HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-4-20, Page 1VUL. 39 N0. 42
W. H. K r RR, Frobriotor
New Advertisements
Pasturage—TRH POET.
Mo wy onu4,-••Tta a Pns'r•
Formaldehyde—jus, Fox,
I,nanla—w. J,. M,.Oraeken.
Free pattern elte —D 0. Ross.
Duets eggs ter deleting—J. Armstrong,
J ,
Mts. Bruce is on the sick list, but we
wish her a speedy recovery.
McKenzie Messer, of London. Ives
here over Sunday at his home.
Mrs. J, W. King spent a few drays
this week with friends ab Bervie.
Dan. O'Poole, of Toronto, is at pees-
-ent visiting friends in this locality.
Robb. and Mrs, 1Vlosgiove are at
present visiting friends et Toronto. ,
Wilber Gannett bas gone to Peters-
-burg where hehas secured a position.
Miss Pole Andrews is visiting her
sister tit Utawteey,
Mee, R. Hoe,lcericigs spent the holi-
days with 0 iencls at Nirval,
etre, Win. ',Manley, ofSoetlrautptot,
epent a few days with friends here,
Miss P101.0nce 13tay, of Si. L•Ielens,
enjoyed the holidays with Mrs. Mos,
Mies Belle Burgess- and Mrs. Robt.
Shaw spent Easter with friends at
'Mrs. A. Holmes left on Monday for
rnonth's visit with friends at' Termite
and Llamilton. '
NEWSY NOTES,—The fatiners around
here have commenced their Spring
plowing,—Misses 'Vera and Tillie
Robertson, of Listowel, are spending
the holiday's with their aunt. Mrs.
Jos. Ounnning.—Mies Edwards, of
Belulove, Suudayed,tat, Gen. Edwards.
—Miss Nettie Mitchell, of Conn, spent
•4444,+ +•f•4•4•••4•q••,t• +• • +•• 4,+•l•4•4.•' .•t•••1••'i'•-.-
free Pattern Offer
E have decided to push the sale of Ladies' Home
Journal Patterns and intend to give away
hundreds of Patterns to do so. -.
Commencing next Saturday, April 22nd, and con-
tinuing for 3 Saturdstys, or to May 6th,we will give
Every Woman who calls 'at our Pattern Counter
herchochoice ofth three Ladies' Horne Journal Patterns.
We want 'every woman who reads this to be sure
and call for a Pattern. We know if once tried they will
always be in your home, and the trial Patterns are plain,
easyto work with designs you do not need to be ex -
perIeced to use them.
Girl's Dress
This Pattern in
even sizes" ..
4 to 12. years
just call at Pattern
Oouutee land have
your correct meas.
uremenb taken and
Along with the Pattern we want to give
you a Book of 'Instruction
on how to
use them. -
I Don't fanjet the dates
-for Three Saturdays
receive your PatsMisses' Dress
tent FRD+ L '
�, Sizes 14, 10, 18
• 18 to 20 years
•You are bound to succeed
4 u whether
• with experience or without it.
• Tell Your r Frientls
about this Offer.
• •4•4••44+•4•4••+.444.•4•4•40+04.4•4•44•14•14•II•*44444.• 4•4•444.•
Ladies Dress
Bust from
90 to 50 inches.
aa•♦. s c-•=;a,.....•♦•.a•asa.♦•-^••,••a-+••ii••1•••F•i•••1••4.3••4.•+4.+.+44.
The Toronto
+ • Were opened for this 'season,
tF- according to announcement, with
an ele�'ant display
of Fashion-
q able Millinery. •
Misses Snnderson& Carr
+ •
•i. Wish to ,thank •the Ladies for +
their attendance' p their tom ai- i
ments and their highly esteem- `�
+1•" �' Y •
• ed orders,•1"
�- If you have
•y not seen
Our Y
diS:la Call in.
.+4+•+•+•+ 'P++• 4.+.+•+4.+ +• .••4••+4+•4.4.4.+. •4••').•1•.•1••
Easter under the parental roof, --Will,
Brown Is taking a bnsinees course at
Listowel Business College,— Miss
MViarie Fraser, of Toronto, spent the
weekend athoute,—Miss Rudd spent
the holidays at her keine at Allem—
We are sorry to bear Miss Mabel
Elliott and Miss Mary Alexander: are
sink but hope they will soon recover.—
Mr. Pearcy filled the Piosbyter•iae
Church tlulpit on Sunday morning ttnd
gave;a very interesting end profitable
address on "Houle Missions.'—Paid
Doig and Hugh Patrick spent Easter
at home,—Tom McDonald leaves this
week for Mifbiinlc where he iulends
following cheese -making. What will
we clo without your Scotch songs
Tour S—Miss'Pearl Yeo, of Palmerston
is visiting het cousin, Miss Ania Arm-
ateeng.—Mrs. McLuhtan aucl Mabel
Mitchell, of Wroxetea, are visiting
friends in Lhis burg.—Chefs. and Mrs.
Lomb were visitors atjno. llitel,ell's.
The Presbytery or 13ruce granted
the translation of Rev, Austin L.
Budge to ()remove. The pulpit of
Htuzover will he declared swam pn
May 14, aucl Rev. Alex. Leslie, M. A.,
of Elmwood will act as interim Mod-.
erator of thasessinn.-
\Vllliain PettHeoi:nfrliaintiton. enjoyed
the holidays in this vicinity.
Nouse Bowlinhinter, of Gnet ph,
spent Easter week with friends here.
What's the matter with Benfryn 2
Why it'sall right, Started Spying
Miss Slag Thompson' spout the
holidi1ys tvith relatives and friends
at lien fry t`
Charles Milne, Stoney Creek is homy'
visiting lite meatier who has been ill
for the past few weeks.
_ Harry Daubrcok, of 'Donegal, trade
a flying visit to Heuft•yn. What is
the attraction up this way Harry
James Longmire, a well known resi-
dent of this locality, answered the
great roll call Tuesday of this week,
after a lengthened ill nese. His funeral
will be held Friday afternoon.
Hotel licenses granted in Elena for
the next year go to E. Grundenbergev,'
Atwood, who gets an extension of 3
months to make itzi roveruen is • A.
Wynn, Newry ; and Bauer,Monk-
Last Sunday Mrs. James Kerr pass-
ed away to her reward, deeply re_
grated, aged 02 year's. Funeral took
place Thursday afternoon to Elmo.
Centre cemetery. ,Service was held in
St. David's church by Rev. Air. Ashby.
School will open on Monday.
Early gardening is pn the proggram.
John- P. McIntosh attended the
assizes in Guderieli last week.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Baker se. is still very- poorly.
Robert McDonald shipped two cars
of potatoes frotu Ethel This week.
Mrs, Dunri htis been visiting' in St.
Marys with het mother who is ill.
litssCalder, id Tot onto, is the guest
at the home of 3. Foi'rest.this week.
Earl Reymann acid Bevel ly Oaten
epi nt East"" Monday at Oarnuuuntck.
Of all Ompotatoes loaded . on the
cart Ethel Juhu Rauu's beat then
Sties Fineness of Listowel, visited
with het' sister, Mrs. \Vm: Perris,
last o•eelc.
Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Ribbert from
Goeeie will preach in the• Methodist
church here,. -
Mrs. Shaw alai Bars. Pusher, of St
Auras, were visitors with 0. Shaw,
during Easter holidays. •
Master .Beverly and hiss Beryl
Oaten, of -Brussels, visited at the home
of. A. 3. Helm clueing Easter week.
Mrs. Matt. Cameron end Mrs.Harry
Siutalldon were 1enewiugold friend-
ships atLucknoty dur'itig Eastertide. ,
• Jas and. Mrs. Bird were in St. Marys
this week attending the fnnertil of the
fin mer's cousin. Miss Edith Hayes.
illisses Viol et Rath well and Myrtle
Sperling, of Clinton, and A.. L. Poetic!,
of Winghatn,_ were Mete)) holiday
visitors with Geo. Sperling and family,
Spring, work is taking the alten Hun
of the people,
Rev. bit'. Bunker, of Teeswater, and
Rev. Mr. 'Fear excheuged pulpits last
Nest Sabbath morning the Oth Onni-
maitdinent will be . the theme of Rev.
J. L. Small, B. A., in St. Andrew's
Ab the am tial thank -offering
A nservice
in St. Andrew's chut•cln hast Sabbath
morning the goodly sum 0r
00,00, the
best on reeord,was received for the
Home Mission Society.
A. legal tangle over the price of a
dali,gb tnixee between A. Stothers and
N. A. '14rylnr was not heard .tut the as-
sizes owing to the ithsenre or an im-
portant witness. It was postponed,
.Better settle it boys.
Hon. A. G, McKay, will address a
publto meetitlg i 1 lnthtstry Hall Here
on the couch debated question of Reci-
procityou Friday evening, .April28115,1,
eanmeneing at 8 n'elnctt.. He ie a
anent steakeia,cwill 110 doubt ,be
heard bymany,
At as recital meeting of Huron Pres-
bytery, held at Olintoh, a earl was ex-
tended from BtayfeId Peesbytet•tan
church to ReV. Mr. McFarlane. If
accepted induction will take place
'May 0th, Rev, Mr. Small, Moder/Wm,
will preside ;' Rev. Mr. ,Tolwston, of
Varna, peertalz ; Rev. Mr. Ross, of
Gnawt'telt, adilre5e the nthlister ; and
Rev. Mr. Pearcy. of Londesbo'o', the
Mohday evening to lino time wet+
enjoyed at the Presbyterian church,
Ltmccesbnr0, where a National eater
to{int(nt was TIM ander the auspices
of the Ladies Aid. 'Talent e,ts 1)(8001
'NOIR Olin 1011, (i0d01l01.4 aril Blyth in
addition to the latter mutely. Ahem
d'75.00 wore r ealleed which will go 10-
ward the Bt'riiding Fund of -a proposed
new chime') to be erected in 1012, Rev,
Mr, Peavey and the congregation are
doing good work, s
Fred, Bt•yatts rnacle a short visit to
his home from the Medical College,
Mrs. George McDonald, North
Boundary of Grey, is home from all
extended visit to tiie West.
Robert Strachan is still bothered
with rheumatism ,but we hope good
weepier will. help chase it away.
The address of Hon. A.. G, McKay
at Brussels Town Hall Thnt'scley even-
ing of next week will attired a number
from this locality.. -
A few weeks ago in an upset of the
'cutler hiss Berea Bryaus lost her
gold watch. It was discovered a few
days after in the- snow bank and is
about t1.5 good as ever after going
Ihtongh the jeweller's halide.
Soaooz. REPORT.—Following is a
report of promotion examinations in
U. S. S. No, 11, Howieit and Grey.
Names in order of Merit. Jr. IV to
Sr. IV.—Hontr's—Robbie McDonald,
EwartMeKerchar. Sr. III to Jr. TV.
First class .honors --Arthur Bowman,
Birks Robertson. be tans. Jr. IIT.. t Sr,nHI.
First class haunts.—(Maria Bennett
Verne McDonald) Teen Doig. Gerrie
llish'p, Se Si.11.' to Jr. III. Fust class
honors—(Guth Bowman,) Jalnes Mc-
Ilerchar, - Jr: II to Sr.. IL—Victor
Bnwmaii, Mabel Robertson, Della
Doig. Pt. I A to Pb. IL—Herbie Bow-
man. Pt. I B to Pt. I' A.—ltnhy
Grainger, Eldta Bennett, George His-
lop, Allan McKerehar. Pt. -I O. to Pt.
I 13:—Howard Grainger, Maggie Doig,
Gordor MoDonald. L. Rurmcwt•oaD,
Rouse to mit is Ethel: t Apply. to W. e,
Next Sabbath evening Rey. Mr. Mc-
Kenzie, B. A., of Wroxeter, will
preach iu the Methodist church. It
will be Counexional Fund Day on the
1Ve are sorry to report h
ep t t e demise
of a fine old lady in the person of Mrs.
Kerr, of llenfrvn, known to a good
many here. Funeral took place
Thursday afternoon. The bereaved
share itt the. sympathy of the com-
The trustees of our school have eu-
'gaged 3. H. Thomson, of Henfryu, .as
snecessor to Principal Avery resigned.
Next Monday will be re -opening day.
Mr. Thomson is a teacher of wide and
up-to-date experience and will no
doubt do' good work in the school.
We wish hroi success.
BLOOD POISONING•—We are sorry to
hear that Hartwell Speiran, who lives
•Gast of here, has been quite ill with
blood poisoning on his left hand. It
was occasioned by a wound made by a
sliver. A more hopeful view is now
taken of the trouble and we hope the
patient' will have a, speedy recovery.
CARD OF THANES.—To the Office -ca.
and members of Court. Ethel Nn. 201,.
11.-O. F, and friends and neighbors.—
We the daughters of the late George
Imlay, mlay, cleait•e to express out, since*,
est thanks for the 'kindness and sym-
pathy manifested to us in the time of
trouble. Yours gratefully.
MRS. R. McGisaao$,
The members of the King's Workers
Mission Band of Knox Church field
[huh anneal Birthday Party at the
house of hiss Ransom, ou Monday,
March 270. Evening was spent in
playing games and tt pleasing program
was rendered by the children. = Pro -
coeds, anzouit ti ug to $5.00,, will be very
useful to the Baud ill carrying on
their wot.
Tan LATE MRS. (REV.) J. L.
Sli.'EwAxtr.—Miss Ethel 1acpllet'sou, a
Londou rilissinuary writing house to
friends contributes : ibis interesting
local touch to a letter full of ins-
cription of China. She says :—"Sun-
day morning I went out to Mrs..
Stewart's grave, in a Sedan chair,
wibh three other girls, and' we,placed
flowers on both her grave anMrs.
Carson's. It; was a long ride through
the city and outside the gate, then
away over the hills to the little plot
fenced off for the foreigners. It took
ns four hours to go there and butch,
but wewvere very glad to go." Mrs.
Stewat t, bride of Rev. James Stewart,
itwill be remembered, died Over a
year ago, a few days after .reaching
Tits morn GEORGE G.
subject cN this notice passed away
the home of his daughter at Sarnia on
the 711i Inst aged 05 years, 2 months
and 26 days, - tie hail been poorly for
a month from an attack of bronchitis
but the end came quite rinexpecLedly
after having perttalcen of This break-
fast. Deceased spent a good many,
reins here and was widely known.
Mrs. Imlay cried over 2 year's ago.
Th1ee daughiors survive, two of tvhnitz
reside in Sarnia mill Miss Elva, who
makes her haute: at iter . entwine, Wiz.
Patterson, Lot 20, Con. 18, Grey, 'from
where the funeral took place the Tues-
day following Mr. Imlay's death. " Rev.
D. 3, McRae IuRta> torr > duttt>
d the ser 'r
vt .e,
which woe
the direction f
c o the
Canadian Ceder of rimesters, of which
the deceased ,was a very enthusiastic
supporter and a chatter member. A.
bout80 Members of the Order were ill
atl:enclattce, :Inn. Bryans, Chief Rtnt-
gers'being in charge. The pallbeltrets
were 3, Cole, W. E. Sanders, 0.
Hutchinson, G. W. Pollard, ld."Flet-
chet and A, II. MacDnilald, Inter-
meat was made at Brussels Cemetery.
Among peesons � g p sots present front a tlia-
Lariee were Robert and !Nits, Moat eggo'
end daughter and D. J. and Mrs, Mc-
Kenzie, of Sarnia, and Mrs. Jltn. Itrn
lay, of. \Viiielle to Tee lad are
daughlove/Ind sista r-itelait 1 .pt''Ust'
lyof deetaced. Flot ti tributes \V0l'0
"Gate's frntn tate delight mem
wreath ftnrtt Court Ethel No. 281;
and three sprays from Sat•nia frac ude.
The bereaved share in the com-
munity's sytnpaiby. Deceasted had
many gond gntalities and will 1101 soon
be forgotten,
The service til St, George's ou Sun-
day (St, George's Day) will be taken
by Revd. 1:L B. Ashby, incumbent of
Anunlbet'front this locality twill go
to, Brussels Thursday evening of
next week to hear Hon. A. G, McKay
diemise the Reciprocity (poet Ion.
' We are sorry to reportthat Dorothy
Margaret, 101(101 daughter ul' Chas.
and Mrs. Turnbull, formerly of Wal-
ton, died ab the pareutal house, St.
Albert, Alberta, on the 4th 'filial:, The
little girl was three weeks old.
A change is out the program wbete-
by our 0. P. R. agent, aftera well
performed service of the past 8 years,
goes to Ayr and hie place 18 filled here
by tho return of T. McKay, former
Agest who has been at Embro,
We svislr all concerned good luck,
Sr, GEORGE'S CE.IIReH. —Tile Easter
vestry meeting was held on Monday
in the church, the Rentor presiding.
The Warden's report showed that,
after meetingl liabilities, all 1 i thea the had
a fair balancon hand. The election
of office e 1 d
is r au t as follows •—
Wardens John Bolger and John
Scarlett ; Sidesmen, Charles Case and
1'. J. Hamilton ; Vestry Clerk, Thos.
Bolger ; Delegate to Synod, Fred.
Scarlett. The usual votes of thanks
were passed.
Additional Grey news on page 5.
Miss Matuiu0ardiff was visiting at
Public schools will resume next
Monday. ,
Miss Jean Armstrong is spending
the Easter holiday at home.
R. Robertson; of ' Toronto, was an
Easter visitor at Mrs. H., McKinnon's,
very enjoyable evening was spent
recently by a company at the home of
Win. m. 13aat h.
Township Council met Thursday of
this week and will hold their next
sleeting on May Sth.
John McAllister, of Toronto, com-
bined a
biped business ss andpleasui ina visit
to Grey during the past week.
Box Social is on the _program fn1•
next, Tuesday -evening at Roe's church.
A good program will be presented.
M. Hutchinson has purchased 0,50
acre farm from Thus. Vodden. Price
is maid to be 81800, First the rage and
their —.
Mr. Reid and Miss Margaret Mc-
Cullough, of Teeswater, spent Easter
with Oliver and Mrs. Hemingway,
10th con.
Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. McKenzie,
rif Wroxeter, will preach • at Rne's
church in ,the morning and at Union
in the afternoon.
J. P. McIntosh was a juror at the
assizes in Goderich last week and was
one of the twelve who had to deal with
the Jardine rnu> der case.
Russell Wheeler,—of Southampton,
and Sidney Ai nistroug, of Hamilton
Normal School, have been enjoying
the holiday at their respective homes.
The service last Sabbath morning in
Roe's church was taken by George
Bateman, of Ethel. He has served
his apprenticeship for a good many.
The 100 acre grass farm owned by
John McAllister, Toronto, being Lot
18, Con, 4, Grey township has been
sold to Joules Pearson, of this town-
ship, for the sum of $2700.
REPORT of the promotion exatriina-
tinns far S. S. No. I, Grey. Names in
order of uter•it•. Sr. III. to Jr. IV.—
Willie Alcock, Willie Grant. Jr. III.
to Sr. III.—Willie Somers, Mervin
Miller, Se II. to Jr. 111.—Jean Grant,
Malcolm Engle, May Armstrong.
31, II. to Se. IL—Merram Lowe, Willie
Engle. Pt. II, to Jr. IL—Cecil Somers,
Jim Armstrong, Clarence Hollinger.
Pt,' 1. to Pt II.—Willie Perrie.
PEARL BA1sxat', Teacher.
Miss Gertrude Duncan spent Easter
with her cousin at Palmerston.
Miss Alaud Jackson spent Easter
with her sister. Miss Carrie, at Ailsa
hisaig.ses Ruby Clegg, of Hickson and
Irene, of Troy, are home for the Easter
Township Cnutwit will' meet next
Monday. A couple of drain contracts
will be let,
Martin, ofn
G, , la Halton Uo. was ti,
gi the gout ' Mrs. Mt
test at home of . e Wm. truckle
nyel' ta
Jantey.s Shedden has been under
the doctor's ease with a very- severe
atlacl: of lagi'ippe.
• Miss Lizzie Ferguson, who is teach-
ing at Niagara-nu-Lbe-Lake, was home
foe Eastee holidays.
Alms. Is, Davis and (taught er of Tin
onto, were Ettslr
.rvisitOrat 1110110111'
of S. Walker's, 0th line.
'Arise Sterile Robb, 0th line, who is
home front the. Strtatfotd No1'tnal, will
return tlext Monday tc nntuplett' her
Ashton Morrison, of Iannvtr, is
visitor with Elston' and Mies (udiif,
5th line. The�latter is a sister to Ale.
Rev. R, S. Baker, B, A„ of Tees -
water, occupied the pnipft ()I' the Jaek-
son cher& hest. Stabbath and gave d
gond disciutr:se. The pastor teas at
itis, Rohl. Forrest and son Archie,
of Betintfotd, and Miss Snuclt, of Sens
forth, w0,0 visiting their father,
tot art Smith, The lar ter
has been
an invalid for to long period.
We are eot't•y to hear Hutt blies
Gare Ferguson, who Is a nurse ill
tralh°ntr, at. Nieg n'et Fells hospital, is
11)11 111 will 1.3.01011.1 lever. 1-1er
rnnthee went to ulit or ler a week
ago. Many feiends swish Miss Glace a
speedy recovery,
Mies OOra Spelt' was house from
Hermiston, where she is a stenogre-
phet', for Easter.
It is said a score or more of Burn]
Telephones will be installed in Morris
by Brussels Company this Spring,
The tome the better for all concerned.
W. Ai, S.—Next Sabbath afternoon
Mrs. (Rev.) Oaten, of 131 ussels, will
give an address at the Jackson church,
8th line, set'viee commencing at 2.80
o'clock. It will be the anniversary of
Che Women's 'Missionary Society and
the collection will he devoted to that
cause. Special music will be provided
and the people 'of the community will
be medially woleomed. Mrs• Oaten is
tan excellent speaker and thoroughly
interested in the W. 111. S.
We are pleased to hear that with
the return of warmer weather kits.
WinsShedden, 4th line, bas almost re-
covered her - old time '.vigor• and has
gone to the home of her son Jantes,
she is so taken with a new grandson.
The time was long for her as she is so
active and smart for one of bee years
and As she had nothing to do at bonze,
with so malty of her grandchildren a-
round her she will have lots of com-
pnny now. Her litany friends who are
wont to salt on her will find her at Mr.
Sliedden's in the meantime. -
We will be sorry 'Co lose Rev, Mr,
Alc Kenzie, Methodist minister, from
Wrcoteter. He lhas been transferred
to British Columbia Conference and
will leave for the West in Jnne. The
reverend gentleman has labored most
iuda ttiousi not Only for the Metho-
y oC y o t t
dist church but for the general good of
the community ierespeetive of denom-
ination. He will carry the ginid
wishes of the community with him,
NEWSY "NOTES.—R. J. ittutch and
family visited over the h011(15y with
relatives at Clinton,—Miss it'lary San-
dersuu, of Toronto, is renewing ac
quaiitauces in the village.—T. W.
and Mts. Gibson, of Toronto, spent
several days with the former's sister,
Mrs. 1!. V. Dickson,—Miss young, of
Hillsbur , is the guest of her neiee,
Mrs. I1. Httriling.—TheMisses Taylor,
of Gorrie, were in the village on Mon-
clay.—W. Smith, of Fordwicb, spent
Good Friday with friends bere.—W.
0. and Airs. Currie tete visitors in
Loudon this week. The Concert given
in the school on Friday evening by the
Cuntiunation Class was much enjoyed.
Two of the principal features were tate
Scotch solos snug by Colica eleNaugh-
tun and Robert McKerchee.—Dr. and
Mrs. Jackson returned from Toronto
on Monday.—Miss Alice Walker, of
Niagara Frills, is visiting her grand-
mother, Mrs. 3110. Gibson.—Miss Doro-
thy Stewart, of Toronto, is spending
tl0•Easter vacation with her uncle, A.
Sanderson, of Howiok.—Rev. 0. W.
McKenzie will preach in Ethel next
Sunday owing to the illness of the
pastor, Rev. itIr. Wren.—Miss Georgie
Howe retnitted to Toronto on Monday
having spent a few days at her home
here.—Gordon Morrison, of Hauover,
visited old friends here over the holt-
clay.—\V. E. Vat. Velsor•, of Bluevale,
who recently purchased the grocery
business of R. J. Laing & Co., has
moved his household goods to Wm.
RuLherfnrd's residence on Queen st.,
this week.—Mrs. M. Howe, of Dunn-
ville, is spending the Easter holidays
with her parents, E. W. and
Mrs. Lewis. -W. S. Ryan, of the
'Bank of Bamiltou, spent sever-
al days at his home in Lucan.
—Mrs. Perrin spent the Easter holi-
days in Torouto.—Wen. and Mrs.
Davey, of Port Elgin, were guests of
Fred. Davey this week.—Miss Beatrice
Howe, of Leamington, is spending the
Easter vacation at her home here,—
Misses Lily and Clarice ,Moffatt, of
W ingham, visited Miss Sophie Robin-
son this week.—G. K. and, Mts. Hall
returned from Chicago on Tuesday.—
eliss R. B,, Holl is spending the vaca-
tion at het' home 111 Ingersoll.—Eldon
Henning, of Toronto, was 0 Visitor at,
his home in Tiunbei'ry this week.—
Miss Kate Hazlewood has returned
from Toronto where she bas beenat-
tending the Conservatory of Music.—
A number From here attended the hiix
social held in Salem Monday evening.
—R. and Mrs. Black W01.0 visitors in.
Harrisbon on Good Fuday,—The fun-
eral of the lttle Thos. McMichael,
whose deal') occurred at his house in
'Q11Aplielle, Sask., took place ou Tues-
day alternoon to the Wroxeter ceme-
tery from the residence of his 8011 in
Foot Ball Season,
Dr.' Louis Doering, of Mildmay, was
the unanimous choice of the delegates
at the annuli convention of tie Western
Football Assoc ation for the Presidency
for the ensuing Year,.
Others named were ;—Dr, Lederman,
of Milverton ; H. W. Siemer, of 'reels -
tock ; anal J. M McCutcheon, of. Stret-
ford. But there was no contest as all
favor n
rest d in fof the doctor, ,go >avhoby
ninny years faithful service, has earned
the honor of occupying the presiding
officer's chair.
Foe the first time in many years the
office or s, a etas •tt
eashrer-went beg,
ging. Tom G. Elliott, of Galt, declined
to act any louger, owii g to press of other
work and after over ball a dozen . names
had been pronesea and the honer deelin
ed, it was atranged that Mr, Elliott will
attend to the work, until a ettct:essor is
THE 00F1e81(5
The of1icers•chosen were t—
Presideul, Dr L. Doering, Mildmay;
First vice-president J, M. McCutch-
eon, Stratford,
Second Vice-president. Frank St111e,.
I•IonOrery Secteterv, to be filled,
l,xeoutive committee, E. A. Rea,
W mtlstock ; 't` G •E1lttat, Galt ; 1-1, -V1C:
Brown, Berlin ; '1'. 0, Ratcliffe, At-
wood and 1550 more to be named by
the President.
Amateur standing sucl registration
committee, Jas. Bennett, Galt ; 0, M.
Poldom, Listowel.
Auditors, L. 13. Duff, Welland ; Geo,
Ducker, Galt,
Delegates to 0, A, F. L. convention
at Toronto, E. A. Rea, L. B. Duff,
W. Berner, F, Sills, 0, H, ?olden, 7,
Weaver. -
e1n1S 8N1'81St
'file credential committee reported
the following clubs entered and repre-
Seniors—Woodstock, Stratford, Bet•-
lin Rangers, Galt,
Galt, Listowel, Seaforth, Mildmay,
Intermediates St• lerome's, .
es eler.
Owen Sound, Wellesley, H p
juniors—Waterloo, Atwood, Stratford,
ou b C Seaforth O. I. Listowel
HI. H g up S„ 1N inghalu H, S., Stratford 0
Not specified—Brucefield, New Dun-
dee, Tavistock.
Letters of entry were read from Brus.
seas and Preston, bole to be represented
by Intermediate and Junior teams.
An important step toward the simpli-
fication of the administration of the
affairs of the associstipn was the reduc-
tion of the membership of the executive
committee. It was r6 ;'now it is rt. It
i -
was considered R
stepin the right dim e
the all b less t -
don a5 Chtl exeeut w e t n
vt and thecan ba conven•
ell at iems-expense A more represents•
tive body cal arks..'. scuffed.
There was a long dtdottssi3 t1 on the
advisability of re(atuing of tisiiatfa-4.i.lth
the 0. A. 7, L„ but it was fivanallg
tacitly agreed on to try it for anctlier
Jardine to Hang June 16th
Vanatono gets Life Irnprisonmcnt.
Edward Jardine was found guilty
f Lizzie
of the murder o Anderson,
to a lonely spot near the Fair grounds,
Goderiou, ou Sept. zoth. and was sen-
tenced'by Chief Justice Fslcoubridge to
be hanged on the Ate of June.
The court was crowded when the trial
was re -opened and almost immediately
L. E. Dancey, the prisoner's counsel,
began his address to the jury. He de-
clared that there was -not a tittle of evi-
dence on which to base a conviction, ex-
cept the prisioner's confession to Dr,
Smith. There was he contended, no
reason or motive for the commission of
this act. Yet the indictment charges -
"malice aforethought." "If you find
there is nu malice. you will be quite ins -
lifted in finding him guilty on account of
the insanity, and to my mind that is the
proper verdict in this case," he said.
"Physiciaus for the defence and also
Dr. Garrow, a crown witness, gave the
opinion that at the time of the crime the
man, being a sexual pervert, would not '
have knowledge of the quality of his act.
You have witnessed the conduct of the
prisoner in the box, the most uninterest-
ed man in court tieparently.
Onr hospitals and asylums are full of
such as he. Can you decide for capital,
punishment in his ease 3"
Mr. Dancey spoke for ss minutes and
was followed by Mr. Blaekstock, who
spoke for an hour. The case' went to
the jury at noon. Friday court re -open-
ed at 5.15, the jurymen were in their
places. -
"Gentlemen of the jury have you
agreed on a verdict?" asked the clerk,
"We have."
"What is it ?"
"We find the prisoner guilty," said
Foreman Andrew,
Jardine was then ordered to stand up,
When asked if he badranything to say
why sentence should licit' be passed, he
i eplied "No." -
Chief Justice Falconbridge in- sentenc-
ing the prisoner, declared that' there
was not the slightest hope that- the sen-
tence would be commuted. '.
"I would recommend you to spend the
remaining days left you on earth in
preparation of the judg meat of , the
world to come.
At 'Ph ursday 's sitting Dr. Bruce Smith
told in the box the story of Jardine's
confession following a series of questions s.
put to the prisoner.
At the conclusion of the questions --re-
Y g 9
(erred to ever chin was quiet.
face suddenly became red,he q
ly drew out his handkerchief and put it
to his eyes and burst into tears, saying
"I did it. I welt over to thefair
grounds," he continued„"and saw Lizzie
Anderson and gave her money to get a
,ouch. I met her afterwards during the
evening and talked to her. She told me
that the Italian had been'free with her,
and I made proposals to her, -- She
agreed an( I told her tow ait around till
all the folks were gone.We went 'off
down towards the other end of the Pair
1 w > d
grounds and made or got through a hole
In the fence and walked along the Fair
grounds fence and passed a wet place,
where she gut tnttd on bet shoes, inn ou
the toad and then down the road to .a
vacant house that I ltuew about. We
went la and sat down by tate side of a
grape vine. I said to her, "We will
u ism
downhere” (into the 'cellar). Sbe stat
down first. Just lifter she slatted
down the stens she tell and- atruulr her ,
head and seta, ''My God. Ob, I'm hurt."
'711515 i eoaid not help het, fot 1 had
a cane. I came right down tarti
l t after her.
Instant! the devilgot zos:.essiuu' of me
Y 1
and I put my hand into my hip pocket
and drew out a brown or black handled
knife, I put it into her throat mice, and
thee I put it <iu agaiu and drew it alt
the way across. I dout't know just whet
happened, het I went to work and out
all her clothes off." -
LiOte It>1reisotoseN't', — George
stone was found guilty of .luta-
slaughter in ounnectiott smith the
death or his son, whom be beat with a
stick, 110,1 was sehteuced'hy lustieo
Fsleoiibi'ldge to life 1)11 tl'inOt)fllCtlt 'The
pri,eoner s wife beret into tears' when site
henr1 the senteuoe, The t>•iai lasted lees
than foul' 1>o11181 the defence being in -
sant. '.•Itela t•
i V 1 wVe s for the prnseeutlou
anddefeuce,lert the address to the jury.
to the hands of the 311(17e,