HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-2-23, Page 6lYi leeeelelletwileasesiese Young Folks 111 Ar*1M►11rt,vllli'at►1,1►�►7e1 WHICH WAS 14 Charlie Thompson, lied read about iceboats, and he thought he Would snake one. So he took a lit- tle boat he had, put some mances on it, and tried to sail it on the pond, which was close by the vil- lage. But it would not go, for some reason, and he was very much' vexed over it, The next .day; as he was going to sohool, he met Lizzie Brent, who called out to him as they passed; • "0 Charlie, 1 hear you have an roe -boat I" "I haven't a. nice boat," said he, croesly, and added to himself i an n undertone, "We s voxYp a . oar ,one, The nextday a Lizzie was going Y o by. the pond when she saw gCharlie working at his boat. "Why,. Char- liye," said she, "1 thought yon told me yesterday you hadn't an ice- boat! "-Well, I haven't gut a Dice boat," and he went un with his work, without taking any more notice of her. Rho went off, thinking to hersel "I do believe that Charlie is get ting queer. I wonder what 11 means!" They did not have much to say t each other for some days, and th teacher noticed it, and asked Lizns zie what w the matter, an<l sh told her. Then the kind teach° drew her up close to her, and said: "Lizzie, dear, dun't you know an fee -beat is not always a nice boat, and a nice boat is seldom an ice- boat?" Lizzie Tangled at her mistake and made friends with Charlie at once, for she saw the difference between • an ice -boat and a nice boat. Youth's Companion. SANE ENOD GH THEN. „ $25.00 FOR A LETTE CAN YOU WRITE ONE Eight Prizes to be Awarded in Letter Writing Oontest Open to Every One in Ontario Dr. Williams Pink Fills for Pale People have been used in Ontario for a generation: Hundreds of re- markable cures have been reported during that time and there is scarcely a family in which the re- medy has not been tried with bene- ficial resuIts, This furnishes the material for the letter tobowri to t n in this contest. There is rYcalomand upon the imagination; every letter must deal with facts and facts only, PRIZES: T A GREAT WORKER. VisOOunk Gladstone, Governor• Genorll of South Melee. Lord. Gladstone, the Govereor- General of the Union of South Af- rica, is not merely such a "young politician" as many people 'imag- ine, foe he is in his 58th year, To look at him .one would not tales, hila a for day over 40—a youthfulness which may be attributed to the whole -hearted way into wbioh he enters into his duties as well as his pleasures. Until the time of the Armenian atrocities Viscount Glad- stone was teaching history at Keble College, but his etrong sympathy with the suffering Cbristians of the East caused him to seek election to the House of Commons, in which he sat for thirty years, No man could get through more dry official pa- pers and statistics and assimilate them e wit h•ea to r g r promptitude then h a he. He ones told a Wet s Ha meeting Seting that he would like to give work not only to all West Ham but to a good many in the West End as well. He was •asked if lie liked work himself, "1 guess," he re- plied, "that I' have done as much work as you in my time. If you care to shoulder' a pick, a spade or an axe I am willing to compete with you," Probablytho heckler would have been severely defeated, for, like his father, Viscount Gladstone is a firm believer in exercise.. The Dr. Williams' Melieine Co., of Brockville, Ont., will 'award prize of $25.00 for the best letter received on or before the 20th day of March, 1911, front residents of the province of Ontario, on the sub- ject, "Why I Recommend Dr. 1'i'il - HamsPink Pills,•' A prize of o $10.00 will be awarded fur the sec- ond best letter received; a prize of O $5.00 for the third best letter, and e five prizes of $2.00 each for the next best five letters. CONDITIONS: As a doctor was showing some friends ever a lunatic asylum, he drew their attention to a stately old woman wearing a paper erown. He explained that she imagined she was the Queen of England, and, thinking to amuse his visitors, he advanced towards her with a court- ly bow, and said :— "Good morning, your majesty." Looking at him, she seornfully uttered :— "You're a fool, sir !" The doctor was greatly astonish- ed, but totally collapsed when one young lady innocently remarked :— "Why, doctor, she was sane enough then," Needless to say the rest of the visitors were convulsed with laugh- ter, but the young lady failed to see the point of her own remark. NOSE DRILL IN SCHOOLS. Do not laugh at the proposition that the London (England) County Council school children shall be ex- ercised in the blowing of their nos- es in order to circumvent the tri- fling trouble of adenoids. Nose - blowing drill is a feature of. the military exercise in Russia. On the parade ground the word of command is given, and the blast of a thousand noses splits the air, with never a laugh. It is taken, as it should be, seriously. For the British child that little matter is serious, and too often neglected for want of instruction.—Westwinster Gazette.. DRUNKS GET BEST OF CARE. In Copenhagen, as in Amstee- darn, provision is mad,,e_fee-teresare c n o ve n aoeho Y "inebriated t - Jells e a ed re eli na policeman Iceman in the ee'" Banish capital finds an intoxicated man wandering at large he places him in a cab and takes him to the nearest police station, wnere he is examined' by a doctor and then eent home in the cab. The follow- ing morning the bill for the doctor and the cab is sent to the publican who served the man with his last drink. THOSE UNKNOWN HUSBANDS. "My wife and 1 a.e going to spend fa few months with her people at Etrong's Corners," said the meek ,little man, "and I want you to mail your paper to ree--" "Yes," said the 'clerk. "What's. your name?" "Well—er—to nuke sure, I guess you'd better address it: `Mary Strong's Husband, Strong's Coe, ners.' " MAGIC COLD CURE. Take 5 cents' worth of whole flax- heed l.,nrtleeleel1 together with three eloiiions sliced in it for one hour and. 44, half, . Then take from fire and *train. Then add cue cupful of agar to the juice' and boil again 'or about one hour; take from the 'fire and add 10 cents' worth of'giy Merin. Take one tablespoonful res or. feta times a day after it iitfis gotten cold and watch your told eleappcar. soft answer is apt to eneeur- Ihte the bceek agent. The cure or benefit from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills describ- ed in the letter may be in the writer's own case, or one that has come under his or her personal ob- servation. More than one cure may be de- scribed in the letter, but every statement must be literally and ab- solutely true. The letter should be no longer than is necessary to relate the be- nefit obtained from the remedy in the case described. Every letter must be signed by the full name and correct address of the person sending it. If it de- scribes the cure of some person other than the writer of the let- ter, it must also be signed by the person whose cure is described as a guarantee of the truth of the statement Blade. The writer .of each letter must state the name and date of the pa- per in which he or she saw this an- nouncement. Fine writing will not win the prize unless you have a good eade to describe. The strength of the recommendation and not the style of the letter will be the basis of the award. It is understood that The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co. shall have the right to publish any letter entered in this contest if they desire to do so, whether it wins a prize or not. The contest will close •en March 20th, 1911, and the prizes will be awarded as soon as possible there- after. Do not delay. If yob know of a cure write your letter NOW. Observe the above conditions care- fully or your letter may he thrown out. Address all letters as follows: The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Letter Contest Department. TKE CAPE TO CAIRO RAILWAY 11 SUICIDE OR MURDER? Every e y Death From Typhoid Is One or .Other, Says Dr. Wiley. "Every man who dies of typhoid is either a suicide or is murdered. If he deliberately drinks impure water, then he is a suicide. If a city furnishes water impregnated with the germs of typhoid it com- mits a murder, and the dead per son's family should be in a position to collect damages." Such was the declaration of Dr, Harvey W. Wil- ey, the pure food expert of the United States Department of Agri- culture, at his lecture in. Buffalo,. N.Y., under the auspices of the lo- cal medical men, "How many people in Buffalo know what they get in their water supply?" asked Dr. Wiley. "Are you sure you 'get water? Thous- ands and hundreds of thousands are spent here for public buildings and streets, but I understand you still continue to drink unfiltered water," • .As a suggestion for what the city might do to increase the span of life of its citizens, Dr. Wiley sug- gested a municipal dairy. The per- centage of infant mortality can be cut in half by such an institution, and it would prove self-sustaining, h WORKED WONDERS IN THIS CASE RlCEU11i,iTISM AND WEAK r EAlt`,C CUBED BY DOAA'S KIDNEY PILLS, The Doetog helped Mrs. Stephen Roy, brit there was no complete cure till she tried nodd's Kidney Pills. Rook Mills, Grey Co, Ont.,Feb. 13 (Special -"I muse aDodd'a Kidney Pills worked won - dere in my case," says Mrs. Steph- en Itoy of this place. "I auffereel with Inflammatory oma Rheumatism m rr e tis '1 ht arm my 1•rg ' a and though 'I tried g several remedies the swelling in- creased and was very painful. My hands and limbs were also badly swollen, "I got a doctor olid he helped me, batt the swelling never entire- ly left. Hesaid it was becan'e° my heart was weak, Then T decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and, as I said before, they worked"wontlere." Rheumatism of any kind is caused by disordered Kidneys failing le strain the uric acid out of the blood, Dodd's Kidney Pills euro it by curing the Kidneys: r They also cure the weak heart by making pure blood and lessening that organ's work of propelling the blood through the body. Dodd's Kidney Pills only cure the Kidneys, but they always do. that. ' ` And with healthy Kidneys you can't have Rheumatism, Lum- bago, Heart Disease, Dropsy or Bright's Disease. Mrs. Brawn -"Goodness, Mary, what a kitchen! Every pot, pan, and dish is dirty, the table looks like a jumble sale, and—it will take you all night to clean things up! What have you been doing?" Mary —"Sure, ma'am, the young leaches has just been showin' me how they bile a pertater at their cookin' school," An Oil Without Alcohol.—Some oils and many medicines have alco- hol as a -prominent ingredient. A judicious mingling of six essential oils compose the famous Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil, and there is no alcohol in it, so that its effects are lasting. There is no medicinal oil compounded that ,ean equal this oil in its preventive and healing pow- er. as it has in other cities. The health of the babies of the country, he declared, was the greatest nation- e al 'asset of which he knew and he urged the creation of public senti- ment which will compel a move- n ment for the conservation of their E. lives, o Tommy—"Ma, let me tie this an'kercher over your eyes:" ?df- Cher—"What for?" Tommy—"Wulf, you told me never to let you see me tealin' jam again." For Chilblains, Frost Bites, Braises; Sprains, othing reale'thefamous old remedy, Perry andBquaa 1y good to °Look OloiUsl sed braoak up olds. At all druggists. TRAVEL BY ▪ "PIPES." To measure distance one usually speaks of miles or leagues or som established length, but some ;CiTd Hollanders have another sort of measure along the canals of their fatherland. If you could ask one of these old boatman; "a certain dis- tance he would-be likely to tell you that it is,°iOany "pipes" away. His . ; ning would be that to tra- v that distance would take the ime required in smoking that num- ber of pipes. It is an easy measure for. Dutchmen, because they seem to be never without their pipes, either in use or near at hand. When you hear a man bre�ggging about his ancestors it's :ee sa fees et thgt_he, has -heeling else to brag about. 7" PILES CURED. IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your Inlifeeb will refuels money if Pg50 OIYT- MI➢N'r fails to cure any 55,08 05 Itohiug, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding PIIS, in 0 toy 14 Jays. 10' She—"When a man starts to talk he never stops to think." He— 'And when a woman starts she never thinks to stop." Amount of Freight is a Revco t to Everyone. ,,, The last section of iCape to Cairo Railway feeereihe north, viz., from,.:lzha m to Wad Madani, 'teles''100 miles, was opened on Jan. 1, the traffic during the first half -year's o k1n has s Bur- g passed all expectations. The amount of produce secured from this new section has been a revelation to everyone. The freight returns for the first month's work- ings were $50,000. From most parts of the Soudan hitherto served ,by the railway one or two loads a week would be considered good. On this new section a train every day has hardly been sufficient to carry down all the stuff, chiefly dhurra (native corn), gum and cotton, The fourth- class passenger traffic has produced almost enough to pay the working expenses of the section. This is the first portion of the railway to leave the desert part of the Soudan and break into the edge ef the land naturally fertile without irrigation. If the success of this first 100 miles is any index,of the rest of the country to the suth, it would appear that the most san- guine forecast of the country's com- mercial future were about to be re- alized. The rail head is now some distance farther south, and the sec- tion will probobly bo opened to traffic next Winter. "A 'critic said my last paitltfng lacked warmth. What do you sug- gest?„ "A fr•e." A man never realizes what a re- markable memory he has until he tries to forgot something. m arendlca:it, t eneg.It6, ot,rea orrlde, I,t:n1,K tow'M,-,,,t MAKE TiEETI-LING PAINLESS SS Teething time is always a time of anxiety to mothers. At this time baby becomes cross, restless and nervous. His gums pain him, he is troubled with constipation or diarrhoea, spasms, colic or convulsions. His little life is in danger unless a medicine is given him to keep his sto- mach sweet and pure and his bowels regular. Such a me- dicine is Baby's Own Tablets. Nothing can equal them der- ing the teething period. They have lessened the worries of thousands of mothers. Among. them is Mrs. W. A. Yeadon, Halifax, N.S., who writes;— "I have used no other'medi- cine for baby but Baby's Own Tablets and I would not be without them. Last sum- mer baby was greatly trou- bled with his teeth until I gave him the Tablets. They helped him and now he is a big healthy child." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dea- lers or at 25 cents a box from The tir. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. You may drive some mon away from drink, but they, will trot bank of their own accord. The Foe of Indigestion.—Indiges- tion is a common ailment and few are free from it. It is a most dis- tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most se- vere. The very remedy best is Par - melee's s Vegetable Pills- taken 'ac- cording to directions. They rectify the irregular action of thestomach and restore healthy action.' For many ,years they have been a stand- ard remedy for dyspepsia and indi- gestion and art highly esteemed for their qualities; - When Cupid shoots an arrow his victim feels the quiver. Pet up fe 51 Yard Rolle. . - Tho famous "The DD -k L" Menthol Piasters, whish cure lumbago upono solation, for phgia, oty., are always poi up In one yard reels for phyatoia l- and tamtly use. Delis di Lawrence Oo.. Montreal- Are you one of those chaps who believe that every man is wrong who doesn't agree with your Mlnard's Liniment cures Disteml4er. Mr. Scrapples—"We're going to have another stormy day." Mrs. Scrappler—"How do you know 7" Mr. Sorapp]er-"This newspaper says so." Mrs. Scrappier -"So our domestic affairs are getting into the newspapers, are they When Holloway's Corn Cure is applied to a eorn or wart it kills. the. roots and the callosity comes out withoutinjury to the flesh. HIS ChOICE. C bre W and oho he proud peacock of to -day may who only a feather duster to -morrow, egg ountry Visitor—What's for eldest aiter-Porridge, solea, . kidney bacon, grilled ham, sausages, pa, steals and tomatoes. ountry Visitor—Right! 1'11 have t you mentioned—and some 8, POItIES 'TIIAT,W'VON'T SINK, And 'I'imt 'ifave Many Novel and Useful Arraage:t onts, Tho new non-sinkgbb fial>ermen's �o.ries now coming into tine on the Newfoundland fishing bankshave several ingenious features, Your watertight compartments, looa",stl under the bow, stern and cross seats, keep the staunch little craft afloat and provide receptaolos for the storage of clothing, food and water. Watertight portholes in the toys of the seats give aocses to the inter. 'ler of the tanks, The bow and stern tanks are alone sufficientto keep the dory afloat, and at the swine time, says Popular Mechan- ics, they provide receptacles for the storage of a, limited' supply of dry clothing, while one of the erose seat tanks ' rs partially filled with food dad n the other with r a 1 w tor. Most s mportant and ingenious, however, aro the portholes which give access to the tanks through the bottom of the boat, should it be capsized. These are set in the flat bottom, and unless a sen is contin- ually breaking over the little' craft the ports may be unscrewed, one at a time, and the food, water and clothing reached. The two false keels are provided with handholds as an aid to the men clinging to the bottom, -- hihk nick tY afopa con ;hs, bores colds, onto. t�e tktronkandlun�.. •. _ 2S emts. AN ASSISTED CALAMITY. "Yeo attribute your defeat to a landslide 7" "Only partially," replied the statesman. ."A number of bricks that caught me squarely in the neck were too .perfectly aimed to be di - reeled by a more upheaval of na- ture." MINARD'S,LINIMO NT Co., LIMITED. Seine time ago I had a bad • attack of Quinsy which laid me up for two weeks and cgst nue a lot of money. Finding the lump again forming in m, throat, I bathod freely with MINARD'S 1fINIMENT, and saturating a cloth with the iinimedt left it on all night. Next morning the swelling was gone and I attributed the warding off of an at- tack of Quinsy to the free, use of MIN. A$D'S:LINIMENT. G. 'F. WORDEN. St. John. c4 A, THOU GWI IT WAS CANCER, Spas Serena From Eye to Neck. Mise Mpu'y Conley, of .1$4 Col- borne St,, Montreal, writes: "Over a year afro I became bothered with an unsightly spot on my right cheek, The sore opread uetil tine Whole cheek was covered from the eye to far down on the neck, below rho ear. It was so noticeable that people asked ine if I had, cancer, ,and I began to feel I had, "1 was about to eonsult a Spool - alis, whop a lady friend spoke of Zaire-Buk, and advised a , trial of it, first. Acting "on her advice I procured a box and was surprised to notice the immediate effect the balm had on the sores.. I used three boxes milt', end as T'kept ap- plying it each evening before re- tiring I could see hew the sores were being()leaned Bed and dried up. l This improvement t ebntlatied until fate was cleared myofsorastom- pletely. Zam-Buk is certainly a marvellous balm." Zam-Luk is a sure cure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bites,. ulcers, blood -poisoning, varicose Sores, piles, scalp ,gores, ringworm, inflamed patches, babies'. eruptions and chapped platers, cuts, bu"ns, bruises and •skin injuries r,enora]- ly." A11 druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post- free ,rem-Zam- leak Co., Toronto, upon eeeei it of price. Tl'y Zam-Buk Soap! 25o. Tablet. FAMILY. PROVIDED FOR; When.'a postmaster 0l' cleriz'dies in Germany, his wife is kept for life by the State, and Bis family, un- til they are of marriage age; or if crippled, they are kept for life, 'I A Sure Corrective of Flatulency l —When the undigested food lies in the stomach it throws 'offg a sea causing pains and oppression in the stomachic region. The belching or eructation of these"gases is offensive and the only way to prevent them is to restore the stomach to proper action, Permelee's Vegetable Pills will de this. Simple directions go with each packet encl.'s, course of them taken- systematically is cer- tain to effect a cure. JUST A WAY THEY HAVE. Jaok•Spratt was very fat,. His brother Tom was lean; Jack rode in a touring car— Tom in a flying machine.. zllnard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. NOT IMPRESSED. UNREASONABLE EXPENSE. you, ;dear madame; where did you travel last, summer 7" "Oh; I' don't know 1 My husband always bought the tickets." - /Hoard's Liniment Ouras Carget In Cows. Mrs. Youngbridge—"I'm afraid. our new girl doesn't know much about cooking, John dear." Young- bridge—"Why not?" Mrs. Young- bridge—"Well, I found her cooking eggs with the furnace coal, when there was lata of egg coal right be- side the "stove." -PPan'e Lung Baleam,ta,Abl0h Ekere is no opium,, onro "oire.thmat and sore lungs melt Oho,' tha Inflammation and ride you of the mucous that stops up the air passages. 200, 60o, 91.00 bottles. "Did you ever hear Gadby' say anything particular about me?" "No ; he never • was very particular what he said about you." TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes andGranulatedEyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Llquiil, 25c, 60c, 71.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 71.00. Eye Hooks and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago: Plaintiff (in lawsuit) ) So you think I will get the money, do you? His Counsel -I think we will get it. If you are a sulferer from colds got a bottle of Bickle's ,Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup and test its quali- ties. It will be found that ne praise bestowed on it is too high. It dons all that is claimed for it„ and dons it thoroughly. Do not take any sub- stitute for Bieklo's, because it is the,. best, having stood the test of years. All the best dealers sell it. A doctor prescribed rest and change fora small boy who had disorganized his system. by over in - diligence in pudding. After he had gong the little boy said :— "I knew I was upset, mamma, because r' 3 foot's asleep, and things musb be pretty bad when you go to sleep at the 'wrong ISSUE NO. 7---.11.- "The old customs are dying out said the sentimentalist. - "Now -a - days no young man asks his sweet- heart for a lock of her hair!' "Well," replied Miss Cayenne, "hair costs a great deal more than it used to." Till's. WinsIow's Soothing Syrup Bos beep: used for over SIXTY•FITS YEARS br ISILLION5 of. 2(01111003 for their caI Brae WHILS 5551500, wltb 11105501 SUCCESS. 11 110.TH85 r,1k0 04011,1) SOFr N� 18, OU}i5.ALLAt re:n p.t15; Buses wfND old by1'o�RR01 l440 the biles rm.dy tor. y0.rtd h,0 ureandbn.5 or re,-Winslo,re Soothing. trn" 000t4ko u,0o ugtnbdpr kindhefrcTweatd avrua.An.t11 jihn0eoth.1500 Sorimillumbor 1000 , ag OLD AND WELL TIIIBD REMBDY.- IDEAL HAPPINESS: Mrs. Quickenness — Am yo' daughtah happily mar'd, Sister Stagg? Mrs. Stagg -She sho' is! Bless goodness, she's done got a hus- band dat's skeered to -death of her 1 int tnherltenee of weak lunge Is a serious aandf. . sap, but Ai1mYs Lung Balsam, taken atf rho first sign of n cough win ensure Imtnunity from this dangerous defoot. Don't trifle with, unknown cure -aloe. LIKE OLIVES. Pat—Moike, why is kissin' .your gurril bike a bottle of olives ? Mi kk e—Gi volt up. Pat--'Cause ef yez can get one the rest come aisy. Only ono. "5501160. QUININE" That is LAXATIVE OROMo QuIN1ND, Look. for the signature of 14, W. GROVE. [hied the World over to. Cure a. Cold in One nay. 240 "They say he couldn't stand pros- perity." "Who say?" "The men he refused to lend money to," Tightness across the chest means a cold on the lungs. That's ,the danger signal. Cure that cold with Hemline Wizard Oil before it runs into Consumption or Penumania. The burglar is always looking fo.r a new opening. minaret's Liniment Cures Dlphtherla. ESCURIAL STILL L+XISTS. The Escurial, or Escorial, is still 10 existence, though somewhat dil- apidated. This gloomy pile was be- gun by Phillip the Second in 1563 and completed in' 1586 at .a cost, it is said, of some $550,0.00,000, reckon oned in our money,: Acoording to Francisco de Santos, the total length of all its rooms and apart - Meets is above 120 English miles. Its . form 18 that of a gridiron,in honor of St, Lawrence, on whose day the Spaniards gained the vie - tory over St. Quentin, In 1892 the building was struck by Lightning and came very near being destroy- ed by fire, The Escorial is some 25 ]Hiles northwest of Madrid. The man who wants the earth can 0• e * tr, have a. lot of mud thrown reL n. AGENTS WANTED. MIEN wemem, ago 10.45, for 115001x1 li5Uf monthly, and Inukelnon 580, en a t'ess4 las rallr0ada. Axperloyoe 101009001e174 110 Strike. Positions guaranteod ooln stent nteq, riamotlau. Railroad. otoE oylbg rob dqu.. but• —over 460 me undo pp sl i n E 1y. H- e AM send Stamp, riallway Assoorabloy,. Dept tot. 067 Munroe street, Brooklyn, N.Y. WANTED. '•r•�E os LooWEISMJIN ta'ANban to repreey and oo mtolosiunY Two dollars per' day eats . No exporleu,o ne0ossary, Writ F. 4 Nionof,y CO., rltmited, Toronto, �1t4Aa bm—rrf)l SSAlusga TRAAN,•-N.IBtt Y oonatant p autloo—oaratul Instvup frweplou—a few nooks' complete course tools. yto earn twelve to Widgeon dolar?ieekli facatalogue. MPlor Berko; eat unit Bask 'Toronto. IG'MUEEPER 1. x ar u lensed. urith u ref b ti+ � oto as n 8 for a a i� u r , l U c k 110 Mh to N a eb- to b to Era; iu d 0 P. i g P IY II 79 ,rut J nn u a of t • or n 1 9. ' l uaa kt t,1 {. kat:toll 7g ` Ad a eJ Ido tV't�a; Y'drbn a L. (lANCER, Tamore, Lumps, oto; Internal - `4„.,,. and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late, Dr, nehmen Modica] Cu., Limned, Colltngwood. Ont. CLEANING LADIES' WALKING KING QBE OUTING SUITS Can bo 4i0110 perfectly by our Fronoh prom,, Try 14 klnitish American Dyeing, Co, Montreal, Toronto, Oatawa and Quebec.. E llire MOTORS :POR P O VJ"7�7R ELECTRIC DYNAMOS FOR 2 2G 23TI 0 C,i' BEST MACHINES, 11,10ST ECONOMICAL' Ei OPERATION. CANADIAN°ELECTRICAL &MOTOR CO. MUTED 99.101 Queen St. E., Toronto Fire, LfthtiDfc1J Rust and-StormProoQ Durable and Ornamental Let us know the the of any roof you are thinking of covering and we will make you an interesting oft?. Metallic Roofing O , • Limned MANUFACTURERS TORONTO and WINNIPR I ISA Stove Polish ensures no hard work and no dirty. work. No messing or mixing. A handy piste in a generous can. A' few rubs, and you have a splendid finish that lasts and stands the heat. The best preparation for polish- ing stoves, pipes, grates and irouwork. If Your dealer does not tarry "Mack Knight" Stove Polish in stock, send us his name and roc, and we tvill send': a foe size tin by return mail. THE F. F. DALLEY CO.,1!MITEP, mum, ONr. .' 33 Makers of the famous "a in 1" Shoe Polish.., ALTITUDE RECORDS. Butcher—Twenty-eight cents a pound. Mrs. Murphy -"'That's awful ,high. I giess that's aviation . meat Oi've been reading so much about." Wise mothers who know the vir- tues of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator always have it at hand, because it proves its value, b'OR THE FIRST COMER. Young Man—So Miss Ethel is your oldest sister. Who comes af- ter her? Small Brother — Nobody ain't come yet; but pa says the first fel- low that conies can have her. Sand for free eampla 11 Dept. W L„ Hio' Wadi Druz d Chelnisel 05,. Utile s