HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-3-9, Page 4HAIR; D A' M ARCH 9 191 t Tuft . Ansel ican Senate adjourned last Saturday without taking a vete on the Reciprocity question as the Republicans syereI>pnosedto it, president '1'afl.has issued a call for an extra session, tocon- vene et ,1'aslafugtou oil April 4th when the measure will be • presented to the house. ' • A lively hustle is on the program On the oonvessiousand sidellees during the 'least mouth and not completed yet in the taking of orders for next season's supply of new farming machinery. The old plan of waiting until the customer sought the agent has largely disappeared' and the prospective hover is waited np 1: often e b st ess b e d the u n on at is home and f t. closed up. Sonia say the latter is the more satisfactory way. IT is time the various sporting assn. ciations were organizing for the corning season. No small .interest is created by the Healthful recreation on Victoria Park, the Bowling ' lawn and tennis Courts. Brussels rarely takes second place in the arena of sport, no matter whether it be with base ball, foot ball, shooting, bowling, tennis, hockey, cur ling, quoiting orcricket, as the trophies, and records will attest., ' Winter games have dropped off owing to the absence of an enclosed rink but that want niay citizens have not been be supplied: Our i slow at showing their. appreciation and was a Sun ort accorded infewtovus th t p de deserved. re loyalorbetter s mo OReltAan leasing will,. revolutionize the apple business' in Huron and other Countries ]f the plan becomes general. It may have the effect of stirring up many of the owners to the necessity of of paying more attention to that portion the farm and by pruning, grafting, spraying, cultivation, etc., push for larger returns and better profits as a re- sult. Agreements should be terse yet clear enough to put the buyer and seller on equal footing thereby tending to remove any occarion for misunderstand- ing or legal entanglement, Great im- provements have been made in many or- chards but there's ample room for a bustling campaign in tgra. THitaE will be a special buckling into school work for the cooling four months antedating the arrival of the Entrance and teachers' exacts. It is a mistake for pupils to procrastinate in thorough review. While it may be a difficult task to 'forecast the'nature of the coming examination papers les some of those who prepare them go far afield) there is nothing that can give the confidence ot thorough drilling over the various courses' prescribed. The work is fre- quently possibly a trifle heavy for the ambitious juniors but it isreally wonder- ful how much knowledge of the subjects the lads and lassies can get into their craniums. Parents and guardians should see _that regularity of attendance at salted is a characteristic feature of the home if success is anticipated next Sumner at the examinations. Iudif- ference in this respect is nearly always contributory to altnost certain failure which is fraught with harm to candidates the teacher and school. IN additiou to a larger exchange in natural products with the United States we would not object to see a wider1range of preference shown to Great Britain. Canada has a great mission in opening up markets for her many products and her growth and development will depend much on the wisdom shown in securing such trade relations. We cant expect to have everything our own way nor would it be right we . should but with the variety, quality antlquantity of products this Dominion is able to market it be hooves our leaders to optimistically read the signs of the times so that this young Western giant may not be re- tardedachieving In its norhandicapped t e Nations. Canada is destiny among h t no longer a baby but wearing on tuwai d its 44th anniversary of Contaderation and consequently what might have been 1 25years ago may be r averywise policy r �.- P Yy g y the height of folly now with the changed conditions, Swing out, attempt, ex- pect. .0110THERS.."1 Preserve Your Qhil+dren's Hair l:iyery mother should. awe that her chi !armee hair is -dressed with Parisian. *Mtge, the wonderful hair xestorer'and germicide, .,d. little neglect on your, part new, mlty mean meek 1005 of i beauty when yotte gird grows up, Prevention Dotter than Cure 1, • . Parielan Sage is a rigidly guaranteed ♦' . hair'sesturet' and cokes ell scalp Lliaeae., 1, , • p e 14.4* .***or,l.: 4 4,44.$ 04H 444.40144.01..+ Boats Shoes AT ilKholesale es, prevents hair from firlliugout feud • armee a deb, luxuriant growth Of hair, a gloxy to woman tuna the pride of man. A pleasatitlutie dressing -ladies like it, and your druggist, Jos. li'ox, gnttr- antees every bottle that he sells at floc, and standsieady to refund your money if It fails to de its wont. 13y mail postpaid from Giroux Manu fact tiring Oo., Fort Erie, Ont. See that the Gill with titeAttbnro Bair is 011 eachack- age. Sold. and guaranteed by Jas. Fox. than foto' millions. Real estate and building operations have taken on new life, anti builders are, excavating cellars for buildings that will go up as Boonas the fuuodations can be 'put in Atnong other new buildings to be erected in 1911, it is possible that ,the looked.for Great Northern station will be built City officials are in consultation with representatives of the railroad, and there is an evident disposition to put an end to the procrastinating tactics that have narked the conduct of Mr. Hill in the Winnipeg field BIG AUTOMOBILE SALES A remarkable feature of the Auto mobile show held in Winnipeg ab yet the middle of last month as the ex- traordinary v traordinary sale' of machines that took Pace at' b • -nw Fitly Cars were I 5 F v shown In t he main exhibition andwhen sof the atthe end e doors were closed d h the five days, there was not a car unsold and a number of orders had been taken besides Many of the cars went to farm- ers whowill use them this Summer to run about the farm and neighborhood The automobile show opened the eyes of dealers in motorcars and motorcycles and several new firms have come,me or are coming, to Winnipeg as a result of the knowledge of the West as a field for motor exploitation, obtained. through the exhibition, WEST IS ALL BUSY All parts of the West are busy. Im migration is on the move' and evert traits that pulls in brings its load of newcomers, very largely from the Old Country, thus far They are coming in good time to get an early start this veal and are agreeably surprised to find the weather far better than tbev had reason to expect at this season. Five hundred settlers from Great Britain come on Iwi trains on the 2151 of last month, Pearls all farmers -tile class most needed and roost desirable, speaking generally. LIVELY AT MOOSE JAW Moose iaw is experiencing the bus lest season the city has ever had, which is saying much. There bas been a big movement in real estate. a Winnipeg syndicate having bought heavily of Moose Jaw realty for investment pur- poses. A new Land '1'i,les Office wilt .be opened in Moose Jaw on the 6th of March, which will mean that the de partment at this Saskatchewan point will have new and commodious quer ters and a very much larger staff than before. OUR WINNIPEG LETTER Reciprocity continues to hold the front of .the stage as a matter for public dis. ceeeion in Western Canada, but busi- ness 15 not at all disturbed by the stream. of talk which naturally flows from this source, and is opening up with a rush that. Ismuch helped by phenomenal Winter .weather•r--wat m, clear and bright, Excepting last year, there hate not been such warm S.priog-like weather in many years as the West has had during the latter part of last month. The street tie pertinent of Winnipeg bas bad its Bands full clearing gutters and . streets tor water to flow, and there are reports of geese flying over the city already --weeks in advance of the usual time. SPRING WEATHER EFFECTS This exceptionally early Spring weather has bad sharp effect upon buss - i i Batik clear cess and general eral achy t as in S have gone up with a bound, the week ending Febiltary IOth showing an increase of nearly three millions over the corresponding -'week of .last year, reciprocity agitation. Reciprocity IS a and the week outing February eerddo- I freak,' Fruit lands in British Columbia, g CALGARY CALCULATIONS Despite the decision of its city coup cil not to allow the spending of $is,000 for publicity purposes, Calgary keeps pretty well in the limelight -locally, at least. The Canadian Pacific are to spend about $5.00d,000in, and adjacent to. Calgary, a million to this going into a fine new hotel. The railway station - new only two years ago -is to be great- ly enlarged and a new office building is another of the details of the C. P. R.'s plans for Calgary. Harrod's, of Lou- don, England, are to build a big store at Calgary, and the city hopes to get the big new Hudson's Bay store which is to be built in the West. pusweITV POR sASKA'roON The story of Saskatoon is so remark able that the Board of 'trade will ask for $t2,000 to tell it to the outside world. With a rich country. around 1t, Saskatoon has come ep rapidly from a mere point on the prairie to the dimen- sions of a good sized city, and the prom ise of a great one. Many branch houses have been established in Saskatoon and Regina keeps a jealous eye upon its more Northerly rival, fearing eclipse by it. Flour milling has taken a strong hold upon Saskatoon, and the city seeks other industries and people and capital commensurate with the known capacity of Saskatoon to assimilate these things and make good returns on them. 1 em. Such a fond as the Board of trade asks for will put Saskatoon on the map of places widely known end worth knowing. OUR MONTREAL LETTER. Business men• manufacturers and others in Montreal are very anxious to obtain the views of the large banking houses on the reciprocity question. Sir Edmund Walker, President of the Bank of Commerce, has already conte out strongly against the proposed ar- rangement, it is true. but that was in Toronto and Sir Edmund did not give acv specific reasons for the stand be has taken. Sir Edward Clouston,:President of the Bank of Montreal, has now been asked, not in the interests of any par - branch of trade or commerce but in the interests of the Dominion of Can- ada as a whole, to either make a state- ment for publication or address a gather- ing called for the purpose. He has not yet consented to do either but will likely be persuaded to speak at a special meet- ing of the Board of Trade on March $th. Strange as it may Seem reciprocity talk has not disturbed the financial world one way or the other. Although there is a great deal of continent and chatter mon- ey is on-eyis still moving along the regular chew nets and stoclts are soaring Or falling as 'the casemay be in much the same way as they would on a quiet Summer's day.. Last t sleek it 1's true, was rather dark in yae owing some quarters but that t g rather to affairs in, the United States then i to rives QT being successful in disposing of my business T 1♦. have decided to continue the Hartness business • alone and shall sell off all my Boots, Shoes, Rub- bees, &c., at slaughter prices 'until all are disposed of. . • There is now arrivingnew Spring goods which e were ordered from the manufacturer and hch I have ▪ to take. All will be sold at unheard-ofp rices.which will { - P ♦ give you a chance to secure new, up -to date Shoes • • while they last. • In our Harness Department we have all styles of Iiar- • uess, both heavy and light, of will be pleased to build to older any kind you mat want,Good Ston Y ykcombin- ed with good workmanship has always been our aim, • } • • 1. C. RICHA RDS ••4•.l••-t•4-••a••+•a•o•t•04-•-t•A4♦F•a'+.'A••F•44441••44+1A4444•i-•d'i' • be ruined if the pact goes through are aellinbeautifully. f y stockck he new Company which is turning Gut farming implements and which has met Too exchange, been planed on' the Toronto nto has jumped about ten points and at one of the game stagegwas h as high as g 33 There was u doubt in the minds of much P the farY• mun implement men as t0 reel- g P i'ocit TWO EXPLORATION PARTIES Early this Spring two exploration earties tvillbe fitted out from here, one to go to the Pacific coast. near Prince Rupert, and the other to push its way in- to the Peace River country. They are being sent by Corporation Agencies, Limited. for foreign clients and itis not unlikely that their reports, when they return next Autumn, will mean the in- vestment of more foreign capital in Can ada. Both parties will be composed of competent engineers. The Pacific coast party will report upon a new industrial undertaking which it is proposed to esta• blish near Prince Rupert. The other exploring party, which will be under the control of E. H. Drury, the civil engi neer who recently made the .preliminary survey of the Hudson's Bay railway route for the Dominion Government, will hake a report in the interests of a French syndicate of certain proposed undertakings in the Peace River district. GOVERNOR GENERAL'S VISIT His excellency, Earl Grey, the Gover- nor General. has been having a busy lime these past few days, busy at least. Irom a sporting and social standpoint, The vice regal party came down from Ottawa to cheer on Lady Evelyn Grey and the Ottawa team in the fancy-ska inccompetition op whis took place in the Victoria rink. Lady Evelyn was the whole show on theice, for she won the ladies singles and the mixed doubt es with tier partner, Me. Haycock, and Hie r Excellency was more than the whole y show salOre for As usual when becomes to Montreal,he was crowded with atten- tions fromevery quarter, Aflet the skating His Excellency triedahand re curling and he, with Colonel Percy Sher. wood as a partner, played an excitine double against J. '1`. McCall and W. M. Taylor. Ten ends were played, the Governor -General's rink winning ning by twelve shots to eight. This isHis Ex cellency's last Winter visit to Montreal He will be here again for the Horse Show and once again for the races. He is not going North to the Arctic :ocean as he had planned. Lord Laseelles his A. D. C. says, and will sail for home in the Autumn. OPERATORS STILL RESTLESS , Despite denials of officials of the. Com patty it has been learned that the opera - 'ors of -the Great North Western Tele- graph Company' are far from being sat. isfied with their lot in life and theta general strike is more than a possibility 'rhe key tickers are in communication secretly with one another all over the country and when the time is ripe. a general attack is to be made for better wages and shorter .hours, The men point out that, whereas in other com- panies the day trick of an operator is seven and a half hours and that of a night man seven hours. G. N. W. em- ployees have to be at their keys eight Bargains in Men's Dvcrcoats Bargains in Ladies' Furs New Clothing for Men & Boys Spring H at 5 FOR Spring, when you put away the Fur Coat -you will want a comfortable Cloth Coat. We have something special' in blacks ,and blues, nicely tailored, with velvet collars ; perfect fitting all sizes. All being cleared out at Genuine Bargain Prices. OR Spring, when you put away F Coat, Fur the you will want some kind of Fur Ruff. We have some special lines in stock. They will be cleared at Greatly Reduc- ed Prices. NEW Suits .for •Men -all the newest colorings at Lowest Prices. Boys' Suits 3.50 17 only Boys' all wool Worsted Suits, Norfolk, sizes 27 to S0, regular 4,60- • Sale Price 83.50 Suits -fit 5.00 & 6.00 28 Boys' Fancy )Vnrsted Suits, double breasted.style, neat pal terns - Sizes 28 to S0 --Sale price 85.00 Sims 81) to 34 -Safe price 6.00 ' EE our New Spring Hats for Men and Boys. All the Newest Styles. High es t Prices.. for Produce. G. N. McLAREN ng even better with en increase of More which people of that province say will emeneemeemeseeememememeeemeeeer ClubbiD List TUE Poor has made arrangements o club with the following pal)ers and 111 be serif to any wadless (except, the Hotted States 60 rents extra) at the Ihtu'ingsubsnripliou prices;--. Weeklies os•r:uul 'l'nt,u,tir (ilobr. $1 t10 „ Mail and Empire 1 00 London Advertisrl'.,.• 100 London Free Press1 80 I!'aiuily Herald, and Star 1,$4 Montreal W' 7 $0 Farmers Advot'Iuta 2 l6 N b M 1 S" POST antl'1'orunto Star $2 20 Torolato News 2 85 Toronto G1n13H.,... 4 50 Toronto Mall -]empire,4: 50 , 4 Toronto World 3 00 1 o ,i London .Advertiser . 2 80 _ Oall at the office of remit the mount by P. Q. Older, Express Order' Registered terror addressing 'THE] POS'L', Brussels, ()lit, t will lJ �fn i? itness..., WeeklySun 1110 ' 1 ort ern Messenger,u. Dailies w Ot' hours on end, night or day. VAUTBLET FORCEd OUT The rather sudden resignation of H. C. Vautelet, the engineer, from the Quebec Bridge Commission, has given, rase to allsorts of rumors in regard to lbe future plan of construction ot that +itfbous and ill oxnend structure: .It will be recalled that Hugh Lunsden, chief sugineer for the Government of the TranscontJnental, resigned under i -owe - what similar circunlstances. After the resignations had been made public the Same excuse was o eyed to ff theeo le'• P P runt t e doer the House of Commons n concerningboth men. '191e Minister of Railways said that Lumsden ltad.resigned on account of i11 health and overwork. Vire Minister of Public worksannounced the same thing in regard to Mr. Vautelet Both are walking, amouud' •as chipper as may be, Mr. Vautelet will say nothing but it is safe toP redict that at the last has +tot been heard of the matter and there areguing'to be fire -works of some de- scription before the plans of the bridge have actually beeu decided upon. ' THE MERRY WIDOWERS Toho H. Roberts, Secretary of the Dominion Alliance, bas a largely devel- oped "bump of trouble" somewhere on the back of his skull Everywhere he goes be gets up agaiust it in one form or another but Roberts is a plucky little chap and can take alt the hard knocks that are legitimately coming to him. His last narrow escape wa's from a gang of thugs' who attacked hini while he, armed with a special warrant . and sup, ported by private detectives, , and made a raid on the National Hall in the East end of the city where the _Merry Widow batt was in progress. Whilst the merry widowers were busily engaged stepping rile light I -autistic Roberts and his men dashed past the sentry at the door and arrested three barteudera who were dis pensing liquid refresbment without a ncense. , 'then he seized four bottles of champagne foe evidence. Two of them he put in his overcoat pocket. As he was turning to leave with his prisoners someone hit him; a crack on the ear. Then some once else hit him. Then women and men realizing what was going on and always spoiling for a fight, charged him. He went down before the onslaught and was thrown into the street. His detectives, in the meantime had taken to their heels. They said af- terwards that they had gone to seek reinforcements. Mr. Roberts bad a hammer in his pocket, but when be put the bottle in he could not get it out. He said afterwards that it was lucky For somebody for he would have cracked a skull or two sure. The ringleaders .of the assault were later arrested and have been sent up for trial. MORE ANTI-RECIPROcITY There was another big meeting at the Board of Trade last week to discuss re- ciprocity. The same'old arguments and the same old speakers were to the fore. and alt hough 'the atmosphere was'distinc- ily of a threadbare, second-hand store variety, it was proven once again that Montreal business interests 'intend to fight to the death against the proposed argument. Peter Laing, the packer, was almost tbe'only speaker, who turned on a fresh breezy argument. He told of what the packing industry might be led to expect. and quoted Pat. Burns, the Calgary Cattle (ting, to she* that the West in this respect at least, agrees with the sentiments_of the East. A MIRACULOUS SPRING The announcement that a miraculous Spring has been discoveredcovered bubbling forth under the altar of the Church of St. Clotilde has brought thousands tram far and near on a visit to the Church Au altar, on which a new statue of the Blessed Virgin had recently .been placed suddenly required, the attention of a plumber. Investigation showed the spring of pure water bubbling from the earth. Similar occurrence was reported some time ago from a church of the same, name in Len, France, It is said that since the discovery ot the spring Iwo people, who were suffering front different ailments were oared' Instantly by the use of I he water. Ltitherattilof Aiitchell talk ,tp1 build- illgg a -new lhtlfch. Itay. J. Berry, of Seafot'th, has been appointed Grand Superintendent of Huron District of Royal Arch Masons. RAW FURS Brussels P►1�latiop Studio waw �N rotni�uing than Its for liberal plttl•onitge daring the holt- days, l invite your htspec'. thin to samples of work dente of people y0111111.10: know. • 1 have still a large number of alt'. Brewer's inotwte oa hand, These will be sold at greatly re - dueled prices. Cance early in the day when the light i0 good. G. F. Menial ti Ilnwick Oourteil will meet in Corrie t b zrza`cD� ^•`85'0 4"<vd W4,1on M1u'eh 16th., ) During a .recent blizzard the Sus- a,i pHni n bridge across thH Maitland, near the Fall Fair grounds, W Ingham, , o was blown tiown. DISTRESSING HEADACHES Headaches are largely the result of disordered' kid treys. Mra. Httll, 8t Flora Street, St, Thom- as, Out., says "1 suffered for years with headaches of eu iuost distressing nature. They world come on ole 8041- ileuly, and would last for tlaya at a Wine. These were usually accompani- ed by spells of dizziness Ihat svunld leave rue unable to attend to any house lubesallose. My t- to bank was ti weak in d touch su{Yering through the I had 'gilt. 'r doctored t ictured e t•s°but all to �U a avail. Noth- ing benefited inc Ltd my erudi- tion wus genet- tlly bedewing worse. 'I learned of Booth's Kidney Pills, One box gave u . I cure. mance tete n and lasting P altive not had a headache or dizzy spell since and I feel like a new person." Booth's Kidney Pills are sold by all ,lrnggists, 50e. box, under a guarantee: to refund your inouey if they fail to relieve any disease having its origin in the kidneys or bladder. Postpaid I'r'oin The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and gaat'atiteed by Jas. Fox. 0th hide e l se ..r s rJs. m: 1 Tenders Wanted The Municipal Council of the. Township of donde le acking for tenders for the eonatrne- -ion of three large Municipal Drains :-The Nichol, the McCall and the -Murray -Lamb )rains. Plans, profile; and specification]; may be seen at the Olerk'e residence or at the Coun- .t11 Chembel• on the day of meeting Tenders rill lie opened atthe register meeting in the tlouneil Chamber, Monday, March pith, at two o'clock.. A. MAOEWEN, Clerk Morris Twp. Blaevale,Feb.nth, 1911.. Notice to Creditors 1n the estate of James Murray deceased. All persons having any claim against the es• tate of James Murray, late of the Township of Morrie, in the County of Huron, farmer, de- eea'•ed, who died on or about the 27th day of December, 1910, are required on or before the l.t day of April, 1911, to wend to the undersign ud Executors of his will, full pertieulate of their claims, with a statement of eeouri .if any) held by them, duly verified. After the Bald lot April, 1011, the Executors will proceed to dietribute the eateteamong the mirth's entitled thereto having reference only to the claims of which they shall have received notice, and after etch distribution the Execu- tors will not be liable to any creditor sof whose claim they have not received notice) far any pert io n notice is givaafi en pursuhe ant phis 24th a the Statute In that behalf. B Dated this 24th February, 1011. R. H. FERGUSON t 2711000 Ore. T. G. W AGHORN f 06-0 Walton P. O. The People's Column GOMPORTABLE BRICK HOUSE with stable. well, &e., and 2 steres of choice hind for sale in the Southerly part of SPAS - eels. ,Immediate poeeesaion can be given. For further pnrtieulare apply to P. S, Bcutt, Brus- sels,. or JNO. MoARTHUR, Walton P. 0. FARM FOR BALK. -The farm known es the Rhine's farm, tanow offered for sale order to wind up the estate. The farm con. tains 00 acres being mitts of Late 5 & 6 in the 12th con. of Grey. 44051ly all seeded. to grass and In a state of good cultivation. On the farm is a good brick house and bank barn, also a frame barn, orchard, &e. Property to be sold worth the money. Apply to JAS. BOTZ, Lot 4, Con. 11, Grey, or on the premises, 1T-tf MRD. Vat. SHINE. I will paythese prices on a liberal d 0oft• meat and strictly sKUaeflsonaN`Kble furs : No, 1,18.00; No, 2, $200; No. 0, $1.101 No. 4, b0o. R&D FOi( • Largo, $7.60 Medium 50 00 Bonen, 55.00 Springy, dudatted and nnprin4e Putt Wilhbe valued according to quality. Int o pay hRlle-t p, lees a for all other r raw furs. 1pity oli examine chargen, nhnrKast n Camals.l ho hio11 goods ourn nest. (onsgnmtnta d, Writ oCor price lint J. -YAFFE 72 Colborne st., Toronto, Ont: WARM 7011 SALE, being Booth half. Lot 25, llo Qom 4, ares is township, Buren on the prem - Mee a frame Meares more of ba On rho prim, wen ine admit house,. hank barn, good orchard, bot well. windmill &e. All olenred excepteboot anacrebruol 1 miles distant, Oil h :.r,4 adhiv Lown 0 acme ll cruSon, o price, and about b0 scree seeded down. For n•icu tonna and other Information apply on the premises or if writing Brussels P. 0. 'Phone 126. Or P. S. Boott, Brussels. 11-11 A. L. KERR, Proprietor. FA for saM le, 0NacretEine, undersigned offers 81, i1on. lb, Grey. About 30 soros cleat ed, balance .0. swamp, 8 norm tis Pall wheat, 81 titres seed - •d down. Pell plowing is being dote. On the Parte is a frame house, hank berm driving shed, good. orchard end drilled well. those to post• taco, church and aelmol. Pur further particu- lars apply to .JOHN OSB01tNlt, Proprietor, oe P. B, -Scott, Brnimal%. ALCM POR SALE.=The 100 acre farm be- ing the property of the late Peter 61011011, Lot 2B, Con. 14, Grey, 15 offered' for eels by the undersigned. There are 85 acres cleared, 1 51- unce well timbered. 6n the farm there le n good bank barn, large driving shed end a com- fortable hone. Pkwe in good condition and well fenced. Nor further particulars apply to •iA.8. A. MONAII1 or JAS. D. MoNAIR, Sase. Mors, Oranbrook,5 0., or P, S. SCOTT, Bruer. +ale. 7•tP As FOR SALE. tots 21 end 22, (Ion. 14, FRMMoH111upp, mid Lot 20 or the 18th Coneen• don. Lots 21 and 28 compose the Gerdlner homestead and eontnins about 180 acres, all gist-et5te, lend, well fenced, well tile drained and has 16 sores of good hardwood bunt ; good comfortable btlldinge with all modern Inr- pr0vementa ; plenty of good shying water and a good bearing orchard, The is one of .the eludeeat farm in t , 01 Y e the Oou,tRune and will sbet Ins 20 terms toI suit lhouseaon, Lot 2600ntnlnal26nm•oa iter malt w s IhetSra here all In psstnro and lana brill for Yeura There are leo ewes 01 good halt on iliiq _fnrm. Icor Pnrthar particalers tnpply to ALEX GAIIl)IN- 1611, Watton R O•, 0r on tela prohltoos. 40'tf A large catalogue r col )o of a Great yah. ree It explains that Y we 1aNe Superior >W ?2 Courses, -Export T bete t s, Dast tg S7, Systems.0 Mlmy ,.shin antes r0u aPram• rte .4 o batter position ? 001 Da yu :a' 'here and you wt 7 Get educationpr'p 1� here and__ you will of een. ern n t lll,a CA. ' G A1ateonha.t'htinaB stn ntalike.. • graduates of other Business Coi- t lr 17.00 aro attending our CoIIcgo . ,. P form. Get tbu be,t, 31 pnya. e 13 'place many of aur etudent0 In good X05. positions. College open all year•, �0t? iy. rrbd I .Elliott Business. College 't. 9 7I Cor. Yon ge &Alexander air, Toronto. ,N ' iY Enter Now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prip. ` 4 'r ,r �'��^syF'^.iV,�'a7,oA Ft'd R">I /,r'J,yit � ,� ,r d Dear Reader V r t f t g • Is young people for badness at r, p P v - Tee Listowel Business College ' �, g �. and,plaoe our graduates in poeitione. 0 t4rudun ter to nienrer nt any time, r ,c' Suring e,9u opftyens Al)ril era. For par fi) Menhirs address • �- ... EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, Prin. r g. _ vt:>aycra olgyzyp2Avm fi'a� i • 4.r �t !Boys •i• • 4, • • ♦ irl� O •1• • • 1• Should 1015111 those subjects by • which they can'earn a living. 4 •• Spotton Business Colleges • are the largest trainers in Claw 'M +• arta, and oar graduates aectire 1 the best positions. You can • •1. study at home, or partly at 14.. • • home, and finish ab the College. •p +• Individual Instruction. t Enter Any Day. i. • - • • • • • • •r • 1• 4 • Win ham Business College 4. OEO. 3POTTON,' Principat 4 A ••÷•+•+•+•÷•÷•+•+4. CENTRAL SENT, Write us at once for our free oath - Imam and learn what Is being done in f the lending Ihminew, College in Western ' Ontario Our•grndantee Secure good -4 pooitinns and snout with sucee-s,- bual- P- nese nulltRay they are the best We �'i have three rlepertinent. -Common, O• Olal, Shorthand and Telegraphy. F,.$�z`• We give individual instruction and you itM, may enter at any time. t,1 D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal .. f RUPTU! Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will -Cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how "long ruptured, Why wait until your rup- ture becom es strangulated when you- can be cured ? 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