HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-4-6, Page 4Tqu$$c1.5 dost IFind Out if, You Nave Catarrh New Nooks at Drussela library Don't Waft Till Consumption Develops, • 111Uk,,1)AY, APRIL 0, tort A Trip to Florida By Mrs, Torte and *tee. Stewart,. mercy of Brussels, Cute Yourself Now. Following 's a 1' 1 Vht list c f � i s 7 new hooks OAY'ei Rlt[IOZONL, placedn ten the shelves of Brussels I'ubltc Library and Well worth read, # In the silecovery of thin wonderful lug , curative Medicine the eutire race is for., given freedoi)t froniOcttarrbt4lcliaectsea DEAR 1111 1(1;1;2 ust a few notes ores our trip s,udx leaving Brussels, where bad 1 .i very delightful visit, We left dear old 'tame town on Deo. .17t11e aur Gtst skip watt at Port Dalhou where we spam a few days very plc Uy with /tee. Dr• Ross Find fan Then front die Port to .t`orontte wh we visited a. timber of old tithe Or sets friends, troll enjoyed aur stay v nand]. We were impressed with t appeam o end growth ()film city. think our t'il'es in the West make ra strides iu a few years but Toronto see to keep untie with the best of t he Atter leaving Toronto we visited frier. Shoksspeare, Stafford, St Mt. and London anal everywhere we he very pleasant cline. Ian. loth we I London for Detroit and after spend' a few days most enjoyably with rrien we started Feb 2nd for the South travelled by the Pere-Maquette. Que and Crescent and Southern raft.va but eeerythirig is so nicely arranged the comfort of travellers, that had not to teave our Pullman all the w from Detroit to iacks,nnvllle, The first otcrning after leaving Delr we arrived at Cincinnati, the Que city of the North We did not s much of the city, as we passed throu about 5 it re, but expect to take return trip by day -so we will see mo o the e tounh'v. From early in t mn lin w Yi C were r g va e t avelhng (]tett i k land entirelynew do us as tilts was u fust trap,Suuth. We crossed the On river a. ter leaving Cincinnati and pass through a series of bfuffv heights, sit , ba front the river and the scenery was v, nice. We travelled tnrough many teresting tom's and. cities, among the Georgetown, Lexington and othe wlndrng our way through the ftrno blue grass country. Were rather di appointed with the appearance of ti country but it was taming hard all t time Sall chat makes a place look nub dreary, After leaving- Ntcholasville crossed the Kentucky river over th fatnotis high bridge. This bridge over a quarter of a mile in length au stands 282 feet above low water mar Abutments at either end are Sew from the rock bound walls of the riv gorge and makes a very solid std uclu Danville is one of the oldest cities i Kentucky and is a thriving comntnerci centre and is division headgn:srters o the Queen and Crescent and oonuectio is here made with the' Southern rai way for Louisville, St.- Louis and th West. In the afternoon eye Came t0 King' "Mountain tunnel. This. is 8 teet1 �g} length and is the longest on the route We had the full benefit as our porte .' neglected to close the ventilators an .car was soon .5liedwith smoke and' gas It was so bad we had to go out and scan on the platform. We passed throug• many fine cities and towns bur v0 would be tired if I attempted to describ thein. In travelling through thi country one is impressed with the thought b that g 1 war leave itsmark ,m Rt a s n country t longafter the ' ycontending rn g armies wave settled all (belle � diff renew The whole country bears the mark of the Civil war in the neglected farms and poorly kept homes. The people seem•as if they were only trying to eke out an existence, not'caring to beautify or make homelike the place tbey occupy. The cities and towns appear to recover more rapidly and some of the former that were entirely destroyed during the wsr are now beautiful and thriving commercial centres: Wemeta lady here who had lived through all tbat dreadful time and she told us bow her home was rifled and destroyed and that often they did not have the necessary -food and before the war they bad all the luxuries. One cannot realize the sorrow and devastation that war makes unless they hear the description from one who had passed' through and saw. the sadness and sorrow. All the !country t v through Kentuck, Tennessee, and Georgia was full of in- terest to us and we were interested in the easy going, happy looking groups of negroes whom we saw at every station as our train _passed along. They did not impress as as people : who world work hard enough to .hurt themselves very much. At Harriman Junction, 'Penn„ we enter the coal fields of Brushy Ivlountaiu;disttict. Near this place the railroad euters the valley of the Tennessee ' river and we pass through some very beautiful scenery and on the crest of Walde ridgei 11 9 s a beautiful Su nmer i resort Another place of interest is Dayton. email for Its strawberries and so enormous is the culture 01 this favor- ite berry that during the gathering of the crop the Queeu and Crescent rail- way runs data% specials from Chattanoge in order that the ft uit may he taken to She Northern Markets in good condition Cantaloupes are also. grown largely in flits' section'. Next place of interest is Chiekmauge Creek. Near this place General Sher - man's troops crossed the river for the attack ou Missionary Ridge. At this point and also at Botta was fought some ot the greatest battles of the Civil war: The Natiouat cemetery is on this Ridge and contains the graves of 12.876 Ameri can soldiers' The Government has se. „eared all the grotmcl of the Chickmacga battlefield and converted it into a great park and spendsenormoussuMeof money annuallyto ken it in proper repair. p A p a P fewMiles rhe t ,fe fu t r we came am to Chat. tanoga, known as the gateway to the Souter In tate early days the Indians met here to 'bold their couucite anis smoketitn calumet and here went the Jesuit Nat hers to estttbiish missions and teach the' warlike Cherokees the arts of Peace, The natne of Chet twinge is and always will be a.es0eiated with Inc greatest military operations" of the Civil war. Lookout mountain, Missionnr6 Ridge. Chickamauga and other illustrious names linked with those days of Crisis all glve,atided radiance to the tame of this a dine citJr,' T enchiug Chattanuga about 7 p. we reached l tckeonvilie, Florida, abntit 8 next ()ot lSitig 50 See diel Ilot see any thiol; of Georgi;(, bra hope ti) see More m n our return Yl it t. 11111 O n e r t , C % t B�•. r v •.' arhe;(1Jacksonville d t' fotttl f weybtsed rC5t ell c sgp in the aptseerance of the on we the ad sie, as ilv ere alt ere he We ala m. ids r{s da eft ng ds We en s 0r we. ac oit 511 ee Rh he re hi d ur iu ed" ok ry 0 m rs us 5 - be er A e a k. er ren al f It e n r d a b e s including Aallnnu, Brouctittia Mid Throes tyettktlees. • I Catarrh u s 1 ll to our nose. .Does it effect your nose 2 Is, your throat husky? ,Ara your. eyes watery ? 18 your breath otrons'va ? These are ludic:111mm of OatluIII'-- nosy why anhtlitue to live in, tuieery when cure is guatatiteed with Catttrrh- uzona? So sure is Oetlnsrhuzotle to atlte tisat thousands 1R,etmlineuct it• - tell of its wondetftll merit a'f'ter beiug cored thetuselves. Read this How. Catarrhesone Oures MISS Wort'el1 is a readmit, of Clarks. vilte, Da•, and hits been the 1ueane of pointing the way to health of many of his friends,` ' "I received sur•] extraordinary bene- fit that I have induced many of my friend use s to s it also. illy Catarrh was so bad a year ago that I despaired of ever getting cured. I tau Sate 013' lungs were somewhat effected also., The relief I got from Oaturehozoue was remarkable. -1 improved under this great trecttttteet very quick- ly, and was cured So thoroughly the disease has never returned.» Get the large dollar size of Catetrrh- ozone; it contains a beautiful hard rubber inhaler and medicine that lasts two months. Smaller sizes, lac acid 000 each. Beware of imitatione— aeeept only "Catarrhozone," sold by allreliable ale dealers o• bymail f xi tfrom the Catarrh ]C ZG11e am 1111 Kingston, C P Y, lugatuu, Ont, caro , t try and evevwhere we looked here were aunli beautttut trees. tnt'stls ptur, Palmetto and oak The oak trees were very pretty all hanging with a trailing grey moss, something we had never seen before. One of the industries tit Georgia and Florida is the making of turpentine from the fluid taken frv,nf the Pine tree- The% tap the tree mutt, the same way as the people to Ontario du the maple for at Jacksonville it. situated on the St john's river and hss '.a p 'potation of about 69 ono, It has -a splendid harbor and bas quite a tourist resort There are many paints of in terest and one can passe few slays very pleasantly. Hotels are very fine and the wants of tourists are very well looked after St. Augustine Is the next hal: of interest anri is one of the oldest cities in the United States. It is more than 400 years old A great many of the old buildings till remain and are built in old Spanish style with overhanging balconies and screened by huge palmettos. The old buildings are con structed of coquina: a oative rock fouud on Anastasia island and is composed of shells and shell tragmentsaf all sizes, forms and color. The new St. August- ioe•is a lovely place and is a favorite re- sort, where many of the Northern millionaires have their Winter homes. Ormond is the nextpoint of interest we. come to and is situated on the Halifax river which runs parallel with the At- lantic From which itis separated by a' peninsula about half a milem width, There tsaif beau( u beache r h re where the e auto races for he South t bort r are held to d There are abont co miles or more of a beautiful white saud bench ,that cannot he surpassed for di tying, en her for carriages. autos or bicycles. Beach is from 300 to 3130 feet iu width and can be used at all times, except at high tide, This is an ideal place, abounding with fruit, ft twers and beautlfut Winter homes. Across the river on the penin sulais Daytona beach- and Seabreeze situated on the Halifax river and the ocean. It is a very pretty place and an ideal climate, nice and warm with enough breeze to be comfortable. It is just the place to take life easy and pleasant and we are enjoying every minute of our stay and will be sorry when it comes time for us t0 start on our home trip There are many nine trips t0 be taken from here to dtffereutpoints of interest. We took -a trip up the river to Tomoka river and the scenery all along the route was just beautiful. Some parts of the way the water was so i+moo h and clear that it looked like an immense mirror and the trees were .(fleeted fiom either hank making as pretty a sight as you could imagine. In other places river was so narrow t.e could almost touch' trees from the boat. Saw a number of alligators and turtles basking in the sunshine on the banks as we passed a long. It was a delightful trip and lir wish we had ad our frit ti nil with us O eujoy the scenery with us. We speuta day at the large orange roves this vee g k g week and enjoyed it very much We saw the fruit puled, wasbed sorted aid packed and it was most suteresting to us, All through tae orchard are paltnrtIos, magnolias and oak trees and along' the drroeway was a row 0i beautiful slate palms. The whole place war a beauty spot. 1 am sure sou will be tired read ing this. Kind regards to alltite friends and hope you all may spend a Winter in Florida. YOuts 'Truly, J. '1'Uees.. Why Hesitate An Offer That Involves No Risk For Those Who Accept it We tate sopY ma ositive nut•'r d will 1 completely etely relieve: constipation, 110 nlattet' how ubronic it inlay be, that we offer to furnish it free 11cost a of ' •u if it, fai le, Constipation s caused by iv eakness of the uee•v'es Sall muscles of the large iutestities or duseendiug colon. To ex- pecte cure you must therefore tone up and strengthen those organs and re- store thein to healthier activity, We want you to try Rexall Order- lies on our guarantee. They are eaten like candy, and are patieulal'1y ideal for children. They act ditectty on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They have a neutral action -8m the other organs so glands. They do not purge or can= any inconvenience whictever, T114y will positively over•- Come chronic or habittial cunutiplttiatl and the myriads of associate or de- pendent clIt•onic'atiltnents, Try Rex - a l Or 1 derlie+a r (L oar • � T k. Two 1 usize 8 s v 10c, and 25e. Sold only At Mir store•-� The Rexall Store, .F, ltd Smith. tuouitAiliv 814 Life of Gladstone Vol 1. ,;.Morley. 315 Life of Gliulstoce' Vol 9....Morle Y FICTION 772 The Rules of the Game ......White 773 Pia Hand of Compulsion 'Barr '774 The ltysary „•,, ........,„..,.Barclay 776 The Mtettees of Sieustono.Bat•clay' 776 The J3atpier •,... „ Beach 777 The Silver Horde .. ..., 778 The Stampede's .,. ..,. White 779 The Frootiersina11 Cody' 780 The ,Rose in the Rinit,MSQuteheoll 781 'The Golden Webb Partridge 782 The Handicap•:,.• ., , Knowles 783`Get Rich Quick Wallingford ,....:,. Ohester 784 Cy Whittaket's Place .Liuonln 785 The Wild Olive •., ,- . 786 The Spoilers ,Beach 787 Going Some e B 0a0 h 788 a Love of the Fd.1 ' t'nc 789 Berenice Oppenheim 700 floury Esmnttd ihacket'y 791 liii,wtrey'e Deputys.... „Bindloss 792 Interplay ,, Hareaden 703 Ailsa Paige •. .,, Ohawbers 704 The Way of the Heart hope -, 105 1lamatetLd Quarries Waller 796 John Wiutetbout•ne ..Brown 797 The Livery of Heaveu.,.,.,.Sawyer 798 Sa-Zetcla Tales' ....Fraser 790 Married Life of Frederick Uarrols Williams 800 Cynthia's Chtucffetu .,.......Tracey 801 The Doomed City ..,Darling 802 The Pt•iure of this World.Hockiug 803 L •ioatlrtud at'Lhelled (hart .. Nicholson 804 The Sword of the Lord .Sleekingg 805 The Modern Chronicle .,•Olinrchill 806 Maggie ,11cLanehan ...Zollinger 807 The Princess FloweiHat,., Wright 808 The ., White 809 Lizbeth of the Dale ..., .....Keith 810 The Master of the Vineyard .Reed 811 Red Pepper BRIMS... -Richmond 'HISTORY 365 Ti•oublous Times in Canada ... —.McDonald 360 The Corsican ... Johnston 367 Lord Selkirk's Oololtists Bryce JUVENILE 188 111 Second Chance .MeOlung 139 112 Helen Grant's School Days•,,, .... 140 Douglas 141 113 Helen Grant at Aldred Honse . ,,. 142 Douglas 143 1I4 Helen Grant at Oollege•Doo Itis 144' 115 England's Stoty .. Williams 145 115 Adventures in the Far North..... Strang 148 117 Great Fight foe Canada Strung 118 Adventufes in the Far West 147 Strang. 119 Great Explorers ..... .. Strang 148 120 Skimming the Skies .:..Whitcomb 1.21 Mite in Germany , ,.McDonald 149 122 Rafael in Italy. ..... . .. .....McDonald 150 • 4. 4. • • • • .s Best 1 3Nte.arty AnyoGnqroMw athyntHuae a $pl•ndid of growing hair ad curing bald twee Ve haver a remedy that hug 4 rilordDoe t Be Bald 03 out of every If lOt}casics'wlterc 1(80(1 acenrdin81( dil•ectiallc for 1>, l'e{tsu17- ((isle.lGigylb of (tune• ('bat 1111(7 800)11 like y e. 1 GI(lrti'. (, rt h statement—it ie and we , • illITIONSWINSINSIENSEPSWINI R HERE a wide. l breech between cheap Clothing and .t• really good Clothing. t There is nothing here but all wool—no alas- : by, shoddy adultera tions, and the fabrics * are cut with care and • made right. COME IN ! SEE THEM W171. -P. . hr astir • Merchant Tailor Brussels 4.4.•4.4,4••4.•+•+•.1.•444.•4.•4.04.• 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Betty in Canada„... ... „McDonald Boris to Russia McDonald Brenda:- School e and H howldes • t t et Club Reed Brenda's B c air I ) Reed Girls of Fairmount.:.. , Baker Frolics atFairmoinit .. Baker Sidney : Her Summer on the St. Lawrence Ray 30 Over the Quicksands ...Ray 1 Wolf Hunters Onrwood 2 Gold Hunters .,,,, Ourwood Janet: Her Winter at Quebec Rely Teddy Her Book Ray Wide Awake Girls... . -Ellis Wide Awake Girls at, CollegeEllis Dick Among the Lumber Jacks.... Dunock Knight Bt rant ......., Davidson Folk Tales ........ .... ...... Mabie Fruth and Sky Rodgers Pulppy Shute With Juliet in England.Richrnond Indifference of Juiiet.,..Riehmnnd Full Back Afloat .;. Dudley Boat. Cttib Bus at Lake ort , Y Stratme er Guu Club Boys at•Lakeport .,,.g.., • ....letrattneger Boys and Girls from George Eliot .. ,.Sweetser' Boys and Girls from `Thacker Sweetser Ten Girls froth Dickens,Sweetaer Ten Boys from HistorySweetser 1 13 13 133 134 135 138 137 u it (0 b11, 01141 no one should doh 1' doubt it1111( 1 they y hi(YOpttt one claims tnrntiultullU•,f, 11'0 al t So 041•( 1144 Rioted "93” 11aitr Tonle will cute dlt41d1111f, prevent brtldeeae, Stimulate the mettlp null hair runts, stop falling hair and grow new hnor, that • we personally give .ollr positive guarantee to 'stolid, (%yet;' tuetatice niiepe itdoes not give [1111(,, satisfaction to the user, Rexal "93" Hai Tonic o ew to as Meilen ilt' to use as eleei' spring water, It is delightfully perfumed, and dove ten grease or gnw .the hair. >1'tyo sizes, 500, and $1.00. With our guarantee back of it, you certainly take no risk, Sold only at our storeThe 'Rexall Store, P, R,+imidi. LITERATViLE the: three'. men to represent the 33rd i g tun te.World,Wilder The other two representatives recom- mended are Sergt,-+Mayor Hector, of Exeter,and Corporal lirgiliuC rp al Angus, 0f Wing-. ,,.Lodge ham. 836 Song Lore of Ireland ,: ...Meson Regiment on that notable .occasion. 637Sut11n Round Brussels Photo. Studio �N;returnhlg Meeks for Mee al pett'cniage ijlit'itig the hotl- clayti, 1 Melte your inspe(:- tion tosamples of work 8111110 or people you mast 5)lo00 r 1limiter V t• A l has 11 ah a I sl F of Mr, Brewer's nient11te oil hand. These will be sold itt greatly re- duceti. pricer. Conte early in the day when the light la good. G. F. Maitland RBrxxssN'r 33rD RECT. AT:T1 s' Collo- NATION,-Godenelt will Have aur0ilitary iepresentative at the coronation of King George V. in London next lune, Lit.. Col. I, ii an has recommended Quarter- master nr ter - master Serge. A, F. Sturdy as one of 154 Twice Born Men. 155 Reasons and Belief 8OIENOE 405 Sea Wolves of Seven Shores• 3 THE STRENGTH OF A'Ci�a�tl Fatted/wham 466 Care afTreee: ......... ...Fednrd+w Is that .of its Weakest Link. Father 467 What is Art Van Dyke lliorriscyrs No. so Forges it Anew. 488 Electricity Simplified $1011 l VOTAGE AND TSAVEL I •. 439 Oberland ChaletWal _ r ..'d 440 Chateau and Country Life in France .. ..,1Vaddingtuu 441 Through the Heart of Canada; r. ... '1'isgh wOR%S OF REFERENCE 94 Book of Guessing t3orlteste. Glover Like n New Of New to :the matt who uevyl' liad corns is the pain relieved by Putalati)'s Corn Extractor. Old soyas and. new ones cured quickly by Putnam's." Sold everywhere. WEATHER FOR APRII. Reactionary storm period is in pro great; as we pass from March to April Storms of,ratn, wind -and thunder' wit culminate 013 and touching Sunday, 2nd winding up with possible snow in North .ern extremes. Rising barometer, fa} weather and frosty nights will visit mos parts of the country between the an and 5th. A regular storm period covers 4th to 8th, having its centre on 6th. Falling barometer changing to much warmer with growing cloudiness and 'storms begin in the West by 4111 mid 5th. Dun ing 6th to 8th, storms of rain, wind and thunder wilt make their transit groin The chainof the53� h sical tem is P Y only as strong as its Weakest link. When that link breaks, the chain breaks, and , serious illness followed by death often results. The weak link with'manypeo- 1 • ple is the: throat and lungs. In fact, sta- tistics show that over twenty-five per cent of all deaths can be directly traced J( to diseases of these most important res - I. piratory organs. Weakness here is very dangerous. During his long and successfid prat tice, Father Mornsey, the learned priest- physician, wasoftencalled upon to treat 1 bronchial and ptdmonaty affections. Re soon found that it was not enough to make temporary repairs' on the "links" but that it had to be forged anew, in order permanently to strengthen the chain. j After much study, he succeeded in devising a prescription that would secure this result, by not only giving prompt relief rt but also by rebuilding and strength- ening the delicate 'cells and membranes d of the throat and lungs. This prescription, Father Morriscy's Lung Tonic, or No, 10, has cured thou- sands. It is absolutely free from any dangerous drug, being compounded from Nature's own roots, herbs and balsams. No, 10 stops the cough, relieves the soreness and strengthens and fortifies the system against future attacks. Even in the early stages of consumption it has proved helpful, but the wise plan is to take it in time, and avoid serious disease. In our climate it is well to have a relia- ble and tested remedy like No. 10 always on hand. Take it at the first appearance' of a cold, and keep the chain of life strong andacabl a of resistance. P Trial size 2 per 5c, p bottle.. Regular size 50c,At your druggist's or front rattier Moriscy Medicine Co., Ltd., Montreal, Que. 96 N•b1••••••••••••Hf•••NCttiHs!•e•i•••N•4Ntl•••••••r West to East, touching most parts of • the country. These storms ,wlll be in Walter Williamson @. d o' i s I Norman Forbes • • • • • • Paloting, Decoran• • Wall Paper Hanging. • • s T HP E undersigned, having formed a partnership, arra .e i preparedto do all kinds of House Painting,. Dec- orating and Wall Paper Hanging. • • • : We are practical men in these lines and by doing • • our work promptly and well we hope to merit your pat- ronage and support. • Orders for .Wall Paper Hanging left with the un- : dersigned or at Smith's Drug Store will receive our •r . prompt 4, p pattention. � oto Forbes orb es & Williamson e : Painters • and Decorators BRUSSELS ° 1 •• same••••••••••••••••••••a • • •1••�•NNpiNi••Sf��t!•••• E 0 •. s • • • • • • • • Brighten U We have just received our brand ne est creations in Wall Papers from t facturer of Canada. Large Variety of Newest You are invited to inspect our new by all odds the finest we have ever seen. immumemaimm w stock of the lat- he leading manu- Designs line of Wall Paper Prices are Exceptionable. the form of heavy April showers, break. ing into severe thunder squalls and hail storms in many localities, Fair weather and cool nights, with possible frosts, Norte war d will follow these storm*. s. Storm periods marcs closing- days of Earth's vernal rqutnoctlel central on the tet] 12111 and r3th Lew barome- ter and very high temperature on and touching tit) and 12th will bring severe thuuder, rain and hail to many sections. Hot.muggy conditions, with very low. barometer and angry, electrical clouds. Storm period extends from 16th to 21St,' wctl 18th, igth, and zoth as the crisis of this period. On and touching these dates, expect many active April storms and squalls, attended by hail and followed by change to much: cooler. Storm period has its centre on 240 and 25th, on and about which barometer will tall, and threatening weather op - pear. This period Will most likely, not, reach into high barometer and general anti -storm conditions, but Stun -into> a series of daily April showers, over most parts of the country, reaching into the next storm period. A reciter storm period is central on the 29th, extending front 26th to May 3rd.. On the 28th, new Moon or Moon's conjunction with Earth and :Sun, is at a total solar eclipse mode, within one day ofMoons perigee, or closest approach' to the earth on the 30113, From the date of this eclipse of the Sun, the 28th,to the, endof April, there is a_combinati.on of. astronomical causes, which is certain to. excite phenomenal disturbances in 'the' atmosphere and in the terrestrial globe. Steel Knife in the Flesh. That's the sensation ex petkeced P nby Robert. nice of Recto'', Out Be knew it was sciatica and of course used Netvihue." As usual it cured and he says : "Nr, liniment can excel Nerviline. Severe pains trade my side lame. 1't was like a steel knife running through the flesh, I,'ubbed ill lots of Nefvlliue and %vua'conipletely cored." A regular f' e u • tat snap fo r � Nerv' in to ease Sciatica and rlleutuat]ctn.It sinks into the cure of the pain, scutes it in short order, Large 25c bottles at - all dealers, bsc+'4 JvSr sref ray erselei vssee Dear Reader p a r; „r; a r9fline ypttng peope for bnlness h61Thr.:carlistowei. Beginass Cotte e o� - a1d1h o d al our to uoteedn. ogliion. n P a ,M Students ,may entre at any time r Seeing er e ti term o ns April d par- ,.. -1 U A r For Ar ticularR eddreaA P 1 EDWIN �t • Q. NIATTH4W8, prin. i'4ftwo..�1.tF-4,07.4:aayt v v„..ta9.4 llER W/N' 1/.01 s nifrs &4*Ri/3//fi MUSKRATS When you require paint for your buildings tome • nted in any quantity at the fol. lowing pvices in and ask for facts and figures about S. W,1'r;' _\Va We also carry a full stock of Sherwin-Williams BPBING5 WINTERS faints, Varnishes, Stains ant.Eaamsk—"aspecialty,S2 iIB KITTS ?ior everysurface for every purpose. 4201 35c, ' 25C, it dace sn and about the town or zoutttty home or the farm. /also pay hiohaet ecclleR file all Asher rhw tura. Conei n t solicited, Prod wee f g men n u Ileo les -Write fee my rieeti t, taken cis cash A . y P lie t, . • f31Cf J '1r F F E McDIHaId, crarsbr�ok 7'� �clibtlrnA $t., - 'torento, on*. Tenders Tenders for theooni+trnetion of the 114c(7111 - lam and Rapein Drnina in the A'ownahip or Mo. %Iliop, will be received by the undersigned up till the lith day of April, 1911, at 1 o'clock p, m. A deposit of 6% of the contract price to ac- company tender. Plana; ctc , can - be seen, at the Clerk's office. Lot 24, Con. 7, McKillop,: or atthe Council meeting atueatorth on April 8th The lowest or any tender not necessarily. accepted. M. MU1inIB Clerk, McKillop, Winthrop P. O. The People's Column FOR SALK OR TO RENT—The Eh' of Lot 2, on th lS thCOn. of the Township of Grey Apply MIF$, KELLY, Turnberry street tSuLth, Br1MHrIR COMFORTABLE BRI(;% •'HOUSE' with stable. well: Sc., and 2 acres of choice lend for Sale In the Southerly' part of Bruer sale,. Imunediate pooaesaion can be given. For further particulate apply to F. 31 Scott, Brus- sele, or JNO. MoARTBOBL Walton. P. 0. ,ARM FOR 1ALE•-The farm known nathe Shine's •fartin, is now offered for sale in order to wind up the estate... The fare, con- tain',98 acres being parte of Lots 6 & 8 in the 12th con. of Grey. 'Mostly all seeded to grass and in a state ofgood cultivation. On the farm is a good brick house end bank barn, alto a frameam b orchard, So. Property r E 1 y to be sold We ' o e worth the money. Apply 1 y to JAS. BO TZLot 4, Lion. 11, Grey, or on the premises.17 tt MRS. W M SEINE "i't'0 °BRED IoltKsEGRES either sex, at breeding age- for ante Also 2 young ehorlhorn bull,,, one of them 15t prize winner At Iirdaael5Fair JAB. SPEIR, SO, Oen. 0, Morris. Box 270 Bruasota P. 0. Phone 166 WARN FOR SALE.—The 100 acre nape,, uo, ing the property of the late Peter McNeil, Lot 211, Don. 14, Grey, is offered for sale be .the undersigned. There ere 66acres clenred,lat- hwell ltimOn bared.' the 7e them for )) IB good. bank barn, driving o and a com- fortable house. 'Plane in good enytweltfenced For urtparticularsapply oJAS. A. McNAIR or JASO, O , Exec. Morn, Cnnbtook?.O„, or F. S. allT1, Brew He1R 7.Ef FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale, his 100 titre farm. beintcLot 80. Con, 16, Grey, About 70 Berea' cleated,�balance in swamp„8aorea 18 Fall wheat. 81 acres seed- ed down, Fall plowing 5being ,done. On the Mrin is a frogt]crbank barn delving Hiked,,gnodorchRrdanddrilIalwell, Close - onffir ce; yro had school. Inc r further po particu- lars apply to 51oli E - ProprietorF $an t Brussels ' ARM FOR SALE being tg Smith Lol Morris ten'hlp, Boron oroo0o., non- 1ng 11 - acres maron less. On .the mina - (SYS ix n8 braise, bank ba rn, good Well windmill, �cAll cleared exeept about t Soto 'School di t. Only21.4 Miles from e..l acresOral) wheat Rod out oitoret, seeded' don. price,trland other information ripply he olORor itwretchg Bruesls P p. 'Phone120 Or N. S. Scott, BI•uxxels. 11.5r A, L. EMIR, Proprietor, FABM$ FOR SALE—Lotatyl and22, (:on. lit' ML%ilinpp, and Lot28on flied&.h-(rQuine•. 'ton• Luta 21 end 22 comhpoat tht' Gnrdinll 4050830111 111111 contains nbont 188 aeras, ,Ill drlr•clasa land, well fenced, Well tilt dreiteed and has 16 nervier geed hard wend. bush ; good comfortable buildinge with all modern im- provements I plentyof good spring water end a gobd Molting orotund. This le ono of the oheloestTerme in the (lollhty of Huron had will 110 f10/(1 dnf fertile to Milt pmtl'011ll ar "tot l.s.•Ontni es 72G or h aerie. waft elf smalllra 1tAa awl (up r, nya-torgand has been ler' ears Their err fen arren Of gond broil' oh 'thireit!, For further nartiruhmrt'hpply 10 AI..EX tAAUD'DIN mei, Walton P, O,, or on the premieee, , '49.3f Notice to Creditors Ill the In11(ler of the estate of Philip Peter tlulz, late of he P, uv i`p of Grey, inthe •Count f tr e), y U tlUl'Utl, fanner, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The lhcvi'«d Statutes ' 01..Otitario.' 1891, .chap-. tor, 120, 41,10, all oredttoi•o and outer', hay. Ing 01011115 agttmatthe. Salale or`tt11e raid Philip Peter bete, who died on or -about 1l, Tenth f Aliu•ch A. D. 101.1 e day 0 , 111.5 remit', ed on or before the FL tduy'of 11x0.. A, D 1911 to Head by post ' 'weenie, or deliver to 'hales Betz. )3rus'trlc? O. nr.l��� Mc$rnzie, Brueraeld P 0„ the Exerpiors of the (let erred, their lihriytian and - rnrn0a,e,, nddrri..e' and descriptions, the full partiepl,{r-of their claims • • and the nature or the aceurnty (if any) bald by • them, And further tithe notice that lifter such last mentioned- date the said Ex.outors . will to distribute di ti ,11tH th« naxtd ol^ e proceed 1 a 'e dreavin d` amongst (peer rtleH entitled thereto having regard only to a olefins r v tb ohtato hash Executors % t v xhagg II willtheofhaveiliable and that Gm said ,oran will not cc(,roan for the said rsons, a, any part thotice any been received of ived Scy them 111,'tballnot have been received by thein atthe limo of such distil Witten, Dated the 28th day- of Mauch, 1011. F S. 14001 7, 81.8 Agentforthe Executors, Notice to Creditors GI the mai ter of the ts1 3 of David Robb, late of the \c',Huge of lints- $els In the Counts 111-11tnan, Public Sehui 1 I,lapebtut, deceased • Notice is hereby elven pursuant to "Tire Re. . vised, Statutes of Option),” 1907 seethe' 80, chapter 1.1411151.1111 ereditora 1100 otbera hoe. .' tole claims against the estate of the .H id David 1404,1,, who ,,5nd ca, lir ahem thf idd, trey of Mai eh, A D, Igi 10, 14-(1111 red 011 or before the let. day or 61st', A. D. 1111,, to send hy' post, pre. paid,. or (lullvcrtdthe nnrlersigrf.,d Pxfcu tors of the deceased, Si e.sels P 0 their Christian and surnames, npdressen MO ,i rscrlpt ion' with full particulars 111 writing. of 1,11,1 11 01111111g /11111. ttntemeet of tltrlr nce"mnnta and the nature of the security lit any' held by them. And further *alto notice that taftersuch last - moutioned data the Tait/ Execute,, will pre- eeed to dlstl•iitute the ttsaeia of the deceased amongst the rattles entitled thereto,' bnvdtig regard only to tate claims ofahich they obeli then have notice, and that the.'ajd Executora will not be liable for the e,dd de.sets. or any nail thereof. to hnr person or person- or whose alhtm notioe•sbellnot 'have been 'received by therm at the time of much distribution. Dated the lath da v er March, 1011. F. S- $rOl`T.l Exeoutora. T.OTUC%,S �{+yb�yarh�.C..4V.brt ,.rLS,i lr�b�rAxi,74w�>�� Spring Term ▪ From April 3rd in the ELLIOTT Sti A Tilt Cur. You're &Alexander eta, Tornntc. iyt litrintly Flrpt•Olaai in nll Drinrf menta, r None bettor.: Tn- 'the Dominion, g �... Eul.•ys - extensive pnh•ouai;e and , grnduntea rtrodily gat .ggood posilfo11s: g • Open 01111.0 year, tnttxlogue free' Enter Now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prin. •'! .'diiY Gly 2. A aJ' 4s24rtt>a4F:a .. • F: we have Iheee nipletlrleets- Cem. D ' •r9' morcial, Shorthand and Tele- grathy, - Alt 5010 ea HIR (]hunt.'!( hh and pr,.edfeal. 111,' l fast! act Ca R done l;y. pSvc Sewn ezp,n•tcn41l inatposi positions and we Y •� place graduate., ittgood •posl Slone. "en1R -� E of 5,3,1 ree11•'aatu'fortt are 10{{, rhrnli,g ij , strop 00 )nor anlmum 0r better +K.,+ 61 Student,' are east ing each weep. 'a Thla to ngood then fm• vett to inter. WrILc fur bur trete eH tip for nE 01100 13 end arc laarn what we • ttnnd for o you. f.'i. 13;A. McL ACHLA N Principal. aL P -s , t. \`(otic Wv uY,rcJ .A 1 vile rsr - >, 14,vtvfir %';� ' A %Va". 9.A>a'Find`"Rtai .cr'aV'r+vevav 'Spring g Tiarm'from .Apr. 3 a., GENTRAL STRATF ORD SON T , + 0 a s: • ni'. •S• • • Girls • • 8 Should learn .these subjects by • which 4 hath e th Q1L1) '+o !L'1 l 1 1 a living, il. g • a Spotton Business Colleges +r are the largest trainers in Can- e ad* and n ' a, nl 'Iticdht'e, SCOUT.. • 1La reser g I i. ar the bird t.• > lattitt us. Yon ei 1 l can -• i study at home, or palely 'at ar College. T. • • xndividuan l dnstrucllo, i • + 4.. Enter .fii riy.Day. ' . + . 8 +. Wingharn • Bulsiness "1• nolle -e q4 •! • CRO.SPC7TCN, pvinctgrti • s ••••••+•+•14.11•11+••44+.1.• 1.• h� i