HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-3-23, Page 8NOW FO THE BEAUTIFUL
O11ODY eau afford to let the walla of apy room stav faded, soiled and
shabby with tate splendid valises we are offering in !etc Wall Papers,
For some time we have been bury preparing for the Wall Paper sea-
son, gad now we have reedy for shuwiug our neW hooks with a wonder
fel display.
There has been a great change, for the, better is Wall Paper designs and c,lor
ings, even since haat seasun, and we have stocked the very choicest of the new
Do not plan for your papering untilyou see our books as they are brimful of
fine suggestions.
Come in anal look over, as soon as sou can, while the stook ie complete. Some
of tite best patterns are often sold out early.
It may be a surprise at what a small cost rooms may be re -papered and made
like new,
B R.
nal ileWs tails
GET ready for a Spring tidying up.
Tits Ameutsaw mill has go' to work.
They have a big cut ahead of them this
MONTHLY Horse Fair, the last of this
season in Brussels Thursday, Aprilfrtb.
Keep the [late in mind.
Tire mill dam is still covered with ice.
A year last Sundaer
AV was the date of
the break u last
Pa t P g•
MANY complain of eggeating hens
this Spring; Sp l g The market is too good for
this as they can he fed cheaper.
THREE or four more weddings are on
the tapis. Don't ask us who they are
but get busy yourself and find Out -if
you can.
A cart of horses and settler's effects
was shipper) by Walter Lowry en 'Tues.
day of this week to Milestone. Sask.,
where Ile is interested in farm land
MILLINERY Openings iu Brussels
Wedues'iav and following days next
week The displays will be worth while
seeing. Read the announcements this
OWING to the funeral of Inspector
Robb, last Monday, the Library Board
did not meet but will convene next
Monday evening, Mr. Robb wee a
deeply interested member of 'he Board.
NEW rural tel'-phoeeshave been put in
the homes of John Oliver. '1' Rltente, A
J. Lowry, and Miss Kelly In town mak-
ing the list of subscribers within the
corporation total 103. S'ation Agent
Kyle bas taken 'phone 67 showing in the
Directory to Dr. 'Toole who renewed
Other telephones will be inserlied and
all intending subseribers ehonld hand
in their names at as early a date 04
possible so as re enable the work to be
done in the early Spring,
New CAR. -During the past week
• Walter Miller gave an order for a Ford
touring ear which will he here next
mouth from the factory. He will keep
it for his own pleasure but will also he
ready to serve the interests of the puhl'c
by placing it at their disposal for trips,
the owner being the chaffeur. As Mr,
Miller is handy about engines end other
he easily • in
ed in the auto management.
BABY DIED - The many friends of
Mrs. M It;elh•, formerly Mise Lizzie Me
Lauchlin, of Brussels, will be sorry to
hear that brew Margaret Katharine,
whom sh • had here visiting this Winter,
died on Friday, Toth inet., at Langdon,
North Dakota, aped 5 months and to
days. The little one had never been
very rugged, Mrs. Kelly and little
daughter left Brussels for their home on
March and. Sincere sympathy will be
accorded to Mr. and Mrs, Kelly in the
loss of their wee la••sie.
• ARM BADLY'INJURFD.-AbnUt 9o'clock
Tuesday morning Albert Soutar while
working about the carding machine in
the Excelsior Knitting Fartorn in town,
had his right hand caught and before it
could be relieved bis hand and forearm
were badly bruised. Fortunately no
hones were broken and we hope the in-
jured member will soon permit of his
resuming work. Mr. Soutar is an in-
dustrious, steady going employee and
we are sorry he was unfortunate enough
to meet with the accident. It is fortun-
ate the injury was no worse
thusiastic meeting of Base Ball "fans"
was held in the Council Chamber on
Thursday evening, Mathis 16th. After
an informal chat on prospect.. etc„ it
was decided to 'organize a team for the
season of tett. Following officers were
elected :-Jno Leckie, Hon. ?resident ;
J. F. Rowland, President ; Wm, A
Grewar, Vice President ; F. H Gilroy,
Sec,-Treas, ; Robt F. Downing, Mane -
ger; T. A. Hawkshaty, Captain. It was
decided to hold a Base Ball Tournament
on May c4'h and the following Commit-
tee was . named to attend to the arrange-
:-N Berr
G v W
G a R.
J. McLauchhn Robt. F. Downingand
Fred. Burchill Brussels has a historic
name for work on the diamond and
there is no reason why a lively local
team may not in toil give exhibitions of
this great old game.
on county seed and stook 'show will he
held at Clinton on 'Thursday, April 6th.
Half rates on all railways for stock to be
' tlbwn have been secured, In the horse
classes the prize list taken care of Clvdes-
dales, .Shires, Percherons, Hackneys
heavy draughts. agricultural, general
Purpose and roadsters. as well as a num-
ber of specials, such as child's turnout, '
best walking team, etc. In the cattle
olessee are included Shorthorns. Here-
fords, polled Angus, dairy and fat cattle t
and a sweepstakes First arld second
prizes of $3 and $2 each, respectively,
are offered for the best two bushel 1
samples of grain, seed and potatoes. 1
Among the special prizes is one of $fro
in gold, given by the association for the
hest heavy gray team, The hest heavy
team in harness will 'win $to in gold
presented by Wm,. Proudfoot K C., of 1
Goderich, and the heavy draught Rtal
lion awee. etakos i ort
a worth r
o 'I`I
p $ The
leg -rimed prize i i I
p z s given by George M
Hoare end T. McMichael & Son C. .
E. Dowding, of Clibten, is the Sect•e-
INJURY •1O EYE - One clay last week
luhu vv. Simmons, one of the section
hands of the Grand Trunk Railway a
Brussels, had a dere call chat might
easily have resulted in the loss of an
eve. In cutting of old bolts (artening
the steel rails together so as to permit of
new bolts beteg put in a small piece of
the metal flew with great force from the
chisel and struck Mr. Simmons in the
face, almost in the eye, causing serious
Mitre. He is making favorable pro-
r ,. but willbe i duty t off In
gfor a while.
We linbe wilt e sono
LEC fe
xt as acre t ,
h eel a position
p o
at the rtgttria of the Ontario Mu nal
Insurance Co., Waterloo,ot re v luatinss
properties iu various C.ounies up in
which they will have made loans. He
will be right in his element at this task
as he spout a number of years in simile,
work while resident in Toronto Tie
vetnating may take several months ami
will likely be commenced as soon a. -
weather and roads will permit comfort-
able getting about, Mr. Leeltie was on
the valueing staff both in Huron and
Perth appointed by the County Conn
oils of these Counties so has )tad a Mc',
and up-to-date experience.
Pon male or to rent 60 acres of land, 12th
Con, Grey. Apply to Taos NIORoLLv
BUGGY rug found Owner may have it bt
proving property and pa•ting for this notice
Q Asneaaoe, Ord line Morrie. Phone 1114.
Wong By THE DAY. -rhe undersigned is pt•. -
pared to attend to household work by the day
and will be ready to accept opening• along
this line. (Mies) EMILY .ROWARD Elizabeth
street, Brussels.
WHO SAYS [memories ARE ern GOOD 7 I have
114 hens that tared 3126 85 worth of i'ggs In one
year. Any one wir:hinw n setting of these egg.
may hove l0ma for 3190a setting. or rwo sa1-
tinga for 3i o0 Wht.te \Vyaodottea, bred by
W 14 Archer of Paisley, 31,00 per setting
White Leghorn eggs, h' cd by D. W Young.
best pen, Non ens, New York, prize winners o1
II 1 , eggs 3:00 a wiring. .ions Maanowe.
John Street. Bra -eels P. 0 Box 110.
WRITE Leghorn and Columbian Wynndnttc
eggs for hatching 31 00 Dor 15. Al.o n few Int -
Inc Old English White game for intent bargain
prices JAS. BALLANTYND, Brussels.
NOTICE TO DKnmoas.—All persons indeht. d
to R Leatherrlale, Brussels, are asked to kind-
ly square off thn accounts b,fnre the close of
March After that date those remaining m,
aid w111 e
p I laced ht nthei 1
P ;Ands for cull«
time. I wick to avoid Chic he iso this notice
CLOVER and Timothy seed Government
kande' d, at MCCRACKEN a
COM9oRTADLE 'louse to rent apply to Mrs.
Parker, Princess street, Brussels.
MISSES' and children's sewing done at home.
Is your saws do not out fast end easy will
and see T. McGregor', Pruslela..
Comt'oam,nce house and ys sore lot for sale
ata bai'gaiti. Fruit, good water and A t ;:ani-
munity. For further particulars ask at Tee
POST. 11
OnMaoemABLE house to rent. Apply et Wm.
Osmeer's shoeshop, Brussels. tf.
House 01 Refuge Committee of the
County Council met at Clinton up
March 7th. All the members weer
present. Building was inspected and
the Com mittee expressed itself as pleased
with the management. There are al
inmates at the piesent time. Two tee
ders for bread supply were received and
the tender ot W. H. Agnew for either
whi'e or brown meed at $5.75 per cwt..
was accepted The quarterly accounts,
amounting to $1,484.79, were audited
and urdened to be pied The account of
Hoover and Ball for $35 for the burial
of Mrs. Wallace, was ordered settled
This amount was left in crust with the
County for this purpose. The Com
mittee considered the application of
Mrs. F. Bliss, to have her father and
mother, who are aged residents of Hul
lett, admitted to the House, Reeve
Leiper, of Hullelt, was present and gave
information respecting the case. The
Clerk was, Instructed to write to Mrs.
Bliss, telling her that it will be necessary
to meet and confer with John Torrance,
iuspectut• of the Haase of Refuge, who
is asked to d ACL as It thinks proper
ale sant weather mai
her Rud broads,
, ad about
too ladies assembled in the Carnegie
Ltbrery audience room, Friday. March
1711), where Brussels Branch of Wom
en's Institute held its regular monthly
meeting. After devotional opening ex
ereises once business part were conclnd•
ed, Mrs (Dr.) Oaten was introduced
and gave an instructive and deeply in-
teresting address on "'1'lie White Slave
'Traffic," Mrs. Oaten is a pleasing
fluent speaker, thoroughly master of het
subject and these who were privileged
to hear her will never forget her dis
course on this theme and the strong ap-
peal site made to mothers at the close
This subject appeals strottgty to the
emotional side of one's nature, but in
Mrs. Oaten's presentation of it, which
ook al out one hour's time, there was
no striving after effect, es she told of its
extent, cause and means to be used for
ts suppression The sleeting was en
ivened :at&Mere nt stages be instrument-
al duet by Mrs 'Thomson and Miss Mc
Lauchlin ; solo by 'Hiss Marjory Strach-
an ; instrumental by Misa Bryans and
t'eoltatinn by Miss Alice Wilton. The
adies of the Institute served a liberal
supply of confectionery at the close A
n I
centred wee of thanks lilt lks v c
s WAR IR. Berl to
0's Oaten for her splendid adilrb•ess
end s reeolution of st'ntpathy to Mea D
Rnbh in Onunectintl with the demise of
her highly esteemed husband,
The Beet Servant 1 is a Strong
of the Farmer 1 Chartered Bank
The Metropolitan Bank i
Makes a Specialty of the business of Farmer's
and extends to them most Reasonable Terms,
Every Department of Banking is Conducted
Drafts and Money Orders issued at Reasonable Rates
„,Tss'the advettisements in THE PosT.
A VANE span of heavy draft horses was
sold this week to Thos. Habkirk, Sea -
forth, for his dray, by J. H. Galbraith,
the well known horse dealer Brussels.
INTERESTING letters from James
Smillie, of Watton and Mrs. Jennie
Tufts from Florida, with other interest-
ing matter are to band which will appear
In due course.
HAD LANGUAGE. -Complaint has been
made, by people who occasionally have
business at the G. T. R. depot here,
over the profanity used by some of the
freight train crews. If it is persisted in
a lesson may be taught them before a
Magistrate. The public do not have to
listeu tosuch language as is used by
o these viletil
mon edR encs
Whoever bas v r_ to do with the conduct of
these men from a railroad standpoint
should get busy.
Huron '1'eacners' Association was plan.
Ding for a Banquet on the first evening
of their Association Convention, to be
held at Brussels, ou May eth and 5th, at
which an engrossed address, probably
accompanied by a gift, was to have been
preseuted to Iuspeotor Robb as a testi-
monial from those uninediately interest-
ed on his retirement from office and as
a recoguttioo of his st years of spleudid
service. His unexpected demise has
more acutely touched the Association on
accouut of Ole anticipated pleasure that
Was gulag to be afforded the donors and
wilich we believe would have been nu
less appreciated by the late Mr, Robb
who looked upon the teachers in his ID
epeetorate muco as a kind parent would
regard the members of his family. 'The
officers ot the Association deserve credit
fur the kindly and well deserved tribute
into they purposed payiug to an officla.
beloved and honored by all.
ut Calvio, met witu aslightacccideut
to his knee by slipping on the ice lately.
Archie is the same cheery Scot as of
yore. -Duncan Sitters, of Calvin, was
threatened with a bad attack of rbeuma•
tism and went to the Twin City Sana-
torium to break up the conspiracy. -
Adam Rled, Deputy Auditor, has return-
ed from the Springs, at Mt. Clemens,
Mich,. greatly improved in health, his
trouble being rheumatism- He also
visited in Eastern Ontario. - C. P.
Lunde. head agent tor the State in
Singer sewing machines, was up check-
ugover Ageut Thos. Dunford's busi-
iless also asslsti
. mg m the closing up of
some -big deals. He states the busines
dune by agent Duuford in Cavalier Co.,
has a lead over that shown by any
County in the Northern part of the
Mate. -Archie Sitters, jr., the Calvin
bsuker. and who is Cashier of that hn
stilutlon, was visiting in Langdon re
ceutl y.- At Wallballa, the Potato Co ,
stepped a Lumber ot cars of "spuds” to
Kansas, Miss., fur seed. ' In the South
thestam Da or North seed ie beiug greatly
tecogutzed as a tactor to success.
yloudsy atteruuun, amid many deep re-
grets, the remains of the late Inspector
David Robb were laid to rest iu the
family plot in Clinton cemetery. Funer-
al service was held at the femily resi-
dence here at t o'clock, conducted by
Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A.. deceased's
pester, assisted by Rev. Mr. Cameron,
of St. John's church. and Rev. Dr
Oaten, of the Methodist denomioatioo.
The Masonic ceremony was in charge of
M. Black, acting Master. Pallbearers
were A, C. Dames, Wm. Gilles-
pie, Jno. Ferguson, Jno. Hewitt,
James Shurne and R. McDonald,
brother Masons. Beautiful floral tributes
were placed upon the casket from the
teachers and School Board ; St. John's
Lodge ; Women's Institute and H. and
Mrs. James, all of Brussels ; East Huron
'Teachers' Association ; Public School.
Board and Companions of Mallo,:b
Chapter No. 66, of Seeforlh. Ac-
companied by Misses Victoria and
Laura Ryder, nieces, of Kingston ; Miss
Addie Robb, adopted daughter ; J. C.
Tuck, brother-in-law, and D. and Mrs.
Como, the latter a sister-in-law, of
Blyth, mourners, o ars and fifteen other
m u
residents,viz z -
Reeve Leckie Clerk
Scot, D C. Ross Chairman of School
Board, 1) Walker J. F, Rowland, A.
Bishop, J. Cunningham, A. Currie and
W. H. Kerr the afternoon train convey-
onveyed the company to Clinton where they
were met by a large contingent of
Masons and the march taken to the
cemetery. Rev. Dr. Stewart officiated
at the grave side and the fine burial set,
vice of the Order was in charge of E. M.
McLean and Mayor Taylor. 'There were
70 members in the march, represeuta-
atives being present from Brussels,
Wingham, Blyth, Londesboro' Seaforth,
Hensel' and other places. Warden
Geiger represented the Co. Council.
Lunch wRS thoughtfully served in Clin-
ton Lodge room to the visitor's on return
from the cemetery, enabling them to
catch the evening trains homeward.
Brussels contingent drove from Bel -
grave so es to reach home Monday
night. It was thought at one time that
a special train would convey them from.
Wingham but the exorbitant guarantee
of $77 oo demanded by the G, 'T. R. for
'he re mile 'trip prohibited this, to
the dlsappointtnent of the many
who proposed going to Clinton.
Wingham School Board met the train
at that townn0'
H 1 expressed their regrets
anri sympathy Over the demise of Mr.
12ohb, Mrs Robb and other relatives
are deeply sympathised with in their
Church Chimes
Last Sabbath evening Rev. Dr.
Oaten took as his subject "The authori
ty of Christ."
The subjects to be discussed in the
Methodist church on Sunday by the
Pastor are a a. m , "The Connexional
ism of the Gospel" and 7 p. m„ "The
modern man in modern business."
People Wo Talk About
Barrister Sinclair was at Stratford
Monday last,
Mrs. Jno: Couslevis visiting Mrs A
Somers, T
th con
PMrs. Jno.Dunran has been visiting
relatives in
Guelph for Pe a couple of
Wms. grid Mrs, McKelvey wereholiday
ing with friends at Blyth during the
past week.
Mrs. W. H. Pryne is back home after
a visit of a few weeks with her daughter
at Newbury.
James Anderson, V. S., of Tavistock,
wforas a callingfewdayson', relatives and old friends
Janes Cattnach, of Fordwfch, .well
known to many Brusselites, was in town'
calling on old friends.
J. C. Calder, of Innisfail, Sask , was a
visitor in town last week. He is enm
oured with the West,
Miss Jean. Barrows, of Leadburv,
spent a few days with Mrs R. Holmes
this week. She is a cousin.
Mrs (Dr) Oaten spent Monday and
I'uesday of this week in Wingham.
She attended a Missionary gathering.
Dauiel McLauchlan, who spent the
Winter here, has returned to the Wesr
where he will be engaged for the coming
Alex, McKelvey has returned to the
West, after spending the Winter with
his parents, W. and Mrs. McKelvey,
Princess street, Brussels
1, A. Hunter and bride arrived home
from their wedding trip last Montle'
evening. They have taken up resi
dence with Mrs. Maunders, Turnberry
Misses Victoria and Laura Ryder. of
Kingston, nieces of the late Inspector
Robb, came to attend the funeral.
'rheic mother is Mr. Robb's surviving
Mrs Thos. Nicholls.Hrs. W. E.
Duncan and daughter
rei r
to town Satnrday night. Mr, Dun
can is now in Clinton where be bas a
tonsorial parlor.
Mrs. john H. Galbraith was visiting
Mrs, Frank Mantle at St. Thomas,
Formerly of Brussels, for a week. Our
formor citizens are well pleased with
their hew home,
Baxter McArter, of Blyth, well knowp
in town; has bought Jackson Bros
photo business in Seaforth and is now
in possession. He will do well no doubt
as he is a fine artist.
We are sorry to hear that Charlie
Richards is laid aside from hie usual
activities on account of an attack of a-
cute rheumatism. Many friends wish
him speedy recovery.
Reeve Leckie was at Goderich last
'Tuesday doing duty on a Committee
appointed by the Co Council to deal
with school grants Report is to be
made at June session,
David Tomlinson and family, of
Monkton locality, have taken up resi-
dence on William street, Brusceis. A
daughter is married to R McKay. 4th
von, of Grey township. We welcome
them to town.
Dr Hossack, of Innerkip, was here
last Friday. his visit being occasioned by
the serious illness of his nephew, Archie
Ballantyne, Queen street. The patient
The Standard Bank of Canada
Head Office: TORONTO Bak n g
Record of Business as at 31st January, 1911 ® '•
Gold, Silver and Govern-
ment Notes • . $3,084,584.35
Due by Banks - 1,503,928.93
Government and other Bonds 2,910,243.84
X.oana on Cal and Bills
Discounted - • 24,994,653;09
Government Deposit to
secure Circulation 100,000.00
Bank Premises . 877,905.32
Other Assets . . 151,052.81
Capital paid up $2,000,000.00
Reserve Fund
and Profits . 2,818,558,69
Notes in Circulation • 1,987,102.00
Deposits - . 26,413,503,17
Due to Banks • 370,148.28
Dividends, s 00,018.00
' Dividends on paid up Capital -Twelve per cent. per annum. I
Toronto, 31st'
January. 1911,` GEO. Y. SCHOLFI);LD,
General Manager.
Little Jack Oliver, who has been so
seriously 111, shows someinlprovemeut.
but is not beyond what might be called
a somewhat critical condition yet,
J. A. Rowland, manager ot the
Traders Bank, at Tavistock, spent
Sunday at the home of his brother,.) F.
Rowland, of the Standard Bank. Brus-
R. W. 'ruck and daughters, Misses
Cora, Gertrude and. Dolly, of Toronto,
were here owing to the decease of the
gate Inspector Robb. Mrs. Robb is a
sister to Mr. Tuck, The latter was a
former resident.
Edwin T. Adams jeweller, who was
in business in Bytb, has decided to open.
up a shop, in Lucknow and has leased
etrg able premises. roues Mr. Adams lams is well
Posted in his business nod- will makes
desirable 'rec,deu
Another operation was performed
last week on Velma Lowry, affording
her considerable relief, and she is put-
ting up a great fight for restoration to
health which we hope will prove suc-
cessful. It 15 7 weeks since she took ill.
Miss Mary L. Oliver and her sister,
l4rs. McKtnnon, of Winnipeg, are en-
joying a visit with friends in Toronto
tor a. couple of weeks, Mrs. McKinnon
Is much benefitted in her health by her
stay at Clifton Springs, N. Y., we are
pleased to state. -
MILLna-WILso0: In Elms, on March 22nd,
by Rev. Mr. Amos, of Atwood, Mr. Thos.
Meller, of Morrie township. to Mies Maud
Yuree Pnoo)Kf,-At the' esidenee not the
bride's parents, on March 150, by Rev. J
.1. Darrant, Mr. Joseph Yuill to Mise Mabel,.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Procter,
all of Morrie township.
ABTKLL: In Morrie.towneh(p, on March 21st,
. Wm. Henry, eon of Robt. and Mrs, detail,
of Nutans, Sask., aged 4 years.
KEur c. -In .Langdon, North Dakota, U. S., on
March 1001, Margaret Katherine, daughter'
of Mr -and Mrs. Kelly, aged •5 months and
10 days.
NANpa1160N.-In Bowick On March 17th, Jos.
Sanderson, aged 76 years.
TAYLOR. -In West Wawanosh, on March 17th,
John 13. Taylor, In his 88rd year.
Tummy MAeon, meg.-Farm. stock, 1m-
olements, &o., North 33 Lot 19, Con. 7. Morris.
onto unreserved at 1 p. in. Jas. Kernnghan,
Prop. F. S. Scott, Anti. - -
Hogs .......
Wool ..
39 29
8 00
30 70
8 900
The People's Column
SEED BARLEY.-Mancehearl variety seed
barley for Sale Apply at Lot 8, Con. 9,
'Phone 2811. Brussels P.0,
OTTER HEED pEAY lor'sale, 31 0 aper
e bushel• Lot 0, 005 17, Gr',y township..
Telephone No 8710: WM PEPPER,
50•tf Walton P. 0.
ICOR .SALE OR TO RENT -The E3(, of Lot 2.
on on the 120h Cor of the Township of Grey.
Apply to MRS. KELLY, Turnberry street
South, Brunelle. . .
PTGS FOR RALE -Thr undersigned has for
. sale on Lot 71. Con 12. Grey, 5 well bred
young Yorkshire SOWS bred from a problio.
strain and all 'are In pi Also 4 choice sows
1 litters ft
With t0' at or will Selly n sep-
arate gNI' .eP
areae reek, red Apply to J. P. MaZ 50-10
Ornnbrook. Phone.288 88-tf
AT A BARGAIN. -Witt dispose of cottage,
Elisabeth street, Brussels. at 3860, a great
bsrgntn. in order to semi re quick sale, Key
may belied from Mr. J. Leakie For farther
i• somewhat fro roved but is still con- p tieulere see Mr, Leckie or write the under -
proved si sed. J. CAMERON,
fined to bed, 10 St. George St., London.
For. Service
The undersigned will )veep for nervico on Lot
I9, Con. 10, °rev, a there' bred Berkshire hn-g,
with registered pedigree, purchased iron W.
W. Brow Mid ge, of Georgetown. Terms 81.00,.
with privilege of returning If neressary. .
,1NO, BROWN, Proprietor
Phone 2414. , Ethel 13. 0.
Will sellvonn t i r '
n (t 4 0 o baste Berkshire hog
at s reasonable price, also eastern'youngg b brood
BOWS. 88.10
0 48
s We have been making 1100'131tk- o
e ing Powtierfor several years and
have yet to hero' et complaint 1'e- 8
• garditig it, Thele are three et
A good gilulitios that combine to
e give 11118 result, First -Itisa
'yule Dream Tartar Balling Pow-
der ; 2nd -It is always freshly
made ; Se'd-Tho price, 251 per
lb., makes 11 exceptionally gond
• vtt)''e. • Tt'y it and become one
of our regular Baking Powder
'• customers
oeAT 0 •
Drug a
e 0
4411801149•••••••••e•m •mefteow:a
Spring 1911 Spring 1911
Millinery Opening
At T.'•
Belmont Millinery Parlors
m tllllelner Pa0'or°s
E have muchleasure in informingyou that
our'Sp ring Millinery Opening will be held
Tuesday & March 29th & 30th
to which we cordially invite the Ladies of Brussels
and surrounding. countrYy. . We have all the very
newest ideas and a choice assortment of the latest
Novelties in this season's headwear, including dainty
Hand -made Toques. stylish Turbans and large
Dress Hats. Remember the dates, March 29th and 30th.
E. I N M A N, Holmes Block, Brussels
.-•.i••.;-•,.04..a-wv,1,•.}.•+•+•+•+,1••••••i••d••i4•di+••F••No•h•+•d•• •
at TorontoM illinery Parlors
i'.Wednesday, Mar. 2 aeowing •••
. Days ••
to ovv
sa s■a air _- vr i. , r , ,. ..• ,• .. •.
.t Brussels and vicinity everything 'F'
Y g new
in Ladies' Hardware- including
the -
4. Helmet, Glengarry and Caroline' o
• Reboux Hat, also' a full display of .large Dress •
Hats. A cordial invitation is extended to all. w
Prices Moderate. •
.p •
•'l'•••• ••••6•••••••••••+•••••+••••6•••1••••••4•••••••••+• '
M-isses Sanderson
Richards Block
• ss•••i••••4►...,••••••• ••• 0.1•e0•N••600 G+04e66H9••• o
Its Spring Now in the noa
p gStore e matter • nrhat t)he Beath -e0' is out idtr •
•N•ow . s the Time to Order.
Not manyDents io our Stock
yet o
You have a chance to select that New Spring Suit
from the greatest selection of stock in town.
Nothing Brighter
Nothingmore Up-to-date
No more Skilled Workmanahi
Suits from $2o up made to your
measure and
ua antee
Inspect our stock
and be convinced.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
D. . • i