HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-3-9, Page 1•
VOL. 39 :'U. 36
W, F1, KERR, PrOti to
flew Advertisements
Malting -1)
Maed f) I?slang..
Otwin found -'t 111a POST.
ilda nrild,r-CIA Pax.
9) n C!ting, -d E. Weed t,
viol hn) h+, -A Robe elan.
Nagle -tyritp-0. E. Knight.
Bon a to rent -Mrs 1 urger,
for yule -W 18.9'nrvey.
Stove for_a)z-U1r1' Nlubolla,
Rinr 1 nail-wllgqte (Ii'ablpo)+. -
ar1c I111YW r01,111(1^$1114 Speir,
leill)ner,v-'3It•+rrr tikngorsee &•Corr.
iztri �".
it ,.ie IUS
Miss Balser, has returned to her
home in Listoayel:
Hugh 8llinl.t and 1rl1s9 Nelile are
visiting Mewls in Toronto.
• Arch, t1litrl.)on(1111 and Will. Fraser
have I0Lnrnetl West again.
D. F. Stewart•, enteeta1tned a' few
friends. Met Wednesday evening.
The Yung People's Literary See'>ety
will hold their meeting, on A1r1I ch 17th.
Miss Ella Fraser has rel :urned home
after a two weeks' visit with her bro-
ther at Dutton.
Rumor has it that one of !hey(ong.
ladies or the village intends going
� est Y
vel soon.,
J. F Stewartentertained a(oil L
TIiP.tlta evening d G lilt( beim e
ithe d0 pantile
Y gt
of his bleCla:c curd wife foe the West.
Clinton- '
SUDDEN DEATeE.-Death came very,
unexpectedly Sunday lmorut rg to Al vs.
T. 0. Pickard, of Ignition, while she
ivas on a visit with her son, 'William
Pickard, of Holinesville, neat Cahoon,
Not long after she had risen, Ales.
Picicai•d fell to the Hoer in an unnlln-
8Ctan8 condition and died shortly
afterwards from apoplexy. Mrs.
Pickard Ivas the mother or Ales. 3 1-1.
W. McRoberts, Wife of wilting Masf-'
er McRoberts, of tite Oollegittte, Lon-
don, and had !nude her home. in Lon-
don -foe severer( years. When she left
on Saturday afternoon on the Bence
train, the was apparently in the best
of health, and was looking fotwvlu'(1
with Much pleasure In vitiitilig her
auris, 'William and EMIL, W110 reside at
Holtuesville. Mts. Pickard was (38
years old, and leaves three sons and
three daughters, Roy, of Toronto ;
William and Ezra, of Beltnesvjlle ;
• .Mus. 3. H..\V. McRoberts, of Lot dnt :
les. U. T. Fisher, of Wiuuipeg, told
11'i's, (Rev.) Bunter, in Dakota.
A. 0. U. W. OYSTEIt SIIPPER.-F7•i-
day evening of last week, Srd inst., a.
very pleasant evening wee spent by
• Patterson Lodge, A. O.U. \V.,. No,
852, About 45 members and their
wives gathered at the home of BroJ.
Higgipbott(11t1, where an excellent
Oyster Supper was served. The fore-
part of the evening wit,'spent in
music and games 1134 about 11 91011 ok
adjeurumi,nt'was 1010le to his dining -
room %viler'. oysters andother good
things tvel•e pat•takeu of. After this
H. J. Morels,' 1). D. G. NI„ of Goderich,
was called to the chair. ,Mt. Morris'
gave a vett' interesting address on the
work of the Gillet, in the Province of
Ontario and also in the Huron Dist
Het, lr t, after which the following mo-
1 t
L your Ring was bought at
ONE and a lasting pleasure
to its possessors_
Oar :tock Of Rings eon ' •ts iof
the h- e
. sat .styles-prridnr•ed. We
sell only dependable glume Oi(r
prices are as low AS the lowest.
e' L
Jeweler Brussels
gram as
given .-Gran u) h-
ec4i ,
Ounnillgheuu : recitabiull,
Mies ,'4heindou ,address, J, 4Viisun ;
vinlln 8olo,'1'. Rtitt'liffe; getuurrphoue
seleelinn ; 1•8311,a(i0e; Bert Marsh;
song, D. Ramsay ; address, S. Theta -
son duet, lower and .IIIl) Robeeteou;
adds ess, Wm, Campbell i gramnithotle
selection ; Oddre8s, Johu 01110m id. A
itt?arty vote of thanks was tendered
Me. and Mrs. Higginbottptn for their•
kin(1tles4 in giving their home for the
oennsfou. Ale. Movers, D. D. G•, M..
13180 Jensen ted thankd'Om bolt> 1? 4>? the
Grout Lo o u n
Getout Lodge (b f U 3a(t to the host
and hostess and thosewhoso kindly
30nit 11318 11 Lite'pii('lgkap..'A very'e>
joytbte evenulgevas broeght to a close
•by singing, "Auld Lang Syne."
Miss Nettie Sltiun left for Milvet'-
Lon out A'iettday.
Miss 181t°llel Dance, of ,Lambeth, is
the guest of Mrs. H. Brawn.
.81ids Lille South entertailied a num-
be of herrfeieli'ds last, Friday eVeitiug,'
l8lCs. J.' Hoofer, of Sahli, Ste. Harte,
Minh., is visiting. her 'father, James
Paul his
Irs. T. G Hemphill hill 'gave a very
enjiipfi.ble•pt•Ogt•elalfve,e chile tirty,,on
1?.. P 3.._..
Monday evening...
Miss tis J
spent several daysa
cently with her sister, Airs. B. Whit-
w(tem iluat7.
bliss Elsie Strachan, of Jamestowit
is assisting Airs. McCartney prepare
for her millinery opening.
Gorden Willits left On Tpeeday for.
Moose Jaw, Sask., where he will re-
sinme his homestead duties.
O(u hpckey tenor journeyed to Mild
May last Finlay, where Lheywere de-
feated by the home tela(((. the score
:standing 8-4:
East. Wawanoah 0>iuiiell filet o(1
Welding bells will ring in this loceli-
tv next Wednesday. .It will he a case
0? the 4111 line annexing the 50t..
A baby daughter,- valued -at .from
$5,000 upward, at the home or James
and Alts. Armstrong last Sunday is
tunongthe latest tu'rivais in Belgrave:
Trinity church congregation . here
will have a share. . in the erection of rt
new livid( reclnry at Blyth; next Sum-
mer, Beige ave is never behilid iu their
We are sorry to hear that 001 old
friend Robes t Armstrong; who w.asaL
feline; well known resident of this
locality,ois not enjoying his old time
good health. He 1s making his home
with a son at Willow 'City, North
H°cicxy.'-Last Satnl'aav•a ver in-
terekting g1Lu1e of hncltey- wvaslaye+d
here between our -boys and theBlue-
valeseven. The game was fast and
excitingand but h _teams played well.
'Che final score teas -well task Blue-
vale. 'F:S•turdy, of Winglinm, acted
as referee.. Line ell w1t8 rib follows
Bluevale Belgrave
Elliott Goal (ir d•es
g 1,
Andrews Point Fergus'
Henderson C. Point Watsutr'
Fowler . Rover - W. Geddes
Turvey Centre N. Geddes
Mackenzie. L. Wing ;r 0. Geddes
Aitchison 18. Wing Brandon
Blyth Agricultural Society will not
hold a Spring Fair this season.
Mrs. Echneston is quite poorly bull
we hope she will soon alaPwive.
dLbattle Perdue
may change handy and some
building be done on the Int.
butes Bennett was at Brussels last
Sallnthly gat heti tlg • polo tees relative'
0 en - tial Telephone n per Ltinus..
P. Gardiner, who. Into lead a siege
of illness. was able to get to the store
last Saturday andis itnprov,
We are sorry to 'state that Hugh,
1!9 kQuarrie,' an old and highly esteem-
ed resident of Blyth for 50 years, is
very ill. He is about 77 years of age
and has been poorly for sbnie time.
Anew blink rectory for Trinity
church is un the program for the sour
iugseason. It will be built on the
she of the preseet building. the
>tn eicul 1
rte (P the old one being tllilizri{
a8lfares possible for the new. The
arebiteett>ral design will -be after the
pnLh'ru of St, Andrew's manse, we
a• F', i
i404.illner 4
•. •
4.••• �j•d4,
•• N are back from the Millinery Show •••N oo s witrai t!1date 'st c ' 4•
and ready farbusi c
Call if r
a th,
' g
a, Millinery goods is desired, Satisfaction as,
cl, a
C •
Opening n
be a.
oases Sandersoo St Carr
r Brussels
are•; e1.N ••1♦'N •N•a•B.NiF•♦ •v.t•.a♦ ..•e•.3�•rsa.a��r..ar d+Gors uitz 372. l:
Tit -'1'utal 560. --
J o Co
mining, C lntnin o
t who was riled
n h Married
last week to Miss Sadie Somers, will
leave next week for their home in the
N'r'iday evening of this week the
yolnlg people of at.. Andrew's church
pulp(use going 8> Walton to visit.
Duff's thumb. yonn .folk. A debate
will be no) of the interesting items on
Un pr'ogr'am.
The ()alter families were called to
Brussels last Tuesday to^rule funeral of
John Oa1•188, fatheiof Art, and Dave
of 131y(11, whs. died last Sunday in Itis
7964 year. He had been in failing'
health foe months. -
Mrs. Jas, Gainsfin'th, from Michigan.
18 home to see her tenet., Thos. Den-
nis, who is in very poor health.
Will. and bliss Flora Davidson M.
tend returning to Stuck., next Monday,--
wl'lere the tomer has a homestead.
Edgerton Roe is )making prepaieL-
linus for enlarging Iris barn and put-
ting cement foundation (Nuclei it next
We are pleased' to hear of the un-
proved health of John and Mrs. Seelr-
lett and trust ,they, may •shortly be
able tM jia'Oi11 again.
-WM. Smith had a very successful
slue 11 I )
,esu a t P Inst wveek Ile is n
to West n accept t t t o os tlou which ,
l p !
hence the change.
Stock. Sale held In that elty last week
and pinrehased a'two-veal•-old, troll of
very silperior breeding which will be
appreciated by Many farmers of ,the
A special'tneetiug of the School
Section here was called last Friday
night to elect a terettee to fi11the
term oil'' .Tohn A1eGavin, resigned, bot
as':a snhicie,(t ltuinber did not come
Out it was postponed. -
Mrs. Fusterandtwtia)hildren, of Sud-
bury, are here on a visit with the
fnl•uler's father, Dotgald, McTagga t t,
10th con. The linter shows some im-
provement in health.
A grand Oonre(•t will be given in the
church her c on Friday evening or next
wet kat which a good program will be
given after wllioh lunch will be served..
The Ladies' Aid have the- entertain-
ment 3n charge. ' •
Gen. Manley was in Stratford last
week to see his (laughter, Mrs. Ed.
Scantlebnrg, who underwent an opera-
tion recent] forappendicitis,and for
a time was very lobul we ireleas-
ed to say there is now a change for
Lhe better. -
Last week Arch. McLean, 113111 Ooh„
sold one of his fine 2 year old Clydes-
dale -fillies. beer( from "Baron Fife,"
for the tidy, of $250.00 to L.
13etto r, of "Logan. 1'he pm chaser got
(p dandy when he deaait with Mac. and
110 doubt about it. The mare will be
taken 10 Stettler, Alberta.
-George Dueler), 16th Con., is back
flour an enjoyable visit of 5 weeks
witltrelative;a and friends in Pen-
nsylvania and New York States. Mr
Dunlop's norther, who lives at Ashley,
Penn., 18,82 years of age but wonder-
fully smart and may make a visit to
er sou next Summer.
Fon SiL8.,-('(lopping a>ill and outfit consist.
111).: tit ut 1•oglnr, boiler, chopper, roller gad aider
v1{Iobe Al./ separateo, els welling •Machinery
he house and lot I r.
desired. I t mut nr sold10N,befdraLli April 1st.
alt nod an
O (ulre ttno. ,leo
`) nON 111•anUrook
Chris. S
. 0 rel has ,roved into L 38
Ceinel•oa1's !nese..
Panacea makes hens lay and •keeps
them free from insects.
Ti1s. Brown ha
0 8 1110V0 11 (n Iris farm
purchased fromAlt .Howlett. ' •
Bert McDonald left on Tuesday of
last week to 0(1
e the Summer sp with
Mr. Robb ire Morris,
Miss Milbei Menzies .of Cranbrook,
arrived home the beginning- of least
week, after a pleasant visit with
0raubrorlk is on the move these' days
Geo. McNichol and fatuity have moved
Lo Wonds(ock and Fred. -Jeschke Las
moved on to the McNichol farm.
Jets. Nolle has moved "' ,
( 01 the fai tit
he has purchased front Jas. AloLattoh-
lan, Geo. Spariiog having purchased
the farm late( "occL
tea)Y Ale. Noble
from 0. Seel,
Monday afternoon of this week a well
kuotvn resident' of this locality, in the
person of Jett. W. Switzer, passed
that bo1111'Ie from whence 110 traveller
reins's. lie wa8 born
k in Peter-
borough Go.Ont., t aid on i.
sou ,
Westward lived, f4,t o
v 1 floc at
St buttY before moving s boo e tt tn'Ulaubtu»k
31 years ago lie wits married to blies
Agnes Sinclaie two years mice,
to this
and she passed 1331711(4.6'years ago. 811,
Switzee's health had been failing dur-
ing past year but lie:was telly 811)10118-
1y ill for 0. weelc,prior•to Itis : 'demise.
11>1 is 8(1> vived by three daughters,
Alts riga•
1 H. Pi OL' of B1 IGn ; bliss
g t.
AI xhuat Masi. i ,and Aliss
Allulat Ionic. A sone and daughtee
are deceased. 'Ile '. filo L
lltl will take
place Satolday af1(inouu Flom the
late residence .of \,i, Switzer 1 It t ab 3
»'Gluck, toBr3ss818 cemetet3, s0(vice
half hour 'lather. 1411x9. SwlUse, i1•
courting free> 1110 West to the funeral,
h(.hce the delay,' cay, The bereaved
daughter's will be sym.pethised tvitlt iu
heu•sorrow. •
" Sbi3°°I.R18iol[T.=Fo110wing is the
bthnll Report foe Pl l
DebV. Total 675, -Russel Knight
50/ 'IV. Total 675.-s•Addie-S at•liit•
•801 Lucy Al(t (sr» 665 Mantle Cramer.
»u 500, Leslie Petrie 534, May Grasby,
500' Myrtle G1LsbY 600, 'Maggie ie 1c
Nabb 808, I1ze1 Ai Dc1 1d 388 Eve.
dylr AluNichol 319,'*Lola St01sq 214.
tit. 111. Total 600. -Elsie S parting,
564i Maggie Pel•rie 647, Golden Knight
33401 Thelma. :Sinalidou 637, 81ad'elenc
aBaker461, Alvin Hunter 428, "Millie
AltOr 8138, Ionl Steles 3"8
, Oscar
Eric Pennington Marie t Lon
M e 41
Stnnrt ,Noble 404 442,Uinit•e .Lop 3
*Welland Kramer 318, Earl Hayman
237. Jr. Department. 1I, 'potal05
A111118 Stnalldon 002, Lizzie Baker 611
Beebat•a Fischer 483, Alfred Knigb
305, Johnny Schnook, 344, Ross Hu,
ter 227, Ha H0nter 201, Charlie Di
ling. 103, *Irene 'Kreuter 91, Arnow
F18uher, 47. Sr Pt. II. Total 000.-
Evelyn Jlaker 550, Earl Baker 480,.
Johnny Nichol 2913, "Johnny S11)a11(1mi
200, Alex. Sperling, 204. Jr. Pt. 1I,
Total 600. Aimee Mei/ample 400,
'Walter Knight 330,, Harold Penning-
ton 280, Alex, Steiss 258, Lydia Steles
178, *Beetle Alderatia> 81. Pt, I.- Ex-
cellent.- Pearl Schnook. Those
marked * missed one or more' exams.
NoRMA SPARLIN8,, Assistant.
OSCAR SHAW, Principal.
No Maple syrup es yet.
'1'» wnslli p. Council next Monday..
13rowvlltewn Public School was re-
opened Tuesilay of this week.
ML's: Jno. Brooks and Will. Brooks
visite 1 A'111deatty friends last week.
L (x. Oasemoreformerly of Bluevale
is renewing friendships in this.
HenryMallets atliels a
had u -
Y a wood -bee
d bee
Monday afternoon to roan)
got over 20
cords of (1
s fw d •1
o Glt
Gen to 111 0
at 1 of Broderick,Sask.,
visited in Detroit during the past
week with his sister, Airs. Walter
John Mooney, 5th• line, resume
fanning, his tenant, Win. Bernard
having purchased the farm of Jas
Maxwell, 6th line. •
Last. week .lames Speir sold 13 prim
Yorkshire 111)g to Henry Edwards, o
East Wawallnah, and 'a thorn' bee
sow 111 same breed to George Miller r
The 100 acre farm ou the 5th 11ue
belonging to George Brown, of Betts
sell; has been leased to George Miller
of the same town.' Mr. Miller is now
in possession ` and we wish him sec
cess in his.farming operations.
There is a wedding on the 5th lin
in the comingweek and the 4th lint
supplies the groom. That's right Joe.
Belgrave is not going to be left be-
hind as our pnpuliu• Vet. is about) to
leave the ranks of bachelorhood.
D. S. and Mrs: Lailiout" isf Clare
Michigan, were here unto visit of two
weeks with relatives and friends in
Morris and Grey. (The former is t
cousin to Hugh and Donald Lamont
of the latter•' township, and Mrs. La
Mont ita daughter of Ars• Wm
A. new bank barn will be built by
Ohiis. K. Taylor, 0111 line, next season.
It will be 40x60.• The material is
nearly all on the ground. M v. Taylor's
present barn is one of the oldest frame
barns in the township, 3t and one on
Rubs. McDonald's farm being built the
A ctrl (1f settlers' effects, including
stock, etc., is being loaded by Frank
SleOrackeu at Bl tassels for the West.
The destination will he Tyner, Sask-
atchewan, where they puirpose making
their home. We are sorry to lose the
family from this community, tts they
have resided here for many years.
SCHOOL REPORT. -Tile following is
the report of S. S. No. 3, Mortis, for
February c- IV. Glass -John Pass-
more, Ernest Michie, Janet Connors.
Sr. ILL -Sato. Alconk, John Little,
Gladys McNeil. Jr. III. -Ivan Mc -
Atter, Willie Clark, k Nor,ni
an Spelt.,
Elsie Oounon Andrew Nichol
11. -John bn b1uNGi1 Maggie Clark
Russel Marks, Annie Alcott Annie
Little.. 8r. Pt. II. -Lilo MCArter,
Margaret McNeil, Maggie Hanna,
Mary M sia
y cl ). Jr. Pt: II. .Everett.
Nirhnl, Oliffotd Marks. Sr. Pt. I. -
Jim Duncan. Allan. Speir.
ANNIE E. McGowAx, leacher."
IN MEMORY. -On Sattu'day, Feb -
m otu'y'25th tbai a passed away a former
tlevrr and successful student of Wing-
hiiln High School,` Edna I: 181)ister,
bettet\kuown to her schoolmates as
"'!'eddy." After conlpletingherpltblic
school ()curse at her home school hi
Moris, •+Teddy" entered the Wing -
ham High Scl o01 where she succeeded
iu obtaining lie', Junior Leavingand
part of ma6rirtilation. She tooan
active part in athletics and wield dif-
ferent offices in the Literary Society.
..Teddy" was 11 clever debater and ac-
quitted herself creditably in the
oratorical contest. She entered the
Toronto Nn 1111>1 School in the 1909-10
term but, failing health compelled her
to leave before her course was com-
pleted. By her el
. n erful an
A d generous
dls,osi'i ti "ell "w
f f 1
b `"reddy" woe the love and
I >
csttew fall Ir'er fellow -students stn( eels )
will r'
111 1d I
1 s her as a true friend
ung enmpaui0o, The family have the
deepest sympathy of all in thou
ber'ea vemot t.
DIED AT GOD.ERICIH.-lira. Edward
Sttaughan, of Gotlerieh,.died on •Pees
Clay 11•f last week i11 her 82nd wear.
About. a month ago she fell on the icy
relevy L c
s t II ans4uirntl L
t Molten
g 1
ruin since then she had been confined
to lute bed, the shock `,t0 her aged.
Name mo rnviYl fatal. ''
proving a
ulal0et11reltne w'tr-s Isabella (lleul
r and
site was bor' i( w"
n ) ti t > n
k2 ek R xbo•on * =
, �h
shire, Scotland, on August 121h, 18`29,
\Vben she was ten years of age: her
parents,.)as. and,A'irs. 0l>ik, caule to
Canada and settled in Bi veil Hotel -
ship, Went worth ooiinty. '!'here
she lived until h
u marriage to her
now be eft per tiler, on r illarrh 5th,
1852. Ale, and hits. Straughan (an1P
10 Flume county .and settled on the
6111 eon. of Colborn
township. Colborne v111 p, tuff( on
relit lug from arrive work f111 the farm
they moved In Gtuletich 3n I)ecember
1800 l
wv tel
e they have sdnro resided.
e le.
Sl av s beside he
1 e 1 husband
a grown
up family >1(4 8008 1Lmd° 6 daughters.
One daughter died stile yeast age.
['l> alal(V1 mcutinned lady 'was' a
1»418113 of' Mrs. \Vtn, Findlatea',. 2n1
line and ruler 1G,t old time friend ''7 ex.
Reeve and Ws. Turnbull, of Grey, and
Mrs. D. Pipe,
3. SOttoOL Re/testes-The following 's
h ,
report the e t of
2, [ S. S. No. 9, 1 ' :
Pbi(tII n
u January ,,
1 J
Itt Ic.
and bl full , .-
I r l2,-
0. 11( 700. y •tvs 350 - , yMfc l .18
P G. A1t11u,4718;
, 111, Gray, 8931 1V, Parish, 313 Jr:
1 III, --Total 700 pass 850. E. Rubins,
1- 135• Sr. IL -Total 000 pass 300. -Lily
1- 'Jael(500, 425 ; 13. Shlele. Jr, IL -`lo.
cl 1111000 paiss 301, -Glen Kelly, 3111 ; Brea
Gray, Pt. IL -Total 520 pass 200.-0.
Skelton424r • 1
c , , Ill. McCall, 255 , E. Wat-
son, 15; M. Sho•treed, 155 ; B. Belly,
129 ; J, $horLreed, 1222, ; V. Wyatt, 48,
Pt. 1. -Fair -Ross Button, Sown
Roll for punctuality, W. 'Perish, G.
Kelly, 0. Skelton, 13, 10111r 1+,. Wat-
son. No. on toll, 10 'Average verage at-
teudanee, 8. M. E. 1+Lcst1, Teacher.
ANSwHILED THE°ALL,-As announc-
ed i11 last issue 0?75 E Po5T an old and
well known resident of the 9th line, in
the person of John Shor•treecl dled
Thursday morning of last week, in his
7911 yeah, rafter a very brie(' illness.
Funeral did not take place on Satui-
day as was stated bet was postponed
until Monday afternoon to peetnit the
arrival of 'deceased's son, Dr. Geo., of
Grand View, Man. The remains Were
laid away in the family plot in Brus-
sels cemetery alongside his aged part-
ner with whom he had travelled life's
junrney for over 60 years and from
w m he was q se crated
so short a
t3rne Air. ,'
t Shortie d was a to typical
Rugged of
body,3ndus '
P trtons
and thirfty $much attached. to his
home arid widely esteemed and res-
pected fee his loyality to his country
and his God. The children consisted
s of 6 sons (John, Reeve of r\lot•ris ; and
, W. J. and Iiobt. on the homestead ;
. Dr. Geo. D. of Grand View, Man. ;
and \Valter,'deceased) and 4daughters
e' (Mrs. H. Scott, of Telfer.; Mrs. W. G.
1 Ml•Spadden, of Winthrop ; :End story
c1 mid Christtnrl, deceased.) The sul•viv-
lf' ors have a fieri rage in the retrospection
of the long, happy ttnd successful life
, of their parents and possess the same
sp1lit to a marked degree. Few
of the pioneer of �01rris township
remain but al(hctugh ogle from our
- midstt they live inthe hearts and
thoughts of Cheee, who have been
e benefitted, by their industry and zeal.
HY31Er8EAL.-At 5 o'clock Wechles-
da ev,euin >, r the home a of Alex. and
kis. Forsyth, 3rd line. ,W138 the scene
of to pretty wedding, when in the
pl•eseuce of 50 guests Rev. A. 0. Wish-
. art, B. A., tied the mut imonial knot
between Geo. J. 1•ILuuiltolr, and Aliss
Lizzie E., daughter of host and host-
,. ess. Ceremouywas performed tinder
, au evergreen arch . adorned with
wedding bells, the 'Wedding march
being played by the bride's sister.
Bridesmaid was Miss Lena Mitchell.
cousin to 111e gloom turd the grooms -
than, Neil Robb, cohsin n1 the bride.
The ladies wore very becoming cos-
tumes of white. Hearty congratula-
tions were followed by a well served
marriage supper. The presents were
of a most excellent character, their
range embracing the useful and valu-
able. Groom's gift t0 the bride mu8 a
flue Raymond pneumatic serving
machine ; to the bridesmaid and
organist gold blouse pins and to
groomsman gold cuff links. A very
pleasant social time was enjoyed at
the reception in the evening. The
bride's going away dress was bine
with hat to match. IIt, 113131 Mrs.
Hamilton will live West of James-
town. A reception will be held
at their home.I+''riday evening. A-
mong the guests at wedding from a
distance were
urs. and miss Hamilton,
or Drew, and .I w r.
endues. Shoemaker,
of Berlin he br'
1 Ile am groom
'rr» m
carry with them malty
good wishes
for a prosperous future.
Jas. Al.Campbell and Z S
s Sall 1
G 1 vs. An-
drew A. Smith and Wm. 3. P. Smith
by Alacgaret Pelted:, their next best
friend -these were the priori ails in a
case heard it, the burro {{,, rate 10001
,1 be-
fore Judge Doyle, at GOdertc11. The
plaintiffs are the executors of the
estate of the late Andrew M. Smith,
who died it) Morris township ha April,
1910, and the action was to prove the
will of the deceased. As set teeth in
plaintiff's statetneut of claim, in Sep-
tember, 1..V2, the said Andrew M.
Smith wile married to the another of
the infant defendants in the case.
The marriage proved an Unhappy one,
the couple brio
inter. When the wife left herhus-
buud she left the children with him
btu ihoetly afterwards entered can 510-
(11)>)for alimony, pending which she
Look the children away clandestinely.
In 1905 the father succeeded in getting
an order from the Oourt giving hila
the custody of the children. Iu de-
l -lame ! 1•
0 of Lhe order the � n
m Lherfi i0c to
the United Slates s with the children
and kept h
kept them concealed tillthe fact•
et s death last gear. It 1VILa during
the absence of the mallet, and ohildl•eu
that (ho wv111 In question wits mode.
The sons teem bequeathed 3110 stun of
$13 each and 111e balance of the property
WW1 101'3 30 near relatives. 11 3110.
mull ,-I '
tel nd m wu '
c tttwa a e
sstlt d."I 1
,1 g
not til
t[iu cause ata+
y Gt sel ,n this ease for al-
tar -king the will and lht•reloue I must
and do order and adjudge that the de-
fendalltedo ip,Ly the platin:1 M' costs.
Ifled the will v
alidanc n •
i t dor it toe
03(1m11ted to pro t baleh
3A010 tl'MN010.-R close • l c
O o e mil Page f the
Ideal for• thn well known Pago tone ds
n gates
ma w110 t1H A
I e f Get n welt a., 8111111.1•
n11>1, hl IP desired. Ciel pnrticltlnrs from
Grey Township Council will meet
)fere on Monday, 20111 last.
12, is repotted that Robt, Dilworth
haps made aL'purchase of park lots heat•
the M althold.
A male choir will sin at the evenin
service in the Presbyteritu) 'church
next Sabbath.
\Vo etre pleased torepurt til gree
imprnvemen1 in Airs. Geo. Al,
Mitchell's hetilti1.
Ails') Colo a s
t t. Ur r len been invited
> ttrd to assist
in the W. 0. 1. 17, program at Brus-
els next Tuesday evening. - 1
Rin s
ice: •
• ♦
v the Signet Ring far Very popular indeed acct i
o. Lady's oGentleman's •
wear. We are showing•
• anctioexcepttomallytl (Inccol-
le •
• But High in Quality i
Rings ma•One of these •
• be just what you are
• looking for to give your •
• friend. ♦
• We do the- Engraving ••
eFree. You Anay choose s
• what design you like. .
• Wroxeter ••
• •
"Giving a man another chance"
will be the theme of Rev. M. Wren's
sermon next Sabbath evening.
The public meeting announced for
Wednesday afternoon oon in the Town-
ship Hall, to he addressed by Messrs.
Drury and McMillan on the question
of Reciprocity, was cancelled owing to
the inability of the speakers to get
dere owing to illness.
WomstsrS 1NSTITUTE,-The regular
meettalg• of the Woolen's Institute
will be held at the home of Mrs. 8. S.
Cole Thursday, March 10th at 2.80
p, en. Topic "Architecture of the
Home, to be taken by Mrs, 3. Welsh
and lairs. Wesley Pollard.
Keep the two sessions of the W. F.
\l. S. of the Presbyterian church in
mind for next Tuesday. Itis the 25th
1L1111iVe1•sal'y. Afternoon gathering
will be held in the Dilworth Hall open
to ladies only. Al, the close of the
p10911 0t lane) will be served. At the
evening meeting the public generally
ate invited. An invitation has been
accepted by the W. 141. S. of the
Methodist Church to attend both as-
sent blies.
A fine social time was enjoyed on
two evenings recently by the Adult
Bile Class of the Methodist Sabbath
School. The first gathering was held
at the hospitable home of Wm. and
Mrs. Hall, the latter being the teach-
er, where about 40 had a fine time.
Thos. and Mrs. Voddeu entertained
the same company late' and Proved
first-class host and hostess. The
officer's and teachers of the Sabbath
School were included in the guests .on
each occasion.
Township Counoil will meet i4Ionday
20th inst., at Ethel.
AL the school 1 g
neetfn held in
S. S.
No1, last Saturday
Robert eft :Miller
was' elected 2,.1 t
tstee as successor to D.
It was decided g ec,ded to
extend the payments for the new
school house over 5 years.
Thursday f
O (lex week eek Al
bent and
Mrs. Michel and family expect to
leave on their return trip to their
borne in the
West after
an enjoyable
holiday here. Angus Campbel, rs.
blichel's father, expects to accompany
GAUGHT A GULL. -Last Saturday a
fine specinlan of a white gull was dis-
porting itself about the premises of
Oliver Harris, 10th Con., when it was
captured. It was taken to 11ussels
and may be seen at the barber shop of
Jno. Hewitt, where it is taking kindly
10 its new home.
Sorryu learn 1
t e t that L PrLne•
aG young-
est b
est son of Alex Delgalty, a
former well known Greyite, died at
Gilbert' Plains, Sask., on February
25111, of Scarlet fever and blood pois-
oning, after an illness ni' a -few days
only. Burial took })lase the afternoon
of the same day. There has been a
regtlat•epidemic out
the school
1311(1 churches
being closed since New
Years. s Deceased
was bort
1 on the
12th Con. of G1'ey and was a fine
young mean. He was a brothel to
Mrs. Hugh Stewart, 160) cwt. Many
old friends of the bereaved will
sympathise with theta in their sorrow.
DIED IN DER YOUTH. -We are sorry
to state that Jessie Isabella, the young-
est (laughter of
Campbell,)ell 11111
COIL. paid Nature's'
1 debit last Monday
afternoon to the great regrets of many
ftieods ono and both -gg
d nil
young . Deceased
had not been feeling any too well tor
awhile and het. diagnosed
trouble (ublewt
2,8 tura n
l appendicitis,
A meds<:ul
was perforated Thursday of last week
and for the next two days the patient
appeared to
be making aking satistactory
r e.
wvit it
e 4
A2,'(1 g c 53 change took place
and she lapsed into aseen neco neer ntls
condition til ori> which she dill not 11111lr.
Shewaelr 1
ri nn'
el6thce. 1
1 of Grey
and was 18 years 7 months and 24 days
old. 111'1' mother (lied 171 years ago
and Miss
Campbell Ilha
l filled l
the post
or housekeeper fur some .years. t>i ad-
diLion t0 her el father she t )( 19
ant w,wil,+
d by
ci 1)1 01 in1 11P t West 11.1
111 Lwo a•
(Ells, Albert ; Michel, of Calgary and
Ides. Pete( 31eNeil; SIMON., :lila,).
Snb;iect of (his notice wits a bright,
happy young Indy who was .a .great'
favorite, Site was @L member of the
Methodist .t r
t "Utd
otgtuulst'for the I6pworth League.
Her dent(( is greatly :regretted and the
bereaved deeply sympathised with,
The funetai took. place Wednesday
afternoon 10 Brussels cemetery, Rev,
D. Wren, M. A., oordssC1 t
g an ap-
propriate seivice.
Owing to ehauged 004311(10119 13411(tlne
and a desire to go to the West where
relatives are Angus Campbell, North
half Lot 26, (300., 11, has decided to
hold, an Auction ,Sale Tuesday cater -
noon of next week LLC 1 p. te, when he
will offer for sale his 50 (tele forret,
farm stock, implements, household
fru Mime, etc, Sale Will be without
reserve as he desires 60 have the latter
part of this week,
SCHOOL REPORT. -Following 10 Clue
report of S. S , No. 4 Grey, for the
mouth of February :-V. Olass was
examined in Algebra, Grata.. Spell.,
and Geog. IV., III. and II examined
in Arith., Grum., Spell. and Geog,
V Class - John McDonald, Janet
Stewart, Roy McDonald. - IV Class
Enema Lake, Louie Fritts, Laura •
Bryens, Edith King, .111avy Smith,
Sophia 51000nnau, Sam. 330mk0 Pearl
Payn. III Claes-Baro((( Srigley, Lily
King, Aldine Holt, Elsie .Johnston,
Gordon Holt, Sr. Il,-AdelineJolni-
sten, Gordon McEwen; David Stewart
May Burke, Harold 'Jad(lin JI IL -
Alex. King, Jame li n
a T om s n Part
IL --Berrie 'Lake. Sr. o "°
I R bbie
Ballingal, Stanley McDonald. Jr. I.
-Excellent Eva Balfour. Good -A.
King, R. J1eltliti, M. McEwen, 13'. Hay-
den, E. Hamilton. Average attend-
ance 27. E. M, BANsuLD; Teacher.
HYMENEAL. -At 5 p. In. Wednesday
of last week Wedding bells rang mer
Illy at the residence of George and
Mrs. Clark. 16th con.. the occasion
being the marriage of hiss Marion'
Jane daughter o1' the host and hostess
to Jacob Zieglera well known young
farmer of the 18111 con. Rev. Mr.
Lundy, of Walton, performed the
08rewony in 1110 presence of about 50
guests. The Weddita • March was
rendered by Mrs. (Rev.)Lundy, during
which the bridal party took their
places under an evergreen arch front
which was suspended a large 1,011.
Bride was given away by her father
and was attended by Miss Cnlrie
Ziegler, sister to the groom, while
EdwatdOIeik, brother to the bride,
was groomsman. A becoming clams(
mull costume tri lamed with insertion
and ribbon was worn by the bride.,
Her going away dress was blue .illi
with hat to match. Bridesmaid was
attired in a gloria ecru silk with
guipure insertion. 911 elltbor•ate sup-
per followed congratulations at the
close ofwhich the health of the bride
and groom was felicitously proposed
by the officiating clergyman. The
weddingifts were numerous, valuable
and wisely selected. Groom's gift to
the bride was a gold bracelet, to the
bridesmaid, a gold necklet; to 11)0
groomsman a pair of cuff: buttons. A
very enjoyable evening was spent in
which social chat W11.9 interspersed with
vocal and instrumental 1110817, games
and dancing. .Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler
went Le their home the next'day where
many good wishes follow them foe a
long, happy and prosperous life.
A good many are getting their sap
buckets ready.
Miss Rae Moses visited her sister,
Miss Bessie, in Stratford last week.
The Melville Branch of the W. F,
M. S. will meet at the home of 191rs,
D. McDonaldh' week.
t is v
Mrs. Robert Moffatt, Boundary
n r
H w 1 k who makes bar home at her
son IIS• ' s,
ltuw'a Lade Jacl.lin's' keeps
poorly A
Richard Grainger still keeps quite
ill. H has been otf wont for past 2
year's and is in bed all the time. Itl-
flammatot•y rheumatism is the cause.
T. R. Bennett, agent for the Preston
metal shingle and siding, Co„ has been
Making quite a dash. He's a busy
man with all his agencies and farm.
Miss Stella Wright entertained a
few friends Tuesday evening of this
week in the home of her brothers,
Walter and Archie, who leave shortly
for the West.
Mrs. George McDonald who has been
away for the past 4 morphs in Mani-
toba nursing her mother, Mrs. Mayers,
is still there.n
" 1e i
11 d ladyi n •
s 9 Intim
tvbaimprovedtbut is still very low,
Im1p1'ovements may 4e made by
Chris, Moffatt in enlargl)g his barn
and building a straw house. T. R.
Bennett also ttalksof putting up a
strawy house. Lide Jticiclin may built(
a hog pen and a hen house..
We are pleased to pelmet l '
that ,ltd.
Andrew Simpson is steadily' improv -
8 r a ever
in aft c ti!r of f the l
e s ata
grippe tend pneumonia.Doul. 'Miss V
den of Mitchell, gtadte Bl.Lnt-
ford Hospital was the nurse. The
many friends of 141rs. Sitnpson wish
her a speedy recovery.
For hustling maple sugar, makers
the North boundary of Grey takes no
second place. Geo, 1• IcDonald:will-ttL1:,
1350 trees e 11)18ea r.
a 80,, and Thos,
T. R, 13e neft and O. B,
Muifattare also intending to. matte a
push s t ,the same b r a
ns ue,s,
l� J. Ball, 0.
Line, Hn
wick has n big
and R. Bonnett 4th of Grey, Is ready.
Smoot, RE
PORE-Folloving ,is tuft.
report for U. S. S. No. 1(1 Rowlett and
Grey forJam 1 a
nd Feb„names
arranged i r
g rider of 'neva, :-Se. IV. --
Clayton Grainger, Otunet'on Rob-
tis) u.Jt I\''. -Rob t"
[ McDonald,
T,awrene0 lilslnp, 19wvaiwL 5t i17erchat',
Cindlull M Kete nt
G .1 t, Annie Iltsiop,
Sr,- • 111. ---,Arthur Bowman, Bickel,
1 3v.1 f 1, -Vet 0
V r 141c
Donald. Maria atut ]3currett, Jean Doi};,.
Lloyd Armstrong, (tttlic ,00,11
Wit h(1L
gerr, Sr.I -�
Myrtle (
itaBowman, w
nro) 3131009
1McKerchi, Jr. IL--Della
Vidor Bowman, Mabel Robertson.
Hr. Pt. I. A, -•-•U ,11ie 13nwintil. Jr.
Pt•, I. B, -Elder Bennett, Ruby Grain-
ger; t. George Diatom Allan iklo erchm'
I' 1. 0.••-•• 41
II 4vard Grainger,
141aggle Ilodg, nal Xbtrrasm lJMl,