HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-3-9, Page 8SCI "For Tea You Can't Beat Liptoni8" You've Tried the others ; Honest, Now, Isn't the Best Tea Gil Sold Only in Airtight Packages. The Best Servant 1 Is a Strong / The Metropolitan., Bank Makes a Specialty of the business of Farmers and extends to therh most Reasonable Terms. loo me Every Department of Banking is Conducted th( Drafts and Money Orders Issued at Reasonable Rates ESTAK,ISI1ED 070 reeectibestveate.**** *tees. The Standard Bank of Canada . Record or Business as at 31st January 1911 i I E3aki ngi Head Offitee : TORONTO . Poviderg • Government and other Bonds 2 910 gis 84 -,-----$4 618 658 89 00 ▪ 11.111111111111.nagillital"Migailla44 00." Loens on Call and Bills Notes in Circulation - 1,967,182,00 . Basner preremClisreciulation, : 6170041.0002 Dividends . . ., 90.018,00 g have yet to hem, a eomplalitt re- 810 0 pulling it, Thew trio three se • good qualities thab combine to 0 $33 427 328 14 g give this result. First -Itis a 41 Gold, Silver and Govern- Cepital paid up $2410,000.00 ant "r BRUSSELS BRANCH r. H. GILROY. MANAGER Divideeids on paid up Capital--TWelve per cent. per annum. „ ii pure Create Tartar Raking Pow- 0 Toronto, 31st January, 1911. • • GEO. p..SCHOLFIELD, I 0 der ; 21al-It is always freehly 0 General Manager, . SI lb„ makes it exceptionally good Se O rabies Try it told become one g g of our reg*ular Baking Powder g SECRET PASSAGE ROMANCES PEEP INTO SOME UNDER - oners could escape, was to be ex- eavated from one, of the six prison buildings under the walls to the cottage. Tido 'passage, was 280 feet long, and large enough to enable four men -to work in it together. The entrance was hidden by a flag - Assessoa Lorre is at -work THE weddinge are not ell over vet. THE POeT pay up list is increasing. MAPLE SA l'U canvassers are abroad. SCHOoL Board Fralsy evening of this I. 0, 0. F At Home Friday evening of this week THE: POST Telephones are 3r and 32 Do you takethe hint ? A LARGE stock of logs is to he found in the Argent sawmill yard.• Sawing will :soon commence. A Very ride Shetland pony has been of Mr-. Richards ' FRIDAY of uext week will be St. Patriek's Day. Get your sbamrock and het e•-ose hens ready. Inver/meows are out for the marriage • of 1. A. Hunter and Miss Nora. Mauncl- •• ere. The luterestiog evenr rakes place ..MAXE YOUR. HENS LAY. --A constant stMine ol grimed bone mat be bad at Baeker (woe. shop. Brussels It is the very best aid for iimeensing the supply ENGRAYING.-E. Adams, tif New Stretton's- lee elia wore for Iwo weeks, Those dewing work in thls line should .•A lot of splendid horses were brought to the monthly Horse Fair Thursday of • last week aud not a few sales made at good figures. The last Fair of the season will he held on Thursday, Anril 6th. STUDENT: :M.ACIM POSITIoNS LAST WEEK HP LISTGWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE - S, Oliver as betik-keeper for J. E • Weigand Co.. of Berlin Out One of our ladies graduated int May Imo is now receiving 316 oo per week in Toronto. E. G.. Met t herve, Principal. bm '4 Wu are always pleased when our read- m'eers send us items of news,sach as births, heamarriages, deaths, visitors, transfers forsnd sales of real estate, church news, es school reports, public meetings, etc, ingav doing so you help to make your local of paper a success, • Tea FLAG -Hon. Dr. Pugsley. lter',of Public Works, announced' in Parliat'neut, that the Dominion flag will be ordered to be raised on all public buildings as follows: -March 1, St. David's Day ; March 17, St, Patrick's Day; April 23, St. Georges Day ; May 24, Empire Day ; June 6, King's Birth- day ; lune 24, St. lean Baptiste Day ; July 1, Dominion Day; November 3o, 51. Andrew's Day. GEORGE V. Cones. --The first of the new George V, tannage to be turned,out in Canada was struck off at Ottawa branch of tne Royal mink last week. They are gold English sovereigns for which the dies were received from Eng- land a few days ago. 'Silver coibage of the reign of George V. will begin with- in the next few weeks. ON 1'1 LEPHONE MATTERS, -A bill in- tioduced rum the Legislature by Sam. Chatters, of Peel, will, if it is passed bave an iinnortaut bearing on telepuoue limners in this Province. It is au -a meudment to the Outario 'Telephone Act, and propuees that companies incor- purated by the Province, and therefore under the jurisdiction of the Dominion should not be allowed to sell out or to make agreements with companies under the jurisdiction of the Dominion Government. This would prevent the independent companies throughout the Preview being acquired by the larger terge :tuitions. No TRAIN NORTH. -The Guelph Mer eery says: -it is a question if the urgent request of the City Couucd for an earlier morning 'train on the Grand 'Trunk, Nurth from Guelph, will be acceded to. Railway officials recognize it would be a cunveurence to commercial travellers on e ,\loirday =mug and to a tew others perhaps on other days but anticipate that Mete world not be auytuiug like sut- ficieut patt'ouage to nay for operatiui expenses. They point out that a rail way, like any other business concern, must be conddcted on business basis, They say they have made and are mak- ing improvements on the old W. G. & B. tine and that others arein contemplation, thumpout that tbese thns all take Inc. Do you want any engraving done? E. '1' Adams, a specialist, inav be found et Stretbm's. He does choice work. A DELEGA'L'IoN of Colborne TownshipMunicipal 'Telephone Directors was in town on Wednesday looking up in forma tion conceruiug Rural lines. 'Then ststem will come into connection with Brussels through the Blithe circuit They were a fine genial crowd. "lace" MCCostt, the perrglinating umbrella architect and designer, pant Brussels a vitnt this week on his Spring tour. He says he is going to °east. travelling and will take up a farm in rhe We. next Summer and settle dnwu. PRoRERTy Honorer -Last week bolls FOR SALE. -A base burning coal heating PetCh purchased the brick cottage and stove ; a single buggY, practically new ; s half acre of land, Turnberry street South. slgattrzilitAhorzileon ; 2 sets single harms:sand from Mts. Griffith, who is removing to "tierry stre.et, artays.tojgieptonLeolTsay, Turn. Win n i peg. Price was 9575.00. Mr. MISSES' and children's sewing done at home Pet011 will mice a number of improve- , Streets: 13 Wirsos. merits about the plate and will have a re yoursaws do not cut fast and easy call and see T. McGregor, Bruasels. very cosy borw when they are com- pleted , COMPORTABLE house and %acre lot for Sale ' at a bargain. Fruit, good water and A 1 cone OMITTED. --In the gahoty of young nomity. For further particulars ask at Tee ladies mentioned in last week's issue Pose. If Of THE POST who shine in the Millinery -.0 -- Art we inadvertently skipped the narne „, . of Miss Mabel Haveroft. She bas held elo n OL I DAYS AT EASTER. -On ac count et Easier holidays coming so late petitions in Winnipeg. Toronto and in the sea.son E. G. Matthews of Listowei HaMillon and this season has gone to Business College has decided to open Port Arthur to gladden the heal ts of the daughters of Eve, the Spring Term Monday, April 3id s and only close school for Good Fridge and Bawer Monday and thus avoid am noon of next week the regular rnoni hly loss of time to the students. • Those whit 'meeting of..Bruseels Women's Institute intend entering this Spring will please win. be held in the. Carnegie Library bear this in mind and .plan to enter at audience Seem, ' commencing at 2.3o the opening of the Spring Term April 31 . Yours truly. W. C, T U. -Brussels 13ranch of the W. C, T U. will hold a Parlor meeting in Ole Ltoure reign of the Public Library Tuesday evening, 14.111 iwt., be. ginning at 8 o'clock Musical part of the program, iu charge of Mrs Addle Wright, to consist . of solos by Misses Hydemelectric Commiseion, This will Whitfield and Robb and F'. H.. Gilrox be prepared as quickly as possible and An address is to be given by Rev Dr o clock. Mrs (Rev ) Oaten will give an addtess on "The White Slave Traffic." A Musical program will also be given, Theladies sif the locality, both young and old, ale specially invited to be pre. sent on this occasion Clerk Lane has received word that an. other report on Maitland River power is to be made by the engieeers of the submitted to the Commission. whicb will then be prepared to meet the coin mittee of the county council which was appointed re the January meeting to deal,with the newer question. Brusselite :--D Fere uson, Tuesday, disposed of his real estate in the city of Winnipeg. The property is situated on Donald Ave , about half a block from the T. Eaton Co. departmental store and brought the handsome figure of Si250 feot. Mr. Ferguson secured the property five years ago when lots were comparatively cheap and by selling now cleans up a goodly wm. ANNUAL AT Home. -Invitations have beeu issued for the annual Ar Horne of Western Star Lodge, No. rem I 0, 0 Oaten on the work done by tbe Domin- ion Alliance Retreshments will be served after the program. Miss Cole of Ethel, is expected to assist the pro- gram by a recitation. An opportunin will be given the houni•ary members to renew thee' membership G Lowry, re Guelph, only sister of Mrs E Lowry, of Brussel., pas -,ed over it, the great =jenny. Tbe Daily Mercun of Guelph tit Felmary 28111 saw :-Mati Weeds will be grieved to hear of the cleath of Mis Lowry. who was born 1825 in Barbadoes, West India Islands She was the eldest daughter of tile late Capt. McCurdy of the 74th Regiment, who died in the ywr 1855. The Mte Mrs. F., Brussels, which is slated for Friday Lowry was educated in Eng!ancl and evening. Toth inst , io the Town Hall came to Canada in the year 1838 and A program of literary selections and settled witb the rest of the family on vocal and instrumental innsie will be , that pert of the 0 A. C. now occupied 4endered, the latter hy an Italian Or- , by the other buildings of thin lustitution cheat% from London. An ebereetic ' In later Years she was married to the Committee, hae the menaeemeneof thin late W G G Lowry by the Rev Arch ,social event in hand. from whom further deacon Palmer hr the old St George's particulare may be obtained. Church, which was then situated on the . W1TH THR CRAFT --DU:Mention lgeWS , present site of St George's Square. At has bought a cylinder added a column to 1 the death ot her fie her, the term was is to be started at Crediton to be called late Mr. Lowry then bought the fade each page and is much improved. Go sold to the late F. Stone, who later sold on and prosper brother -A new paper it to the Provinciel Government. The the Star with Editor Wickwire as the in Puslinch, known as the Springfield astronomer in charge Although called fat tn. Owitet to Ilis oontinued ill health a War we hope it will grow into a sun.- Mr. Lowry, after a few years le - The Teeswater News has moved into turned to Guelph where he died some nstw (ruiners Lo give plaCe to a hank. A forty-six veara ago. The late Mrs Low bank is - s great cc:eyelet:lee either rv WEIS 88 years 01 age and is survived bv . ahead or behind a newspeper and we one brother. Stephen, ol Battery Oxford trust Bro. McAll will always have the , County. and one sister, Mrs. E C. Low- balairce upon the eredit page -Walter I ry, of 131 upsets, Out., and three sons. T. Hall, of the Witighein .Advance, is t William, of Detroit ; James and George, wearing roses and eating strawberries in of this city I also one datnebter, Mrs D California while We are shovelling snow, 141cCren, Yorkshire street, at whow With and without pi. It it very awkward residence the la'e Mrs Lowry resided to be poor-Bro, Swing has swung the elle. Lowry tens a good women. re• Atwood Bee itiro its 22ticl vol. and ap spected and loved by all who knew her 'pears to be gathering honey without She lied a wonderful memory and could getting ening, recall the past most vividly. IT was expected that the question of Rural Telephone connection between Brussels and MelCiliop systems wouid have been dealt with here on Wednes day but in the ahseuce of part of the southerly delegation nothlug definite was done and will have to be considered at some future date. There is not much doubt but an amicable solution will be arrived at and early connection mad,e. Weduesclay's meeting was called by vice Chatiman of the Ontariu Railway and Muuicipal Board, Mr. Dagger be- ing sent here as an expert by the Buard to aid aud advise in the matter. • Reeve Goreulock was the ouly representative trom McKillop present. JOHN CARTER DECEASEd.- After a lengthened spell of Mews John Carter -a wen known resident ot Brussels, passed away from time last Sunday evening, at his hoine, Mill street, in his 7mli year. Tbe fuueral took place Tuesday after- noon to Brussels cemetery, Rev. Dr. Oaten conducting the service. Mr. Carter was a member of the Methodist church tor many years and was very faithful in attendance and testimony when his health permitted. In addition to Mrs. Carter, wnose maiden name was Margaret Storey. of McKillop, to whom he was united in marriage over 5o• years ago, he is survived by 5 sons (John, of Hullett ; Joseph, of Auburn ; Arthur and David, of Ellyth ; d Samuel, et Brussels,) and 4 daugh- ten, (Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Parker, of Owen Sound ; Mrs. Henderson, of Sm- itten] ; and MM. Taman, of Auburn,) all of whom attende I the last sad rites ex. cepting Mrs. Hart. Mr. Carter was a native of England and came to Canada when a youth. He was a bricklayer and a brick and nle manufacturer and had always enjoyed good health, People We Talk About F. Churchill, of McGaw, was a visitor In town last week. W. and Mrs, Jackson, of Blyth, were visitors tb Brussels on Wednesday. Miss Violet McKenzie left on Monday for her millinery position at Powassan. H. L. jackeon took a brief holiday this week tied visited friends at Stratford and St. Marys Miss Maggie Robieson, of Moncrieff, was visiting Mrs. Jiro. Fetch and Mrs. eleCaulay in town. Next week W. H. McCracken will attend the Grand Lodge ot the A. 0. U. W. which convenes in Tot•onto. MRS Eva Snider. daughter of Dr. Snider, of Cavilers formerly of /helmets, Is the guest of Miss Vern Walker, Queen etrmeeists, es Margaret and Mary McLauch- lin, ist town, were et Galt oh Wednesday attending the marriage of their brother, Lohn 13,, of Salt Coats, Sask., to Miss essie, daughter of James and Mee. Sint th Jas. S. and Mies Hoggard left for the West on Wedbesday afternoon, a large Company of friends being at the depot to wish them Godspeed in their new home, Mrs, Sluggard was Miee Bertha Pure Maple Syrup I will be able to supply the public with any quan- tity desired of the very best Maple Syrup, Guar- anteed Pure. Miss Floreuce• McKenzie, was home for a few days from the Normal School, Stratford. The -Classic eity is evidebtly agreeing well with.Miss Florence. J. A. Hunter has been upder the doctor's care during the past week, appendicitis being the ailment. He is improving nicely and will soon be o. k. Mrs. Robt. Gordon and Miss Carrie, of Melfort, Sask., have returned to their home after a two months' visit with rel - tames and friends in and around Brus- sels. Mayor Spotton, of Wimehrin,• let the light of his countenance shine iu Tee POST sanctum on Wednesdisy. He is full of enthusirun over the success of his chain of seven Business Colleges. Mrs, 1. Mitchell and Miss Possie, former Brusselifes, have moved from High River to Calgary where they purpose making their home. The good wishes of old frieulls accompany them. August Amene of Hartford, Mich., is visttiug his brother, P. Arnent, taking a holiday and building up his health. The visitoi has been engaged in the growing of peaches and small fruits aud is well versed in the business R. 1. McLauchlin aud J. T. Ross and Misses Mary and Luella Ross went to ,Y1c1Citlop last Sunday to see their cousin answMary McClure, who is ill. Her condition shows some improvetnent the last few weeks, but she is very help tess as yet and suffers greatly at times. thursh Chimes Ross attended the Presbytery of Malt - and at Wingham last Tuesday. Rev. Mr. lolliffe, of Lucknow. has been ineited to Bolton, One. and Rev. Mr. McKinley. of Bolton, asked to be- come the Methodist pastor at Lucknow. $9.78 was the monthly Missionary col. ieetion in the Methodist Sabbath School last Sunday. A remembrance from Miss of Calgary, being included. Five child- ren gave a recitation and Misses Cun- ningham and Dark sang a chOice duet, A PLEA FOR BASEBALL DEAR BUITOR,.-For the last to years Foutkrall has held sway in Brussels and uur team can certainly look back with pride upon their record. Owing to re - moms it has been gradually losing its hold and our teams have not been as strong as former ones. People tire of une sport and the, rising generation is devoting its time largely to Base Ball. It has certainly taken hold on tbe people uf Brussels. The olden times witness ed many a fiercely contestedgame, when the "Clippers" and later teams put Brussels in the hall of Base Ball fame. Last year there was a revival ot Amen- ea's national game here. The junior team organized early, practised laiNHUI- ly and met with splendid success. Uni- terms were purchased, the townspeople responding willingly and liberally with donations, Ism:know, Wingham, Listo- wel, Blt th, Belgrave and others fell be fore the prowess of our lads. The suc- cess of the juniors roused interest with the result tnat a senior team was start- ed. Listowel, Wingham and Blyth were engaged and vanquished and finally Kincardine, one of the teams in the Lakeside League, was challenged. Beaten at Kincardine, 6 Lo 3 the boys re- taliated by turn:11g the tables at Brussels on Labor Day. At the end of the season hall and bat were put away. with the satisfaction of knowing that a start hed been made and Base Ball seed sowu anew in Brussels. - It may be early to think of organizing bat "the early bird catches Ole worm" as Clinton has already organized. It is not neceesary to compare the merles of the two games. Rumors of a junior football team are in the air. "A chauge' they say "is as good as a rest" so give BaseBall a chence. Mr Borden's policy reaariing Reciprocity may well be applied here, "Let well enough alone.' Give football a rest. The most of our bosiness men me well acquainted with Base Ball and many are old players others hear pleasant re. colleetionsof team; of long ago and would like to see the game go ou. We cennot have both games and if Beee ball is to secceed Football must be dropped. , In conchisto11 it can be Holy skid that do their best to ;bake tile game a seccess and uphold the high standing Brussels has attained in all hew of sport if given I lig, $$ 08 1 Alex. Fiedlatee, tile anti • Store their armor on and do tbeir nast, in making Bruesels Base ball team for the :season of mix a grand success. A Lovett OF THE GAMS. Brussels Council The regular meeting of Brussels Coun- cil was held on Monday evening. all members present except D. A. Lowry, Minutes of last meeting read and passed. The following* accounts were present - Electric Light bal. on extras..,. .... • 5 3o W. El, McCracken, Auditor 10 oo R. Oliver, salary 37 so Municipal Journal miscellaneous5 oo W. H. ICerr, printing ac to oo Report of scales for month of February WSS 927.44• Moved by A. C. Dames, seconded by P. Ament that above accounts be paid. Carried, The matter of putting incandescent lamps nn the streets instead of the arc lights was discussed with j. Pattersou, manager of Brussels system. A test of a feW lamps is to be made. Council then adjourned. Huron County. The Sterling Bank of Canada closed the Kintail sub -agency of Dungannon, as it Was found at present unprofitable. Annual Seed She* under the auspi- ces of the South Huron Agricultural Society will be held in Ross' hall, Brimfield, Friday, March &A. Association rimy be formed. of Bee Keepers in Huron Co., and a meeting will be called fot• siti•h purpose about middle of Apeil in Clinton. An ex- pert front Guelph 0. A. 0. is expected to give a field detnoustration about Walton 4B8. Taos. WILLIATISON OAY.LED TO. HER REWARD. -The imperative sum- mous um mons to which none can say Nay caiiw to Mrs. Thomas Williamson, an old and highly esteemed resident of this locality, on Thursday of last week and she trustfully bade Good- bye to the earthlyhome with the as- vurance of a place in the Palace of the King. Het• menden name was Eliza- beth Jane Millikin, being the daughter of John and Eliza Milliktn. of Ireland, who located iii Elmsley .township, Co. of Leeds, on coining to Canada. Be: tween 40 and 50 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Williamson came to tbi'e neigh- borhood purchasing Lot 7, Con. 18 Grey, where they lived until recently, when they moved into Walton. De- ceased had enjoyed good health until late years. She was only in bed two days before her demise. In addition to her husband three sons (Thos. M., Geo., and Juo., of Grey township) and three danghters (Mrs. George L. Wal- ker, of Clinton ; • Mrs. Huffman and Mrs. Hugh Ramsay,' of Walter) sur- vive to hold in loving remembrance the Godly life and devotion of a true mother. Mrs. Williamson wait a bright, kindly turned, joyous hearted woman who enjoyed the respect of all who knew her. The funeral took - place Monday forenoou to Brussels cemetery. Rev. Mi. Lundy conducted the service at the hoose and graveside. Mr. Williamson and family will share in the sympathy of a wide circle Of friends in their sorrow. Mrs. Wil- liamson`was in her 07th year, Bluevale held March Oth, with members pees- ent. Minutes of INA meeting read and adopted on motfon of Messrs. Mulvey and. Wheeler. Moved by Mr. that the (Meek he instructed to notify .0. A. Jones, Towoship Engineer, 40 make plans. profile and award of a drain in lst Com, commencing at Goo. and a second branch 3rd Con. Carried. Moved by Mr, Mulvey, se- conded by Mr. Rutherford that drain- age By-Lare No. 19, 1010 bee finally pawed and debeneui•es issued for sum of $480.50. Carried. Moved by Me. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. MCBminey nett Clerk ask for tenders nom Wing - ham Advance and Wirighillit 'nines for TOWliallip printing fur year COnitrielio, big Apeil lst, 1911, tenders to be sent, to Clerk's office up to 10 o'clock a. in, April 3rd.. Carried. Moved by 'Me. Rutherfniel, seColided by Mrs Mulvey Hutt any changes watiLecl by rate- payers in We offices of pathinastet•s, entue member of Council before next meeting. Carried, Moved by Ur. Mulvey, seconded by Mr. Rutherford that Clet•It he instrueted to write a iminbee of bridge bnildere asking for tencleee Toe solid rivet steel bi idge 100 alldit, $3,00. Meeting adjourned to meet Monday, April 3ed, at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. i F . , Drug 7, • OX S Store : • • MARRIED HAMILTON-rORSYTH. - At the residence of 1 the bride s parents, on March 8t11, by Rev. `' . 0 odfaumgotra toofw.Morti,inpnd are. Alex. Forsyth, suirsemonreN-smien -On March 8th, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ZTECH,1111-CLA1111.-At the home of the bride's Parents, on MI1P011114.1w RSV. Hr. LundY. Salt Coats. &eke formerly of Brussels. James Smith, Cedar st,, Gait. Miss Bessie Smith to Mr John Brown Mormuchlin of me. Jacob Ziegler to Miss Marion Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Clark both of Grey township. Potatoes DIED Roes march Lien, Rev. Dr. IC. McDonald, in his CAM:IL-III Brusaels, on March MI, tersoameen-et Gilbert Plains, on February Osatimege -In Grey township on March 6th, Carter. in hie 79th year, Jessie Isabella. daughter of Angus Camp- bell, aged 18 years, 7 montho and 24 dap:. 25111: Itrnest, youngest son of Alex. Del - witty, formerly of Grey townshiP, sged120 years. 1 Me MacDonald, daughter of Postmaater I Loway.-In Guelph, ,on February 20th, Eliza. beth McCurdy, relict of the late Wm. Lowry, 111 hor 8Rth year. MODONAL0.-A1 Kincardine, on Wednesday, 80th year. WrLbtAusoN -In Welton, on hlaroh 2nd, Elizabeth Jane Milliltin. beloved wife of Thos. Williamson, aged 00 years, 5 months and 10 days. 80 80 75 78 50 55 10 20 10 20 110 00 ir. 0 00 0 00 0 65 0 05 10 20 The People's Oolurpn OEED BARLEY.-hianschenri variety seed barley for t•lo APIJIS ab Lot 8, Con. 9, Grey. DONALD ROB1DRTSON. 'Phone 2811, Bruesels P. 0. !DOTTER BRED plies for sale, 11.00 per bushel, Lot 13, Oen 17, G1 -.V toWnabip• TelePbOn 0 No, 8710, WM. PEPPER, Walton P. 0. ICICED FOR SALB -Having more feed then . 0- Icon use I Will dispose of 11 seres of good corn in stook, Apply to W. H TOR VEY, WS Lot 18, 2nd Line, 1.1offis, AUCTION SALES Emmy, Marton. 10TH.-Farin stock, Im- plements, 80c.. Lot 88. Con, 14. McHillop. Sale unreserved at 1 p Jaa. E. Ryan, Proprietor, TUESDAY, MARCH 14rti -Farm, Farm stook, implements, household furniture, 8m. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. Angtta Campbell, Prop F. 8. Scott, Atm. THURSDAY. NIA RCM 28140. -Farm, Farm stock and hnplements, 8 Lot 10, Oen, 9, Riohmond,Prop. F. 8. Boon, Auc. Morris. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. John at breeding age. for sale. Also 2 young Shorthorn bulls, one of thew lst prize winiter at Brussels Fair .TA 8. SPEIR, Lot SO, Con. 6, Morris. 13ox 270 Brussels P. 0. 'Phone 1613, WORSEN FOR 8ALE.-A heavy draft gold. ing rising 3 years ; 1 routhter filly rising 1 year : also gnod work horse 11 years old. For farther perticalars ettll at Lot 10, pen. 7, Grey, or write Brussels P. 0. CHAS. LAMONT. 'Phone 2118 A LITTLE- TALK ON r Men's and Boys' CIothin Once in a .while • ▪ There comes a time once in a ; while when everyman feels the • need of an • Exceptionally Stylish and • Well Made Suit of Clothes • The occasion may befor Dress I or Busirtess or for Pleasure • or other important Event. • • Then you feel the want of a - St Good Fit, and this is the titne • • to buy your Clothing from us, • Spring Goods • • arriving daily and everything • • new and up-to-date to be had • at our stow * • Our Fancy and Plain remots, ; Our Serge alid Worsted Stains tt, are the finest in Brussels. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0. • it • • • II • 1401111 Cement. floor ;deo foe the building • of Iwo (genera abutments. Plans and ; spectifications may be seen at Clerk's • 2.80 p. 01, April fled: Careied. Fol. orate, tendons to be reeeived up to ! lowing accounts , Were .passed and • elieques issued :-Municipal World, • East Witwatinsh, balance mi gravel- su • • • 0 • Boys Clothing • • • • • • • • • What we want of you : e. to loOk 0101' 01.1r Spring stock. A fere minutes of yonit time when you are 74 ean buying eays. AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING The Goods and Prides to be tim main ass e gunient an showing nue leatleiship in partiOular 0101 all cam competitors. 0 fioThec Lowest Prices and Best and, Latest 13kuul, Styles Guaranteed • Rands prior to Wedneeday evening (A the proper support. Lot e last Week. ' the dianneud toWn nee very lover el dram Rowick boundary,' SBA Alex. • 4, D e