HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-4-6, Page 7111~4,4,14e4,41414^‘,.,0,4 WWII/ Fashion flints ! iso '+rs e. stwv eeegaa t ,,,, , TOQUES, 'ROCKS AND COATS.. Floral toques wiI1 be very popular in the early spring, and they will ,be found exceptionally becoming when the flowers of whioh they are composed arc Chosen in their own naturally beautiful tints and not dyed in semi ouz'ious colors, such a$ nature herself never ventures to show. For wearing with a coat and skirt in fine cream Boating serge a pretty toque of this kind has been prepared, made entirely in wall flowers, while in the ease of a dainty afternoon frock in the new brocaded crape de chine, chosen in a beautiful shade of Saxe blue, the headgear will be carried owe in white roses and pale -green foliage, with an airgrette of forget-me-nots, to emphasize the dainty and delis oath- blue seen in the gown. Some very pretty frooks are be- ing made in the new brocaded crepe de chine, which is really a very fascinating fabric, the raised de- signs being woven always in the same: coloring as the background and having very mach the effect, at a little distance, of -it pattern raised broehe velvet on a silk gauze ground. .Some of these small hats show a very curious admixture of straws; each strand displaying a different color, until some six or seven en- tirely odd shades have been se- lected and placed next to each other without any apparent rhyme or reason. A toque .may be seen, for instance, with strands of straw itt - white, crimson, green, dark blue, mauve and pink, the combin- anon of which is not nearly so crude and -harsh as it may sound in' cold print, since the shades are soft in themselves and carefully selected. The straw, too, is pliable enough to be draped into turban folds which follow the natural curves of the ''head, and can easily be adapted to individual requirements by a deft teach here and there. On it parti- colored toque of this ' description, by far the smartest kind of trim - man's. is a full bow of black velvet ribbon tied en aigrette with very tall loops brought high on one side. An exceedingly becoming hat is made in fino black straw and in a new and very pretty shape, which may considered perhaps as a mo- dified and improved Napoleon, since it clii;plays more or less the popular three-quarter form, owing chiefly, no , doubt, to the original way in which the trimming is ar- ranged. Two white aigrettes, very tall and hill, are placed one at the back of the hat and one in front, both being arranged in such a way that they hold to brim firmly ag ,fust the crown, and gives an air of chic smartness to the whole toilette. Jabots of lace and lingerie, al- ways SO charmingly worn with the tailored quit, are again in favor and are likely to be seen in great va- riety in the early spring and sum- mer, The lace plaiting of lingerie is fascinating and is a practical way of making a severe tailor shit look chic. The frills over the .hand • are never very popular with wo- men becausethey so soon become soiled. The shirtwaists of lingerie, finished with it neat, tight -fitting embroidered wristband and an in- section of hand -made ombroidery, are always pretty and practical. Blank .satin, plain' or embroider- ed. and dark embroidered linens are used for ,tailor -wades, while quite a novelty is white linen veil- ed in black mousseline de sole. Another novelty is a soft, shiny voile,, striped- black and white, trimmed with black satin or black velvet. This now voile will be mach woria this spring. White satin tail - USING PUROM IVES INJURES HEALTH nut You Need in Spring is• a Blood Building Tonic A. spring medicine is an actual necessity to most people. Nature demands it as an aid in carrying off the impurities that have accts- mutated in the blood <luring the long winter months of indoor life. Un- fortunately thousands of people who recognize the necessity for a spring medicine do not know what is best to take and dose themselves with harsh, ,griping purgatives. This is a serious mistake. Ask any doctor and he will tell you Haat the use of purgative medicines weakens the system, but does not cure disease. In the spring the system needs building up -purga- tives cannot do this -they weaken you still more, The blood should be niacle rich, red, pure and only a tonic medicine can do this, The best blood building, nerve rester - Mg tonic medical science' has yet discovered is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every dose of this medicine actually makes new, rich blood. This new blood strengthebs every organ, every nerve and every part of the body, This is why Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills cure headaches and backaches, rheumatism and neuralgia, banish pimples and erup- tions, and give a glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks, Men, wo, men and growing boys and girls who take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eat 'well, sleep well, and feel bright,. active and strong. If you need •a medicine this spring -and roost likely e.ou do -try this great reviv- ing tonic add feel the new life, new health, and new strength it will put into you. Sold by all medicine' dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. WHAT A MAN WANTS. What st man wants in a woman is somewhat as .follows; She must be a dream of beauty. She must be an angel with the smile of a seraph and a great mass of magnificent hair, all her own. She must possess a perfect tem- per and never raise her voice save in song. She moat be a splendid house- keeper and not require any ser- vants. She must love children and be able to tend to them.' She must be a fine musician ancl have a mind stored . with all , the intellectual wealth of the ages, but must never get the idea that hubby hasn't the superior intellect and doesn't know everything. She must dress in the latest fash- ion, but must spend no money in so doing. She must lee interesting, elusive, gay, of a deep religious nature, lively, modest, retiring, self-sacri- ficing, brilliant, fascinating, but a lover of home and fireside, prefer- ring the society of her husband to anything ease on earth, but not wor- rying when the doesn't get any of it. That is all that most men require.' WASTED HOURS. A young man, through family in- fluence; obtained a position as eon- fidential clerk' in the office. of a well-known eomn trcial man. The first 'morning ho got down to the. ofiieo at ,nine o'clock, and found his master hard at work. On the second morning he pre- sented himself at 9.30, Again he found his chief.. there ahead of him, working diligently. The third day he arrived at the office at eight. or-macles, and also whits, khaki and Thera was his master already burl- ed in business. That night, on his way home, the young man took counsel with hims. self and determined to be ahead of his boss ab any cost. Accordingly linen suits are repre$entativo of Ito set tut alarm Mock foe 6.30, and what will appear in the spring, lane by sweat exerciso of. will power managed to show up at the office ruby ratines aro having a decided vogue on sunny spring clays at southern resorts.: Whether or not the little coats that aro coming in with the first little garments are exceedingly jaunty .and almost universally be- coming, Straight, unfitted mod- els aro Monate], and all sorts of little affairs: that fasten with one big button souiowhev'o butweett the throat and rho waistline. T,.11> iI)i;il TIIE LA,W'YElt. The Asti"., tri of tt Woman Found (Milts, of Murder. Lifter xentence of twenty years' hard labor had been passed on an elderly widow for the -murder of e relative, an unprecedented scene wee tltnes:mil ill the Afetltbriabon. (Froth) Assize Court. The woman had no 1003o heard the tvordsthan she drew a ll ,.,:o, out of hor dress and flung ib with at.ell unot ring aim in the direction of is barrister act- ing for the family of the murdered uxua, that the noonit encircled his aeek and 55 a is tightened it he was pulled tt the floor. Had not sever- al of hie (olle:testes ,and the gen- iiartn e iii the hall hastened tut the ).eseitti, the ttitf,utnnate man would have bum strangled outright. As Ter the ,halted and foo skill:fitl wici- ew, r, tremendous struggle ensued before else wield .Ite wagered, before 7.30. There was lis chief working away. As tho cleric entered tho employer .looked up at hire with a quizzical air, "Young' man," said be, "what use do yeti make of your mern- iegs ?" .t. BOOK FOR M.O'1.'11.EE1i. Evel'y mother is naturally anxious fol' Information that will enable her to keep the. Ills lie tees in good health. The. Dr. Williams' iilcdlcine Co., have issued a little book which contains a great deal of in•. fo eed:ton on the cafe of ba• hies and young children that every mother' ought to know. The book will be sent free to any mother who will send her nitmn and address, with Cie mune of this newspaper; to The Dr. Williams' Medicate Co., Brockville, Ont. Fortunately for most of us corn mon some isn't fashionable. 1?ESTITAL OF Immo. iron Workers Engaged in 'Turning Out Armor for Knights, T�laboritte preparations are Daow being made for the pageant of Lon- don, whioh is to be Otte of the prin- oipel features of the forthcoming Festival of Empire, to be held ab the Crystal Palace, from May to October next, under the patronage and with the support of Iiia Majes- ty's Government -a distinction rarely accorded to events of this kind. The pageant promises to be ono of the . greatest historical specta- cles ever witnessed, for neither money nor pains are being spared in the effort to make the 24 scenes which are to .be enacted, accurate representations of the various per iods selected, The, costumes and dresses for this huge undertaking are in themselves a very big item and some iclea of the work that is being done in the way of dressing the pageant in the exact mode of the respective periods, may be gath- ered from the fact that there are no fewer than 15,000 ^ performers taking part in the various scenes. In order that every little detail of the costumes may be absolutely emirate, a Research Committee was formed, whose duty it was to trace in the various museums and private houses old master pieces and tapestries portraying charac- ters and scenes in stirring times long gone by. Then a large staff of artists, all specialists in this kind of work, was engaged to make cop- ies from the paintings, and from these colored drawings the designs for the dresses were executed. Of the tett thousand or more cos- tumes required for the pageant there are nearly seven, thousand already completed, work which ne- cessitated a staff of. over 200 work- ers being engaged practically night and clay during the past twelve months. All the material employ- ed in the manufacture is of the fin- es quality, and all the principals, ath m, will be clad are in the finest sat- ins,s silks and richest velvets, com- patible with the dignity of the char- acters they are impersonating. It will thus be seen that the cost of dressing the pageant alone is a very big item of expenditure, for the dresses range in price from £2 to e0 guineas, the latter price hav- ing been paid for the outfit for the ]ady who will play the part of Queen. Elizabeth, Another important item is the armor .' r the knights. It is if there is sufficient available armor in the country for the bun- dreds of characters that will be thus clad in the pageant, so that it was decided to manufacture special suits for the occasion. In order to do this a special armoryhas been established at the Crystal Palace, where no fewer than 80 workmen are busily engaged in turning out the mail armors, The chain armors, another big item in itself, has been contracted out. Y- AtefOrzhergnte4ly.ones colla..hel16e 1. 2S cents.' A man may be working foi' all he is worth and not be worth much at that. An Oil That is Famous. -Though' Canada was not the birthplace of Dr. Themes', Eclectric Oil, it is the home of that famous compound. From here its good name was spreticl to Central and South Ams erica, the West Indies, Australia and. New Zealand. That is far afield enough to attest its excellence, for in all these countries it is. on sale and in demand. Sho-"l.Cr. Bloom aloes not pay his wife much attention." He - "No o ; the only time I ever knew him to go out with her was dime when; the' gas exploded." PILES coast, IN k: TO rq DAYS Your dru •gBist will refund tuonay. if PA50 OIJiT. ttCN falls to ours any case of Babiat, Blind, Blooding or Protruding P0es in 0 to 1; days.. 500 She -"Why are all vessels spoken of us `she It's because they all glide so gracefully, isn't it1" Ile We because their rigging coats so much." Household troubles: Headache, toothache, Earache, Stomach ache. Namlies Wizard Oil cures these aches and pains, so why don't you keep a bottle in the house, Count that clay lost whose low de- scending sun Views from thy hand no worthy ac- tion done. --Author unknown, NOTHING TO IT. "I blame my downfall on trashy literature," said the burglar, "Gives you false ideas of Biel" "]fat's it. De hero of de' dints) novel always breaks jail, and I ain't never been able to break jail yet." Mr , tnglos, Selkirk, entered her 90 yeiu eocoutly, She is per- haps the only living 13ordoret' who has often WE aid spoken to Sir Walter Scott. • When very young, Mrs hales, whose maiden imam wet Elizabeth Haig, became ser- vant to owe of Sit' Walter's garden- ers itt Ab},cdstord. FROM EVERY CORNER OF THE OOMINION COMB REPORTS OP CUEEs MADE BY DODO'S IUDN1;Y PILLS. Magdaion Islands, Quebec, tell, of Mrs. Cormier, a sufferer for six years, who was made a new wo- man by Dodcl's Kidney 1'iIis. Amherst Island, Havre Aubert, Magdalen Islands, Que., March 27 (Special), --.That suffering women in all corners of Canada are being restored to health by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills is shown' in the press every day, and this island is not without its striking examples, Mrs. Peter C. Cormier, a well known and es- timable resident, tells the follow- ing story of her cure: • "For six years I suffered with Rheumatism, Backache and Nerv- ousness. I could not sleep nor eat, and I was always tired. My limbs were •heavy .and I had a dragging' sensation across the tains. "Hearing of cures by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills I decided to try them. Seven boxes made anew woman of me," For it score of years Dodd's Kid- ney Pills have been in use in Can- ada. They have been tried in thou- sands of oases and there is riot on record a single case where they have failed to cure diseased Kidneys. Thousands of Canadian men and women will tell you they owe their good health to Dodd's Kidney Pills. RATHE1t DIM. A tourist, concluding a visit to Ireland, was bidding farewell to an attendant. "Good-bye, Pat 1" "Good-bye, yer.'onor, and may Heaven bless you; and may every hair on your hear be a candle to Light you to glory on the last day." "Well, Pat," said the tourist, showing hum a bald pate, "when that day comes there won't be much of a torchlight procession." Impurities of the Blood Counter- acted -Impurities in the blood come from defects in the action of the liver. They are revealed by pim- ples and unsightly blothes on the skin. They must be treated in- wardly, and for this purpose there is no more effective compound to be used than Parmelee's Vegetable Pills'. They act directly on .the liver and by setting up healthy pro- oosses have a beneficial effect upon the blood, so that impurities are eliminated. . - "I sometimes wish I were a mer- maid beneath the dark blue seal" exclaimed a romantic woman. "And. so do I, my dear," replied her hus- band, whojust had been treated to a long lecture; "then you would have to keep your mouth closed or drown l" Corns cannot exist when Hollo- way's Corn Cure is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kills the growth. Maud -"How pretty and careless Mabel's hair always looks." Ger- tie-"Yes, and it takes her two hours to make it look that way.". ..TRY MURiNE EVE REMEDY„ for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart-Sootees 11)ye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50o, $1.00. Marine Bye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books. and Eye Advice Thee by IlIail. eMurine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. When sonic people say they did their best we aro glad it wasn't their worst. MInard's Liniment tures °Urns, Ets. "An' ye fell from a window, Jer- ry 1 How far was it ye fell 9" "Tin aeries,' ',ell, well, that was a great fall! And what diel ye think of on your way down 1". "Whoi, I didn't think of nothin' until 1 passed th' fifth story. Thin I remembered 1 left me pipe on the window sill." Only ono "BROMO QUININE" That le LAXA'.l'INI BRCtlO <f3,�01NINit' took for the signature of ia, W. OSovit, Bud the World over to Duro ,ttCoirl in One Dar. 810 "Mamma," shouted little Willie from the nursery, "Johnnie wants half the bed." ' "Well," queried his mother, , "isn't ho ,entitled to half of it I" "Yes," replied Wil- lie, ''Itit he wauts his half in the middle," - Teacher -•"Johnny, why were you. not at school yesterday 4" Pupil - "Please, ma'am, I was cottvales- cin'." Teacher (in surprise) "Froin what, - pray?"' Pupil - 'Throe apple-dumplin's an' a pac- ket, of cigarettes." The fishing line will soon bo the popular chord. Otto sever hears of a lawyer go- leg to law on tris owls account. Minatd's liniment ttaIleuss Nturalgla. 'FSK A 00.4g C?1' THE nest. festoons, CO JC HS to COLDS PASSIM) OPP LIGHTLY. Tommy had been invited to dine at a learned professor's house, and bis mother was anxious for leis good behavior at the table, so she gave mow colo i sT itAns TO TIIJi him elaborate instructions, 1'A Gll''1C COAST,"'.ell, 'Tommy, how did you got tin 1" she asked on his return, Via the Chicago, Union Pacific and "Oh, "You .air right, ma, .are !pits) sure you didn't North Western Line, daily from do anything Impolite 1" March 10th to April 10th from all "Well, no, ma -at least, nothing points in Canada. to speak of," Personally conducted California The another's anxiety was areas - tours in Pullman tourist sleeping ed. oars on through trains leave Chi- "Ah 1. Then there was something sago Tuesdays and• Thursdays of wrong, Now, tell xne all about it, each week. Tommy." Pullman tourist sleeping care "Oh, it wasn't much! You tee, daily. For full particulars apply I. was trying to cut my meat, and it to B. H. Bennett, General Agent, slipped off my plate on to the floor." 40 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont.; "Oh, nay dear boy, what did you F. H. Terry, Travelling Agent; Flo Toronto, or S. A, Hutchinson, "Oh, I just said sort of careless- Manager Tours Dept., 212 Clark ly, ;'That's always the way with St,, Chicago, Ill. tough meat,' andwent on with my .p dinner!„ n F CANADA S CHAMPION DANCER. PLIGHT FOR AERONATJTS.- Aviation Moet to be Held in Jing- land Next Summer. Practical interest is already shown in the international aviation contests, whioh are to be held in England during the coming sum- mer. Most of the leading French flying men and aeroplane manufac- turers have made arrangements to bo present, including M. Louis Bleriot, who, although not a com- petitor, will attend both in the Gor- don Bennett Cup Race and the 1,000 miles contest round England. In each race M. Bleriot will have ready two or three gangs of mech- anics, with full equipment, to as- sist all competitors, independent of their nationality, who will ride Bleriot monoplanes. For the Gor- don Bennett Cup flight the task will be easy enough, as the compet- ition takes place in an aerodrome. As regards the 1,000 miles race, the gangs of mechanics' will travel, alternately, twelve hours in ad- vance of the competitors, to each town on the itinerary, so as to be ready to make any repairs on the spot, and with the utmost despatch. g Some years ago there was a trial Cured of Piles by Za.m-Buk, Mr. Thomas T. Hogan, Cham- pion Clog and Pedestal Dancer of Canada, who resides at 59 Cham- bord St., 'Montreal, writes: "It gives me much pleasure to let you know my opinion of your wonderful Zam-Buk, For some time past I have ben troubled with piles, but this year I suffered so much that I was obliged to cancel a number of engagements. I tried all the so- called remedies that were xecom- mended, but they seemed to do me. no good. Having been advised to try Zama -Bilk I purchased a box, and after applying it few times I felt marked relief. I continued with the Zane-Buk treatment, and the relief was extended into a perman- ent cure. I gladly permit you to use my experience as an illustration of the great value of Zara-Buk." Mr. William Kenty, of Upper Nine Mile River, Hants Co., N.S., says: "I suffered terribly from piles, the pain at times being al - west unbearable. Zam-Buk was re- commended to me. So I procured a supply, and after a, very short time Zam-Buk effected a complete cure." Zam-Buk is also a cure for ul for murder in Ireland in which the f cera, abscesses, eczema, cold sores, evidence was so palpably insufHci- chapped hands, varicose ulcers, rashes, blood -poison, ringworm, cuts, burns, bruises, children's abrasions, totter, salt rheum, etc. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Zam-Buk Soap, which may be had from any druggist at 25c, per tablet, should be used instead of ordinary soap in alI eases of eruptions and skin dis- eases and for baby's bath. NO SIGN OF IT. ent that the judge Stopped the case and directed the jury to return a verdict of "Not guilty!' A well- known lawyer, however, who wish- ed to do something for the fee he had received for the defence, claim- ed the privilege of addressing the Court. "We'll hear you with plea- sure, Mr. B—," said the judge; "but, to prevent accident, we'll first acquit the prisoner." hikhi Wifey-"They say the new spring nfeli►r a+ePp cand6a. �nres mal,t:', >' eet� hats will be moderato." 1�1e throat aai I:: - 21t cent:. Hubby -"I'll bet a fiver the bills won't show it.rr "When I engaged' you, Lucinda," said the mistress to her cook, "you said you had no male friends. Now, almost every time I come into the kitchen, 'I find a man there." "Goodness, mural" laughed Lucin- da, "He ain't no friend of mine." "Then who is he l" demanded the lady. "He' is just my husband," the reply. genera's Liniment for sale everywher4 A young man married agaiasb the wishes of his parents, and itt telling a friend how to break the news to them said: "Tell them first that I am dead, and gently work up to the climax." "A Grand Medicine" is the encs- milmt often passed on Bicicle's Anti Consumptive Syrup, and when the results from its use are considered, as borne out by many persons who To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have used MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT myself as well as prescribed it in my practice where a liniment was required and have never failed to get -the desired effect. C. A. KING, M.D. HIS AMBITION. "What is his ambition?" "Just the same as everybody -to have more money than his neigh- bor." No child should be allowed to staf- fer an hour from worms when ave employed ' it in stopping i prompt relief can be got in a sim- coughs and eradicating colds, it is i pie but strong remedy -Mother more than grand. . Kept in the Graves' Worm Exterminator. house it is always at hand and it has no equal as a ready remedy, If ,Stern Parent --"Tommy, yea are you have not tried it, do so at once. not to play with that Smith boy athe young doe v more; or het how' to av \save his. looks i !bad d little "I don't quite see the point of boy." Young Hopeful -"Oh, dad- life chile waiting for the patient - that remark of yours," said the' dy, he isn't, he's a good little boy. to pay." grocer', as he tied up the package 1 He's been in a reforrnatotw school of sugar. "What remark was twice, and eme he's been let each tiMinaret's L,nlment cures etndruq, that Z" asked the customex, ',leu i out for his good conduct." """'- just remarked that some ,nen lead i GOT NO INVITATION, Mrs. Winslow's Syrup Soothing Tramp ---"Please, hunt, me feet's niW seen used 'ler ter e1X'iY-IOVIII rnAnO br on til' ground, an' if 'ye Celll(f spare %mele:s of Motlasas for :AZT; Watts the an ole pair o' shoes, I'd-" T36rnTFFINe, with rltaFEc'r oc'tcila,ks, it ,9i,�r:r£7 ,, , 1130 0nif.0, a0FT1itS the 5.1101 51.,.525 all 1 130 t gilt's. SJpinkks•--".lb,oru a a wedding- ria 8 115D 00300, o01 n tIn 1,,; rue, d:f lar Din oft In the ]al llmlt:]e .aCl`oss xr ltIo St. sold by 1,,s inr+ in papa et the g g' g wo d no aura and ask tor 'Mrs .every o,tuw a auothinor the street, Jest. yon go over theta Brrup,1'and 0010 00 other ktnrh fwontv..va Oenta n _ 10551, 0,arentnod Istat t§o ,nod and nrucs 1,•t, and wait, �` belt the couple 00010 "Allis 0000, Bade; na0105i051 n AND WMLL ynI1ED BENGAL nut the family will throw it lot of - ' the bride's old shoes nftor her," AND AtUAIN t 1301, rntlm, the;''ci tic trio small." A recruit }vas being sho;tu the ''.Huh! Welt till you see her feet use of the rifle, and after firing , , seven shots at the target, trhicli all missed, the instructor, :in a. rage, >a !' anointed,-= - ,l� ---rr o. TEA reaches you just fifteens weeks after. beinglrickedinfar-off Ceylon—the world's chief tea-garden,— over 10,.000 miles away, FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE, H. W DAWSON, Ninety commie St., Toronto. J. [ VNDRED ACRES,- County Peel, good .aa.. buildings, Seven thousand, fp1115825 HUNDRED ACRES. County l Peol, ane situation, good buiidings Thirtyono thousand, 711ICIRThort ACRES, fruit, good built. J Ings. Dight thousand. rIrTY A0155 ylspIT FARM, 1tiauara 1.' District, Ten thousand, •TIRIITT, STOCK GRAIN, DA5151 b'ARAt8, all sizes and all prices, See me before buying. A LBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN, anti MANITOBA LANDS, W. DAWSON,-Ninety Colborne St., Toronto, ALL KINDS or FARMS -Fruit farms It epeoialty. W. B. Calder, Grlm>sby, 50 AORES, 4 1.2 miles to London mar, Icer, ick to rk clay loam, 1 1.2 acre, owner , brick house, good este in Rea»l, owner anxious 5, sell, Tho Western Rosi Estate Exchange, Ltd.; London,. Out. IINDREI) ACRES; Peaches twenty.. ave; Grapes four; Gravel Road Pillage conveniences;' City close; Electric and Steam Shipping, W. P. Gondar,. Nista, ara Pails, Canada. lk.NE 11UNDRED ACRES,. County of. IL/ Kent, splendid clay and sand lawn, forty acres goad timber. Good .frisk house, bank barn. other out•hulldings. Splendid gas wcat on farm for ittel 8,nd light, Owner wishes to retire. Bargain for quick sale. Address 41 .Emilie. 8t,,. Brantford, Ct TON- SCALE, special price. Wilson's U Scale Works, Esplanade, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED. -$5.00 a day easy, No experience needed, Sells on sight. Absolute necessity to farmers. Doe. work of thirty mon. Pays for itself in one hour. Write to.dn INERYCO. (Dept. 5), Sarnia, Ont. FOR SALE. (y TILLS' White Lawn or Blue Dotted Jf Muslin Deese, 2 to 8; postpaid, Mo. tauclard Garment Co., London, Canada. I"ARM SCALES, speoiol price. Wilson's .L' Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. -EBF ARRED ROCK EGGS from Prise Ills. J7 ning Stock. One Dollar for thir teen; utility stock seventy -live: cents. Nel- son Smith, Jerseyville, Ontario. EARN THE BARBER TRADE -NEW system--eenstant practice - careful nstruotdon-a few hooks' complete coureo -tools free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Write for cata- logue. Moler Barber College, 211 queen East, Toronto. CAN0ER. TUMORS, LUAUS, etc. ternal and external, cured without Pain by our home treatment. Write no before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Oollingwood, Ont. CARPET DYEING and OkanIn.. Tho len epeutaltr with the British American Dyeing Co' And particulars by poet and wo are note to sassy. Address Box 158.. Montreal. SUBJECT LACKING. Mrs, Green -"I tell my husband everything I know." Mrs. Wise --'"Then you and he mast spend-mauy lonesome evenings together.i5 Faultless in Preparation. -Unlike any other stomach regulator, Par - melee's Vegetable Pills are the re- sult of long study of vegetable com- pounds ealoulated to stimulate the stomachic functions and maintain them at the normal condition, Years of use have proved their faultless character and, established their excellent reputation. And this reputation they have main- tained for years and will continue to 'maintain, for these pills must al.' ways stand at the head of the list of standard preparations. Bigger -"Thera arc plenty of books telling how to save life while waiting for the doctor." Bogger- "Yes. What wo need is one telling en offhand way of doing things,.and you wished I 'was one," '`Yes; I wished to remind you that your band was on the sugar when you weighed it." Chiefly the mold of a'mas's for- tune is in his .own hands. lfran5is Bacon, 1551.91 NO. 18.alis "Yore. is another celeridgs. Go behind that wagonand shoot your- self." Ina few minutes the recrui.teame back from behind the wagon and announced: , "I'm sorry, sir, but it's another miss." "That man said he never feigei1R a favor."` "Ito speaks truly, +tat• sacred Sings, "He did ale a fa fifteen ,yea's ago and has been t ing about it ever sinos," ttN, for wren .*Blob( to Dept. W. 4... OI FNM Dew° It gktimie 1 Q6„ To, st 1M