HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-4-27, Page 4ije Is east TiiUR;DAX, APRIL ,20, tett UN DAV teas St Gitnrgu's Dav find slit anmverirary WAS olenrved fo nnmerote places by sermons and add ressest'el(ittts #o the dragon slayer. IT cost the American fishing lug "Eagle" the tidy sum of $c75•oo for poaching in Canadian waters The Minot Was nabbed in Lake Erie I• usually pays better 50 "h1111 1114, on vont Own side either on land or water, REV. C, W. GORDON. of Winnipeg. has been appointed Chairman of a Smell of Conciliation iu dealing with the cosi miners strike in the West. His se qua,u.auea with Wextero condition, ahoul<t prove of value to him and all con - earned. 1 s 's rain its tide o emi- gration i to f g gration tuwatd the great Canadian West instead ot the U. $. Authenticated statisties asy there are 8o,000 of Welsh nationality in Chicago alone. The Do- minion of Causda can well supply the needs of such desirable people, THE POST voices the sentiments of Huron County, irresective.' f political predilietfons, we believe, in expressing sympathy with Hon, George P. Graham, Mloister of Railways and Canals, in the, demise of one of his sons. a bright young man who had entereduP on a nespa) rw t t career with every prospectect of marked success. W>TE unproved weather conditions and better highways the "honk 1 honk 1" of the auto will once more be heard in the land and the ordinary horseman will exercise special vigilance on the outlook for them. He is not the only one who should be alert as the wooden header) chauffeur has hero responsible for much of the injury by upsets and the pre judice that exists with many against autos on public thoroughfares. An ounce of brains is worth a too pounds of cure. IF the figurespublished concerning Church Union are official there is a strong preponderance of the Presbyterian Pres byteries in favor of the proposed com- pact. Out of 68 Presbyteries voting in Canada 54 have sant Yes., 12 are reported against and 2 repurtinga modified vote are counted as oegatire. To those who approve of concentrating the religious forces the above is fill of significance and in our judgment, is creditable to the spirit of liberality and brotherhood a- mong the Presbyterian brethren. Hog A. G. McKAv. the well known leader of the Ontario Opposition in the Legislature, is making a record both the Houseand out of it t v his ability to deal with public Issues ; his practical turn in tvorkrog for the interests of the masses ; and last but not least the ab' sence of the hyper critical in his pres eutation of questions of moment to Canada, He gives credit where credit is due and is frequently sought by thoseoli icall D t 9 opposed to him- for in- formation regarding important topics. Hon. NIr. McKay will addtessa public meeting in Brussels Town Hall Thurs day evening of this week and at Blyth Friday evening. LAar FridayHouse the H ou. a of Represen- tatives at epresen-tativesat Washington passed the Reci- procity measure, relating to free ex- change of natural products with Cana- da, by a vote of 265 against 89. The de- bate was marked by some red hot speeches both for and against the agree - meat. Measure will now have to run the gauntlet in the Senate where the op- position will be considerably warmer but some, who aught to know, say the agreement will have the ascendancy. Some of the arguments used by the U. S. orators were in line with the opposi tionists in Canada only applied to the Republic. THE bogus mortgage is playing a good second to the old time forged note in some sections,of Ontario and as a result some prominent legal geutlemen, who were uutrue.to the trust reposed in them, may get a vacation behind prison bars and be shorn of their gown. Not one man in possibly a hundred reads the legal documents prepared for his sigma- ture or those upon which be loads large or small al sums as the ease may be, Itlis ,well to betrustful bat along with this quality couple business foresight and know by personal contact what these important papers contain. This would often obviate mistakes or omissions and would perhaps save many a heartache later, when blunders can only be a. mended, if at all, by expensive legal squabbles,. Be businesslike enough. to Itxow for yourself what is being dope 110 matter how trustworthy yourconveyan•. cer may be. Mrs, Doubledee, of llarriston,'Onto teas knocked down by au electrical de livery truck, Tuesday morning as she got off a ate et e car on Yonge street, Toronto, while on her way to visit her daughter on Stutter Street. She was caught about the neck and trey have received internal injuries, Mrs, Double, dee is 75 years of age, 1 How It Spells Out It -Mill puintletiau nettely uuaitinlons, Id-lit'.ieitiing a few ot the expense of tate itlttoy is pour states. wallah 1p. C-anada takes het' place among the Nations, 1nttdepeudent thiukiug, means tt vote for the ltgi•eeluc•ttt, i'-arliatuettt should ratify the pact. R--oeiproeity puts annexation out of the question. O-ptiteiste comae better than pessimism. 0 -bumpkin N.eeipt obits and enjoy the profits. I -•-i; time of prosperity push to the frost Mud don't "leave well et magi) alone, " T-ariff wars ttre deetritctive to trade. Y -e fettrfulaide ts ft esti, haulage take, Bow To Tell Catarrh An Experienced Physician Says the Following ng $YhtpLoma are Sure Signs. You can always tell catarrh by the following well kuowit signs :- Eyes t'ed and watery ? DitlIculty Tu breathh,g? Are the nostril; stuffy ? Do you sneeze frequently ? Is your throat hoarse ? Do you spit phlegm ? Oppression in the chest ? A tinging in the ears ?, If you have any of these indications of Catarrh cure the trouble Clow --stop it before it gets into the lungs or bron- chial tubes -Hien it may be too late. The remedy is "Oatart•hozone," adirect breathable cute that places antiseptic balsams and healing medication on every spot that's tainted by catarrhal germs. There -can be nnfailnre wi th Catarrh > - tzone far years it ' has su to f c ss yillt cured cases that resisted ststetl c ttier reme- dies. e tr+ n is d e , "No one ran know t v b( tier that' t Ithe enormous benefit one gets from the very first day's use of Catarrh - ozone," writes T. T: llopkins, of West - vale, P. Q. "1 had for years a stub- born case of Btnnchial Catarrh, ear noises, headache, snt•e ayes, stopped - up nose and throat. Itaffecte,l my appetite and made sny breath rank. Oalarrhozhme muted quickly " Get Oatatn bozoue, use it and you are sure of cute. -beware if iinitntiins and substitutes. Large •#z< (hit arrbozone with bard rubber i win/1o• lets t months and is guaraiiteerl, Smutty!. sizes 25c. and 50e. By mail. OUR WINNIPEG LETTER A splendid rain, general 1broughou the West. wound up in a -moment in which driven by a s'iong wind. made e bad break in the Spring weather tate had prevailed up to the .tv-e.ttn. A. s matter of fact, the storm was au exce,- lent thing for the country, but it pmt things under a eintry coating for the tithe being. Business generally was never better. 'rhe early Spring and the big rush of settlers into the West, have piodnced a rush of business t t s mess that is a record, even for the West Winnipeg lank cfear'ogs increased four million tin lays f r the week ending Apitt 1st it over the cor responding week of last year. 3,200 settlers from the United States entered. Canada at Emerson in March. 'rimy Meilen personal effects t0 the a- mount of $66n,000 and live stuck valued a! $35'10u0, besides a large sum ,n cash. Tie rush from G <'.o Bri,ate in even greater. 1 Ono enteietl Winnipeg and the West 011 she 12511 and 3,i>on in one day On the r4th. 'Pits is a teemed for a :eagle ' day in the history- of the great rush into Western Canada,which has been going on for the paw five years, Winnipeg is making splendid tirdust rial growth Twelve factories are to be erected in one section of the city, nine of them beim l g already ander way, rhe cost of the eine $5 is • o n, ono and the other three will stake up at leas' Sena, - 00o more In this secrun of Wmmpeg there are 92 industries located J G. Rossman, of New York, has been appointed manager of the Winni- peg municipal power business at a salary of $6 00o a year. Power from the plant will be ready f delivery 0rdel veru nest luly and this will undoubtedly do much to in crease thei h ndustrial growth f g t u he mitt, already astonishing for its rapidity and success. ALBERTA Seeding aronud Edmonton is latebut' prospects are excellent. Winter wheat is in fine condition and the land is in splendid fettle for farming operations. J. K. Cornwall, member et' theProvin- tial Legislature for Peace RI ler, always enthusiastic in regard io the resources of Edmonton's great hinterland, has ob- tained permission from the City Council to pave a portion of a city street with asphalt to be brought, from some of the great deposits of the North country, The asphalt to be used will be brought front the neighborhr.od of Fort McMur ray, 3oo miles to the North of the Atha- c-F4•1•pye.,.eg.p sty.-o•:•e• 4/4.4t rs9•♦•..esee-••••i••d••d•♦•1•••F•�••3•♦•l�♦•l�♦•t-• •• basest River at a cost estimated at six cents a pound. Mr. Cornwall's idea is • • to force attention to the great. resources . of the North Gauntry and evetttva6v to S• induce the Gnvernmenl to take slops to.The To Calgary gained 75 per cent. for the year x950 over t909; OURMONFREAL LETTER. The banks, millers, havest machinery manufacturers, transportation int- rest, are all looking forward to the farmers of Canda makieg a recurd in the matter uf the coot 's tot,ln ry. wheat crop Iles year, 'l'he millers grind wheat into flour and are expectiug to keep their trills working overtime this year. The transportation companies handle the crop and they are increasing thir roll- ing stocksand fleets of vessels this year, Iu connection with the havest out -look an important announcement" was made last weekthat interests closely identified with the Canadian 'Cerealand Milling Company, has purchased the International Milling Company and that a holding company was about to he formed which would direct the affairs of both companies. J. D. Flavelle, President of former organization, is oken of its t e res;h P dent of thPL new company Both the Cereal and Milling Comto auu d the Inc rnat'I t e tonal Milling Comp.iny stand high financially and commercially and the joining of the two will have nolittle effect on the. handl- ing. of this year's crop. The Cereal Company's mills are all located in On• tario, nmely a, 'l'illsonburg, Lindsay, 'I`oronto, London. _Fergus, Embro,Woodstock, Alr, Galt and Highgate, and stave a combined capacity 01 over 5.500 ba, refs per dal of flour, rolled oats oat meal '1 fir Iutet national, as it mune 'aibi., has mol. uu both -sides ut. the bounder%,foul in the Unit,.d States and one at Moose Jaw. - It was founded -lu 1896 bt F. A Bean; of New Prague, Minnesota, whostarted- with one small mill, '1'o day it has mills at New Prague, Walls and Blue Earth, Minus sore, and at Davenport, Iowa, and atMoose law, Saskatchewan. • In making heseexpansions nota dollar outside of the actual earnings of the organization has been spent 'Phis year she Interna #opal is enlarging the Moose Jaw mill, erecting a rolled oats mill at the same place and acquiring a string of elevators hroughout the West. Thenew coni-bination is in veryable handsfivanctally. Iis understood that the directors of the new holding Company will be chosen from both the InternatIUn81 �4ndkhe Cereal Companies board. It is also understood that A. 1. Nesbitt, managing directorof the Investment Frust Com parry Limited carried through the nego. tiations which led to the combinationbeing formed. The harvest machinery , people atre looking for an extremely busy year. All the new_ settlers will need new machinery and there is goingto be considerable difficulty in outfitting every farmer or would be farmer in time. Sawyer -Mas. sey people report that their factories are working day and night to provide for the demands. whih are coming from the We fst or tows res er raP ps. kesand so on. Oder the Guaranteed Flour Nit Time You` Fake Bread If rightly used Creani of the West Flour will make the lightest, flakiest, most nutri-tious bread you have ever tasted. ' If you haven't tested it order a bag net timeyou go to the' grocer's. est ®r solommilmmion �e hard Wheat flour g ed or bread 0i 00 OO 0 t= 0 L� 0� 000000 Or=O ; � E hereby aftirmaad declare that Cream of the West 'I' Flour is a superiorbread flour, and as suchis subject to our absolute guarantee -moneyback ifsot satisfactory after a fair trial. Anydealer is hereby authorized' to return price paid by customer on return of unused portion of bag if flour is not as represented. The Campbell Milling Co. Limited, Toronto.Arcbibatd Gmpbell, Proidat_00000=otmot=000t�ot�000r='0- ,:1. C`. ��' � , , t� .; ,,f, i . fir ' .. 1 �r " 410 ' t ® , May oxLatar a> To Twas Meaning But strong. Withthatglutinousstrenghlwhich it Sta $eine Squeaks Yourdough!Try a rise FIVE to rise ■ risen y� coherent. the the the is this be f nevermolre weak to dough; and feel wonderful the good the dough rXseiil lien : a flour-, weatk in ROSES your surprised too.- Blas feels springy cracks as ofa FIVE srrtoothtextu bread born flour,iIIUIIIIII qucyavernght sun--�, g of gluten. Ie,And y ou ROSES of course. is strong, under ark w�Feel such bad delight. your it. dough. re - dough- forgotten soft unusuallyI. hand. -fuer. compels ueNote YGreat IIIIIIIIIIIII) T !m11UN6, (U111111IIIII . Y: fAXVnI,AME Illllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIeJ IIIIII O ,ME NOObO Mw,,NO OOMPANy I'1M,,e0 MONrRCA, Cereal Companies board. It is also understood that A. 1. Nesbitt, managing directorof the Investment Frust Com parry Limited carried through the nego. tiations which led to the combinationbeing formed. The harvest machinery , people atre looking for an extremely busy year. All the new_ settlers will need new machinery and there is goingto be considerable difficulty in outfitting every farmer or would be farmer in time. Sawyer -Mas. sey people report that their factories are working day and night to provide for the demands. whih are coming from the We fst or tows res er raP ps. kesand so on. Oder the Guaranteed Flour Nit Time You` Fake Bread If rightly used Creani of the West Flour will make the lightest, flakiest, most nutri-tious bread you have ever tasted. ' If you haven't tested it order a bag net timeyou go to the' grocer's. est ®r solommilmmion �e hard Wheat flour g ed or bread 104 provide transpur ation facilities to per- . costo Miilineryparlors mit these great resources to be develop. ed. ♦ There went 6,723 homestead and pre- l emption entries made at the Medicine Hat land office during the fiscal year of two, which took up. altogether, t,o7s,- 68o acres. S Calgary will a I g y make Victoria Park a place games and recreation by a new of beauty and an ideal spot for! lay -out of the grounds and embellish ment of shade trees. shrubbery and 1 lawns, Grounds for baseball, football andUam lacy ei 1 w I be laid out ' andIli - P Y grounds fitted up for children. Salaries of civic officials are to be I materially raised by the City Council, These increases vary from:boo to $I,000 per year. A new automobile club has been form- ed with Mavor Mitchell as honorary president, Good roads will be thy chief object of the pew club. The prairie provinces are ideal Gauntry for autorno biles and 3,000 new cars will be sold ,be, tweet the Great Lakes end the Rocky Mountains this season, au Ihetels ao- ject for a road over the mountains tp the toast: Calgary's hank clearing figures show an increase for the week eliding March 35 of nearly three millions over the same week last yeer,:•Tu customs receipts, Were opened for this 'se=ason, • according to announcement, with 1 • an1 ee ant display of Fasli' - lOtl •1• P Y • able Millinery. • • ♦ ♦ t • Misses Sandsrson Carr 4. + • • Wish to thanlc the Ladies for their attendance, their compli- ments and their highly esteem- ed Y ed orders. If you have not seen our display call in. P Y • • SATISFACTION ASSURED! ;••••4••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• They, also notice that the demand for heavier machinery such as threshing outfits and traction plows is much great- er than it was a few years ago, showing that the farmers are getting more prosperous and preparing for operations on a larger scale this year. Early this Winter the Canadian Paci- fic, the Graud Trnuk and the Canadian Northern placed their orders for freight cars to be delivered this Summer in time to help haul the harvest to Fort William. Since then additional "orders have been sent in for a total ot over ten thousand cars. Preparations are also being made for increasing the tonnage of the vessels plying On the lakes,most of them in the grain trade, anof the fleets of Atlantic steamers, As a rule the railways are not far wrong and it will be very surprising if their prepara- tions for a bumper harvest are not justi- fied. COLD s1.ORAGE EGGS Having experienced cold storage eggs, cold storage meats, cold storage chickens and cold storage edible products with- out limit, has now discovered the evil of cold storage flowers. Many a bunch of high-priced .blooms, it now appears though seemingly trash picked. may have been in cold storage for five or six months, Particularly is this true 'of violets, and many an ancient" bunch picked half a year ago is now disposed of to the unsophisticated p purchaser. Io appearance ante the cold - pp storage blooms, like cold storage eggs, have nothing of which to be ashamed. It. is in their odor that the danger lurks. The ancient blossoms picked iu the dull season lose all -their sweetness soon after being placed in cold storage in • the Fall. When they are taken out from the cold storage chambers stn the Spring they must be artificially scented. Violets for instance,. s epee, are impregnated with violet extract. 'just as a handkerchief might be perfumed. Not only is there danger of a certain kind of poisoning from smell- ing them, but they hold their false Sweetness for only about six hours and they drop and wither as quickly. These long preserved,:, artificially scented blooms which,are bended at ridicu- lously low prices,' are one of the' most surprising cold storage products yet brought to light. RAISING THE 'WIND There are three wealthy and well known citizens of Montreal who, useful and public spirited as they are in life, will still be almost as useful, in one sphere of •activity at least, in death. This trio are old and honored members of St,' fames' Club. Although almost every mad of means in the city is a meatier of St. James' and the amount Eczema Was Spreading TILL D. D. D. CURED IT This is a translation of a letter writ- ten us in Prenth, on April 26, 1010, by lilt•. Dan 13abineau, Cap Luuriute, N. B. "1 had been n u • s ff tin with eczema for about 0 Months, and had consult- ed several doctors who did not, do me any good. The diseuse wasspreaditig and S was most uncomfortable, T thought I wonitl go crazy. All lay 11ieuds were telling' ale I would lose my hands unless I found the light treatment. One day I read it) the Messenger a- bout your 1). 1). D. ttwatn'tentaud ask- ed foe a sample, It dict ole so much good that) immediately oedet'ed two large bottles. I took eight bottles altogether to cure Inc of this terrible disease. 'Iellen never be without,a bottle of D. D. D. itt my home." The rernrds of ten yettrsof complete cures of thousands s (ts of the most, severe Oases show 1 hat D. 1). D. stands to- day as tlie.abar lutely relieble eczema 05150 1 It t to -day l t lav Cur floe tele! battle to" the D. 13. D. Laboral ,ries Dept. i3. Is, ill Colborne St., 1'oronttt, It will give you F;is+U1'>sa sa I Druggists) i'41••d •3••44.1,11 .0•b♦4'♦ (I" i by 1 of money spent there in a day for pleas. ares of one kind and another %Boald keep a large sized family for a year or many years the institution has had diffieulty'in raising enough money to add to the present premises and make some very necessary improvements. This novel scheme has been hit upon. The com- mittee has been empowered to borrow and spend $tzs,000, this money to be. raised by mortgaging the club's property 'Po pay off, this mortgage the lives Of three of the oldest members are to he in- sured, the club paying the premiums. When they die the insurance money will of course oto the blob. The thre. 8ee m tubers cannot make up their minds that their friends really mean it. now when they raise a glass and wish the proverbial "Good Health," for the sword of Damocles seems to be swtngtng over their heads. ITCHING SCALP got Rid of in a Few Hours There is nothing made that will so quickly rid they scalp of distressing itchiness as Parisian Sage, the ,hair dresser and. beautifier. Jas. Fox guarantees Parisian Sage to cure dandruff, stop itching scalp and falling hair or money back, and. sells it for only #i0 cenfk a large bottle. It puts vitality into the hair and gives ita radiant lustre. Itis the favorite hair dressing of ee finedvvomen:because it so quickly te- freahes the scalp and not being sticky or greasy is delightful to use. For Service The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 19 Con. 10,Grey, a there' bred Berk alroh hoe. with registered pedigree, nasTefs1W. Broanridge, of Georgetown. Terms E0Q with privilege of returning if necessary, JNO, BROWN, Proprietor, Phone 2914. Ethel P. 0. Will Sella young Shore' bred Berkshire hog at a reasonable price, also several youn lg•, brood Sova. 98-t1 The People's Column ir=OR SALE Olt TO RENT -The B1yy of Lot 2, on the 12th. Con, of the Township of Grey. Apply to 15155. EMLLY, Turnberry street South, Brussels. erHOt<O'-BRED YORKSHIRES either sex, at breeding age, for sale. Also 2 young Shorthorn bulls, ono of them let prize winner at Brussels Fair. JAS. SPEIR, Lot SO, Con, e, Morrie. Box 276 Brussels P. 0. 'Phone 100. FA1251 FOR SALE. -The 100 sore farm, be. ing the property of the late Peter McNeil, Lot 28, eon. 14, Grey, la offered for sale by the undersigned. There are 85 acres cleared, bal- ance well timbered, On the feria there is a good bank barn largei driving dad and o Cam- wetl ble fenced. Phare in good condition and to well Penned. For further 1), htoularS apply s' JAS., MONAIR'. JAS, F. S. , Exec- utors, CrnnbraokP.O., or F. S. SUOTT, Brus• nets, w.rr ... 'ARM FCR SALE, -The undersigned offers for enle, his 100 acre farm, behigq Lot 00, Con, 16, Grey. About 70 acre cleatett, halftime In swamp, Rainesaq htPall81 wheat, eOn seed- ed down. Pull howte,R is being done. ;gthe Parrs ixchard ea d dril ed well.barn. driving phot. ORM, orchard and drilled wall. Close to post. ORM, eburek and 35 0 For 15, further prticu- tars apply to JOHN OSIIORNOI, Proprietor, 'r F. S. Scott, Brussels, SAS ARMF' R f O E being South kale Lot 26, Con. 4, Morris township, t Huron Co., eon - Mining MD maw ll use, b ar lora. On rho prom- ises . n ndmil ,tonna, bank barn, good orchard,bout well. windmill, &c All alrm•ed except about nn sore School lk miles distant. Only 2X miles from Bruaeels. snores of Ball wheat In and about 80 acres seeded down. For priao, terms and other Information apply on the premises or if writing Brussels P. 0. Phone 1126.11 Or A. S. Scat,A saele. Proprietor, FARMS FOR SALE. -•Lots 21 and 22, Con,14, 510x160 t pP, and Let 28p s - 2 Leta '21 and Ycompose the homesteadardineand tnsbbo 100 Gardiner allflrnt.lss'Innd. well fenced, well tile drained and hen 111aere sof. and hardwood w and bush n nP r good C o table b t tdlcll'n n yi g with to modern he - aro good bash !pleat of good 2 spring ono and a cod benrin , R m•o�ntd, R 'pyx i s ono or the will he smat farms tons le my of Huron mut Will he Held 25 taonna it lent house tot arn al tri pain i'e ed li a beh ,,Is staid] hone' and baht all In pnxtnre and has been for ; atahemrnneuebi tlfarafntlsiitlrhiramity to ALEX.(ilruN ER, Walton P, O., Or on the premium. 90.51 COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE with stable, well, 4e., tont 2 acres of choice land for sale 111 the Southerly part of Brus- sels. Immediate possession can 61 given, For further. particulars apply to L'.$. Scott, Brun - sets, orJNO. tioARTHUlt, Walton P. O. P/ and plaee our graduates In positions. ( Students may enter at any time..? 1,2 Spring term opens April 8rd. For par- ticulars address EDWIN D. MATTHEW W8 Prin. 'y" MiwaYaaYrrra i 6tzyDvrArFy�.y MIAW.02=atti..U•` We pre Dear Reader young people for business at The . Listowel Business College 0 ,CENTRAL ST,RATFORD ONT... A Large School AGood. School The Best .ca4 5 This school has a continental rapids -P' tion for )bell .grpdetvork and for -the "� success of its students. We Shorthree- denartmentP;-OonunereIeI, Shorthand and Telegraphy, Ambtteu • int '. fora and ronen.sltoutd send at once 6 N for.our large free cataloguer Wrie for it at once and rl ee e what our - graduates >� are doing. t • � Tldx is n goal Elm . Students year foryou i, 1 yu '3 tering snob our wee c. tjemn,e x oro isr se course anon week Cmmuence your yt"� Course ntanae. \¢ D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. j YY�be9t rr,eames*&ana myAMAteta r .s13U.s d „b�+:it,^,r.O�.dy,?t'.b�Y�yt3�,vaSY,pG'sy,AyiY-0taty , Distance as No Hindrance to those who wish to gat the beat; - �f Matey students from the distant pro. vi„.„ and the United States attend the ELLIOTT q Toronto, Ont., This School has a c'"d '4 national reputation ' for high ya„} gi25 grade work. tirnduutos readily get rr good ponitioav Open entire year. En: ter now. Write for ratnlogno :ya ,t Oor Young and 5 W. J. chic .T, (ei Alexander SEs f Principal. 5 i a:*,,artrWil09Rm: r-IWrA/P2W4SW>a'a gze ♦♦i♦•14••••OCtJo09'Doe 1'64+4',) • ignet • • • • O" • • • • • • Rings•: • i Vel • In Y l puha indeed is • • the Signet Ring Inc 4, e Lady's or Ceti lt' ui's • 0 wear.We town • 1153 Oxone eplinualltrtty shfnacoil-gg . 0 n '•, o LOW IN PRICE But High in Quality One of these Icings May • be lust what you ate • • looking for to give yhm' • friend. 0 • We do tite 15ngraving i ♦ Pree. You may cltnnse • whatdesigh yen lilto, e Y • • it • • •Ri Viendt • p • i Wroxeter . • •••9•••004•••••,..4440•4444 0i 00 OO 0 t= 0 L� 0� 000000 Or=O ; � E hereby aftirmaad declare that Cream of the West 'I' Flour is a superiorbread flour, and as suchis subject to our absolute guarantee -moneyback ifsot satisfactory after a fair trial. Anydealer is hereby authorized' to return price paid by customer on return of unused portion of bag if flour is not as represented. The Campbell Milling Co. Limited, Toronto.Arcbibatd Gmpbell, Proidat_00000=otmot=000t�ot�000r='0- 104 provide transpur ation facilities to per- . costo Miilineryparlors mit these great resources to be develop. ed. ♦ There went 6,723 homestead and pre- l emption entries made at the Medicine Hat land office during the fiscal year of two, which took up. altogether, t,o7s,- 68o acres. S Calgary will a I g y make Victoria Park a place games and recreation by a new of beauty and an ideal spot for! lay -out of the grounds and embellish ment of shade trees. shrubbery and 1 lawns, Grounds for baseball, football andUam lacy ei 1 w I be laid out ' andIli - P Y grounds fitted up for children. Salaries of civic officials are to be I materially raised by the City Council, These increases vary from:boo to $I,000 per year. A new automobile club has been form- ed with Mavor Mitchell as honorary president, Good roads will be thy chief object of the pew club. The prairie provinces are ideal Gauntry for autorno biles and 3,000 new cars will be sold ,be, tweet the Great Lakes end the Rocky Mountains this season, au Ihetels ao- ject for a road over the mountains tp the toast: Calgary's hank clearing figures show an increase for the week eliding March 35 of nearly three millions over the same week last yeer,:•Tu customs receipts, Were opened for this 'se=ason, • according to announcement, with 1 • an1 ee ant display of Fasli' - lOtl •1• P Y • able Millinery. • • ♦ ♦ t • Misses Sandsrson Carr 4. + • • Wish to thanlc the Ladies for their attendance, their compli- ments and their highly esteem- ed Y ed orders. If you have not seen our display call in. P Y • • SATISFACTION ASSURED! ;••••4••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• They, also notice that the demand for heavier machinery such as threshing outfits and traction plows is much great- er than it was a few years ago, showing that the farmers are getting more prosperous and preparing for operations on a larger scale this year. Early this Winter the Canadian Paci- fic, the Graud Trnuk and the Canadian Northern placed their orders for freight cars to be delivered this Summer in time to help haul the harvest to Fort William. Since then additional "orders have been sent in for a total ot over ten thousand cars. Preparations are also being made for increasing the tonnage of the vessels plying On the lakes,most of them in the grain trade, anof the fleets of Atlantic steamers, As a rule the railways are not far wrong and it will be very surprising if their prepara- tions for a bumper harvest are not justi- fied. COLD s1.ORAGE EGGS Having experienced cold storage eggs, cold storage meats, cold storage chickens and cold storage edible products with- out limit, has now discovered the evil of cold storage flowers. Many a bunch of high-priced .blooms, it now appears though seemingly trash picked. may have been in cold storage for five or six months, Particularly is this true 'of violets, and many an ancient" bunch picked half a year ago is now disposed of to the unsophisticated p purchaser. Io appearance ante the cold - pp storage blooms, like cold storage eggs, have nothing of which to be ashamed. It. is in their odor that the danger lurks. The ancient blossoms picked iu the dull season lose all -their sweetness soon after being placed in cold storage in • the Fall. When they are taken out from the cold storage chambers stn the Spring they must be artificially scented. Violets for instance,. s epee, are impregnated with violet extract. 'just as a handkerchief might be perfumed. Not only is there danger of a certain kind of poisoning from smell- ing them, but they hold their false Sweetness for only about six hours and they drop and wither as quickly. These long preserved,:, artificially scented blooms which,are bended at ridicu- lously low prices,' are one of the' most surprising cold storage products yet brought to light. RAISING THE 'WIND There are three wealthy and well known citizens of Montreal who, useful and public spirited as they are in life, will still be almost as useful, in one sphere of •activity at least, in death. This trio are old and honored members of St,' fames' Club. Although almost every mad of means in the city is a meatier of St. James' and the amount Eczema Was Spreading TILL D. D. D. CURED IT This is a translation of a letter writ- ten us in Prenth, on April 26, 1010, by lilt•. Dan 13abineau, Cap Luuriute, N. B. "1 had been n u • s ff tin with eczema for about 0 Months, and had consult- ed several doctors who did not, do me any good. The diseuse wasspreaditig and S was most uncomfortable, T thought I wonitl go crazy. All lay 11ieuds were telling' ale I would lose my hands unless I found the light treatment. One day I read it) the Messenger a- bout your 1). 1). D. ttwatn'tentaud ask- ed foe a sample, It dict ole so much good that) immediately oedet'ed two large bottles. I took eight bottles altogether to cure Inc of this terrible disease. 'Iellen never be without,a bottle of D. D. D. itt my home." The rernrds of ten yettrsof complete cures of thousands s (ts of the most, severe Oases show 1 hat D. 1). D. stands to- day as tlie.abar lutely relieble eczema 05150 1 It t to -day l t lav Cur floe tele! battle to" the D. 13. D. Laboral ,ries Dept. i3. Is, ill Colborne St., 1'oronttt, It will give you F;is+U1'>sa sa I Druggists) i'41••d •3••44.1,11 .0•b♦4'♦ (I" i by 1 of money spent there in a day for pleas. ares of one kind and another %Boald keep a large sized family for a year or many years the institution has had diffieulty'in raising enough money to add to the present premises and make some very necessary improvements. This novel scheme has been hit upon. The com- mittee has been empowered to borrow and spend $tzs,000, this money to be. raised by mortgaging the club's property 'Po pay off, this mortgage the lives Of three of the oldest members are to he in- sured, the club paying the premiums. When they die the insurance money will of course oto the blob. The thre. 8ee m tubers cannot make up their minds that their friends really mean it. now when they raise a glass and wish the proverbial "Good Health," for the sword of Damocles seems to be swtngtng over their heads. ITCHING SCALP got Rid of in a Few Hours There is nothing made that will so quickly rid they scalp of distressing itchiness as Parisian Sage, the ,hair dresser and. beautifier. Jas. Fox guarantees Parisian Sage to cure dandruff, stop itching scalp and falling hair or money back, and. sells it for only #i0 cenfk a large bottle. It puts vitality into the hair and gives ita radiant lustre. Itis the favorite hair dressing of ee finedvvomen:because it so quickly te- freahes the scalp and not being sticky or greasy is delightful to use. For Service The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 19 Con. 10,Grey, a there' bred Berk alroh hoe. with registered pedigree, nasTefs1W. Broanridge, of Georgetown. Terms E0Q with privilege of returning if necessary, JNO, BROWN, Proprietor, Phone 2914. Ethel P. 0. Will Sella young Shore' bred Berkshire hog at a reasonable price, also several youn lg•, brood Sova. 98-t1 The People's Column ir=OR SALE Olt TO RENT -The B1yy of Lot 2, on the 12th. Con, of the Township of Grey. Apply to 15155. EMLLY, Turnberry street South, Brussels. erHOt<O'-BRED YORKSHIRES either sex, at breeding age, for sale. Also 2 young Shorthorn bulls, ono of them let prize winner at Brussels Fair. JAS. SPEIR, Lot SO, Con, e, Morrie. Box 276 Brussels P. 0. 'Phone 100. FA1251 FOR SALE. -The 100 sore farm, be. ing the property of the late Peter McNeil, Lot 28, eon. 14, Grey, la offered for sale by the undersigned. There are 85 acres cleared, bal- ance well timbered, On the feria there is a good bank barn largei driving dad and o Cam- wetl ble fenced. Phare in good condition and to well Penned. For further 1), htoularS apply s' JAS., MONAIR'. JAS, F. S. , Exec- utors, CrnnbraokP.O., or F. S. SUOTT, Brus• nets, w.rr ... 'ARM FCR SALE, -The undersigned offers for enle, his 100 acre farm, behigq Lot 00, Con, 16, Grey. About 70 acre cleatett, halftime In swamp, Rainesaq htPall81 wheat, eOn seed- ed down. Pull howte,R is being done. ;gthe Parrs ixchard ea d dril ed well.barn. driving phot. ORM, orchard and drilled wall. Close to post. ORM, eburek and 35 0 For 15, further prticu- tars apply to JOHN OSIIORNOI, Proprietor, 'r F. S. Scott, Brussels, SAS ARMF' R f O E being South kale Lot 26, Con. 4, Morris township, t Huron Co., eon - Mining MD maw ll use, b ar lora. On rho prom- ises . n ndmil ,tonna, bank barn, good orchard,bout well. windmill, &c All alrm•ed except about nn sore School lk miles distant. Only 2X miles from Bruaeels. snores of Ball wheat In and about 80 acres seeded down. For priao, terms and other Information apply on the premises or if writing Brussels P. 0. Phone 1126.11 Or A. S. Scat,A saele. Proprietor, FARMS FOR SALE. -•Lots 21 and 22, Con,14, 510x160 t pP, and Let 28p s - 2 Leta '21 and Ycompose the homesteadardineand tnsbbo 100 Gardiner allflrnt.lss'Innd. well fenced, well tile drained and hen 111aere sof. and hardwood w and bush n nP r good C o table b t tdlcll'n n yi g with to modern he - aro good bash !pleat of good 2 spring ono and a cod benrin , R m•o�ntd, R 'pyx i s ono or the will he smat farms tons le my of Huron mut Will he Held 25 taonna it lent house tot arn al tri pain i'e ed li a beh ,,Is staid] hone' and baht all In pnxtnre and has been for ; atahemrnneuebi tlfarafntlsiitlrhiramity to ALEX.(ilruN ER, Walton P, O., Or on the premium. 90.51 COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE with stable, well, 4e., tont 2 acres of choice land for sale 111 the Southerly part of Brus- sels. Immediate possession can 61 given, For further. particulars apply to L'.$. Scott, Brun - sets, orJNO. tioARTHUlt, Walton P. O. P/ and plaee our graduates In positions. ( Students may enter at any time..? 1,2 Spring term opens April 8rd. For par- ticulars address EDWIN D. MATTHEW W8 Prin. 'y" MiwaYaaYrrra i 6tzyDvrArFy�.y MIAW.02=atti..U•` We pre Dear Reader young people for business at The . Listowel Business College 0 ,CENTRAL ST,RATFORD ONT... A Large School AGood. School The Best .ca4 5 This school has a continental rapids -P' tion for )bell .grpdetvork and for -the "� success of its students. We Shorthree- denartmentP;-OonunereIeI, Shorthand and Telegraphy, Ambtteu • int '. fora and ronen.sltoutd send at once 6 N for.our large free cataloguer Wrie for it at once and rl ee e what our - graduates >� are doing. t • � Tldx is n goal Elm . Students year foryou i, 1 yu '3 tering snob our wee c. tjemn,e x oro isr se course anon week Cmmuence your yt"� Course ntanae. \¢ D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. j YY�be9t rr,eames*&ana myAMAteta r .s13U.s d „b�+:it,^,r.O�.dy,?t'.b�Y�yt3�,vaSY,pG'sy,AyiY-0taty , Distance as No Hindrance to those who wish to gat the beat; - �f Matey students from the distant pro. vi„.„ and the United States attend the ELLIOTT q Toronto, Ont., This School has a c'"d '4 national reputation ' for high ya„} gi25 grade work. tirnduutos readily get rr good ponitioav Open entire year. En: ter now. Write for ratnlogno :ya ,t Oor Young and 5 W. J. chic .T, (ei Alexander SEs f Principal. 5 i a:*,,artrWil09Rm: r-IWrA/P2W4SW>a'a gze ♦♦i♦•14••••OCtJo09'Doe 1'64+4',) • ignet • • • • O" • • • • • • Rings•: • i Vel • In Y l puha indeed is • • the Signet Ring Inc 4, e Lady's or Ceti lt' ui's • 0 wear.We town • 1153 Oxone eplinualltrtty shfnacoil-gg . 0 n '•, o LOW IN PRICE But High in Quality One of these Icings May • be lust what you ate • • looking for to give yhm' • friend. 0 • We do tite 15ngraving i ♦ Pree. You may cltnnse • whatdesigh yen lilto, e Y • • it • • •Ri Viendt • p • i Wroxeter . • •••9•••004•••••,..4440•4444