HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-2-23, Page 511
fltii}itik2i� 4i1:t04,
Business CANS
t ; • c . ,Miss Q£RTHA ARMSTRONQ
y th. M0(414om ge Ider Teacher of Plano
�t '. lnxuol ul Murrlu{;u Ltoepees, p{.�
!for et f, weer y, Tarneerry .trent, bfuquelB, Studio at Garter'e lklurd° Store, one door North
pt the Standard' Bank, Brussels 114f
K. O T. M
et' eniSetien, whose members hi
Chia 0111, nleutb4',rs of Emanuipttkl01)
Lodge, are net getting settled down
Be j
f ' "at a which ntu l 1 e
8. tet a 441. sf w ... 1, a 1-141 ILLd
last Summer »riot' to the Euohariatic
Oongress and lasted foe swve1'til
nlillt11., Antttgnliiellt to the Roman
MISS PERi.E $HAKPE Cat'•hoiic le a s .ectal[ of the Frei I P y
„ .
r ran z C m -4 h' a cit t' •e c i
G F 2 1 Y 1L1.
s t t li g1. e vidv a
o eo 11 4 a 'aeeoud examine* R
a v. aft
.. Y her ... _ .,�
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h Ptann4 DVIS
e e A
.o It). D n nt t e" t 'I ...
rt e r 1 p th Ila o vlth Lis 1 1 • is17 flee Due- �D
(4 tas qt bl i
oolY, They du-not'waut
1tr04bule Tuu1 ua uhu AnlQuabee
h"Id .Aub regular e. No* a boa passed
ti meeting. the. L d•
0 ae tine of
. pa o
tr'ante400( uu„a4r noun, ua �u(. lac eau Bed. frontoUeneervatory of•- Mnwlc,anti ix prepared
IMO 014.1 41 *1' I1 ol dnell dp,1„14111
Yis)t us ul n•.t vu et)
1 „
A, l,ui,. .a
441 Elia, , ,ore
H o tt„it. S,
CONYliYrl.Vt,;IJi.i AND- lei 81.1E14
Or N.1.1 til IAlrb L1et N i t'ch
474410 to 11141 hest e484ee, 1.844444 30.9
Agent ktuen:lc J1utulirl
Viet. IL 14111aite (Join --ata
;1Ui0o au 1 I4u.ileuuu-
1010, en] 5411 lel h14t4er pri00S, to
,. ,,,et), la 1440 4.4we. ape 14044 charges
1411 a,y ower lu4Nuuen ,• to Nast 11 urup us,
to take pupils at her home, Prhlcosa street,
Baehetor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate and Graduate of the College of 1?11y
l.Lueiaetnnd sargemis, Ont, Post.gy4duste
g) 5v , Enr, Nose trod Throat lidsplfni,
Uhksgo, ill 5x.14411041 Rurgeon to St. Mich.
nal x H))apt4111 'l uronto.
0111co over P. R. Smith's Drltg ,9tore, Tele.
phone mnmieciinn a•,n11Ura111)ro0klil all hours.
ETHEL, 011447'.
' Phys101a1 44111 �C','gl' n, : Post Gradilateoouree4
iondou(Eng.), N•,v Yurlt endUhlengo Hoa•
Id balls!” 4poolol 441 Byes 411 lodifor glasses. 447',
110041 and 14110114. Eyes tooted for glasses.
Dental Burgeon
Honor• Graduate Dental Department, Toronto
University • Licentiate of Royal College of
Dental surgeon, of Toronto. Office in Smith
Block recently vomited by Dr, Neild. -
R. M. M'LEAN, D,D.S.,
'Dorrle, Ont,
Honor graduate University of Toronto, Da.
P111 talent of Dentistry ; G'nd nate Royal 001.
age of D414114'401'4441(14144 of 0010.40. At W rox-
etArevor9Tnesdeyafternoon4nd-t Pn444day,
Ofoe1n Strand Central Ubink, At I1'orilwiuh
every Friday forenoon. Office in. Gonia in
Leech's Bloc4. 21.0m
-„44,14 .4 coatis- auy4111ng Dates and orders
u ,stars •u assailant; a4 she[ ulnoe or by - DR. WARDLAW
..e a4 .pphgatlob,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
o.Ub,VALB — owe.
Auctioneer '
101' Huron County.
Terms I ensoaskis. halos arranged for
a11Le „tiles el raE PONT,Wessels. S
..i1311VEYAiiil,iPH .
SI 17L�UL,Aiii—
• . nan•,oWr, eu11411t01, Onuvoyauuer,
'sat. v • a1110 ^,Yin, + Illue-11 towel Block
than •,) to ., LeutrU 7ebn
R. io' to, No 41,0 Met,c,,-lit in -(soli
f�tt0Ul)1001,LIaYtid KILLORAN
.4 Altale'1' 1••111, 0Ut,1e 1.1'"114. YOTARI19
PU141.1 1:'1'91
W I'a0ODr.•01, e C 411. (4 OATS
J. I. KILL''4AN,
/211uu1-'1 Buse 70) dii.rly .u0upwJ by t1099re
' I:anl Orel .r, Dun
4.iivaanua• .- Uta-1A4ia..
0olloge. Day and nighacells. O81oe opposite
Nlonr 61411, Ethel
Glea.11Po &' ,' ewe 1I ZI.i�o W'.1P
u s
Dome source 00780 Neltms
Mail 7:06 a m. Express 10:55 n m
Express II :26 a m I Mali•;. ..... 1:44 p m.
Express 11:02 p m Express 8:59 pm
ca oleta Vscrlary
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 7:41 a m I Express 11:87a 'r1.
Express......... 2:67 p m Express .....,, 7:25pm
001ng a5n0t -. 7:0611, m, and 4:65 p. m,
Going West 12:90 and' 0:47 p. m...
Ail trains going fleet connect with O: P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen sound, Elora and - T.
G. B stations. -
'' 010. ALLAN, Local Agent.
Steamship Company. Limited
Are You Sendingfor Relatives ue ore
i s friends ?
Prepaid tickets is0ned from any point
in. Great Britain to destination
in Canada.
Direct Services
Liverpool to Halifax and Montreal.
Glnagew to Halifax, Portland, Boston or
London and Havre to at. John and Montreal.
(Aocording to season ) ,.
Ea"ly `application fur berths advisable for
March, April and May Kali -ago. ,
114111 information as to rates, etc., on implicit.
tion to W. H. KERR,
Agent Allan Line,Brussels.
Regular Monthly Horse. Fairs will b'
held in'Beissels tide season as follows e
THURSDAY, Mar. 2nd, 1911
" April &ll, 1911
Leading local and outside buyers will be' resent
t To Machiner Users
and Farmers•
• �T e����v7r� Z
• •
The New Machine Shop of the
• •
_' and MACHINE Co.
t is t1oW really fon' business, and, 9
• Wit1hgood Machinery anll'Skilled '•
• Dlochanies, we nein a position •
t to attend to your repairs prompt- j
♦ ly and al reasonable Bates. •
• If you will let tie know your
♦ wants we will give yea honest ',
• !advice and help if connected ,
t with Machinery. e'
2 Give us a trial and, by coming
to I31'ussele, gave time and money
t for yourselves.
♦ 9
Mill Street ' • Brussels
Tlie ler •'
c l Cott ti )v'eis i no
P Y 1 y s now
1n fall swing th ,
n L the haul. Front
the ALlant to the Pacific i1 is the
chief topic of discussion,.' not only to
the North : brit to the South of the
international border, and the question
has even irIVlOded fila legislative 17144144
of Great Britain. Ni dnubttlle storm
will cllntitnue to rage a •one 1 this hone
of clnitentiou for some weeks yet, and
not until the clutter is decided by the
Canadian Perriiauteutand the Amen
can Congress one way or the other
will it let up. Deputations are head-
to ,(1 nae the a •e -
gNP. epee -
(110nt while those who agree are very
little heard from. •
One of the weightiest pr0nennce-'
Inerts against the agreement was
made by the iMontreal'Board otTe.ri:tle,
an organization Which generally gives
the cure to 41171184' bodies, at least in
E•tstero Canada, Yet this In iln0unae-
[cent .was by 1114 means nnanitnuna..
1C'hile Moii4* al is the king pin of the
protected hit erests ace in danger there.
are yet many able men who do not •we
eye to eye with theft business brethren
aul do not hesitate to say 00, /
,A great deal of interest ceotreo 414-
14114110 411e givef11111eit .111 Iallneeti,ll
with the steel industry. Steel roils
are, placed on the free list by the a-
and the bounty wipe!) was
given to help cleal8 it expires in Jiu,e.
The Dominion Steel Clu'pnration
which is the chief industry affected,
claims that with -this' class of their
product exposed to American and
other foreign competition, and ,no
bounty, it wIl be,wiped out completely
They want the bounty: extended to
enable them tn•get on a better footing.
It was thought pretty -sure that with
the.N7astel'n political pressure which
was brought to bear M. Fielding
would agree to the Neumsal but the
matter has been decidely complicated
by the sheet steel people at Morels-
bnrg who went to Ottawa with a big
deputation, and practically demanded
that if the Duma nm Steel people were
given' a 0011t100a :8 11f the bounty.
they wanted a bounty, too. Mr.
Fielding's reply. was bot a very cheer-
ing one, but the matter is still under'
The fat•nlet's of Canada are not
worried because the crops in certain
sections of the Northwest were not up
to the mark last year, if the extent of
their purchases of forming Miple-
meuts can be taken as a guide. Fur
instance, the Sawyer Massey Hamil-
ton,' Ont., shows net profile for
the Year of $184,721. an iu-
0187yse.of $29.502 over the previous
year, staking the c1minlin stork, after
an allowance for., the preferred, a 5.3
per cent, issue. 'Even at that, the omit.
put was cuut,tiled because of delkys
incidental to the fit !lotion of the new
emptily. So favorable has been the
snw1t41 of this company,, by the way,
that arrangements have been nettle to
list the stocks 011 'Toronto exchange. -
prefe•red selling at 87, *returns
2.04 per. cetlt 1'11(1 has a particularly
Wight future 81 there ttt'e no bonds
ahead of it. anal the useets 1un11nut to
more ihan $130 for every $109 of pre -
foiled stock. The common stock has
a back value of $50, but apparently
it will be 8811ing soon at a higher
level. There 45,eVery reason to believe
that 1911 will be a very favorable year
fol' the. maker's of farming utilities and
that than holders of iiduele•nal storks
generally will profit accordingly.
The Mastoltie Grund Lntlge of the
Provill&, of Quebec is holding its
an'iend 441 svi0u here and the (ippertnn.
Ly has been eeized' .ti make 14 foetnal
lisav,otval °fatty commotion with the
••••••••••••G••••••••••♦•• '[gaud Lodge of the Orient, the French
tip with such 8 crowd 444144 do not
hesitate to say 410, 4141 the *neuutinle
the RomanCatholic hued[ 11 1 ori
R t
laU author les make r o distinction,'
The rather unusual spectacle ba
been peestteted of rather sharp d
cline 111 the tLppeoXinlale earnings 1
the Oa[tad faan i'actlic Railway 1101718
Jantiaiy, die (lurtbtl84a to the 511111141
04 up last season, while the price if th
etoek in the Market le gni!%%i, up, an
evt'rybody seems builioh, The ;Ise i
also the mime l'iiui4t•lulblein face t
the prophecies of dire disaster if Ch
Reciprocity )tgeetenent ;nee through,
one or these to be Modest, hit 48u,g
the Canadian P1uiHa, Thenewspe pees
favoring Reciprocity naturally ask
how this can be in view of the fart
that much has been said of searing
131 itish capital away by the agreement,
while it is well known that the price
of Canadian Paei8astook is practically
fixed and controlled by the London
market. If the busfuess of the com-
pany MISlikely to 4 e utteel -
) destu
1 as suggested they think ythe stock
[foul([ IIOt advance in the facts of stud
a prospect. The heaviest decline it
earnings sho811 vet this year wag fel
the %het week 04 Febrnaty. the de
crease being $278,000 compared with
year: ago. Tho maximum raisin
capacity of 41te company is reached it
October and the minimum i
February. It has to be remi.mbere
that this years records are being cum
pared with a banner year and sutra
focally'. expansion evict have to tak
place before the records created it
1910 can be beaten. It) rho m081111m
the company amOunCesits inteitiul
of invading a new field be ` 1 uuiieg
steamships to the West Indies lull
creating a lick of hotels.
Curedy yk
Lydiai. E. P n
g hams VegetableCompound
e Oanifton Ont.—"I had been a great
ti sufferer for five years. One doctor
)1 told me it was ulcera of the uterus,
e and another told ole it was a fibroid
tumor No one
knows what I suf-
fered. I would
always be worse
at certain periods,
and never was
regular, and t he
bearing -down
I' was very i11 in
. bed and the doctor
told me I would
to have an
1 , that operation, and
I might die
1 ]I] during the operation. I wrote to my
1%1 sister about it and she advised me to
take Lydia E. Plnkham s 'Vegetable
a' Compound. -Through personal ex
ft • rience I have found it the beat =Kil-
1 cine in the world for female troubles,
1 '' for it has cured me, and I did not have
to haye.the operation after all. The
e Compound also helped me while pass-
e through Changeof Life."—Dirs.
LET gg
R, n, Ontario..
e LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
e pound, made from roots and herbs
has proved to be the most successful.
remedy for curing the worst forms of
female ills, including displacements,
inflammation, fibroid tumors irregu-
periodlepains, backache, bear-
ing -down feeling, flatulency, indiges-
tion, and nervous prostration. It costs
but a trifle to try it, and the result has
been worth millionstosufferingwomen,
There seems to • be no limit to the
number of. mergers of a commerical
character 'and apparently the t;hiug
will stop when the supply of business
concerns to be merged is exhausted.
Ambitious proruotees have been hl
very good evidence fur months and
apparently the stock. buying public is
pretty well loaded with their wares
and may have collsidefable difficulty
in ah0urbilg any More. In the uieau-
tfmre a4 f1'esll crop o4' tnilliouaites'is
being Created, for the business pays
veru well and•hl
t )sc wins- makele 1 .
tetteat sne0ess in this line i o'.
are in gt(,ut demand mut are making
money last.
D. Lorne McGibbon, doe of the
yOlniget' and most-t•ecelt acquisitions
to the 111111(1 of those 8110 1741448 to
c011116[lair.fortuu88 not hilver than in
seven .figures, only a few days ago
bought two of the biggest boot, and
aloe tants in the o n r o'
plants c u t for the
`purpose of running therm under one
Management- 8(441 specializing lir the
production ofthe factories. -He is
said to have rut u ' 1'
L V 414 wt4ttet (t lour
millions iu.couuectian with the deal.
Thee are also rumors of "a deal
whirl will in the River St.
Lawrence acid Great Lakes steamboat
c0lupuufes tinder one title but !Killing
(leucite appeals to have been arrived
at yet. Stili (mallet merger talked
iabout is a combination of the ' big
Wholesale hardware companies lu
Montreal but the head of one ef.the
lions involved stales that this has
ln'eli tante([ about periodically for
three years but has never coil er:10
tliyil lg y"et, " , --
Sauk mergers and pulp wins also.
figure in the Merger proposals.
While Canada is seeking fresh 0741)!.
lo,1 8441071(1 1411(1 is getting it in large
qui1111i1.ies from Lnglaiid aud1Femme,
Canadian hanks and 8rianciets are
barking heavily ttatatioi, powei acct
other ruterpt•ises in fnreigu eonntei00,
aloe[[ particularly Mexico and South
American Republics to say nothing of
the 'cola:e ns in the 'United States
which is using a lot of Canadian
capital. Mr. Rodolphe Forget, 141* P.
thinks this all wrong', and he voices,
his se1titmeets iu'the (1001(143 of reasons
why another back would be a good
thing in Canada, Ile thinks there are
lots,of.good propositions at home and
than Canadians slltild have' -faith
ehough f n their own cuiutfy .to put
their money in them instead of ex-
pecting outsiders to do it while' (bey
go off to some other 'place with their
The baulk Dir. Forget is organizing
is the Banque Generale du Canada but
the word "Geneeale" will be dropped
if a charoctet• can be seemed for one
designated the Bank of Canada. Its
capital will be $10.000.000 and of this
amount ' the promoter states that
Frent.h capitalists are willing to put
up $7,500,000 and Canadians the
balance. Dh'. Forget leads the public
to believe that, his new bank will set
the other banks a good example and
that as a4 result them will out be such
an outcry about the tight, money
market in future. -
Newick Agricultural Society.
The Bowick Agricultural. Society
held their annual meeting ,in the
Township Hall, Corrie, on January 18,
President J. H. Johnston presiding.
There wad a4:fait. attendance of mem-
Minutes of the last meeting read
and adopted. The eeveral directors
having charge of the different de-
peruueuts of the Fair, gave an account
of 4lteil'steleair(ship. And itoes report-
ed the total receipts. as ,$790:24: total
expenses $572.47 : •'balance in bank
$217.77. •
The following items 4446 taker] frons
the =See, troths.' report:,—Grants, legis-
lative. $139.00, county $25,00.fleld
eenp $80.00 ;' gate receipts $191,401
members' fees, $44.95 ; attendance at
Pair 1600,
It was decided to adopt the -system
Of insnlanee. against 1,4044 byruin or
snots stomits. Field Crisp competition,
Which 1145 been carried on successfully
season. Society will apply for two
expert• judges, one for horses and the
other for cattle, sheep and swine.
Following racers were elected for
1911: Pres. J. Ii. Johnston • Vice
Presidents, Win. Weir and Samrs
D)Vlle Directors, D lect)rs Wm Evans, Lv 411 4
11. Gregg,4V
Renwick,Win. bhms))n
Vn Lambkin John yidman
4187 Sperling, Ed Krohn and Tames.
McLeod Auditors, 13. S. Ooolr and J
H Wade.
Directors met after the annual
meeting unci 1 e-appni D tell J. Ii.' Rogers'
as S.•eretati•y-treasurer and decided ti
hold the atlnnat1fai in Gorl'ie on Sat-
urday, Orrlobel' 7rh. .1. 413. 01011 1114 1011
d Wil. Laubkiu were appointed a
committee to wait on, the, Township
Council to ask for a' .grunt of behalf
of the A ric1 n
eal Society. etY
was ithenintecl a delegate to at.
tend the :4111141111 meeting of the Oetine
io Association of Fairs and Exhibi-
•• Mrs. Isaac Downey, accompanied by
her sons, Lorne and Whitney, return-
ed Lu her haute in the Canadian "Sou
after an extended visit with relatives
Misses Annie Faust, Viela Paths and
'P',clitltWitrtts, Mrs. F. Admits, M 1 s.
Wm. ttnillier ntl-E ren. Mas*.ee and
Gen, Faust were atterlii tlsh(rriltn
meanie Convention in 'Toronto and
.visiting friends last week.
Cured of Kidney Troliblo
Vies. Alex. Moore, of James', St.,
Oxford, N. S., says : "Booth's Kid-
ney Pills
id-n1ev-Pi11s cured our little daughter,
ChrisLiau, lege six • veto's, of crony
symptoms of Kidney weukrless. She
complained ofarmee back, the Ictd1iey
secretions were ftequeut and uncoil
ttollable, 'especially at night. !i,•t'
stomach was weak and her appetite
poor. This eat)Sed her to have fry -
(pent headachoe, 11441(1 the least. exer-
- tio0 would Life
her. VVe had
tried many
remedies, but
she slid ant
pt Ove, Fim411y
we learned of
Booth's Kidney,
Pill1 and procur-
ed 0. box. In a
short time she
was welt and
does riot u04v complain about her
lack, the kidney secretions have be-
come normal, and she plays'aeound
the (house with 110 apparent fatigue.
We always recommend Booth's Kid-
ney Pills.” •
Booth's Kidney Pills carry a guar-
antee that if you derive no benefit
your money will be refunded. Booth's'
,Cidney Pills are a„specific for all dis-
eases of the kidney and bladder. Sold*
by all dt n g..gist's, 50o. box, o1' postpaid
from the R. T. Booth Co.,- Ltd., Fol.
Elie; Ont. Sold and guaranteed by
.las, Fox.
The 1011 edition of this inclispeas
able collection of concrete, crisp Can-
adian Faces, edited by Flank YeigI,
of lulooto, the well known lecturer
and w1itee, and author 'of the new
book"Through the heart if Canada,'''
has been issued and is filled with fresh'
data of a'most, interesting and illtuniu-
Ming character. It is a marvel of
ciuctensation, presenting in small
space steiltitog flgte lis relating to eveey
phase and depitl'lmeit of Canada's
resouIres, trade eliti llaliillal life, Its
poptthu'ity anti wide sale car;))' easily bo
understood, in fact, it is, As has been
said "woet.11 its weight in Co1n41t
silver or -Ynkol.l gild." The bnukirt
may he had from the leatding�, ❑eve's
tie t fol'25 cut s 4'i 0111 t11e 01111-
uclian rads ' P01111sh111g 'CO,, 007.
for the past tWo years, Will be 'on We Spaditet.A.vetltle, Toi'outo., •
Parlelan Sage will atop falling hair
silallntew ito1ru
w eata' —
h .
u,ptrsca1l4p11ltr atilontehse.
Ill nllIkee the hate soft, silky and
lllZul'la•u t,
Parisian Sageis without a peer. 4141
00italfis notlli4g that can halls the
hair—it 10 41041 sticky, oily or greasy
and preYellt8 as well as cures dlsea42e
of the scalp. Women and children by
the tlloisaIld use it daily
as a dresai lg
814d no h*me i5 completwitlotitit.
Diuggists and stores everywhere
guarantee Paelsiau Sage and will re-
fund your 11)01(ey if it fails. Ask
druggist, Jas. Fox, what he thinks of
it. lie delis it at 50c. per large bat0e.
or you can secure it by mail postpaid
from Giroux Manufacturing Go„ holt
Lile, Out. See that the Gil with the
Auburn Hair is on earl package.
Sold 4411 guaranteed by Jus. lox,
The breath of Spring is in the air in the
.Vest and everything is on the 'move
,or what un(ltubtedly will be the big
'est of all big years for this part of
Canada Winter is riot, of cntrrse, over,
ey any means, t ut Spring work is in
active preparation all tin uugh the West-
ern provinces. There has been plenty
of snow so that Winter work in lumber
dud fuel campsites been exuemely live -
17, and aleither the lumber mu nor the
cordwood cutters 0913 colnpiate of un-
suitable weather for their industries.
Phere is no expectatiull' of materially
tower prices in forest products but the
supply lYy will be nuusually great and good.
The big annual bouspiel is on in Win•
uipeg, anti the function—one of the big.
gest sporting events of the world -is as
big and lively as it has been for several
years, and this is very big and lively,
indeed, l'he bonspiel gathers sten from
all parts of Canada and a good num-
ber from the United States. Winnipeg
has a regular Wauter festival and the
city iscrowded with visitul•s,'many of
the bousplelers bringing their wives
aluug to enjoy the mid -Winter holiday.
Phis year, the bonspiel attractions are
encuauced by a big automobile snow and
d dug show—both strictly highclass and
neavtly patronized, Winter sport has
been unusually lively in all departments
this Winter. Aivateur hacker has taken
a great start 4171 tee V,etonas of Win-
nipeg will go East to try for the Allan
e audiences, . Cid-tu
n udl
044100, ruumlag loco.
several thousands at a game, have seen
the amateur hockey games this Winter,
and 0 genuine revival of Canada's na-
tional W iuter pastime has been ou here,
Secretary Roland of the •Wlnuipeg In-
lustt•,al, Bureau and C:outroller Waugh
01 the city government, startedon an
Industrial inquiry trip early in tae
nuuth. Advices • received from them iu-
dicate great interest In Western Can
Udo among man utaeturers in tole States
and eive asstrauee that Winnipeg 811,
boon reCe1Ve great accessions to tier In.
lluatrialgrowth. Arnuug tee industries
which will come tv this city is a process
fur making textiles Iron] flax suety,
which is p104100ed su largely in the
West and which uOw is wasted by burn-
As big as the year 19ro was in build-
ing operations ter t prumis s to be even
bigger. Januar% started off with per-
mits for $199,000 worth of new 5ti•ue-
ttres, as agent 2188,000 tor January
of 1910.. [Builders are already begin-
ning to excavate for houses, having
`tyuud that this work is done better 0od
cheaper before Spri. g.lo setts up the
Ost,and plunges the country into a
wnee;t "br ten days of mud—a period.
as it is,whICll the' builder chafes
over as an obsl;ltile in the way et the
speed he most makteLi keep up with the
extraordinary demands tRi1dy upon hint.
There is to be the biggest '1 of new
people into Canada' this fear Ii19C1;1]as
ever 0004 seen. Bookings ',n Cduadlil5l.
lines from the Old 001014/4 ere_ all
taken until May, and )),use woo have
left securing passage until now will have
to wait or come through the States.
Real estate men with business counec
tions in the United States report the
heaviest business from the South that
they have ever .known.
All points in the West report the same
state of rapid growth. Saskatoon is
about to spread her city limits by about
eight miles to acco,u- odete the people
who ere thronging into this live Western
Moose Taiv is to have a street railway.
Two and a half miles of track have been
and thee m 1 linI'
,5t bona fur o a t licca.
codes nut
4 mute, MOuaa Jaw is g01lr,gAhead
fest 01E18 the C. k R. made 14 414 strong
divisional meet of its system. The
Seskatellev'an Floor Mills In Moose law
have made big Adchti0nl to their milling
c•) e't
4i a a y of lane, and are ao put a apI talc+
ler ststern into their plant 10 insure the
hest protection al;anus4* fire, Moose
Jew's teleplloue service has increased
100 per cent during the veer,
The pruvhtce of Alberta reports Will.
ter wheat In large nee -230,00e acres
--and good ,atnte of growth, This is
all11111 rate of aearl4 1ou,uoo Ares over
the Winter wheat clop of t9ro, and as
1 11 (111W1'*11 is heavy this year. the crop
should be stud4 better titan last year,
whet) it lucked proteelioll 00c1 Winter-
killed a gond deal, If the mrop keeps its
pruntise ul pieseli centlitioe, Winter
wheat will be tl big Basel in Albertapro,
duets this 'seas,
Geiger, 's .Cis' Council refused to
gran' 3115,1,1)) 0)4' publicity purposes on
beg! ci it !Mil 1111' plan was net laid out
with Kt ffiviell( definiiteess to determine
holt' the money V, Quid be used. The
00,mcil slluwe'1 that It was niggardli•
Hess that, prompted this action by ap-
proving b, laws to the extent of a million
dollars for poblic works.
est Mark
At S et Prices
I pay..best in. 'nine for Minl
0 r, Coon, Muskrat,
Weasel, Lynx, Bear, &o.
I pry nit express charges, charge no coal.
mission I bold furs semi to on request.
Write tOr 1119 1064484 price list.
II11S (1418 111 I'01'U1.ATi0li
liabod t Un
nap i la ,,,of 2,87�,
directory census of Calgcry glve9
cite 35,250 people er tin Mei ease 0( neer,
ly 0'o00 4 year,1.Street'
' ' x
ait aY
IaYn1n abe 1Out these Agues bY abO
111L the"pet eatables of he street car
service far January of this rear 111 41470
Made all 1110l'ea58 over laioaly of hast
Veer of $7,531, for the 'seine 'mileage,
11 st t• '4 t i l a• s
The a cal , Y4.. it �. 141 I t own-
, em g v
ed b' et end 1 n money
i the ( alt 1 cal , 1 111 a
u v
on the outlay. In ,spite of Ili [drop clown
the publicity plan by refitsing the ftp•
propriation for ,t, Calgary will go out
after industries strongly. The busitizss
men of the city feel that there should
be more industrial work clone there and
taring firms as possible 10looatein' CAI
. Mcl�ll�nd
New Jewelry Store
♦ ♦
: Watch Repairing
a ch
• Jewelry'Ilepairieg.
+ ' Clock' Repairing
•. An excellent stock of Watches, 4,
Clocks and Fine Jewelry, Ster- •
+ ,ling Silver and Plated Ware at
+ ♦ your service.
F o
�n n eluent and
72 Colborne st., Toronto, Ont. +♦+♦r•➢•�♦�•9♦a •K •tea♦+•t�
For Health and Economy
Eat more Bread
EN cents will feed an ordinary family a day
on est class bread. This does not mean
ordinary bread. For there is an irportant'
difference between ordinary bread and first class
It isn't a difference of looks or methods of
making or baking. It is a difference of nutrition,
food value, healthfulness. And this food value
depends on the flour used. For there is a wide
difference between flours.
If all flour were the best flour, then all bread, properly made,
would be good bread. But all flour is not first class because all
wheat is not first class. Wheat, you know, varies in quality
almost as much as apples or potatoes 1 there areas many different
grades of wheat as there are grades of butter—or wool.
And every difference in grade represents an actual difference in nourishing
value, food elements, wholesomeness. Flour made from a low grade of
wheat is by no means so healthful as flour made from high grade wheat,.
Now the wheat that goes into
Ogilvie's Ro al Household Flour
is of the very highest grade. It con-
tains the highest possible percentage
of nutritive value. The makers of
.r$OYAL'HOUS1;'HOLD” main-
tain exile ive laboratories and baking
departments whetldlleed mme_n scient-
ifically analyse each da "T-
Y Y •
None but the very besty
wheat—rich in nutrition and
healthfulness—can pass. For
this reason bread made from
FLOUR contains the max-
imum of food value and
furnishes the maximum of energy and
strength. And for the same reason
the finest pies, cakes, biscuits,muffmss,
rolls, and pastry of all ldnds. It is
the one flour that a housewife should
itffirtetit order to have her household
Red Fyfe
bakingstrr Eltyp. first class.
"Ogilvie'se'a atriiA T-400k"with
225 pages of Recipe� :hat
have been tried and test
will be sent free to your
address if you mention the
name of your dealer, 33
TheOgilvieFloar MUIs Co.Llmlled.