HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-2-23, Page 2THE SCHOOL UN�of JezoUol Uy dogs, the perishing of JOHN BULL IS GENEROUS TIIE SUNGA SCII00�, ES Itis king's posterity, ,and • all tits wretched details of this tragic of Hints for fair, which made such an impres, b IN EIt AT10.� 1.L LESSON sloe in Tsrael; ar© rewa• rded iu the TO SUFFERERS ABROAD MODERN I NCLISIII LAN IN- THE EXACT SPOT.WILEitE '13113i second book of Kings.FEBRUUtY 20.v 27. Rent his clothes—The propbe- AS WE'LL AS :A.'1' HOME. SURES AGAINST TRIPLES. MEN DI,ED., steel doom of himself and his house ^-^ was enough to humble any' man. I1. —LTi ult Meets Ahab in Sia• Thenee£urth he went softly as a The British PnbUo Ras Given Mi1- National Betting Craze Revealed Rollos oif Massacre Discovered at. y liens QucO'i Cisarlot'.ts S9unt1 Lout's Vineyard; I. Rings 21. st28 kElijah retires as sudden] as TASTY RECIPES. HOUSEHOLD HINTS, ons for the RCl►ef of those at ZlA 4noo the mhtxte Great Lisni� lteeorttly. Gulden text, Luke 12 l . ho appears, having accomplished in Distress. The exact spot where 10 mom. 'LittleGerman Cakes,—Bat ono Glue ).tape meaaare firmly across " the work which Jehovah had sent On the appeal' of the Mayor of Hearts, fingers, .oyes, and even Gt a the. front edge of your sewing ma- Verse. 1. ' Jszreel—A city in the. him to do. Not not}1 four more P - the familycat are being insured in bet's of .Capt. Cook's expedition dozen freak eggs and three poundsime when ,i occupied .ears have passed shall we see hnn Bolton for funds in the recent wipe of nlvorized sugar for' fifty-five shine, , It saves mach .b territory of Tasachar. It ac p Y disaster no less than' $350,000 was England nowadays' "Yes, of were massacred by the Maoris 137 P add Its much' soda. sewing, ` . ' an attractive and strong position again,. minutes, then �—�— subscribed in a week! That slog's oourse," says Lloyds, the big in years ago has been defrosting Iselie er- as will.lay ona the end of a knife . .A, tiny bit of butter is often an being shut in on the south by Mount is enough to show that John Bull is siiz'am), combine, "we insure, cats, mined and some interesting relics. minutes longer, B improvement 'to oaks frostings, Gilboa, and buttressed on the north TAKES ON 'TITLES, $18,350.a enorous soul. eat is a fiive rislt. Why, everyone of the anoient :tragedy dtscovored and boat five g— gb Robert e t try ed Grass Cove, sure and gh to sne a . 'Set Add. or especially coffee, chocolate, maple by:s high acfes, �er is famous mostly e Beee t dew Year Henan The first time that' he publicly knows a oat has nine lives.'' Y iioui enough to knead. Set it aside or caramel. as the place where Ahab and Doze- What the n helped the miners was in 1878, elicit Insurance against death, fire and Queen 'Charlotte Sound, u o it doesn't In the south they often add a bel built, their magnificent resi- Cost the Recipients. nearly a ine was raised on bar accident is common enough. In It may, perhaps, be remembered in a cool place, just e y$ , , a toys eon bacon. Orleans molassesthto the dencm This palace, as we learn h �ld the exigencies of the pot sufferers from a mine ext suranee against broken .hearts, that on Dec, 17, 1773, the captain, freeze, until evening. Thou rollPf the Kings, S ° g about the half of the £ . marriage, triplets and other so- of the Adventure sent two officers. little thicker that. pie crust, The frying It makes. the meat fi•om frthex• parts.o g + litical situation taring abo Y gplosion ie Wales. Since tlien,evetyand eight men serosa the sound to Germans have little fancy molds more delicate. .stood on the eastern side of the creation of five hundred new Poets colliery disaster has found the Brit- called catastrophes is rather new." t g mal cookie cut- Brown boots may be blackened �it,. To guard against sudden in- a. nice little sum would be added ish public to aid the widows and But insurance against broken gather- wild 'gees) for the ship's far these, but any small can lid can by rubbing the blacking well into vision there was a tower which held toe Britain's revenue in the way' of children left behind. hearts! "Impossible," lief eyro the oompany. They failed to return, be or to u powder land searchers who were sent outs Uo used to cut them with. After the shoes with a raw potato and the approach up the valley in full fees. Indeed, it. has been suggest- incredulous, read this all cut spread out on a then pal shmg. view, Lha unique thing about the ed at times that the 'Chancellor .of MANSION HOUSE FUNDS. A titled Englishman wishes has ,finally discovered evidence of a they are c 1'tragedy in 'a number of baskets andcover with a thick cloth Add a handful of chopped pars- palace was: the house inlaid with the Exchequer; *nen. endeavoring The: Britisher is as generous to son and heir to marry,. BeHe goes to con sluing human flesh • and fern table et lay over night. In the ley or onion to the veal when .cook- ivory. There were other indica- to might up a defieft'on the budget; his fellow -beings abroad as he is to Lloyds and gots insurance that his loot• also.) hand of a White mon. and 1g morningsprinkle baking pans with ing. It improves it as much as tions of the worldliness and luxury might do tvorse than folloy the ex those at; home. When the Seine son will marry. Sometmebs� he Grass Cove was previously conjeet- caraway seeds and place cakes in mint to the lamb.: of the royal pair. ample of James 1., who., when des- rose and caused such widespread wants insurance that it will an. on seeds and bake in slow . Sewing'machine needles may be 3, Jehovah forbid—Naboth had perately hard up, created, on the damage a year ago the British pub• chorus girl. His son finally becomes used to be the scene of. pans oven for three.quarters little an hour. used much get dull if when the points somethingbesides sentimental rea- suggestion of the Earl of Salisbury,. Ho, through the medium of a Klan- engaged. If it is to a rich Amerie- THE ANCIENT TRAGEDY, �l Those are favorite cakes begin to they are• rubbed suns fur desiring to keep the in- a couple of hundred baronets, each sign House fund, sent over nearly an girl,, the whole family often fiut Mr. McNab, however, has,set- excel- on apiece of emeill notd f his fathers. The vine- f whom 'S 000. for the' dignit . $s50 000 for the help of their con- wakes to the terrible independence tied the question once and for all . among the Germans and are her mance u o paid$ , If a lamp wick will work east yard 0 would no doubt prove a Fees have been' considerably realm: Cliental neighbors. -. of that liberty -loving parson, and by discovering the exact slant where lent. — .i- try pulling out a thread at () • .• gardens of "the "wisest fool o to say,the first Mansion several policies may be taken otit.the .Englrshmen were itiu dared, Orange 1orangesa. Ta. d fire each y l g , fine addition to the ga e 1, however, since a Stryng large edge. this will <znake it i . he wished to en- inr' tendom as hull. ,doecrib- House fund was.inaugurated to re- to insure that the son and heir shall After Mr. Iei\alS and the party geed steed, oranges and_two,. gAhab, with which Christendom," Y and all: slightly smaller, and -generally end salons at Jesreel. But ,d James I. invented the ander of Zieve Paris. ' Thiswasfor alio re• net be lilted. ,�uell•policies are is- of friends with- hint -laud decided lemonhes thio, peeg rich his posse< J n the seeds. Add, to thew the dipicuent there were sacred runsiderations baronets in England. '. Now -a -days lief of the sufferers in the siege by sued to father,,mother, brother or that the massacre took place in a remove ° f o ter, bringikto a To present baked pottttnes from why Nabuth could not'yielcd it to the grantingof teeters patent to a the Germans in 1871: Over $630;- sister. The, prospective bridegroom certain bend in Grass Cove—a con - boli, quarts ,) u ,. ,why 1y r boil briskly q one- -upon taking soggy, break the skins r even his king, for .any baronet costs only :5500, payable to 000 was collected and sent to Paris, often has one himself. And on it he elusion to which they eagle by com- ....' boil, and allow t ranuthe , y half haul', then add Hires quarts upon them from the oven. rice. It was an unwritten eastern the Board of gland Revenue, There partly in money and partly' in cloth- may have to raise money beforetheparing the locality with the deserip f sugar and heft for three-quartersdoThis gfces the steam a chance to tum. 16)that property should clot were nine baronets in the list of ing, food and other irecessaties wedding day. . tion given :in Cook's papers—they a g( of an hour. Then remove and pour escape scend in the same tribe and house. firer, Year's honors, and six Privy The Parisians did not want money INSURE FORTUNE $LINTERS, went )share and spoke,ta a settler, into 'ally glasses. It will be thick Dates cut up and covered with This ancient law was a guarantee Councillors,. twenty-five knights, so much as fond, for money was Mr. Greensill, who was •living an • i This amount will cream make a simple but delicious he liberties of the people.. itt nineteen recipients of colonial lion fain plentiful, and John Bull rot "18 the rich girl marries him, be the spot, regarding any evidonee "' and delicious. mak fifteen glasses. This is fine dessert. Pile it lightly into a cry- some time, possibly before this, but ars fourteen recipients of Soirth spondecl to the appeals of the stare -;,'pays his, debts out of her millions. of the massacre that he may have e and will be a greet help to make sial dish and serve with a white 01000 likely after, this custom came African honors, and fifteen recipi- ing by sending over sixty-eight If she changes' her mind and does- seen. Mr. Greensill said he had an where irtiit is soiree. walnut cake. tobe written into the statutes of- eats:of.Indian honors; each of whom tons a day or two 'after the siege n't, then the insurance policy dug tip in his garden an old flint - a change makes " sod and the tailors; Iew- lock,a barrel, a bayonet, and some Lobster Fabric in Scallop Shells If you tie the knot in the enol of the nation. will have to pay $150. :The Inland was raised: Since that first fui d One half pint of Obstet` meat and the thread just • broken from the. Heavyand displeased ...laid Revenue authorities will thus re -the 1Vlansion House atolls has •re eters and florists lost nothing. othekind of a weapon tie was un - 4. p And does this queer insnranee able to identify: four hand boiled eggs chopped fine spool find run the other end him down upon his bed—Lilts a how ceive $16,350 altogether. calved nearly $30,000,000 out of the and add to a cream sauce macre table -as through the eye of the needle, the who has been thwarted in gratify- These amounts do not incluclethe pockets of the generous Angled -'Sax' stop when the titles and the roil This latter weapon Mr. McNab • follows: Melt three large thread will never kink in sewing. ing sante fond desire. Little won- stamp duty -incurred in taking out vii, lions are finally married? Does it/ at once identified as spoonfuls reabutter and rub into it If a Brussels rug persists in roll - der that Jezebel came upon him a .coat of arms, nor the charges of •When the terrible caxthgnake at It has only -begun. Milord hikes AN OFFICER'S BANGER, • back h Lloyds and gets insured large teaspoonfuls Hour, gra- ing up at the edges it should be and rebuked his peevishness with the Herald's College for the using 'Messina startled the world with its was cloulitless the one used dually add one cup warm milk and turned over and a y goodecoat of glue the words. Dost Ilion now govern of criers patent. For designing a dramatic suddenness and its conte.that there will be issue of the mar- bywhichMidshipmanWRowe,: who was in salt and pepper to taste with two applied. Let it dry before turning, Israel? words which the coat of arms: and granting letters quant miseryGreat Britain was the riage, Gets insured that it will •be or three dashes of cayenne_ Cook and there twill not be any more has )fittin fittingly rendered, intent for its use the Heralds' Col foreign. country that contribute] a son, r Gets insured that the 'soil 'charge of the ,boat's crew. There u once and then add four table- trouble. Septuagintg 1will lite. Gets insured that he will was a description of the'sword.gi P"Do you play at being king in this lege charge' $338.: Assuming that most to the relief of rho" refugees. teach his majority: And so on. en in the accounts and they 'cones - sprinkle minced parsley. Butter A delicious filling for layer cake way?" Jezebel had qualities muse the eighty-eight recipients of hon- Over.$600,000 wad rapidly collect - dug paneled exactly with. the weapon, Col - scallop shells, fill with farcie and is made by mixing a pound of fine- masculine, as well as more make- ors all decidetotate out letters pat- ed and dispatched 'to Italy; Ger- BET ON MARRYING. dug up. teaspoonspon topbuttered of each shell one e s aed pfulle of almonds with' two ious, than her husband. Besides, ent to the right of armorial bear- many coining next •with $400,000, A father with several daughters It was -with,that hanger that• cearmoven to brown. gags, cupful n uleofioneill sit she was a Phoenician, with pro- Ings; the whole cost of the New and France with $300,000. News -on his hands Bete insurance that Midshipman Rowe killed two Maor- T Tlise in warm to brown. gar and a ted tabled of vanilla. pounced foreign views as to the per- Year's honor will be over $50,000. papers all over the country opened they will marry,. A funny part of is and wounded the chief before be- Shri amount makes and shells. ns can be nicely e y mends and nap- rogatives of kings, and she did not The: absence of any peerages in their columns for the receipt of issuing such a policy—or tragic, as ing-overpowered and killed. This: Shrimps, the, and salmon hem tan n nicely breaksnby when the scruple, therefore, to form a plot the new honors list makes a con- money from their readers, and the' the case may be—consists in the discovery places beyond a shadow may making used ine the same manner, hemstitching hrwith fagoting for the possession of the vineyard siderable difference to this. form of appeal thus made was. not in vain. careful summing-up of the girl's of da iscovery doubt the exact locality of the a delicious dainty fora the edges together strong of Naboth the Jezreelite. revenue, for a duke has to pay $1, FAMOUS FAMINE RECORDS: careful 'in matrimony. • This falls massacre, which took place on the • Sunday night supper or a luncheon; thread. This will wear as long as 8 1D Notice the insolence of her 780, a marquess $1,500, an earl $1,- to the lot of an old man, long in the spot now,occupied as Mr. Green- as itmay be prepared hours before the article. 250, a viscount $1 0.00 and a In.1878 the Mansion House open- sill's garden in Grass Cove. . Mr needed and then warmed in oven Apple and celery salad may have writing letters in the king's name, $750.Then,again, the nd a baronhood ed a fund for thegreat Indian £ pz_ bksiness, who says a knowledge of McNadiscountenances the idea y i s the addition of nuts to the atcelery and putting his seal upon' them, gpsychology and physiology is neces- be are _crying. ine. In response to the .appeal of sary,for this work, ' He •sees each that the weapon may have been car- . age of the salad. Grapes, celery and of Proclaiming a fast so as to of the Garter entails $1,000 in fees. and nuts make another combins- deceive the people into believing It may be.remembered that Lord the Lord Mayor, the huge slim of girl twice, :far half an hour. each ried there from the fact that the. FISH.oranges, apples, grapes, cel- some public calamity had befallen, Roberts objected to paying a bill 53,450,000 was extracted from the time, talks with Itersounds her, locality exactly corresponds with tion; or g g ppresentedpockets of the nation. In 1897 an -the description given by Capt. Salt Mackerel,—Salt mackerel is ery and nuts make salad not to be besides the added touch of venom in for 58,750, which was to reads her. Ile. meet's her at some 15 be- im roved on. her setting the innocent victim on him after accepting an ea}idem in other fund was organized to slid the.social function and the girl doesn't Cook.—London Standard. less popular than it should bepace. p Hindus, over two and a half mil- ,know who he is. That is, if, the cause most people have not cook- Hamm salads good made as fol- high, in a conspicuous abdicated his pow- when he his acceptance ° ed it the way to bring out its best lows : Grate some _old boiled ham Ahab had weakly l lion being sent to India. Alto- father keeps to his agneernent she is and add some chopped celery. Mix er in Israel, when such corruption of the Garter entailed a total ex- ether England. has sent, HiQ 000 RIATiINGDI1310NDS. points. Here a way to make 0 lis S g gdoes gat in in some mayonnaise dressing and could be practiced by an idolatrous penditure of close .t on $°,000. another to re But it th•e father put"s' the girl I;he best 'Sunday breakfast dxa.tP 000 in one way and addinga woman, The climax was reached Even this, however, was not quite Neve our fellow -subjects in Initis: `"next" the` wonderful old man, — the world: Select a good, firm serve on lettuce leaves, bas fellows in response such a costly distinction as being Such figures are a splendid tribute with an `almost Sherlock' Holmes Specimens Manufactured at One- mackereI. Soak it over 'night in spoonful of mayonnaise on top of wto e orders of a fawninglocal tri- macre a Scottish baronet in the time to Itis generosity of the British . ability to fathom deceit, reports to ]fifth Coat of Real Stones. Icy cold water, flesh side down, In each serving. to pan •if a polished knitting needle is bunal of elders, were hired to per- of Charles L, who compelled every public. Lloyds, .and not for love 'or money the morning melt in the frvint, P i _ 'ore themselves by accusing the man so honored tv pay $15,000. As.During the Boer war, howoveib will papa; be .able to'get a policy After nine years of experiment a a heaping tablespoon of butter. clipped into bea pail of milk and with- ]y rosethe occasion, written now. noun Englishman has succeeded a keret fry one side, drawn, to held upright, some guileless Naboth of blasphemy. a set-off to this63hea eluded the ant a tits wed] what she 'as capable P g g g „ Put in theme yin producing what he calls Syn - turn carefully, keeping the fish of the milk will adhere to the needle 13. Stoned him to death —This of �s down ' to 8,! oils. IIve and showed P PROVIDE AGAINST STORK. thetic diamonds, of a quality he hot dish if the fluid is pure. Even the smal- was, of -course, in keeping with the P wa-litf in Nova , rove of in .emergencies: The'Mansion` claims Hover before approached. whole: Lift out onto a law, that blas hemv. r "ilealleritilnately this grant did no. House le t all its glorious records Not all Englishmenapprov� of pp' and Acre m the pan a pint of thick lest amount of water will keep any Pr the cityd pi rrsh advantage, for'long befo far behind when it raised $5,659,- large families. Those who do not Their hardness is 98 per ,cont. of sour:. cream. Let it an up pour well, of the milkefrom adhering. by stoning,niside the city. of much g ,sometimesget insured against such that of the natural diamonds. They stirring it thoroughly,and pour it Many vegetables may be season- 15. . 'se, take possession — Ac- 1038 the colony hatlu passed into. the 2 for the Transvaal war hind. In . Y g g can be stamped upon with the heel s g 00 oven fish. The salt of the fish takes ed. with salt pork or bacon. Salt CM' .to the custom, the sons of 1 hands of the French. a.cidliti to tlhistl$ieT0ansva s given theycalamity. w Il not have a child. sred that tvithaut injury, A London Daily nut all the sour of the cream and pork fat is, by some, considered Cabuth would perish with him, , to the foga- ,get insurance that theywill not Mirror Scietatific re ,iesentative.has p PAGEANT AT .CORONATION. gees and $585, 9 for the C: I. V. s. me makes a delicious gravy. Serve to render a better flavor to leaving no heir to his possessions, That was the Mao, n Botise alone. have twins. Some' men, naturally •heated one to )spun-Icimp. Home with hot buttered toast, veal, poultry and game. .;t €,om whereupon the property would re- 'irccllrnt of 1902 11'111 be Followedt that there pessimistic, want insurance against and kept it red hoe for three min - Salmon Patties.—One egg, one the soup kettle is 0. to warm vert to the king (.compare 2 Kings 1and when ifis -recai tri lets. The two latter kinds of toes without damaging it. u sweet milk one can of salmon potatoes sate sauces or cook' y 26, and 9 Sam, 16. 3, 4). as Closely as Possible. were three other funds o' Slml- in P ranee are often taken out after TheOo]or,is so good that even by s p lar kind in existence at that Cfi' n- 4 .remove bones), one and one -ha'' •; in-' 16. Ahab rose up to'go down—It The arrangements for the Royal one is astonished at the capacity of the st5'gli riane often taken of t4 daylight an expert can scarcoh W_ c, cups cracker crumbs , Ines To touch up an old and faded seems likely was :in his capital at pageant associated with the corona- lin' Bull's od at t Altogether about r make•a visit. ' tec,r titT ' '1.cui' s c c Jae"" tziesa p Season with and. salt to •ug, get dyes of the various colors Samaria, twenty miles' from Jez- tion 1e King George V. are so far near] $20 00;000 was subscribed Before such policies' are issued, stones and natural diamonds. And aper a tis tablespoons in hot in the rug and a number of camel'sf red. He made the journey in los complete that one can no*rah form y Lloyds gets reliable data on the though the smaller ones'areslight- top in P duringthe days of the war. Bri- Y s g :Jigs, pan in butter or meat fry- lair brushes. Dissolve a little of chariot, accompanied by two war- some idea of the comprehensive- tain aid generously .for the mag- number of double or treble births l tem do etter thatisfan laetoe a'ly geruphe to cann each dye in boiling water, and aft riot -youth, Jelin and we re, to Hess of the scheme. wedhe s afar asst nificent help that her soldiers and on cacti side of the house. And the Ings,weight of . one carat (four grains). Beefstead with Oy- stets.—Broil a ter the ,rug has been well cleaned, whose later testimony are in- of 1"302 is to be followed as far sailorsgave her. - premium is large of small accord Two months ago the inventor had tenderloin steak; season ; paint the dyes on where they are debted for scone of the details (2 posesibke. The line of procession • ingly. In one year four• wise long sirloin °r t drain needed. Kings 9. 25, 36)i The Septuagint will be the swine, so that the pro -AN UNPOPULAR APPEAL.succcodsd in turning out stokes. take a quart of oysters and geRoyalties will be witness- with fish families who had reason to which defied detection at night by put into stew an Often there is a little difficulty says that Ahab greeted the news n, gross of The greatest individual sum ever think the stork might Ileal boilnte- Ills ordefie untrained eye. His off. the liquor ; stewpan in turning cakes, especially ginger- festa Naboth's death with violent he, 00 eel by the millions of East and South to a fund, apart from the ottsly' with .them took pplicie y with half a cupful c,f. the This diflieul-latest =:1',uuea aro still better, Their l7tittex if you have a little cream bread, out of tin. festatinns of grief. But no London, as Lyell as by the more se givenermanent charitable organiza_ against triplets., In each case there density is praetiealil the same as pepper to sea- t • may be overcome by greasing doubt, went to claim his new jios- lect inhabitants and visitors to the. tions was the $119,000 gipon-by Sir was a history of triplets vri one side sono add. :Salt and pomp y , r little flour over the sessions with arclur. 1Vest End. `.Chore will be a grand.that of gators] diamonds, and they it. When this comes to a boil and *edging lgmg a l tt scand vac-1:Thorn s Lipton to she poorest of the or the other of the house. Only one are a eolu sly permanent — unaf- ie ,latter. tin before adding the rte oven. 17. Elijah the Tiebbite—The. last naval review at Spxtheeal, l x„nr Landon jubilee dinner fund in family had them. And the insur- ance £,ectecl lr the atmosphere. pour over the steak on it i hot. Then, after taking it from the °c ata, strodese we had of kiln was as hed over- a military review. As Y.he X897 ante was considerable enough to y Serve verysand tire. tie on a damp clout forT clothe,Eesti and educate three very But they are deficient in that dis- t . I off from the fields folk<riSix over -seas dominions of the Empire Practically Dally ogee. las thetinctive steely -blue shimmer which ' a minute al two before removing ybye rsin of Slaamhat. SIX tS ill l,e 1VC11 1epi CSCntee 'and Iles llritlsil pltbliC refused to give, and 1i boys.' the best natural itimenda PIM . the cake. ears had passed. Was Elijah all great and small powers of• thepossess, this time iretirement, somewhere world, the people twill once more give handsomely, ” On April 13th, Of course, the maker dans not die - es, Pie.—Cut tip left over q.1882, the Land Mayor of London -- close: his process, 1.,e base is pro - meats in the caves of Carmel'? 11'e do not have a tmxlire and powerful tilos announced thee he wished to re- au,nahl,y mineral, and the stones :meats into about one-half inch FACILITIES FOR 7'1tE 'I3I.%ND• chain - know. But it was like him. He ti'ation of what the British Cmpire ceive funds to help the unemployed Fp;EttER PAUPERS 1�1'I:O1`i)ON. are made by compression, simnlat sgitares and put into a baking dish comes forth now, ,ivt as the cham. signifies, When it is considered ceive emigrate. he twelve days only' ing it a formation es natural slat with left over gravy ; if one has no Proposal 10 Carry Them free in ,;ion of orthodoxy, lint as the andig- that the varied units that make up a few paltry eunds were collected av use a little stock and season. 1ars. nano foo of inhumanityand in us the British Empires that eek weltI Y p. Old .iggPensiouers Said to Explain monds through the contraction of gr y Street' L 7 ili.ea- and, as a result, ,the Lord Mayor coaling mineral' matter, to taste; bail and mash potatoes or. saw Cor- 20. sect together by a generous apt. was corn ellecl .G� close the fund Decrease Last Year. Diamond makers, by dissolving use loft over potatoes, and cover The proposal by Gla g 20. Has thou found me tion of the prinatples of. justice, P p P sugar in iron, or some other sub - rt ,crust for the meat, It is not poration to allow blind people to ion self-government and religious and and to return the few amounts that There were 1I 985 fewer an ars as c tHow much this whole situation re -g had been sent, in London, England, on January ^r stance which .exerts tremendous mecessar to' use milk or butter in travel on the street cars free of the fate of man a political liberty, citizens of the frit- The British obits :are; as a rule than on the comes tond.n day.of yp I K pressure upon its contraction by ` mashing, potatoes. a fork charge is expected bo be]n opera- minds us ofAhab tvaa 'est abbot telt Empire may well indulge in the however, too willing to subs 1910. The official return in whch cooling, have often obtained very g only lengthwise to make grooved top and tion soon. Mr. Dalrymple, the,man- woilcl mhimself with the ill-gotten festivity of praspeet of this great scribe and the names of a few the' figures are given attributes the sinal] but perfect atones of mare or g bake until browned in a moderato-' ager of the department, has t,.. to glut . is sin. And nosy a.sif the fact being represented' once more y.removal less effective appearance. Batthfs ceived from the various societies fi kits of hin the metropolis of the world in a funds will show how wide are their decrease, ,nam] to the removal 01 ly het oven: shadow ,of some lurking, fear had sympathies: Princess Alice diens- the pauper dlsgntthficatlon for old - peel neteest .inventor has produced, Mock Cheer Pie.—One cup chop- who work in the interests of the ed into life there way that will strengthen the strong Hungarian floodsneof 1879,relief age, pensions, but it is due also in stones of remarkable size and bril- • Y ed Crartberiies, half cup chopped blind the names of between 700 and been trafor him the dreaded ser- bonds.that attend hold them. ter, secuted Russian Jew,. Ice- a certain measure to the already balmy. He estimates the cost at naiains half cup cold, water, one 800 persons, to whom a special form stands be the God whom Abab v ' persecuted Egypt cholera, (tor- existing 'pensions and to Ilio zm- about one-fifth that of the natural cup one teaspoon melted has'been sent with a view to recur- want of God, NEW SWORD FOR OFFICERS, land £ gyp sugar, regarding the ce- had basely thrust away for the sake don memorial, Ottawa fire , Ger- ' proved economic coxlditicrs, which stones, at present prices. butter, one teaspoon vanilla; one ing information g g of a degrading )]lance. The e: man The British War Office is said t° and the St. Vincent volcanic erupt have been telling on the pauperism tablespoon flour; bake between cupation, busmese address and who has said himself for supposed be contemplating the provision :of, tion of 1802. statistics for some months. Thus ----.-- ---- crusts• other crrcumstances,of the recipient. pleasure or influence will find that a new • :sword for cavalry officers, on December 31, 1910, there were Pie many have trouble Several of the associations have p received but a pittance for which is to resemble the weapon `b 1,436 fewer paupers in • London Manly a learned man tins sueceecl- shell fora pie keep its agreed to Ca -operate with the Tram- his hag xe the voice of con -carried bytroopers, Instead A sli ht s rinkling of orange juice than on the corresponding day of ed in making a fool of himself in making aside down, ways Department in carrying out his amine,- and that t e eenaw P g p shape. Turn a pie pan up ,p science unheeded for a.ttme comes of the slightly curved blade, in- gives a delicate "finishing touch" t° 1909. Those receiving outdoor re- several different languages, ss the pastry on smooth and the bchern.e, Special brass tokens f h remorseless awnings. tended for cutting as well as for light wheaten pancakes served:with lief have benefited to a greater ex: faro p 'th a fork in several are being, prepared, and these will back w t g lose prick 'with ab ever man•, thrusting, they are t0 given a butter and wheaten Lenton juice is tent than the inmates of mstitu. If a girl has made up her mind e , lales When you put it be dxstrxiuuted gratis toI qualified 21. Out off from Ahab y plaeeit. D' hits -The off from Ah of the dynasty light, s g, they are to be ivn3 in• often used in this way in European tion by the grant Of old -age pen, to marry a young man she is list in• loo e plate ready for the filling you persons by the various instidut�ons c y g households. a s latent that lite ;Mk her father. eve; a nice, •chalsva9; shell, • for elle visa, of Ahab, the eating of the carcass tended solo] for thruetie INSURANCE. FOR EVERYTNINR CAPT. CC K'S EATEDITICN Recipes and Other Valuable Information cl Particular isrerest to Women Folks,