HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-3-23, Page 6Hints for Busy Housekeepers.
here pea and Other ypluable Informatte*
of Par;!solar )reereeat to Women Folks,
THE CRO'lVN1Nt1 01!' GEOR64 V.
I W/v.14,1W ou a Sealo Never Before
Al tempted itt r4
FAVOR -ME ItECIPES, Peach Butter, -'To make peach' L'Orenatiott.
Cheese En Surprise, -••The follow- butter oat of dried peaches: Stew,
Ing recipe will be foetid most ap. he peaches until Perfectly tender Sinee the beginning of winter the
peti ing when served at ones din- and leash with a potato masher; chief fnnctiouaniee of the British
Aar in place of the usual Rochefort, acid two cups of sugar to one pound court have been busily absorbed
eroutOhatel, or Oanaembcrt; orad of peaches and stew until of the with prepartioua for the coronation
will prove extremely tasty fun tiro desired consistency. Add cinnamon of George V., •whioh will sur sass in.
lithe midnight lunches. A little if dashed. This analtes a goof[ rich pagontey'aud in historical interest
time and patience are required in butter, is inexpensive, and easily all former ceremonials of:the char -
preparing it, and to some it :nay made. . actor, While the ceremonyof
Teem a trifle expensive, but Boiled Dinner. -To save time erownin .the KingandQueen in
roe an propat'e enough to serve when making a boiled dinner slice Westminster Abben Janne 22 will
pix people at a cost of about 40 the corned beef and put it into a be almost identical in form with
tents, Mix theroughly together ilz large kettle, let simmer for an that of which has been followed in
a bowl sae 1U Gent cake of fresh hour, then add small turnips, car- the investiture of British sovereigns
„meal, ehoese with one-gnartor. of a tots, and potatoes. Cut cabbage since William 1V, and Queen Agcie-
poenel of Roebefeet. Add a pinch intouarters and place on top, Let laide, the auxiliary functions are
re salt, a little popper, a dish of all simmerdome until do, Boil the expected to exceed fn pagentry and
paprika, a acaazt tab.lespuunful of beets sepaz•ately in their skins; this megniijeence'anything that the na-
Woecestersbire sauce, a lump of keeps them from bleeding. When tion has witnessed in the past,
butter, and 0 tablespoonful of thick done ,peel and add them to other writes a London correspondent.
reel ea'eiam. Ilse one 53•.0.00 and 0310 vegetables for a few minutes. The These will include the progress
red popper (see that these are Bran result will be a nicely flavored din- of the court through London on the
and fresh) and take hall of the green ner, - day afterthe coronation, and a vis -
popper and about two-thirds of the Raisin Hint. -When seeding rai.: it to :the Guild Hall, with a, recap-
red, and with 0 10 cent bottle of 'sine rub:a little butter on the knife tion of the King and Queen by the
olives. (tweed elm, axe also eke fur gid lingers. This prevents stick- city authorities, a great naval re-
ads purpose), mince all finely to, ing and enables ane to get along view, a gala performance at the
gather, and stir this mixture into much more rapidly. opera with minor celebrations and
the cheese, .seeing that it evenly Quick Rising feast, -Boil six ,pa -gents, among which' will be a
scattered tbroughout the cheese. medium size potatoes in enough •"festival of empire" at the ;Crystal
Take the whule and form in mound water to halo two quarts when Palace,
eleises upon an attractive cheese •done. Heve ready three table- Business men and transportation
dish; ibeu tate the remaining half spoons of salt, one tablespoon of companies count on an influx of
of the grueu pepper and cut in uni- flour made smooth with a little cold' something approaching 2,000,000
form atrips, and garnish four sides water, and when potatoes have visitors to London during the Coro-
of cheese. Take rest of red pep- boiled long 'enough to mash fine nation season. A considerable; pro-
per, tut in star shape and place on pour over the above while hot. portion of these will be foreigners,
top. Wiese finished put immediate- When cold add one yeast Americans and colonials probably
Is, in the ic+e box and leave there cnkc that has been previously soak- predominating. Hotels are receiv-
until served. To those who are ed anei let all stand about twelve ing many orders kr accommoda
find of cheese this will be a treat. hours. Oue quart of this makes tions, but expect to bo able to cope.
lisealloped Chiekezt,-Boil large, four loaves, with the invasion. The best places
tender chicken until done, remora are being reserved for the regular
skin and gristle, and chop meat. NUTS. patrons, and managers say that
Butter a large disk, put is layer of Nut Cookies. - Beat four eggs prices for the coronation week will
pounded crackers in the bottom, light, add one and one-half cups of not be more than double the regu- Israel and Judah. Over and above their already enormous school turn for the table. It has roastect
of butter, and moisten sugar, agent two cups of iioua sift- lar rates for the best hotels. Board -all there ruled the God of hosts, buildings. apples on the trees and corn on he-
add bits
with 010310. On this put a layer of ed midi half -a teaspoon each of salt ing housekeepers are likely to be FRENCHMAN AND HIS TUTOR. turning battles"whichever way:he A fine specimen of beaver- was stalk, and has struck potato vines;.
chicken, season with white pepper, and baking powder, and one and less' reasonable in charges to visi- . Franchman - "$a m ood chose, ga>anting peace and plenty to seen the other day in the Assini- and cooked the tubers into the very
salt, grated onion peel and nutmeg, °ne-halt cups chopped nut meats. tors who have ngt made arrange- friend, I have met with one difficuI- the.' kings who followed him in par- boime river within the.citylimits of ground, and. "they were eaten and:,;
bits of butter, and a few chopped Deep by teaspoonfuls on greased ments for accommodations in ad ty-one very .strange word. $ow. ity and' truth, overthrowing the Winnipeg. • partaken of and pronounced good."
oysters- Put over this more of the floured pans, place half nut an each ranee. 7 do you call h -o -u -g -h " worship of idols, teaching strange St: Boniface College, Winnipeg, NOTHING FASTER:
cracker, butter and cream, and then and bake slowly. ERECTING STANDS. , and wonderful lessons through his has lined upin favor of a
a layer of chicken. Cover topwith 3 Tutor -''Huff." g previa- According to Clark Maxwell sun --
i Nut Bread. -Two cups of grahamThere is every indication that the Fr. -"Tres Bien -huff; and snuff mighty works, permitting his pro- crab university with degree confer- light travels at the rate of 187,000+
the crackers end butter. 'Sake in flour, ane and one-half cups of white erection of the stands for witness- you spell' s -n -o -u -g -h -ha 1". Phots to perform miracles in his ring powers. miles a second, but Clark did not,
hot oven over half hour, flour, two cups of sweet milli, one ing, the procession to the abbey, and Tutor -"Oh, no; snuff is name, . and taking his faithful ser- Penticton, B.C., estimators that it inform a listening 'world that soma
cup of sugar. one rounding teaspoon the progress through London will s -n -u double -f. The fact is, words vent into heaven in a chariot of fire will receive a revenue of $8,250 a lightning is .faster than 187,000.
FTSH, baking powder, one teaspoon of be on a scale more extensive than .ending in 'ough' are a little irre- on a whirlwind. We have come to year from its electric Iht and Lightning, not sunlight, is the fast-
Boiled Trout -•-Take a good sized salt, ane -half cup of pecan nut far the Coronation 01 Ring Edward gulag." understand more of God's dealings power plant. The cost of isaintain- est thing in the universe_
trout, clean and las- in scat water meats broken. Bake one hoar in in 1803. Owners and tenants are Fr. -"Ab, ver' good. 'Tis beau- with men through the history of ing the plant will be $8,01l a year. Onething more; lightning has
i for half hour ; take out and boil in moderate ovenasking the highest prices ever quot- tiful language. H -o -n -g -h is huff, such kings as Jeroboam, Rheoboam, Old timers around Wapr(la., Sas- made ships go crazy and caused
clear water in a cloth for one hour;ed for building sites and windows. Twill remember; and e -o -u -g -h, Asa, Omri, Jahosaphat. and Ahab, katchewan,, agree that ±11 is is the shipwrecks by mildly throwing the
turn out on planter while fish is WORTH KNOWING. Rates to the ordinary applicants: ctaff. T have one bad cuff -ha 1" and through the teachings of their most difficult winter for grain haul -compass off only' a point or two.
boiling,. Make the sauce as fel- fur seats, which usually are Held at Tutor -"No, that is wrong; we prophets Elijah end Elisha.. ing that they have experienced Some old salts do not know this,
lows ;Fry 000 smell onion in but- A mirror should never be hong tate highest 50151010 mark until a say tariff, not cuff." If we can remember the lessons since to the country, else they would be using it for ex -
ter until light brown ; strain one where the sort shines directly upon few days before the event; are apt Pr. -"Lauf --eh bien. Huff and for to -day learned from the lessons! C. \= 1 of the Wisconsin cases, thus getting that many more
can tomatoes and put in a stew tit. The mercury spread on the glass to go clown with a rush on the eve katff; and how do you call d -o -u -g -h of long ago and have .planted the Bridge ::: ! . Co.,1 tiles aukee and drunks and sleeps, for if anything
pan; add the onionand pepper find lto form a looking -glass is soon of the coronation when speculators `-duff, ha!" truth they hold in our hearts, we Chio0gu; Gently in Loth- !vent wrong they could lay it to the
salt end sumo chopped parsley; let ruined by exposure to rays of the
find they have fr.iglttenGd away the Tutor -"No, not duff.'' shall not have spent those months bridge pl+t�.:,5 .tachinery contracts lightning.
� aenm�ingkefrom pour over and god way to wash bottles or de stn "Not datf hq ?+ oui, I un in vain, with the different coal companies.
A oDr. Davidson, the present 3>=ch• y Let the teacher test the class by Cutting has stopped in the leg-
serve, y vinegar cruets is to put crushed egg bishop of Canterbury, will officiate Tutor -"No; d -o -u -g -h spells giving the aim of the different les -
camps north of Prince Albert WISE SAYINGS.
Creamed Fish, -C ut in pieces two shells and warm soapy water to- - dee.sons and encouraging the pupils to and the men are all busy hauling.
in the abbe m succession to theIt is not aur bitter enemies who
and ane -half or three pounds fresh!getiier in them and shake well, This aged Archbishop Temple, who Fr.--"Doe1 It vete ,fine ; won -tell in their own language the story Thls.promrses to be a good year for
fist). and four medium sized onions. i will clean the glass well and will pclerful language;it is doe and that aceom safes. For example, a largo cut. do us the most harm; it is our bit
crowned ]Ling Edeard, The recent- p „ter friends.
Adel large handful salt card five bay not scratch it. ly appointed clean of Westminster t o -u -g -h is toe, ecrta'nement. My the teacher may say : "In one of Ah Yen died in Chilliwack, B.C.,
leaves, Cover with boiling water l Don't make the mistake of using Dr, Ryle, who is at present bi.hoi' beefsteak was ver' toe." our lessons we learned that the trues from asthma. His mourners buried: Man is the Lord of Creation; wo-
and boil fish five to ten minutes. cream cheese just sir for sandwiches. of �t°ichster, will asist the arch- '•Tutor-r`Oh, no, no! You should worship of our hearts is what God him with Chinese honors, covering man, the Lady el Recreation,
Para -
When .fish is done, drain off water Add to it a minced reel pepper or s r say tuff:" would have from us to -day. Can his grave with rice and roast chick Life is like walking through Irara-
bishop in placing the imperial mete disc with r
end lift fish out with a fork.. Then ;omen juice or nuts or lemon niece ler .-"Tuff ? and the thingthe anyone tell in his own words the en and semsttey. !tsar in your shoes.
tie and rail of clods of golden theThis is the age
pat the following sauce in dish-and;or seine seasoning which will add Ring's shouldeas. This mantle is fanner uses, bow you call him lesson through which we learned
ill-bred.g of the well-fed
boil: Two and one-half cupfuls to its deliciousness. being embroidered at the Royal p -1 -o -a -g -h, pluff? Hal you smile. this truth?" The response should CRUSH Nil HIM.
milk, one hetiping tablespoonful If potatoes are overboiled, the School of Art Needlework. I see I am wrong. It is plauf. No?' be, "Elijah's Victory over the Pro- «e say nothing but good of the.
foul; one heaping teaspoonful sn- best thing to do is to draw, leave. r Ah, then it is pies, like doe; it is pliets of Baal." Bnt if there should "How ,aril you want your hair .dead, for we have exhausted 'our
gar, one teaspoonful salt, one-half �theln 10 the an stand it over the From the end of this monti, to beautiful language, ver' fine not be an immediate response; the cut, sir? said the talkative hair- stock of evil of chem when they
teaspoonful popper, one-quarter fixe without the lid arad stir briskly the eorynation, Westminster Abbey pies," pu cls ma lie led to remeinber the diesser to the maxi in the chair, wereaivieg. It is a relief no longer.
teaspuonfrr] allspice, ti of knife fur 0 minute or two. Then acid a will:be dosed to visitors, whale Tatar -"Tau are still wren m lesson if ythe teacher notes the • "mines •
Conversational prolix- to have to strain our ill -nature,
:laves, and largopiece of butter little butter and serve as smashed workmen are engaged preparing the : friend; it is plow," �� Y Golden Text, "Choose you this day ity replied the patient. All who have made a noise in the
ize of 00 egg. Last fold ewe table:_ potatoes. building for the ceremony. Galles- Fr.- "Plow ! Wonderful Iangu- whole j e will serve." The teaches. „How s that, sir? world have had the little dogs bark
apnutifuls vinegar. Let this boil Boiled pot oes are an excellent fes for the peers will be .elected iu ago; but I think I have had what might beg n : "It fuss at Mount Car
'With narrations."
arrataated or totally eh: at their !feels.
incl put fish ie and let buil a Ecru substitute for soap when the Banda the north transept, and for peer- r>on 0311 a -n-0 a -g -h for this time; mel, and there •was gathered. a minatecl narrations. The fool succeeds where the wise
ninutes ion er. have become soiled by contact with eases in the south, and especial ac- "I ing, don't quite catchyour man fails,for the former generally
g pots and ins. Potato commochetion for other official class• so good morning."company of priests of Baal on the meaning, sir." g Y
blackened p a one side, and a single. lonely, „ has the courage of his folly; the
water should besides, be kept Inc es, the seating capacity of the abbey g With quiseent mandibelers." latter, the fear of his wisdom,
being about 30,000. Special chairs BRITAIN'S TAXES. white-haired prophet on the other eleesee e, Lave- A sentiment we all enter-
reuoetteng silk.side. There were five altars ready
White Cake. -Cream three cups To kill lice on any feathery plant, upholstered in sick with the royal Lloyd -George's. Budget Results in for the sacrifice—" When she has "Without effervescent verges- rain for ourselves, and occasionally
of sugar with one cup of butter, such ee small ivy and the like. make
arms, will be provided, as at theone thus far, some pupil will sure- „ imagine ether entertain For us,
acid one cu of cnrnstu.roh, nue 0u ti peper 00130 to cover the lent and ]31st eorcnataon, and those lrh+, Over $111,000,000 Surplus. gSir? We insist that "money is the root
atilt whites of twelve eggs,p burn smallquantity Of snl.hur occupy them may purchase them at The burden of taxation is this. ly be ready to go with the story. Leg diminutive colloquy be con- of all evil," and behave as if it
andpWrite out the Aims in each les -sae"
three cups of flour, with three 'tea- under the cone. A pinch of sulphur cast prices for souvenirs. year reaching a height never beforep nous by its' absence. were the soureq of all good,
spoonfuls of bakin ,powder, Fla- will visually kill all lice. experienced in Great Britain. son either on the blackboard 'or on The hairdresser scratched his Genius is a combination of aspir-
F CARPET FOR THE NAVE. This is the situation revealed by .tablets if the lesson is taught in head thoughtfully for a second and alien and inspiration.'
rur with vn.nilla and bake in hick Suet melted down in the oven A splendid pale carpet strik- the remarkable figures showing the individual classes and have the then went over to the proprietor We generally turn .
layers, Filling: Boil until thick and put into jars will keep for ariy P p pe of b e read all the' Aims. of the rho with the whispered
g Y t x the sunny side
trig design to tUPer the entire nave state of the national exnhequer ,pupilsp spered re- ,ofour character towards the pub -
the yolks of five eggs and one and length of time ant! is much easter'. published in the London Gazette. e If there is time, it might lic; the shadyside-towards home.
n• half cups of sugar and a Half cu to chop upif tieated'in this way. ,'s being woven. Royal !fine will be 1? Prove mark:-
3 The. show that u
of milk; take from lire and: 1one p' _e i 6he fonn<latton solar. The otnaiten. Y p to February 11 helpful to have the pupils restate'1 don't know whether the gen- Were the process reversed, life
td Puddings will keep ep bottei F made tntio.n will include emblems, the revenue collected amounted to as many of the Aims as they can in aleman is my chair is mad or fa a could be m t
„up each of 0li<ippeci. Hatt meats and with suet that has bcrii inelted an lc s, Ordei toh snore happy than it
of the Garter and other heraldm 027,923,540, a net increase of $111,- their own words. foreigner,
at Peas!
find out what .is.
ta]siiis. When caul spread between the oven. devices witlt.the pattern on a scale year. Teach in closing the text ler this he wants." $otv generous we fee] towards.
layers. •To remove grease fa'um kitchen 646,530 over that of, last e
Walnut Cake.--Tw� eggsthat will match only once in each The position at the moment is lesson, impre's'ng ft as muds as The proprietor went to the wait- others when we want something:
Tee: betwo- ,f l i la Trig them wolf with the rind 20 feet. Several of the highest of- that Lloyd -George has received es,- possible as a vital lesson for 10.110y. ing customer and said. politelyourselves l
Illi31'01!, 3310 cup of tthite sugar, tw:o- of limens (after rho beer.; has been
thirds i sfinials, including Court of Claims, ery penny of the increased revetiuc Sing dttrnag the review Let:ker's ''My iaiai, rl€,ra0't seers to under- Pit cleverness against character
s et p our crcarat, one tea-: used) dipped in hot water, .Brags have 'been satin in solemn con• he expected, and in addition $i6; hymn, "A tiff lit Fentress Is Our stand yea, sir. How would you character wins.
spoon of baking powder (heaping) is- cleaned by rubbing it with the g 000.000 that he did note 5 ylike ,your hair cut "
rifted with one and one•hai[ craps of skins of lemons suet salt, This will' clave wearing their uisi[nrm 1 robes
there sped, grid God." ,.'In" Originally .an animal roan has
of office and orders to passe tett the sere ➢a every indication that ECVEr T Til Silence, improrod by circumstances, and
flour, ➢e pewit of salt, Bake is five 'brighten .it and remove all disco'.v f 1 al mitlfon pounds willIe added h Tri, r.,;rietur' gave a t
lsy0rs. Filling': Two-thirds cep orations. right, o various noblemen and P e THE GERMAN RAILWAY. I g withering may eventually develop into a par-
r ntoala, Toilet]: t*ne-hili cup Do not threw skis cream that others to perforin certain its hi fare the accounts are ste=ed. iozslr sC his jenineyruan, while the feet beast.
P ) the ceremony, These claims am 53'eventy-five Years age this first Letter began *errs and fc:l't so ut, ------
white sugar, two-thirds cop ewcet hue turned slightly sour, but add a IIIr_TffkL)3EE• railway was. fnrr.;1'eOcrL ±1310 Ger- tetly r;011thsl' Chat he e
cream; nee and sprt:ud between the teaspounftil of sugar, whip and muscly aschtue in their angm. ;Mang.. The experi�snent was natiint-. ,, t rower ct.en HE GOT THE JOB.
The dean 0314 chs 1 sacred l,ic petient rd 4Fe's 1rity a hof.
livers. serve with 'stewed fruit, etc, It P e of West -min- "These is a theeellahiy up -Se -elate ally on, a medeat seal`s trent Lee& ere of heir e tr, e Once upon a time there was a uy,
Peer Min's Cakn,-••?or•r Man's will be found equal to sweet cream sier have the right to retain the love story.'" wigsbann joining np: N111ernliuiig.ta ' . r i ...... ani he applied for a 'oh b b,
Angel Ttuud.- Uwe cup of sugar, one
for this purgusz, as even thr..f;esfr Tabes and ornaments. the Earl el "`flaw's Chat'"
P1 job,
sect one-quarter cups of Hour, Half eat cream tutus when brought in Shrewsbury tc carry a white wand "They get married. and lies iin-
5 teaspoonful of salt, throe tea- contact with cooked' fruits, as lord high steward et Ireland. the happy ever after.'''
spoonfuls` of baking 030310r, Sift A. tiny teeth of sugar, as well as Duke of Newcastle: to provide e
together .tlirge times. Then of salt,is often added'r - love and st➢ ort .the Keng's right add onen €I• by• r: enef➢ g pP g bTeacher-'Commjr, hew man le
Tits of scaldin milk ;.end whites women to the water in wh talon,, white hofdin g the ace tre byy
f g bites of icl➢ they g P tt➢e half of eight Z+irzim�-t').n tap
two eggs, .beaten still, ballvegetables, such as beets'. tar- testae et the tester of the manor et r}'p: sideways 1 Teacher -What do,
-. nips, carrots, corn, heaps and pease, wo kseep, barons of the Cl'tzz€Iue you mean by en top nr
. sidewayss 1T,I'"Ty HINTS. The -fflavor of the vegetable is thee, ports tr wear canopies. Tummy -Why. half From,
the top of
b0t101, preserved, ss much of the Vesicles enter hereditary eights 8 is 0 an:l' h e
Roller .Cowpla,-Hang two towelsy g half ,E it sideways is 3,
1 sugar it 0115lnalle container] is lust: were sentirmed .l* • the court, to _ •
an the teeter, ono inside ul the in 1133' cooking. irately ,rf which art ertain fees steel w Fear, o", dear, sighed !ilii.
etlirt, ,The utttstdO one :,t serve as. F few drops of anttnan'a in water as five yardsp .-atluwday, > wish t knew acme
It cover '11300111 be a tree' lunger will take the "Tease t ter, fiet scarlet cloth to the geed way le acquire: an. appetite."'
than the inside artr to wipe un: In g tiff of dishpans, clerk of the ervwn and forty ells eerensensees exefaimeee his wiser
1 e hitt s' put into water water fee of crinis+", velvet. to 'leers carrel.
.a .
this way ono 53313 alw'tys have a alae, washing: paint wall aisles it look 1'k 3 u t " tvivt a , •S .teltat de ,yea want with an apps•
elates towel hanging to the kitchen. nOty; sot ief <Ysanebortaan, tile.? 11 weruld only give you mere
Wile e+ feet, f,d eteesismal appose, dyspepsia-"
a� hr e .high co$oinaniala of si;ate THE SUNDAY SCHOOL SI.OQY NEWS FROM SI SET 'COAST
=tntount to sonic $100,000 a year,
Three alaimsants .ctppoaxed for rho
right to sari• the teat seers -the TM
Earl of Lenteloure bore! Grey de INTERNATIONAL •I•a:[1SSOT�> WHAT THE 'WESTERN I'E01'L1)
ltntte;1 and Lard Hestings, Sir
lifertesne Lloyd makes claim to ear MARCH 20, ARE DOING.
ry the Kiltg'1, silver harp, as Lord
Marcher of the barony of Fettles, a
position held by his ancestors Lesson XIII. -- Review Golden Progress of tliq Great West Told in
though a thousand years, and
Text, Psa..
•Janes Thorne !foe de Morley wish- 144. a 1'e1v1'ointt+il
es "to bear the royal standard of One Truth These lessons `Teich. Ttcots.
England and receive fees," Finu] ower bele >
The former Claims fire tinder eon i, p, ngs to the ,,tk, Vauconvei' is to have more police -
Kzng, p
sideration and the last was vetoed. �,+lreroFore the Aim is,Tor rasa"
iht request of rife Earl of Erroll , lead the The for crop is light in the' west
to walk in the prooession as bold pupils to worship and serve the this season,
High Constable of Scotland and King to whom worship is doe. Fish oovered wit11 dyes are being
have a silver baton of twelve sones Chat to Pupils' Interest. How sole! in Vaueouver,
weight with the king's' arms in gold one earthly king recognized the Gkild dredges will be used next
on one end and his own on ,the power and authority of God toe summer on the Tulameen river,
other, was graciously allowed.: greatest King, . In Merritt, B,C., hay is $21 a
.But who is to provide the bat- Introduction, Many of you have ton, and miens five cents a pound.
an 2" the earl asked anxiously. read of King Canute oilthe sea- An oil company has been organ -
"Oh, the court can ,say nothing shone, and you need not to be re- ized at Revelstoke with a capital of
about that," replied the lord chan- minded of the story to see in your $250,000.
eel.lor, mind the king sitting in his royal The B,C. Telephone Company is
'1' ohair by the side of the sea with operating 20,000 te:epbones in that
FAST 1?ii1+11 CITiCPtESSES, his scepter in his hand and his Province.
erown.on his head. One hand - is Next mouth a thirdferry boat
one Train thine 104.37 ewes in 107 stretched out over the sea and he will ply between Vancouver and
is saying to the rolling waves: North Vancouver,
Minutes. "Sea, I command you to come no Fifty miles from the Kootenay
We are apt to regard the railways farther! Waves, stop your rolling Central Rahway south of Golden, In 1886, after an awful thunder Europe with contetngt, and to and do not dare to touch my feet!' B.C., will be built this year. clap, a young rain saw an immense
condemn them as slow and unpro But the tido is coning in just as it Thomas William Cross, a veteran ball of fire fall .at his fort. It did
gressive. As a matter of fact, the has always done. In a few minutes of the Crimean Wal; died at Duck no damage to him and then passed.
French have fox several years held King Canute is throwing his erown Lake, Sade., recently. harmlessly through a nearby house,.
the leading position in respect of down upon the sand. He is saying, The Mollie Hugbes Mine near in which were unhurt nine people,
speed of their fastest expresses. "There is only one Icing who is all New Denver: shipped 30 tons of ore and there only. bit a box of matches.
The' schedules of this year's sum- ;powerful, and it is he who rules the to Trail, B.C., the ether day. ,It; then took its way to a nearby
mer -service show a further acceler- sea and holds the ocean in the hoi- The Doukhoboes have 50,000 fruit barn and killed six oowe, . Light-
ation. Thus, the Northern Rail- low of his hand." Re is doing this trees planted on their lands along ning will sometimes•sketch pietures
way has put on a new day express to teach his subjects who areg ath- the Columbia river near Trail, on its victims, :and seems to know
from Berlin to Paris, which covers Bred around that he is only an Prince Rupert has dispensed with colors, for it sometimes strikes a
the distance from Paris to. Se. Quen- earthly king, and that real power its city solicitor andpas for its huddle of sheep, selecting and kill -
eel (96 1-4 miles) in 93 minutes, a and glory belong to the heavenly legan advice upon the European
ing only the white ones, and again
speed of 62.1 miles an hour; and King, for, turning to them, he says: Plan, _. it will kill only black ones. It may
the 53 3-4 miles to the Belgian "Do you, my men,' learn a lesson Work has commented on what strike a spotted cow, and show on -
frontier is covered in G1 minutes at from what you have seen. It is He will be the p largest and finest mov- 13' on the spot. Of our trees the oak
a speed of 58 1-2 miles an hour. The whom you, ought to raise and serve ing picture theatre in Winnie , is the most stricken, the maple -
least. Eastern Railway Company has above all others.". Over 800 pupils wore enrolled in least.
scheduled an afternoon express' Lesson Story. We have been Medicine Hat schools last month. Lightning has struck, plucked'.
from Paris to Bele, which runs the learning' during the • past three There are twenty-five teachers. feathers from and insides out of
first 104.37 miles in 107 minutes -a months about the earthly kings who The people of Vancouver are chickens, and, better than some+
speed of 58,5 miles an hour, ruled over the divided kingdoms er planning great additions to many of cooks, roasted them to a proper
With Seeming Intelligence IE Al.
ternately Destroys and Leaves
Although there is !ridden law un-
derneath, eaoh lightning flash is as
freakish and °eprioious as sullies
say of women. Some of the incred-
ible actions of lightning read like
mysterious dreams of Poe. Super-
stitious savants still seem to'eedow
it with a kind of intelligence, an
intelligence that -seems midway' be-
tween the rough lumpish inlsihi-
genets of the universe and the dis-
oriminating intelligence of animals.
Keen, cap'ioioua, malicious orstu
pid, farseeing or blind, behold it,
writhing out into space, harmlessly
diiekering among man and trees,•or
loaded up to the clouds with instant
death and destruction,
Festh. The :sic kilenrks ess' esf seq. .FO1s,r'+;1ri'>:i;' 1;1)411 F,(A'OF':1 r ' "We don't want lacy boys here.
nty-&roe, years a e hese ineitea•sed , a ED.1"
g Are y€,a fund of work asked the
11 -day tri 50000 krtcrneters,• ai lkil'r, lw)ttliirr.� tho Pt1,4t1 Partrr5ht 10 tow- employer.
meter Peeing civ,?-aigh11,i of al mdse.; <se thee; 111 to ernes pito impelled "No, sir'," answered' .the bo,
ands tt is elaimud.UllaU PArmany tin,.ititn bele,as',,i a+ri,e r:r,n,rlerienrfl by locking him straight in the face.
clary pesseeses the 1irieao i+aii.3 y vys- ofileiale et the i1ce,Yilrserlsey 11etedgh
.•,b"Oh, You're mit, aren't v
u 1'
ten1n.,hlrrq, Sh<a$i.4! centl�'.F1nwt1ralr.n 1i,w r unl GtaE they Well,
we tram a boy that is."
tivw used, cn ills Nareeelevi T<'lr i woes, meet 11'7 v*. r'lslrrbifir,Yi"Ole yes, there are, We have
line was larnerli the /diet, eine was'nese
alts t any,"irisistecl the
mute, unrlav eh+ srapv»rmtendiln<n'; of 'Bili,+ 1ti+ila9axvli r313, ie a, esereretenity boy doggedly,
5t,sphenaese in Brigand To 55Ht iisu5ll4 3h h'ii'alil i'0.' 2 s 1feution had a dozen .of .that kind here this,
thee the hest .;1331 seeming looking for a situation with
*' Mrs, 4„Yi]?,:t ns "fere 14 1i'ted, T tit."
Ilerneen this v 0'131 a1I1 V'i'ii. 1+I1'S •aryl A: ,
pa d ,nc!it o4' hk5y15i;lalid� , ?h r y:1r6;v last new du you lenoty they t,
y y are no
seWore dog mach grr,CT.. ,>tii{lllt." this •"1 cfic3n'F, c 3 ; lazv?" persisted the boy.
;ii1' Paxil, r d7F rir,i: !J,rf, Alt a:➢viFatiuri, "Why, they told tile so,"
sett answer' milsir4s tarns etwait ; r, " „
lb �Rrt'r•. 9.0.3 . many lr,exr,Z hit, net, SO could . have, told you on; but
e book agent { r.`! lime von, emacs." 1 T',,, ,,.,i ., Htir 1" y \ ' r