrs. Bradley, Wallace street,it being the 50011 anniversary of their marriage. Monday everting the event was celebrated at the fatuity residence. for Aged People Old People Should be Careful in Their Selection of Regulative Medicine We have a safe, dependable and altogether ideal remedy that is par- t i ar-li ul u•1 adapted L the req uir'eurents e t Y I o 1 of aged people and petsrnw of weals constitutions who suffer from consti- pation or other bowel disorders. We are so certain i that it will relieve these complaints and give absolute satisfac- tion in every .particular that we .offer it with out personal guarantee that it shall (iasis lbe riser uothiug if it fails to substantiate one claims. This remedy is called Rexall Orderlies. Rexall Orderlies have a soothing, healing, .strengthening, tonic and regulative action upon the bowels. The remove a 'levitation, dryness, soreness andmentos Theyrestore the bowels ant assoeiato orgasms to Th Il 1 RUPTURE. t I h more vigorous and healthy activity. •kl They aro eaten like candy, way be if takee at any true withnnt i eouveili- Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap-, parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait - fill in coupon Age . '('1010 I2itp........... Single or Double Name , .... ... Address . and return to J. S. SIVII.TH 88 Caledonia fit. Dept. A Stratford, Ont. Mommemeilimielmeammommosi once, do not cause any griping, nausea, diarrhoea, excessive looseness, flatu- lence or other disagreeable effect. Price 25e. and 10e. Sold only atom store—The Rexall Stet e. ” 1!. R. Smith. ,YVingham - The L 0. 0. F, attended service in St. Paul's Church Sunday at 4 p, m. E. A. Hammond, Frttnk R. Howson and.Benson Craikshttek left on Mon- day of last week for Fort George, a new city on the Grand Trunk, Pacific, in the great West. Friends of Dr, and Mrs. Towler (fot'lnerly of W1140et110 now of Los Aligeles, Cal,. will regret to hear that the Dr. has been in poor health re- cently on account of heart trouble, 'and his condition had a injurious ef- fect. on Mrs. Tow ler's 'health. NORTH I'301008 LIOutveme -A meet- ing of the North Huron License Ooln• missitrirers was held in 1110 Brnis\vicic Hotel on Monday afternoon of Inst week with Chairman Lockhart, 'Oour- missinners 1)nnlin and .Welt' anti In- spector Clegg present. hotel licenses for the ensuing year were graeted as follows :--•Wingliam y Brunswick, JohnPetlautl' ;queens, J. E. Swells ; National, L, W. i1,tnson , ` Dihsley, Mrs. Mary Dinsley ; Exchange, C. 13: j4epard. 131ytlt—i .4. McOlut i'hey anti lobs.i4lasoo. Bluevah:—J. 0.JO8II000n Belgrave— Thos, bill. walbon—VV" • liouner+ 1i rnxetiir-- Geo, Town, 1 Tit () applicantH were In Recoil SVroxt'ter Olaf RlonUr. atl , the presenthnll lo 1)4' 11(11* lieeI)oi) and wxho purchased the iuielness0*144ie few txlollths ego, unci Paula Ale. "Town, l'he (Janlrniestnnrnv avoided t i i ll( license O' 1G 1 G ( Y 1 llcC Ab for the ti etasning Suet' to Air.'J'nivo, Oprrle Miss hlndo".is iti charge of the senior u(nu' ei c Bade department t slot, Mr, will be abst-tabout not to )re - pare foe au examination, i IL V. Holmes was railed bolo(, ns his mother (\•(t4 seriously III, 111i's, H 4 1 tA. A t fi I d Il Hospital and upetvtte(1 on, A, Celobeatbct.l on Victoria Peek, Goltz ie, of May 24th. Officers appoint. ed are ;—Fred, G. W, Walker ; Vice-. Pres., 11,. H. Stevens , Sec„ 11, V. Holmes •'I' ens n Hammond, h 1 1..,.I h1) 1)lutea the necessary nommittee8. One at. traction will b.' tig•oI-watt, ollilbtinr(1 by Reeve \Vint et anti Uunucillor 13yndma,n, tearil4 to be chosen from linuirk, Orange Hill sideline being; the divitling line.. Atwood 18 A Thompson sold his 2 year-old colt 10 3. itolloy, of Listowel, for the handsome sun) or 5300. Elmo, Fire Insurance 'Company met in this Agrioiltnrlil Hall, Atwood, Tuesday. Aped 18bh• All members of board present,. Applications 1'o' in- sorance. were accepted amounting to 507,050.00. Board adjourned till 101.11 i 1 Isl, DEM NLA. A very a accident, s d asci rut. bollen(( In the forenoon 11 11 1 1 L 1onMonday flit\ of !mit \v('elc on the fern] 1)f Samuel Conybeare, lot 14, cul. 4, llllina, when his youngest daughter, 44.1100, aged 2 years, wandered Iron the house, mid in al tempting to Crosse,. plitek in the fatten yard, fell into a hole about, n font deep filled 'with tenter. 'The un - fort tit int e affair hapjteliod probably a half tu* 110111' bel'ure abe wits found and every effort \vita made to restore her, but of 1111 avail, Funeral took plitee 4\'ednesdny liftr)110mi to Fair- view Cemetery, Jris4uwel. DRUGGIST PRAISES D. D. it "5our D, D. D. Presceiptiou foe Eezetlut is the best. thing 1)t have ever handled, mid is giving good satisfaction with our vustoinel s."—Spon' Stevensonr Drug Co., Birtle, Man. "1 have had Eczemas on and off for about. three -peeve, and nothing I tried has done so mneli good as D. D. D. It will stop- that irritation in EL few minutes. I can do nay washing and. if I have D. D. 1). on hand IL will ease it at once," writes Mrs. A. J. Squires, Coleman, Ont. Those are just samples of letters we are teceiviugevery day from. grateful patients all over the conntry. - "Worth its weightingold." "All my pitnples: washed away by D. D. D." Io'rts ftu 1unstLrl L1c.1ief" D. D. D. is little short ofmiraculous."These are the words of others in "describing the great skin remedy, D. D. D. Proven by,thousande of cores, for ten years, to be absolutelyharmless and reliable in -every case of skin trouble, no matter what itis. Write to -clay for free trial battle to the 1). D. D. Laboi'atoeies, Dept. B. P. 40 Colborne St,, Toronto. (For stile by all Druggists) NEW BOOKS AT BRUSSELS PUBLIC LIBRARY. FICTION 812 Molar Maid Williamson 813 Gift of the Grass... .....;Moore, 814 Rejuvenation of ABut Mary a Warne' t 815 Love Besieged ... ......, .Pearce 816 Love undo Pue .... L 1' Pat tab 817 Marie Clair ... ...... Audnux' 818 Out West Secteton. 819 Shelia Vedder ....... Barr 820 Denry the Audacious .. --Bennet 638 Now to A1gt e and Win ...Kloisee 6130 One way Out ..... ......Otwlt(in 640 Appreciation of Diciceus Chesterton TRAVEL 442 In the OaLskills Burroughs 443 Avon and Shakespeare country Bradt Y n+ 1 UVI TILE 151 liolon Gattis !friends ....Douglas 152 Pedtly'Iier Datnghter Ray 153 Phebr'Het Profession 154 Wells Brothers ......... .... Adams 155 Utile San inJapan ..... -McDonald 150 GE1'dtL ill Sweden ,.. ....: 167 Manuel in Mexico ......,., SEVEN YEARS OF MISERY MI Relieved by Lydia P. Pink. ham's p "" Vegetable Compound. S Silrestoi1,11Io. —. cox seven years I suffered everything. I was in bed for four or five days at a time every month,. an so weals I could hardly walk. I cramped and bad backache and head- ache, and was so nervous and weals that I dreaded to see anyone or have anyone move in the room. The doctors gave me medicine to ease me at those times, and said that I ought to have an operation. I would not listen to that, and when a friend of my husband told him about Lydia E. Pixtkham s Vege- table ou Com dadwhat it had done Compound. n for his wife I was willing to takeit. , g 1 Now I look the picture of health and feel like it too. Icandom own house- work, iso work, hoe my garden, andmilka cow. I can entertain company and enjoy them. I can visit when I choose, and walk as far as any ordinary woman, any day in the month. I wish I could talk toeverysufferingwomanandgirl." —Mrs. DEirA BETHIUNE, Sikeston, Mo. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. It is more widely and successfully used than any other remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, in- flammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearin downfeeling, in h ges i o n, and nervous prostration, after all other means had failed. Why don't you try it?' ate Regained. Nerve andiVital.Energy From Walton P. 0., Qum-, comes the following' f1'oin Mr. Nazaire Begiu— "If anyone had told me any remedy could up build my nervous system so well, I would not have. believed them. Before using Ferrozone33 was run down in vital energy, and in very weak health. I didn't get enough •sleep at eight, felt poorly in the day time. Ferrozoue has filled me with energy and vim, increased my weight and made a new man of one.'" Hundreds Lnc red 1 s to l the same story—Weak k a1)d dispirited, everything going wrong unable to catch np. They took extozoue and all was Changed to health and serenity. Price 50c per box at all dealer'sc • Goderi-ch The Kensington furniture factory resumed operations Monday. An effort is being made to organize a town football league. Thomas Sturdy purchased the Williams farm of 150 acres at Dunlop. Price was $4,600, Miss I E. Sharman has again been successful in Queen's University ex- aminations. This year she passed in senior English. Wer bt i ogre o earn of the serious ill- ness of William AcLesou one of the pioneer bnailess n e 1 of the town. His condition is giving mall anxiety to his family and friends c A fite in the•ofofthe t o t le leiln a1 the Wheel Rigs factory was noticed by a Member of the crew at the midnight G. T. R. train Tuesday. Alarm was sounded, the brigade responded promptly and the fire vas scion under control. The damage done was not of a vet•inus nature. Goderich Horticultural Society has distributed 7,700 bulbs and plants a- mong its members for I110. llach member has been supplied with The OitnadianlI3orticulntnbt and has access to the libeal y which contains a num- ber of valuable books on Hot'Liceltin'e. A distribution of bulbs etc:, will be made In all members of this year. The membership l'ee is 51.00. At the vestry sleeting of SL. George's church held ouLit ster Monday the rector rr announced that he has tender- ed C cd his resignation of the parish tolake effect at the end of September, and Rheumatism for Several Years— Now as well as Ever 647 Main St., St. John, N, B., Nov. 27. 1903. Father MorriscyMedicine Co.,Ltd. - I aim writing to tell you I have been a victim to Rheumahsm for several. years, and have been treated by seven doctorswltlront fintling any permanent relief until I got 1•ather 5torriscy's medicine. It has cured me so I ant able to do my work and find I anti as well ns ever in.nty life. Yours truly, JOnn ChA\w1OkD. Rheumatism cannot exist when the kidneys are in perfect working order for then they take out of the blood all the Uric Acid, which alone causes the Rheumatism, Father Iorriscv's "No. 1" ' Tablets J act directly on the kidneys, toning them up and helping them to clear the blood of' the Uric Acid. If the Rheumatism is of long standing it may take some time to clear out all the poison, butalmost from the first a"No. 7" Tablets relieve the pain, and if used faithfully' they rarely fail to cure. Even if other remedies have dole you 110 good, do not give up till you have tried Father Morriscy's "sNo, 7" Tablets. 5oc, at your dealer's. Father Morrise, Medicine Co, Ltd. - 27 Mon, 3roal Que. For Bald Heads A Trdatment N That oo0lrl thin +'4 1f I Fails o R Ole want you to try three largo bottled of ltoxall "93 ' ilitir luau: ou our personal l It 41 ice that the trial will clot last you a pen 1)y it' 11, duesnot give volt ab:aulnla lila lsfactloo. 'i9tat'H proof. of out fait in ibis t'einedy, and it should hill h'3pl7l bb y' demonstrate that I L\ wit know i lm v wll,tt wela a talking 3" allot whet) " Il• w 1 1 \ve sit • that itexnll Oi Y Llai' Toole willgu,w hint uu bail beads, except vviol'*' baldm+bb has been urMild) Ion dutxtliuu that the rusts or•tlle blur are entirely dead, the follicles caused acid grown over, and I the scalp is glazed. Remember, weare basing .01)l state. meets upon what has already been accomplished' by the use of lRt'xiill 03" Bair ',Lome, and we have the right to assniue that what it has clone fol' Lhan8al1t18 ul' Ullie18 it will 1111 411. you. Itl any event you cameo luso anything by giving„ i4 a ttiul 011 our liberal gualtautee. Two sizes+, 50c.. and 51 00, Renton Salt ,v1) oblititl 1$exmll 1lelnedies in ON community only atom store: The llvxttll Store. F. 11. Snaith, Lbu4inJune he would leave-foI'Mexi- co. City to exchange pulpits .with Archdeacon Joues-Bateman for three mnut•hs. INSPECTOR TOM'S FATHER DEAD.— „ Exeter The ,death took L >laceat xaLer on April ..4th in his 9 1)t year, q 1Jane's 1 A Y Toni. He was but i at PTd ottGori- # l wall, Iingglai)tl and was of Norman blood Being a youagei son at the age of Si, he carne to Canada to seep his fortune, and located tit Iramnton, Duriraut County, where in 1851 he Married Mary A. Kenrick. In 1853 they chute to Huron County. There was born Lo them four sons and three daughters, John E., Inspector of Schools, Gaderieh Gregory 1., Peini;i- pal of fitialhcona 5nhonl, Vancouver, B. 0. ;; aides K., deceased, and Frank IV, K., merchant, of 'Toledo, Ohio ; Mrs. (Ur) Street, Money 3. and Mary A.., all of Exeter. -Air. Toll was Con- servative in polities and a member of James -et. Methodist Church. le Your Cold Better? No, it's as bad ata ever. Nothing seems to help. Why not use the up- to -date specific "Cata,•rhozone" and you w111 be relieved in two minutes. Continue the treatment and cure is assured. healing. germ destroying and pleasant, nothing for colds, throat trouble acid Oaten 11 compares with Oittarrhozone. Sold everywhere, 25o and $1.00. Blyth Miss Alma Cook is now assistant in •Blyth'Itural Telephone nffice. Directors of Blyth Public Library decided to purchase at once, 575 worth n books. f Principal 7o nt attended the m eet- ing.of the Ontario Educational As- sociation in Toronto. Rene and Milton Bradwin, of Parry Sound, visited their grandparents, Juo. and Mrs. Entigh. . Mts..1. Mills and daughter have moved into their new home in town. We bid thew welcome. J. 13. Ohellew has a new auto. He he.s an arrangement attached by which he can deliver goods. J. Taylor, of Clinton, agent for the Confederation Life Lisurance Oo., pad the death claim it' rl tion 1 on the life of the late Ii. 111eQirarrie last week. W. Sellars, youngest son of R. Sel- lars, town, who has been employed with an express company in Toronto, of L nroduee company i now manager c s g 1 at 161 S .'1tet •Uom oe street. SIMPLE REMEDY For Backache and Kidney Trouble The simplest and most effective rem- edy for sick kidneys is Booth's Kid- neys Pills. Jr there is weakness, con- gestion, inflammation or 00000ess, Booth's Kidney Pills gnickly relieve it. They gently stimulate, tone atoll strengthen sick kidneys, drive away back- ache, rheumatic pain atlddizzi- ness, cleat n and regulate the urioelud restore a perfect filter- ing of the blood. Best of all,this relief is ermanent. All drAgists sell and guarantee Booths Kidney Pills, 50c. box. Money back if they Elul to relieve. Write to The R. T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., for a free trial. Sold anti gum - antoed iu Brussels by Jas. Fox. Jjooth'1s' h-1dJ> e I. ills Morris Council Council met at to.3o o'clock ou April 241)1, Members all present. Reeve in chair, Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Court of Revision was formed on the Henderson and Garuiss drains and as there were no appeals on either drain, the by-law for each was finally passed on ]lotion by W. C. Tbuell and Wm. Elston. Elston—Johnston—That W. 1. Geddes be appointed inspector of cement work for the township at a salary of $2 per day. Carried. Tbuell —Wilkinson.—That application be matte` to Railway Commission for culvert on G.'1`. R. property according to engineer's` plan of Henderson Municipal drain. Carried. Tenders for drains were ()petted, and •en motion of Wilkie• sou and Johnston, the contract for Murray—Lattib drain went to the woolrnan. Con. Co. at 250 per cubic ward and that of the McCall drain to the saute Co, Al 25e per cubic yard for open drain, and $Soo for tiled part , •less Stott on whole work of McCall drain. There being no withdrawals or additions to the McCaughey drain petition, the engineer's report was adopted, on motion of Wilkinson and Johnston. The report on the Peacock drain was also adopted. ('he Clerk was instructed to ask for tenders for the Henderson and Garniss, drains. Accounts were passed as fol- lo\vs:—Man)eipal World. 930 ; Geo. Bowe%, broken plow S. bdv.. $3 L.W. J. Henderson, North hay., $2.50 . G. Neil, Walton drain, $5 ; W. II, Kerr, by-laws Henderson drain, 1114 ; 4V, ti. Kerr, by-laws Garniss drain, Six ; W, H. Kerr, advertising tenders, 155 ; A.. Proctor, repel ring lyd'line bridge, 750: A, McEwen, Clerk's fees ldendersoll a11 Gentles1 iHH drains, , r Council ad jnurnrd to lasso at to o'clock on Moi*• day, May 09th, as a Court of Revision. A. MAIBwi1N, Clerk. Licenses Granted In Centro Moron for ism .12 Godei'ieh Bedford, Freta, Davis; British Exchange, 'w. E:R,S ars' Hu' t , ro f rJ 13Reynolds King Edward, rd Mrs. Annie King ; Colborne, Ihomae lohnslou 1 Union, M. 1. Parr ; Saints House, Bell Saints ; Ocean Haase, Wm,' Babb, Shop --W. W, Sattlts. Clioton—: Rattenbnry, Joseph Rat- tenbnry ; Commercial, J. 1, McCaugh. ey.F' Waverley, Joseph llheinhm'dt1 Graham, Renbetl Graham ; Normandie, S. S. Cooper. Shop --C: H. Pugh, Seafortll •— Commercial, Alex. Me - Lennon ; Royal, D, T: Pinkney; Dick blouse, Frank Kling ; Queens, Chris- tina Stephens. Shop—Ed. Dawson. 13russels— Central, Gordon McDon- ald ; Queens, Joseph Qoei'ia ; Ame1'teen,' Henry James, McKillop— Dublin, Louis Wolfe. Tho Original Corn Care No substitute has ever been dt'vise+1 111)11 givia thouick painless results I: of Putnam's (urn x(rlu't0r. For fifty year's its success leas been tui.. equalled. For safety told thorough cure use "Putiatn s" only, e‘fki/adiCENTEIAL sTRATFORP, ONTt A Large School A Good School TheBvttt 1TIiisschool amsn' coltinental reputat Atte tw•hIglt grade \vot•1t nod 491' ilia sacoeso of110s/id4nle. w4 hav0t11198 , dopartments,-1)omnlel'o4al 4ho1'th0ad and Telegraphy, Anlbitloae- young men and women should 0ettd at once for oar large free catalogue. Wrle for it at parr and Bee what oar graduate°. are doing. This is a good time of the year for you t0 enter our oloesea. tilteVent0 0r8 011' f 9g tering anrh woel(,.. L'on?nose your 134 00nrse lit once, - *;8` D. A. Mci.A0HLAN, Principal• J, Q.a.cr.riL 2g52.KaVas,; yN's vDw .'oza ie,w), ) •o•••••••••••••••••••••••• cosisoeamtso©eetecoe•s•©e••••® Walter Williamson • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • our • • Forbes 8 Williamson •• • • • • s a Norman Forbes • a tl • t8 to • • • • • ••• • D • • ••• • • • • • • s O • • • Painters and Decorators • •oesooe•••••••••••••••••••oo••••eaoaes0000000eae00003 Painting, DeCortrng Wall Paper Hanging THE undersigned, having formed a partnership, are preparedto do all kinds of House Painting, Dec- orating and Wall Paper Hanging. We are practical men in these lines and by doing our work promptly and well we hope to merit your pat- ronage and support. - Orders forWall Paper Hanging left withthe ur- dersigned or at Smith's Drug Store will receive prompt attention. BRUSSELS as: 2.1;+ l- y'rr Brghte'ri We have just received our brand new stock of the lat- est creations in Wall Papers from the leading manu- facturer of Canada. Large Variety of Newest Designs You are invited to inspect our new line of Wall Paper by all odds the finest we have ever seen. aloes are EXceptiaaable, 401 e carry au f ll line of 1111.4118P4/ T S MINrsNIs When you require paint for your buildings come in and ask for facts and figures about S. W. P. 0 We also carrya full stock of Sherwin-Williams W PaintsI Varnishes, Stains and Enamels—"a specialty for every purpose" for every surface in and about the town or country home or the farm. Produce . to en as cash Phone 2510 11 McDonald Craiibrook With Every Bag .. of Flour There Goes A Guarantee That guarantee means that I believe Cream of the West to be the best bread flour on the market. If your bread doesn't beat any you ever baked before, if it fails 'to rise or doesn't give extra satisfaction in every way, your grocer will pay you bakk your money on return of the unused portion of the bag. re of the estfa 'lour >aa sea ssIE•61=m 111.1.1231..1.41310:11..41.3241 the hard Wheat ,flour •guaranteed for bread If people will fairly And honestly try Cream wf the West they will have success with it. That's why we guarantee it. We are sure of it. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto A*CHISALO CAMPSR1.L, Provident 103