HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-3-16, Page 8NOW FOR THE BEAUTIFUL
()BODY Gan tiffcid to let the wally of anv room stay faded soiled and'
shabby with the splendid values we At'e offering In tett Wall ,Papers,
- For some time we have been busy preparing for the Wall Ferrer sea-
son, :hal uuw we have ready for showing our new books with e wonder
fol display.
Were has been a great change for the better it) Well Paper designs and color
fogs, even since lent season, and we have stocked the very choicest of the new
Do not plan for your papering eptil you see our books as they are brimful of
fine suggestions.
Come in and lobk over, an soon as you can, while the stock is pomplete, Some
of the best patterns are often sold out early.
It may be a surprise at what a small cost rooms may be re•papered and made
like new;
F. R. SMI T H.
rural litivs Means
GET the snow off the sidewalks,
EVIDENCES of Spring are at hand.
WHEELED rigs made their appearance
last Muuday.
FRIDAY of this week will be St.
Patrick's Day.
A. SOUTH end resident killed two
mosquitoes on the Toth inst.
MONDAY eveniug of next week the Pub -
lie Librar, Board will meet in the Board
room at 8 o'clock.
Last week Miss Fairy Robb's gond
old dog "Mack" was sent to dogdom by
tite dope route. being s5 years old and
nearly helpless,
Wom EN'S Institute will meet Friday
afternoon of this week, at 3 o'clock in
the Carnegie Library audience room
Mrs. (Rev) Osten gives the address.
MAKE YOUR HENS I.AY. --A constant
supply ot ground bone mat be had at
Baeker Bros. shop. Brussels, It the
very best aid for increasing the supply
of eggs.
S. CAR'rsa has moved to his {few
premisea-in the Leckie block, formerly
occupied by Messrs Walker & Black
'He will have ample accommodation now
for his enlarged scope of business
TUESDAY of this week George, Keys
and i. Galbraith shipped a car ofheavy
draft horses to Lang, Sask. The ship -
meet was accompanied by W Badgley.
Mr. Keys has also gone West taking the
Chicago toner this time.
A sin of six up to date wardrobes f„r
the better display and care of gent's
clothing 'hes bean purchased, by D C
Ross and placedin the clothing depart
ment of his storethis week. They
make a decided improvement.
Ballantyne, who is a great lover of
poultry, has purchased the pen of to
siugle comb White Leghorns from D.
A. Lowry, who removed to Toronto
this week: The,Dul.lets ere bred from
1st prize Marbson Square Garden
cockerel. New Y irkandthe cockerel
c e erel
headlne the pen bred from isi prize
cockerel Madison t,. nate Geld, 1907.
Mr. Lowri protect web all his soak be.
€ore, leaving town He was it great
fancier and had a Int of choice beds.
MOVED TO 'TORONTO, -Wednesday of
this week Couneill,ir D A and Mrs
Lowry and Miss Clara mgved from Brus•
sets to'Ibront where they purpose re
siding They have been firs• class citi-
zens and their departur- is greatly re-
gtetted. Mr. Lowry has been amember
of the town Council for the past two
years and as a =tractor did a goodly
share in promoting the progress of Brus
sets, 'Their departure will be a loss to
the Methodist Church with which they
have been identified for years, if good
wishes are worth anything they should
do well in the Queen City, Miss
Florence Lowry will remain in town un-
til after the mid -Summer school exami-
McLAUCHLIN-SMITH.-A very quiet,
but pretty. wedding rook place at high
noon Wednesday, March 8th, at the
home of las. and Mrs. Smith, Cedar
street, (.alt, when in the presence of a
few relatives and intimate friends frntn
Chicago, Toronto, Hamilton and Brus
sels, their daughter, Miss Elizabeth, was
united in m•srriage to. J. Brown Mc-
Lauchlin of Saltcoats, Sask., formerly of
Brussels, Rev. Dr. Dickson conducted
the ceremony. The rooms were prettily
decorated with palms, ferns and
daffodils. The bride, who was unat-
tended, given was i e
v n Awav byher father.
and looked verypretty � tt y in a gown of
cream duchess satin, with overdress of
minon de sole, trimmed with baby Irish
lace and seed pearls. Alter con
gratulations and luncheon was served
the couple left on the 2 15 train for their
future home in Saltcoats, bask„ amid
the good wishes of their large circle of
friends at Galt, e
rBuss lsaud other points
I. 0. 0 F At Home, -Friday even-
ing R
a ler a audience
assembled sembed i
n the
Town Hall to enjoy the Annual At
Home of Western Star Lodge, No 149,
The Hall was tastefully decorated with
the colors and emblems of the Order,
Program was an excellent one and rend-
ered in a manner that did credit to every
performer without exception. It was as
follows - Instrumental
Tony Vita's 3 pieceorchestra, violin
Hate and harp , solo, Dougald Strachan
•i Gertie Solo M s. G Duncan
solo. W. A. Growerto Lorne Eek•
mier 1 orchestra selection
o ; solo, Miss
Carrie Hinsston ; Comment on Odd
Fellowship by Chairman • selection by
, sero, Miss K,fte Amen t ;
duet Miss Alta and R A, prune , piano
duet, Mot, (Dr) Holmes and Miss
Minerva lones , solo, F. H. Gilroy ;
orchestra Selection ; ' solo in character,
"Caller Herrin,” Mrs Addle Wright ;
vote of thanks to talent ; orchestra select
titin, tlni Wright anti Mr. Gitrovre.
spotided to hearty encores. Anrompan
ists were tlinses.Ina Bryans, Mluerva
ones Ida agilely, Alta Pryne, P Mrs,
Wright and Mrs, Geo Tboinson, who
rendered competent service, W, H.
Kerr was chnlrm, A. very generous
and well prepared fetich was served at
h close. The Orchestra, the c ono. a. Wnose music
15 all WOWS good contributed Several Pum.
bets before the regular program,
• MILLINERY opening at Miss Ionian's
Wednesday and Thursday-, March 2911
and 3uth•.
SPRING got badly sprung on Wednes-
day. Mr, Hicks most surely have eaten
something that did not agree with his
Fox kicking up a fracas in the Qneen'.
hotel last Friday evening, " in which a
cuspidor was hurled through a minor
and,other damage done,- John McCosh,
an umbrella repairer, was assessed $5 00
and costs last Saturday before Reev,
Leckie The fine was paid.
HELLO BLYTii l -The connection has
been completed between the Rural
Telephone lines of Brussels and Blyth
Central office is now open regularly at
Blyth for tacitness, This connemioi
opens up the Colborne circuit to fires
sets; Service is free for a 5 minute mes-
WHITE Leghorn and Oolembfan Wyandotte
eggs fur hatching $r Oa nes 16. Aluo a few lei.-
Jae Old English White game Por sale at bargain
prices JAB. BALLANTYNe, Brussels. •
Nodes TO BRBTOtia -A11: persons tndebti d
to 14 Leatherciale, Brussels, are asked tokind-
ly square off the accounts before the close of
March After that dote those remainingun
paid will be pieced 1n ether hands for cense•.
Won, I wish to avoid this, hence this entice
R. LEATaEankr5.
Goon wood cook stove for sale Oleep.
Ta Oa, NtortOLLe, Brussels.
OLOYER and Timothy seed, Government
etandnrd, et MOOnAOKEN's:
LADY's chain round. Owner may have the
seine by proving property and pal ing for tbi.
OONmerADbR house to rent apply to Mrs
Pe 1 key, 111i0h6 street, Brussels.
GOLD ring found. Owner may have the
$ame by proving property and posing for t1,
notice. Apply to the Miesee Grainger, Mid
frntfloIt'ABLD house to rent, Apply at Wei.
OAELEY'$ shoe .hop. Brussels.
W ,Vao you like some extra fine Honer f
We have it in 5-10-25 and 80 Ib, tins. G.'A
MUSES' and children's sewing done at home
IF your 88ws do not nut fast and easy cell
and see T. McGregor, Brussels.
Oehl FORTABLO house and 34 acre lot for aide
at a halstnFruit, gond water and 5.1 cone
T. B . y.. For• further pa erlet• ask:ft Tn
who isNIG,ee„usentan for Alfred Bat'k,e,,
has been taking Itnlulats dnrine the pest
week owing to injury received by a he .
of Itay falling upon him. We hope hr
will soon he o. k.
Bass BALs. -A public meeting fol
organizing a Base Ilan team in town flu
the coming season will he held in .,h,
Council Chamber 'Thursday evening m
this week commencing at 8 o'clock All
interested in this sport are asked to
make an effort to be present,
CHANOE OF OFFICERS --Owing to pres
sore of other work Reeve Leckie hos
resigned the Secretary 'Treasurership co
Br ussels Rural Telephone which offie
he has filled in good style since the nt
augnration. Malcolm Black has been
appointed Secretary and J F Rowland
Treasurer for the year. At the meetiiic
of the Board F. S Scott was re elected
President and Edward Bryans vier
0W 51551 -A pertnership has been
formed between Norman _Forbes and
Waller Williamson, of Brussels, who
purpose carrying on a painting; decora
ting and paper hanging business. Both
young men are experienced in the lines
of work mentioned and are ready to
prove their ability to satisfy all lavoring
them with their patronage 'The an-
nouncement, ou cement of the new v
firm may be
read ins
this issue. We wishthe t -e bOtS
MON. -At 6 30 o'clock 'Thursday mos n
tog of this week, David Robb, Lrspectoi
of Public Schools for East Huron, passed
peacefully away to his reward, in his
64111 year. He had been in failing health
for some time but his ambition kept him
going about when many v another would
have given u
P the fight. Last t Mnndav
s out for a drive but hada wean
spell later in the day, Pleurisy asserted
itself and he quietly fell asleep as Meted
above Mr Robh was born to Co.
Armagh, in Ireland, Dec 23rd 1847, and
in early life made his borne at Kingston,
where he received his education, atter
ward attending the Normal at Toronto
He tan ht successfully fullY for
years co -
Mathematical ma {cal Master in tire Clm 11 I, ,
Collegiate before his anpoin,ment ay In
specter 21 year.;
o which office her
signed last January, his terur to expire
on Arilwas
=tried He ied tt.
Miss April
Parker of East Wawsnnsh
in 1881, who is hnried at Blyth and after
wards to Mies Tntlt, of Brussels, who
survives him Desiring to lie more
centrally located in his work lie stone to
Brussels 13 years ago and re'ided here
since: Inspector Rnbb cnunied his
friends by the hundreds end wen mos'
loyal anti paina'tiking to all duties psi
fettling to his rave or work He was
L'hernl'in politics, a Presbvterlau'i„
religion and was a member of t he A. F
and A M at Clinton. An active in-
terest was always manifested in Brus
sets Public School the Public Library,
Bowling 'Club, etc. • He was a great
student, splendidly prated on many
snbjectiand he will be greatly missed
Bete of Niteroi wes not decided upon
when we went to press.
The Best Servant 1 Is a Strong
of the Farmer I Chartered Bank
Metropolitan.: Bank
Makes a Specialty of the'business of Farmers
and extends to them most Reasonable
Every Department of Banking is Conducted
Drafts and Money Orders, issued at Reasonable Rates
KEEP,Off the boulevards and lawons
while the sod is sett and springy.
People do not spend time and money fix -
'ng up premises to be destroyed in five
minutes by some reckless driver or
thoughtless pedestrian.
A Btarltnsv party was given by
Myrtle and Charlie Heist on Monday
evening, at the home of their grand-
parents. Although several years inter-
vene bo'h birthday anniversaries come
on the sante date, an unusual,eceurrence.
THE roe 1 grader was brought into re-
quisition on Tuesday on Turnberry
street and the accumulation ot Winter
offal gathered up and hauled away. It
wasamove in the right direction and
will minimize the dust httisance con-
After an illness extending over the past
mew months, Robert Graham, well
known as a grain buyer on Brussels
tnarket for nearly 3o years, died at the
American Hotel where he had made his
home tor along time. He was born in
England and before coming to Brussels
Sad lived-in Seaforth and locality for a
long time. For several years he sat at
the Council Board being Reevefor two
terms. Nu relatives are known to live
in Canada. Several members of the
family died of pulmonary trouble front
which the subject of this notice was not
exempt. Mr. Graham was a good
ctuzen and when in office devoted a
large share of his time in looking after
municipal affairs. For some time lie
was in the employ of Hay Bros., of
Listowel. He had never married and
ueld aloof from connection with any of
the Societies. The funeral took place
Tuesday atternoou to Brussels cemetery,
Rev. Mr. Wishart conducted the service.
A fine finial pillow was put on the cas-
ket by the citizens. Pail bearers were
se -Reeves. J. T. [toss, S. Wilton and R.
Henderson, ex -Councillor N. F. Gerry
and Geo, N. McLareu. The Council of
tett attended in a body. :The subject of
tuts notice received the very lest of care
and attention by H. and Mrs. James
during his' illness for which they deserve
no small credit.
jovableptsrgram was presented in the
Carnegie Library audience room 'Tues-
day evening, under the auspices of the
W. C, 1 U. MTS. A.
McGuire the
resdent, presided with grace and be-
comiug dignity. After theopening
the tollowing musical and literary
bsllof fare was.preseuted :-Hymn: hum-
orous recitation, Miss Cole, of Ethel ;
sung "There will he no shadows," Law-
son Wright; recitation, "Soapy," by
Miss Bessie Davidson ; solo, "Babylon,"
Miss Carrie Hingaton: recitation,
'Jatnie," Mess Cole ; solo, "Life's
Lullaby." Miss Fairy Robb; Address,
Rev. Dr. Oatyn, report of Domipion
AIliance Convention ; W. H. Kerr spoke
on the work of the Loyal Legion. A
hearty vote of thanks was passed to all
who contributed so capably to the very
excellent program, on motion of j.. T,
Wood and H. L. Jackson. A nicely sere.
lunch of sandwiches, cake and White
Ribbon tea was served at the close to
,which ample justice was done after which
canvas for honorary members was made
by members of the white ribbonets.
The W. C, T. U. are very faithful in
duty doing.
CHINA "SHowsa",-'Phursdav even-
ing -of last week a lolly company, nUm-
bering about 4o, assembled at the com-
modious home of R and Mrs, Leather•
dale and antedating the marriage of J.
A. Hunter and Miss Nora Maunders
(whose wedding took place, 'Tuesday
nuo0'of titis week) took the opportunity
of expressing their good wishes vet belly
and as proof of the same presented
them with a fine collection of china, in
which were encompassed om eased the necessaries
for a well laid table. Selections of
poetry, largely
home made,gave evi-
dence of kindly interest in
that ordinary prose could not be expect-
ed to do. Mr. Hunter beflttiugly re.
turned thanks for the generosity of the
donors. Miss Maunders' class in the
Methodist Sabbath School was present
and Miss Hazel Lowry read the follow-
ing and Miss Pearl Dark g a k pre-
d the teacherwith w th a beautiful
u ul
jardinere ;--
DEAR '1'r.Acasa,-We desire to express-
in some tangible form our kindly feelings
toward you as our Sunday School
teacher, You have ever endeavored to.
makelain the
p way of Salvation and
tried to get us to take an interest in the
Bible. Althoughyour' efforts rave not
always borne fruit we know you have
faithfully sown the seed that s ri
n eih
upinto everlasting life. f. Weare a
tl a highest type of a
lady orgentle-
into be a Christian. We ask you
to accept this jafrlinere as a small token
of our esteem and (rust your future may
be bright and happy,
Flowers may weave a garland,
Roses may make a chain,
But Love alone eau make a clasp
Unbroken to remain,
Maple p Syrup
Y p
I will be able to supply
the public with any quan-
tity desired of the very
best Maple Syrup. Y P
anteed Pure.
C. H. Knight
'Phone 240 Lot 18, Con. 10, Gley.
friendly ties existing between the young
folk, Mr. and Mrs. Leatherdale were
thanked for the hospitality evidenced,
There may be other "showers" before
many moons wax and wane If statements
Inde Thursday evening are authentic.
WE are always pleased when our read.
ers send us Items of news, such as births,
marriages, deaths, visitors, transfers'
and sales of real estate, church news,
school reports, public meetings, etc.
By doing so you help to make your local
paper a success.
IT is said a Junior Foot Ball team will
beorganizedto Brussels this- season.
Seven cf the members of last year's in-
termediates are eligible to play junior and
should make alively bunch. Anorgaui-
zation meeting will be held shortly.
WEDDING BELLS. -At the homeofthe
bride's mother. Turnberry street, on
Tuesday' at t2 a. m. in the presence of
the itnmediate relatives of the contract -
Mg parties, the matrimonial bow was
tied between Miss Nora, the youngest
daughter of Mrs. T. Maunders and Joseph
A Hunter, a well known young business
man of Brussels. Miss Maud Jackson
, played the Wedding March, during the
rendition of which the bridal party took
their places before a bank of flowers and
under a floral arch in the parlor, the
bride coming in on the arta of her bro-
ther, J. E. Maunders, medical student,
of Detroit. Rev. Jas. E. Hunter, of
to the
groom, per-
the service, assisted by Rev. Dr.
Oaten, Paster of the Methodist odtst ch
The bride looked charming in a becom-
ingcostume ofwhite crepe' de chene
trimmed with pearls and white silk.
She carried a brautiful'bogiet of roses.
Hearty congratulations tollowed after
which the guests were seated for the
well prepared dejenner. Rev. Dr.
Oaten proposed the health of the bride
to which Inc groom made an appropriate
response. Mr. Maunders, of Detroit,
was also called upon for a short speech.
Groom's gift to the bride was a sunburst
of pearls and to the organist an opal
ring. Wedding gifts afforded ample
evidence of the popularity of the princi•
pals, Mr, and Mrs. Hunter took the 3
p.' m. train for Toronto and other East-
ern points, the bride travelling in a
black broadcloth suit with white hat,
veiled with black and black willow'
plume. A large number of friends went
to the depot tosee the happy twain
away. Mr. Hunter and bride will con-
tinue to reside in Brussels and com-
mence married life with many good
wishes. If the old addege is true "Hap-
py is the bride that the sun shines on"
then Mrs. Hunter's life should be filled
full of happiness as Tuesday was a day
resplendent with sunshine. Mrs. (Rev.)
Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Peters, of
Bervie, were also guests at the wedding.
The latter is the groom's sister. - '
The torturing aches of
repared only painless ainless cure is
Corn Extractor. y
years in use andabsolutelyguaranteed.
The Standard Bank o Canada
Head Office; TORONTO
Record of Business as at 31st January, 1911
Gold, Silver and Govern-
ment Notes - 83,984,584.35
Duc by iianits - • 1,608,928.93
Government and other Bonds 2,910,2{3.84
Loans on Cull and Bilis
Discounted • - - 24,994,653.09
Government • Deposit to
secure Circulation - 100,000.00
Sank Premises 677,965,32
Other Assets - - 151,052.61•
Capital paid up $2,000000.00
Reserve Fund.
and Profits - 2,616,606.69,
Notes in Circulation - 1,967,102,00
Deposits - - 26,413,601.17
Due to Banks - •- 370,148.28
Dividends 1' + 60,018.00.
Dividendson paid up Capital• -Twelve per cent. per annum.
Toronto, lliat Januarys 1911.. GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD,
General Manager.
Foe THE WEST. - Bert, Campbell
shipped a car of settlers' effects from
Brussels on 'Tuesday and Wm. Keys
forwarded a car of horses, the latter ac-
companying his shipment, which was
billed to Wilcox, Sask. Mr. Keys may
ake up land and remain in, the West as
he sold his farm in Morris to George
An Ideal Hair Tonic
Parisian Sage is compounded .on the
most advanced scientzfle pfitteiples,
and nothing on the market to -day can
compare with it. It accomplishes so
much more than the ordinary tonics
and does itso quickly that users -are
Parisian Sage kills the dandruff
berms and eradicates dandruff, stops
falling _hoist, itching of the scalp and.
splitting hairs in two weeks or we will
refund your money.
Parisian Sage gives a fascinating
lustre to tveuten'a hair and makes it
beautiful. " It makes the hair glow
luxuriantly, it is the daintiest and
most refreshing hair dressing that
acieloe liar produced, and has not a
particle of grease or stickiness in it.
Parisian Sage costs 50 cents at. your
druggist or postpaid from the pro -
pistols, The .Giroux. Mfg. Co.,- Fort
Erie, Out. The gill with the Auburn
hair is on every package. Sold and
guaranteed by Jas. Fox.
Auction Sales
IMPLBMENT9, dr0.-1P, S. 8eott, Attctauneer
tea been instructed 05 the -undersigned to.aelt
oy pubho auction at Sl Lot 10, Con. 9, .Morrie,
un I'huraeay, Starch 28,5, 19111 at Lo'elonk, the
following property :-1 horse 8 ycare Old, 1
horse 12. yearn old, 1 horse 14 years old, 8 °owe
'apposed in calf, 4 steers 2 yearn old, 4 year-
liogs, 1 fat cow, 2 fat heifers. 2 tut steers,, 8
ewes in lamb. IO lainba 8 months old, 1 cutting
end threshing machine,. 1 14-h. p. portable en-_
gine, 1 grinder, 1 rootlnlper, 1 tread horse-
power (1 horen , 2 gang plows, 1 walking plow,
1 hay rack, 1 mowers, 2 binders, 1 buggy, =out•
tam, 1 fanning mill, 1 pea harvester, 1 hay
loader, I set singe harness, 1 set double Mir.
nese, 2 wagons, 1 hay rake, 4 ladders, 2 sets of
s 1 ha fork and
2 e
u u
a' 1
spade harrow,1 set a laa •toot harrows,
grindstone, 50 post-holeos 1 bunch Ldr
1 bellows dcook stoves,2 cook stoves, 1hOci
heatinuheating stove 1 otmen
table,1Wl bushels of barley,s of of mem
Wee. 1 Laval cream separator, forks, rakes,
chains and numerous other articles. The
farm, eoutaining 110 acres, will also be offered
for Sale. Sale without reserve as proprietor is
givingup farming. Terms -All sumo of $1000
and under cash ; aver that amount 8 months'
credit will Int given on furnishing approved
joint 1,otee • per cent off for cash on credit
amounts Fat cattle, grain. hay and routs To
be cash. Terms for farm made known on day
of Bale. JOHN RIOHMOND, Proprietor.
PLEMZNTS, $O. -F, B. Scott, Auctioneer,
nils been instructed by the undersigned to sell
by.Publio Auction at N35 Lot 19, Con, 7 Mor-
ris on Tuesday,. March 28th, at 1 o'clock, the
following property, viz :-1 working share, 1
horse rising 5 years, 1 driving snare 8 years old
in foal, 1 driving mare rising .5 years, 1 road -
ter 1111y Acing 2 years, 1 roadster horse colt,
4 cows supposed in calf role due day of sale), •'2
heifers dell' 2 years, 111 eeIyes n001 4 months
to 1 year, 5 ewes, -1 breed sow to farrow about
Aprt 1 1st, 2 ,,'Dung soave ready.to breed, 2 hives
of bees and a number of empty bee hives, 1'
binder, 1 mower. 1 sseu drill, 1 MasaeyHarris
cultivator, 1 single clow. 1 two•furrow plow. 1
Bet harrows, 1 !muffler, 1 wagon, 1 wagon box
with spring seat, 1 stock reek, l bey rack, 1
buggy, 1 gutter, 2 ants bobsleighs, 1 finning
mill with bugger, 1 hay fork, 1 set of Minim trip, I Bet 12 00 scales, 1 blacksmith't.
viae, 1 wooden vise, slog bort, 1 stone boat,' 1
land roller, 1 Chatham incubator with brooder,
1 zinc lined water trough, 9 sugar kettle, 1
grass seed sotver',.l slate grinder, 1 grindstone.:
1 set bolsters, I set double har nese 1 set single
harness, 1 buggy pole, 1 main cradle, 1 gravel
box, 0 cross mit caws• a quantity of lumber, a
quantity of hay. 2 bed emeriti, logging chains,
cow ties, forks hoes rhovele, rant honk, hay
'knife. wlliffietreeB neck
es end other aztic•
los Sale unreserved
l.1 form Teems-SS00 d undera • n
thatamaut8 month.' 0redlt 1Ibegt given tin
r n jour nates ; 4 percent,
05for cash on amain
JAS. KERN-AG/IAN, Proprietor.
• •-1••,; •4.1/.3••'l.•i 44,••1.04••%,••I•••1•.1• 44.1 •+•+•+♦3'♦ t•••N••l,11+••t •+•
• New S r�Mi'IIinerytn p
1 •
:' are back from the 'll' S
MI Int.r
+'-1 Rooms with an up-to-date
• P
o date stock
• and ready for business.' Call if anything in
Millinery goods is desired, Satisfaction as
sur -ed. .
• Opening date will be announced later.,,
Signed in behalf of your Sundae School +
Class, Hazel' Simmons;: "Hazel Lowry,' .+'
olive McGill, pearl hark, Beryl E.
Oaten. Minute Edwards, Lyle Sperling
.end Ilia Rands, The recipient replied
brieflybut i -
thoughtfully htfull to the kindly re
m l enbrance of Sanderson the III Va110Us � � c■■a•■g b games, � � ■
s short program of impromptu speedhafv-' +
Ing. well freighted with advice, compli- .Richards Block Br
teen( and good wtehes, choruses, and a e• nasals
tasty lunch constituted a most sociable
evotrlug and tended to strengthen the' 41146411.1.44•,44.1• .4.41'tr ,.+.+.•/4+♦•Fief♦•I•s+♦d•♦s.1+..4tt•+•406
•`TT'" TT'r77 T7T's-'rT'�'re
Yon knotvhaw youl. sick-
ly and heavy, Plashfeemor-blue,ning yore
waken in dull, - dopy" condition and
wish it were night again. Your liver
is wrong and needs fixing with Dr•
Harnilton's Pills ; they do cure all
liver ills. At once the system is re-
lieved of poisons, blood is enriched and
purified, appetite increases and diges-
tion picks up. Health and vigor rt
torn because Dr, Hatnilton's Pili
make the body printf against weal,
ness and disease. For your liver, you
kidneys. your stomach, for the sake t.
your looks -and feelings. try Di
Hamilton's Pills, 25e, pet' box at al*
Canty -At Wingbem, Ont., on March Ilth t
Rev. and Mrs 'Edgar Herbert Croly, a so
HUNTRR-MAUNDarta.-Tn Brussels, et • th .
home of the bride's mother, on March 1411
by Rev. Janes E Run•er, of TupperviI l..
assisted by RSV DI' Oaten 51'. Joseph A
Hunter to Miss Nora, youngest denaht-i
of the late Thos, .dean 'era, both of Brus-
Bomz-.In Grey township, on March 10th
Philia P. Betz, aged 85 yeamt, 2 menthe and.
11 days
EELLIOTT -In Grey township, on March 11th,
Mary Maxwell. relict of the late Adorn
Rlllott, in. her 72nd year,
GRAHAM -In Brussels, on March 12111, Robert
Graham in Ile OOtk year.
MOFFATT -In' Howick. on' Marek 851. Mr,,.
Robb, Moffatt, aged 78.yearaand 11 months.
Rola -1n Brussels, on March 18th, David
Robb. Inspector of Schools for East Huron,
in his. 84th year. •
THURSDAY. MAROH' 28rd -.Farm, farm
stock and implenlente, 8.34. Lot 10, Om. 9,
Morrie.' Sale unreserved at 1 p m. John
Richmond, Prop.,. F S. Scott. .Auo. -
TQEBDAY MAItoa, 2525 -Farm stock Ina -
elements, the., North 34 Lot 19 don. 7, Morris:
Rale unreserved at 1 p. 101. Jas. Kernegban,
Prop. P. 8. Soott, Atm..;
• •
Il Baking!
.• ............,E
• •
• We have been malting our Bak. t3
: ing Powder for several years and .S
O have yep to betty a complaint ye-
t gttrding It. Thew' are three
To good qualities that combine to
06 give this result. First –It is a
S pure ()ream Tartar Balling Pow.
• der; 2nd -Itis always freshly
•• made ; 3rd -The price, 25e per
2 lb., mattes it exceptionally gond
valve. Try it and become one
s of our regular • Baking Powder
• AT
F's Drug
sr0 X
sr Store
Oli SALE 011 To HA1N r -71e E34;. of Lot 2,
r wt the 121,11 hon all tie Tow nrhgi of (trey.
tppl,v to 11115 .EI1L1.Y, Yuruberi•i street
i,mtl,, Brussel-'.''
,� P A SA1Zt1AIN -W1.l (dupes.. or rousse,
E rzaiteth".l1 rat, Brussels. at 99,"50, a great
gain In a'd'I ti runt.. qi lel. Hite 'DIY
a 1 eiied from illi 1 tamale For fart ler
rt lenient see hit, Leckie or tvr it, Ilie ender.
'geed .1. 11 CA % MiOW.
10 St. George St . London.
S'IED GRAIN -Pens, tial ley and 0-118. fol•
.isle -white aryl, I,ivou'a nett '1•a1 tar
autg oats. tali whlt •e. rite Inttv'I bring one -
,dell„ lately inai,s'od, bas a h -t v 0111.1). end
deadylel. '.'r seed all el nn,ndpir,it$ight.
spelt to D W. DUNBA Li, Lot 19, Om 8, (#ray,
or Ethel P 0 . 1174
EEO. BA II LEY-hiamsclu'n ri variety nerd
�7 barley ter -ale Apuly et Lei 0, Cott. 9,
'Ph.'•ne2811. 'Brno-el,P.O.
P O'rTEtt SEED PEAst for sive, $100 per
bushel, Lor 5, Omi 17, Owe township.
Telephone No 8710 Whl PEPPER, .
06•1f . Walton P O.
WEED 1I8c, a2nFnORLRALE -Saving More feed B,then
;CL'oortnodelfel. "AwiMplll1or1dSipsooWe0H 5 •1J5'R'sVs
I11.110R0'-BRED '
''•Ha O e ng YO S RES, -so either a g
at breeding age, forsale. priz 2 inner
aShorthorn Ussel bolls, one of 18752 Int prize 1,0s, 4,
at rriseele•x ir27 ruseS s r. o. Lnt 80e 1041, 0,
Morels.. Box 270 Brussels P. O. Phone 100,
ORRER FOR' SALE heavy draft geld; -H ing rising 8 years; 1. roadster filly rising .
1 :. also it g nod work horse 11 yem't 01d^,
Foyearr farther erllrtrle tell nt Tot 10, Con. 7
Grey, or write Brneeele
'Phone 2118 - OHAS. LAMONT.
a Norman Forbes
Walter Williamson
O '
o Dec rata
Wali Paper Hanging Q
• t�
• O
. .• 'rHEundersi nod havingformed a partnership,are o*
prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Dec- 1.1� orating and Wall Paper Hanging. 4)
• •
We • are practical men in these lines and ' bydoing.e
• our work t,
S o promptly and well we hope to merit your pat- EA
• ronage' and support. e
• e
• Hanging Orders for Wall Pa per-
• p left with the un
g dersigned or at Smith's Drug Store will receive our
0 prompt attention.
O -
' Forbes.
&WI Darns®n
• s••••e••ee•s•••••••• e•0••ta•rseasso•m••aalsaae rd•4ieassea
Painters and Decorators
We have just received our brand new stock of the lat-
est creations in Wall Papers from the leading • manu-
o Canada
Large Variety 1ta lett' of Newest Designs
You are 'invited to'inspect our new line of Wall Paper
by all odds the finest we have ever seen, PPICes are Exceptionable.
lino of.
1p, trRism w
iimfifs ,
When you requirer aint for yourbuildings come
i11 and ask' for facts and figures about S. W. P.
'We also carry a full stock of Sherwin-Williams
Paints, r u
Va nrslTesf Stains and Enamels—"a specialty for every purposes'
for every surface in and about the town or country home or the farm.
OakenPltano as281
McDoDaId, Crddjraok