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The Brussels Post, 1911-3-23, Page 1
VOL. 39 \iO. 38 rits rts BR(ISSLLS., ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 23 19I I W. H. KERR, Propos Or New Advertlserr�ents —• Rug lou el-. Anderson. earg ®. nee sorvi/is loin Brown. Laval -Mitis 7-u.v 1. OnkId, Rave re rear wm, QNder. Pig. rot sale -.1 P. McLntogh. . min•gh metre, over -en (l 1ineH. Gaga g 1111 1111 y -,lnlm Meadows, K envie Millinery -Mrs M1 fltlacy,. minhier open -lea -Geo, M MItt'hen. Millinery opening -Misses 41[78 y1,r,, 'Death ie round ,er 1 nus Match slots anilaome Ger), Gallaher, 4 ed' ea lad p ) many have beep March 10th , , (.l his '1 1' 1 1 t 1c n 75th 75th was conducted a.n,dud Gtirrl@ rad , a wayin Wroxeter FELL BETWEEN. George Phi) 1, Wialghanl, Winn1 It^Htn °m file let it pass. erred, however, Ing birth out innate that gaiiet,.Fnr lee ween them. ed, but would. the saute , l hipper Sl m Maui. g Mantled] htLs been this locality, Last Tuesday cow uu Y the !tome. for an oyster Y of 11111Sie Jessie Moffatt, elustited, ho ge land splendid lime p corned. - Thnrsda. Women's the t Mal ch will het se. Miss pimer entitled Home." which beneficial. bee da. a bige harvest a ties days, Tee tt°uch@r- e i ' a any • ! the weak winds are H1 settlers, - of t to old astLlets, Mra. after 0 long sickness, erull away o11 March lth. t -; y 'y } yenta Mr. and Mee. Gallaher residents of 118011 .-On Joseph Sanderson; wroth- > yet '. Theeesl passed away 1 r ua @ • 1 ser. ice ye L, 1 t t'e v .ted in St ire t church, a ine. t r h i , the ['°matte wale: lard a- Cemetel- • • y ed' 10 lave sotnethin ,reared alongA 1. N p thin lure dist). We hope to see' every member r )refi nt and r@ sled to help tr ) @ present , N N mike the nlePtin a spears, Bement- ► g 'der 'Soil Call." former resident, in the person of , Jaml.s E. Culler, now of Innlsta)1, Sask., wee I000wlf old frien(ieblpe )n g this tow and taeel)ty, The Cal- der nuttily, who lived °n the 12th sou., t1,° Well and favorably known here. and µ1'e doing well ,111 the Westr. "Jilin" as Htill a baaheloe. - Barry Uotiglas and falmhy, of Fort Saskatchewan. Sask., who Inc enjoy- ing a visit with relatives end old fl^Isola hero, will. probably leave fav ) the West in the coulee of the next month, It is 15 years since sir. Dor Blas went West end be -leas never- b Inst le crap. He sold his land at Fort so will now have to seek anew' location. • We would like to see hip become a resident of Grey once More. , • Timber le being gotten re� . by ilii 3 tattles Spell, .8th line, for been ell- le. 'enlrnt and improvement, o11 the g 1 farm owned on the 12th of Glee. Re. is a- thrifty. farmer with geed imam help, DRAINAGE l%011K.-R 1;, Aleock'N tender• of $3,0$2 was areepted by the Couucrl fur rhe NiclLof drain idol Thos, Alt ick gets the Mur lay -Carib dealt} ab $¢,248. Both jobs ar@ ,tn be finished in 14111. The Alrnck boye are develop- alio contractors and do their week well. M. NM. Cardiff left here for the West again last Saturday, going 1° Ilanleyi Sack; where Nirs. Cardiff hes spent {{ the• Winter with her [laughter, Mrs. 3 no. Ames and family, M e. and Mrs. y Cardiff intend rotting home here next Fall, if all goes well. They like the West and have taken up a homestead next to their son Geiage near Saska- t°au. Report says •that while the stock. Ulan Tuesday of last week 4808 en route I:0'eoronto a horse belonging to Frank McOraeken, formerly of the 4th line,got restive and : makinga dash broke its halter and lumped against the board nailed across the nen donrwa g p • y. [winch gave .way. and remit went torts deaath. The accident °ceased near Henfr n and will be Y quite a loss to the owner. ST. PATRICK'S PeavrY,-On the eve!i- ing of Sl. Pat'irk's day, Miss Tuella Henry'lite' Lilted 'the Young Nlell'6 Y ! G g Bible Claps of the Methodist church timber and their ladyf1 tends. t° alis r of 26, President 1•Vheeler, toted se chairman in Hrat-Class style and in- Y [reduced the following well rendered leo n'aln : Obairmau's address ; solo, I br NJ. J. Slemmun ; iustrumenttal, Miss. B^ Slenlmou ;aero, Miss Luella Booty ; Hol'ti, M!•. Wheeler .; solo; Mies Verde Pollard • inetvurnelrtal, Miss Luella Henry. NI J. Slemmon moved a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. and Miss fleury for the enjoyable evening. It was seconded byMr. Wheeler. After singing "God save the King the coin - au left for home re orting a good. pany p title.Which SILVER ArnervoR8ARY,- Tuesday afternoon and evening of last week the 25th anniversaty of Knox church 1Vomen's Foreign Missionary Society, Ethel, was celebrated' and was ((1 06(88101) Of very deep interest and thorough enjoyment to alt who were ftrrtuuato enough to be able to attend the sessions. In the. aftereoou the assembly met m the Dilworth Rall, Meetingopened by sit m and . reading of cri tore. B •g g p Mrs. (Rev.) McRae leading in prayer. The Seeretar y, Mrs, Ferguson, who has held that position for 25 years with the exception of a few months, P ; , i work done grave a brief mit line c f the w tupon singe the organization. There were 13 nlemberH at its first meeting anti only 2 of those are still" identified with tate Society viz a -Mrs. Dunbar and Mrs. •We . Ferguson. Mr's. Hemsworth favored the audience with a solo after which Miss Rennie, of New Rau tne•g, gave a very profitable ad- dress based on the 4th chapter and 14th verse of the Book of Esther: She spoke at length on the grave re- s onsibility_ resting upon women of p ll' h to accept feat coral- the ail e p g uusslou. Nliss R>1(116's address was listened tomos[ attentively and was most thoroughly enjoyed. The Preei- dent, Mrs. D. W. Dunbar, presided. At.asty lulich Was served at the close and a flue social time was spent by the lathes. In the evening the service was held in the Presbyterian church which was well Haled. Rev. D. B. Mc- Rae, the pastor, occupied �t1e chair and conducted the devotional exercises Rev. D. Wren, Id A., Methodist minister. offering player. Miss I eoi}e gave a 511011 bright ad- dress on The evolution of the W. F. Al. S." This was followed by a stirring, appeal by Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A,, ('f BIvssels, dealing [with the pans}bitty resting on all. Miss Walsh favored the audience with an excellent reading and vocal selections of it pleas- ing carder were rendered by the church 7.1011' turd the young men's choir. An ofyering or $15 was taken. The Ethel W. F. N3. S. is to be congratulated Upon the success of their anniversary. 1'he outlook is cheering. menu and devotion to her home en all that made for itp cotltfoi^t turd hal iciness, she 'Wee not Ulnililldful t ) H I aced for bel kindnel °theta but Was t and hospitality and her t'eadineoe t 1 Y kgtenda helping hand. Herdaughtt and friends will leeeive the 81117@1'@I sympetley of many in this the lime 1 there sad • bereavement. Rev, M deceased's n' Perrin of Wroxeter, @ pee or, conducted an appr,°prlate aervlf at th@.humle and the graveside. TI remains were interned in the Wear ter cemetery and were followed their ]set resting place by a large 00 course of Mende. A precious erre from us has gone, The voice we loved 'is stilled, A place is vacant in our home never can be filled. Leadbur y -r, • I , $U.L,L. gAL7! Sono, lies. T,eernp 6 , of Lea(ibul•y, has disposed [ t a Very mdf. 8 lino hsord, son Du. hate bell L ,he received`he mantis old, lot of •$9 t a •Pur• •ha r has aal P •I, of . 4 sl Levievi Whitfield, of Grey. Thisingbig was L V y bull was an extra choice animal as the bl;J. would indicate. wt I Ile was sired byJ. Mn) risen'@ well known stock ball ont Nlysi.c' 70001.. As this is the (•and amnia! Mr. Leemiu has sold sr 'o Whitg Mr. It h,l Held it speaks well for.his stock, 111. Whitfield is -to be con- ;oat elated llpO 1 pal l'Ol)a6lmg HO fine all „newt,. ...:_ ::. :.:--,.�. _ ...._:,._ • • ' ^:q al. aj,(rj ���tlt r llt i�Cl Gorrte J: Hamilton, j1., our .jolly miller, is n in(isnr. visiting n W ' e Mia. gaoler, of the Redone, is g111G ill we are 8011;37 to slate. Ml's. 0170011, of Termini, is visiting et, tile how,. or Met, (0e,) Aro1Htroig. Met,' might hal ye been a 91.1.1„ ns ad. i afternoon of cjrlrtal! t e[tutn•(al Friday Met. when the *ua plant of the. t ' t }' 1 village exploded. D'l tLl,>4 1>1 11 171 was(1' °I •i tin the =eueral°)• when m some 1137 hKc Lmiramojn'tunch \with the 0(1(1 chimp . i . femur- asshole and a slight explosion [ t.uu Beyond the u,(:enVienc:e er want red; Y of light for el few nights tri further h a eueeh el -Waster 7 pp "Andy" 000110 who roe many y rebirths bras been ill wine health, be. came V ry despondent Land 1 i led hast @ . I Sunday meriting h° end his earthly career. Seizin an old moot he gash- throat s, seem that when ed hist ( Y little hope was winner -tined fo foetid .p his recovery. However the lest 'Jews is that no further trouble arisinghe will soni recover. front the effects of his rash act. TheConc0171• on St. Patrirlt's night f in the Tom' Hall, under ten inspires f he Libras Beard, was in ever• o t@ y d way, except llLlendtitree, a spaeuditl Y o r 0 lee Clubgave success. Wt xete G excellent. music. The t'hel'tifie9 were charming. Mayor Spot ton, of Wing- Haan, was the orator of the evening and ave a s lendi,1 address err "Life g Pro(11 Abraham Liilrolu." Resold t Rev. J, W. Ribbert was chairman. !• WinghamSaskatchewan I;o1Ll3PIB. =While i N en end his wife, 0f were out driving between [dill Belg17LYe, alley Ill et it. road and turned out to The horses became fright,- and ran away -throw- throw- Y^ of the rig. It [wild far- Mie 1 it'inor'9 i,Mses Wwl'(. Nlr. told Mrs. Ph}ppen Pell '1`hev •were tot in not like togo through ; . � K, experience ienee, again,, Mt. is provincial constable at Monerieff Jas. McKay is removing to Munk- lou. 118 110 eyrn l utakin is the order of 4 1 g the ,Clay.. Sohn Machan has eemaved tel his Tartu near Walton, David Shield, °f Detroit, was a visi- tor.at his sisters, Mrs. Hutt, last 1 c ' Urs. Isaac Rothwell is able to be around again, and has successfully re- covered from the effects of a recent medical operation. , lhoutas lug}iH, and lace. .Will. V. McKay, are the victims °f lagrippe this week, and it isn't dealing gently' with them richer. We hope they will recover s°011- ' are ere! ry to lose from our neigh- bo•hood Henry Ham and his estitnehle family, who moved' loot Monday to their• tow home on the. 8th of Elum. We wish them @twee@@. • Miss :Maggie. Ward, who has been very nil with appendicitis and quinsy, coupled with a torch of pneumonia, is I eiCve ilg nicely We are lad to state g Y- 8 and soon will be around again if she continues on the mend as she has been doing lately. The St. Ptat1'icks' Day Social held last Friday evening by the Ladle's Aid of Knox church was a decided success. A good crowd was in attendance and enjoyed iL flue program rendered by local talent assisted by the Walton young people. The proceeds amount- ed to $24.00. - • Quite an exodus of Western people' .took place from Monkton this Tues- day. .Those from Moncrieti were, Mrs.la. McKay, Mrs. A. Mclimly, Honey NlcKay. Geo. Mann, Roy Craw- ford, ' Gen. Patterson and Mervin Rodge. We wish them suacese in the land'of •promise• BrusselsSucceeds in their Al 1.cation against MoKillop. P g Cranbrook Gl'a9H SP.eII 401' Gale sat A. S. lie this Rev, D. B. McBee is in Toronto this week, The whistle -old tl)@,chopping mill tvll soul be beard. 11 ibat > bells will eaten be ringing. 6.\v,.° Iso t that right gals? Drape Batton of Carmunnock;was visiting hero last Sundrey. Mrs, A. J, Beim is visiting with her sister, ales,01'O. 0. Ke1817 ' in V g Mealier Brea, have rented the , h ewe, eh the 9th eon: tiles, Wllg aft for one peau'. nBlyth,s, A, of 9101 . Joseph 's father, McDonald's father; was a visitor in the burg this week. 11 evening last week Rev. D. B. NIeltae hacl a fall on the ie round • ar. y ground that gave Milt quite a (7 hrtlev Menzies, has. been sent tdp $ junior ill the Stand- New hamburg as In t avd Brook. We wish him success. Heighand Rn Cunningham are pre • y to build a burn on their • farm on the 9th Con., better known as the on Abel Tindall farm. . Last MondayRobt. McDonald. of the funeral of attended Litethe lute -Ins senor Robb, at Clinton. late He teas one of the•Masnrlie pallbearers. — 08u88e1B, Morrill & Grey Tclophona C Ve, McKlilop Municipal Tel. Co. This was an application beard by t Ontario Railway and Municipal Boa at Toronto on February 24th last, witch the Board, after Bearing t parties, adjourned the Matter peudi, ,the report of their expert, Mr. Daggs A 7neeung was called on March 811, 1 the purpose of discussin the ten p p 'g which counectton might be ogre upoo. All the members of the Brussl Directorate were present but the or representative from the McKillop C was Reeve John Govenloak, w refused to consent t0 any arrangeme being suede. 'Upon the. report of the expert the O tario Board has given judgment iu t matter in favor' of We Brussels Compa upon ate terms of their offer to she N Kemp Co. Tne order in sheet bei that -Brussels Company is to build -. Walton South a o utak line from W n h rat p midway between Brussels and Seater MoK(ilop-Co. is to erect and mettle at.u,eir own expense a central office a switcuboard either in the town of S turth or outside the corporation 1imi the cost of the expert's attendance to be borne equally between the park There is to be a five cent Call r between the subscribers of both syster uon.subscribers to pay 20 cents. M. K. Cowan. K. C. wish R. S. Ht represented hoMcKitlop Co. Mr. N Farlaue, the General Counsel for Bell 'telephcue Company, rept@sea the Bell interests and W. M. Sind acted ss counsel for Brussels, Morris c they Company. •res- Jamestown ilreckenrid e, of Algoma,Cargill. g renewing old. fl'iendehipH t" lie is a welcome visitor. 'avenin a ver 'jolly K b j of 2ii 0r mace assembled at or Jno. aleVittie, 2nd line, Hu per. A fine program p wait rendered in which Miss of Wroxeter, and Alex. with organ and violin. tookat K well executed part. A was enjoyed by all eon . yof next week, 30th inst., 19ti ute (11014in fel" I.a t g be held in , A. Pollock's Jenice Snell will g,ve a "Literature,' in the no doubt will be very Several others are expects Walton Missionary Sermons will be preached in the Methodist churches 0n `this Circuit Sunday next by Rev. W. Baugh, of Benmiller, fo•lnerly of this Circuit. Services at - Walton in the morning at 11 o'clock • Bethel. in the. afternoon at. 2.30 and Providence at. 7 p, m. Ethel PaOatTasola.-R. Oloco will continua the ft (d gency for the well knownPege fearing and gates will a0netraot fls \V 011 ar supply ,nntertM it desired. Get particalars fl•oln him. Council met here last Monday. . Mrs. Wesley' Pollard visited friends in Brussels -this week.. Mrs. Ames teas poorly during the oast week but is improving now we are glad to state. We are glad to say that Mrs.: Geo. Mitchell, who has been so very sick, is able to be aronnd again. M. and NLi•s. Ferguson, of Harristnn, are guests at the, home of their son, Dr. Feaguson, Ethel, this week. J. P, Brmvn' purposes making some ill provetnents about theaheesefactoiy which will add to its convenience. There was no school here on Mon- day out of respect to the memory of the late Infipettor Robb who was buried that day. Tum Kerr has returned to Maple Cheek with a car of horses and feed. We 010 snrry to see 111(1 140(01 back alone but bird whisper "I'll soon be buck." garb. McIntosh, who was in the Standard eeud 70010 0 to B01 1 7-9111 0 tlHe eaa son of Mrs. J. McIntosh here and is doing well. Millinery opening at Gen.._1. Mitch• „ell's .store o1 Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week. Ladies are invited as may be seen by the alvei- ttsement. • Mlrs. Henry Dilworth. of Mint°, and Miss 111: A. Dilworth, of Toronto, visit- ed their bt0ther Robert Dilworth, Mrs. Robert Dilworth returned with the ladies fora holiday. Io lueritioning the special offering of 620A0takeuinthe _[el.hndietchutet on a merit[ Sabbath the object to 78111611 the looney ivas devoted teas omitted. It went to the Ohinese .0, • e Fund. Next Sabbath afternoon will be the Q,ial.terly Review in the Methodist Sabbath School and the exercises twill' be in 01(77148 of the Adult Bible ()lase A reale -choir will lead the singing. Last Sunday the attendance was 107. Aver y enjoyable time was spentat the home of J. K. and Mrs. Brawn on the evening Or St. Patrick s day when uhaut 35 guests [assembled. hiuio' music, social chat' and a tasty lunch gave everybody a good 'tiilrank00 4o and Mrs. Brown were L theft, beep/Laney, Loons ter0On.-Irwin Baynard has I,(u•chii6erl the 160 iacres of land from 13en. 1liricsun (Cub s1Mh }tis Vie (Lid t:Lneily removed t° the West this week) and will 'get 1)0880881cm next Fall. the price pard was .$5,400. Ed. Woods is the present tenant. The purchaser will clever be able tnbatoh it on 150 acres. A business and social evening of the Adult Bible class was held at the home of Councillor Cole Weldon evening. Officers for the coming year are :-Tetlrher, Mrs. 7Vul. Hall ;Pr'@si- dent, Roble NleKay 7 Vine President, Mts. Wm. Sleomt00 ; Secretary, Miss Lucy Sanders ; Teeason'r, C. Cleaver. Good [dusk 1s b@tug done by the eines. They have a membership of 45. SICDoNALD vs, SANDERS. -This was an action tried in Stratford on the 21st ata speeittl sitting of the County °mut before iii, Honour E, Sydney County Smith, Deputy Judge the County or i?la'Lh, and was brought by .1115. MCDnntLld, of Listowel, 700e1• and K' , produce dealer, to recover from W. kieSatitiersr of Ethel, 150.40 for 16 tons, S00 lbs., of hay alleged by the ) lailiti11 to have. been sold to the pp dl. ••. ant. It was conclusively shown by the evidence that hay in question had been previously sold by the pl(111)6111 to Messrs, C. Colwell Rt Co., of Toronto, who rluunad damages from the plaintiff for shipment of hay already forwarded bythe plaintiff X 1 not being disposed to sue the (Red Well tithe brought his act;oh ega;nsi. the defendant. It was shown that the defendant [acted merely as the agent of the y 6 . plaintiff and not. as the puroltasrr at [ll and the )1711111;14"8 aetlon was allele- ! fore dismissed with costs. J. LP, 'le but)°, 13arvieter of Listowel, aeGed for flit' ph 11(11(1 teed Barrister Silo:Mite of .1lrnssels. rooeeseuted thedefondant. �"- -" 00060slovoe0•000scae)sen70 eve([' eo•sq•sesoeueeesoleee•ee' • a t@ Y ® ® Spring a e • E. s ■ ' . e v a e ✓ 0 2 Beiagrave MATO lIONIAL .Wedueeday of last week, at 3 p. ln., a company of in'• mediate relatives dud assembled of Lhe contracting; leg paves a at the hem@ of Gen. W. and Mrs. Paoctel. -5th line of Morris, to,w}tnessthe tying or the nuptial •boiv between Jpseph Yuill, a well'known young farther of the 4th line, and Miss _Mabel, daughter of Uie hast mid hostess. While Lug- heirfue's. Bridal Chores .was play- 'ed by Mies Mae SVilkinsol, freest') of the bride, of Brussels, the principals took there places under a beautiful arch iu fie p+ulor, alis bride entering on the arm of Icer' father. Rev. J. 3. Dm rant performed the ceremony.. bride wearing a wiry ,bee'°l 11>14 eta- [lame of Freucl Mar uissetteclntl and gold chain and pendant set with pearls and aniethsyts, the gift of the groom. She carried a beautiful begirt of white carnations. Groom's gift to organist' IVeS u beautiful gold brooch. fitter COIIgI•at illations Lhe conipamy sat down to well read tables. 'Wedding p K gifts were numerous, valuable and g nsefnl. In the .eveni•ng a reception ,was given by the host and hostess and everybody enjoying themselves ai dancing, music: and social chat till the sunt' hours in. the morning.The bride's going away dress was a beanl7• fol, costume of taupe Arnlure clod, with thecae hat. Mr. and Mrs. Yuill will start housekeeping nn the grooru's farm 4th line, 131-11•iS, where they' will eemmenee marded life with the hearty good wishes of a wide eil'cle of relatives and friends. - e• • e • - • s Mrs. McCartney, eye V1/roxeter • o • 0 • • • announces her Spring Milliner Opening . • 0 1 r g • ©' tO bi: held Ori. ` • • G • W �1 p A and follow- • �� 5�� ' qt ■ s L = s peg [day s y o SI Whenwill be 011 display the largest stock of •g P Y 8 ® French and New York st 'les ever shown in O 10 - .' - i , O COXeteY or surrounding COUntC 9 Wg y s ® 0 • ®, o • She cordially invites the • Ladles to seeher fy ea s Gpurchasingelsewhere.. O• values and work beforey dm e •' a ® •o p Milliner . 0 8 Mr ®MrS1CC� 1 �� Wroxeter fi _ �� a e•areooetxoae©Qooseemss®sotDstsoossess•sNssssOls00•si•• Grey:Council -- Pursuant to adjournment, Muniei Council of the Township of Grey, in Township Hall, Ethel, Mond March doth. Members all present. Minutes previous meeting No. t12, 06 axgu�was in rode and read first and second times. Moved by P. A. McArthur. seconc by Wm. Fraser, that Bylaw No. 12, 1 appointing Pathtnasters for:mit, read a third time and finally pass Carried. Moved by P. A. McArthur, secon. by Wm. Fraser, that petition of J Smillie, and others asking for a Mun pat dram be received, and John .Re E. gineerll, 0 a tineed By-law ppby Engineer to examine and report same. Also that BY -law No. r; of t ea reterringto the same drain be re ea and notice of such repeal be sent to 1 gineer. Carried. Moved by John Brown, seconded Win Fraser, that we grant use of 1'0 ship Han, to the Methodist Bible C on Sundays provided that they pay expense of caretaking made neces by such use of Hall. Carried. • eeMoved by P. A. McArthur, seconl by S. S. Cole, that the Engineer's rel ou the Mann and Stere• Drains be 1 servedatonhallBofit �e ]prep adopted and arttesinterested the Court of R@ ion ou the assessments on said ,dram. meet in Ethel on A nil aoth. Cirri Moved by )ohm Brown, seconded `W m. Fraser, that Mrs. Chapman be Pointed Caretaker of Hall at the sl salary as last year. Carried. Moved bYPthat Bv�llaav Nocon by Wnl. Fraser, 9, mix, authorizing ape issue of debenu 9 K to defray the cost of building a 1 g school house in S. S. No. r, Grey, read a third' time and fleetly passed, Ibat he Reeve and Treasurer be gr @atoll Coro sell 1( debenturesif Y by tlt Carried, •Moved by S. S. Cole, seengd@d by A. McArthur• and carried that the lowing accounts be paid :-' Postage, stationery and express$ 4 Geri, Dteksou, repairs at Duke's.. bridge..: 1 Municipal World. Supplies M. H: Moore, quarantining An. thrix in herd of cattle tc R. W. Livingstone, telephou- ing and fare to Wingham, re• Blyth . A. H. Jacobs arrived from California last week and will manage his farm for the Sumtuel. . JosephCoornhes is holidaying with old' friends at Brussels, Oranbrook, Jamestacvu and other paints. The• public school waas closed last Monday out of respect to the late In- specter Rabb, whose funeral took .place on that day. About a dozen members OF the Mat-. 51(1111 (l der trent Bl3111 wwelet to 6lin- tom last Monday to attend the funeral of the l(1( Insp@star Robb. , Rnbt, McQuarrie of Clan R illinm, 11au., is home on it visa[ t°his parents, Hugh land Mes. MtQuarrie. The father is seriously ill and his recovery cannot be expected. Ed. 1', Adams, wim has been at Brussels for the past tett' w@eke, way in town over Sunday. He goes to Luckuow to 9pen . up a new jewelry beefiness in the nelu• future: Rev. Mr. Small conducted 'beth s@i•vices •iu St. Andratv'a Church last Sunday, preaching on the Fifth cora- maudtnent in the mntltieg,. and hi the evening taking the' threefold text, „Gel !s light, "God is love," and Chid is life." the entertainment, held in St. An- drew s C lure i ou . luesc a evening, Pith lust wee a [barna h success both - ha int of $ • being realized `L° replenish L, e treasury 0f the Sunday School. 'Phene program, till- 'h somewhat lengthy, was good alit. t e various songs, rete• tali°ns and dialogues wel`e fully up to the mark. Short addresses wereglvel' by Revs. Messrs. Farr and Fear, and _Messrs. Metcalf and Besse, &merle- tenclent of the Anglican and lVlethn• g dist' Sunday Schools. At the con- elusion of the progrve a tastily pre- pared lunch teas served by the lathes °f ;the church' Wroxeter Reeve Reis attended the funeral of lnspeetln• Robb last Mondap at Clinton. He went on to. the •Oo. town to serve on a County Council Coln- mittee dealing with grants to O0l-' legiates and Continuation Schools. einemeERY.--By advertisement on page 1 of this issue the Spring millwer • tannoumcelpeelt of Mrs. Mc- Ua.rtney may be teed. The ladies of Wroxeter and surrounding country should mark the date and be sure to 0110(1(1the Opening,rep NEWSY NoTke Mrs. J. Ritchie is the •gu@,t of •1•eletives in Ayr.-Alnolig those who left lois station for Basket.- 7hea•an can Tuesday wets Normnau Mulligan, Chas. E nkat andjthelrelaud family. -Wesley Palmer, of Wingham was in the village on Tuesday. -W. O. and Mrs. Currin entertained a num- her of friends last Tuesday evening.- Wm. Sanderson returned to Toronto on Saturday after spendinga fete days with his patents, CV. H_ and hiss. Sanderson, of Turnbeuy. Miss E C.allY Lawrie shes hastus dor t thel�lasKtal100 where p _as. 60r. ' oi'ont o t Mondale Alex. Camp- t 1 y N bell, of London, is spendiuga few days with 119 brother-in-law, Wm. Leckie; :al ' Catmuss Ftu•nl." -\Wroxeter Glee in the '1'oavo Wile,- Club gave leo , y Gorl}e, on 1 relay evening in Of the Glaris Public Library.-Oensiderable lairs@st }s being taken in the diamond ring contest being held at Be 3, Laing's, 'About 25 names have already been entered in the contest which will last until April 13th. -P. Mulligan wad ill Brussels on Tuesday.-lnvit.atinns art. out for the marriage of Miss Lily Me. Laughlin, of Torliberry, aid Gavin Davidson, of nooct which will .11.- place on Wednesday, March 29th.- Miss Orr, of Toronto, is visiting with het' sister, Mrs. (1)L'.) Jeck80 >. V DBITVAllY•-� a regret this week to have to chronicle the death of Mis. Mary N. Moffatt, which sad event ort- carred at the residence of her son -iii law, Lflle, 0. Jucklin, of Ilotvick Boundan•y, or Wednesday night, March SGII, after le long and painful fitness of nearly 21 years. 141es. Nlof- fait had been in declining health not several years but daring the past 25 wears she had been an invalid, not be. ing able to wait or attend on herself. The deceased WAS the fourth daughter g of the late Andrew Beattie, of Deem- frieshire,Scotland, and immigrated to 1 his te•iotry with her•parents in the year 1859. She leaves to hoist ler lass one th11rghtr^r, Mrs. Lute C. Jadk- lilt, alld2 sisters. Mrs, Nluer03', of Lon. doll and 5-lise Beattie,.of S1'aaforth, al- nthl,r; 11.ndre.\v Beattie, of Sea- eo a bep forth. Mrs. Moffatt was a o°uslstelit member the Presbyterian Chnreh at III OXeter whim able to attanil. She was a kind! living woman ,. Y, gondg and was Mauch 1^081160100 .by all who (1110ye[1 !lel' tat' lltulltaue.4t. Slte wits q pnssesse[ln1niftily a ratlLtut:quali(les, ineleding a clever, • @aeon mind and height intellect.. While pre-el0hll'n1)y a loving mother with a fond attach- - Grey Next meeting of Grey Council will be hold nn 'timidity, April 3rd, Fall wheat is said to have coma through theWink'. ill good shape in Corey, A number have been busy anger more properly s eek- malting-perhapsN N y N lug syrup wakisnn. tu'i!'g, Frani: Duvidmnn. of H) Ila smith, , . blanch of the•Nletroreeitau Bank, has been enjoying a holiday ender the parental roof. Chester and Miss 011a Armstrong, 10th can., were V' 't01% with St. Augustine friends fns a few days dor- in the past reek. Miss Menne Hollinger, 10th co,.. went to Berlin to attend the funeral of an aunt. She will visit at, other points, before coning' home, A .daughter of Oliphant and Mrs. Smith, 5th eon., who was under the r•C n'9 euro, being treated fo' d0 • 1 pneumonia, is lmpeov;ng nicely and willsoon be cite•well we hope. n p' (mite-well Berkshire 10 has been puveh(Lsl'cl fI'otn W. W. Brown- p 1 y ridge, of Georgetown, by Deputy Reeve Brown, 10th con,, who las a great- for the block fellows. g y ,111ov Johnston has reeved to his later purchased Parol at Walton. Even n if he did shake the - ,of G re township off his feet We dust G • N Still •[wish • him nos erit,y • in his new P p hulls, We understand that Rev. Robe r Pearson, B. A., of Edmonton, has been invited to, the pastorate of Red Dee1,Al eyhealth, r L and h14a accepted. 'Ho is 815 old GI bo who is lmakili nod in the West. y g g few weeks ago William Moffal:t, who lues been eu,glo ed On Cou)rtlh°r p Y P. A. NicArtbnr's from, loft with his family for Rainy Elver' whsle they ti ' '' lfvkO making their Joule. Many , • , old friends here wish diens suoc[ssland A WtOOrrER.--Deputy Reeve Jiro, Mown, 10th con. hoe a goose that is eounneltcin early i11 the season at . y ',ream a rec(ird ma -ing She 1 double inked egg last week Lint • 2 inches. fis'h l hie- d is toile oast that bras been tooted s0 Cnrlc aa agolden o to trby9.3 much For laving egg has ln07.1 0)1 this GI•ey 100118111 p tepre- -.,,.t,,E3a.aal,t 71,,. fnal.hnre)5 family. - 1 1 0 • n Openln.g Spring �����■e� '�a� AT • M. lei t h e 11 s Ethel `' � Greater and Grander than ever 6etorea n , The latest Mew York and Chicago Styles.. W<, cordially invite all Ladies to attend, iex-0°0111 • Note date— • - _ march30th•31st 'Apriiist Under the able direction and management of g MISS E. H NT RA i//////////.lei//////l// - _ ri - . A s e Ou p I Ask to.see r r its and Dress Goods. - Our General stook is Complete. • - ~ • Morris Sleighing is aboutplayed Out• for this season. IL was tL good steady Wieler. • W. le. Mooney is Home tor a visit froln Tneontn where he is engaged in reercanitle life. Wesley, son of George Kerr, who (S has been ill with pneumonia, is nlcak- ing favorable progress anal will soon regain his ilenal gond health we hope• Ain't forget the' auction sale at James Iievnagleas, jioeth Halt lett 19, Con. 7, next Tuesday afternoon. Sale is. tvitho,it reserve its from has hero sold. Miss Rebecca Jackson, who was vision with relatives and old friends S for several months betiding up her has resumed her Position an ; p the stuff of Mimic° Industrial School. 'Wednesday of this week Thos. Miller, a well known bachelor of the nth line; did a se1(81(3 > thing when he took unto himself a wale an the Pelson of Nlls-i MYI•tle Wilson: of lvhna. May they 'o 'e be 111(1113 - 1e the wish of Y l 3 Y a wad@ ctr•dle of friends. Mr. rand Lire, Miller will reside on 111e' grOmr1 a fine from, Ooervaa TS LET. -'Ah the last Conn•" ail meeting George Berkley, of Bees-. se.ls, Was awarded the o0ntt'aet fee the eeme 16 ahtltltlents for to 1)4:78 steel Iiulge071tlre3td1(7(0, and the super- atrnnlnre will be pub 'ell the Steal, ford midge Go. The completed work will total about 33.500. N. br Maitland River•..,,,,•: Robt. Munn, repairing scrapers... Burnell C. Stokes, tile ...........:... ' Duncan McKay, of contract geavelliug S. R. 5 Coe. 17 . ei C. Eckmter, contnlatation statute labor Moved by P. A. McArthur, @scot by John Brown, that we adjourn meet Monday, April 3rd. Carried, A. T3. MncooxAru, Ch Robert Tho Thomson is C00lbieing 1 nese told lease re ha a trip to Tor this week. Wile. Were nn' See MnitYs. . animal examination of candidates 'probationers for the Methodist oh in the 1oud0u Confutative will be in the, Methodist church, St. Maly. April 18, !gaud 20, sell , comroe" at o a, tn. on 'Tuesday, the tktt large ntln3ber 0t candidates ar pooled. • _ �I { '� its`} 1 ! / Geo.. ( . ■ Ill i tc h e l l � i-ir' ____� . _ _ _ _ __ - __ - _ = _.. I e It .. of R: t - le o. 171 rd in ale r. ag 11• ue n lc ng a Lnt th. in ud ea- ls. Is es. 1160 15, ys Ice he ed air °d pal met ay, of cel led 911 be ed. led ohm icl- gar, an on 9ed En - by wn- iass the sary led ort ro. iWs the vis- t to ed. by ap. Imo led of res few be and ven' any em. 00 45 ob; as. 70 835 tar 00 5o led to rk. onto The and larch held Marys an ncieg ). A e ex.