HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-2-16, Page 8,v.t Geo HEALTH I FORas ion ants RUN DOWN MEN r+P.4.l 1".14 s1►1 " If YOU Are Weak and Easily Tired E SEN IN PARIS von, . Try D , Williams' Pink Pi11P11111� f' Irish leo eon -guiles to be fav Anaemia is a state into which one Newey was such a rage for fou- prCd. falls because of lack of blood, or because the blood is poor, weak lards. and watery. The man or woman Paris is already predicting great who has not enough blood is pale, Slats for spring, languid, easily tired and easily de• the progresses ses trouble Steel hair ornaments aro distinct- grossed. As a t ubla ro p b good in tethion, other symptoms show themselves, breeade ribbons' are lin- and the life of the sufferer' is one Wide mediately d of misery. ` Anomie opens the p1edBalk and white is - door to consumption, and gives vic- Black and le white is still n.he fav dims to all the epidemic maladies, Wcored fderfeeaae the inrd re , 'because the whole body is weaken- ats in the are the s bordered ed and unable to resist the inroads dres in the new Cottons for spring f disease Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills dresses, best remedy in the wo11d o All black and white mixtures in • the lace (English tweeds are taking place matin costumes. Ohautilly lace veils with a bor- der of marabou are the latest things. Evening gowns are ,delightfully dimple, relying on color for the gor- geous effect that they give. Variations of violet seem to be in demand, . and are combined with »very other color—yes, even red. For early spring days nothing is more satisfactory for street wear Than a one piece dark blue serge gown. The "Passing of the Cloche" is now being played in almost every Millinery shop in Paris. It has had Its day. The newest evening slippers are of 'changeable tissues; silver and gold gold and rose, gold and lilac re The shadow pattern, the spider i get some medicine leaf would soon JURE WA;'1,'l.lt WED ED D 131'ES. llanlburg Dirt net Danish Typhoid, but Cut Pown latent lllortelite.. iaeientists in Germany and throughout Europe are surprised. at the results following the purl- fixation of the water supply of Ham- burg, Germany, It was expected to eliminate typhoid, It did not accomplish that result, but it re- duced instead the infant mortality one-third or more. The latest word from America, especially from the city of Washington, confirms the observations made in Hamburg, o tion of the that purification a to nainel p Y, water whatever other geed it max accomplish, will not banish typhoid. That protean disease appears to at- tack a community through me;ny other chancels, and its elimination remains a puzzling problem for sci- ence to deal with. o In Hamburg, by water purifiea- are thef r tion, the infant death rate has been anaemia, and all its at-r� reduced from •406 per 1,000 births the cure of sass tendent miseries. They make thus to 240 per 1,000 births. Similar 1 od rich red and pure, conclusions, have been reached in bo , M. T .S Sedg- weak, telbyg bringing health and strength the United. States weak, despondent men and women. wiek and G. Scott MaoNutt, who We do not know of a single case of have collected figures to show, a anaemia where Dr. Williams' Pink great improvement in the general Pills have failed to cure if given a death rate,due to water purifica- fair trial. Mr. John Hastings,' tion. They have compared the vi - Venn, Sask., was'a victim of this tat statistics of Hamburg and of trouble and found new health Lawrence, Mass., with those of cit- through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ies which have unpuiifled water, He says: "I was working on a rail- and they say they are convinced way driving a team and found my that water purification causes an self gradually running down. I did absence of great fluctuation in diar- not pay mach attention to it at rhoeal and other ailments. first, but soon I began to lose my ---.1'-- through and it was a trial to get TRF WORST VIEW. through my day's work. I got me- Hoax -"Tlie amateur, pliotogra divine from the doctor on the her is generally a pessimist." works, but it did not help me, and p finally I got so bad I told the fore-Joax—"How do you figure that man I would have to quit. He told mit?" takes the worst view of everything." e. WHERE? EVRY SNORT AND RIGHT TO THE POINT PIiANIC 1oMILLE11, TllLLS WIIX HE RECOMMENDS DODD'S IiIDNEX PILLS. Ile used them for Illieumatisna, Heart Disease and Lumbago, and they went right to the root of his troubles. Elkmouth, B.C., Feb. 6 (Special) —Frank Miller, section foreman on the railroad here, whose work ex- poses him to all kinds of weathe, has discovered that Dodd's Kidney Pills are ' a sovereign remedy for those Kidney ills that almost invar- iably follow neglected colds. " Voi" four years I buffered from Lumbago, Heart Disease and Rheu- matisrii, brought on from a cold, says Mr. Miller, "And I got the very best results from using. Dodd's Kidney Pills, I freely recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to anyone suf- fering from these diseases." Short and to the point, that statement, isn't it? But it is lust like Dodd's Kidney Wills. They go right to the point. Tliey cure the Kidneys. Healthy Kidneys strain all the impurities out of the blood. Pure blood means good circulation and renewed life and energy all over the body. Thus Dodd's Kidney Pone ills of only euro disease. They tip the whole body and make a man feel that he has. been given a new lease of life. That's why people all over Canada are shouting the prais- es of Dodd's Kidney Pills. "You treat that gentleman very re- spectfully." `'Yes, he's one of our early settlers." "An early settler? Why, man, he's not more than for- ty years old." "No, but he pays his bills on _the -first of every month." A the colors I of to lose hope that he would web, and the cobweb designs are much worn, as are the Shetland wool veils. Revers on coats are large and are trimmed with fur or with os- trich feathers. Muffs are made to match them. Immense bags are carried with evening robes. They are of metallic tissues or of real lace combined with velvets. Cotton voille and "aeronette" are used extensively for children's dresses. The trimming is usually Cluny or Irish puiat lace. Stunning belts of white pique, with large oblong buckles to match, are suitable for the stiffly starched white linen shirt waist. Interesting is a pendant in ame- thysts and pearls that takes apart to make three pieces, a brooch, a double, and single pendant. Some of the most charming little skating caps aro now being worn. They are of tapestry or brocade and are edged with fur. The sailor collar on children's coats is a decided feature of the midwinter styles.. These can be of velvet or satin in black or colors. Bunehes of grapes, fashioned 'from gold tissue, suitable for com- bining with metallic lace, are love- ly for a trimming for a theatre hat. Quaint pages' caps are worn with stunning effect with shawl scarfs of tapestry and brocades, and the vel- vet brocaded evening cloaks. Changeable velvets are used for evening wraps; brocades, too, are pouch worn, especially those that Show designs in gold and silver. An attractive and most becoming ntomobile bonnet is of silver em- roidery, charmingly draped with a ame colored veil of voile de soie with ends terminating in big silver Tassels. 4, ECA.RCITY OF ROYAL BRIDES. Only Eight Can be Bunted Out European make me all right. That night he went to tern and bought me ,throe boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. bhad not two oxes when taken more began to feel than_ etter and after I had used five boxes I was as well and strong as ever, and could do a day's work with any man on the job. I may just add that be- fore I began taking the Pills I was so run down that I weighed only 122 pounds, and while taking them I gained 22 pounds. I oannot say too much in favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and strongly reeommend them to all run down men. You can get these Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr_.. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. ,4surauce in cos e:r 1 pointed out that the raising y, _._ontenegro to a kingdom pro- vides two more marriageable prim- ceases. Not within living memory has there been such a scarcity of possible Loyal brides as is the case- in Europe at the present moment. Only eight, all told, can be hunted out from the 18 principal European. courts, of whom the most ennobled is, of course, the German emperor's only daughter, Princess Victoria Louise, born just 18 years ago. It is common knowledge that the only Hohenzollern girl is bath -ward and childish for her age, a circumstance which probably accounts for the de- lay in her betrothal to the Arch- duke Franz Ferdinand, Austria's heir. Denmark has two princesses whose kingly degree of birth suits them to grace a throne—Princess Thyra, who is 30, and her 20 -year- old sister, Dagmar. In England Princess Patricia of Connaught, the most sought after of all royal maidens, and Princess Alexandra of Fife are alone of suf- ficient page to contemplate matri- moray. The former, who is 23, gos- gip couples with the name of the dung Marquis of Anglesey., while k e latter was prevented from Yeah - g the imperative debut at Buck - Ingham palace owing to Xing Ed•• al%rd's death, Only three more marriageable ladies remain unaccounted for. Princess Helene of Servia is not oily plain but 26 ,years of age, while ,Princesses Xenia and Vera of Mon- tenegro are also both getting con in Oats. ROBBER SHOT HIMSELF. Caught After Taking Jewellery, Masked Man Suieided. The other day, a crowd of shop- pers was startled by seeing a large stone crash through the glittering windows of the shop of Herr Eli meyer, court jeweller, in Dresden, Germany. It had been thrown by a well-dressed young man wearing a mask and glasses. In his hand he held another stone, with which he smashed the glass of a show- case in the window. Te seized a pearl necklace worth $10,000 and other jewels worth $7,- 500 or more and fled up the street. The buyers in the shop who had seen the robbery dashed out in pur- suit. The chase led over the Alt - markt (a large open square in Dresden), where the robber drop- ped his plunder on the pavement. He next dashed into the Prefec- ture, a building in the Schloss- strasse, opposite the royal c and ran upstairs to the Seeing no d "And where," demanded his wife, with flashing eyes, ``would you. be now, only for mo?" The man glanced at the clock. It was verging on midnight. He sighed, and was silent. HEALTHY CHILDREN BLESSING ARE A ICNEW FROM EXPERIENCE. Wife—"O, George, the water pipe is leaking and the water is spoiling the new carpet Go and get a plumber, quick." full rdght, my dear, let it leak; it's cheaper to get a new carpet," A Pill That Lightens Life.—To the man who is a victim of indigestion the transaction of business becomes con- centrate an. added misery, He cannot o centrate his mind upon his tasks and loss and vexation attend him, To such a man Parmelee's Vege- table Pills offer relief, of treatment, ac ording to diree- tions; will convince him of theiii_ great excellence. , They are confi- dently recommended because they will do all that is .claimed for them, Many a man gets tangled up in a string of lies, eSlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Healthy babies are good babies, and the good baby is a blessing in every home. Nothing can give the mother or father more erl asure than to see baby play. Y move- ment is watched with delight; every new word spoken brings pride to the fond parents. It is only the sickly baby that makes home wret- ched—and, mothers, it is not baby's fault when he is sick. You are the one to blame. Perhaps you give him candies, cakes and other food which his little stomach is unable to digest. Then when he is cross and ailing you give him some "soothing" mixtures to quiet him. That is wrong—remember his little stomach is not as strong as a grown persons, and also remember that every spoonful of "soothing" mix- ture you give him only does him more injury—it does not remove the cause of his fretfulness—it merely dopes him into an unnatural sleep. What is needed to make baby heal- thy and happy is Baby's Own Tab- lets—a medicine with a guarantee of safety. About them Mrs. Ma- thies McCormick, West St.Petees P.E.I., writes. "W Baby's Own Ta sults. in The RAY() Limit la high grade IPmp, sold at a low price. Thom are lamps that coot MorojBUS t1lero is no bettor Lunn made at any oleo, Constructed of solid brawl Mattel plated-e0��agtlly kept Moen; an. ornamp.j to any that naaddyto the vilest There the EAY0 era pdccvloo. I lbveryp dealer everywhere• It not ut 7oure, wilt, for ds, script's, olrcular to me nearest agenol of The. Queen. City 011CompaIY, limited, Toronto. r AGENTS WANTED. EN WANTED, age 18•86, for Rrernon flee ME monthly, and brakemen 550, en a0 Oanad• fan ratLrositions1 guaranteed competentf'men. strike, Positions g Mata -over40n, .ipso,tIs losftlo?lsuoontlll. Vete •rover 400 mane n es0ciation, 1055. ago; send e100 S Railway A EN, 904.227 Mourne street, -Brooklyn, A RESOUROEt' UL PRTNOE. Prince John, son of King George of England, although not much more than five years old, is of a resourceful disposition. When his father succeeded to the throne the little prince, then four years old, was anxious to know what chance he had of eventually becoming king. He was informed that having four elder brothers, the chance was de- cidedly remote. Upon that Prince John suggested that the only way out of the difficulty seemed that his four elder brothers should be killed, when nothing ,could prevent his succeeding to the throne. 00, and floor. ....e y ofV escape he re .. revolver olver and shot himself through the head, dropping dead before. his pursuers' eyes. His identity agedis unknown. He appears about twenty-five, and to be the police believe that he is a foreigner. ifflt itislow's Soothing Syrup *�aIIe been used for over SIYTY•FIVE YEARS 51 1113110NS of 001RERS for their CHILDREN wRILS TEETHING, with rFnne'ECT SUCCESS, It SOOTHES Sit CHILD, SOFTENS tee GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN:, ORES WIND COLIC, end la tee best moody. for IARRR A, Sold by DrusVata to ore YY tart of the eeworld sura and. 004 ter 'Llys, wiooldw o sootalne Alia am ne a d o•d°e oho Fo 0 end lima lea lana, meth, Lasa Sariet 11O�umyyer lama RBM]IDY._ Ali OLD £ TD WI1IJ. rxiZD .:.ail. "Tommy," said the teacher, "can you tell- me what obscurity is?" `Yes'm," replied Tommy; "it's a• place where a good many people go to after election's." 17oUCure trickly atone coodbs. cures colds. heals o throat and funds. • • • 88 cents. The less luck a man has the more he believes in it. $l a box 6 for faP 'The most highly Gflclont application for the reduction of Swellings, Goitre, `Thick 'Neck, Glandular Enlarge% moots, Its Positive. PILESPIESof all kinds, in any and all stages, quickly re- Ilevod and ppoaitivety cured. Cure tfe -in and. live quietly. .your su r. g Common $ansa" for Piles will do ft. 6 bozos, Mailed on receipt of price. LYLE �a°PA;v. TORONTO WHY IS IT THAT: When a girl of six talks nonsense she is cute? When a girl of 12 talks nonsense she is stupid? When a girl of 20 talks nonsense she is naive? When a woman of 40 talks non- sense she is kittenish? When a woman of 60 talks non- sense she is unbalanced? _ • The Poor Man's Friend.—Put up in small bottles that are easily portable and sold for a very small sum, Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil possesses more power in concen- trated form than one hundred times the quantity of many unguents. Its cheapness and the varied uses to which it can be put make it the poor man's friend. No dealer's stock is complete without it. "Do you think people should be punished for gambling at the rac- es?" "A lot of them are by hav- ing their money taken away from them." nave used Sts with good re - The ,,.'are certainly a bless- , or that have cross, ickly babies. They sweeten the stomach; give refreshing sleep and make baby fat and healthy." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BORDER MILL GIRLS. Change in A.pparel Among Scotch am Workers. The Nova Scotia "Lumber King" s That Litz says: "I consider MINARD'S LINI- MENT the BEST liniment in use. I got my foot badly jammed late- ly. I bathed it well with MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. McMULLEN. JOE MILLER, JOKE. "How is it a tramp can wear a vary short coat?" "Dunn.,, "'Cos it may be long enough be- fore he gets another." what le the Best Thing to strengthen weak ll Duro lumbago and rheumatism.thol Plaster.ells%male ,even t plasters. Darla & Lawreuc, Co., Montreeal: .. More perste are, rwilling to help you get rid of your money =TAO get it, TO CURB A COLD 1N ONE DAY Take ioLAxATIVD 11ROM0 Quinine Tablets, Druggists sign to a le on each box it to 050, E. W. She ordered a fowl for agrand dinner, and made the cook bring he purchase for her inspection, She examined it, tossed her head discontentedly, and said:—"It is a poor -looking thing." "Oh, mum," said the cook, "when it is fixed up with truffles it .will look entirely different. Just like when you put on your diamonds, mum 1" Many people have receding gums. Rub Hamlrns• Wizard Oil on gums and stop the decay: chase the dis- ease germs with a mouth wash of a few drops to a spoonful .of water. Everybody knows something they would like to tell to somebody. Its Fire Spread° in dry grass, so dims an Inflam- mation in with aat goold' sown with into o the lungs, rind. Deal promptly when roe begin to °,ugh use Alien's Lung Balsam, BaaREMEDYd for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye' Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 250, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Pres by Mail. .. 19Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. IS TOUGH AND FIBROUS. They are now making what is called vegetable leather. We suppose it can be utilized by vegetarians as a substitute for the ordinary restaurant steak. . Within the last twenty years or. so a marked change has come over the mill lassies of the Scotch bor- der towns. In decorum and dress there has been a wonderful im- provement. Not so many years ago the three -cornered shawl and clogs were all the rage. There was some- thing picturesque about the former, and to the stranger the ,latter of "the clogged brigade'" at the meal hour was quite a treat, in some mills hats were the exception and worn only by the aristocrats—the pickers and darners. All that is now wholly changed. A visitor to Galashiels after seeing the mill lassies pass along the High street to their work, remarked, "There is surely lots of money in the town; the mill girls are all dressed in style." A "brow lad," on a visit to his native town after the lapse of years, was heard to ob- serve that "the Gala lassies are aye dress' d --they're like ladies." Such observations are often more true of the lassies of the smaller:" order towns. To see the modern border mill girls on their way out or on Sundays is to see them ;at their best, and to realize how much bbey are ahead of their prototypes, 4, -- Too Too many candidates for office run in the wrong direction. Bicklc's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is the result of expert chemical ex- periments, undertaken to clisoover a preventive of inflammation of the lungs and consumption, by destroy- ing the germs that develop these diseases, and fill .the world with pitiable subjects hopelessly strick- en. The use of this Syrup will prevent the dire consequences of neglected Colds. A trial, which coats only 25 cents, will convince yea that this is correct, Hub (unconcernedly)—"Oh, you two fight it out between your- selves." PILES CURED IN 6 TO r; DAYS druggistWm. will refund money if O INT. Mg1i Mile to aura any case gr ntee'ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 dem 600 A square deal is. long. is as broad as ft, Corns and watts disappear when treated with Holloway's Corn Cure . without leaving a scar., .. Change that limping, useless horse into a sound, healthy horse, willing and eager to do a good day's work. ..Don't let a Spavin, Curb; Splint, Sprain, Ringbone er any other Lame- ness keep your horse iu the stable. Cure it sl'ith Kendafl's Spays Cure It cures. without leaving a scar, blemish or white haire-becauseit does not blister.. Port ]Calls, B.C., June 1.4th 1000.. "Nave been using your Liniment for years and End it all that yowrepresent. Rave not been without it forl0 years." GEORGE GORDON. $1. a bottle -6 for $5. Excellent for household" use. Sold by all dealers. Ask for free hook "A Treats, Oa The Norse h or write rte for copy. -. 55 DR, E. J. KENDAL/. CO. Enosbur, Palle, M. WANTED, EARN ens BARREa 'TRADE NSW system-oonsta„t practice -careful Metric. on -few weeks complete ,,epee -Cools :frim radustr a earn tw aloe to eighteen dollars week- ly, - Write for catalogue. Meter Berber College, 511 Queen ]Cast, Toronto, Fire, Liatnint Rust and Storm Proof Durable and Or n auiental Let us know the size of any roof you are thinking of covering and we will make you an Interesting one. Metallic Roofing Co. Limited MANUFACTURERS TORONTO and WINNIPEG aA GAMEKEEPER Experienced, with best roforoi,oes, 100 a largo. WA r'I T F D Duck Marsh, Must b e able to train IIogsi first Instance by otter to 7hvs, suetoll,MAdelaide V.,Toronbo X'IANCE Ft, Tumors, Lampe, etc. Interns% llJ1 and external, cured without pain by one borne treatment. Write us before too late, Dr. Bollman Medical Co„ Limited. Oollingwood, Ont. DYEING 1 CLEANING f For the vary best, send your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Look for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal, Toronto.' Ottawa, Quebec.. When buying your Piano insist On having an "OTTO Mk- , f Piano Action. C RS I ELECTRC SOT FOR POWIiIl� ELECTRIC DYNAMOS FOR, IeIGIITING BEST MACHINES, MOST ECONOMICAL lar OPERATION. CANADIAN ELECTRICAL &MDTOD CO! II\1ITISD -- 99.101 Queen St.. E., Toronto A man seldom has occasion to be ashamed of his associates in a worthy cause. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Young Man—"Do you think your sister would be sorry to marry and leave you?" The Terror — "Oh, yes. She said she would have been married long ago if it hadn't been for me." CURED HIS RHEUMATISM. Yarmouth, N.S.. June 2, 1908.—"I have been bothered with Rheumatism for the past year and have taken a good many kinds of Medicine and found no relief for it. "One day a friend advised me to try Gin Pills, so I did, and after taking only one box of them, I felt like a new man. "I thought I would write you a few lines to let you know how thankful I feel for the relief they gave me, and would ad- vise all sufferers from Rheumatism to get Gin Pills." WM. CON TY, Sample free if you write National Drug &Chemical Co. (Dept. Toronto. .) All Dealers have Gin Pills at 0c a box— 6 boxes for $2.5o. 0 170AS CUM, ts �sickly ,tops ooadhs, ceures .li cEolds! conte. haul■ n lhros,! and lnndr. Sue—Don't you know, George ldssed me at the door last night twico before I could stop him l Mae —Gracioub l What cheek 1 Sue— Both. Alleh'e Lung Relearn Is especially Intended to break up neglected -coughs and many hopeless prem lahaveafon aved by its use. Oontullls no SAVING HER STRENGTH... - Doctor—My dear madam, you've been overtaxing your strength. Try wearing less jewelry. A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. —The secluded life of women which permits of little healthful exercise, is a fruitfulcause of derangement s of the stomach and liver and is ac- countable for the pains and lassi- tude that so many of them experi- ence. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will correct irregularities of the di- gestive organs and restore health and vigor. The most delicate wo- man can, use them with safety, be- cause their action, while effective, is mild and soothing. WHEN GREEK MEETS GREEK. Wife—"John, John, there's a burglar going through your trou- sers." And the aclyice of a critic ars about as much good as the giving of medicine to a dead man, Peevish, pale, restless, and sick. ly children owe their condition to worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex terminator will relieve them and restore health. Elastic currency may be all right, but what most people aced is ad- hesive Goin. SAVED HER FINGER. "A couple," said Mrs. Simpkins,. "got married a few days ago, after. a ourtship which had lasted fifty years." "1 suppose," replied lel:r. Simpkins, the poor old man had become too feeble to hold out any longer," ISSUE NO. C. --ii. Palnldsler In winter cheeks ,hills, breaks up ,old, and thus prevents llronobitis, Lagrippu and Rheumatism. Unequalled as a liniment for (root bites, chilblains. bruises, sprains. Held by all druggists. Only ono Painkiller—Porry Darla',. Wise men look before they leap wise infants feel before they creep. Mlnard's Llnlmont 0U10s Cargo! in Cows. NO USE TO EXPLAIN. A' colored _ man was brought lie-, fore a polies judge charged with stealing chickens. He pleaded guilty and received sentence, when the judge asked how it was that. he managed to lift those chickens right under the window of • the; owner's house' when there was a dog 1n threyard. "It wouldn't be no use, judge," said' the man, "to try to .'gplain , u was to 1 I:f o dis thing to yo'- all. y try it you like as not would get yor hide full of shot 'an' get no chickens, nether. Ef.yo' want to engage in any rascality, judge, ye' bettor • stick to do bench, whar yo' and familiar.",. bu., • tAPI 01.ad..• eta 5.551,00.. CONTAINS I,ONgM101lotofAI' 6thienulfit A .r lY, � rrr . Mrs, B. Pur Boclwell, of 337 Pro - Wencher -Ave., St. Boniface, Winnippeg, Li aysSome time ago my chilrlroa took diphtheria, and while attendingg them the poison entered email scratch on the second finger of my loft hand. This bemuse .very sore and blood -poison. ing exon nob in. For months after the children were quite well I was euffer- scratch was caused originally y p , ing from a shockingly bad finger. The b a in and in itself, was not at all amens. Tho consequenoos, however, of neglect. ing this nsratoh,were tory Serious to me. "When the blood•poleontn5 set Jul tried poultices and a salve I had in the house.' These, however, did not have the desired elroot. Quite on the contrary the Huger became more and More swollen and die. colored. Ib then began to fester, and I had to calla a doctor. 110 lanced the finger to lot out the pile, and you can imagine haw painful the anger wast Despite his caro, however it solo restored and the olutmen10, liniments, and other prepare.. tams Vehloh the doctor gave rue seemed a "The toy thereupon advised mete go Into the tat. Boateon Hospital. I feared that if I went to the 100vp110l the tingle w,�ould boampuytyatod. ,toe werge told, a l,nd t+fCooted rygttl'0 Wolctl �ver?ti,i> oleo had'alined at1R the o e .�c4 sal .ljyt poly amputation 00511,5 110010 the yore ._ ba""c\ dv0, atdecdto giro Zam• fink 0cy 11h0 procured, and We commenced titoZnrn•AUr treatment It only needed a few days to show tbo anfltardatPindiflammaion we eue& hea became lose aouto and it was evident very, shortly that the trouble was being reduced to a less and .5011 Irmo arra Wo persevered mull the Zn n•llnk and area, the end tho festering sore was thoroughly gleaned then healed. In under three W00110 trim first commencing with Zara. Buk, the Unger was entirely well: mid had weapplied Zam•Auk In the flroipinno, Instead oI trying ordinary preparations oared m wilt no doand d ursof haves y hours and hours should ao to Piloagony.". Aa mothers ur rb note ieuro. esternn 0 0 sure cure for bloobabell Wire, ('bridles, ente, earaches otter barbell Wirt, 0 30,00 eoeemq mance tet leg, Balt rheum, tam smash akin in prior, i,ad lag, n. Soo 10150, and al. akin" ndetoree ,root free 60oa1t0x.link0*dreg. glide Toroand503pr) opoetMoatrona pSornkt:o.,' Toronto, for pdee. Ron' to croup ter poatsg.i al free tr15) bar, Defeat alllmttaitonr, _: