HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-4-13, Page 4Ire: +;aU$Cts PA5.1 Il l ' 1 T,T t ai)tlY, APR11, 13, 191 OUR MONTREAL LETTER, lit this grew, 0I.ty of Musical there is ap.'ever II1Gre itis u+; nrgly of tual e•earnittt: Mlle wi l I Teese Is tsars woolen ar• rh ell ploye l iii eehl el s, •office&, shops, tri- 3"e�bate• homes au 11.011301 pieces too numer- 0ihktn mention. They `pour into our city [•:Qin the county rbotrletb.of Cana- da, ft010 1.118=911mnd et ells and village:, They conte across the mean from toe Motherland ,and. in small flumbers,'from the South, Here thee gather to world and to live. '1'Itey'is ,bave to work an they live its beet thee eau, Portlier satinS freelyOf the1 • work Montreal has, thin g far, (loin little for his dins of her popuetion and Montreal is just beginning to 'realize that site is in. debt. Sh013131 before Si, 'Phomas Shaugliueeeey went abroad, v fest/ gentlemen, most of sham in the ever ex tinting; millionaire class, sat in the smoking room of the Monet Royal Club anti the t estion of ilociety's Juts to the worsting girl arose Tbe Presi dent of tile Canadian Pacific jumped to his feet, paced the ' room a couple 1.,f times and time expresses himself ;- "The young men of our tlsy have every. thing. They have club houses, well stocked reading rooms, comfortable end convenient meeting places but our young women hear the bustle and roar of business about their ears nine hours a day for -six days a week and the rest of the time they spend in the back hall or bed roam of a boarding house thinking about it: The more pleasant and quiet you can make vouremplovees' surround` lugs the more cheerful v ork yon can getu f .them We consider mope. out v well spent au theC. P R. if: we can eliminate noise thereby. The other day I had several noiseless typewriters in- stalled, Some of the girls objected be - dense the touch did nut suit thein. Some genius invented an attachment which matte the touch similar to any standard machine a stenographer hap petted to be accustomed to. It cost us money to make the change. but the change took a useless click 001. ot life, If a man would invent an attacbment that would make a train noiseless I would have it if it costa fortune It's the bumps and clicks of the day's work that make us weary." It -was this little speech, spoken on the spur of the moment, which .sowed the seedfurlarger things, A real home for working women was suggested—a home embodying all that that dear word really means. Triose same millionaires got. their hearts together and architect and a contractor were -ummuned, plans and specifications were called for, inquiries. were made as to how other cities coped with the problem and the b+ll was set rolling. Montreal is to have a half mil- lion dollar ho el exclusively for women. It will be an Adatnless Erten so to 'speak and just ns unique and tranquil in many ways as the one onlyand original Eden., It will be built either on Sherbrooke Street, opposite the Royal Victoria Col- lege or on Dorchester Street, not ,far from the P. M. C. A. Building. THE TREND ON TRADE Because of the Increased flow of im- migration from Continental :pot'tg to Western Canada andeen increase in the use of theSt.Lawrence route byte t Con- tinental passengers travelling to points ...3.17 -cite- Western States, two steamers of the Red Star line have been transferred and will.. ply between Rotterdam and Quebec' instead of between Antwerp and New York as hitherro. They are the Samland and the Golhland and will be included in the Canada Line service, Increases to thefleetsof the White Star, Dominion, the 'Thomson Line and the Allan Line have also been announced. Peculiarly enough in almost every in• stance the vessels are being taken from the New York trade to the St. Lawrence —a small fart in itself, but showing plainly in which way the wind is blow- ing. CO1IJLERCIALIZING ART The fate of "The Mill" Rembrandt's famous painting and its loss to England because Lord Lansdowne has not suffi- cient income toretainit, has stirred :a- new the embers.. of strife in regard to she, commercialization of art. Canada has uever; had a front rank artist nor a .really famous-paintiug. Nevertheless, in the little coterie of Canadian artists - and students here, "The Mill" has been a subject of hot discussion and. 3 many an artistic -metaphorical tear has been shed. boo:tome there is nobody in Canada to step forward with the neces, sary hundred thousands pounds to buy the painting for this country. Robert Harris, the dean of Canadian artiste, in- stead ot weeping is smiling. He sees e si>es to the weeping --signs that the 3 Dominion is at last arousing itself" to an interest in Art. Although it bas not been generally noticeable, he says, Canada hasbeep progressing steadily in the development of her Retietic temp- eratnent. It has begun in the commer- cial grades of course but when people have made money out of Art it will not be long before they will turn naturally to "Art for Art's sake." A few days a- go, he said, tie noticed that a small band of Canadians, amongst them • William Stone, of the Bank of Toronto, and Ed muted Bristol, M. P. of the Canadian Se- curities Corporationbad reorgani ze d Stone Lintited the 'largest lithograph- ing plant itho rt,Ph- ingplant hi Canada and made. a small L issue of $zoo:poo bonds for the purpose Canadian rights tairiiu the ot the ,„ofob g,g 'r art rocs 1 er-Bletnsteu se, of lil}io: ' .C�ou In p r this process the � ill be rt, hiu Byw s, v Able to produce sketches, drawings and. so on in about ten'clays time tar better and cheaper theft b Y the old method. t thus tar employed in Canada, which took six weeks. Now this might appear 30 be purely .a. oomnlercial proposition but it was 11108e titan that, for it showed that the Canadian eye net last seekiu nIere artistic surroundings. g. MAY DAY STRIKES Agitati01ain the labor world ususily Bead up and become ripe on the first of May of each year will be no exception, i . May day is one great hurrah 1 for the laboring man with Socialistic tendencies and a real or imaginary grievance. He waves the red flag, listens to red , bot oratory and retires 10 gest with a pair of buruin throat d eyes and a 'slid re Y g, , next morning he is on the job again with '.. cleat conscience feeling that he lips one his duty by eocietvand relieved his f t;sjstem or, a 'year s• Peet up bile:le/T'he Sneezing Epidemic lt,s Mr,t Influenza Out °attarrh That Oo nee With change cf 8af10on, 11318)'y emC1)11(1 p,'1'03111 ting 7011 111001. sums to have It sneeze and etaeff0(1 feeling in the forehead and tlostrils, To burs pv01115117, stty, iu half tin hone, there is nothing worth in It Ih to n Illi vo 1 ening , l7 t1111100 g exce p e Oatat'e'hozone. Yau In le 1 la t p 1 s balstttnle vapor', and feel as if you were among the No1'way Pince. This is because Oatarrllozoue contains' a healing llledloiue,'`Ught• its pine air, which is breathed straight into the lenge and bronchial tithes, Away goes the cold, sneezing end Catarrhal (tough teas. bronohittl irritation slops ; in short, yon are cured of oatare'h by a pleasant simple remedy, free from sedatives and, irritants. to r oz ne 's good Qt, r h p l safe fttmil awt Y remedy fni•coughte, culd0, croup, sora- throat, Huth may be taken by either young or old with absolute certainty of swift, permanent cute. Try "Otttar'rhozone." but beware of the subslitutor who may try to induct, you to taste aonletbiug Instead of Oaten 1 ala " Large 'zd lastso 1 au t L e s1. 1.w g mouths, Price $1,00, Smaller sizes 25er and o"0c Sold by all dealers, or The Catat'ehozoue Company, Kingston Out. coal miners' strike in the West is of course the great topic Of converaatiou i0 labor circles here, other predicted strike> being merely local.. rhoy All Fatted Many have tried to devise a corn cure equal to Putnams but after fifty years. nothing leas come upon the market that so painlessly cures corns and warts. ' Don't experiment,lie Duse t 1, „ best,and that's Pntn m's. a Grey Council Pursuant to adjournment Gunnell met in Township Hall, JIthel, on, April 3rd. Members present, Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. e McArthur—Cole :—That Engineer'e report on the Storey Drain be provision- ally adopted. and that Clerk be instruct' ed to prepare 113y Law for the same : Court of Revision' on assessments an said drain to be held Monday, May 811 —Carried, Brown -McArthur :—That the town ship printing be given to W. el Ke•' for .the year 1911 et $70. Carried McArthur—Fraser —That adopliou of Engineer's report un the Alderson Drain be deterred until that porion of the drain where decrease is tirade in the size of the tile is reconsidered by the Engineer,— Carried. Cole Brown :+-'that Engineer's re• port on Brewer and Berfeltz Drains br provisionally adopted. and by-laws bl prepared and served upon the pari interested, Court of ResPsion on Asses. meats on said (1reius to be held. Moudee May 8th. Carried Brown --Fraser :—That following ac- counts be paid. Carried :— Duncan Johnston, digging towusWi.. portion Award Drai,t,- argoli"'; Geo. Kreuter &.Coo-dnS tin boxes for drain papers.' $2 00: W. H, Kerr, printing Bann and Shiers Drains by laws. $3u.00; A. H. McDonald. clerk's fees Mann and Shiels McKay. h ]s Drain 2 0o Angus Drains 1�3 ¢ cemmutatiou Statute Labor, $4 no ; R W Livingston serving By -lass Mann and Shiels Drains. $it 75 R W. Living- ston, telephone message, $0.25 , John Savage, commutation Statute Labor, $3 oo ; Wm. Fraser, drawing plank for culvert, •t.5o. Tutal $97.25. MCAT thur—Cole :—'That Council ad- journed to meet Thursday April 20113. Carried. A. H, lMcDONALD, Clerk. "Skidoo" For Your Headache Ascertain its cause and the cure isn't hard to find. 'Look to the stomach and bowels. Aren't you constipated, isn't your liver sluggish, isn't the stomach failing in its mission ? lVhat you need is the cleausing tonic in- fluence of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Their effect is lasting because they aid all the ailing organs, flush out all unheal- thy matter, and tune cup the stomach, With Dr. Hamilton's Pills your stomach gets a chance to recuperate, and does so quickly. For real buoyant health use Dr. Hamilton's Pills regul- arly. 25c per box at all dealers. OUR WINNIPEG LETTER Although the weather is cool, there has been no setback to Spring.' The land is drying up on top. and must con- tain abundant moisture beneath, a heavy snowfall having soaked in instead of running off the surface as 11 often does. g Cit business i i k ys brisk in sympathy with the certain and earlyroach of approach Spring.All kinds of business is mov- ing strongly, and the new people who are flocking in. at the rate of a thousand a day are being absorbed without con- gestion. The Spring movement in real estate continues to be the biggest yet. Over a million dollars worth of Winnipeg teal estate was sold last week and the season will surely be one ot th'e remarkable in business, Building runs at even pace with real estate transactions. The biggest thing in recent announcements is a 14 -story building tor Main -street, near Portage avenue, This will be two stories higher than the highest business • block at nand will cost million present, t, os a mil ro dollars: British Syndicate isi A Br is s said to be back- ers ers of the new block. The Winnipeg Industrial. Bureau'will establish the largest permanent exhi- bit{ n in Canada,using the city market. building for the urpo e, TheYbuildiug is to be remodelled s0 as to contain of- fices and. demonstration quarters for the municipal power and light p p w Ig t plant. '.'here will be permanent exhibits of Winnipeg manufactures and western resources add large rfflces for the In• dustrial Bureau. The plan is under consideration by the City Council. Additions to be made to the ,Strath. con et of in this cit will a s to y make it the largest 5011001 building in Western Canada. It Will contain 22 class rooms, a big minted 'training room and an assembly hall. The Winnipeg school board have asked for $goo,eo0'for the Reed ear of l )I v a 9 , Summer sports opened their season Saturday, March 2e. Baseball,' golf and null ell players were out itt . numbers Iltld got into their several gables for: THIN HAIR A LIBERAL, OFFER - When the heir thine out no the top of the head and the beld'apot,le getting reedy to appear its made., don't' 53113 discouraged or u't{table, Just go til o r Druggist 11 3andut,•for ' i, Parisian t 1lsia Sage Tonle. ' Hair t t n al 1 1.c 1 a� will charge Me' s 1 1 e rot fi 1 I w 1 7 SOC. for •*� g . t 1 L 50. large bottle � ht if "t c a , b t. tt loe.n1.t e11115e halt• to grow when, the hair is thinning out noshing on this earth will And we waist to 9307 to everybody, than, watntin anti 011115, that you can have your money Peek if Pat•iahs,n Sage. isn't the best Haft grower, hair saver, hair beautifier and dauiltylff cure on the market to -day. It stops itching scalp and falling !1.il arid manes Indy Siv thick a d abn da u ntlY, All clruggista every- where sell Parisian Sage or postpaid Nom The G'ieollx Mfg. Co., Tort Erie, Ont. See that the girt with the Au- burn hair is on evevy bottle, Sold ami guaranteed by Jas. Pox, the first time in months. •Riflemen went to the ranges and had a prelimin- ary shoot. Geese and crows have come. Reports from Emerson indicate the usual Spring rush of men, money and goods Northward, heavily increased neer previous years. A special train of fiftytwo cars of settlers and their effects came over the Soo Lunt one day last week. The quarantine barns and freight yards are full up with the rush, Portage la Prairie Masons have bought land for a new temple and will build at once SASKATCHEWAN' Regina has increased its limits from blue square miles to thirteen. t This q t 1 is will bring the new Parliament buildings within the city limits and will give space, for expansion that has been much needed for some time. The Saskatchewan Department of Agricultural' has issued a valuable pamphlet on flax culture. High prices for flaxseed have encouraged flax planting throughout the West. There are splendid prospects that the straw soon will be used for making fabric and twine in (factory to be opened at Winnipeg. Spring seeding has started in South- ern Saskatchewan and a few days more of warm weather will make it general throughout the province. The 1911 acreage is reported as exceeding that of last year by at least twenty-five per. cent. ALBERTA Engineering work begun by the Do- minion Government last Summer ou the Saskatchewan, will be pushed vigorous 1 this season This work isfor tb y is e purpose of making the Saskatchewan navigable for vessels . of at least six feet draft from Edmonton to the mouth of the river. Dams and Booms at Goose Island— about 700 miles from Edmonton -will • be finished and will be 'immensely help- ful to loggers and lumbermen. The St. Albert Colliery is enlarging its plant at St. Albert to bringthe dailyshipping capacity up to 4,000 tons. Ninety new towuships have been thrown oven in the Edmonton districts and there is a big rush of settlers on 'Pherecord of 5.000 homestead entries in r9to will be broken. Building' is to be very active in Ed- monton this 'Summer. Among other ft!•-;iii•••••••••••••••••••ea•o•r•••••••••••••••••e•• • • • Norman Forbes Walter Williamson e •• • • • • • • • • painting, Decorating • O • • • • • • • • • THE undersigned, having formed a partnership, are os • prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Dec • °a orating and Wall Paper Hanging. • e 1 • We are practical men in these lines and . by doing = • • w our work promptly and well we hope to merit your pat: • ronage and support. • • Orders for •Wali Paper - • • Hanging eft with the un • dersigned or at Smith's . Drug Store will receive our • • prompt attention. •• o.. • • • Wall Paper Hanging big building enterprises will be the large and haudsome Grand Trunk Pacific hotel, one of a chain of five hotels to he built by the C. T. P. across Canada, Calgary business is booming. Build- ing is i0 full swing and there is every indication that the $5.000,000 record moue lash year, will be broken by at east a million, The city is to spend $5.000,000.10 im- provements—water mains,, sewers, side- walks, pavement, schools and street railway extensions. Calgary's municipal street railway has paid so well that the system will he doubled in size. 22 miles of new rack is to be laid and new rolling stock. purchased. The street railway paid i8 per ceut, on halt a {trillion dollars in *910:., P Burns and Co. are to open a branch at Red Deer. The country about Red Deer isv well ed for uck raising t St 1 S and g there is a good deal of this done. Fiftytear ns s a day are'leavingRed Deer for Rocky Mountain Houe and other points west. with freight for stores along the Alberta Central and `Canadian Northern railroads. Work on both roads is to be kept at concert, pitch this Summer. • BEARING DOWN: PAINS What woman at someLime or other does not experience those' dreadful beating down pains. Mrs. E. Griffith, of Main street, Hepworth, Ont., says t "A heavy beating -down pain had set- tled across my bath and sides.' I was, often unable to stoop or straighten inyself up. Many tunes each nights would have tri leave my bed with the irregular” and frequent' secretions of ,t1ie kidneve and just as done 0ut•.lu the morning as ort retiring. I'was Ian - geld and would have to, let my • Forbes 8e Williamson o 'stai,ds eN°1tih r, k • to • • •• bandit me. I • I Ihad tried•would a• Painters and Decorators BRUSSELS i' a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••Oo•••O••••••••••••••••••••• 1.191•11,1•11RINGSCenpir 74,6,11. Brighten U We have just received our brand new stock J oc of the lat- est creations in Wall Papers from the leading manu- facturer of Canada. Large Variety of Newest Designs You are invited to inspect our new line of Wall Paper by all odds the finest we have ever seen. PPICes lire Exceptionable, e carry a full line of P•4INrs &I6iRisllt8 When you require paint for your buildings come In and ask for facts and figures about S.' W. P. We also carry a a full stock of Sher � Y u Sherwin-Williams 1 amts, Varnishes, Stains and Enamels a specialty forevery purpose” xor every surface in and about the town or country home or the farm. Predate taken as dash - - Phone 690 R A.McDonald, Cranbrook II 3 learned or 1 Booth's Kidney Pilus andCO h- cluded I would try them, which I did, and soon found thet rrn htrelief, My tdlol s' (� g strengthened and .1 began to feel bet- t•er and stronger. I now en's tn1 sleet without being disturbed and feel grateful to Booths Kidney Pills foe what they did for ale." Booth's Kidney Pills are a boon to worms!). She would know less ot' bank - 0111)09 ]F she Look mm•e of these won- derful pills. They are nature's great- est specific fog all diseases.of the kid- neys and • bladder. All druggists, 60e. box, or postpaid from The 11. 133, Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Ede, Ont. . Sold and 'guaranteed by Jas. Fox. • u ewes' seAYerseatAfi se,vbvuvAV.Zsress Dear Reader We ore pre•_ pa ring 'lnun le for b lu - rix tlxa n1. Y B p eo p Thei Listowel Business College e Y a and place our graduates in positiois.- gi Students may enter at any time. Spring torn opens April 8rd. For par- ticulars address • EDWIN Q. MATTH8 6W Prl O t Ofami9ht+a0RzzaVE33 -40�v RENV Ry +,c, 4 3 MUSKRATS Wanted in any quantity a1.the fol- lowing prices SPHIN88 WINTERSSMALLS KITTS 42c. 350.. 250, iOC, I alsa id I .v r 1? t r lona f piny g Or all other rt, t r w furs, L'onaignrttents solicited, ° • Write form y latest pricy fist, Ji Y,l Y° AFFIL= 72 Colborne st.t 'Toronto, i381 . It Imparts Strength Just think of the enormous strength- ening power Terrozone possesses=con- cider what it did for 17• V. Potter, well known in Kingston, "I was still - pot to ubjectto spells of dizziness, . For eight months Ibnd intense e113 Ill it r I' t e in 1 ht side between the slton tiers. I wasal- most incurable with weakness and' lack of vigor. Often I scarcely ate any breakfast and felt miserable all day. Nervous, easily. excited, troubl- ed with heart weakness, I was 171 bad shape. Feerozoue restored and nonr'i- shed rue back to health in short order." Whatever your weakness may be Fee- roznn0 will cure. Price 50c per box at all dealers. Notice to Creditors U11 t Notice is hereby given pursuant to '•1'he R,:vixed Statutes of Ontario." -1897, chap- teP,129, that all creditors and other's hav- ing claims eg53n51 the estate of the said Philip Peter bete, who died on or about the Tenth day of March, A. D. 1911, are requir- ed on or before the First day of May, A. D. 1911 to seed by post, prepaid, or deliver to James Betz, Brussels P. 0., or John McKenzie, Bracefield P 0., the Executors of the deceased, their Christian and surnames, addreasex antb deseript3ons, the fail particulars of theirelafine and the nature of the security (if any) held by then. - - And further take notice that after such Met mentioned date the said Executo•swill proceed to distribute the assentor the deoeesed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the olninfs of which they shall then havenoticeand that the said Executors willnotbe liable for the said onsets, or any parb thereof,to any person or persona of whose 2111,1 notice shall not have been received by then at the time of each dietributiun. Oared the 28th day of March, 1911. • F. S. SCOTT. 89-8 Iu the matter 1 11 to r f the estate of Philip Butz, I Pcter-.Sotz late of the Township of tires,', in the County o Huron, farmer, deceased , oo:EEEKERS � EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Train. leave Toronto 2.00 p.m,on APRIL 4; 18 MAY 2, 16, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 26 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 6, 19 Second din ticket. from auntie nelions to principal Northwen point. at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Wiaaipeg end return 633.00; Edmonton and return $41.00, and to other point, in proportion. Ticket, good to return within 60 days from going date. TOURIST R SLEEPING CARS on all excursion., Comfortable berth., fully equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderate rate, through Inc.!' agent Early application must be made ASK FOR HOMESEEKERS' PAMPHLET containing rates and full info netion, Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or to R. L. Thompmn. Dist. Pats. Ant, Toronto., ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS Notice to Creditors leh tte matter of the estate or Devitt Robb, hate of the Village of liras sellm the Cott ul Huron, Public School Inspector, deceasrd. Notice is hereby given pertinent to "The Re- vised Statutes of Ostru lo,' 1807 section 1111 chu later. 110,. that all creditors and others We. tug claims against lite ?elate of the amid David Robb, who diad011 or about' the 16th day of March, A D.1011, ore regidred 'n,, or before the 1st day of May, A.D. 11111, to send by peat,,1.1.- paid, or deliver' to the undersigned Executor a of the deconxed,Bru•seleP..O,.thell. Christian - Agent for theExecutot•e, and surnames add ,resaexHurldes1HptionswiiIt . The People's Column tun partlealsrs n1 writing of their 03511,10 and Istatement of their accmr1e and the nature of the security (if any) field by them. FOE SALE OR To $EN'—The EX of Lot 2, , And further telt, no1101111st after each laston the 12th Oon. of the Township bt (O 'ey, mentioned date the xnld Executors will pro-, Apply to MttS.'KELLY,-Turnborry. street I. aced to distribute the t P 1 deposed South, Brussels. "DEPORTABLE BRICK BOTISE with amble, well, &5., end 2 acres of choice land foreale in the Southerly alit of Brue- aa18 Imn1dlnte rose n eey nCalfpp 1 beltiven, [urthnr pnrti •nl rsa d For c a , F'. pl S. P. Br p IF::: ansa 01' NO. MOAHIH UR Walton P O. -r`a01.t0 BitED YOtsKSHIREs, either sex, a13 broeding age, rut assn Arno 2 yom,g Shorthorn bulla, ane o[ throe Jet prizewinner n1 Brussels Fair .1A8. €8PE1R, 1.ut8O, Co,. 8, Morris, Box 278'Brussels P, O.. Phone 188 1 altl d (1 tie eCed e ' ninon slsthe parts?e entitled lbrrrto, hhvin6• regard only to the Maims of which they shalt then have netioe, and that the mild Exrenters wiilnotbeltable for the said Assets• or any part thereof, to any person or persona or whore claim hotter s, l all not have been received. v by thentn t6 ill et rnoPs' ooharch htiHtn Dated the loth tiny of March. 1911.r F.S St ,11 xauto s Ee ,T. C T `I UC.i r FARM FOR SALE, -The LOU acre faun, be• fug the property ty of the late Peter McNeil, ' 4 Lot 23: Con. 14, Grey, la offered for stale by the 1, O undorei1c1.1eed�, The..tire8oue'o't cleared, hal- �p dr uncle well tiiubered.' On the -fart 'i' n there is a �► .LJ l..o good bank burn large• rt 's anon' (,,,,j�qtr driving elf •E18<U L tl . 6v g td end a cloin- ,h � •e$• ce tablewell hauls, or Plane a goad ooudi and d• well fenced, For further applypurticulxt:+to • t JAB. A. MoNA1R or .JAS, D. MONAIR. Bens. .Y /^�t e • titers, UranbrooleP. O„ e• F. B.:SUOTT7 Bras- g'.. Girls • agile L ills ♦ t, 3 • I • Shook] learn .:hose subjects by • whin t 1 they u1. et ' earn 1.t liviu . g • Sputton Business CollSeges, are the largost..ltaiiiers in Can- ada, and 0111' geminates ectatic the e bast lositi 1.l , its 1.7 I �. n can 1 t home, 3• study tilt hm1., rn' partly at • inane, and finish at the Oollegh•' Z FARM FOR SALE;—The underai ned offers for sale r 1 his QU (tore farm, g 301 ed, Lot la Con. a p, 8 n About al mares 111 ell, bushed- e swamp,0allpl plowing wheat, being done. naresseed, ed down. Fall I lowin hunt P in done On t Paan Is 0 frame h [t g he Mum, bank barn. l se t shut g reed , churchd and drilled well. Odie Il post - office, photon and helmet. Per further pnrhrclu• lass apply to .IONN OSBORN1E, Proprietor, (MP. 8, Scott, 13i•nrels, r 'WARM ARM F01.1 SALE,E being South half r hoe 25, ,Ug 4, Motrin township, Huron Oo., eon. tabling e. l 8ohscree more 1 os eoir lrea, O n t • • prem - 1811411011e romt, 1snfra,neImusebank born, good orchard,wnell windmilloo&c'mAlleosiearuUPeX, thnriut,, t mllrx front Brusselx. Incr43A of a11 wheat, in and about 50 tierce seeded down, For piste, terms and other information ripply on the prendsee or if welting 13rusaels P. 0. Phone 120. Or F. 8. Scott, Bruasale, 11.131 A. T,, KER15, Proprieto', FARMS FOR SALE.—T,ole 21 and 22, Oen. 14, McKillop, and Lot 211 on the 1.0111 Confuse lion. Lots 21 and 22 dont nae the Oa rdiater tiomenas l nd, well f ns nad,about 180 t xtlrr011 do?dhas 1 land, f go Pinard, wail the,1 drained codhuenobsodiqngs with all roti ;good comfortablesomn buildings plenty s oe,l all moa 1 plenty of good Spring water and aBOOd heeling orchard. mina s 15 onoP o the will t; sotIr0i1 an the Comity of uway. 101.1 will be sold er torula 16It snit pn;,uso o r. Lot 21 oho mine 125 retro withtonal) Ita Mame , barn all in tn4tnr t g oda been for vents• There. aro *011001118a good slush on dile Mem. lace Preemie eirrtteulnra Apple la A LEX 0 e ltiO N. gat, Walteo P. 0., or out the pronb5os, 49-tf ♦ • M ♦ pp i• • • Individual Instruction. • enter fifty Day. • • s ®, • • .3 • Winghani B • usiness College ♦ • oro sPOTT6N, Principal . Illi IIIIIIIIIII IIIII•� IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII Illlllllllillllllllllllllillllllll IIIIlllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III I III111111 Try st this Thirsty Flour �' dv,A ` � (4' ti�` %.; 'I,-''• ,r '' ;\I . /: a r? , .a�,,•t y A ••••I I "" ',.:4.- /Akeexclusive[ 1j r:. . � - Avery Because Manitoba turd Sturdy And, Manitoba SoY dont think FIVE a you thirsty flour. Absorbs it contains so much gluten. wheat is wonderfully gluten. of it, FIVE ROSES from the very cream berries. wheat _ must awfully ROSES be a see.'44.11001 a lot all of rich is �• thir water. milled of • in the E t Y , 11 ® 'mi In. more your water. mixing bowl` it greedily absorbs loaves than usual withoutig a ,. — -,�, :.11 1."z' • /4I'''. � idoesn't aw So using Year Less That's Actually Use you more flour trips how th s get more flour. You use less. lasts longer, to your dealer. FIVE ROSES saves saves YOU money. economical flour. it money. 1 ppm i111IJ111101111II nyri'�1 Nl xs. 11111 6 rF. litmilll 1.l IIn I I IIII�►►I►IIIIl�lll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIi I I ✓ lll � 6Y II 111 IIIIIII� dl1 IIu„ rn^c`tqf II IIIIVlllllllll ell 111 I lulllill '111111111""W Il IIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIII1 alIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII '-�. I 1 II„nM ��-a r. 111111111111111111111111111111111 ( 11111111111111 IIIIIIIll! I g H6tf :PO es . 1llifllllfllllllllll _ _ - •31x1 OF rOe MOODS MII:L InO 00 P„Ny 1 0 ID MONTxeal be finished and will be 'immensely help- ful to loggers and lumbermen. The St. Albert Colliery is enlarging its plant at St. Albert to bringthe dailyshipping capacity up to 4,000 tons. Ninety new towuships have been thrown oven in the Edmonton districts and there is a big rush of settlers on 'Pherecord of 5.000 homestead entries in r9to will be broken. Building' is to be very active in Ed- monton this 'Summer. Among other ft!•-;iii•••••••••••••••••••ea•o•r•••••••••••••••••e•• • • • Norman Forbes Walter Williamson e •• • • • • • • • • painting, Decorating • O • • • • • • • • • THE undersigned, having formed a partnership, are os • prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Dec • °a orating and Wall Paper Hanging. • e 1 • We are practical men in these lines and . by doing = • • w our work promptly and well we hope to merit your pat: • ronage and support. • • Orders for •Wali Paper - • • Hanging eft with the un • dersigned or at Smith's . Drug Store will receive our • • prompt attention. •• o.. • • • Wall Paper Hanging big building enterprises will be the large and haudsome Grand Trunk Pacific hotel, one of a chain of five hotels to he built by the C. T. P. across Canada, Calgary business is booming. Build- ing is i0 full swing and there is every indication that the $5.000,000 record moue lash year, will be broken by at east a million, The city is to spend $5.000,000.10 im- provements—water mains,, sewers, side- walks, pavement, schools and street railway extensions. Calgary's municipal street railway has paid so well that the system will he doubled in size. 22 miles of new rack is to be laid and new rolling stock. purchased. The street railway paid i8 per ceut, on halt a {trillion dollars in *910:., P Burns and Co. are to open a branch at Red Deer. The country about Red Deer isv well ed for uck raising t St 1 S and g there is a good deal of this done. Fiftytear ns s a day are'leavingRed Deer for Rocky Mountain Houe and other points west. with freight for stores along the Alberta Central and `Canadian Northern railroads. Work on both roads is to be kept at concert, pitch this Summer. • BEARING DOWN: PAINS What woman at someLime or other does not experience those' dreadful beating down pains. Mrs. E. Griffith, of Main street, Hepworth, Ont., says t "A heavy beating -down pain had set- tled across my bath and sides.' I was, often unable to stoop or straighten inyself up. Many tunes each nights would have tri leave my bed with the irregular” and frequent' secretions of ,t1ie kidneve and just as done 0ut•.lu the morning as ort retiring. I'was Ian - geld and would have to, let my • Forbes 8e Williamson o 'stai,ds eN°1tih r, k • to • • •• bandit me. I • I Ihad tried•would a• Painters and Decorators BRUSSELS i' a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••Oo•••O••••••••••••••••••••• 1.191•11,1•11RINGSCenpir 74,6,11. Brighten U We have just received our brand new stock J oc of the lat- est creations in Wall Papers from the leading manu- facturer of Canada. Large Variety of Newest Designs You are invited to inspect our new line of Wall Paper by all odds the finest we have ever seen. PPICes lire Exceptionable, e carry a full line of P•4INrs &I6iRisllt8 When you require paint for your buildings come In and ask for facts and figures about S.' W. P. We also carry a a full stock of Sher � Y u Sherwin-Williams 1 amts, Varnishes, Stains and Enamels a specialty forevery purpose” xor every surface in and about the town or country home or the farm. Predate taken as dash - - Phone 690 R A.McDonald, Cranbrook II 3 learned or 1 Booth's Kidney Pilus andCO h- cluded I would try them, which I did, and soon found thet rrn htrelief, My tdlol s' (� g strengthened and .1 began to feel bet- t•er and stronger. I now en's tn1 sleet without being disturbed and feel grateful to Booths Kidney Pills foe what they did for ale." Booth's Kidney Pills are a boon to worms!). She would know less ot' bank - 0111)09 ]F she Look mm•e of these won- derful pills. They are nature's great- est specific fog all diseases.of the kid- neys and • bladder. All druggists, 60e. box, or postpaid from The 11. 133, Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Ede, Ont. . Sold and 'guaranteed by Jas. Fox. • u ewes' seAYerseatAfi se,vbvuvAV.Zsress Dear Reader We ore pre•_ pa ring 'lnun le for b lu - rix tlxa n1. Y B p eo p Thei Listowel Business College e Y a and place our graduates in positiois.- gi Students may enter at any time. Spring torn opens April 8rd. For par- ticulars address • EDWIN Q. MATTH8 6W Prl O t Ofami9ht+a0RzzaVE33 -40�v RENV Ry +,c, 4 3 MUSKRATS Wanted in any quantity a1.the fol- lowing prices SPHIN88 WINTERSSMALLS KITTS 42c. 350.. 250, iOC, I alsa id I .v r 1? t r lona f piny g Or all other rt, t r w furs, L'onaignrttents solicited, ° • Write form y latest pricy fist, Ji Y,l Y° AFFIL= 72 Colborne st.t 'Toronto, i381 . It Imparts Strength Just think of the enormous strength- ening power Terrozone possesses=con- cider what it did for 17• V. Potter, well known in Kingston, "I was still - pot to ubjectto spells of dizziness, . For eight months Ibnd intense e113 Ill it r I' t e in 1 ht side between the slton tiers. I wasal- most incurable with weakness and' lack of vigor. Often I scarcely ate any breakfast and felt miserable all day. Nervous, easily. excited, troubl- ed with heart weakness, I was 171 bad shape. Feerozoue restored and nonr'i- shed rue back to health in short order." Whatever your weakness may be Fee- roznn0 will cure. Price 50c per box at all dealers. Notice to Creditors U11 t Notice is hereby given pursuant to '•1'he R,:vixed Statutes of Ontario." -1897, chap- teP,129, that all creditors and other's hav- ing claims eg53n51 the estate of the said Philip Peter bete, who died on or about the Tenth day of March, A. D. 1911, are requir- ed on or before the First day of May, A. D. 1911 to seed by post, prepaid, or deliver to James Betz, Brussels P. 0., or John McKenzie, Bracefield P 0., the Executors of the deceased, their Christian and surnames, addreasex antb deseript3ons, the fail particulars of theirelafine and the nature of the security (if any) held by then. - - And further take notice that after such Met mentioned date the said Executo•swill proceed to distribute the assentor the deoeesed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the olninfs of which they shall then havenoticeand that the said Executors willnotbe liable for the said onsets, or any parb thereof,to any person or persona of whose 2111,1 notice shall not have been received by then at the time of each dietributiun. Oared the 28th day of March, 1911. • F. S. SCOTT. 89-8 Iu the matter 1 11 to r f the estate of Philip Butz, I Pcter-.Sotz late of the Township of tires,', in the County o Huron, farmer, deceased , oo:EEEKERS � EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Train. leave Toronto 2.00 p.m,on APRIL 4; 18 MAY 2, 16, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 26 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 6, 19 Second din ticket. from auntie nelions to principal Northwen point. at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Wiaaipeg end return 633.00; Edmonton and return $41.00, and to other point, in proportion. Ticket, good to return within 60 days from going date. TOURIST R SLEEPING CARS on all excursion., Comfortable berth., fully equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderate rate, through Inc.!' agent Early application must be made ASK FOR HOMESEEKERS' PAMPHLET containing rates and full info netion, Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or to R. L. Thompmn. Dist. Pats. Ant, Toronto., ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS Notice to Creditors leh tte matter of the estate or Devitt Robb, hate of the Village of liras sellm the Cott ul Huron, Public School Inspector, deceasrd. Notice is hereby given pertinent to "The Re- vised Statutes of Ostru lo,' 1807 section 1111 chu later. 110,. that all creditors and others We. tug claims against lite ?elate of the amid David Robb, who diad011 or about' the 16th day of March, A D.1011, ore regidred 'n,, or before the 1st day of May, A.D. 11111, to send by peat,,1.1.- paid, or deliver' to the undersigned Executor a of the deconxed,Bru•seleP..O,.thell. Christian - Agent for theExecutot•e, and surnames add ,resaexHurldes1HptionswiiIt . The People's Column tun partlealsrs n1 writing of their 03511,10 and Istatement of their accmr1e and the nature of the security (if any) field by them. FOE SALE OR To $EN'—The EX of Lot 2, , And further telt, no1101111st after each laston the 12th Oon. of the Township bt (O 'ey, mentioned date the xnld Executors will pro-, Apply to MttS.'KELLY,-Turnborry. street I. aced to distribute the t P 1 deposed South, Brussels. "DEPORTABLE BRICK BOTISE with amble, well, &5., end 2 acres of choice land foreale in the Southerly alit of Brue- aa18 Imn1dlnte rose n eey nCalfpp 1 beltiven, [urthnr pnrti •nl rsa d For c a , F'. pl S. P. Br p IF::: ansa 01' NO. MOAHIH UR Walton P O. -r`a01.t0 BitED YOtsKSHIREs, either sex, a13 broeding age, rut assn Arno 2 yom,g Shorthorn bulla, ane o[ throe Jet prizewinner n1 Brussels Fair .1A8. €8PE1R, 1.ut8O, Co,. 8, Morris, Box 278'Brussels P, O.. Phone 188 1 altl d (1 tie eCed e ' ninon slsthe parts?e entitled lbrrrto, hhvin6• regard only to the Maims of which they shalt then have netioe, and that the mild Exrenters wiilnotbeltable for the said Assets• or any part thereof, to any person or persona or whore claim hotter s, l all not have been received. v by thentn t6 ill et rnoPs' ooharch htiHtn Dated the loth tiny of March. 1911.r F.S St ,11 xauto s Ee ,T. C T `I UC.i r FARM FOR SALE, -The LOU acre faun, be• fug the property ty of the late Peter McNeil, ' 4 Lot 23: Con. 14, Grey, la offered for stale by the 1, O undorei1c1.1eed�, The..tire8oue'o't cleared, hal- �p dr uncle well tiiubered.' On the -fart 'i' n there is a �► .LJ l..o good bank burn large• rt 's anon' (,,,,j�qtr driving elf •E18<U L tl . 6v g td end a cloin- ,h � •e$• ce tablewell hauls, or Plane a goad ooudi and d• well fenced, For further applypurticulxt:+to • t JAB. A. MoNA1R or .JAS, D. MONAIR. Bens. .Y /^�t e • titers, UranbrooleP. O„ e• F. B.:SUOTT7 Bras- g'.. Girls • agile L ills ♦ t, 3 • I • Shook] learn .:hose subjects by • whin t 1 they u1. et ' earn 1.t liviu . g • Sputton Business CollSeges, are the largost..ltaiiiers in Can- ada, and 0111' geminates ectatic the e bast lositi 1.l , its 1.7 I �. n can 1 t home, 3• study tilt hm1., rn' partly at • inane, and finish at the Oollegh•' Z FARM FOR SALE;—The underai ned offers for sale r 1 his QU (tore farm, g 301 ed, Lot la Con. a p, 8 n About al mares 111 ell, bushed- e swamp,0allpl plowing wheat, being done. naresseed, ed down. Fall I lowin hunt P in done On t Paan Is 0 frame h [t g he Mum, bank barn. l se t shut g reed , churchd and drilled well. Odie Il post - office, photon and helmet. Per further pnrhrclu• lass apply to .IONN OSBORN1E, Proprietor, (MP. 8, Scott, 13i•nrels, r 'WARM ARM F01.1 SALE,E being South half r hoe 25, ,Ug 4, Motrin township, Huron Oo., eon. tabling e. l 8ohscree more 1 os eoir lrea, O n t • • prem - 1811411011e romt, 1snfra,neImusebank born, good orchard,wnell windmilloo&c'mAlleosiearuUPeX, thnriut,, t mllrx front Brusselx. Incr43A of a11 wheat, in and about 50 tierce seeded down, For piste, terms and other information ripply on the prendsee or if welting 13rusaels P. 0. Phone 120. Or F. 8. Scott, Bruasale, 11.131 A. T,, KER15, Proprieto', FARMS FOR SALE.—T,ole 21 and 22, Oen. 14, McKillop, and Lot 211 on the 1.0111 Confuse lion. Lots 21 and 22 dont nae the Oa rdiater tiomenas l nd, well f ns nad,about 180 t xtlrr011 do?dhas 1 land, f go Pinard, wail the,1 drained codhuenobsodiqngs with all roti ;good comfortablesomn buildings plenty s oe,l all moa 1 plenty of good Spring water and aBOOd heeling orchard. mina s 15 onoP o the will t; sotIr0i1 an the Comity of uway. 101.1 will be sold er torula 16It snit pn;,uso o r. Lot 21 oho mine 125 retro withtonal) Ita Mame , barn all in tn4tnr t g oda been for vents• There. aro *011001118a good slush on dile Mem. lace Preemie eirrtteulnra Apple la A LEX 0 e ltiO N. gat, Walteo P. 0., or out the pronb5os, 49-tf ♦ • M ♦ pp i• • • Individual Instruction. • enter fifty Day. • • s ®, • • .3 • Winghani B • usiness College ♦ • oro sPOTT6N, Principal .