HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-4-27, Page 1VOL. 39 O. 43'
W, .H': TK,ERR, Frobtmetoy
New Advertisements
Locni-Thee. IZioliolls.
e'er solo—tinht,.4hou,xon
Tonoilor wonte1—le 1 Cines
Free platen) QW -l), 0. RoPP.
Aaetlen wile—.t. '4. funrltinson,
Spring house.eleanbtg—lr'it,'Smith,
The business wand—w ingham Bus. College,
Elistr,ict flews
G rdn'
n the little son of Robert
Hanilto , who has beet) mpoo]v
all the
Whiten, with Bronchitis, is not',im-
rovitig very fast but we hope the
Seeingweather will helphien. Il is
arbit laddie. e
INJURED BT CAR, -Robert Tiffin,
the 7 year-old son of Rev. A. 0. Tifilu,
of Lambeth, fornserly Of Trowbridge,
had a close oulf from being crushed to
death Sunday afternoon et 1.80, when
• he was hit by a Southbound traetiou
car. Although somewhat badly trellis-
' he will recover. The little lad was
on his way to Sunday School and had'
called at a neighbor's whose hoose
stands close to the radial •traaks.
Findinghe was late, he ran out and
on to the track; not noticing
which was eight upon . him, The
motorman ha.d no chance to stopbut
fortunately the car threw the lad to
one side and away from the wheels.
A physician was hurried out from
London by the traction company, but
found the injuries were not of a serL-
nus nature. -
Goderich •
At the annual meeting of the Gode-
rich Bowling Club following,ofiicers
vete elected, Presiilent., . A. Nairn ;
vice-presideeqt, F. J3arlow, Mobiles ;
secretary, Win. ' Lane; treasurer,
Joseph Kidd ;• executive committee,
Dr. Bunter, John Rutnball, F. J. But.
land. It was not decided at what date
althea! tournaniell 1. will he . held.
Penn present indications the .camp
at Goderich this -year will be nue of
the smallest ever held in this district.
As far as can be learned the follctwiug
are the only forces that will go under
canvas, Rural Regiments—Tweety-
cii:xth. Twenty-seventh (Latubten).
, Thirtieth (Wellington), Thirty-second
(Bruce), The ty-third (Huron), turd the
Corps of Guides, K Oompany of the
Royal Canadian Regiment, -true Becton
of the Fifteenth' Field Atit bulanceand
No. 1 Company of the C. A. S. 0. It
is expected that the Seventeenth
liegitrtotlt from Windsor and the
Twenty.L'ourth froth .Ohatham will go
under canvas for a few days. ,
Whitt about. Basta Ball ?
M. (1'tev,) Forrist and daughter,
fortnet•ly of Walton, are living.inTor-
onto now.
How does your garden grow. ?
Some oomplaiu that their neighbor's
bene are a great help In raising garden.
Lest wee a lcd a was at
La k Me. L e l n a St.
Marys writing at the tynitu& examin-
ation of probdtionees in the Aletirodist
naiades,. We congratulate him on
his success.
D. Blake has relurpetlafter spending
his Easter holidays in Detroit with
his brother and sisters. Drs John, Miss
Edith and Miss Ellie Blake, Mae Ellie
Roland and Miss Dora Staples, who
went with hits, have prolonged their
stay. Miss Roland and Dr. Blake and
9ietel•s are tOUSil1S.
Bel me leaving Duane) for Wall'ou 'T•
H. McKoy, once more C. P. R. agent
here, was made the incipient of a gold
locket by the townspeople. A banquet
was held at the Albion Hotel in his
honor. It served him right and we
guess be deserved it all,
Miss Maud Ferguson ie still incapa-
citated from bee former activity by
the 'serious injury she received to
one of her knees in a fall at the 0. P,
R. crossing some time ago. Mr.
Ferguson is claiming damages from
the 0ontpany and there rutty be legal
trouble over it to arrive at a conclusion.
[t. has been an unfortunate thing for.
Miss Ferguson but the hope she Will
noon regain her old time vigor.
(1Ht:mow :Bustaaarret OoArsrrrrTEE.—
Mt>ndayy,evening a meeting was held
at Drift's church to deal with the
question of erecting a new edifice. A
ltdkiilig Committee is Officered as
follows :—Chairman. Jun. Smillie;
Vire Chairman, Ino. ShorLreed ;
Seeretit y, .lnd. Shannon ; Treasurer,
,Gro., Watt. 1t is proposed to build
Ihttnew church on the Grey 'aide tool
is'expectt'd it will -be up.to-date in all
ttsti,ppoititmeats. Centenl basemen 1,
chmeh red brick, dressed with cement
blocks 13. C. Shingle roof. Seating
en;mei ty will be arranged for 400. A
tipsierh Saudayschool room will be
,dded to the fees with folding doors
net ween it and the rthneelr. Excava-
tion will be teade for proposed base-
ment built next Fall... A •Committee
of 3 was appointed to have plans and
•••••••••••••• ••••••0+0••••F•••••• .-•
r .
• 1 -.n.;.ru,.:..+e.,u.seau,se+su,.v t'3pnasr.0 ,1,
: C^ NTI N U ES •
e. . .
• Y
✓•e suc- - O
• HE'.first.day of the Free Pattern Offer was a s•
We gave away a far a num- ' O
everyway. W.+
cess in
Y g
j y
bei' of Patterns, in fact a greater number than
we thought ossible.
We giveYou another
other chsnCe An Saturday ay
Ape it 2gt a, and if you haven't had a Pattern just call .' ,
t, costs you nothin
•and r ce' e o e It
t '
full ran • of Gin hams, Musltns and
•:. We have a range Ging
with Ja'good range of. Patterns which_are very
suitablefr making u in Free Pattern. While•you are
g p
being measured for the Pattern ask to see them.
A complete book of information on way.•
to use Pattern given pie with •
the Pattern. 4.
Remetnlieii the dale of .+
next, distributicei—Stat-
arclay, April 20th. •
..., •
Girl's Dress;
This Pattern 16
eyetl 8111118
.4 to 12 years';
No trouble to
be encountered
Misses' Dress
Sizes 14, 16, 18
18 to 20 rasa
Ladies' Nome Journal Patterns.
this Offer.
Your MendsMendsaboutaboutnut
Tbll Y ur
/ /////.421111151M9' / .
Ladies' Dress
Bust. from
80 to 50 inches.
••t•• 4440•r•+••t••+•a••4•e 1,••3••3••• 4.110•rsa•••I••'t••.14.14•l••a••.e•e4.1•••i•0
estimates prepared. The brick yorc;
et'irrg of the two present churches will
likely be useti for inside walls. No
smallutte estisboiagevidenced aver
the new obureh proposal and a; hearty
r'sspoese-being root with ill stibserip•
tions, -
Word has been received from the
West that Geo, MeKay, of Albevuathy,
kiosk,, has been real poorly but the
hopa for Wetly conv8Iesaeuce.
-'lite Bethel chute!) has been moved
to give room foe the new °tie and
work has commenced op the basement.
It is said the contractor will push the
job sons to permitoftheohuroh open -
Mg by •July 1st, They will •have to
Wt• arc sorry to hear of Lhe.deaath of
rem incl friend Alex, MeKay. so well
Icemen here, hast Tciesdayat his home
at Ethel. Mrs. R. W. Livingstone, of
this locality, is deceasedsoldest
daughter. Geo. .McKay sr. is a
brother 10 the late Me. McKay.
ELMA. Srrwe' ''FAIR..— Wednesday.
aftetruueu of last week a large number
l 001 the vicinity were. in Atwood at-
tending the Spring Fair. The elasees
were 1101 well filled but exhibits were
of the best, Mild of horseflesh. 'Follow-
ing are (swards given byJudge Mc-
Kenzie, of Luekuow :—Ntheilea Jas.
McKenzie, tCdtalk ton ; Ate:lrenciieve,
J. G. Bender, Wallace' ; Prince of
eferryfield, Karr Bios. ; H. R. Piido
III, of Kitnbill. Andrew Thompson,
Trowbridge. • Royal Prince, Kerr
Bros. ; 11nyal Mescott,,Dickson
Bros., Atwood. - Keeler Fredertek,
Fred. Klinefeldt, Atwood ; Sen-
tinel Wood, 1Vui. Holman, Newry.
Dashwood, Wm. Holman ; Allerby,.
Dv. Mol euzie, Monkton. Netherlea,
Jas. McKenzie. Dashwood, Wm.
Borman. -
• Ethel
Onassis rent in Ethel. Apply to W. E.
A few. willrosy fetctor sugar beets'
g Y
this 5100111.
Cenlentsidewalk buildingshould be
rultLtuuecl this year.
\Vhitt about at Lawn Bowling or• tt
Teo is Club for. Ethel 7
Ethel cheese factory will be ready
fur business en Monday, May 8th.
50 cents in advance, gets Tan Po5T
to Jan. 1st, 1912. This is a bargain
you should out miss.
A number fsoiii this localityexpeet
to hetet Rev. De. Cleaver in himaster-
piece, "Jean Val Jean," at the Metho-
dist, church, Brussels, next Monday
3t is ieporteds that Garage Dobson,
fo In hl e well known resident, has.
e y
disposed of his general store business
1 p tCo.No coin iwiut
atIrnret i Oxford c
Would be Ifound if Inc -would move
back to Ethel.
Several in this ideality will talt0 to
Mold 111 the Standing Field Crop com-
petition being direrLed . by Brussels
A t I4
altard Society. Fall wheat is
the crop to be judged. A. McKee was
one of,the winners two years ago for
5 acres of peas.
Township Council will meet here on
May 8th, when several Drain By -
Laws will be dealt \with at Court of
Revision. The township fathers
should be adepts at the drain By-law
business by tine time this year is over,
if practice makes, perfect.
NEW CEMMMETERY.—The much talked
of establishment of a cemetery for
this locality has become an actuality
and three acres have been pin chased
fromThomas Vodelen, on Lot 21, Con.
7, which have been (surveyed by 0. L.
S. Bolton for burial .purposes. Price
paid was $275,00. The propert'j' will
be fenced and have trees planted in
clue 001118e. Provisional Directors in
charge of the cemetery consist of A.
McKee, 8. S. Cole and A. H. Mac-
Donald. Plot is said to possess the
nighb.kind ofscil will be easy of access
and will obviate the long drives to old
established b1111(11 places for those not
already owning plots in the latter.
Information relative In price and se-
lection elm be supplied by the Com-
er' ttee.
MONS —After an .illness of about a
week, from plot( and pit en monies
Alex. McKay plts5ed tiiwIty front time
on Tuesday, raged 73 yetis, 11 menthe
and 7 clays. He Mel not been rugged
for the past.10 years, being tv snfl'e>'er
from 1benulatisni told other pbysici1t1
ailments",' Deceased was horn in fn -
t nto o,
v ilea 'roteand and mune Ot,f Id
e s,b
Co,Uutario when'a boy. 45 years
ago be moved to Lot 90, Con. 14 Grey
and about 5 years later bnugh1 Lot 29,
Con. 15, its the same township upon
whirls he lived until his moment to
Ethel 5oro years 5)1100, having sell
the int l0 1). Nettled. Over 51) ,years
ago lir. Macey seas United in nett-
riege to Miss alloy Chrystal, of Oxford
On, who u'it.h six dnitghteis Ohm. R.
\V, Livingstone, Mnncrietf; Alts.
holt, hhu'1'is, Pott -Carling, Muskoka 4
Mrs Venetia. Toronto ; Tlts. (4en,
IbbKity, Abetment y, Sash, ; Misses,
Ellen and Lizzie, of Toronto. Ont, and
Pit' lslmeg, Pettis. 1 e.,pectivet) and
three Sous (Gro Athtily, Ont. }\lex.,
Parry Honed ; nail John, Wolfe,
Savk.,)'soivire. Geo, tMiKay an old
1(1001nt. of the lobi con., is •a hu 01 Iu'n'
Of deceased and h s A ir xPot t s
Atwood, a slslrr, The subject of this
notloewas nulnsurcms, thrills Wird is
gond manager, 1:1e v as o member
the Peesbyterin.0 rhultth and a life
o "beer 1 Owing to hisrite tut.
ug Lt a, g theme.
118111 he found AIDple time t0 read and
was unusually well posted oil the
world's doings. Of 11. kttodly told oblig.
n honorable 11 i9
Ng Ito t lit : p in his dealings
g g
he had limey fiieltds who will sympa-
thise h the widow and1 then.
'a%vL srn
rhes , s
funeral took lane Thnrsctn after-
lireu 1 v
0001 to Ot'ankrnok eemt'tery where a
(lengthier (Kate) told mon (Willie) were
inn' ad, Rev, D, 13, McRae eon neted
the service.•
Principal Thomson cotumen.oed his
ditties in Ethel s01001 last Monday.
We wish the teachers and pupils sue"
Miss Mina Elliott, who wee Irere.for
the. Easter holidays, returned. to bet'
school last Saturday, 't'eaciring eva
detttly agrees well with Miss Elliott.
pecte lookood for a lively season on
Maitland -Park here in Intermediate.
Foot 13aU, Nearly'ill of the 1910 tears
tyre available so that a strong. com-
pany of pig skin (Masers will he inthe
eld, , 1're officers are as follows
! lT
President, John McDonald ; Secretary -
Treasurer, Geo. Kreuter i Manager,
Will. Hemsworth. Oaptam is to be
chosen later. 'We \wish the team sic-
cess and would like to see Ethel eti•p-
tmre the silverwarethis season..
Miss Taylor, of Toronto, Is visiting
at her uncle's, David Taylors, 16th'
\V. and Mrs. Davis and Miss Bessie
Lncas were welcome visitors with the
Whitfield families.
,Diss Lizzie Rinhardson, of Clinton,
wasvisiting with her cousins, Robert
aricl James Pearson.
Next Sunday Mr. Wherry, of Lisio-
wet, is expeated to conduct the services
in the Methodist churches on Ethel
Vet liable brood snares belonging to
Bremner and John Pearson` died
last week, entailing a loss of possibly
$250'to each owner.
Mis, Jesse Bateman and ehilr1 ren
have gone to Teeswater locality where
the former has a position as assistant
housekeepet• where the gond wife is Lu
poor health.
Misses M. and L. McIntosh left
"Tuesday of least week for Milestone,
Sask. \Ve wish the young ladies
prosperity it) the West. They go to
joist their brother, Peter McIntosh,
wen is engaged at familia.
had the misfortune to be severely hurt
one day, while'. engaged in pruning
his nrebard. While standing on a
limb it suddenly broke .and he fell to
the 'ground. He was badly bruised
and received a severe injury inward-
ly and is under medical treatment.
We hope Mr. Steiss will soon be
CARD OF THANKS.—The: undersigned
desite to express theit sineere thanks
to the many gond neighbors and
friends for helpful ants, kindly deeds
and sympathetic words in connection
with the illness and subsequent death
of tine late Dougald MoTaggar•t, IBth
con. It will ever hold a warm place.
in our memory. Yours Thankful] y,
BABY man. —We are very sorry to
state that Agues Cecil, the baby
daughter o f Hugh h laud Elizabeth
tt to
Stewart, 150) Com, died on Tuesday
of this week. She was 28 days o;il
and was only all '4 days, btottehal
pneumonia was the • ailment. The
burial took place Wednesday. We
Lender• sympathy to the parents in
their loss.
Box S'oo1ae.—The box social held at
Roe's church Tuesday evening was a
very enjoyable affair and netted the
Forward ' Movement about $7.00.
Program consisted of solo by Mrs. A..
13t•Own ; duets by Miss Lottie Jackson
and Jno. Bryans, and Miss Lizzie
Bryans and Miss Jackson ; recitations
by Miss Cole, of Ethel,'. and Misses
'Maggie Otter and Mary Johnston. All
did well. Chair was acceptably filled
by L. Frain. A tine social time was
experienced over the boxes.
An Auction sale, of farm stock,im-
plements, etc. has been announcd by
J.111. Hutchinson. Lot 34, Oori 12, for
Wednesday of next week. Sale will
be without reserve as proprietor is
moving to Alberta. F.• S. Scott will
be the auctioneer. Farm has been
leased to Daniel Machan. We are
sorry to lose Mr. Hutchinson and
family from this locality. They have
resided bete 11 years and have proved'
themselves fine people. We wish
then) well in the West and hope to
see thein back to Grey again.
The funeral of Mrs. McAllister took
place at Molesworth, near Listowel,
She wits a daughter of the late John
and Mrs. Bayne, or Laurier. Her
husband died fifteen years ago. She
is survived by one son Wilfridand tt
dautght01 Nellie, and two sisters, Alts.
A. F. McIntyre, of Kincardine. and
Mrs. Dolt', of Minneapolis, loinfrom
brothers. James Bayne, ol'1Cincardilte,
John, of Minneapolis aint Prank and
Prier Detroit, Mrs. McAllister lived
in Itineatdute for a few years before
removini to lawman and was very
highly esteemed by ninny t iende.
The (filters of Rue's \Vouten's Piis•
sionery Society are :—President,. MrS.
R. Pearson ; Vice Pres,. Nits. L
Frain eter-Sec., Aliss Jetiele Hogg
hiss LottioJit0lesnn ;'Tress„
Miss Lizzie Bryiaus Systematic Giv-
ing Sec., tMi's, .Ins. Ante's. Then e ate
15 iniwitees and Une brannh is called
the Satre Wright Society anal no% well
known organizer, Mrs. Goedun
Wright, of Laudon. Wednesday
afternoon the ladies mel 111tH 1101110
of \h•.3. A, ,Bi mvn 1111(1 had as their
guests Mpg, Snelling, District Or ani-
1)i',. of Whighan) ; (slid Dols. S. S.
Cole, P1 sideu1 id' Ethel. Bt•aitch.,
Good -tw,t k is figured on.:
DESERVED IT ALL.—Before George
Wilson and familyremoved to their
new home at Wodstock a farewell
nal Ly tt•as held at the home and, Union
ehnreh presented \ivs. Wilson With a
well filled purse in recognition of
veltnthle services rendered to the
elan da 1. Ii, Balternazi art address
expressing tippreeitttion, regret and
good wishes and Airy, Dewey Speirau
resented lite gift. .An appropriate
reply\rRs made. An eiljoywirle even -
ie was spent with Songs, iust.ttt-
mental music, games, serial chat,
lunch, rte. Mrs. Wilson WAS also the
recipient of ti handsome jewel case
from liar Sabbath School clues, Lents
Speirin reading tbeadth'esa aecompare
lug it and Bub), Herd handing the
g ft Mrs. Wil (n brief reply was
nicely spoken, General regret was
felt at the remove! of Mr, and Mrs.
Wilson wed gond hick wished thous
and their's 'WheIeyel' their future rues
be spent,
11, A. McDonald spent a few days
this week in the city,
Mrs. McCracken, of Listowel, is
visiting her sister, Moe. R Locking,
Sacrament will be admrnistererl in
the PJetitodist Church next Sabbath
Miss L. McKayhas betel successful
itt passing her oi' i al JSxratn. Con-
John Hunter is a very busy malt
this Spring having several contracts
to look after.
Robert Bosnian Sunlayedtab Milvert
Sellars, 1st litre.
50 cents in advance gets THE Poem.
to January let 1912. Nowa your
Miss Eleanor Patterson of Wingbarn
spent the Easter holidays at the home
of bet grandparents, 1st line.
Mrs. John Owens, of Beigrave,
visited her daughter Mrs. Henry
Slathers, of Blnevale, this week.
Adam IsbisLu, • principal of Dor-
chester public school, spent Easter
holidays at his penman] home, 2nd
Miss Bessie Bradnock and Mr. Scott,
of ForOwich, and Frank Garniss, of
Charlton, New Dentate, visited at the
home of the latter's sister, Mrs. John
T. Bell.
John Douglas, eth line, is back to
Mori is, after an extended sojourn in
the State of Washington where he
was railroading.. He will likely spend
the Summer here,
The Spying freshet brought the
carcass of a cow down the Maitland
necessitating a burial on the flats on
John Barr's farm.
A note to Paz PosT from ex -Reeve
George Taylor, written at Calgary.
April 15th says :—Weather is beauti-
ful. Seeding almost completed and
people 813' the outlook is splendid for
a good crop this season.
Mr. and airs. Stevenson, of Seattle,
Washington, are renewing old -ac-
quaintances on the 1st line. It is 18
yearseiuce they visited hese and dur-
ing those years they have travelled a
great deal. Mrs. Stevenson formerly
lived with her father, Jos. Fells, on
Mt 18, 1st line.
SCtnoOL aarona.—The following is
result of the promotion exams. of S.
8. No. 9, Motets :—To Jr. IV total 725,
ease 802, honors543.—Roy ray. b7
Geer ge McArthur, 468 Willie Pat•ish.
6. i. l total 560,s
39S III oke pass 2,80.—
Erlwin Robins, 272 To Jr. III total.
600,• pass 800.—Lily Jackson, 413 ; Bes-
sie Shiers, 367. To Sr. If total 540.
pass 270.—Glen Kelly, 383 Ezra
Dear, 380.' M. E. FEAR, Teacher.
Mortis Council last Monday the Wol
man Construction Co., of Sandusky,
Mich., were awarded the contracts of
the -McCall drain at 84,365 and the
Murray—Lamb drain at $3537.50. The
jobs are to he comtn0nce0 about July
let and are to be completed this year.
Land dredge will be used to
do a good Share of tihe work. The con-
tractors figure at 25c per cubic yard
t uestimating. 1here'were no appeals
entered against the McCaughey drain
By -Law. 1DIED.—villiam Moffat a frrmer
resident of Turnbery, died
at his home in Ralston, Iowa, on Wed-
nesday, 13th inst., in his 69th year.
The deceased was a brother of the late
David Moffat, of Tni'nbetry, and left
this section many years ago for Iowa,.
He was twice married and survived by
his widow and a grown fernily in Iowa
and one son, Alex. Moffat, Bluevale
road, and one daughter, Mr's. Joseph
Robb, lst line of Morris. The remains
were brought to his .daughter's hone
in Aforris and funeral' took place Sat-
ut•day afternoon to Blnevale cemetery.
A C;OOD SERVICE.— Last Sabbath.
afternoon the service in the Jackson
chtu•cln was tinder the auspices of the
Women's Missiltnary Society and were
specially enjoyable andpp rofitable.
.\its. (ileo.) Fear presided end aciudnef
ic: suitable t•d the art vices. Avery. su til le .and'
eneotwaging 1(0011+ss was given. by
Mrs. (Rev.) Oaten, of 131.usseis, Master
Albert Payne sting a solo and
1lisses ,leukins a deet, in addition
•n t numbers b he choir. P'1 t -
t the m t .t t. lust
vial results of crniteihntion were 510,
making it possible for 1,111' branch to
pay the tidy stun of , $50.00 to the
general Society: A bale of goods
valued al $80,00 was also sent to the
need -t', The \Vtimell's missionary
Society of the Jackson church is to be
eotntnonticd for their tical in a worthy
elllrie. They hopeto have Airs.
Otitcn back again.
Booty Hone, 3rd line, received a tele-
gram fame the West apprising -.him of
the sad n0ws of tine death oi' 11is son.
Clunks E., in Saslcntrhewan, It
seems while Charlie was dialing on
his land, ine carried a shot gut fns the
morose Of killing gophers. Slippine.
from his lap, the glut was discharged,
the rhnrgoentering his abdomen, end
death followed in it few hours. The
vetne us are heMg br011 ht hone' for
burial by his wife. Dceensecl %vas the
eldest ani of henry ,and Lnoy. Brute
and WAS born iu Alnr•ris township 24
yens ago last December. Ile went in
Saskatchewan 8 veto's ago and took up
land anti WAS lining well, being a
steady going 1urlttStriots young ratan,
Li Febrnaay 1010, be was templed to
Miss McOlt,h, of Grey township saki
dive a holiday here they wont. est
tO their tiehone and the homestead-
omeste -ini w0nld have been tnmpleted
. c bet. Mr, Bone father c f demote-
ic urn
ed %vent to Toronto Wednesday to
meet the bereft wide\', Pelletal
1• ridgy at 2,80p, M. front father's resi.
donee, Siot 20, con. 3, Win..a brother
of the subject of this notice, lived
about 300 miles from where Charlie's
flints was and another brother, Robert
is in Vanunuver, :The btoeaved will
be aecotded the sympathy of . the cant-
tuttulty in the suddentealchlg away c>f
this litre ynni,g 11)1111.
TRINIJ.'Y 01301100 VESTttR Mom's NG,
—The animal Easter 'Vestry Meeting
was held' in Triuity Church, Belgrave,
Rev. T. 11. Fail, rector in the ebair•.
Minutes of last rneetitig read 'and con-
firixiecl. 1'reasui'er gave tt financial
statement which was very satisfantory
showing receipts to the ateount of
$707.80 and expenditures amounting
to $582.62 leavtltg a tidy balance of
$125.18, R. Pro-'•tr was appointed
Minister's 'Werden;R. McOraePeople's
Warden ; R, McMurray, 11y. Johnston
0. Midges, Neil AlcOrae and Ohas.
Johnston, Sidemen ; John McGill
Vestry Olerk; John McGill and W. J.
McMurray Auditors ; D. Wheeler,
delegate to Synod. We congratulate
:Trinity church on the business'
inauagelnent and the general success.
NEwire NoTEs.—W. Kerr made a
business trip to Toronto this week.—
Mrs. Start•, of Indian Head, and Miss
McMichael, of Qu'Apple,Sask., visited
relatives here this week, Tbsy ac-
companied the retrains of their father,
the late Thos: P1eMichaal, wino was
buried here' last week. -A number
from here attended the Assembly held
in Gorrie on Monday evening and re-
port a good time. Alusicwas supplied
by the London Harpers,- Editor
Watters, of the FordwiIit, Record was
in the village on Tuesday.—Andrew
Currie and tamily,'of 'Brussels, spent
Sunday with W. 0. Ourrier—Miss
Bessie Lovell returned to her school
near Newmarket nn Saturday after
spending the Easter vacation at her
home in Ttrrnbercry.—W. J Hall, of
1'ui'nbecry, has tented Mrs. Walker's
photograph gallery and twill be ready
to do bastness Friday and Saturday of
each week.-Aliss Ethel Stutt is the
guest of relatives in Bownuulville.—
Mee. T. G. Hemphill and Mrs. J. Allan
silent several days of last week in
1ot'onto.—Mrs. R. B. Hartle and Mrs.
B. Henning were called to Toronto
last week to attend theirmother, Mrs.
Doubledee, of Hall 'who timet
with a serious accident while visiting
in the city.—\Vepegretto learn that
141n Harfis is still on the sick list.—
Rev. Mr. McMillan, of Belmore,
nccepiedthe pulpit in the Presbyterian.
church oe Sunday morning. ,At a
meeting field on Friday evening it
was decided to celebrate Dominion
' t h village. Following office
Da It the t
Y g g.
v appointed to t than a for the
solea \
PP g
day's program of sports :—Pres., G.
Davidsnsl ; Vice Pres., John Booth
Sec., D. M. McTavish; Treas., W.
Mather.—Alex. Nluuroe spent several
days in Stratford recently.
Grey Council
Pursuant to adjournment Municipal.
Oinnoil of Grey Township met in the
Township Hall, Ethel, ou April 20th.
Members present. Minutes of
previous meeting read and approved,
Council, after uecessarydeclarations
were made, formed themselves into a
Court of Revision to consider appeals
against the assessments of the
Main anti Shiels Drains.
SlcArthur—Fraser. — That there
being no appeals entered against the
assessments of the Mann Drain the
By -late be read a third time and
finally passed. Oarl ied.
L. McNeil appealed against assess-
ment in the Spiels Drain. No taction
was taken, but appeal was left over
mail next meeting of the Council for
further consideration. ,
The Court of Revision was now clos-
ed and general business resumed.
• Brown—elcArthnr.—'That the En-
gineer's report an the Close Drain be
provisionally: adopted. and that By-
laws be prepared and served upon the
parties interested ; the Court of'Re-
vision nn assessments 011 said Drain to
be held Monday, May 22110. Carried.
Cole—McArtlntr.—That Olerlt be in-
structed to advertise for tenders for
construction of Shiers and Mann
Mains. Tenders to l 0 received u to
Dtaa 1s. p
noun Morality, May 8111. Carried.
(11111'—al Arth;n'.—That Enginee>'s
report on Alderson Diain Reprovision.
ally adopted, and that By-laws be
at and served' upon the rties
r 1 ed a
p 1
'rntenesLed. ; the Court of Revision to
1>eheid 011 May 22o 1. Castled.
McArthur Brown and carried
that following accounts be paid ;—
John McKay, repairing culvert side
rood 6 Cots. 17, $2.00 ; W. J. Hoy, re-
pairing culvere gravel road, 52.50;
Toho .Brown Serving Betfeitz drain
13y -laws, $2.25 ; P. A. McArlbur, serv-
ing Brewer chain By-laws, $225 ; S,
S Cole, serving Storey drain 13y -laws,
$2.25 ; .11.1111 J . Brown, repah'i tag road
sidepuitd 1, 0011, 10, $1.75• Harry
South, Grey's share week 111 Wallace
bdy., $0.93 ; Alfred Meehan, cement
tilt, $5.00 t John Ilvibein, repairing
rood Con. 2, $1.00,
Fr(1ser—Brown—that' we tadjnin'n to
Meet Stolidity, May 8th, Sys Onur't of
Revision on 8. enrey, Bt ewer and Ben-
tette decline. Carried. •
1i umearD 010111.
A. H. P v.
THERR will be two; eclipses' this year
both of the sun. The first occurs April
28, end will he total in Canada and Dela
ed States from 531) p. m. for an hour:
The other fells on Oet. anth but will not
be visible in Canada.
A Mcalab late 'De ht Sheriff f
n v c
Cavalier Co North Dakota, has °pe'tt
a real estate and insurance o qe
Laa don . He 18 doiu well in the
Langdon. g
West. The young gentleman is a brt.
the to the Misse:. M°Nah, Queen street,
13ruseels, We swish Mr, NeBeb pros•
Church Ohlmoa
Rev. Mr. Morden, Presbyterian minis-
ter at St. Marys, has accepted R ell to
Erskine Church, Ottawa, end will ge to
his new field early next nfoutlt.
It looks *quite a bit as if Rev, Mr,
Ford, of (.beton, would be the next
President of Louden Conference. 11
meets le Stratford in about foul' weeks.
rhe W. A, of St. John's Church have
arranged with Rev. T. G. A. Wr'igltt,
13, A,, .of Sarnia, for a series of Lectures
to be given May 8th, gtlt, xoth and tali
on St, Patrick, King Alfred, Jonah,aod
'l'em erauce, Mr. Wright is a fine laud
p g
forcible speaker and a master 0f bis
sub ect, lltese lectures should be heard
interested nterested in their National and
moral welfare,
'Lhe Presbyteries Synod of Hamilton
and London convened.iO Kuser Church,
Woodstock, Monday afternoon with u•
bout 200 minister's end lay delegates
present from Hamilton Paris, London,
Chatham,Stratford, tratford Huron Maitland
and Bruce„ There tvas all official
welcome by Mayor Segal. Rev. A, C.
Wishart, B, A., was in attendance,
sets,—Next Sabbath evening the mem-
bers of Western Star Lodge, No. 549,
Brussels, will attend service at Melville
church at 7 o'clock, when the anniver-
sary sermon to the Order will be preach-
ed by the pastor. Brethren are asked
to assemble at the I. O. 0. F. Hall at
6.3op. m. soots to be ready to march to:
thelace of worship. A cordial invite..
tion extended to all slink members.
Rev. J. \V, Hibbert, of G01•rie. oc-
cupied the pulpit of the Methodist
church bere last Seltllath and delivered •
two profitable messages. Matthew—a
character sketch—showing the good
work possible without ostenation, eto.,
was the subject in the morning and in
the evening "Man's Emancipation" was
emphasized in a manner not likely to be
easily forgotten. The reverend gentle-
man isno stranger in Brussels and is al•
ways welcoine.
Sabbath will be observed in the Metho-
dist church as Epworth League anniver=
sary. At the morning service special in-
terest will centre around the Junior
Leaguers wbo who will contribute 'ari-
ous exercises as well as lead the praise
service. The pastor will also speak. In
the evening the sermon will be address-
ddressed to the young people of the church,
with special music by the choir. Mon-
day evening Rev. Dr. Cleaver, of Tor-
onto, will give his incomparable, lecture,
lean Val Jean, ope ning at 8 o'clock.
Methodist ministerial candidates who
wrote at St. Marys last week were as
follows ; Second year—D. D. Thomson,
Whitechurch ; First year—A. W. Brown;
PurtLambtou ; J. A. Walker. Bervie ;
Robert Dalzell, Scottsville; A. T. F.
1re imYinar —Harold
b Il
, ; P]
F. Swann
E. Ruther-
ford, Delmer
ScottEer A 1. Heywood, Union ;
Arthur L. Spracklin. Wheatley ; F. W. .
Craik, Newbury; Frederick Manoing,
Wallace ; Herbert N. Wooley, London
Junction ; R. S, Lacklaud, : Walton
Stanley R. Hunt, Scottsville ; S. J. 'P.
Fortner, Sttathro
circuit, of which Rev.
Jas E. Hueter, formerly of this locality
is Pastor, has been making a Missionary
record not easily excelled. Two years
ago they organized the Laymen's For-
ward Movement and increased their
contributions from $25o to '$65o. This
past ear tlte standard was set at $Soo
and attained. Tupperville is the first
circuit in the London Conference to send
out a Missionary at their expense. The
representative will be Rev, H, E.
Brockville, who
A.,of o
field will be
a flus year. alis fi t
West China. He visited Tupperville
est March and is consequently in
personal touch with the generous people
of that circuit. Well done Tupperville.
The Evangelical Church Conference
met at Zurich. Question of Union with
the Methodist Church of Canada cues
e a
dtsciissed and when rule was taken g se
a majority of 33, for union. Ten votes
were recorded against it aed 43 for it.
This means that the negotiations that are
on foot shall be continued with a view to
effecting an organized union, rine
Evangelical' Association, generally
known as German Methodist, started in
Canada about fifty years ago among the
German people, The Conference has
to•clay nine thousand members and sixty
preachers, incindive locals. The past
n thousand'dollrs were rais-
year eighteen a
ed for missions, forty thousand for
preacher's'. salaries, and 'eighty-three
-thousand was raised for all purposes.
There are 0ue hundred and seven P-
ua ized vacieties with a Cntroh prop-
of four hundred and fifty thousand,
'Otte Conference tormerly was entirely
German, but has been •largely Aagliciz•
ed, there being only a very few fields of
labor where German is employed ex-
A flew cement walk will be put down
at A. C. Seeker's new residence.
Census CottnrisaloNERs.-'L'he table
rates and allowances for the Census
Commissioners have been fixed by the
Dominiou Government and are as,,fnl-
lows t—For correspondence with de -1
partmentat and staff oflicel•s, personal '
studies, iustructious of enerneratot's, ex- 1
amivatioe and correctiou of ehttlnera-
tors' reports ancl' accounts and making
1.19 returns for tran%tnission to the Minis-
ter of •Agrieeltur'e, according to the
it trttetions the. commissioner
book of is s
n e t w
f each census district will 'be entitled to
pevmeut at a rate of one ceht per name
for each person entnnet•ated in the pop-
uh1Ho❑ schedule. roe all other duties
sad to cover expenses of travel' and
otherwise, and all other charges of office
in the oceans districts where ono, core,
Oilssiotler is appointed, a speclal allow.
Mice Will be given to each eonnmtssinber
ofa certain rtain atu0uu t hi addition to 1110
of one cent per seine, 'ride snecial
ainnvauce for the, commissioners i
nners o
several ridings in Horot and Perth is
Sines each The remuneration to the
cebsus euunterators bas trot rot bees
made public,