HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-5-4, Page 1VOL. $9 NO, 44.. BRUSSELS', ON:1'A1210, THUl SDAY, MAY 4 l;gliz: W. 1-1; KERR, Pro¢yketor New Advertisements Loge--Rebt, Nichol. r, a!. little -W. J.Clark. s �- :e. Notices -A. MacEwen, u, itrch it Notice -W. S . M.t Uea Tenders -R, nchoraO r Hay fur sale -G, Deadman, Trees foe sale -R. Leatherdale. Coronation ,moth -\'V, P. Fraser, t . x `` .eW MoncriefF SOBOOS 14' o e-Fialowin is. the • standing of the pupils of S; S. No. 9 Grey, as the result of the promotion Examinations of April 0. 7, and 10th. To Sr. IV. -Cranston Bray, Elmer Mc- Kay,_Stnert MCQnar•I'ie, to Jr. 1V.- Harriette McQuarrie, Johnnie McKay., To Sr. 'III.-Arnnlil Mcltey, Viola Schnook. To Jr. III. -Ora McKay, Mabel Hodge,' Pearl'Cummings, How- , and Machan: To St °IL-I118i McKay, Robert Dawson. !1'o .Pt. II.-KtLie Howard, Marie Livingston, Charlie Snelling, Elijah Maude, To Sr. I. - Bettie Mantle, Earl Machan, Gorden Machan,Helen McQuat+rie, Juhutiie' Snelling,. Forest McKay. • Harare 0, tMooie , Teacher. Blyth Council met Monday evening. " Additional Blyth Mews on page 5. 'Rev. Mr. Surer 's topic next Sabbath • morning will be"The New Command- ment." The new horse sheds at the Motto - dist church are nearly completed and will be a great imptovenrent over the -old one. Several from Blyth attended the funeral of the late John P.j , of Morris, on Wednesday.' Burial took place at Brussel, cern eery.. HP. Pratt died last Sunday, aged 74 year's. Regular quarterly communion Ser- vice will be held rn the Methodist church next Sabbath maiming, oon- ducted by ttie pastor, Rev. Mr. Fear. Official Board will meet Wednesday evening, PERedNALs. - inns. \IcQuarrie a is visiting her daughter at Teeswater.- Mrs. Sundercock is quite ill -we are sorry to etate.-.1. Mellurchie and T. Slone were at Brussels Thursday of last week attending the sunned meet- ing eetingg :0f East Huron Liberals. -Miss A11ieEutigh was visiting relatives in Bt ussels.-Mrs. Phietzer is still lin the sick list but we hope 'for early iw- provement. Last Sabbath evening Will. Taylor, a Ktlox Oollegge student, whose home isiu East Waw+nosli; preached In; Knox Church. Ere rid well, there oic was tinod turn out tat thee e ttbht p nectin held i11 Induetry Hall laetl'uclay evening when the Rer,i peoclty gnestion was discussed, ].reeve Hill °cenpied the chair and ad - demises emeses weregiven by TV, Prnadfnot ' M P P. A, Histo) and on. A. G. 1\Iac1Cay. A resolution favoring the adoption of Reciprocity was passed. Bioiate Crosses R teetteANIzen.-'rhe "Excelsior" Adel() .Bible Class in eon neotion with 1K11ox Church elected the following nfflcers'fot :the next terin President, Jas. Cutt'sr•. ; Vice Pres., Miss Bessie Taylor ; Sec„ 'Aram' Sims ; Asst. Sec., Miss Leckie ; Or- ganist, Miss E. Steinhoff"; Assistant, Miss Ross ; Teacher, Rev. J. L. Stnall, B. A. ; Assistant, A. Elder. Olen will meet Sabbath 'mornipgs, in the church, at 10 a. tu., corm'Tnencing on May 21st, Two propositions were briefly discussed relative to the social development, viz the organization of a'1'emps Club and an excursion to' Goclerieh via 0. P. R. when Summer arriges, Walton Alf. Dennison has gone to Ayr as assistant to O. P. R. agent Thomas, Ml's. Dennison is retraining here in the meantime. • Next. Sabbath morning Rev. D. Rogers, of Settforth, will. conduct the regular .quarterly services in the Methodist church, Last week an item appeared in THE ;PosT relative to the accident h peen- ing to Miss Maud Ferguson. The sentence referring to the possibility or n a legal actiowith the O. P. R. was in. correct as. the Company settled the case by payment of $375. The injury will lint be furgottou for many a day by Miss Fergnsolbut we hope the better' weather will help her. Jamestown At,. the regular weekly prayer meeting on Wednesday even- ing Rev. Mr. McKenzie, of Wroxeter, addtessed the meeting. Wessex's INSTITUTE, -The tg ular meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Thursday, April 27th in A. Polloc k's house Jamestown, conlnlent•- ing at 2.30 o'clock with President blies. J. Outt in, the Chair•. An exeelleut paper was given by Miss Stella' Wright on "Development of. Charac- ter," which: was mach- enjoyed and should prove very helpful. Quite a ••••••4•••i••3N•••+••••••+•+•.•+ se-r•••••••••••+•i+io essee-ewes 6 •• if i �•Free fiar • •• • 1^4. NTINUES • !OO i•. g, • • r 4. • • HE first, days' of the. Free Pattern Offer_ was a suc- gave away a large num 4. • cess in everyway. Wew y g Y . T • + ber'of Patterns, in fact a greater number than • • we thought possible.+ - g rynext, Saturday1e another chance on • We giveyou , vu g � • • May 6th, and if you haven't had a Pattern just call .. iand receive one -it costs you nothing. •. We havea full range of Gingham, Muslins and : Prints with a good range of Patterns which are very • suitable for making up In Free Pattern. While you are being measured for the Pattern ask to see them. -1 • •• • • • • 01.• • • 4• • 4••• 6• •r+ Girl's Dress This Pattern in evell siw(!s 4 to 12 years • A complete book of information on way to use Pattern given you with the Pattern. Remember the date of next distribution -Sat- orday, May 60. • • No trouble to be encountered. Misses' Dress tvlth Sizes 14.10, 1$ 18 t 0 20 year s ., • ladies' Some' Journal Patterns. • Tell Your Friends about this Offer, The Si' lobo Store �ee es MOS • • • Ladies' Dress f'1 Bust him 30 to 50 inches. R t • • •• • •k • i• • ••• 4 • • 0, i' • • •44444.•••444.41+404.414,4444.14,14•4•41+•+.444•44444e444444.• number joined in diecnssing the'paper. A short program, consieliingof a read- ing by M.rs J• D, Miller ; colo by.,Mrs. David \llPit ,a reeding bylV1 rs s Bessie, Moses added Vety mach to the interesltitrdeu y um oyul of 1he meeting. int Next niectifie will be .on lvltly 1.7th which will be the annual meeting, It also will beheld in Me,.Pollock's 1100e5 and a good attendance is hoped for, Godorich ' The speciel cinninittee of the Hu von •Oouniy Council mimed to 'investigate and deal with the : gnestion of the development of power on the MAR - laud River, will -go to Torten to shortly to interview rho-1tellro-,l leetrie Coat; rniseio1011 the sntfect,' Two eiigin• eers weco in Goderii,h a few days ago in the interests of bhecoinmissiots Arid es a resell. of Lhe ctn]ferelice the cpm mi8sioe will lice asked to say •whether they will take whatever; pewee May be possible of development. and also to furnish au estrtnt\te of the quantity of 'power available ,e id, 31se cost of development' , `Wroxeter' B, F. Carr_ etiade"a business trip to :Termite last week. ' Peter Milligan, s(fent'Supday 'with friends in Clifford.. Mrs. J. Winslow. at Williamsville, is I he guest of Mcs, Jas. Stafford. Mts, Jas. Hazlewood, of Clifford, visited this week with her sen, W. 0. Hazlewood. - W', E,'Ven Velsir tools possession uY R. J. Laing & On's. store, which he teceutly purchased,, nil Monday. A. 0, Chisholm, of •Walkerton, was iu the village on Saturday locating after the t'eiuoval of • his printing plant. We regret to learn that two of our prominent business men, Alex. Mun- ro unro and E. W. Lewis are still confined to their homes through illness. John Douglas and Robert Black were 11u1011g a timber from here who listened to the Hon. A. G. MacKay's_ address in Brussels Thursday of last week. Owiuk to a change evade recently a tieing the section men along this line, Chits. Special has been transferred to Fordwicli, his place heee being taken by Alex. Stewart, of Teeswoter. Air entertainmen tuudet. the auspices' of the Library..Boluti will be given in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, May 10th•. Rev. A. D. Robb, of Ear - Astir)). will give his popular Lecture, entitled, "The Smite Fee -T1ail, to The Gilden Gate." Miss A. Pauline Russell,- one of London's sweetest singers, will also be -in attendance" and reticle'. several solos. - - ' Ethel Boase to rent in Ethel Apply 1 to W 9Ax0aae. Pass FE508 9 Close will continua the loo: n, gamey for the well korona n Pnge fencing. and gates., Will construct. ns Noll (1 sanpl} :ode: If desired.- Get particulars -from. Lim..: A business change is mooted. Township Council will be held here next Monday. The regular quarterly Service will be held in the Methodist church here next Sabbath- morning. Ethel Football team is arranging for practices on Wed nesday and,Satur-- day evenings so as to ges in shape for the League matches. W. D. Eekmier, is manager of the team instead of W. Ilemswol the as reported in THE POST. Ethel IntermecliateFoot ball teats is grouped with Listowel, Wellesley, and MilverLou on the first round. We hope to see oar lads win the District: as a start o n higher honors. Dr. Lederman, of Milverton, is conven- or for the District, - Weduesday morning of this week Mrs. J. W. Pollard, receivedtheead news front Rochester, N. Y., of the death of her father, B. Driverformer- ly of Brussels. The funeral will take ,place on Saturday. Mrs. Pollard has gone to Rochester. Village lots Nos. 12 and 13, at Ethel G. T. 13. locality will be offered for '+ale at the hotel here on Thursday, Julie 1St., at 2 p., 111., by Auctioneer Ln. S. Scott, Further particulars may be had by epnlicatiln to. the Auction- eer or S. 0. Wilson, Brussels. 'rive qutu•terly services \viii he held' in flit .11(•thudisl chetah here next SeMalls Morning service at 10.30 o' - Meek and evetti110 it 7. Rev. A. L. Rm mist.] I, 13 0., will preach and itis ex - peeled that 1315pato or, Rev. 11r. Wren will be able In assist. Offielal Board' will meet blordeiy at 2p. use litre Baker, 632, Alvin Hunter, 528 Millie Alderson, 527; Iona Stelae, 501 (Near Gorsalitz, 449, Jr, III. to Sr, LH, '<) I 1 t L 600 P1 ss o t c t a 280 H n s 40 0 P tlc PUt inl,t( 1, 441 rMa Marie Leila, 428 Welland Kreuter, 42 4 , Stuart Noble 372 Ohmic Long, '310 Eget Reymann, 210, Jr. Dept, Sr, Il to Jr, III. -Total 600, Pees 300; Hoopes 450. Likzio Baker, 507 • John Schnook, cl took 455: Annie Smalltime), 32 ntw ). 4 Alfred Knight, 387 ; Barbara Fischer, 381 ; Irene Kreuter, 370 ; Ida Hunter, 306 ; Ross Hunter, 209 ; Charlie Dil. ling, 280; Arnold Fischer, 184. Sr. Pt. II. to 'Sr. II. -Total 550, Pass 275, Honors 352., Evelyn Baker, 856 ;Reel Baker, 811 ; Johnny Slmalldo» , . 289 ; •Jtfiinny'Nichol;''205; Alex; Sperling, 180. Jr. Pt. II to Si, Pt, IL -Total 305. Pass 183. Honor's 274. Walter Knight, 31.9.; Aimee McQuarrie, 289-; Lydia Steins, 288. Jr, Pt,. IL-Gertie Alderson, 217: Harold Pepningi on, 207 ; Alex. Steles, Pearl Schnook, 300. NORMA SPARLING, Asst. OSCAR SHAW, P11001981,, Drees brook Mayne 19'11011. of 1Winghinn, was in Ora ',broo c one day last week. Mr.. Leslie Young Jack, , nn g and ?on J t of \VY nuuppl„ ware visitors ' with A:.7, at1(l Mils,. l4rhtt. The Methodist church contributed 0b11111 $80 00 T his year for Missions, an. increase id' $6 00 twee hest Veen:. Next •.c;sbbal'h afternoon the service i11 the \rthudisI church will he Mime by F. Radrlittz 111 the metal hour. CARD Or, IITANrC4VP, the tlnder- srgneil, wish So Pipit's cum gratitude In ni'ighhtws and lfriteele who snitind- ly aided us during the 1llimee .and snhst'glrent death 01 nut' dear sin and brnthee. Harold.. Ki1iil (50151s and loving deeds have the power to en1i1- fre t whin the tweet is wounded and sari. 'these ki(t n 1 1 t . (s4 es will not easily be (traded Penn, our reniembetanee. blRe .JULTA \111NZIES AND FAMILY, fitni00L ilneonT,-Easter Promo- tion lax ons Otvtttbrnnk P. 5, Senior Depertnieilt :--•0htss V. -Total 725,- •Russel Knights 680. Sr." TV. Tilts.' 725. Pass 305, Honors 545. -Addie Sparring, 500; Mande Ointment), 576 Leslie" Peelle, 552; Lucy Alderson, 541; Myrtle Greatly, 580; May Grasby, 524 t Tiazel McDonald, t ld 504 • Maggie li Lo t& l b 401 J, 1 a ra Ste(Absents) :11 11. InJr. I TTV-Total 725. Paas. 365 Honors 54o, Tbehest, Smalltime, 616 ; Gordon Knight, 040: Maggie Pen'ie, 027 ; Elsie Seaeliug 508 ; {\'lade= Grey Chas. Lnve, lith con., has returned to the West. He carne borne owing to the illness of his' daughter.. Miss M'eArther,- nurse, of Galt, is here 011 a visit at her brother's, Councillor McArthur, 6th con. We are pleased to state that Miss Maggie Love, who was so seriously - ill, is improving nicely from her severe attack of pneumonia and will sn0ti'be as well as usual we hope. INonesses.•- Last Snndlty night: three elites belonging to W. J. Sharpe, Ilth con., presented their owner with three calves, rather" an uunsual occurrence. Two years ago three mares awned by Mr. Sharpe had three fonts the same night. We me sorry to state that Frank, Davidson, of ttte Metropolitan) Bank, 13r•ighton, has been on the sick lista- gain and has come horde for a good rest. His many friends hope that the vacation on the farm will do him good and put ilio in as good health ae ever. 04E0 OF THANKS. -We 'wish to ex- press our sincere thanks and apprecia- tion 10 the neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness tendered ns during the illness of one daughter, Maggie, who is recovering nicely we are pleased to state. Your kindness will long be remembered. CHAS. AND :MRS. LOVE, nth Cott. Grey. MRs.: ARCHIL•' MCINTOSH CALLED ROME. -The sad mews reached John Stewart, 76th con., of the demise of his sister (Rachel) Mrs. A. McIntosh, formerly of Grey, who passed away at her hone, Mayfelcl, Manitoba, on. April 24th, after giving birth to a baby, who also died. Mrs. Mnintosh vas 42y yearssnf a e and went West 15 years ago. She is survived by Mr. McIntosh and five children. She was a daughter of the late John Steentiet, of the 16th ion., and will -be remember- ed by many old friends here. Mrs. 'Phos. Hnddlestone, of Portage la Prairie, Man. David Stewart, of Pawhuska; Oklahoma, U. S. and John Stewart, of this township, are sister and brothers to deceased. The be- reaved share in the sympathy of the community. Morris Fall wheat has not made much pro- gress this Spring yet. Minutes of. township Council may be read on page 4 of this issue. " Next meeting will be held Monday 29th ;nst. QOurt of Revision on the Assess- ment Rnll will be held on Monday, May 201b, at 10 a. m., at the Town- sbip Hall. 4. large number from Morris heard Hon. Mr. MacKay .at Brussels or Blyth Thntsday and Friday evenings of last week. Several Moi'risites beard Rev. De. Cleaver, of Toronto,, at Brussels, Monday evening on his great 'Lecture "Jean Valjean: There will be 110 preaching service Jackson church n .Sunday I the ext S r lday. ()wing to the qqnarterly e) mmuuion being held at Blyth. Mrs. (Rev.) Oaten, Brussels, and Miss McIntosh, Missionary from Ohina, visited Mrs. John eOlegg, 5th line. on Wedneedrty. The usual afternoon service in Sun- shine Ohinrh will be cancelled next Seihnth es the quarterly Oo i minion will be held at Brink Church that day, Miss Ida Cornish, of S. S. No. 5, Aiertis, -has been engaged for another .year at tut iltcreas(d salary. She is an A_ 1 teacher and We wishher eon ti1)050 anileSSS, Jas Sheridan and John Stewart, e rd of Berl suit ( alt nd c.lte£t t nPi•+il of 1 heir aunt bh,e Wm. Miles,.of Woodstock, on Monclll.y. 1)t1ceavrf wits 1t Sister•' of Mrs. Alex. Stewiu't, of Beltrrave. '1'11P G'nnnail 15 asking all pieties in- tending to make rash payments oil n ssessllle nt for fit (11 Berge week of 1115' is of n -J. Lam n r McCall Nl h Mom l y a t cOnll chains to notify some member of the Beard before the 2911). • We are pleasedto state drat Miss G121401 Feegu'eln, who has 11500 111 n.t NiitgaraPalls with 'Cvphoid fever, has taken a turn for 1he het ter amt wP hnpe she will soon be fully restored to him penal gond health. ,lotto PaAT'T DEc1 AsiriD.-Last Sun- day an old I•esidertt of the 8th line, 111 the person of John Platt, land Nature's debt, aged 74 year's. He had been in failing health free rho past 2 years, with anaemia. Mr. Pratt was born in Ireland and had lived 111 Morris over 50 year's. He was mated 10 mai riage to Mies Eliza Synrnncis 45 years ago, who survives her ;Nut- tier along with three sans. George t \ in Saskatchewan, and (nil Vnr ( v , Josiah at home. e1a1 t died ten yen's ago. Ih Pleat was buried Weil nes- dee lLftern0ml, initrnu nt being macre 11) Brussels cemetery, 1tev. Mr. Tear, his pastor, gond ieling the service,. 1111.0, Pratt allci`•falnily share in the sympathy ofthe community ht their bereaveute n t, CARD OP 1'HA ' s•\r Alt-- \ 0 wish to ex- press 0111 ei)Celt (] i e t trill 6 to i Llt many 1 1 who' were sokind and sympathetic ill the decease of the late Ohas, I•]. 13o0e, It will live long in nue lemony. :. HENRY BONE AND FAMILY,: mitt),--`Lbet'e peeped awaynit 1405,llirb„ on-111oliday Of lat smelt William Little, a fanner well known resident of the 4th line, in his 80th year, The remains were breught neve fa1' interment, the funeral l'artillg place from his sores residrnrP Wed- nescllty afternoon. Int 1115)11 was made at the Breeden ce Mel err, The funeral of the 1 -rte' 'Charlie Bone took place last Friday afli'rnnon. It appears after the aecideut he lived several hoot's and was quite Conaekn's, giving instructions as to the fa120, making his- Will, conversing, with his wife and sending messages to his dear ones. Mrs. -Bone will remain in this locality for a while among relatives and ft lends to recover from the severe shock in the sudden callings away of her hasbaud. 141,x. Bone went from the house at 8 a, in. and was driving a 3 ox team attached to a disc harrow. He had a slot gun with him on the watch for wild geese. By a joltin 80100\way the firearm was discharged, the charge tearing its way into his left side by- lower rib and into lung. Mrs. Bone noticed the, seat on the harrow vaben r about 9.30 o'cloclt and On going 'to investigate found her husband mortally wounded. Two doctors were secured, 12 miles distant, but nothing could be done fat the in jnred man, although he suffered very little and was Co1lsci0118 to the last, death ensuing at 2.80 the same day. Mrs. Bone left It etrobeets Friday 2lst alt, with the remains on the sad mis- sion homeward and arrived at Brus- sels the following Thursday. Mr. Bone's farm is located about 600 miles heyonci Winnipeg. Rev. Mr. And- rews, of Bluevale, coudacted a very appropriate funeral service and the pall bearers were Geo. Bone, N. South, James Mceush, Robt., 'Farmer, Thos. J. Ellis and Ed. Henderson. Among relatives frau) a distance were D. Or•uickshank, Toronto ; T. and Mrs. Walker, Wroxeter ; Jno• and Mrs. McOush and family, llhaa ; and Miss Carrie Somas Seaforth. Sleep on dens Charlie your labor is Your willing hands will Wino more ; On earth 1s strife' and in heaven rest, we loved you true but God loved you best. Epviorth League Anniversary Interesting Services and Fine Lecture. Last Sabbath the anuiversaly Ser- vices of the Epworth League of the Methodist church, Benssels, took place and were marked by a large measure of success. The wnriling service dealt with the Junior League work and con- sisted of various exercises, conducted by Miss Penile Shaepe, Superintendent and her assistant Miss Hattie Down- ing, in which the youthful members gave.evidente of acquaintance with Biblical lore, church history and 30nior League work. Rev. Dr. Oaten gave a short practical addte,8 on the Beaver, usin Os an object lesson a part of a tree upon which a beaver 1 i had worked..' A selection n of music c was well sung by a conipauy of girls and. a good chorus rendered by the Leaguers, It is worthy of more than passing notice that the Methodist con- gregation in Brussels of the future depends lo a very large degree 00 the g:edenf work dune ;n the primaries and 111e 1(1101est evidenced in the children by the adults. There is no more hopeful work undertaken than that dealing with the youth and it certainly deserves the hearty support anti approval of the congregation as 5 whole. bliss Laura Leatherdale pl'e- se11ted the Treasurer's report for the past torn, stumble that $12 50 had been cnlitribttled for Missions. The evening service 25155 conducted by the pastor mid was directed toward the work ul' the Senior League and the •valve of decision in the youthful period of lite. Topic of the very epee -melees discourse was "The Bing- o v �0 1 r addition t two King - dein w t f youth." In d L 1 well rendered n eas by he choir t quant tte composed- of Misses Hing - sten, Genes Prytie and Sharpe sang with gond efftecl "lie slumbers not." League is well ofticeied ; hese wide tvinge of (00111 committed to them which 511001011, Ove attractive to the This o '-n' h Motility. � 11 ,s or- tuu people kl e p Y g t ) �'r 1 h.ffwtn s ' t 'un i not la), 11 arc the et gatrtzi 11 s of both .010 M'iesimi ry Society and the departments of the home church. 3(110TOR 181300'5 IZn110., IEAN-. VALJEAN To have read 'Les' 11Ii5erebles," does not entitle one to know Jean Valjt n, es he was depicted Monday evening by Rev. De. Cleaver, of Toronto, at the Iiedlndisl.Ohurih, Brussels, where assembled a large and interested and 109(1 1111 t 11 het its , the very disagreeable Weather. It is 111011, 1111111 (0201' aSS11l11hLt1011 Of W008 11110 rr this teat elute- aafarnos iu rlescc;bl g g atter in 11i8 battle of ciiniunstanoes sureoundinq tllatisfomdinthss ytorr the hero Of Vic.t.nr Hugn's wOtalerPui )' 'O read it, is to have 1 t fiction, to 100111 , le lasting, helellible impeessi01) of a Misery and persecution for the man's nli , v a r p urea R •le nffence of stealing a loaf of bread to feed seven 9t1L1'Plill; 'children, ere:eaved 011 the mind and never oblit- erated, bliteratrcl, To hear the story told 1 to listen to a Human voice ; to experien ••••••••••••••••••••••o•• • • 0 ••Coronationj0 0 e • C I th e is the newest and most • • u -to-date goods rocur- • able in the line of Mens • • attire. • • We have it in various • shades and', patterns 5Lt • very reasonable prices, • considering quality. • • • • • • • • • • • • Call early and see • • samples and get figures. •• • Also have a natty stock of • • :Spring and Summer Wear • • p g in Fancy Worsteds, • • Pantings, Vestings, &c. • • \\\\\\\\\\' • •• ••• �pp�Jr HYr Merchant v P. FSASES 9 Tallon • • • ••o••••••••••••••••••••••• • ce the whole gamut of emotions, as though listening to the details of some great event of yesterday, and a- bove all, to feel that you knew the man and your heartbeat in sympathy for his countless adversities, and per- haps shed a tete' over his manifold misfortunes ; to have experienced this is to know Jean Valjean. And so the large ,gathering felt as this wonderful hero of fiction appeared in the flesh, in the person of the Rev. Do. Cleaver. No reading in a home by one's self could approach to the fascivation of thisman's rendering of the story in its vital parts and one wonders if dramatization wonld make the least change from Monday night's description. pi mu the arrest of Jean Valjean, the poacher, to his death as Fatter Brebeuf, the voice of forgive- ness was never missing in the fine portrayal as one was led along step by step from the arrest in his 02512 town to the condemnation at Toulon. All through the .terrible nineteen years in the galley you could feel the iron Collar riveted around the neck, the iron ball tied to the ankle, 111e attempt at escape, and then one seemed to. collapse vlth h' as the second ball ivas nut on the other ankle, and the three more years added to Jean's sen- tence, until 0115 gasped at the terrible mounting years of servitude Which now have reached the ominous figure -nineteen-all for a loaf of bread. And so on through the years of'pros- perity until -his death, with little Oosette et his side, and the man she loved, who was having taken away from him, as all through his life had been taken, everything that was dear to - him, the one living thing his wearied heart coveted. About two hours were occupied by Dr. Cleaver but the interest never flagged. Be- fore the lecturer was introduced "Nearer my God to Thee" was sung by Miss Downing accompanied by a band of girls in white who interpreted this gland old hymn in motion, Rev., Dr. Oaten presided. The Epworth League under whose auspices the lecture was given deserves credit for being Mattel - mental in seeming this literary treat. F proceeds proceeds were about $55.00. Dr. Cleaver will be welcome back. East Huron Census Enumerators' Following are the names recom- mended to the Government as Oensns enumerators in the East Riding of Huron :- ELA111 LIVINGSTONE, Blyth, 00m1018 - Sinner. T1RiNCERNY Name P. 0. Alex. Kelly .... ..... ...... .....1Vinghain R. S. Messer Glenannan 3, L. Hooper Wroxeter EAST WAWANOSI . R. 13. Mi$owan Blyth 7. A. Anderson ........... Boigrave Ellsha Walker ................. Wingham • Howxeit. John Gowdy Belmot'e .1(11111 Walls ..., Clifford R. J. Williams Gt sale Jahn Heuneberg .... Fod«*ich 'Phos. McOlemeut........ L(ordtvich Sheldsn Bricker Fordwicli ,u0R1 18 T. M. Henderson ...Wiugham With Isbister... • ..............Witlghaw Win Watson , Bel =rave r t 1, Ohas. K; Taylor........ ... ,.. „Blyth GREY Wm. Work 'Brussels domed Bernath, .... ....Ethel Andrew Lament Brussels Oliver Turnbull ............ .....Walton WROSETEIt J, Br ethaner Wroaceter• 13RD88.DLe W. lel. McCracken N. S. McLauchifn WINGI1A11 Jobe Elder . \Vingllam . r r Abner Orions 6 Bensse18 Brussels 1tiLYTit - Wm. Jackson .,.. ...... ..Blyth, \Vie. Willows - Blyth \v learn A. M McKay takes regular We A Y e lar g week fro«• every Sunday, supplviug a Pr• sbytcriau Church not far from Cieslsy which is minusa pastor. He should fill the bill all right. - Howick Township council , Council met April 190, in 'Brown's Hall, Pend with, pursuant to 11djouvn . went. 1etube1s all peseta t e ce t Councillor Ltr,Reeve hi the c] aiv iMinutes of last meeting read, and or motion of H yn t1, adopted. Moved byDowuey and Reis that the follow- ing changes bede it the.a ]ti l- lntst581-3enIuglee instead of D, D. Sanderson ; Albert Fleury -J3, Shttw, Lorne Laird -Geo. Foster; 141, Den - more -Edward Armstrong, Moved by Downey and kiyndwan that the following accounts be paid, -,Edward Armstrong,. tot filling hole in road, $1.00 ; 301111 Rudd, putting in culvert lot 9, con 12, $1.00 ; Will. S. Moller - cher, .Insen•1thce nu Tp. Hall, 93.10 ; A, S, Strome, halftime of contracts in full for 1010, 9100.00, Moved b El ndrnan and Reis that this Connell Y 1 do now adjonitu to meet again 00 the third Wednesday in' May in the Tp. Hall, Gerrie, where tenders will be received for building of abutments for two new bridges,. *11(20lted ,cheque to accompany each tender ; tenders for making township's tile will also be received. Oersted. . L. WALKER, • Olerk, Brussels Council The regular monthly Council meeting was held last Monday evening. ' Reeve Leckie in the chair: and Councillors Jones, Ament, Dames and Pryue in at- tendance, the latter subscribing to the official declaration of office. - Minutes of last meeting read and pass- ed. Following arcounts were present- ed: - Ties POST, Fishleigb Dr, By -Law$ ao oo D. Hogg, work on streets- ..... 75 Jas.'l'huell, work on street...... •• 4 ao Jno. Long, salary as Assessor.... 5o 00 (Garside & James; new boiler ort Fire Engine and repairs 6o1 g5 R. Oliver, salary 33 33 Thos. Newsome, grant to foot- bridge replacement,..•.. ,,, 5 •oo Moved by P. Ament, seconded by A. C. Dames, that above accounts he paid. Carried. Weighmaster Oliver reported scalere- ceipts for April as 9-17.60. The question of anew arrangement for street lighting was discussed and the local Co. asked to supply figures as to the cost of iostelling an incandescent system. Council gave 'permission to canvass. the street corners adjoining Victoria Park on May 24th, in conuection with the Celebration to be held. Next meeting will be held Monday evening the 15th inst. when Court of Re- vision will he constituted to deal with the Fishleigh Drain By -Law. Church Chimes Maitland Presbytery will meet at Ripley, in Huron church, on Tuesday, May 16th, at 10.30. Quarterly Communion will be observ- ed in the Methodist church next Sab- bath morning, the pastor officiating. Next Sabbath evening -Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A„ will cammeoce. a short series of discourses in Melville church un "Baalam." "How old art thou ?" Pharoah's question to Jacob was the pastor's text In Melville church last Sabbath morning trona which a practical discourse was preached. The annual District meeting for Wingbam District will be held in the Methodist church, Fordwich,. on Thurs- day and Friday, 13th and lgth insts. questions before the One of the q session will be Church Union. The pulpit in Melville church next Sabbath morning will be occupied by W. L. Clark,who is rendering, special ctal service in deling with he problems of young men. Mr. Clark will speak in the Methodist church Sundayevening. A,program-of addresses tomenand boys will be held during the evenings of the week, in the Public Library audience room, commencing at 8 o'- clock. A musical program will alsobe . rendered, All men and boys will be heartily welcomed. W. M. S. -A special meeting • of the Women's Missionary Society, Brussels Methodist Church was held at the home of Mrs. Win. Pryue to elect officers and finish up the business of the year. Of- ficers for -coming year are ;-Honory Pres„ Mrs. 3, L. Kerr ; Pres., Mrs, A. 1, Lowry ; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. (Rev.) Oaten ; stud Vice Pres , Mrs. Wm, pryne; 3rd Vice Pres., Mrs. Paul; Rec•-See„ Mrs. H. L. Jackson ; Cor, - Sec„ Miss H. M. Gordon; Treasurer, Mrs. Leatherdale ; Supt. of Systematic P Givantiny >flr gear, Mwasrs• Skelton6 4. Income for the 5 • O1rFICIAL BOARD, -Tuesday evening the Official Board of Brussels Methodist church met to close np the business of this Conference year, Rev. DI. Oaten in the chair. Reports were presented deal- ing with the different phases' of the. work, W. H. Ketr w s elected rep- resentative ep-i resentatf a to D' v tstrict uteetiDR and F. • tH. Gilroyas reserve. Stewards 'chosen 1e for :year were :--R. Leatherdale,, H. L. lackson, F El. Gilroy, R, A. Prone, J. '1'. Wood, A. J. Helm and W, 13, Kerr, the latter being elected ,as Reonrding Steward, owing to removal of 9. Farrow. Liceuses'were granted as Locel preach- ers to 13,Gerry. Eli Smith, T. Farrow, J. Grainger` F.:Rsdatz and.. W. H. Kerr. A Committee was appointed to draft a resolution. from Board to Mr. Farrow. Class Leaders, 13. Gerry,' 3, T. Woods, Eli Smith, W. 3, MoCracleeu, F. Raddatz and A, J Helm, District visitors, R. Leatherdale, 3. A. Hunter, H. team R, A. Pryue and B. Gerry. Board adjourned to meet. May 16111, 1,si In M 4, OI}al' C ontributfon or t contributionsfor be ant Y p year the tend was $562 85, an advance of $z6,so over he year previous. la thissum i • i stn s ncludedr oz,Io froth se, Epworth League t $12.27 from Junior Lelrgue ; $76.70 from Sabbath School ; and 829 95 front. Craubrook, The W. M, S. raised 984,56,