HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-4-20, Page 8Came and Wallpers the New Ordinary Wall Paper makes ordipary looking rooms. No matter bow tastefully you may ferpi$h your hohse'the entire effect may easily be spoil- ed by using Papera which are not thoroughly suitable. We want o show you our new Beautiful Papers as threinsuch a wide range that one will have Pe troublein gettiug a Paper suitable for their Particular room, FOR PARLORS—There are several pretty designs with silk finish, also the "White and Gold" Embossed, Papers promise to be much in use, FOR DINING ROOMS AND HALLS—Tapestries and the new Cork Velour Paper ie In demand, The latter eau be nicely decorated in a panel design, The pretty stripes with the cut-out bordersmake dainty Bedrooms. FOR KITCHENS -The patterns commence at 5c per roll, if you have the idea that Beautiful Papers are Costly come in and see them '• and get our prices, You may be 'pleasantly surprised . to find that your room cap be re -papered at loss than was expected, S F. R. DRUGGIST AND SFATIONL''R. axlXgam4itms.FfSHiNG is now a popular sppri a;: the M Ell eland. DR. CLEAVAa'a RL'CLTAL.—S10Cy ot Jean To -dean, as will be told by Dr. Cleaver, of Toronto, in the Methodist Church, Brussels, on May est, will he most fascinating. His descriptions of men, of places, of actions and scenes, are even more real than if they were placti ouastage with livingactors, BOWLERS ORGANIZE, Tuesday y even• ing a.meetiug of persons Interested in Bowling on the green met in the Board room of the Public Library and elected the followiug officers for the current year after tbe Secretary-Treauuer's re- port for past year was presented —Hon. Plesident,'1'. Farrow ; President, J. G. Vice President, F Rowlaud cess V IC Pt J I See 'Pleas A. Strachan Ex •Lum the officers and R 1 McLnuchlio J Ballagb and F Buret ill. The fine lawn will be got in shape at once so as to permit of a long season at this interesting sport. A program of local and outside contests will he arranged and a good time is C nted on ou , B.IOHE9T pesos forpototaee at MOORAO8EN's. MONEY found. Owner mayy have same by proving property and pityingforthis notice. Tim Pow. OLOveR, Timothy, Marigolds and other garden seeds at MQUEJCIEN's. 'Per Dien DUBS reds for batching Nets. p d Barred Rock and Single Couib white Leg- hornB t kerne • s 60ets, per setting. J. AR/temaoNa. Lot 2, Goa 9, Grey. hr your fawn mowers do not rut fast and easy call and see T. MOGxncoR, $morels. Homan and lot for sale or to rent.—Good brick house and an acre of land on Turnberry street, Brnsaela, for sale or to rent. Bargain LocAL news of interest on page 5, House cleaning campaign has begpv, .A. 0. U. W. Friday evenipx. si this week, THE boating seeseO 'ern the Maitland opened on Gr -5..." r'riday. pAwts's:ere once more in evidence and icgaream signs on display. Rouri cards and folders printed with neatness and dispatch at THE PotT. BOTH the Base Ball and Foot Ball organizations have made successful can- vasses of the town for collateral to assist in financing this season's sport. HON. A G. McKay COMING It is ar a public will he ad- dressed ed that meeting ranged in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Thursday evening,27th inst.,by Hon A. G. McKay, Ladies invited. A REASONABLE REQUEST. — "If the party who removed the water melon from our back gallery last night will e o s we will kindlyreturn the Beds t u plant more next year, and maybe have o round." enough tog° RE HEARING.— An appeal for a re- opening of the Brussels— McKillop Rural Telephone connection case has been granted and the parties interested before the Commission at e C will appear e Pp ih fust Toronto of Friday. 28 teener delivery cart A NEW modern butcher has been put into service by Baeker Bros. They have alsoiuvested in a new van: for their rural route. Both are the output of the Ewen Factory and are of course up•to date CONVENTION POSTPONED — East for Buick buyer. Apply at once to Ta08, Huron Teachers' Convention which was Nteno0Ls, Brussels. to have been held in Brussels on May WerrE Leghorn and White Wyandotte eggs 4th and 5th has, on account of the late for hatching. $t )0 per patting or two scenic.. for$1.50. doeN MEA� cc't John at., ccetUnli,, Inspector Robb's death, been post- HELP WANTED —Man wanted to assist in poned to October when it will meet in farm work. Married mon preferred. Will Seaforth. engage by the year. Apply to D Mo&ENznt, FARMERS' EXCURCION TO GUELPH — Lots 18 and. 14th, Con. 18, Grey, Phone 079. PABTtit9 wanting pump repalrn can get Wednesday, tune o4'h, 3s the date sel- bnekete and valves at Wtlton.&Gillenple Hnrd- eetad, for the annual Excursion to the ware Store, Brussels, or Can have repairs sent Experimental Farm at Guelph. Tick- thereby phoning A. OAYOANN, Cranbrook. ens sold from Kincardine to Heufryn in Phone 2612. E008 5'012 H 'uoara'G.-5'inkla Comb White elusive. Special train will run. Watch Leghorn, persistent laver», the]dnd that 011e out for further particulars and mark the egg basket. Per set of 16 only 75oPrises dowp the date. on incubator settings or larger quantities may NEW BUTTER MAKER —W. W. Harris, Ann street,lBrussela calling N.e Creamery. ' proprietor of Brussels well known Foe sale or to rent 50 Beres of land, 12th Butter Factory, has engaged the services .Con. Grey. Apply to Taos. NreaoLrs of an expert maker in the person of T. Brussels. B. McEwen. of Downie, who will be on hand shortly to commence operatious. The biggest season in the factory's history is figured on for 1911. FIRST PRIZE TEAM —Alex. Sinelait captured first prize at the Seaforth meeting in the audience room of the Pub - Spring Fair the other day for his team, lie Library. A pressing invitation is and afterwards sold it to James Norris given to all ladies to be present Moo for the handsome euro of 57oo. This is a five year old team, and they were both sired by "Bursar," the well known stock horse, owned by Thomas Archi- bald.. of McKillop. Moven ro Csicnoo.—Dr. A. W. L. Gilpin, only son of J. 1. and Mrs. Gil- pin, of town, has, disposed of bis Dental practice in Michigan City, Ind., where he has spent the past 5 years and has moved to Chicago this week. He has taken up residence on Jackson Ave,, a fine location in the Western metropolis. We wish him success in his wider sphere. IMPROVEMENTS.— Robt. Tb eel' has built a verandah and made other im- provements at his home. Thomas street. —A new kitchen is being built to the dwelling of Mrs. Sinclair, Mill street,— The budding utilized at the outdoor skating rink last Winter' has been re- moved.—A gas pipe rail will be put up at the Public Library entrance to prevent the cut off across the lawn so many seen to think is necessary.—The 150 of May is the limit set by the Board of Health to have the Spring clean-up completed and ready for the Sanitary .Inspector's call. To ELECT A COUNCILLOR.—Owing to the removal of D. A Lowry to Toronto OOMVoRTADLI house to rent apply to Mrs Parker, Princess street, Brussels, _O W. C. T. U.—Monday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the W C T U. will hold a day evening at 8 o'clock a public meet- ing in the interests of the. 'Temperance cause will be held in the Town Hall. Mrs. McKee. of Barrie, Honorary Provincial W. C. 'l'. U. President, will be present to address both meetings Mrs. McKee is a good speaker and no doubt will give veru interesting address es. Silver collection to defray expenses at evening gathering. HYMENEAL.—CG picl scored another victory Wednesday of this week when at the home of the bride's parents, Thom. as street, Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., aided in the consummation of a matte - menial alliance between Alfred C Baeker, a well known young business man of town, and Miss Ella Maud, daughter bf James and Mrs. McArter. The ceremony took place in the parlor under an arch decorated with smilax and lily of the valley, eke bride being given away by lter father. Wedding March was played by Miss Jessie McLaucbliti. The bride, to whom Nature has been generous, looked charming in a ctstume of white silk crepe de cbene, trimmed with net and Irise point lane over white silk and carried cream roses. Flower girl was Miss Margaret Brown, neice to the bride, dressed very neatly in pink silk mull. The wedding gifts were his resignation as a member of Brussels numerous, uaelal and valuable Municipal Board followed and the seat Groom's gift to the bride was a Nord - Was declared vatatit. To 511 the gap beimerpiano ; to the organist a pearl a public Nomination will be veld in the Council Chamber Monday evening 04111 inet., at 7 30 o'clock. Haft election is necessary polling day will be one ABusiness hance is often missed when it might have been easily embraced by Systematic Sari ng Begin now to prepare for the clay of op- portunity by depositing your savlt g savings' in 1 The METROPOLITAN BANK $1.00 O!? MORE OPENS AN A000LINT BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER COMING EVENTS i) 11 tri-- Friday, April as= --Women's Institute at the (home of Mrs, G. A. Best, at 2.30 p. m. Monday, April s4—Nomination meet- ing for Councillor to fill seat of D. A. Lawry resigned. Council Chamber at 7. 3o p. m, Monday, April 24 -Public Temperance. meeting, Town Hall, Brussels, Address by Mrs. McKee, Hon. Provincial Presi- dent. Meeting opens at 8 p. m. Thursday, April 27— East Huron Annual Meeting Liberal Asso. "town Town at 1.30. Public meeting in Hall at 8 p. m., to be addressed by Hon. A. G. McKay,'Barrister Proudfoot, M. P. P. and others. Monday, May est—Lecture in Metho- dist church, •'Jean Val Jean" by Dr. Cleaver, of Toronto. ' Chair taken et 8,15, ring and a gold locket to time flower girl. The wedding party sat down to bounti- fully spread tables, decorated with car nations, after congratulations were over, week later at the usuel places of voting, 'Toasts were proposed to tl'e principals There should be no necessity for the and short speeches given by Rev. Mr Wishart, ex Deputy Reeve Kirkby. Councillor P. J McArtburand thegroom Mr. and Mrs. Baeker left on the 3 p. m. express ou a wedding trip to Toronto, Gravenhurat and other points, the bride travelling in a suit of gray broadcloth latter expense, particularly seeing that four months of igen will already have nearly sped by the date set for nomi- nation. MRS, PETER BISHOP DEAD.—The death took plate in Hamilton on Saturday, 8th. of Mrs. Peter Bishop, a well-known resi- with has to match. Only Immediate dont of Listowel, formerly of Brussels, relatives attended the wedding. On the Deceased lett Listowel about a year ago return of bride and groom they will take to reside in Hamilton. "Slie had a large up their residence iu the fine new home circle of friends who will be sorry to hear recently erected by Mr. 'Seeker, Turn of her death. She Was the mother of berry street, where they will commence ton children 'and is survived by her married life with tbe goodwishes of the husband and nine children. The child community for a long, happy and uselul ren are Mrs. Wildfang, Listowel; and life. A goodly number of young folk Miss Bishop, at.home ; Charles, Walter k accompanied the happy twain to the and John, of Calgary ; Peter, in British `. depot on. Wednesday afternoon and Columbia ; George, of Woolsey, Bask, ; ' bestowed rice, co0felti and outer em Abraham and Andrew, of Hmnilton. blems'of'deep interest in a very getter Mrs. James N. Showers, who died last cus manner Mr. seeker's Marriage November, was a daughter. The re• rattier puts a few other bachelor friend molts were brought to Listowel for nn uneasy street but as they know ih t ent rentedy there May he other weddings, FOOT BALI. practice en masse is on the program at Victoria Park these even- ings. Da. BETauNE, a former Wiughamite died on April 7th, at Emo, Algoma, aged 77 years, V>'rERJNARY COLLEY, formerly of Brussels, has moved from Trehern, Man to Alberta, where he will farm. GORRIE Vidette will cease publication and be Editor removed to Deseronto, Lyons has worked faithfully but found field too restricted GOOD' CONCERT.—The program pre. seoted at the Choir Concert given in n Melville church last Frid • a evening ] was a veru interesting one and was well ren• dered reflectto credit on those' taking part and was certainly complimentary 10 Mrs. Addie Wright, the energetic -leader. Rev. A. C. Wisbart, B, A., occupied the chair. Program was as follows :-- Organ —Organ solo, (a) Berceuse, (b) Procession- al March, Mrs. Addle Wtigbt ;' chorus, O Lord, the Ruck of Ages ; solo, Angels ever bright and fair, Lawson Wright; chorus, Great is the Lord,— Obllgato—Miss Fairy Robb ; bass solo, 'rhe Lord is my Light, Norman Forbes ; soprano solo, Angel -land, Miss Dolly McKenzie ; quartette, 0 Lord 1 come, Misses Dolly McKenzie and Jessie Mc- Lauchlin and Messrs. Strachan and Foi'Ates, accompanied by trombone by Mr. Grewar ; contralto solo, Miss Jessie McLauchhn 1 tenor solo, Where Is Heaven?, Charles Hull ; soprano duet, Misses Kate and Truie Deadman ; soprano solo, Miss Fairy Robb ; recita- tion, Henry Waterson, on Sumner and Greeley, Byron Wright ; tenor solo, Lorne Eckmier, Pt. II consisted of a very appropriate Cantata entitled the "Easter Angels." e People We Talk About Ben. and Mrs. Walker, of Toronto, spent Easter here. Misses Dora and Kate Smith are holt- dayiug in Toronto. A, Murray, of Exeter, was calling on friends in Brussels. S. and Mrs. Fox spent Easter with relatives is Listowel, 1. F. Rowlaud called on relatives at Toronto and Newcastle. Mrs. John Lott is away on a well earn- ed holiday at Branttord. B. aid Mrs. Gerry spent Easter at Wingham with relatives. Miss Viiie Edwards was enjoying a visit with Stratford relatives. Miss Beatrice Harris' and Willie are visiting relatives at Rothsay. A. McDiarmid ate his Baster eggs at the parental home in Bruce Co. . Miss Marion Smith is home from Drayton for the Easter vacati6n. Misses Annie and Doris Ross are making a visit with Chesley relatives. Miss Isabel Strachan took advantage of the holiday to visit friends in Listowel. Principal and Mrs. Gilmour are boli- must be treating her first-class. daying with relatives in Bruce Connty. 'Tuts Pose, congratulates • Barrister Mrs, W.. F. Stewart, of Brecken, was Proudfoot, M. P. P., of 'Goderioh, on the guest of her daughter, Mrs. N._ F. his election as a bencher of the Law Society of Ontario. He is one of 3o chosen and will bold :'office for 5 years, unless he graduates to the Bench earlier. Will. Hemsworth left town thie week for his home in. Ethel where he purposes going into business with his father, Will, made many friends during his stay in Brussels and all unite in wishing him a prosperous future. Fred. Hunter has taken Mr• Hemsworth's plane in A. Strachan's store, Hugh R. Elliott spent' Easter' with friends at Owen Sound. Miss Mary McArter, teacher at Blyth, is home for the holiday.. ispent Friday Arthur: McGuire Good Y with Wingham friends, Mrs, Payne and eon, of Seaforth, were visiting relatives in town, Miss Mary Ross was home from Palmerston for Good Friday, Miss Lizzie Murchison, of Lueknow, was a visitor wnh Miss Sherrie, Miss Barbara McKelvey, B. A,, is home for the vacation from Paris, C. H. North, of Pietism visited his sister,: Mrs. j. F, Rowland, for a few days. Miss Jennie McNeil, of McKillop, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sinclair, Mill street. with Mrs.. Robert '1`huell was ill w pleurisy but is regaining her health nicely now. A letter from Dr. Toole, now of Sel- kirk, Ont., says the family is well and the Dr. busy. Mrs. 1. Manning spent the Easter holidays with friends in Palmerston and Mount Forest. n speut 'P, Wood and family tr y spec t aster E a O pr. at Grand V (1e the home of at h -Y the former's brother.. Miss Hattie Downing is enjoying a visit in Toronto with Miss Mabel Zimmer an old Brussels friend. Alex. and Mrs. Lewis and children, of St. Thomas, were renewingold' -Re- quaintanees to Brussels. Miss Eleanor Creighton, of Hamilton g spent the Easter holiday at the home of her uncle, 13 L. Jackson. Mrs. R. Holmes, and twill sons, Alex- ander street, visited the former's sister, Mrs.A . Barrou in Grey.. George Haiste aud son, of Chesley, called on relatives and old friends in week. Brussels during the past Misses Jessie Donaldson, of Atwood, and Ethel .McVey, of Elora, were visit. ing Miss Cora Bell, Thomas street. Miss Stewart, accompanied by her niece Miss May, of Listowel, were call- ing on old friendsin Brusselsaud locality. Thos. and Mrs. Friendship, of Tees water, renewed old friendships in town for a tew days. They were former resi- dents. Mrs. Neil McLauchlin, of Toronto, made a brief visit with friends here. She is just as welceme as she is glad to get back. THE Pos'r is pleased to see Will. Strachan keep at the head of his class in the successive exams. at Seaforth Collegiate. Mrs. J. J. Scott, of Woodstock, called on old Brussels friends last week, The passing years are treating Mrs. Scott very kindly, Jno Duncan' has been visiting re- latives in Brussels and Morris. His health is greatly improved we are pleas- ed to state. Mrs. S. C. Wilson and Miss Margaret enjoyed tbe Easter holiday at Kingsville, visiting Miss Daisy Wilson, who is in business there. Miss McKim; of Toronto, and Miss Cora McGuire and Miss Finch, of Clin- ton; were Easter visitors with Mrs. A. McGuire, William street. George Howe, of Wroxeter, ac- companied by Miss Jennie were in town on Wednesday. He was a rest dent for a good many years. Mrs, (Dr) Cavanagh, of Owen Sound spent a portion ofthe past week with relatives in town. Dr. Cavanagh is on a trip to the West in the meantime. This week Mrs. John McKenzie and Miss Florence left tor Guelph where Mr. McKenzie is employed on the railway and where the home will be established. Wm. and Harry Watt, of Toronto, were visitors with their sister, Mrs. W. James, John street. They spent several years in town when the parental home was here. Among the Easter visitors here is Miss Elsie Wilton who is teaching school. at Elmira, fudging by Miss Wilton's appearance the Elmira people STANDARDFormal BANK1111,0111 Eatabtial al i873 OF CANADA QO Rrwchp TRANSMITTING MONEY For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Orders are convenient and inexpensive, For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Exchange, Money sent at once to any banking point in the world by Telegraphic or :Cable Transfer. . Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. BRUSSELS ;l'Sif2INCH J. F'. JFt°Nylaatad. '4anader Church Chimes Rev. 'Fr• Blair was at London last week assisting in special Easter services in the cathedral Rev. J, W. Mustard B.A. of Brucefield, inducted as pastor of the Dufferin Street Presbyterian church, Toronto. The W. M. S. Conventiou of the Lon- don Conference Branch, will be held at Exeter, on May ttth, 174 and 18th. A Mission will be conducted by Rev Fr: Blair, assisted by visiting priests, in the R. C. church, Brussels, for a week in May. 'Tuesday evening next will be the annual meeting 01 Brussels Methodist Sabbath School for election of officers; etc. Next Sabbath Rev. J. W. Hibbert, of Gerrie, willP reach in the Methodist church here.The pastor will he at Gerrie. Special Easter sermons, niusigat se- lections appropriate to tbe occasion and a wealth of beautiful flowers were three outstanding features of last Sabbath's services fu the various churches in town. Rev.' Mr. Ashby, of Atwood, wilt con- duct the services at St. John's church m rhe morning n service will be a special one for the Sabbath School children Rev. Mr. Cameron will take the At- wood work for the day. Prot. leukins, of Huron College, Lon - Mon, has announced that be will accept the ieetorsuip of the Anglican church. at Clinton, succeeding Rev. C, R. Gunne, who.hasgone to Christ Church, Londun, rile stipend is 91i1.200 end free house,' -Prof. Jeakius preached at Clinton sever- al times ot late and created a most favorable impression. REcrrAL BY DR, , CLEAVER,—Dr.- S. .. Cleaver,of 'Toronto, w tame in the hose ecttai of Victor Hu os "Les Miser- abios" issinteruational, will give this splendid monologue in the Methodist church, Brussels, on Monday, May est. Dr. Cleaver stands, as a peer in his de - Lineation of the ebaraeter of lean Val, Jean. Many who have heard him pre- viously are anxious to go again. Keep the date clear to hear of Hugo's hero. It is too: good to miss. 'EPWOaTH LEAGUE. — Election of of- ficers took place Mouday evening in con- nection with the Epworth League of the, Methodist Church with the following result :— Hon. President. • Rev. Dr, Oaten ; President Miss Carrie Biog. stun ; 1st Vice Pres., Miss Thursa Gerry; 2nd Vice Pres., R. A. Pryne ; 3rd Vice Pres., Chester Armstrong, ; 4111 Vice Pres., Dr. Hamilton; 5th Vice Pres., Miss Pearl Sharp ; Rec.-Sec., D. Glassier ; Cor, -Sec., Miss M. Pryne ; Treas.. Joe Armstrong ;. Organist, Miss Alta Pryne, The Missionary contrtbutious tor the past year totals about Sioo.00 which will be increased by a donation from the Junior League. An aggressive cam- paign i5 being marked out for the com- ing term atong the :various lines of the Society. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH.—The annual ves- ry meeting was held ou Easter Mon- day evening with a good attendance present, the Rector, Rev, D. E. Camer- on presiding. The church Wardens presented their financial report wlucli was very favorable,: showing consider• able increases over -last year. After its consideration and adoption the follow' .ng officers were elected for tbe coming year ;—People's Warden• Thos. New- some, (re-elected) ; Rector's Warden, Wm. James ; Sidemen, Geo, Colvin sr., Geo. Manning, G. Colvin jr., Harvey Bryans, Fred. Aryans, john Cardiff : Auditors, J, G. tones and W. J. Gar= side ; Vestry Clark and Delegate to the diocesan Synod, Walter J. Garside. Votes of thanks . were tendered .to the Wardens, A. Y. P. A., Ladies Guild, Wonten'sAuxiliary, Sunday School and Choir. Sympathy witseXpressed for the Rector in his contiuued sickness and it was unanimously voted' that be be grant- ed a three or four months leave of ab- sencednring which he expects' to under- ake same little work amongst the new settlers in the Northwest, and so con]. bine a trip iu search of health with work tor Christian . Missions. Ex -Chief Mattison was sentenced to cue year in jail for the embezzlement of the corporation funds of Arnprior. Russell Brown was home for a few days from . the Pharmacy College. Toronto. Misses Lizzie and Sara McLauchlio, of Toronto, spent the holiday at their old home in town. Miss Mabel 'Thomson was holidaying with relatives at Granton and Shakes- peare during Easter, Mrs. Ben. Edwards and daughter haus been visiting relatives and friends in Cliotop and locality. Mr, and Mrs. Warcoe, of Orangeville, were visitors with Mrs. Paul and Miss. Gordon. The ladies are sisters. Mrs. Service, of Ingersoll. and Mrs. n F. S. Scott are visiting the Tatter's, daughter, Mrs, G. H. Santis, of Clare- mont. We are sorry ' to bear that Mrs. A. Bruce is quite ill at her borne in Blue. vale buthope she Will soon be as smart' as usual. - John Potcber, of Luoknow, and Mrs. Walter Sharpe, of Goderioh, were visi- tors at the home of James Shurrie, Turnberry street, J. H. and Mrs. Cameron, of London, are renewing old friendships in Brun- sets, They are beginning to feel quite at home in . -London, Mrs, and Miss Kramer, of Toronto, and Misses Kiigour and Nina Rogers, of Mt, Forest. spent Easter with Mrs, Rogers and Mrs. Demes, A true biil was found against M. T. Buchanan at St. Thomas. William Wali, proprietor of the Grand Central Hotel at Hillsberg, died sudden- 1 y Miss Isabel R. Matheson, eldest sister of the Provincial Treasurer, died at Perth, A meeting at Welland supported the Grenville route for the Welland Cana and urged its immediate enlargement. 'The bodies of Inspector Fitzgerald, Constables Carter, Kinney and Taylor. of the Mounted Police, were, found near Fort MacPherson, P, M. Graham, youngest son of Hon., Geo, P, Graham, Minister of Railways, died early 'I'desdey morning at the General Hospital, Brockville, after.a short ilines, He was on the staff of the Brockville Recorder and also command ed C Company of the Forty First Regi meet, and will probably have a inilitury funeral The People's Column It's a pleasure to sell an article thin you ktloty will give entire 'satisfaction We have been selling Formaldehyde for (38911e number of years and We have yet to hear a complaint regard - tug it. : This means a good deal to several ways -it's disappoint- ing, ;lifts, going to the trouble and expense e hien r an article, is of R to find the results trot satisfac- tory. atisfac-tory ' We guarantee out' I+ormalde- byde bo bo up to the stu,ndard in every respect and fuel satiyfled yon will experience no disap• - pointment in using it. 5c andi40crespectively.`tiles at —AT— PASTURAGE,—Accommodation may ob- 0 X Sri Coined for 12 or 15 head of stook for pas. Curage. Ask at THE POET. DRUG STORE EED BARLEY,—Manseheuri-yariety -need S barley for sale. Apply at Lot 8, Con. 9, Grey. DONALD ROBERTSON, ICOR year. Apply 'Phone 2811, nuneis P.0, 1tL1,don G Grey, Pp BORT. HAMILTON.- - nigh, FOR SALE:—The undersigned has for sale on Lot 21, Con 12, Grey, 5 well bred Young Yorkshire sowe bred from a prolific strain and all safe p1 Also 4 choice sows ,with litters at foot or will selloung pigs sea - sesta it desired„ Apply to J. P.MOINTOBI3, Oranbrook, Phone 200. - 28'tt ' MARRIED BABEER-MOARTEtt—At-the home of the bride on April 19M, by Rov...A. 0. • Wishart, B. A, Mr. Alfred 0. Beaker, to Mice Ella Mauddaughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. Ma.. Arter, all ofBruesels, DIED ConnrE.—In Bluevele, on April 18th, Ann Fleming, relict of the late John Collie, aged 82 years, $Etta,—At Hentryn, on April 10th Matilda Wilson, relict of the kite James Kerr, aged. 82 years, Lhvreasmo Anne Listowel; on Tuesday, April late John Livingston; 111 her'61st yyear. f the LONGMINE.—Ab Honfryn,en April 18th, James Lonamire. STAPt,ETON,—In Beet Wawanosh,' on April ieth. Hazel, daughter of E, and Mrs. Staple- AT A BARGAIN.—Will dispose of cottage, Elisabathstreet, Brussels. at $850, a great bargain. 10 order to secure quack stile, • Key may belied from Mr. ,1. Leckie For further particulars see Mr. Leckie or write the ander. signed - J. H. GA KEBOB', 19 St. George St., London. Belmonte Millinery Pariors UR .-SPRING MIL- LINERY Display is now at the height of its attractiveness. Many were r the complimentary remarks we received during our opening, .and judging in bythe number of t g orders taken � ye consider it a decided success. We are showing a great many dainty productions in Ladies' Dress Hats as well as f ead - choice assortment o R a Y to,wear Styles. n � Idres Hats s ed Chi Misses' We have a very complete line of Misses' and Children's Hats all ab popular prices. We make a Specialty of Mourning Orders. E. INMAN Brussels Day9 li ht . Store G. N. McLaren The Newest Styles in Wear- ing Apparel are Here New Dress Goods, Prints and Ginghams. New Embroideries and Laces. New Collars, Ties and Belts New Waists, Skirts, Suits and Spring Coats. New Suits for Boys and Men. New Hats for Boys and Men New White and Colored Dresses. New Boots and Shoes. New Waists A choice lob of new Lawn and Muslin Waists, all sizes -75c to $8.60. New Skirts A splendid' lot of New Skitte in Blue, Brown and Black, all sizes —$3.60 to $7.00. New Belts New Wash and Linen Belts. New. Patent and Elastic Belts. 25c and 50c. New Hats New Spring Bats, stiff and soft, the very latest shapes at lowest `prices. • Dresses in New$toarhStyles for Summer wear, all sizes—$8.00 to $7.60. Boots and Shoes The New Spring Styles are ready for your inspection. Shirts New Shirts for Mei and Boys, all sizes -50c, 750 alta $1.00. Fancy Pins The New Veil and Jabot Pins - 15c and 25e Hand Bags All sizes, special at 50c to $1.60. The NewSpring : Spring Suits are Extra Good Now ready a splendid assortment of this Season's hest stYles in the Progress Brand Young Men's and Men's Fancy Worsteds in . Green and Brown 10 00 Shades, exceptionally well made Coats with canvas and hair- Young olotkl flouts ; iviil not break down ; Pantshave 5 pockets With belt straps and side straps at waist ; all sizes 83 to 42 . ........... ....... 10.00 11Ien's extra gond nolle of Fitnc Worsted Suits tnade in rho same Y , wit as Cha -q y 10.001ine y � all sizes to choose from— At 13,00 Special at 13.00 Boys' 2- ince Suits. Boys' 2 -piece Norfolk Suits ton, aged 6 veers, JT TnRNnnLL,-At et. Albert, Alta., on April 9th, Fancy Wm sled. Snits With• double Dorothy Margaret., infant denghter of Mr ,breasted coat and bloomer Boys' Fancy 'Worsted 1805 27lt Suits 1 do Mrs, Chas, Turnbull, aged 0 weeks and b < tlnlar pants, y sizes 27 to 84—Special al with Kukker Pants, sizes to 80. • 6.00 to 6.60 Extra Special at 3.50 BRUSSELS MARKET" Whoai $O 78 Pena 799 Barley Butter : 10 Eg 13 18 Pollatoea 80 06 sD gg Goods Night or our Moneyback. 7q8 Y 025 00000. 0 9001 Highest Prices for' Produce. N. McLAREN v vl