HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-4-13, Page 1VOL. 39 NO, 41. 'New Advertisements Local --Tan Portz Spring -D. 0 Rosi, Tetderh 1t niurdio; Goonr-•T slots tme. Wall Papa P R. Smith, Coining -Prof Derenwetta. il'el' Sole-ttobr. Hamilton. Tenders Wanted -A• McDonald. Newest tdkylt•s••G N, MoT.nren. Potatoes 4Vn7tted--A. MaeDoettld• Looal,-MacKettole Mfg. Om, l,uotc now: Sensonabin Merchandise—At strarhnn. A Business Chane-24etropoliten Bank. Ml."atriCt .1.elUs Goderich • FUltNri uiaa FAc ortY BURNED. -The Kensington Feruiture O•ornpauy, Own- ed by B. 11..Ruuiball, of London, wits peetielly destroyed by fire Thursday night at 9;80 „'thick, only the rnaehine and engine rooms being saved. 13ire had reached surd) headway owing to the inflitiuwable nature of the build- ing and ci)01)1)1.), before the fire bri- gade at'r•ived, that it got beyond trol ((11)1 only threugh.strenuous ef• oris were they able to emigre. ..i1`to the factory property- The fire oItgi- nitted in tht: packing depurtieett and the entree is entirely iown, its the factory was rntuiug 1 1> tin 9 o'ciock. It is setimated over $75,000 danutges WAS done, which le covered by incurs aitce. The company employed a num- ber of men. If it bad not been for the fire wall it would have been itrr- possiblc: to have saved the ciry kiln turd engine 10)1». Owing to the rain that fell during the day the flames were creuflhed to the. factory atrl diel not spread to the adjoining lumber yaide of Dean e Co. J. A. Runbtill, tile manager, had justreturnedfrom it tripto the West and says rebuilding will be started at. once. Byth The Standard was not .issued last week. • Laster music in the churches noxa Sunday. Mrs. Edmiston is quite, ill, we are 501'I•y to etate, - ... Mts. 11 Mt.Quarrie wee 'visiting at 01 )tum last week. Blyth Odd Fellows will attend the Loifite of lnstruetioit at Goderich Oe Good Friday. The town is now in possession of the Electric light plant. We hope it rorty prove rent tolerative. Wednesday, of this week the Ruial Telephnue Board. met. They are push- ing along well and will build 15 miles of litres this Spring it is said. g.t.O•:,b-!•f.t.A•F .4•''.®.;•• •i•,rr i•0.404.4 +O•c,i,•1••+•+•+•4`•4+4•+•+•411+•4'1i The - . ���r Pariors Thrmta� 1 y - �..1 • ♦Were opened for , �. p o this season, •1• : accordingg to.anuouncem nt - with e ,w 1 i • an elegant display of Fashion - • able Millinery. q. • .t• s •r• .. 1 Masses !anderson Carr • .t. • .I. � 0 Wish to thank the Ladies for their attendance, their compli- i ments .and their highly esteem 4 a ed orders. If you have not seen • our display call in. • + • • SATISFACTION ASSURED ; •p :4•40+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+.4••+•+•••+.+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+••.1••+.+4.+.. •' • • 3• • • is•d•••••••0.•••••°wn°o•tieeose e•oasom®®b0444404t0004 ei 15 r:; 1 E o a o e 9Spring• to e •• In All s e •. a 0 0 • • 5,9 • 0 • • • • • e ItsGiory• O is here and with it comes a• o our well assorted- lines of e" cs • 0 m . ■B�: p n a Men's ® ariri • O • • • Are you ready to cope with the weather ? If not—Why not • • Our stock :is the best in town as a 'lance throw h 'will a •• � g, • convince, and the store now impresses one with its. • o brightness 'n t Things, New Patterns, New Colors � g nest N w 1 g, , 0l3 and Moderate Prices. Call and see our stool:,- We ® are always lensed to show.you whetheryou buy or not. Y p 0 a . • • • 0 •0 • e 0 • s • • • • The List New King Hats In Fedora and Had Felts with New Shapes and • • New Fitwell Hats Colors. • • New Negligee Shirts at c, t.00, 1.25 and $1.5o. •g5, 75� � and, $1.5o. • Ties in splendid assortment. ent. • New Fancy Sacks • o- Nice Might colors its well as tlnti quieter shades. Try the. New Belts— Black and'i'ron with the potent fastener to keep in place. Good stock of OrderednClothing. 0ad Read made Y 0 c• 0 0 • • 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 15 0 //////////tel/////////// • s 0 0 • • • • 0 1 • 0 • • • • 0 • 0 0 1 • • a, 0 •0 • "THE BIG STORE" • D.e. • • • orneseetwoomOsileiliioes000de4404486.44044mosoosei00404011 ROS BRUSSELS, ONYTAJJO, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, igl tt c t was n i the sick lie SVtrt, Jt rl sok t us u t a tet but is able to be about once more. Alaterialis being got seedy by Doc. Perdue for rebuildinir his livery stable. Myth and Moabwa5 well re- re5eitcd at the Olin on Spring Fair Thursday of lab,t week, State of the prizes came this way, Rev, J. L. Small's subjects fru' (lest Sunday will be "A'delightsome Land" and "An Easter Message," The morn- ing service will be the annual thank offering` of the SVorneu'e 1Ioruo Mis- siiruary Society, Special Laster mesio will be swig by the choir under the leadership, of Mr, Cook. Bluevale Rev. W 3. West, M. A., attended the opening exercises of a new 0. 0. F: buiIding at Tormtito. The reverend gentlemen is the 1.1igh Chaplain. Passim AWAY.-\Veduescley morn - Mg of last week Robert Mason, a former t•esident of Bullet( township, passed away at his home iii Bluevale aged 89 years. - lie has been in failing health for some time front creeping paralysis and had a stroke Saturday that hastened his demise. He is slt,r- vived by his wife, 3 daughters and 2 suns, Deceased was a_beother of Mrs. .Runes Howe, of Clinton, `turd. Mrs. Mason a sister to Airs. Wm. Hailed„ of the same town. The funeral took place Friday afternoon at Bluevale'. Mr. Mason W(tS t1 fine Irian and respect. ed by a wide earo1e of friends. He spout a number, of years in East Waw.tnosh after moving from Hullett. Jamestown Robert Hamilton has a 'masher •of good year old calves for sale. A rlONnER OALLED HOME. -It was scarcely dtutvo on Sunday, Apr. 9th, when John Strachan, one of our oldest ,i wost. highly respected pioneers of 1 bis rcSt+!i3 . passed peacefully away end came very. un- exo ec rest. He sntIetin expecr)dly. He li, .been g from an attack of la g'•ilife,„ . about I We ate sorry to state th at Georg e Spoiling wa quite poerly thiseok from heartweaknessbnEie consider- ably onstduably irntl>ruvPth Hp has never gat free front the effecte of a siege of typhoid fever lest -Fall. \Ve hope the better weather' will help hint. three weeks but was recovering t#£vly Weduesday, however, he took a t�'� elapse, rapidly developing into an a- cute attack of pneumonia. 'rhe tet - most that medical skill could do, com- bined with the loving attentioii of friends, was in vain and the end, even its his „life, was serene, peaceful air„ quiet. Mr.. Strachan was born in Argyle, Scotland, in 1831 and 13 years later, in company with the rest of the family, came,; to (Armada. After re- main3ng fora ebort timein the vicinity of Galt he finally turned his attention to Huron County, settling on the 3rd Con. in township of Grey. In 18(38 he Was married to Sties Annie McLean, of Alborough, Elgin Comity, who survives her husband. Family con- 'sists of 3 daughters and 3 sons, The daughters ,are Mrs. 11. P. lic0osh, of Pine River ; and Lizzie and Annie at home. Sons are Crawford, at home ; Donald, of Pine River ; and Jito. T.. of Toronto. Deceased was an exenplory man In ever y'respect, unassuming and gentle in manner. Ile possessed that cairn quiet dignity 'which ever (narks a true Christian gentleman. Life to hila was a steady stately Journey, not artificial not disturbed ever living h 't t or r if Him' who was, with r r the p vs c is,the Light of the World. .He andg will bsorely missed in the Presby- terian church, as an Elder and a church worker. In the surrounding community he was held 711 the highest esteem by all those having; the privi- fiege of knowing hint. 1110 funeral took_ place Wednesdayday afternoon to ui t being con- ducted Buiastl9 cemetery, e e ,, i 6 ducte d byRev.A.0 Wishart 13 A. Slis Andrew Simpson and Mrs. las. Ferguson are sists of deceased; Thos. Strachan a brother and Duncan Taylor, of Brussels, it' half-brother. The bereaved wife and family have the. sympathy of a large circle -of' friends. Oranbrook'. - • Miss Lizzie -McKay arrived home from attendance at, the Normal Scheel 'ttatlnrd last week Stratford, We t. o ,. SV are sorry tor5 nt�ho serious yp illness of Maggie, daughter of Ohm; and Mrs. Love, who live Last of Oren - brook. A medical operation was per- formed on Wednesday which we trust will hasten her recovery. Mr. Love, whti was in the West, has arrived house. Tenders aro asked for the erection alfa newstableat the Presbyterian Manse. It will be a combination Lit cetltent olid 101nhet. The job of re- modelling the cltutehhutse sheds will ahsnbelet. [11Le;ttion is to convert Aerie it one fully endorsed. See advt. this week. DIED IN HIS Y'OUTii.-ib WaS no smallregtetthat came 10 many, hoe week when the sad news ryas t•er eive,h rc' SI• htMlat.r od t . 1)HJ5a)am11 te1ls,d11Menzies enziesl lilc'nu, Gnrey,t1v3t.a Heledebsakd sgwinf to manhood in this neighborhood and had deservedly earned the esteem of the community. Atter being appren- ticed to thetinsunithing and hardware bu51hess in 'the •Rraoter shop at Ethel for some thele be took a position in Mitchell where he manifested a deep interest in his trunk, Bus health be- came impaired 1Ltld in response: to ad- vice fiend his>hvsician he came home to recruit. Instead of getting better he gradually failed and after an illness extending over a year he passed away Wednesday of last week, the early age of 24 years and 11 months. Harold Was horn in Muskoka. The filmed Look MlacFriday aftern oon to. :Brussels cemetery wile; e the rennins Were laid to rest alohgside his flit•lter, Rev. Dr. Oaten eandtirtet 1 1 the eenvitn• e e t. 1!1114 Menzies and family rue deeply sympathised with in their be eave- meet. The pallbearers s vetic six en (sin lno Reuther r t 0 )la isnld s , 3 Wilt and Lc r no t>7rltrmi5t and Ed. and t ud Will Lynn Sloop on dear Stewed, ;rear labor is o'er Your rvi l lltg hands will toil no inti ; On north there in 140 .04 and in ben Von rent We lewd you truebut god loved your beet. Walton Thos. Kiekconnell, Mount Pleasant, Mich,,- was here attending.. the wed- ding of his niece, Miss Isabelle Kirk- connell to Frederick Caldwell. At 3 p. in. Divine service will be held in St. George's church on Good Friday: The annual vestry meeting will take place, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The l''iat•iners' Excursion for West T3irou will be run over the 0. P. R. t't otn Goderich to the .Experimental Farm, Guelph, on Friday, June 9th. Special train will run "and for the re- tiree trip train will leave at 5.30 p. in. MAIMED IMPROVEMENT. -Tile malty friends of Mrs. Henry Hamilton will be pleased to learn of the much Un- proved condition of her health. She is able t0 be about the house • and to eat her meals at the table with the family. The left side, which suffered ht her illness, has not regained its normal condition but is improving we are glad to state. Mrs. Hamilton's vigorous constitution has no • doubt proved a valuable ttid to the medical treatment received in her restoration, Ethel POTATOES WANTED -A oar of potatoes wlto,ie for shipment heelnn15t D, next brook. 'Phone No. 2510. A. MODONALu, Oronbrook. Grey township Council will meet here Thursday of next week. Mrs. Chapman is horse from her visit with relatives in the North. Rev. Mr. Wren le on the sick list with a lciw fever but we hope speedy convalescence will ensue. D. a:limier, of Clinton, was renew- ing old friendships here. He came to attend the funeral of his nephew, Harold Menzies. The serviceitt the Methodist church Sabbath evening was iu charge of Rdv nek,W. McRae, pastor of Knox church, the p being unable to re- mote his work.teach There will be a change in Ethel school as Principal' ":'ti�.lers has resigned. Havenot heal„ who' his successor is to be. We wish Mr. Avery success. Recently Jaynes ' Wright, of this locality, disposed of a fine heavy draft 4 year old mare •to George Whitfield, 13th con., Grey, for the tidy sum of $kind290.00. It pays to keep the right . WOMEN'S INSTITIITE.-The regular meeting of the Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. R. McKelvey 'Thursday, April 20th, at 2.30 p. in. Topic "On -operation," to be taken by Mrs. D. Dauber, and Mrs. Robert Pearson jr. A.Q. U. W INSTALLATION Friday evening of last week the in- stallation of officers in Brussels Lodge No. 138, A, 0. U. W„ took place under the direction of the yell known Dis- trict Deputy, Barry Iklot'ris, .of Gode- rieli. The list is as follows R. Leatherdttle ; Foreman, R. A, Pryne ; Overseer, N. F. Gerry. ; Re- corder, W,' 13. Kerr; Financial ,Seere- tary, W. H. Me0t'ack.ert , TI 0115nt•el', G. A. Deadman ; Guide, .1 no. mous -; Inside \Vatchrrun, \V, Arm- strong ; Outside Watel inau, W. Work. After the routine work short addessses were given by the officers and the visiting official. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Morris for his visit. 13e is a whole- souled, enthusiastic worker who looks after the duties in his District in good style and has had the satisfaction of seeing considerable ,growth in mem- bership and interest to this well known Order during his terrine of office: This is his third term. HARRY MORRIS, D. D. G. M. Saturday evening of this, week, at checkfok• a piano from her father, an 8 o'clock, a Foot Ball meeting will be Anstrian tea cabinet from her mother held at the hotel, to which all inter- and sister, a china cabinet from her este„ are Mei Led., brother and sister. The groom's gift e r Rev. Wells,. to the bird was a handsome silver Owing to ill health Re C. P. els h g B. D., of Granton, has been compelled. cabinet Mr. and. Mrs. Reid left on to desist from work and is now in the the 4.80 train for Toronto and other hospital. He was a former Methodist points. pastor here and bis old friends will Wish him improved health. Morris Township Council on Monday, 24th inst. Miss Ethel Watson spenta few days in Wingham last week. Geo. and Mrs. Johnston are on the •s ora sorry to tltate. ••••••••••••••••••••••t••• • • E are now fully • prepared for • • • • the rush of • •• • 6 • •• • • • • I. Spring business. All • departments are -well • supplied with choice assortments of season . • able Merchandise. • • • • P • 0 • i • R i • • • • • • • • P • • 0 0 • • •• • • • ••• • • ••• S • • • • •• i • • • •• We have an excellent: range • of Dress Goods in all the New- ' • est Weaves and Shades. Al p sti the newest, most popular • and .best values we have ever shown in Silks. • • Afull stock ofPr'sts, Ging. hams. Ohambrays, Reppps and Linen Suitings in the White and Colored. , A complete range of the best selling lines Hosiery, Gloves ancl Corsets. . Good values in. Lace Curtains at 85c, 50c, '755ti, -31.00. $1.50, :'1,75 $2.00 and , 3 00per pair. $ , � $ p E'xtr'a Values in Madras Mos, lin and Onetahn Screen at 15c and 25c per yard. A ver-ycomplete range of White foul Grey Oobtnns, Sheethrgs, Pillow On1tn1ts, Towelitgo, Skirtings, Cotton titles, etre. • WE appreciate your business and will try and suit you with anything in our line. Alex. • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • 0 • • • • • r • • ••• • • • • •• • • • 0 • • •• • • • 3 • • • • • Strachan••• •• j •••••*•••*••••i••**•••*••• Grey POTATOES WANTED -A car of '.potatoes wanted for shipment beginning of next week Phone No. 2510. - A. MODONALD.Oranbrook. Mrs. 0. Rozell is visiting her daugh- ter in Toronto. A few farmers have already done some Spring plowing. Township Oouncil will meet on Miss Dora Watson visited her -friend, Thursday of next week, 20th inst. Miss Gwen Suell, of Jamestown, last Oliver Tuenbull, Martin McNair, W. week. Strath' and D. McKinnon were at Quintin Andersson, Jaynes Thynne, Goderich doing duty as jurors, Samuel Walker and J. Sellers are at • Misses Jennie Rands and Ella Mc- Gnclei•ich this week as jurors. Kinnon are Hone from Stretford :a Rit'hat•d Johnston has returned from Nor l School enjoying holiday. the est after disposing of his car- y toad`, •res at a gond figure. improved in health we are pleased to t ' ' n iund the Misses state. Her sister ,Mrs. Squirrel, of James DicRac., f Oranbrnok, visit -Gael sh, is visiting her. Annie and Teeitie, r, -s ca,1ttday. uelph,t and firs. Scott, of Preston ; .d at Joh Watson's n. e n u scn n i d Nlrs. S. t o- W oc - tied and J. J. an rt f 151 ltliss Jean Shedder has ur e , -.,•v-�,� � stock, are here. They came ,to at- home after spending a few in ,,recd the funeral of the late Dougall at the dressmaking in Wngham. "`-..ot•t to whom they were *re- - James Masters, G. T. 13.. agent of Mclaggttiav5 s e: . Bluevale, who has been ill, is once snore at his post we are glad to state. The °lennau farm, 8th line, tenanted for several years by John R. Bell, has been leased. by Elijah Pease, who is now in possession. 141t•s. Masters, son and daughter, formerly of Blnevale, who have been residing i0 Ualgary have returned and are visiting Morris friends. We are pleased to state that Alex. McLanchlin, who was ill with pneu- monia, is getting alc.ng nicely DOW turd we hope will soon ben k. -'teali iliel�t a accompanied byhis yams, a P 'mother, arrived home from Platen last NIondays The former's, broken leg is mending but not, to be trusted very much. Diissos Bessie Moses and Ellen Evans n i home rnen the at d Iialph tillair are E Normal School The former will not have o return if successful at the t t c Easter exam. as she was in the sento r class. having had teaching experience. Normal will resume on Monday, 2ltb incl• A letter from R. T. Elliott, of Arden, Matt., written Aptil 7117, says; -We ale having very cold, wintry weather for this time or April and have a good will have its reward. deal of snow in the fields yet. This Yours gratefully, country is noted for doitrg things MRS. ARMSTRONG AND FA.AuLY. quick so we may have seeding in a very short time. Pzt u t � a tIR m D, t or r � E. -Un the far of Frank Beirnes 71h line, a peculiar nature l iti the . freak of was presented shape of tt calf with only one eye and that located down near the nose a portion -of the upper• jaw was wanting. The animal lived for about 15 minutes after; its arrival. Quite a mmmbee of, people viewed this peculiar ntalfor- !Dation but uo one had ever seen a similar type, IlOBT. I31OOAD10O0T CALLED AWAY. - Last Sunday 'Robert Broadfoot, iu farmer well known resident of this township, passed away to the great tunjority front his home. ieTalmage, Kansa% in his 72nd year. Oancer of the stomach was the cause of death, front which be had seffered Inca few months, Mr. Broadfoot lett 111151ris a - boat 80 years ago butwill be well re- Membered e- ge b nt•e lthe oldpeople. . w loom l c byHe 5,o married thretimes, Dceased was a mother to 301111 Broadfoot, 5t11 line and was highly esteemed by a wide circle of relatives and friends. • MATal\robIAL.-A quiet brit pretty tvedtlhtg. was solemnized at high noon on \Vedesday, 51h• inst., at the home of T. S. and Airs, 13ia,ndon, 153 R111'011 street, Stria- ford, when their daughter,, Miss Cola May, wets united 111 armee-lege to Wil- frid G. Si. lieicl, a prosperous young farmer of \Vtuwtunash: The Mille - wits attired 715 a sorer, of 51,101 geey sills and 1Voollee tatlite with sine and lace trirnhrings and carried a wreath of bridal POSES.: The bridesmaid, Miss Slay Reid, sister of the groom, wore a mauve dress with pial( carnations. Norman Brandon, of. St Marys, acted as e0 rantall The s • ony ti 1 of 1t55r5,im was performed by Ret, W. J. 1,3randlntr, of Unledonia, melt of the bride, assist- ed by 'Rev, 1.. M. Wootton, of Sta'tut- r fory 15,ti dl Hoy, \ \ A. Finley,t of Mtn - Mo. The wadding uutirch tutusP htyui by Miss hazel. 13utndnn. immediate- ly after the ceremony Nock 131att- dotn sang, ,".Blessed is Sloth," In an .excellent manner. A .mon the g many presents to the bride Was e 11L1t11 - -- 1,. .eon., The Nelson Askin farm; trleT is being looked after by John'tc„'M Mrs. Coates, of Brussles, who i ecently moved, to it. Mr. Askin is in Idaho and is a .son-in-law to Mr. and Mrs. Coates,. Thos. Ilii I:conneil is home for a brief holiday front Stratford, where he runs from, as flrenan. on a G. T. R. engine. He has put in 13 yeais and likes the job. The visitor is the eldest son of John and Mrs. Kir• kconudl 18th con. Wm. B tteluau ttu1 o d resident of the 111, in who 8 Con., spentPut a goodly por- tion tton the past Winter at the home of his -sou Henry, near Hespelel is back to the old homestead. .We are sorry to hear that Henry Bateman's health is not good but.hope the Spring season 0111 aid in bus recovcxy. 04.10» or THANlcs.-The undersigned desire to 0xp reso their sincere thanks to the many neighbors and friends in 13iussels, who wore so thoughtful and kindly in word and deed daring the. illness and alter the demise of the late Edward Armstrong. It will linger long as a happy memory of the bles- sedness of tine friendship and we trust OBITUARY. -The, dreaded visitor, death hesagain entered the home of one , o well known and much ualr re- spected families and called to his res we'd the soul of Edward Armstrong. lie had been troubled for the past two months With t1sore 'Stet which develop- ed into a form of gangrene but nothing serious was anticipated until Sunday morning; April 2nd, when pleurisy' set in, followed by pueneiouia, and despite all that careful nursing and loving hands could da be passed to his reward on Wednesday, April 5th at 11 p. m., fortified by the last rites of the Ohllrth. The late Edward Armstrong was born in Onunty Westmeath. near Mullitigtu'1 Ireland, on April 0th, 1847. At the age of 8 years he, along with his parents, emigrated to Canada and settled near .13rttntford. After a resi- dence there of 6 years, they moved to },t14st \\tut tort h fi ' V! s Ltliu rt �- e o Lot 3,1 , g 10th con. Ile was united in uutrriage in SL. Micheal's Church, Blyth, to Ailss Oatharine Agin, on May 24th 1880, by Sev. Fe. O'Oonnor. 2 years After. their marriage he purchased Lot 5, Oob. 13,. Grey where he lived continuously nu tit 10 years, ago when he bought Let 2 on the same line. Re leaves to mourn the loss o1 c; true and faithful 'rushee(' and a kind and lov- leg father, a snernWing widow, 2 sons, (Win. J. and Olraeles L,) the eldest sou dying in hufaney and one daughter (A. Levine) tail at home. Mr. Arml- et! ring r'mstating is also survived by a brother, Thomas, of Eclmon eon, Alar., and 8 silitrs Sister Inn, 11ouseof Providence 'Potrero ; Mrs. Sohn Flannagan, of Durand, M1)11, ; and Airs. Fanny St Marie, of Penet,yng, 'She funeral, which 55)58In goly attended, took place f tom his late tesidrnee, Saturdayy, April St h, at. 10 0 elnck 115 the Roman CatholicOht nnh Tarts t , s els vnrre t' 1 uituHigh. Mass was sung 5 Bev, , Pother Blair r, and 'A14414 RV til an r air r a7lnrtiaLtsolo t wee mule in the rl5)111 y 1 I)1e)'• in the 13.'O cco tery, 711) lino,Nloniv . The pull Motets were ,Joseph Quoin, An•eh. ilisiop, 'Win. Blake. Lawrence Addle, John Menzies turd led Nolan, Antong W. . KERR, Fro» :irtor Orme vhoLtt r edaze foneral froma distance were Ohtarles Agin, of Saginaw, Mich, ; Mrs. Fanny 8t. ly#ai7e, 01'.Penetang; 117t•s. F, 1''V, Heard, of St, Thoioas ; Jos and Mts. Kenahau, St, Augustine and Jno, Menzies, of \Viae; pant. DOV1AL0 NIOTA0kART - PASSIGS .h• WAY, -After. a long and f tryingMimeo n • I coveringthe nest 15 months ui,a d McTaggart no old. and well known • , resident of the loth Ca;n., passed rt. way to the Great .Beyond last Sunday shortly after 2 p. ran. He had been stricken with paralysis while eujoy- ing comparatively good health and sthee that time had to be lifted In and out of bed, never regaining the use of his limbs. Last -Saturday another stroke came and he never regained consciousness. Mr. McTaggart was born in Yarmouth township, Elgin Co„ over 70 years ago and crone to Grey township in 1809 aucl resided upon the farm he located upon tlxeu Lot 21, up to the time of his devise. By industry, frugality and thrift he made for himself aniline family a most comfortable home. Oii March 18th, 1873, deceased was milted in marriage to Miss Isabelle McInnis, Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, of Seaford', por•forming 'the ceremony. The bride of that day survives her partner along with three sons (Will. of Brandon, Mau. ; Alex., of Memphis, Tenn. ; and Donald at borne) and two daughters (Mrs. J. N, Foster, of Sudbury, Ont„ and Miss Belle, at home. Margaret E. is de- ceased). The subject of this notice Presbyterian wasi gal and a a k J h Liberal. He was highly staunch esteemed aid widely known. ble. Mc- Taggart, had been a very hearty 1115,15 knowing little of doctors or medicine. A brother and sister survive him, re- siding still in Yarmouth. Funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to Oranbrook .cemetery. Rev. D. B. McRae, deceaseds pastor, conducted an appropriate service. The bereaved have the sympathy of a wide circle of relatives and friends in their sorrow. DIED AT ST. MARYS.-Tire death 0e- curred very suddenly last Friday of one of St. Marys best known and most esteemed citizens in the perste) ..of John A Speariu iu his 43rd year. :(Ir. Speariu had been proprietor of the Ontario House for the past four years. He was forroeiiy connected with the Oanadian Express '00. and the Grand Central Hotel. He has been.ailittg for the last year and took critically ill a- bout a week ago with a splenetic af- fection which was the immediate • ixi nits a cause of his death. 13r Speed') t very kind hearted and sociable man and was well liked by everyone who came in contact with 1)1111 and will be very mush missed from his position as Dost of the Ontario House by the eoin- 41itip, y in, general. Deceased was a h -"-vein politics and a 11ho- Uoiia _fir _ lie was also a mcm- dist in rehg :. u• the Oiletan O. ber of the Masonic 0:2F ' �Sslti'V1V- men and the Macabees, `lig „y' -' •. ed by a widow and one daugu:-r -.7.- -•t Mabel ; also by his father, George Speariu, 4th line of Blanshard ; his sister, Mrs. Win. Epplett, 8rd line Bland ndahis brothels tWihan � I .4th linecharBlanach 1 i 1 d 1' ant of Basets h} , line , Wesley and Lail nn the •home stead • Hartwell of Carberry,Mani- toba. an iT n toba. ; The funei al took place Sunday at 3.30 o'clock from his late residence, \Velliu ton street, South. Service was held at 3.00 at the residence, Rev, D. M. Med-inns officiating. IL was the largest ' funeral which has token place here since the late Colonel White was buried, the streets u tr e line of march,being packed with people. Many beautiful floral tributes were paid to the deceased among those noticed being wreaths from St. Jaynes. Lodge, A. F. & A. 111., near re- latives,' K. 0. T. NI., Orangemen and friends. The funeral 'VMS ` held under Masonic auspices, the Masons per- forming theirr usual ceremony at the grave. The pallbearers were . T. L. Sinclair, James 'Beattie, Arthur De- vmey, Ben Bennett W A. McNeil r and 'William Oddy. z took Interment to 1 place in St. Marys cemetery. De- ceased was a nephewll an to Ha twet d Luke Spend!), of this Lowuship. Teas- dale and Mrs. Whitfield, cousins, tit - tended the funeral. Wroxeter NrwsY NOTES. -Miss Haab Harris, of Toronto, is spendiug a week at her Immo here. -E, M. Levis is on the sick list this week.--lli.s Hogg spent Saturday in Fordwu^h,-Mrs. liupfer returned to Sault Ste. merle, Mich Monday.-Orosbv Leckie- is at present the guest of his brothers, Wm. . and Genege. Miss Garble Harris has returned'trout 'ta rveelc n visit with re- latives at Haeristoi,-Jas. Paulin left for Wiaeton nn14Iy n» t d u accent/ended, n by his 'daughter, Kra. \\rtri Greer, with whom he will in tt ' ta Lcsidr:.--: The funeral of Jean Evelyn, the flue • Months oltI dtulghte• of Jas, and Mrs. Hastie, of liownck, took place to this cemetery on Saturday afternoon, Muelr syhrpathy it expressed foe .the- -. beteav ed it r the to 'their s5, ofdanghter. -Reeve and Mrs. Reis entertained a number' of friends last Tltursclay even- ing.-J. Hupfer, of Miclrigtun is the guest of his aucle Robert Hu.ifer of Turuberry.-il,trs. T, Grant still non - times very poorly. St" John's Aunusl Vestry tneeting will be ' held next Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock. .vi Pu Public e• " b S ce will be Held j5, St. John's church Brussels, on Good Friday at lo 15. ti) c ndncted b a this Roc • Y Rector. t Early last Sabbath morningRev. rev. David Wardropepassed away to his re. weed from his home In Teeswater, in his 37th Pal'. e v The funeral $7 a tankp lac e ou 'l ue da s v Be had toned faithfully in. the vineyard for nnany years and with it goodly measure of success. Deceesed was widely kaovil and respected. IIe had made his houte at Teoswater for a good many years.