HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-4-20, Page 4gljeY ts How To' Teal Bronchitis 1 Yv. ,n'rti Y 'J HUI.I,WAl', APltir, sena x911 ,'i'ii'Is is Cauade's`centuryend in man:. respects it belongs particular iY to the agt'ieniterist, of this -Dominion. The farmer who can <lo ne bettor than "make ends meet" under the favorable conditions of a Hotelier of years is not inhprovitrr, the golden opportunities that are within his reach, We believe the plopusetl Reciprocity agreement with the TJ S will better the markets fol I v the torr >rrt i'tt,and slot± prove 1 Iia .l dt c t 4 1 1 valuable aid to the tiller of the soil. By the trend of Democratic legieietion in t11e United States high tariffs wit! take a tumble as they relate to the farmers buy- ing and may have a tendency to keep at kerne. nteu who have become restive under a strong protective government. WHAT kind of a hand do. you write ? Is it easily • fetal or is the deciphering thereof along. the line of a Chinese. puzzle 7 Sonic folk are notoriously poor in wielding the pen but in the majority of cases bad chirography may be largely assigned to. carelesspess and the rush with which the writing is done. With a good pen, standard sok amt a frit quality of paper thele is little excess' • a tatter bung written_ wl contents have to h.a gue,5uit:a ou receipt 'Ex nose haste aur:' a bac: pep" has become a Q''arneeded joke end is tot c..mph I ine i t t th person n addressed u t to v o a p is H a d cl a yet to ,the writer The pen may be t t swordproves its mightier than the and p o es ability to "kill" time at least when an' epistle has ro be ciphered oat word by word ,to..arrive at the meaning of the scribe. Brace up and bt care and practice stud tent a better grads al penmanship WHY i' 'i t 4+ I;Lot ',Magni toed to set. to mo. .(1.1.‘ loos: lode tires n. Brussels? tome's + fi to salt husine-s going to .v.. ' and toe large h'aaksmit shop and ;el' i•t.•ttal anti, Tarots adjoin- ing the trot; b' 64e could he easily fitted up to accommodate some stirring busi nese of a mechanical or other character If evert body waits for something to "turn up" half of our residents may tut up missing before employing agencies are established. Let us get our thinking caps on and huste to look after our own interests and that of Brusselites gene;. ally so that their attractive influence will be felt. Many an iucorporated village and town have felt the gradual shrinking up trend of the passing years and the pull of. the larger centres but sitting down in sackcloth and ashes will not set the wheels in motion. What is required is an optimistic outlook ; a willingness to invest in town concerns ; and a determination to do our best to increase the business opportunities and capacity of institutions already in our possession. Give an occasional friendly nod to the man who is employing labor and speak approvingly of good work being done. Brussels School Report For March and April Marks given itt per cent. Porte III. Examined in Geometry, Composition, Physics, Algebra, Chemis- try. H Armstrong....83 5' Clark. 54 E Deadman 82 13 Warwicl 53 B Currie..., ..7o C Leckie 52 RSimpson..... ...70 V Bowman ss T Dickson 6q C Forbes 5o J Bremner 69 M 'Thompson 48 A Forrest .........63 L Armstrong 48 OArmstrong....66 H hoover ...43, J Armstrong 66 B Leckie 39 A Grant • 58 W McCutcheon38 W Sperling 58 KAment......... ..37 F Eckmier 56 S Fox 35 Form 11 -Examined in Arithmetic, Composition, Physics, Book Keeping, Spelliug, French, Geometry and Gram- mer, TYuill Se G Kerr 63 L' McDonald' 78 S Gerry 63 M all 74 A Coop et 6 YtCoop et 3 I • Sotheran ...,,73 H Arent .58 j Menzies . 73 I Strachan ....54 J Taylor. ..... ,...•.67 J McLennan 48 D Watson 63 I Rands 28 C McKinnon 63 Form I Examined in Algebra, Com, position, History, Grammar, Arithmetic, Spelling, Literature, Writing. M Hutchinson...86 0 McGill ....67 W Turnbull.. —.86 C Stewart, 66 ✓ ROSS 80 13 Alderson.......62 6 Hazel Lowry 73 C Crooks 62 G McQuarrie 73 R Currie.. ,.......59 L Sparhttg 72 1t Fiat 58 L Watson„ .,..72 C Emtgh . 57 A Wilton ..........72 S Brothers 53 E` Barkley 7o R Hall..... ...51 HaroldLowry-69 A Johnston...... 5t --(Nellie Fox 68 V. nA to v soN A. GILMOUR. Entrance Class. Examined in Geo., Gram., Spell., Wr Read., Can, Hist., Arial. Writ, and Daily Work. Honors 75, Pass' bo. T Deadman. 94 I McLauohlin...:74 A3Roe • 87 13 Kerr A McLauchlin...85 H Burgess W Lott.. .83 H Work 7o W Armstrong....82 F Lowry ....62 E Lowry 79 12 Barkley 57 J Elliott . 76 F Wood...,., 5fi L, Ballantyne 75 'W Harris .55 Tr. XV, -Examined its Or. Read„ Geog., Wr, Read., Hist.. Comp., Spell., Arith, Writ. avd Daily Work, G Edwards 88 'R Sinclair do 7 MoLauchli,1.,..76 H Fox ...eo L LowryR McKay ..60 75 Y • Oliver. ..... 7t <LColvin 52 s ...... V Kilpatrick �., Jack, ori „70 p .'4 L Burgess.. ..65 V McCracken44 J Iiallautyne .....64, . 1 DORA M, SMITH. 75 .AI aYa Rocq xpsi VW Dr Hacking' oeugh and 'Gough breathing. that o by at trelitetiylly &itei u rril e willi byuair direct iii the affected purls can bunmhitis ba cured. The very 1•o'tson wily Utttai•rli, 080518 eutes. la 'because it contains it healing Medicine lighter than air, which is breathed through the bron- chial tittles and lungs, eart'yiug south - 1»g balsams alltl essences as it goes. No wonder after 20 years of awfu4 suf. feting, Capt, Jetties Lluulop, of King - commander comnmauder of Lite R. & 0. sta., "Bohemian" Was oared thoroughly by Oatttrt•hozone, "I sutfeeed twenty years, and although 1 took treatment alt that time pet Mellen t. relief was not obtained till I used (bctatrrhozcue, which is the best known cure i'or B ronchitis ou the race of the globe, pleasant to use, quick to relieve, and sure to cure. A. truly wonderful treatment for Catarrh, Asthma, Throat Trouble and . 13rouelhitie is Oatal'rhuznue—tiolhshuuis it has eared say. 80. Get a large 21,00 outfit of Cater; h- uzoue ; 1t. militates tL beautifully polish- ed hard rubber inhaler and Medication to: last ttvo 11101101S. finial ler Size.. 25o, and 60u., at all reliable dealers, or The Catarrhozoue Company, King- ston, Out., Sr, .II —Exam, in Geog.. Gram,. Comp„ Read., Hist„ Arial and Daily Work,, Houors 75 Piss 6o ±'.Steuart ..93 L Wright .....,63 i Ameut 89 V Sinclair 58• 13 Campbell 83 * l 1leLauchlin ..57 A MrLttuehltu,67 15 Hewitt .•52 t* P ut E Rands ........66L I ..4q *H Currie .....,65 *4 Mt: ttuulln...42 fr III Sine Subjects. L McCracken 80 H Gerry ...s8 +3 Stewart .,.8o M Carter ...... s7 I) Mass. ,.... 77 FMcNltt,,'uon..51 W Buchanan 6, P Barkley •,•48 E Cameron 6o * Aimed one or more exams H M 1)owxiec Si II1 —Extra View • A ith Re W"ek Ito i ,'s rt \7 ,ort ...... Best se 41 ket,uu...... •78 V1 S e w.o•t ::, 74 A '' ureic . 73 A Fox 60 1 Warwick. ..... 69 Int. II.—Exam. Mein., Geo, Arith., C Ncore........... 83 O Hemingway...8o M Ross ....78 N Burgess M Dunfotd 76 M Pawson74 Ir. II—Exam in Arith„ Lit., Geog.. M McLauchlm.,83 M Cameron 79 A Drage...... ,73 G Baeker ........ 2 7 A Cardiff,.. 51 *Missed one exam. in •'.0 np, 1 1Ste it , 1't.. 6" t .. . ..0. is i uum•nn 62 12 1 tutu. .. 6•. V tott .. 57 IV tier knees ......54 (3r. in Cotnp Read., Spell , Daily work, R Currie. 74 S Mc Leuehliu...72 1lJ t1m es ..6 0 I McNichol 63 J Jamieson ........ NI Campbell ....... Read., Spell . Comp. Daily Work. D Currie46 E Somers 40 C Heist.. .37 **E Comltuson...36 L Snider... . 19 **Missed two. G. Ross. Report for Primary Room. (Gaster ) Class V —Exam in Arith, S elt. Lang. P g Red Writ., told :til Work. Read., ,Dep Daily M Kerney ..... .,,.gr A Stewart 64 L Frauets........,.8t W James. ..... .-,62 J Etnigh 76 J Lowry ..... 60 E Burgess 73 G Snider 59 L Conley ...71 E Hollinger 58 M Wilton .....70 1 Herkness56 O Howard 65 W Snider. $5 Class IV.—Exam in Arith., Spell , Lang., Read., Writ„ Dep. and Daily Work. Dorothy Holmes -go Milton Oliver 62. Ellie Stewart 86 Cassie 1'nomsou.53 Ethel Stewart83 Bertie Stevens...5o ClassIIl.— Excellent.—D Walker, I Stewart, L. Barkley, 1Y1. Wood. Good. L. Drage, Jennie Howard, L Snider, Class II.—Good—M. McCracken. F. BUCHANAN. Croat Specialiste In Stomach Catarrh Though often they fail to give eveu femporat y relief, \L'. W. Seymour of Huntsville, Out., cured himself with Ferrozone. "My trouble" he says "was ohronie catarrh of the stomach. There was constant bad taste in my mouth, I was costive and usually nauseated before and after meals, I also had a gnawing sensation in the stomach. _gnawing gave Ate great relief, and I also . used Oatarrhozoue which is gond for catarrh. Although it took a number of boxes of Ferro zoo I got back health and to -da em y Y . i t 1" Foe of L am quite vel 1st stomach c t tutrh 9 tndigesbuin and kindred disorders no - Whig excels Ferl'oze ue In a thous- and cases it has proved a wonderful success. Try It yourself, 60e per box at all dealers. Church Chimes M OTHER,' DAY—Sabbath evening 9th lust alar e audience assembled to the Methodist church in connection with the Women's MI sionart Society. Mrs. A. J Lowry, President, conducted • the opening and closing exercises ; Mrs. I3. L. Jackson. Secretary, called the mem bership roll ; and Mrs. (Rev ) Oaten gave a well directed address on "Women's place in world winning" in which she showed greatt . how d the deb women owed to the Gospel • their ability to take their place in the ranks of the crusaders for the right ; the scope there was for the exercise of tnleuts in the Women's Missionary Society ; and urged hearty practical sympathy in every effort for• God, home and every land. The ad dress was meritorious, Weld and most appropriate. In addition to the anthem by the choir, Misses Dowuingand Pryne sang a choice duet and a ladies quartette rendered in gond voice, "Will you let the Savipur in ?" Mrs. Rev. 1. L,Kerr Offered prayer at the opening of the service and Mrs. (Rev.) Paul at the olose. The. offering which was taken by Mesdames Pluto Md Pryne netted over ,$22. oo. Misses Martha Sanith and Florence Buchanan performed the duties of ushers most satisfactorily, The dia.' play of flowers and foliage plants was beautiful, 'Service n0 doubt will awak- en a new Interest.in tin already very live department of the church's work and the ladles are greatly encouraged by the success.of.ge gathering. Most Canadians Have Catarrh Our chaiageable Climate ds Responsible, Where the atmosphere is damp, with sudden changes in temperature, almpst everybodyhes Catarrh, in some form ar Other. he ordivary'cold in the head inaamea awl weakens the membrauea lining the nose and throat, end starts a discharge. The next cold,is more easily caught, and soon the patient is never quite free of it. As Catarrh develops the discharge increases—drops into the throat, es- pecially at night—end hikes on an fensie odor,Besides being exceed- ingly disagreeable, there is greatdanger o£ the disease extending to the lungs, stomach, or bowels. Though it is very difficult to cure, Father Morrlscy devised a combined internal and external treatmenttbat has cured thousands. The Tablets tone up and invigorate the system, and assist Nature in throwing off the disease, while the salve, applied up the nostrils, clears out the discharge and heals the membranes. Cpmbined treatment, sec at your dealer's, or from Father Morriscy Medicine Co„ Ltd„ Montreal, Que. 20 A .LARGE FAMILY Thirteen Is not an unlucky number.. What would you do if you were the conductor of a train and saw thirteen little biddies all under five years of age tnripa ;fir andvou were pr e ented with. one first class ticket for a '2,000 mile Well, this was the predicament that COQ fronted a conductor on a St. Pant train several days ago. The family was that of Frank and Mrs. Scott. of Alberta, British • North- west, and' the family isa remarkable one, to say nothing of the trouble it caused on the tt'p. Thirteen children—two pairs of twins and He ee sets of triplets—all boys, too. Tir.^r',times have '••xrd the "A" list.of Hies I,.' .vire one of the 13 have manone. nsslat ling with the initial' letter of 10HIpbttltet. as follows:,Ashbel, Archer and Austin, triplets, 4 1.2 years old ; A.r'hot' anti Arnold, twins, 3 r:2 Years std; Allen. Almon and Alvis, triplets. 2 1-2 years ; Albert, Albion and Abel. another set of triplets, 18 months old. All the trouble started when Father Scott was lucky in an `Oklahoma land drawing winnine I6o acres. He sent for his family to .come out to the newhome and Mamma Scott and the 13 little Scotts started on their long 2,000 mile journey. ' Am Conductor larvis peered into the car when the train left St. Paul he looked down the aisle and saw the Scott family, be said to himself : "Here's a Sunday school picnic." When he started to take up the tickets the surprise of his life came. Stooping in front of Materna Scott she passed him. one lone first class ticket and no more. Looking about with a wave of his hand over that portion of the car oc eupied by the 13 lively little Scotts, Conductor Jarvis asked -"Are these yours ? If they are you will have to pay for them, for you can't carry half the inmates of the orphan asylum on one ticket." e O • • • m 0 • • • .• • • O 0 a THE undersigned, having formed a partnership, are prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Dec- : orating and Wall Paper Hanging. • • We are practical men in these lines and by doing e our work promptly and well we hope to merit your pat- ® ronage and support. • Norman Forbes Walter Williamson •• • m • O • A ointing, Decorating Wall Paper Hanging ® Orders for Wall Paper Hanging left with the un- dersigned or at Smith's Drug Store will receive our $ prompt attention. • • e :. - D • • y • • Forbes & Williamson • • • • • • • • • s B • A •. .® • e a Q •:• • Painters and Decorators BRUSSELS .:S • • eo®•••••eimese•eeeess •••••••••10••••••••••••••00••00 tighten Up We have just received our brand new stock of the lat- est creations in Wall Papers from the leading manu- facturer of Canada. Large variety Newest i g � y of Des gas You are invited to inspect our new line of Wall Paper by all odds the finest we have ever seen. .PPleee are Exceptionable. lineof Vpcarra. u PAMIKr , . a 1' fiI &ble`r �iarr When you require paint for your buildings cofne in and ask for facts and figures about S. W. P. A ,• cars Wealso y a full stock of Sherwin-Williams Paints, Varnishes, Stains soldEnamels-4'a specialty for every purpose's for everysurface' in and about the town or country home or the farm. 1:21i'fen 2.S CA§h !�y a 2510 ho A. McDonald,Cranbrook Here Mrs, Acott proved she was equal to the occasion, and asked ; "Don't the rules of this railway provide that all children tinder five years of age shall ride free, when accompanied by a parent?"• The conductor stood and • stared, "Sure ! but you don't :mean to tell me that all these are yours ?" H ere' was Mrs. Seott's big moment and to prove her assertion she went down into her snit case and brought forth the family record .anal' called the roll, to which all the tots who were able to talk answered. The conductor gasped and passed up the aisle, and then smiled at 'the plight the next conductor would be thrown in upon asking for the fares Nevertheless the Scotts reachedtheir destination and are happy. The Public Is Often Faked Unsorupitloua dealers aotaated by large profits often recommend corn cares "as good as Putnam's." There is only one genuine Corti Extractor and that is PutuaM's Painless' which is a miracle of efficiency: and prompt ness.IIse rio. .. other Tenders Wanted Tenders will bo received by 'the undersigned up to May tat. for the bui'ding of a new ewe - mit and frame stable et Knox March Manse, Oraabrook, and also for the remodelling ofthe church horse sheds. Plans and. specifications may be seen at A. Mclbouald's Store, Oren - bionic. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Apply to A. MCDONALD, Secretory of Board, Oranbrook. 41.9 Hair Beautifier Tenders Refined. Women tho World -.Over Use 14 L+ veli y woman knows that there is nothing so gond for hair and scalp trouble as Parisian Sage. If Parisian Sage is used two or three times a week it will keep the scalp nice and clean and remove dandruff.: It makes the hair lustrous and .fluffy, and keeps it from falling out. ' We urge every woman who loves radiant and fascinating hair to go to Jas. Fox to -day and get a large 60 cent bottle of Parisian Sage. . He .guaran- tees it to pure' dandruff, falling hair and•itciiingscalp, or money back. keno INTEL EXAMINER OF R. C. D. S — Dr. W. J. Fear, of Aylmer, a former Brusselite and a brother to Rev. E A. Fear of Blyth, has been appointed ex aminer iu operative dentistry in the Royal `College of Dental. Surgeons, This reminds us that the cities 'do not contain all the goo:: ones. The R. C. D. S. is owned and conducted by the dentists of Ontario. Dr. Fear will receive the congratulations of all on the high recoguition of his ability' by the dental authorities at Toronto. This is the most important of all the suhjects of t he curriculum at the College. '!'he beat men in all the professors come from the smaller towns, and we congratulate Dr,: Fear on, his appointment. HOW TO LIVELONG O With health kidneys, 'h v ys, or1ea9 a good chance to live long, but weak kidneys afflict old age with great dis- comforts. The base becomes bent and latae, rheumatism is chronic, eyesight fails and Lonfre- quent orinvolius- tar• ass esor theurinepassages cause embart esc- ulent by day and loss of sleep at night, Booth's Kid- ney Pills being new strength to old backs .and quick relief 50 weakened kidneys, They banish ,backache and rhea vatic pain, regulate the bladder.a.ud urine. b h Booth's KidneyPIlls are for sick kiteys in old nd young and are guaranteed,by the proprietors, The R. 7'. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, Out. Sold everywhere SOc. box, Free trial sent on request. Sold and guaranteed in Brussels by Jas. Fox, ;Booth. l =JI elle Ills MUSKRATS Wantedin any quantity at the fol. lowing prices :— SPRINGS WINTER'S • SMALLS KITTS 42c. 35c, 250. IRC, I itisc pay highest !trines for all other raw fur* Oonsigeineuts sollelted, Writs for tn,y latest prlaa flat, J: YAFFE ( 72 Colborne st., Toronto, Ont. Tenders for the construction of the Net sl• low end Repent Drafty; In. the Township or OtrKilloi,, will be received by the undersigned, up till the22nd day ofApril Plnns, &o., tory be seen of att01erk'n oiIlce, Lot 24, Con..' 7, McKillop, or at the Ouanell meeting in Sea - forth of April 22nd when the Tenders will be opened at 2 o'clock p, m A deposit of 5 or the contract price to accompany. tenders.; The lowest or any tender not necessarily ate noted. M. 1d015DIE, Clerk. Tenders Tenders for the oonstruction of eleven 111) cement bridges, ranging from 8 to 20 feet span will be received by the Matillop Council at its. meeting in Seaforth on April 22n - 1911, at Gommet-Mel Hotel. Parties tendering asked tosuhmitplans. Tenders' to be opened at 8' o'clock p. m. The leweat or any tender not necessarily accepted. M. 81URD1E, Clark. For Service The undersigned will keep for cervica on Lot 19; pun. 10, Gray, a thorn'. bred Berkshire hog, with registered pedigree, purchased. from W. W, Brownridge, of Georgetown. Terns 21.00,_ with privilege of returninRif necesenry. JNO. BROWN. Proprietor, Phone 1414. - Ethel P. 0. Will sella young tIoro' bred Berkshire hog at reasonable price, also aevetalyonng brood sows. .89-tf The People's Column FOR SALE OR TO RENT—The-E35 of Lot 2, on the 12th Oon. of the Township of Grey. .Apply to ME E.KELLY, Turnb rr . street South, Brussels. - - Tfi015O BRED YORKSHIRES either sex, at breeding age, for sale. Also 2 young Shorthorn bolls, one of them 1st prizo winner at Brussels Fair. JAS. SPEAR, Lot s0, Con. 8, Morris.' Box 279 Brussels P. 0. Phone 108. FARM FOR SALE.—The 100 acre farts, be - Lot 2B,gUou 14, property 10 ofereed' coo sure McNeil, the undersigned. There are 86 aeras cleared, bal ance well timbered. On the farm there 1s a nod bank barn, large driving shed d a com- fortable ortable house. Place In good condition and well fenced.' For further particulars apply to JAS. A. MONAIR or JAS. D. MONAIR, Exec. ntors, Cratbrook P.O., or Irl S. SCOTT, Brea. eels. 7-tf FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale, 1110 100 'sora farm, beiit ' Lot iso, Cott, 15, Grey. About 70 acres clearer, balance 1n swamp, 8 Gores in Fall wheat, 81 acres aoed- ed down. Fall .. g lowin is being done, Ott the Perm i afro g s me house back barn. rn, drlvin shed, and orchard and g a armed well. post. Ulosa to office church on d . nekool 'For further e portico. tarn a ply to JOHN OSBURNE; Proprietor, or P, �: Scott, Bruxeol0, FARM FOR SALE, being South half Lot 26, Oou.4, Morrie township, Huron' 0o,, con- taining 100 sores more or less, On the prem- ises is a frame house, bank barn, good o'ohm'tl, well, windmill, Bee. Ail cleared except about a1 sore School 14 miles distant. Only 2}5 miles frpm Brussels, decree of Fall wheat un and about 50 soros seeded down. ParWoe, terms and other information apply on, the premises or if writing . Brosreta P 0, Phone 120: Or F, S. &Ott,. 131 ua001a, 11-tf A. 1„ K111t11, Proprietor. FARMS R FO SALE —Lots 21 and 22, Oen. 14,E Maintop, and Lot Zion the 1915 Commie Sion. Lots 21 and 22 compose the (Gardiner homeetend and oentaihs sbont lee acres all first -clues land, well fenced, well tile drained end hes 11 acres of good hardwood bush ; good comfortable buildings with all modern lin. provemente ; plena of good spring writer end a good plenty p g t55±110 0rc5nra, This is (Inc of 10 choicest 1 i1 ssflfn'ns a the Coniti tr. Hamm and will beaoldn5neves 15to suit phottee and Tot 28 in 126samewithsmell button, 'Sail, all in t Hares tad bus est'n tot 15 (01 There ens ten suers of (;and best' on � this farm. line further mirth:aleresppl3 to ALEX (GAROM 1815, Walton P.O., or pa the premises. 49-tf I COMFORTABLE 11RICS HOT5Sr with stable, well, Bio„ and 2 aures of choice. land for sale in the Southerly part of Brus- eels. Immediate possession eon be given, For further piiarticulars apply to P. S. Seat, Brits. Bets, or IRO. MOARTIIUB, Waltou P.O. r....04„...,.....m.gc.2.2....6.,.. Weare m.ear ReaderPa rtep g n eo e or I n- nes 9 g people P i sat The , Listowel Business College and place our graduates in positions. 0 t Students may enter at any time. StrinSuring term opens April 8rd. For par- g tioula•s address EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, .Prim; Y ,c'�rc,a .eaPA'A'P" �' '7ti"AV v . g v �'a� �,aa CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT, A Large School A Good School The Best -4 This school havn.contineltal repute- R. ✓ tion for high grade work and for tate M `eatoevsofitsstudents. Wo. Iu,vc three deinrtmrnts,—Couinreroial, Shorthand and Telegraphy :Ambitious young, • men and wometlehould send at once . fur oar ler go free catalogue. Wrie for • it at once and see what ourgiaduatea undoing. This is a good lime ofilhrS ear for you 1. to enter our elnastot. Students. are wi- S 1 LtcOr s 8e enaohlrcwa.eal;. Commence your r �{ � � D: A. McLACHLAN, Princlpat. q +civ-asi,.suoixs.I.Lavlsb tzar.; 4. . ' Di staslca is NoHindi aace to. those who :wishto got the best. Many atndents from the distant Pro- vincea and the United States attend the 1g E LLi OTT pil Toronto, Ont, This Scheel has a national reputation for high , grade work. Graduation readily get � �, ���/r good. positions., Opel entire year. En- t ter now. Write for ontalo • n e • ti Cor Yelilr' Rhd W g �'ELLIOTT, Alrxnn der ' ts. S Pr( ei a . i I' n 1 . P littiot AM1020ilo'P�ayaav� .va +s.a♦a'♦a••4••4•••t' ••re*••i•s+ate• Boys and 8• a/ • Girls • •t Should learn those sabjonts by which they can dLt n a living. . • Spotter' soh Business Colleges es 4* • are the largest' trainers in Can- t act% and our graduates secure • the best positions. You can study at home, or partly at ♦ ,F home, and finish at the College. • • • Individual Instruction. i' • Enter ./fny flay. • • • 4.4' • • • Wi n ham uSln B • ass College a• • OEO. SPOTTON, Principal • 4+•4••4•♦•i•i4.4r.i.• t•••1•••l•••i'bti••••••'♦ { I 111111III III IIII IIIIL Il III - Ii IIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllillll Mill I 111111118111 111111111811111111111111 11rIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Add water to h milk-- the milk, - •. �... .. , ,�,,,.-•,-..- t 4.- �' � ' I1 ..- (,, �!- ti`'a [ ' iii !��/ ,1 % ^ }., ? You Cheapens Soft Soft nutriment. XO17. Add weaken wheat wheat IUQQ. soft en wheat your it too. costs flour less les tp 9u1' flour. less—worth has less gluten sustaining, less. less - - : ,t�� • .,. x`4' � dour eCOIlO11171Ca1. Soft flour bread is has less nutritious, strength, less quality :. �.�f ,.'`..,-1,-, Ort - L �e l, �� t� ,� ?, r 1 - ( '�: ...,Use ,r c %\ � � �,,:.• YtR958S .4 ;,, I l . 1 ) , •••�' ') .- 1 •flour—Manitoba _ .' gluten. Giving things Having Five Without Strengthen ' Use Manitoba Roses less everything 'a FIVE less is grain good good. flour—Ma the all Manitoba. of cheaper your food ROSES. s for your money Wings a hard wheat soft stuff lacks. wheat. values. flour. and a 1 P111D� � IIII lHtIl c III111111111 ; 1J 1111111I1111111111111111111111111I 1 1I 1 11111 111111111I1I11111 IIIIIut1 11 I 1I HhI IIII IIIIRIIIIl all1 I1111.1 111111ium"1I0I1I111111 1 I Alvin, IIIIII1111111111lplipl II iIIIulllll 11i, l 1111 IItIr I- IIIIh1 1 1 11 111 G,�„a�I � �X� 1 %L.e/nctect 1 1 IIIIIIllIIIIIIIuril ..FA8 0 r18 *0008 MIL..INO COPANI I. 0 t e M08)0CA be said to himself : "Here's a Sunday school picnic." When he started to take up the tickets the surprise of his life came. Stooping in front of Materna Scott she passed him. one lone first class ticket and no more. Looking about with a wave of his hand over that portion of the car oc eupied by the 13 lively little Scotts, Conductor Jarvis asked -"Are these yours ? If they are you will have to pay for them, for you can't carry half the inmates of the orphan asylum on one ticket." e O • • • m 0 • • • .• • • O 0 a THE undersigned, having formed a partnership, are prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Dec- : orating and Wall Paper Hanging. • • We are practical men in these lines and by doing e our work promptly and well we hope to merit your pat- ® ronage and support. • Norman Forbes Walter Williamson •• • m • O • A ointing, Decorating Wall Paper Hanging ® Orders for Wall Paper Hanging left with the un- dersigned or at Smith's Drug Store will receive our $ prompt attention. • • e :. - D • • y • • Forbes & Williamson • • • • • • • • • s B • A •. .® • e a Q •:• • Painters and Decorators BRUSSELS .:S • • eo®•••••eimese•eeeess •••••••••10••••••••••••••00••00 tighten Up We have just received our brand new stock of the lat- est creations in Wall Papers from the leading manu- facturer of Canada. Large variety Newest i g � y of Des gas You are invited to inspect our new line of Wall Paper by all odds the finest we have ever seen. .PPleee are Exceptionable. lineof Vpcarra. u PAMIKr , . a 1' fiI &ble`r �iarr When you require paint for your buildings cofne in and ask for facts and figures about S. W. P. A ,• cars Wealso y a full stock of Sherwin-Williams Paints, Varnishes, Stains soldEnamels-4'a specialty for every purpose's for everysurface' in and about the town or country home or the farm. 1:21i'fen 2.S CA§h !�y a 2510 ho A. McDonald,Cranbrook Here Mrs, Acott proved she was equal to the occasion, and asked ; "Don't the rules of this railway provide that all children tinder five years of age shall ride free, when accompanied by a parent?"• The conductor stood and • stared, "Sure ! but you don't :mean to tell me that all these are yours ?" H ere' was Mrs. Seott's big moment and to prove her assertion she went down into her snit case and brought forth the family record .anal' called the roll, to which all the tots who were able to talk answered. The conductor gasped and passed up the aisle, and then smiled at 'the plight the next conductor would be thrown in upon asking for the fares Nevertheless the Scotts reachedtheir destination and are happy. The Public Is Often Faked Unsorupitloua dealers aotaated by large profits often recommend corn cares "as good as Putnam's." There is only one genuine Corti Extractor and that is PutuaM's Painless' which is a miracle of efficiency: and prompt ness.IIse rio. .. other Tenders Wanted Tenders will bo received by 'the undersigned up to May tat. for the bui'ding of a new ewe - mit and frame stable et Knox March Manse, Oraabrook, and also for the remodelling ofthe church horse sheds. Plans and. specifications may be seen at A. Mclbouald's Store, Oren - bionic. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Apply to A. MCDONALD, Secretory of Board, Oranbrook. 41.9 Hair Beautifier Tenders Refined. Women tho World -.Over Use 14 L+ veli y woman knows that there is nothing so gond for hair and scalp trouble as Parisian Sage. If Parisian Sage is used two or three times a week it will keep the scalp nice and clean and remove dandruff.: It makes the hair lustrous and .fluffy, and keeps it from falling out. ' We urge every woman who loves radiant and fascinating hair to go to Jas. Fox to -day and get a large 60 cent bottle of Parisian Sage. . He .guaran- tees it to pure' dandruff, falling hair and•itciiingscalp, or money back. keno INTEL EXAMINER OF R. C. D. S — Dr. W. J. Fear, of Aylmer, a former Brusselite and a brother to Rev. E A. Fear of Blyth, has been appointed ex aminer iu operative dentistry in the Royal `College of Dental. Surgeons, This reminds us that the cities 'do not contain all the goo:: ones. The R. C. D. S. is owned and conducted by the dentists of Ontario. Dr. Fear will receive the congratulations of all on the high recoguition of his ability' by the dental authorities at Toronto. This is the most important of all the suhjects of t he curriculum at the College. '!'he beat men in all the professors come from the smaller towns, and we congratulate Dr,: Fear on, his appointment. HOW TO LIVELONG O With health kidneys, 'h v ys, or1ea9 a good chance to live long, but weak kidneys afflict old age with great dis- comforts. The base becomes bent and latae, rheumatism is chronic, eyesight fails and Lonfre- quent orinvolius- tar• ass esor theurinepassages cause embart esc- ulent by day and loss of sleep at night, Booth's Kid- ney Pills being new strength to old backs .and quick relief 50 weakened kidneys, They banish ,backache and rhea vatic pain, regulate the bladder.a.ud urine. b h Booth's KidneyPIlls are for sick kiteys in old nd young and are guaranteed,by the proprietors, The R. 7'. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, Out. Sold everywhere SOc. box, Free trial sent on request. Sold and guaranteed in Brussels by Jas. Fox, ;Booth. l =JI elle Ills MUSKRATS Wantedin any quantity at the fol. lowing prices :— SPRINGS WINTER'S • SMALLS KITTS 42c. 35c, 250. IRC, I itisc pay highest !trines for all other raw fur* Oonsigeineuts sollelted, Writs for tn,y latest prlaa flat, J: YAFFE ( 72 Colborne st., Toronto, Ont. Tenders for the construction of the Net sl• low end Repent Drafty; In. the Township or OtrKilloi,, will be received by the undersigned, up till the22nd day ofApril Plnns, &o., tory be seen of att01erk'n oiIlce, Lot 24, Con..' 7, McKillop, or at the Ouanell meeting in Sea - forth of April 22nd when the Tenders will be opened at 2 o'clock p, m A deposit of 5 or the contract price to accompany. tenders.; The lowest or any tender not necessarily ate noted. M. 1d015DIE, Clerk. Tenders Tenders for the oonstruction of eleven 111) cement bridges, ranging from 8 to 20 feet span will be received by the Matillop Council at its. meeting in Seaforth on April 22n - 1911, at Gommet-Mel Hotel. Parties tendering asked tosuhmitplans. Tenders' to be opened at 8' o'clock p. m. The leweat or any tender not necessarily accepted. M. 81URD1E, Clark. For Service The undersigned will keep for cervica on Lot 19; pun. 10, Gray, a thorn'. bred Berkshire hog, with registered pedigree, purchased. from W. W, Brownridge, of Georgetown. Terns 21.00,_ with privilege of returninRif necesenry. JNO. BROWN. Proprietor, Phone 1414. - Ethel P. 0. Will sella young tIoro' bred Berkshire hog at reasonable price, also aevetalyonng brood sows. .89-tf The People's Column FOR SALE OR TO RENT—The-E35 of Lot 2, on the 12th Oon. of the Township of Grey. .Apply to ME E.KELLY, Turnb rr . street South, Brussels. - - Tfi015O BRED YORKSHIRES either sex, at breeding age, for sale. Also 2 young Shorthorn bolls, one of them 1st prizo winner at Brussels Fair. JAS. SPEAR, Lot s0, Con. 8, Morris.' Box 279 Brussels P. 0. Phone 108. FARM FOR SALE.—The 100 acre farts, be - Lot 2B,gUou 14, property 10 ofereed' coo sure McNeil, the undersigned. There are 86 aeras cleared, bal ance well timbered. On the farm there 1s a nod bank barn, large driving shed d a com- fortable ortable house. Place In good condition and well fenced.' For further particulars apply to JAS. A. MONAIR or JAS. D. MONAIR, Exec. ntors, Cratbrook P.O., or Irl S. SCOTT, Brea. eels. 7-tf FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale, 1110 100 'sora farm, beiit ' Lot iso, Cott, 15, Grey. About 70 acres clearer, balance 1n swamp, 8 Gores in Fall wheat, 81 acres aoed- ed down. Fall .. g lowin is being done, Ott the Perm i afro g s me house back barn. rn, drlvin shed, and orchard and g a armed well. post. Ulosa to office church on d . nekool 'For further e portico. tarn a ply to JOHN OSBURNE; Proprietor, or P, �: Scott, Bruxeol0, FARM FOR SALE, being South half Lot 26, Oou.4, Morrie township, Huron' 0o,, con- taining 100 sores more or less, On the prem- ises is a frame house, bank barn, good o'ohm'tl, well, windmill, Bee. Ail cleared except about a1 sore School 14 miles distant. Only 2}5 miles frpm Brussels, decree of Fall wheat un and about 50 soros seeded down. ParWoe, terms and other information apply on, the premises or if writing . Brosreta P 0, Phone 120: Or F, S. &Ott,. 131 ua001a, 11-tf A. 1„ K111t11, Proprietor. FARMS R FO SALE —Lots 21 and 22, Oen. 14,E Maintop, and Lot Zion the 1915 Commie Sion. Lots 21 and 22 compose the (Gardiner homeetend and oentaihs sbont lee acres all first -clues land, well fenced, well tile drained end hes 11 acres of good hardwood bush ; good comfortable buildings with all modern lin. provemente ; plena of good spring writer end a good plenty p g t55±110 0rc5nra, This is (Inc of 10 choicest 1 i1 ssflfn'ns a the Coniti tr. Hamm and will beaoldn5neves 15to suit phottee and Tot 28 in 126samewithsmell button, 'Sail, all in t Hares tad bus est'n tot 15 (01 There ens ten suers of (;and best' on � this farm. line further mirth:aleresppl3 to ALEX (GAROM 1815, Walton P.O., or pa the premises. 49-tf I COMFORTABLE 11RICS HOT5Sr with stable, well, Bio„ and 2 aures of choice. land for sale in the Southerly part of Brus- eels. Immediate possession eon be given, For further piiarticulars apply to P. S. Seat, Brits. Bets, or IRO. MOARTIIUB, Waltou P.O. r....04„...,.....m.gc.2.2....6.,.. Weare m.ear ReaderPa rtep g n eo e or I n- nes 9 g people P i sat The , Listowel Business College and place our graduates in positions. 0 t Students may enter at any time. StrinSuring term opens April 8rd. For par- g tioula•s address EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, .Prim; Y ,c'�rc,a .eaPA'A'P" �' '7ti"AV v . g v �'a� �,aa CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT, A Large School A Good School The Best -4 This school havn.contineltal repute- R. ✓ tion for high grade work and for tate M `eatoevsofitsstudents. Wo. Iu,vc three deinrtmrnts,—Couinreroial, Shorthand and Telegraphy :Ambitious young, • men and wometlehould send at once . fur oar ler go free catalogue. Wrie for • it at once and see what ourgiaduatea undoing. This is a good lime ofilhrS ear for you 1. to enter our elnastot. Students. are wi- S 1 LtcOr s 8e enaohlrcwa.eal;. Commence your r �{ � � D: A. McLACHLAN, Princlpat. q +civ-asi,.suoixs.I.Lavlsb tzar.; 4. . ' Di staslca is NoHindi aace to. those who :wishto got the best. Many atndents from the distant Pro- vincea and the United States attend the 1g E LLi OTT pil Toronto, Ont, This Scheel has a national reputation for high , grade work. Graduation readily get � �, ���/r good. positions., Opel entire year. En- t ter now. Write for ontalo • n e • ti Cor Yelilr' Rhd W g �'ELLIOTT, Alrxnn der ' ts. S Pr( ei a . i I' n 1 . P littiot AM1020ilo'P�ayaav� .va +s.a♦a'♦a••4••4•••t' ••re*••i•s+ate• Boys and 8• a/ • Girls • •t Should learn those sabjonts by which they can dLt n a living. . • Spotter' soh Business Colleges es 4* • are the largest' trainers in Can- t act% and our graduates secure • the best positions. You can study at home, or partly at ♦ ,F home, and finish at the College. • • • Individual Instruction. i' • Enter ./fny flay. • • • 4.4' • • • Wi n ham uSln B • ass College a• • OEO. SPOTTON, Principal • 4+•4••4•♦•i•i4.4r.i.• t•••1•••l•••i'bti••••••'♦ {