HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-4-6, Page 5INt 6 4t1tiiliY, K. 0. r. . M 1lrunels Teel 44 the Macenhnt+u No, 24 heal dour tngulu' lnoetiu»> lu tam bests '111.e4(04 111”00,.uu u1' 11( 4'd Les a e iia p S ie t n 01 lu mea4 vslru. , r , 14 + stele 14 A SU ENS, 1,;0141. llo lUl 1 t, tt K, WM. SPENCE OQNVL4YANO.rii AND laaUEB 4 '4' 0Fr ;iiLL 'I' VI i. K (rL � L1(,LNaI,8 Mee is the fist (Ililw4, hthcl. 11-4. JtJllld HLthl 1 Agee! lluw>eit 'Mutual Fire 'ineeran'(se Uorni>auy enya not ttesldnnoo- evert-TOIV, ONT JOHNSUTHERLAND 1Nep1130071, VIRE AND MARINF UFL.Pi•,. MJCTiONEERS, p>IAtllrAe�S Cords MISS B,t#RTHA' AR44•8TRONG 'rowoho f o r o Plano Studio t (lrtor'sMw4 14 (ore, ono deerN'ortb f h Standard Sunit, 1)raasel8 11.12 M S P E r, lu ., ERS SHA Pe 11( passed .l' 4,c F. (1 i.l' lute u 1( 4fu 1 a of 4xam' I Y r H 4,i id lna- roni of the Pn,>144'y ). AWOO, n d p thele• rout 7 Cmiservat410 4f im, Prince ie trees, ed to talc/. 4upIW at her bonne, Princess street, wean Viarta Ethel Friday and a$litalday of (and! a9R T. T M' AE R 1$lohelor' or M('dioino, University of Toronto ; t,00ntlato nod Graduate of the College of Phy' simians nm Surgeons, Ont Yudr,Xgraduatei Ulmcagu Eye, ((1(1', Nose and Throat Hospital, Ulun+igo, ill tsx+ltouoe Surgeon to St. Mich- . 144,4'0 hospital,'1'oronto. OI'ltee over F. R. Smi'th's Drug Store, 'role- 11 A'o1e uimun cunueetion with Orunbrook at all Miura, OR, M FERGUSON l'THEL. ONT. Pliy si14In and. Surgeon ; Pest Graduate courses London (Eng) Noy Yorke and'. Chicago 1390. initait, Spema( attention to dteraoe of aye, er', naso told throat Lyes tested for glasses, HAMILTON ['moat Surgeon Honer Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal. College of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto gtfloe In Snaith Block recently vocute,hby Or. Foi(d. S SCOTT N R M.M'LEAN. D, D.S,,, L.D.S. gorrio, Ont. - donor 'ren :unto U t>1.veity or 'To1onto, Do• pe tineutotDeltUtll athlete Royal' tied. lige of Deme nl nous ur044nrio, AG wr)x• titer every Toe tl ll t1n",r11 1n ,>1Ut (Vednetelay. tati1)ein (bend t va(rnl at •k, AL aoru4v(ail every Friday iota -nowt. :office i44 (40*o14 'ln. beach's J3I0ok. - 27-0(t S. `uG AS L1• i1 AUUTIOI'4• • nen, will sell •lye setter prices, u1 0.4101 tn04*, 91( 1844, tans 10041 1080 ellal'010 • as nay 1141101 A0014o>.ne' Ill 7'.1(,1 (ming o1' Q. w•w'acua1g, 4(1(01b104_..Lat4s 0011 order's nm always u4, erraugen at tine °Ilio* or ny •.elf „al..'ptrnnntlon... a.EUAL AND CONVEYANCWNS. ''‘AT' M. I1NULAlE- Y r • Barrister, aohettor, tleuv0Yauoar, _''Notary rubtlo, den, 'Ultloe-81owart'e croak t due(' NorEh:al Ueutral Hotta Solfolter ter the Motropulitnu liana. •pttOUD1'O0't', BAYS & K(LLOBAN 13sltitlsl'4iRS,. isome .teles, NOTARIES PUeLt (('r0. W. Fuseueoc2, K. U 11, 0, Here J.L: Kmtoaev 04aoes--'l'hese former(y occupied by U.:MUl Uuuleroa es Ilan (10Dna1011, UN 1'01010 ALLAN.:LIF1E SteamshipCompany limited p9 Operating the finest Herr of vas:wiper sh+m' 0(•0 00 tap it, t,gwrene• route . Summer' Sailings MONTREAL TO LIVERF COL Royal Mail Service - .a -Uvr'+ienll , (lay 5th , .1nnr- 2nd. y�1}r�_h'glitinn [lay 12th ;Ince 0111 V n n > ' I uai 11/ A1tt .3141, :dune loth i '1 f4tothm -.,. ktuy 201h .Im,r 28rd MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Toninn.. s1n1•. tea - .lute and Grampian , piny lath. Jew torn ecotr4nl ..... 1n ay 21111 June 17th Heepehl441.. tiny 271), Julie MONTREAL To LONDON. One 011(80(11040rate1 all) Steamers catling lit. Entre. Prams Fall Information ns to rule's; etc., On 14ppile'• plot . to W. H. KERR.. - Agent A11an Line, 1trnss-els. .. s+•+•+•+•+•-:-••t-♦•-•4s,t'�•P 4F • • • • J �Leiaand F-E`THE L• ♦7 • 3� N Jewelryo4, Si r ,Rrat.'IfReplti1.ing 'Jewelry rte 1 114 1 . ,) a t t I t41e>>•1> !Repairing b .) • lelegravieg • • .t. 1f'xcellenL smelt of \'lathes. ()looks 1111(1' .b (eine 'Jewelry,Shl . Iiog.Silvel• and Platte) 1V'/u•.' 1, your Service. nmvenlrx,. Et1:;mgetuent rl mil • a ill O � E 1 n Ili,,: ;. • 4,r •+• • t• •-t ee'n• • •1, ♦ ,F • •t• • •1• •'t ••• •t•• • •F ••to t •• •F • OLIPTLIHE Cured ! Al your home without paifl, cianger or opeeetitm: My mt'thod -will- cure aap- par-t'ntly:ht>pelteiSlc;itst18 no matte'' What your pig(' is or how' long ruptured. Why Wait until your rup- tact: b('co pie s strait 6g> tli;lte(l tvhi:,ti yOU can bt- cUn'cl ? Do nitwit welt illi. in coupon Arm. 'fine Rep ' 5,ia3le 0r Doubly ......:............ Ad411esY , . ' '.incl: rea'r's to J.. S. SMITH as Caledonia et. hi -11i A ' Stratford, Ont.. O.R. WAROLAW Honor graduate of 11i Ontario Veterinary College: Day and night calfs, Moe opposite :Flour 01111, Ethel. Not An Unjust Decision, To the Editorof Tina Posx: •. DEAR SIR, -I was surprised at the heading and contents of an editorial h1 the Limon Expositor of, last week, >10 the Expositor is generally fair in its critici;im'>, and I (nine to the conclus- ion t11af the author did not understand What at. he t v r mus vutin b ' . ( u Ou r n to g was loused u) n 1 by some one who did not %e mit to Give the hurts as it was not in need dente with then. 1 trust yue tviltallow tree to give the other side. The eluuicipal Telephone Act of 1008 was giver: Otittti i(1 to 0i lend l'ag,' 1lililicipall(Cies to build Rural telephone Bois, (111(4 tme Legislature teecgnizing that they were a benefit. , 'l'o further eticnni age a grteatersetvice to the sub. rrriin•1 s, tat first cost, they. passed the Act elf 1910, whish coin pets adjoining 1:14utntmlies' to connect, onSnell te11118 as limy 'be ,agreed ,on between the he, 'otdpar,i>s, failing to agree the retitle rine laid down try, the Ontario Railway Betted en ' 1 i" "BOW i l m nd ttae Au vends L they 01i>LD make srrrh Order, and not, ns snow Hell allied eompaliies wamred t haat they- may. Now tiny Omummy starting in the Telephone i)usihess must make up their• tilled be in a position to cent - ply with the law or Stay out. When Brussels 00: started WO were told by tlw 04lcl(illep people that they were under a contract with the Bell 1'nr'1here years and tinder the terms of it limy meld not 14.0111(0(4, with 460, as. we Were nal connected with the •B0ll hilt al. the end of the 'onl1net We would ger couneetinai.• AI't'rwar'd we. flll0t1 1 h (4141ll such contracts must be *(ilied by, the Railway Commission :Ifni their 1114+ils was net so- ratified. L1 January 1910 we tasked for connec- tion with them but to thatt'Irgne-11 eve have yet get an. Ammer: 81>111eg to get ra reply we, atter the: passing. of the 1910 'Act, served' there with n1( .offer of connection and asl:edl tor an ,lyiswer bur to that we got' no reply In record anee with the law we served; them *With (U application. to go to the Oltari., Railway Beard for an Orders.• Instead of them being willing" to sive (141 00n1er:00n they did .not 8416(1> 11111(1 the end of their thiet'contrtact Mit last 'year after 1,110 ,pussi11g of the Oouuio Art of 1910,,think 1ng possibly if thev had a contract .with the Bell we could Hot get Anal• theta, they trends mealier (tie for 5 yeses but it fete not 81>1 been 1alilled by the Bail. any (onlmissioli. ft is G me it was t -'urn rtn'ily r,itifled by the' Ontario Hoard but that is lin ble to by ctu)itell.etl as scut as an nbp'ctio11 ig .rn0.d's to the 1311/Wil by anyone. as was done in run• application. clause 'e y" re' a 4,r 1 1 1 tl lett t 7 t P y p. nntco1111eCI, th ally Company that e mpetev lvith the 13'11" and we.all llo that. It in mho wnl'de is n1( '8318 said by one of the Ontario Railway Board. a clause that shmlld not be allowed' .in any free country as it was cheating it nun n to 1 P Y Ontario Board fixed a date for the hearing and Alcii:)llop and Brussels Boards were represented, Meliillop being assisted by two Bell Solicitors, Messrs, Cowan, of Toronto, and Mc- Parlahe of Mnntteal the Bell Genteel. Manager and foot 'Supetmtentlenta The case was argued before the Chairman, of the Board by hit Cowan for McKllo and Mr. Sulolair for Brussels and on the suggestion of Chairman hearing was adjourned (as he stated these appeared to be no (115• pate as t0 the fats,) until the. Bniatel sent nut theft expert- examine inter themalter, and see if he cnulcl 1101 ffecf at' agreement, and on eie report the 'Boarti would make an ..Order, vhicll t hey did at meeting of the full The expert the Board' sent' tout isnot President of the Independent Tele - Mettle. Association as stated, but if he were who sllmtld be better able to nettle a dispute between ran inti'rpend- a el 1 rt Orn ani s pa t .. II0 is the person who arranged the slale..0f .the Bell in he -Western Provinces, noting for the Provinces, and if he eoald be trusted lee 1t Province sorely' he could' by two Shall companies. Expert first., cattle, to • Seaforth ain't 1(t two of the Mcl{illnp 430lted:.slid isanss411 the matter *villi them; hay-` mg a, nem showing 811 !Mee of both 0lmpanie8, and-*vlh'n the hixposi101'. tys he, was unfamiliar with thei:ir- etestatices :it mind; diSer4dit the limner the Alpl{illnp 'ttse Was pl•e- eit'ti by both Mr. OHaan 1tn11'' the read Bo1(1•i1> 114, ho wits tweee tt Mei shied the arg(1m2U11t - An 1r44401ge. y. rt It lie )taent wee made with.Mci$111op Deena. that amajot'ity of theta would meet e' i1"il 1 lord, h'.. h„ says 4 ""Booths J{1dueY fibs en>•edout' 'Iitile don titer Oiiris,. A i t 1 t g 1 t w , ego six cava of man ant Itrnns g Y Y Y I t t l 1 G >a 1 t )us Y ! 1 to expert. •G' wl a the to rr •!t 0' the t e t 1 n ,t P 1 a k j Y Brussels Beard, the next (1(13> tat Bette eels, as wad t'N(,treested by the RaiIwtiy Bu>4>1 ful(1 -' the expert- McKKillol. Board wonted 10 he represented) by I percent •4111 1 ( le > t t h Bail t 4 t the k Way Boar(. In t � Y I Y Wan a ie 1(1 n t d u t 4 1 f bulb teed' al ( t k bu s d4) y the lnUetinl, b that Ail Jai'1'alll,4lrne',1 that Might be nettle would be binding on both .1201a'da. B 1'nsn ie he expert met 1 the At B ca l t I(t t Miele 'Brussels Board but: MuI ilio watt rppl•ts0tatt:d by only nue person Mr, (3u('tnlaok, Wiwi) the majority slid out inane(' it was stated lhlat there WAS "i1 IIiggee 14.1114. fence." The. explatiatiolt given by Aft', Govenleek was. that Ali'„ McMillan telephoned he could mit come. and. to metre mu arraugeduent, fled that the (thee rne111be1 had buried his.father the day bel'nre and could not come but >n) of her , eaenn netts given why Me. Alu�Jilluu Ilii not could. Case was discussed, 'holvevel', by those pre5enttwd 4911i1e Mr,.Govenloek would nal '(make any agreement he admit ted our offer to build ens 1111)2 (f the line lyse fair land if they bad to coneeet, AJols,illop bearingexpenseut nue end 1(11(1 us atthe other was ((14(4 fair, That is the Order of tile Rail 1111 ay Bolted, being op the lines 001 out iu Pxpnsitnr 11(4101 l "I think I have shown the ('Itpert was not familiar with the cirr(tnslt(umes... As to J3russ4rls Uotnpnny being at logger•hew(1.ti with the Hell 11,88 nothing 111 do with the Mal ter, Vile have lied IIU tllnll„+ttrltlittinll with them since they retested to: give Us contwetisn be- fore we scarfed, We had to fight for our lives against' thele (Ils(I.Lheir.ul'lied Companies, A1c1{illop being .aultmg the number, but in the face of this we prospered and pude more telephones i110110 year. than was evex done by any Cornpanyin'Canada and our custom- ers are latah died. ' The waiter in the Expositor says -the Order means that McKillop Company had to break their eotineatiou with the Bell anti their uw11 market t0(vns, which is not theclse. They may do so, but the Order does not ask for it. It says they 1t08T give us connection with their subsel'ib(t's. 1Vu did out ask that-llley should lose any of thele cote elections and they wont . r r 1 > t. v< tat a 1 ess the d( Y Y sn4 their own f e h of well Brussels 111('0 u 1 81(1(1lal' Order with Wroxeter and 'Molesworth and they have lost no connections that they had before. Yee may arty they have their own switch -hoards so will McKillop if they etuvy. 011E the Order, and thee allthey have t(4 (lo is CO oonueet their switch- b„ars :with the Bell board which they Ca11 get by the asking or if the Bell should refuse they Mil get it from Clic Railway 00111missio1 and free. We have been before the Commission and know their Views and also those of the (leuerai Manager of 4heBell las tocon- nection with such to 0*41(rpany'as Me - It is with Companies who delle Mtn towns where It t! s tile[ 'S the B'll 2 opera! i1i •t,IIull the are fighting. 1Viemet g gets fres they and 20% on all business that enures over theta lines to the Bell. Last year this amounted to over 11;8000.-.,Meliillop pays the Bell a flet. fate of $8 u1 •$4 but call it costs 1Vtnxeter to rum their switch board is $2;00. 1 think 111(we shnlvn that the Order is not uojnst. 1Vhal. could be fairer each to bear equal expense, and each • get egret! benefits ? They get connection with on 575,•nbs('riber•s and We with their 100. NVe havesiinilaeconlleetilsu with Wroxeter on a 5 rent basis and we know that it will', be a gond paying inv(slulent as well 1(g theCnnve(Inmces it {,1v that itis net uufan to pqt the in to the expeese, As to the threat of the Municipality not allowing the (ratter tel x041 we tu'e quiet satisfied' as We kiu3441 there is no appeal front the decision of the Board n111088 on lien points and then only to the Onurt of Appeal and those two points are on the jut•icdletiorl of ;the J3(tud 311411 01) Lew and on these we haveho fear. Several NIOKillop-sob- scribers -have other market towns be- sir e' eie r to S a nth and ClinCml and dells for doctors,. etc., viz Br,tssels arid BIy114 and with this conker:tine they will tie linked with these without los- ing S>nferfh or Cilium)). I trust I liar' lint trespassed on. yohi space, I'am Ynnrs, F' S. Sco'rT. • President Brussels A'10t'ria tat Grey On., 6YEAR 010GIL cured of Jildnoy YroUl2iw Ales, Mex. Moore, of.lalnee 141 , Ox. of Itilblev weak ties% She colt >lai led of a4 so; 0 book, the kids secretions it wore frequent. 14ue1 ullcet(tl'0llt4ble, calve/ally at night, 1:Iee attunacit was wAs 1ve,tlt mud !ler tppotltcn .pout+. Thio. p 14114)80(1 her t0 !lave frequent ltet1d- , (IJR,ED d It Rings tn.Vour Ears That same cough is everywhere you (3111, deep 111111 hollow because.elil$ulfp- ,ive Fit et 1 was catarrh (which could have been cured by Calaerhnzone. Mural, Bever neglect a: cold, never trifle with cattlrlili, go tnyour diug- gist and get Oatnrehozone. It's in- st1tllt death to colds, cnl'es th(:n> iu a fete minutes. Throat trouble and catarrh die) a ear as l magic. 1PYilag.r.. Outer. itches, and the least. exertion *void tire her, We het(' tried many remedies, !might) not did improve. lfiuiailyut !carn- et.- of Booth's I{i(hlsy'Pills and 1)1'nc1114114) it box. 111 t4 short time she was well and (foes'. not now .c(linplaill about her hack, the kidney secretions have become normal, and she playa ;wetted the house with on amused. fatigue. \V'e always rola» ntrteud i1oollee i id- ney Pills." - Booth's Sidney Pills cart y a guar- antee that if you derive no benefit Iyour nlo(ey will be refunded. Booth's { ulney Pills are a specific for all die - eases of the kidneys and bi4d(1e'. Soli by all (h'uggrsts, 50ee box, or post- paid from the R. T. Booth Co,. Ltd„ Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guateutteed by Jas. Fox, By Lydia E. P nkbam's Vegetable CQmpound Baltimore, Md-" 1 send you hore- vitb the picture of my fifteen Year old daughterlice, who was restored to liealtb byou pL dela E• inkh's nVd,geta- blePCottmm' Slw was pale, with dark circles under her eyes, weak and irri- table. Two different doctors treated her and called it Green Sickness, but she grew worse all the time. Lydia E.Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound was rec- ommended; and after taking three hot - Iles she has regained her health, thanks to your medicine. 1 can recommend it for all female .troubles." -Mrs. L. A. 'mCotiore, Mdx ailtd., 1108. Rutland 'Street, Balli, ' Hundreds of such letters from moth- ers expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable .Com- pound has accomplished for them have been received 11y the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. Young Girls, Heed This Advice. Girls who are troubled with painful or. irregular periods,backache, head- ache, dragging -down sensations, faint- ing spells or indigestion, should take immediate action and be restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. Thousands have been restored to health by its use. Write to llIrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice, free. >Immo)» is the great throat, nose arid brennhial remedy to -day. Thousands use 4)1. (100(0)0 ptesct•ibe it, -why, be - cense it does relieve quickly and rare there -nighty. Two sizes; 255c and $1.00 at all dealers. If I Rad Eczema • I'd wash it away with that mild, soothing liquid,. D. 1). D. Re- li('ves all kiwis of skin trouble, cleans - in!{ away. the: impurities and clearing np the complexion as nothingelse'can Yes. 1f i had a.nv kind' of skin trnuhle I'D 17SE D. Ti. D. Write, the D. D D. Lahor•nt >ies Dept B. P. 49 C,+lborue Sr., 'Pnrnntn. and they will send yen trial bottle free. (Foe sale by all Druggists) A TERRIBLE MiX UP A lehnniturm'hnue e/litrn', who wag full of hard cider, got a -sale bili end a, marriage Sadly mixed.. Th)' description ran as follows :- ,11, in. Sliiith. the only sun of Air. and firs Jnsittli Smith, wag disposed of aat1 ublic an'tinn (40Lnrv'Anderarnt (11111(1tel of AMI'. and Mrs. °Seemed An- derson, nu my farm, rine mile Beet (f this place, in the presence of seventy pipets. iueluding the following ro mules, 12 head of cattle, ROC. Ta(kson tied the nuptial rintaveraging ]250 pound on the hoof. Thetwailtifel home of the bride was tastefully dee (rated with a siwnsil' 41131, sparse, l sellly rake, 1 feed grinder, 1 set armlet, harness, nearly new and just before the ceremony v 'n ens pr numrpd, MPn- delsshon'v 4rlspir•ing wedding A'larnh was given by 1.411111 h cow 5 ;veins' nlfl, 1'Jeersey cow to be feevh next April,. ear'ryirlg a hunch of 'flowers in her hand and looking charming in 8.gown made of light spring 7vague,' if. boxes of apples, t'heee ricks of hay. one grbul3(mee mi n•4line. de sole trimmed with about 100 bushels of spuds. The greed) 1s a well knownand pop- ular ymmtig unto and has always .stood well in society circles of 12 Berkshire h n gs while the bride isan accomplish- ed and talented teacher of a splendid drove of Poland Chinas --pedigrees furnished if desired, Among Hu- beau 111111 preSenta were twit vets of silver knives and forks, 1 spring harrow, v, 1 wheel barrow, g0. cart'and other things to numerous to mention. • Our WRLL PRPER "now New. in sock Never .. stock The Best of this Season's Productions We have made a special effort to seotire desighs and colorings of 111 tis(:ie merit not only in high grltdee but in those' as low as 5c'per li'oll, Papers originally 12.'; now selling at 8e,.. Bc and-lIIc Papers now 5e, 13 MD ROOMS-'lV°.have dainty Plurals, ptodiicing chat tniug effects, tat 14ily mist.: - PA1i.L01 1 -Beautiful designs in gilt and (wearily times, blues, greens, 'tee., in flt?licttte shales, IfALLS, 'DINING -ROOM, Baa -T lira effective (resigns, in tllaguifleent colors. ' gl •v' ,ulg warmth, ciohness rand benuiy to aptu•Lmeut. REMNAN'T'S of very trice Papers, from 0 to 12 rolls, that hill be sold at bargain prices to dear. DON'T WAIT .tillone stook ie broken -make your selection NOW, If you have ally rooms not rec0utl y nApured, jdst call and let 11S tell you how little le costs to make holuc bright, attractive aaod. luippy, Paper Hanging and Decorating a Specialty, PAINTING attended to in all its breeches and satisfaction assured. Floor-glazing'Enamel t'nr 84140 in gn11> t 0,11439, Anybody can 1147' lily it. The very thitlg as housekeeper' Wants. Orders by Phone prompt lyailtended to. "• e • M Cali No. 42 rac � The bridal couple left yesterday on an extended trip, terms, twelve months time to responsible patties, otherwise crash, lunch will be served at the s4tle. After this Mr. and Mrs. Smith will go to keeping house in a cosy home at the carper of Maim and Dr. L. B. Grandby auctioneer, - Holps Mon to Work Hard ThaCs What Ferrozoue does ; it sup- plies the additional strength that eh- ableit (tan to maintain health under cl'tffi(.ultics. "Last Spiting 1 was see completely fagged out 1 could not wu1•le" 141111138 3. W. McNichol, of Tut• 1 ell . elan. 1 b a In the u luauaF I was tired -limbs e( , d 5 ach all ((vet.. ( e Had 1 no appetite wee sleepless net eons and unhappy. 1 eu oP pie put new lite hi- tt, me. Now I eut heartily, nerve, ar,. slreng, I sleep well. 1 It110w the joy of health." It'sbysupplying nourish- ment (aril gond blood that letvozo(e builds up ; try it -50u per box at all dealers. Amendments To License Act. The five per cent taxon bar re- ceipts of over $50 a clay in towns Hud $6o in cities. nut $q0 as laid down in first draft of bill. This will produce $70.0110 in foruutt) and 448o,000 a yea* 11.1 .the rest of the provluce. License Reduction by Vote-M1iuicl. ,pal councils will not be allowed 411 future to reduce licenses. '1'lirs rml he -done only by note of electors, lefel 134 •law must be submitted if peu1iou is received containing to per cent of names on voters' list. After pas.icg n0 (woe' reducttuns can be made for three years Right of sellrcb-'Phe powers of offi- cers to search for liquor that is being smuggled 11110 "dry" districts' are grral- ty increased and instead of being 111141t - ed to trainser' express companies, the* can search bunks, bags, 4,r other re ceptacies, which are -believed to (Annan) oquor intended for sale, whether hi ram 1>c [ aperson 1 >i >f n (or not. Summer Licenses -No petition is re- quired tura .renewal. Resident Voters -Oulu boos fide voters in permanent residence may vete on local option by-laws. Qltashii'g-fay-law cannot be quashed on ground of creating a monopoly, PARISIAN SAGE Will Grow More Hair Parisian Sage will. •stop falling hail III two ireeke-•cure' dandruff i14 tin. acne time and stop scalp itch at once. it makes the hair soft, silky and Iuxtu•ia>L'. • - As A Hair Dressing Pat•isiatl Stage is ‘1,1 Weill peer. It contains: (10112111; that tamMum the llaii-it is out stteky, oily or gtelasy and prevents as well as utu•es aliseasee of the scalp. 1Vonneu told children 'bythe thous- and and 'use it daily its a dressing and no house is complete without it. Money .B ck If It Fails Druggists and stored everywhere guar mottle ` Parisian Sage and wilt (;e- ilted your money if it falls. Ask (h'ug- , •1st Jas 1 , ux abut he thinks of b + x, fie sells It al SUc per large, bottle 4,r yon can secure it by Mail gustp:tut from lett mix 11ttyuulactei lug- W., 'Fut•t Erie, Uut. See that the Gnl with the Au- burn flair is 011 each package. Sold cunt guaranteed by Jas. Vox. A MAN came to call last evening'; be ,nuked for sam0thiug he Wanted all 1111 pickets Witlluut success: for some mint!- ees. We grew (111.1005 after a little while, and numbly requested to be told how lnlluy pockets due sun possessed. He said with modest prole that there were 77. Now just imagere all the jukes Mat would be made about woman tt she went arouud burdened with 17 peek 0ts. , . A DEPUTATION of about 4.5 members of the 1'ubteresters'. ASsocienQu e1 Uaniida interviewed Hon, Rodolphe Let1leux, Postmaster-(Jeueral, find Deputy Posttilester Coulter, and urged the lulluwing, among ,'other >nouns: 'lo , increase the luinlmntn salary try of pustmastets in rural offices tree) $35 to $50 a n10nt11.and to _Increase tine tlumallss1up trent 50 to 60 per tent 1n stamps, also to be granted ie more nberal rent allowance, together with necessity) supplies for the work or the officers. 41' second request teas to tate effect that a ,system 0t ult4sieficalluu tor' the nitiuey order elbees, pluvichng for possible pro- motion, be made, and Mr.,'i'tirrlffee also asked that a more strict regulation for 'tribute eg newspapers be enforced. Hon. Lemicttx made a tavor'4ble reply, stating that (11most cases the p0111111445te1S- were justified or asking fol a :change, and ,1 flat their .requests would receive Athol - Dom A $tOrohpUa4'for PoiYpno. You may not think so, taut that's what you become whenthe kidneys are affected, /!less organs 01e441(e the bully ; they are Alt0('ers that re. move from the blood the: waste matter that units like (let poison 1 (>I u la 1 I1 y the 1 fa r v t ht and health a 1111 y of 1)r. ll GL in ll the system,st' n , ton's Pills annulate 1lekl . net's, expel fermenting matter from the bowels, restore the liver and st)tore 1 late , 1(J excretory and secretory or. gone. This e at1,s the blued tui uick. ly replenish" itself and establishes per, feet health, No medicine does sorb lasting good as Dr, Hamilton's Mand- rake and Butternut Pills, 2Su at all dealers, You CAN Do 4,r. -'Io speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth may be all right and essential in a 0011rt PI law, but it would , create havoc and disaster for a newspaper. Events are transpiring every week in every town that the editors dare notfor the sake of dome -'tic peace. even mention, much less obey the law's mandate, 0,4x''4' DSC OBITUARY r0ETay.-Fox the past to years Tee POST has declined tD tesert obituary poetry in its columns and has again and again .stated so but people overlook this fact and continue to send it, A short time ago three different selections, which would pos sibly Have occupied a column, cams to baud concerning the despise of a certain party.te Having. relused scores prior to this:of course ,We applied the same rule. Why do we not accept? For the reason that some relatives found fault with us over some of the poems we did publish ; because the matter Is chiefly of interest to a small percentage of our. readers ; and last but not least many of the effusions are either poetry only in name or nye copies of Pitt end familisr verses, _quite comMOOP1ACe In Mettle o ) 4, r suffers e on r ., everybody, _Qod loty (if la mn(. � collet of 1140 record of the bn411, Tits POST is always ready 10 print these k n..lfyintentioned messages on memorial cards, at small expense, fo f dtetrihitln p . wh '> so desired but it fs no use mailing 'ti ill our C l l 7 thole teals far 4dset uu u c u -lit s as we still adlier() 10 the ('8141 of `1444 44nit, Constipation is the' root of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery.. Dr. Morse's Indian Root OQ Pills, thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred troubles. Try them. 25c. a box. 4 1 Good, Better or Best A VITAL DIFFERENCE IN DREADS QUALITY you know is comparative. ive e. Just as much so in bread, as in woolens or linens, °If you make bread at all you naturally want it to be good -as good as, or better than your neighbor's. But is your bread as good as it ought to be? Does it furnish fits fullq u antum of health and strength? Is it. nutritious as well as delicious ? Ordinary flour may make Y fairly good looking bread. But if you care for food value, for nutrition, for digestibility, for bone and muscle and blood building quality, you will want a flour rich in the highest quality of gluten. "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" is thefinertflour in the world and makes the best bread in the world. • And it is just as g ;cid for for Bread. Pastry Y 1(S it is It is the one flour which has proved an unqualified success for every household purpose. And its absolute pp uniformity guarantees you against failure- ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR is made of Mani- toba Red Fyfe Wheat, which is especially rich in high qualitygluten. g It is scientifically milled in the finest mills in the British Empire and samples are regularly subjected to the most exacting of all tests, the oven test, to insure uniformity, "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD"always makes the finest and most nourishing bread, the lightest, flakiest and most -• healthful pies, cakes, biscuits, muffins, rolls. Order "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" at once. Don't delay. The sooner 'youcomrnenceusing this finest ofall flours the better for your family. 22 WM. & R. A. PRYNE