HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-3-23, Page 5II
‘Al H. MoO. AC1%EN-,
T r • tinnier of Marriage 1,1000000, Of.
AAA At (sro0001, 't uruuvory ,,urootr 11ruesols,
K. O.' T. M.
•e 0o s n I
til a 1 regua f tile Mliu3' Vein, No, 24
hold choir rauuhar os, ougs in the Lodge
Loom, 000033 1510011/ o3' the 104 nun ern
'1'00„lay 0)'0030000 of 0000 month
Visitors torn alwteYx w
A, 80 h. Gob ?, Mo3U
1 It. K.
4 u 188UElii
of MARRIAGE L1UL+'Na ilii
Igaa to fee Port 011100, 3103301, 80.4
Agent ROwick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
O 0e
Irl 00,1 1 Wsldeuao-
a. ♦ ata, will eels for hotter price's, to
better oleo, in .less time. 0od lens charges
than any other 10uotlou903 1n hast Sunni or
he won't charge.: anything. Dates and milers
can always t>s arranged at tris OMee or es
,,,ss and apphoatlon.
Business Oards
Teacher of Plano
Studio lit Carter's MuxiaStore, one door North.
of the Standard Bank, 13russela 8•t1
oCsood successfully her second es
3000 he Pianoforte Department the
ronto Conservatory 91 Music, and IN prepared
to take pupils at home, princess street,
OR. T. T, MfR AE
Bnoholor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate and Graduate of the Oollege of Pity
and Surgeons,, Out, Petit• rudunt0
(Amigo Eye, Ear, Nose -and Throat £ios teal,
.Oltlea(o, Ill, gx•liouso Surgeon to St. Miele•
dolts Hospital, Toronto,
Office over F. R. S,ojth'a Drug Store. Tele-
phone connection with Uranhrpok at ell hours.
Physician and Surgeon; Post Graduateoonrseo
L0110011 ;Rog), New York and Uhtcago Sow.
*wend attention todisraseof eye. ear,
node and throat . Lyes tested for LIaseoe.
Dental Surgeon
Honor Graduate Dental Deparnuiont, Toronto
Unfveraity ; Licentiate of Royal 0olleg0 of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto.
t Mee i1 Smith
u i
Block recently vaunted by Dr.
R. M. M'L.EAN, O,D,s., L.Q.S.
• Gerrie, Ont.
Honor.- graduate Univel's1fy of Toronto, Do -
pert tisent of Dentistry ; adnate Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wrox-
eter every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday.
Office in GouldUonral bloolt. At Fordwieh
every Friday forenoon. OtIloo in Gerrie in
Leech's Bioolk, 2I.Om.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night malls. office opposite
Flour Mlll Ethel.
BLUE )'AL1, ONT - -
Gzaa,ilg.ra 2114m.m' R41 WWF
Gou,O 8o(1933 tsetse Norma
Mail :05am Express 10.55 tau
hxpress 11:15 a m -Mail ,. 1:44 p in
Express ,: 8:02 pin Express 8159 p m
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable, hales arranged for
at the office of '1'aa POST, Brussels. 893,0
61 PAN
T V • Liarrl0ter, Holioitor, Conveyancer,
Notary -Public, .to. uabe0-ti lewart's Klock
4 door Her 111 u, Chuan. Hetet
S011olaor fur the Metropolitan Haus
pi:om- m'Oo r, I1eYs & K(LLORAN
tAitutre11.1t', 0000031 1333 1NOTARLICS
Pu it 1,1-',^ 111141. '
W, Pa00p9"<,T, I(. U 330, (l. HAYS
Ohicee-Those formerly "uoarted by 91.000r)
(lamer.. ,k Holt
C,oDherofi, las rattle,
To Toronto
Express 7:41- em � Express 11:87 a m
Express 2:57 pin Express 7:25 p
To Goderich
Going East - 7'05 n m. and 8:05 p. an.
Going. Went - 12:40 and 9:47 p. m.
All trains going East connect with O. P. R. at
Ornngovilte for Owen Sound, Elora and T.
G..B stations
ego. ALLAN, Local Agent.
t7listriut Cetus
ALLAN LINE - oderich
Ow AL1. t'iI v been Q t Sea has tern nl h'
( the
suac Ilse:
h I' \V.1.'. Marney is purchasing fans,
Steamship Company Limited Messrs. Kelly $t Kelly 13' new 11 -1I -P
.:.. t' mat o1• cru•,
Operating ,'0110!',1 $'nH of nnss a er re Rev. Geo. L. Ross, B. D. pastor of
era on 110300. Lnvrenoo route, steam- 'Knox ('.birch, gave. to 100309('0 on 1100
Royal Mall Service - -
0.n -demi ,......, May 5311 .loop and
Virginian... Atihr 02111 June 8111
VoIonian .. 331ne : in 11 • Jive lftfi
Victorian ., 51m• 20111 June28rd.
7nrtian........ ... hlny 03(1 Jule 8r0
Grapian-.. hiity 18t11 Jane 10th
(00aiu> May 211311 June 170)3-
nesperlon•. ... Ma)' 17th Juno 24111
03)0 Oho -o 3'<orh•roto int, )
Sten nitn4 salting at Eluvre. Irma,',
Foil tilforinetibn 0)1 to rates, etc., on npplico-
t1o11 50
Agent Allan Line, Ilruosola,
Clay 0'veiling, on his 30110001,11ary work
in Demerara, British Guiana.
Snmu(d rand (3enne Bissett left Mon.
day of hast week forStl'athctllra,
I11 I'esp011se to to telegram a11lnln'1elllg
ilia death of their brother, Robert
The'people of St. George's (•harsh
expect. to have it line in'W pipe Organ
befnle lung. Arrrangemenrts, 110 this
end has been proceeding fob salve
Rev. W. R. ll''Intosh, of, Elora, 11
graduate of •Grodertch Collegiate Iusti-
Lute, has been called to the pastorate
of King street Presbyterian church,
ud n.
Are B' gained c n s'
lrrabe ('.ilei
1/1,1 hill In the effect that the Canadian
Paeifle Railway tool seemed control of
the line between Gnda'rich and Kin-
cardine which is being annsteuete(1 by
the Ontario West Shore Railway: The
report was published in 0439131031 o)' 4e
city:papers but there is nothing in it
HORSE SE / -AIRS Health for Run-DDown Women
! From the ex
peeience of Airs -J
Partite,Saskatoon, 0030,'10• compares
with Ferroznne. "At
times I WAS 14111
I dawn in flesh, !net strength, my appe-
tite failed, my color was pallid.
B'weary and oastdowu, it seemed I
0 1' iso ,
�. c 1.t 1.lnit:atrhnl. Ptlsou
(./ S a � L e started
a 110.w 'kind of life in my blood, built
Regular Monthly Wise Fairs will be
held in Brussels this season as follows
THURSDAY, April Otli, 1911
Leading local and outside buyers will be present
At your home without
pain, danger oi' operation.
My nttithod will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomeS
up=turebecames strangulated
when you., can be cured` ?'
Do not wait Fill in coupon
Age Time Rup
Single 101' Double ,. .,.
Nome:.. . .... .........
Add tems
tied return to
08 Caledonia St,
Dept A Stratford, Ont. i
1110 up. vitalized arid strengthened' lily
nerves, and flunlly aired my hem•tand
sthitittc1 pains." Ferrozoue is: to re-
builder that bee special virtue infe-
uuale ailments. Sold everywhere in
50c boxes ; try 1!errozoie.
Contract for the uetvpublic building
far Listowel has been given to an
Ottawa -1(113,11.
ex-Police1n011 Brawn, of New York
is conductsga. two weeks 9 revival in
the Vle/hodwttluuch
Mo,' yn Gulls son of S. Grills, left
town fat St. Mluyo where he gots to
learn the baking business with B.
Fall wheat in this neigh 330lbnod has
wuitored well and was looking .fresh
and green where the snow covering
One of the Listowel's fine old melt,
and incidently,
oldest inh+abrtaul;
died Wednesday 8th 101st., ill the per-
son of Robel t Taggart, aged 00 years.
Special meeting of Town Council
NV/LS held le the suit of James Vlu33) ick
who claims damages to the amount of
8200 for iujneir0 received while'gyring;
to t1. Hee last i all, said injuries, It is
alleged, being caused by a defective
sidewalk, Cipllcrl decided . to en tee as
defence, taofl the M& ynr twd'Orntnc:ildor
Gou.tlhee 190(10' authorized to 'engage
Mr. Tolima. to look rafter the town's
interests in the uu01,tee. The cease will
be t.eied at the County Court sessions
in April
Oilit'el:s of the Listowel foot -bail (lib
for 1911 were elected as follows 1 Hon.
Pus., Mayor 11'ny lion. 1st, vice pees.,
Rev, D. W. S. Utquhtart; iron, 211d
00114 ares Rev. H. M. Lauf,-Fled t
hen 3rd vice pees, 111. 1L 13 1\llii'phy,
K. 0, ; pies., (3, 1.f Pniden , 1st vice
331ts,A.Roos ;2nd vice pits., R. H,
Palll ; 8i'<1 vice p0438 , J. 17. Boehurer t
ma0tagel 13. F. Stuart ; Secretary. 1r.
Vandrio1c , treasurer, R. Anderson:
)01a11319Ing committee, G. H. Poldc•0,
(1, Y. .test, ias, klnor<'head, De.
Long 1001(1 13. L. 14 I3atnford go minds
immitil,1e . N. R. b311110foh d, 13. 1.3,
Pa11oeson and C. Wilson, '19Jej0ining 1
fee was ;placed ns SOcte.,, is probate
team will be (littered the 'IV,
Stomach Niostletne is Usetese. ER
that I lerl ted,' t si 1' J ri
10 1 ] 1. e i u pr
n 1(3' , �
It111)0851h10 ill Cale catasl•h ill, the
nose by (loslug lire S101110011. Send
the healing
vapor of
after t e germs arHi you nun,• ac
Co11sh r<a. ArY CageOf aLar 111 19
curable. -ell Lhat'a necessary i9 to in.
hale ()attu011ozn)le-You 830019• halvk-
iug, nostrils tare cleared, .5hroat is,
heals and reed of phlegm • 'v '
d lis t (.01
p ,
g Y
vestigee of Che trouble is forever 1.
ff•on1 the system, If you want per
mateuf' cure fur' catarrh, throat tt•oub
1e ue bronchitis, Calarvlloz"ne is I
)3taud-by, '1'w0 sizes, 250 an(1 11;1,00
14011 dealers.
John Gray. 131ind Line, had tiie mis-
fortune to slip on some lee and fillet -
ire tree of his lege.
barge ('taulror net i. •n h
A , men 3 t. 1 ed at
b 6 I S b
the cement plant its making repairs
ai1(1 1111prOV811leli18,
Jules Kcipe, proprietor of 111ou010»
Cheese Factory has ptirolla8ed the
Maitland 14arto^y and huts engaged lir,
Howes ,lsmaker.
A very happy event took plaatl at
the home of Allan Berl. ul' J71yta, on
Monday, Marell 0th, 3vhen at the close
of the regular meeting of the Trinity
church blanch o)' the A.. Y. P. A.
.lit's.1iorare \Villitarns was presented
with fur address tend showered with
A Very lnterestilig social event took
place on the afternoon Of Wednesday,
March 8, at the home of Mrs. W.
Clelland. 40b. concession, Elute, the
oea io i11u.. ,'
t is n ba o the marriage 30 1 her:
daughters, Jean W. and Nellie 1•t the
teenier to W. 8. She,n'ei the latter to
J. Percy Davidson. Mitt rlago service
was performed by. Rev. D. W. S,
'Urquhart, Knox church, Listowel,
after which the guests, about. 50 in
number. adjourned to the dining-rtn>tu
where ay 111081 huuutifnl and tastefully
arranged luncheon w118 served.. The
vemaioder of the afternoon was spent
ill listening to a number of short
speeches trine swine of the gentlemen,
in social intercourse and in .examining
the numerous and beautiful presents.
Don't let that spot grow d
Go to your. (h•uggist at once and get
a bottle of Parisuut Sege and if that
(tolyl cheek the Palling hair, and cause
new latit' to grew, nothing. will.
Dandruff is the cause of baldness ;
dandruff germ's rause dandtul't. Pat !-
shut Sage kills the germs; eradicates
k tidedf stnI10 fullulg hair n uld
ing scalp
tchingsctalp 'We will refund worn, 11100
ey, If 1L fails to do 1 his un two weeks
Palislan Sago will cause the hair to
grow, il' the hale roil be not dead. 1t
eanses 1.lie hair to grow thicker, mm e
luxnlia(1t, and pais new life into it
The girl with IheAuburn tier is 010
every ps(rkuye of Parisian Sage, Itis
sold rot, 50e by all druggists or sent
postpaid by The Giroux Mfg. Co.,
Fart Erie, Cnt„' 1111 receipt of price.
Sold and guaranteed by Jas. Fox.
Ir the pick and shovel men week as
hard when the 13)1101 conies as the
legislators have been doing lately the
island of 151unteen.' will be ('ancient
history even to the present generation.
13111 after bill is being presented to the
Legislature at Quebec and charter is
being sought asking for power and
authority to build bridges and tunnels
acmes the St Lawrence and the
Riviere des Prairies flout the undo -
land to :the Island of 'Sheared!. Of
('00('80 the rivers will still be (beer,
but if ,the plans all ilnatnl'ethe crossing.
or thew 13i 101 the island to the ((Min-
ium! will be like crossing the Seine
from one (1istiiet to another of Paris.
33l less than seven Railway and
det/A(14111ent companies want to get
into the city. Two or them would
tunnel the river, others would build
bridges. One of thew itas rouceived
the brilliant idea or tunnelling the
%%dude island. passing under the streets
from Sun tit to North, under Mount
Royal and cul goodness knows Cvher,•
1(1one of the back. parishes. The
)1'Omn(0<1.0 are working ii
1 e ! 3010 lg 111.0 mad to
.,111 al 1(111 00001'OOai 3' c0118e111 to start
tvimk. Alantveal needslnlire ways of
communication with Lhe mainland to
the Smith of lune, but it is doubtful if
she is quite ready to go into bridge
building and tunnelling wholesale.
There Is something behind all this
activity .(all(1 excitement which the
pablie, as yet, lits crit been able to
fat hou1.
llurololt>le Montt'eal has been looked
• 'r'I-iERTJ is a wide
breech between +
cheap Clothing and
i really good Clothing. •
There is nothing here
but all wool -no Has-
hy; shoddy adultera
tions, and the fabrics
i are cut with care and •
made right.
Wm. P. Fraser i
Merchant Teller Brussels
4..4.0444.44•34'I 0+.4.•9'•+•+'4+4
Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegeta=
ble Compound Cured Her.
Midgie Station, N, B. -One can
hardly believe this as it is not natural,
but it was my case. For ten months
I suffered from suppression, I had
different doctors,
tried different me-
dicines, but none
helped me. .My
friends told me T
would go into a
decline. One day a
lady friend told me
what your medi-
cine had done for
her, so I wrote you
for advice and re-
ceived your reply
with pleasure.
I started taking Lydia L. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and at the
second bottle showed improvement.
Now I am regular and never was, so
well in my life, thanks to Mrs.
Pinkham's medicine.
Please publish myletter for the
benefits. - of other
M s
a JoslAa W.
Hlcxs, Midgie Station, N. B
Indian Head, Sask.-Lydia E Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound is indeed
a boon to women who suffer from
female ills. My health is better now
than it has been in my five years of
married life and I thank you for the
good your advice and medicine have
done me. I had spent hundreds of
dollars on doctors without receiving
any benefit, -MRs. FRANK COOPER,
Box 498,, Indian Head, Saskatchewan.
The most successful remedy in this
country for the cure of all forms
of female complaints is Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
upon tas. an unanimous champion of
the Georgian Bay canal project, 00
that it was with some surprise that
the plans outlined by Hent y Holgate,
the expert engineer, for the (levelilp-
11]ent of Canada's waterways, were
i•ec iv so e ed s heartily. lJr. Holgate
Ji ate
asserts that if the.prtsent SL. Lawrence
Nada were improved as it would be
quite possible to improve it, it would
prove sit much sepeeior to he Georgian
Say Canal route 3'e to render the con
stdetatio(1 of that vast project en
Lively superfluous.
"Fur many years," said Mr. Holgate
"The improvement, of the St. Lawr-
ence canal system has been discussed
but not in such a way as to produce
definite conclusions. No coluprehcu-
sive estimates and surveys have betel
made so LIS to determine the petted-
ctability(;f tflcreasing the capacity or
this route to Montreal on 80ch a scale
its contemplated for the Georgian Bay
Uanal, with leeks 050 feet Mug 75 feet
wide and a uliuium of 22 feet 01 %valet
n(1 the still. I think the time has
come when su0h a study of the St.
Lawrence should be wade, and this
before we cowed t'ourselves to heavy
eiepentlitures on existing rout(" Ale.
11ule ate also made incidental 00[03 ecce
to t he proposed development of power
gli Long Sault rapids saying that. the
(1101013311301119 the river by m(111-
Laibiugthe navigtatiou channel in the
river and erecting (Mins below the
various 0101'1)pids haul been the dream of
engineers for many 3'03010.
Despite the fart that Reciprocity
dues tout stand a chance of being
settled l 0' way or 111e other 101' sumo
.I Ute t 110 •O ` i1, (allay (.1.a ulrtan in(Insflies are
booming tllld tlhereis a reeling of the
ettimb1 cnnfi(leuee prevailing the
atmosphere breathed by those who
have money tied up in Canadian in-
dustrial securities. 'elle severe tie-
ilrest'iotls which 10a ye prevailed dur-
ing- the past. twelve months .i(3 811011
staples its cement, iron and asbestos
are now lifting and legitimate busi•
flees is getting back to a normal basis
On the whole industrial stocks and
bonds have never been looked noun'
more 'favorably than 1009. The. P.
Burns Limited of Calgary, the great
rau(iher8 and puckers of the \Vest,
have just made a 101111011 dollar bond
issue through the Dominion Seclteties.
They are being snapped up in remit
time even beatin the old record
1 i, held
by this same firm a year or so ago for
(disposuli, of its offerings. ergs 'The (Am-
alatter of Pat Burns himself i3O mainly
responsible for this, People lin the
.East think as lunch of the old pioneer
and patriot as they do in the West,
whale he lives and is known, but 11's
the rattling 33 (Ccess he has made of
his besine85 that snakes those who
have money to invest anxious to get
in with bite
The Bell Telephone is another in-
dustrial making to new bond issue,
Lee Higginson and Ooulpany of
Boston and the Royal Securities
Coeporatiun Limited of Whin treat
have purchased 81,200,0110 five per,
cent bonds of this eonmany. Like
past issues of 51)0-13e11 Telephone they
are due in 1925 and are by the 11000(8
of the 00111 ti which, ac001ding to
the last annual reperl, wele some-
thing. over seventeen williou dollars.
Snell an issue 10 (always Intik ed upon
by the banks and ilieeraulce companies
as about as early gill edged as call
possibly be and are gun'kly taken np.
Since 1904 the Bell Telephone has jest
about (1(011)10(1 the number• of its
subsetfbere, ihere being now 801110'
thing like 133,000.
3 3 01 0151101) WIVES
A short 111030 ago the newspapers
heralded I' lie fart fill' and wide that et
Modelm steamship company, hatititlg
hack to the ways and 111501(5 of
Samuel de ahem platter; time, lied
started as movement to bring women
fermi lila Old Comm y to CatIndn, 10
80100 Irusbthit(is, 'Tire Ledies' AMrililo y
Leayuc ti' Montreal rose in rebellion
saying that it 21100 a 'slue on this 1
`.l'i]is MIS the experience of 15h's. Cleo.
Ne1 ] 1 l'
301.3030 ] o1' Orangeville, Ont. She
,wrote iu an. 1010 , •
i Nvtts ku'ibly troubled with eczema
0)0 my face, tied( and bands for foul'
years, I tried everything I had heard
tell of !
, tnh ) saw 2atV 30<3(10': lad1 Hl't19eU1e11t
in the, 1 paper, 4 800E to r u
p I , ] a trial bottle of
D. D,. 1) . used it 0u my lace and got
won, Il is I10R' WO )'3'11('33 /tail nn IT -
tom oflt3ee0zelpaa, •i consider 111110
ne . n( i. eeaOLIO 0y %las ta:.bleosin9.
(0 Inc." .
No matter how rert'ibly yon suffer
from eczema, salt rheum, 'ringworm or
laity other skin disease, you will feel
instantly soothed [0x11 the itch relieved
at once when a few drops of this coni -
pound of 011 of Wintergreen, Thynerl,
Glycerine, etc., is applied. Tltu enres
all seem to b' permanent, '
11 t ( ant u1., foci.
For free trial bottle of D D. D. 001010
the .p. D. D. Laboratories, Dept. 13. P.
40Oolborae S1., Toronto,
(For sale by all 1)fn.;gi.,fal.
young nation's wotfanbnoti, and there
was to hot tf(u0 for a few days.
Finally the Immigration Agent ex-
plained that it was a, mistake, the
ladies accepted ' the apology. and Can.
adieu men henceforth have to look.
elsewhere foe their "ready male
wives." ..
Aro You Subject to Stiffness 7
Perhaps it is in the neck (0 should-
ers. First thing is a good rub with'
Nervlline. No more speedy remedy
can be adopted. Whet) applied to the
muscles Nelviliuc gives thein flexibili-
ty and vigor ; illflannnatiou sureness
and stiffness disappear. ''Whether to
the chest or Unmet uotlihog can sur-
pass Nerviline" writes 0. b. Deuton,
Lumber Merchant at Oak 13ay, N. B.
"Rubbed on tat night, trouble is gone'
by morning. I bit veproved Netviline
a great meth(:ine." Everyone says
the saute, and Nei vilit>e always makes
good, 25e. bottles soli everywhere.
Agricultural Teaching in School's.
To School Teachers and 'Trustees of
Ontario :
The attention of teachers and trustees
who may be desirous of introducing
sone measure of agricultural teaching
into the work of their schools or of 3m•
proving their school serroundiugs by
planting trees, shrubs or vines. IS called
to I he work of the Schools' Division of
the Experimental
Union one of theex-
I ex-
ten •i 1
s vu bear Chas cif :the Ontario Farmers'
Technical College, viz The Ontario
ATricultuial College
This organization was started two
years ago for the purpose of bringingthe
schools of the Province into closer cup-
oection with the College. The work is
now past the experimental stage. In
tgoq there were 017 schools co-operating
in the work and last year 137 sellouts.
It is expected that tits year there will be
tnuchlarger number of schools taking
up the work. Interest in industrial or
vacstional education is growing, and
Will] our Government taking legislative
steps to support this line of work, it
should not be long before practically
every s0laool in Ontario has mod,fieil its
work in the direction of giving the
boys and girls some practical instruction
in those things that concern every day
life. The inti oduetion of Agriculture
into the curriculum of the Public Schools
has been vied several times. The pixns
offered by the schools' Division may
found to help to the solution ofthis prob-
Fur this year the Schools' Division is
arranging to send out see b packets for
children's gardening,. seed grain for
small experimental plots, shrubs, vines
and tulip bulbs for school ground im-
provement ; tree seeds nod agricultural
seeds are else included in its distribu-
tion 'Po schools undertaking w frame
it and give it a -place on the walls, a
picture of the Agricultural College is
sent free also. For some of.these things
110 charge is made, provided the 11(8(0rial
is used strictly fur educational put poses;
for most of the material, however, a
charge is made es it is not .possible, nor
considered advisable, to undertake a free
distribution of valuable material
In all phases of the work, teachers
and pupils are provided with instruction
sheets, booklets or charts ; they are not
left alone in the work, but have the ex-
perience and co operation of ce hers who
are doing the same kind of wont else-
Any teachers or trustees interested in
the wont may secure information re-
garding it, by addressing as below :
Dir8Ci0r', Schools' . Dtvsiou, Expel
Union, 0, A. College, Guelph, Cao.
Th♦ pr1,L'ln of pail 8300000
They 1] v n 1.'e simply 11 1� h'
1 d led 110 made lip
of io'yslallhlecaus(ituentsof'that
I \ trey 00nlulol] is tilis disease among
HH'echauts, shop girls and those of
sedentary habits, Prevention consists
comet 030 sotto ]
of the
1 tone bowel b 303'30 ryillLI1 i s heel. 91 ins
rculplished by Dr,'11a111i11un's Pills.
No person using this medicine need
fear gall -stones, not' will they ever he
bilious. Sound digestive,0' ood up -
.a 01030(' color will evidence the
ealth giving properties of Dl'.
L'lwolltou'e Pilis, which are the safest.
arid best for general 1010113' use. I0.
stet. 00 having oily IJr, Hau(11InO's
of Mao deake itud 1pl'.teruutr 25o pci'
box at all dealers.
A fi
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New JewelryStare
+ •
• 'Watch Repairing 4'
• Jewelry Repairing
'1' Clock Repairing •
Engi:'aviug e
excellent stock of Witches,
4' Cloaks and Fine Jewelry, Stet, -
ling Silver and Plated Ware at •
your service. k
.-.3Ouvenirs, °
T0gagement and •
• Wedding pings
I�oax warx
li 8$N Christian Advocate
says ;- President 10130 dasera'ast
credit for his example of abstinence from
both Iicl.uor nod taba0ce cold It is 1?er-
tieularly gratifying that his daogilter
Helen, in leaking her debut lute ta1<0(0
3't 1
i u
nus plan staid and intends p n tp'•cut.
30.10 society girls whosmoke, No harder
blow could i be strupir smoking. by wolpara.._,.,:�
than this. '
1• •
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• Rmm 1.l it .. s p
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® Very populaf indeed is. •
♦ the Signet Ring for •
o Lady's 00 Gentleman's 9
♦ wrier. We are showing ♦
♦ lin exceptionally fine col- ' o
• lection 49
* But High in Quality
• One of these Rings may O
Y be just what, yen ale •
• lookin r.1'oi.• to give watt(' •
fi•isird.f g ♦•
• IVe do i +
• 1110 Engraving i
° Free, You 3(0(13' chin„,'
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Happy Children
/� s everyday food
d� for growing.
children, good
bread and butter is
much more whole-
some than meat. It
is lighter in the
stomach, more easy
to digest and fur-
nishes every element
of health and
strength necessary
for the growing
child, provided the flour is rich in that fine
quality of high grade gluten which distinguishes
Royal Household Floe
It is this rich nourishing element which makes
children grow fat and happy when given plenty of
bread made from this finest of all flours. Children
thrive on it. It puts flesh on their bones and brings
the rosy flush of health to their cheeks.
This is not so with bread made from inferior
flours. It falls very far short of being whole food
and -fails to build up strong, vigorous growth. For the
children's sake buy the best flour Ogilvie's Royal
Household, It counts for health and happiness. Best
and most nutritious forY
P astr as well as for bread.
"Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," with I z5 pages of
recipes that have been tried and tested, will be sent free
if you will send us your address and mention the
name of your dealer.
The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Montreal.
t® ,