HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-2-16, Page 6Faction Hints eassaagetattesiestlesasessegefrealtiessisetael L SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. Irish lace contluuee to he fav :"real, Never was such a rage for fou - blade. Paris is already predicting great Irate foe spring, Steel hair ornaments are distinct- ly good in 'kashion. ribbons nt Wide brocaded rz are i lree'diately Fashionable. Black and white is skill the fav- lared fashionable combination, Wonderftyl are the bordered el- 4ects in the new cottons for spring Armes, All black and white mixtures in pnglish tweeds are taking the place iDt 'ratine costumes. Chantilly lace veils with a bor iter of marabou are the latest !things. Evening gowns are .delightfully ;pimple, relying on color for the gor- geous effect that they give. Variations of violet seem to be in demand, and are combined with every other color yes, even red, For early spring days nothing is Arora satisfactory for street wear than a one piece dark blue serge 'gown. The "Passing of the Cloche" is Snow being played in almost every millinery shop in Paris. It has had its day. The newest evening slippers are of changeable tissues; silver and gold, gold and rose, gold and lilac are the colors. The shadow pattern, the spider web, and the cobweb designs aro much worn, as are the Shetland wool veils. Revers on coats are large and are trimmed with fur or with os- trich feathers. Muffs are made to match them. Immense bags are carried with evening robes. They are of metallic tissues or of real lace combined with velvets. Cotton voille and "aeronette" are used extensively for children's dresses. The trimming is usually CIuny or Irish point lace. Stunning belts of white pique, with large oblong buckles to match, are suitable for the stiffly starched white linen shirt waist. Interesting is a pendant in ame- thysts and pearls that takes apart to make three pieces, a brooch, a double, and single pendant. Some of the moat charming little skating caps are now being worn. They are of tapestry or brocade and are edged with fur. The sailor collar on children's coats is a decided feature of the midwinter styles... These can be of velvet or satin in black or colors. Bunches of grapes, fashioned From gold tissue, suitable for com- bining with metallic lace, are love- ly for a trimming for atheatre hat. Quaint pages' caps are worn with stunning effect with shawl scarfs of tapestry and brocades, and the vel- vet brocaded evening cloaks. Changeable velvets are used for evening wraps; brocades, too, are much worn, especially those that ihow designs in gold and silver. An attractive and most becoming utomobile bonnet is of silver em- roidery, charmingly draped with a ante coloredveil voile of vo a de soie with ends terminating in big silver tassels. SCARCITY OF ROYAL BRIDES. Only Eight Can be Hunted Out European -. um teat sen to recommend weath- rusu auce for agricultural societies in case of rain or snow preventing at- tendance at Fall Fairs. The Legis- lature will be asked to set aside $lo,000 cft e o h $ granted annually agri- cultural a ri- 5,oo cultural societies, for this purpose and to make the payments of so per cent of R.. actual lose to those societies suffering by bad weather only after proper affidavits have been filed by President and Treas- urer. The movement is all right but the Government should make an ad- ditional grant of $to,000 instead of shearing it off the present small enough allotment to Fairs. It is money well �t arid covers a wide field, 1'1It Reciprocity question overshadows an the little tinkering legislation that tamely comes before Parliaments and even where the question of wider trade should not be permitted to obtrude It Dubs up serenely, So many are interest- ed in the weal of Canatla.and the United States a (andthe true , s s eq of the one has Much' to do with the betterment ofthe oilier, just as a gond neighbor has to do With xoother that the great majoritytit Y owe tothe conclusion that bread and batter ire ver closely i utt a y clo y 9 11 ed to it. Sonie say Reciprocity with the 17, S. is no good, while others are ready1o attest tbat it ;moans a great stride forward :'fopetly guarded and wisely applied we vote with the latter acid say Hurrah ' for Canaria and her growing time. GOOD HEALTH FOR RUN DOiNN MEN If You Are Weak and Easily Tired Try lir, Williams' Pink Pills Anaemia is a state into which one falls because of lack of blood, or because the blood is poor, weak and watery, The man or womaa who has apt enough blood is pale, languid, easily tired and easily de. pressed. As the trouble progresses other symptomsshow themselves, and the life of the sufferer r is ORO of misery. Anaemia opens the door to consumption, and gives vie- tints to all the epidemic maladies,, because the whole body is weaken- ed and unable to resist the inroads of disease. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills PURR WAVER SAVED ilA.UUUES. Ilantburg Did not Danish TTyphoid, bat Cut Deiva Infant D![ot'iality. Scientists in Germany and throughout Europe are surprised. at the results following the puri ficatioe of the water supply of Ham- burg, Germany. It was expected to eliminate typhoid. It did pot aceoulplish that result, but it re duoed instead the infant mortality one-third or more, The latest word from America, especially from the eity of Washington, confirms the observations made in Hamburg, namely, that purification of the waterwhatever other good it max accomplish, will not banish typhoid. That protean disease appears to at- tack .a community through =gm/ other channels, and its elimination remains a puzzling problem for sol- ence to deal with. are the best rented in the world for . In Hamburg, by"water purffica- the oure of anaemia, and all its at- _ tion, the infant death rate has been t nd t 'series.Theymake te from 400 per 1,000 Similarras reduced blood n rich, red and ure thus to 240 per 1,000 births, neve conclusions have been reached in bringing health and strength to the United States by M. T. Soda - weak, despondent men and women. wick and G. Scott MacNutt, who We do not know of a single case of have collected figures to show a anaemia where Dr. Williams' Pink great improvement in the general Pills have failed to cure if given a death rate Clue to water purifies, - fair trial. Mr. John Hastings, tion. They have compared the vi - Venn, Sask., was a victim of this tal statistics of Hamburg and of trouble and found new health Lawrence, Mass,, with those of cit - through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. les which have unpurified water, He says : "I was working on a rail- and they say they are convinced way driving a team and found my that water purification causes an self gradually running down. I did absence of great fluctuation in tier - not pay much attention to it at first, but soon I began to lose any rhoeal and other ailments. appetite and it were a trial to get THE WORST VIEW. through my day's work. T got me- dicine from the doctor on the Hoax—"The amateur photogra- works, but it did not help me, and pher is generally a pessimist." finally I got so bad I told• the fore- Joax—"How do you figure that out I"' Hoax—"He takes the worst view of everything." WHERE? "And where," demanded his wife,' with flashing eyes, "would you be now, only for me?" The man glanced at the clock. It was verging on midnight. lie sighed, and was silent. HEALTHY CHILDREN ARE A BLESSING man I would have to quit. He told me not to lose hope, that he would get aorne medicine that would soon make me all right. That night he went to town and bought me three boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I had not taken more than two boxes when I began to feel better, and after I had used five boxes I was as well and strong as ever, and could do a day's work with any man on the job. I may just add that be- fore I began taking the Pills I was so run down that I weighed only 122 pounds, and while taking them I gained 22 pounds. 1 oannot say too much in favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla and strongly reeommend them to all run down men," You can get these Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr-. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. ROBBER SHOT HIMSELF. Caught After Taking Jewellery, Masked pian Suicided. The other day, a crowd of shop- pers was startled by seeing a large stone crash through the glittering windows of the shop of Herr Eli- meyer, court jeweller, in Dresden, Germany. It had been thrown by a well-dressed young man wearing a mask and glasses. In his hand he held another stone, with which he smashed the glass of a show- case in the window. Te seized a pearl necklace worth $10,000 and other jewels worth $7,- 500 or more and fled up the street. The buyers in the shop who had seen the robbery dashed out in pur- suit. The chase led over the Alt - markt (a large open square in Dresden), where the robber drop- ped his plunder on the pavement. He next dashed into the Prefec- ture, a building in the Schloss - Healthy babies are good babies, and the good baby is a blessing in every home. Nothing can give the mother or father more pleasure than to see baby play. Every move- ment is watched with delight; every new word spoken brings pride to the fond parents. It is only the sickly baby that makes home wret- ched—and, mothers, it is not baby's fault when he is sick. You are the one to blame. Perhaps you give him candies, cakes and other food which his little stomach is unable to digest. Then when he is Dross and ailing' you give him some "soothing" mixtures to quiet him. That is wrong—remember his little stomach is not as strong as a grown persons, and also remember that every spoonful of "soothing" mix- ture you give him only does him more injury—it does not remove the cause of his fretfulness—it merely dopes him into an unnatural sleep. What is needed to make baby heal- thy and happy is Baby's Own Tab- lets—is medicine with a guarantee of safety. About thaw Mrs. Ma- thies McCormick, West St. P.E.L, writes. "W Baby's Own Ta sults. The in iture s cotton. !."scenes of the e,s are covered with a eautiful white snow, we can stresse, opposite the royal n{t,'npon the great fields of from woo to and ran upstairs to the s' 2000 acres of cotton almost as white and - • no soft, excepting for the green foliage of • rite ooxs the plant underneath, The mind of the human seems never to be satisfied for there are a•great many advantages and disadvantages in a cli- mate of this kind. The boys at home Imagine that the weeds can grow faster TEACHRRS The 83 rural schools in East Huron are in charge of 8g teachers, 18 male and 7t female teachers. In 1890 there were 57 male and 28 female teachers. How the male teacher has been relegat- ed to the scrap heap is well illustrated by the Township of Howick. In 1890 it bad 16 male and 3 female teachers, rs, at the ofend rt Nip it had 17 mfemale and 2 ale teachers. The average salary pard male teachers in rural schools 111 1890 Was $433 and in Ito, a6 a , u Increase of 21 per 9 $5cent. The average salary paid feale teach• ers in'80o was $246 and in IA10, $457 and increase of 86 per cent. There are 6 urban schools in East Hut•on. Five of these are in eharge of male teachers and one is under a female. The average eatery paid these principals in 1590 was $642 and in two, ,$984, an increase of so per cent. The average salary paid the assistants in urban schools In ta90 Was $287 and in roe, $428, an increase of almost 5o per cent. Of the 123 teachers in East Huron at the close of 191o, 23 were males and too females. In r8go, the numbers were 63 males and Go females, The salary bill for 1890 was $44,193 and for tato was $6o,215 ap increase of 36 per cent. It is merely a matter of a few years until the entire school system, both High autiPnblicwill beia the hands of wom- en, ATTENDANCR In . the Rural schools In 18go there were W 6.285 pupils enrolled, in rem, 2,2,6. In the Urban schools In 2890, 2,625 we enrolledand re , s ein . 3 191o, r G o. 9 In both Rural and Urban In 'Soo there were B,Ste pupils and in Toro, 4,846 or a decrease of 4g per cent. If this rate of decrease continues for about 24 years more there will be no need of school lloiises, school teachers or school In. EVRY SNORT AND RIGHT TO THE POiNT FR, NK MIXER TELLS WHY IlI7 RLCOlitlltl,l\rDS DODD'S I4IDNEV TILLS, Its used them for Rheumatism, Wart Disease apll Lumbago) and they went right to the root of his troubles. ClkmDoth, B4O ,Fe . 6 (Speo ia1 -•-Frank Miller, section foreman on the railroad here, whose work ex- poses him to all kinds of weather) has discovered that Dodd's Kidney Pills are a sovereign remedy for those Kidney ills that almost invar• iably follow neglected colds. "For four years I 'suffered from Lumbago, Heart Disease and Rheu- matism, brought on from a cold," says Mr, Miller, "And T got the very best results from using Dodd's Kidney Pills. I . freely recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to anyone suf- fering from these diseases." Short and to the point, that statement, isn't it?' But it 15 just like Dodd's Kidney Pills. They go right to the point. They cure the Kidneys. Healthy Kidneys strain all the impurities out of the blood. Pure blood means good circulation and renewed life and energy all over the body. Thus Dodd's Kidney Pills not only cure' disease. They tone up the whole body and make a man feel that he has been given a new lease of life. That's why peopleall over Canada are shouting the prais- es of Dodd's Kidney Pills, "You treat that gentleman very re- spectfully." "Yes, he's one of our early settlers." "An early settler? Why, man, he's not more than for- ty years old." "No, but he pays his bills on __the first of every month," Tr: Wllisioev's Soothing Syrup r1oa beep used for over SIXTY-FIVE YEARS by 1.1.10208 or MObt0ERS for their CHILDREN W112L8 E Oi1LU; 502291/15 tbo001J'005 eEss. I et dIs tt• ORx5 wtND 001.10, end' le tlo brat remedy tot IARHHdnA, nom by DreeKicts. In every fart et the g world o acre and one for tire, WInolew a Soothing bottle. O'rarontoai finder She Soad and Deuge Ae5, ouaeaetb, 390a Earlalpr1d,nyyariata 1 AN OLD AND avELL TBIED REMICDY.- -„ "Tommy," said the teacher, "can you tell me what obscurity is ?" "Yes'm," replied Tommy; nit's a• place where a good many people go to after eleotion8." The Poor Man's Friend: Put up in small bottles that are easily portable and sold for a very small sum, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil possesses more power in concen- trated form than one hundred times the quantity of many unguents. Its cheapness and the varied uses to which it can be put make it the poor man's friend. No dealer's. stook is complete without it. "Do you think people should be punished for gambling at the rac- es?" "A lot of them are by hav- ing their money taken away from them." KNEW FROM EXPERIENCE. Wife—"0, George, the water pipe. is leaking and the water is spoiling the new carpet. Go and get u plumber, quick." Husband --"That's all right, my Boar, let it leak; it's cheaper to get a new carpet." A Pill That Lightens Life. To the man who is a victim of iudigestion the transaction of business becomes an added misery, Heeane t cor- cntrate his hind upon his tasks and loss and vexation attend him. To such a man Parmelee's Vege- table Pills offer relief. A course of treatment, according to diree' tions, will convince him of their groat excellence. They are confi- dently recommended because they will do all that is claimed for them, Many a man gets tangled up in a string of lies, Minard's Liniment Cures Olehtherla. A RESOUROEI UL PRINCE. Prince John, son. of King George of. England, although not much more than five years old, is of a resourceful disposition. When his father succeeded to the throne the little prince, then four years old, was anxious to know what chance he had of eventually becoming king. He was informed that having four elder brothers, the chance was de- cidedly remote. Upon that Prince John suggested that the only way out of the diffioulty seemed that his four elder brothers should be killed, when nething ; could prevent his succeeding to the throne, WHY IS IS THAT: When a girl of six talks nonsense she is cute? ` When a girl of 12 talks nonsense she is stupid? When a girl of 20 talks nonsense she is naive? , When awoman of 40 talks non- sense she is kittenish? When a woman of 60 talks non- sense she is unbalanced? The Nova Scotia "Lumber King" says: "I consider MINARD'S LINI- MEENT the BEST liniment in use. I got my foot badly jammed late- ly. I bathed it well with MINT- AI'D'S LINIMENT andit was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. McMULLEN. JOE MILLER JOKE. "How is it a tramp can wear a very short coat?" `Dunno." "'Cos it may be long enough be- fore he gets another." What is the Beat Thing to strengthen weak 1141,1,„217. ack f Then & Le Menthol Plaster; It n•711 euro lumbago and rheumatism. a1 rolls make sseven ESD, plasters. Davie & Lawrance Co„ Moatreah More people. are willing to help �},, p ll a: -n, rn... ea .....„ . u HopetVo'tt, 1 ,r, „al, ,g p on the large plRgtRt10g5 year, va opposed In cadt, t Fl tr�l �., g."rp'"tt 1Ly, in .horse rising 6 years,,1 gLtflel pIr4at Pet0xr ler farms for home consumption ,s something you never see. It is sur- prising to see the enormous quantities of dry salt cured side meat or clear pork that is consumed at a high price. Let the explain the climate condition and you will see why. In order to cure meat of any kind the carcass must first he free of all animal heat. That requires a temperature of below freezing for at least 24 hours and that is something' we very seldom have ; hence, the meat will spoil before the animal heat leaves the body. The farmer cannot go to the river and cut his ice and the cost of manufactured ice is far too high. Dairy • Single • g • 8•. • Harnes• s • j• 4, • • AT Bargain Prices Nickle Silver Trimmings reg. Imita'n Rubber Trimmings, 20.00 Jap Trim'gs,good and durable I .00 1 p4 Team Harness at lowest possible prices. Balance of our Robes and Blankets at cost to clear. 19.00 reduced to 16.00 16.50 11.00 • a•. Belt ShOes of all Kinds at Reduced Prices • Mens Felt Bals, felt t soles re 2.25, reduced ` to g 1.90 r, Women's all -felt Bels,, reg. z.00, -t 1.el,Q Come anti see us when you want anything in Shoes or Hahneas. Terms can he arras ed. to' suit you. ' B I I ; C. F CHA RbS cot risin 4 7 cot e heifer r sing 2 years, 1 steer tieing 2 genre,. Y. calves r sing 1 year, 1' sow due to farrow about date of ,ale, 8 sows supposed in pig, 01 hens. 1 Mc0ormiok bender nearly. new, 1 mower, 1 seed 6,11,1 hay rake, `1 two•inrrew plough, 1 single. plough, 1 Ma„aeyHarrla cultivator, 1 net iron mrrows, 1 land roller. 1 turnip pulper, 1 hayfork, rope and pulleys, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 Reveler nearly new, r buggy, 1 set boh-aleighe, 1 hay reek, 1 eager kettle, 1 lleattng stove. 1 gook stove, scythes, forlu,,-shovels and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale with- out reserve as the proprietor bee sold his farm. Terms: All sums 55 end under cash; over that amount 9 menthe' ere. it will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, 6 per cent. off for enoh on credit, amounts. F. J. Satan, Auctioneer; PR9ait Molamosa, Proprietor,.. AITOTTON SALE OF FARM STOOK, IM- PLptiaN'r5, &c. -F. S. Scott, auctioneer has been Instructed by the underatgfled to sell by public auction at Lot 10; Oon” Q Grey, on Thursday, Feb. 28rd, at 1 o'oloek, the following property :-1 Hncicney more riming 4 rearm 1 Durham cows 1 met In eaiP t o1 Dor- ham a p ' rising intro 8 years d sn nae May,y calf, u ro a tie n O years y r PP W 1 45 a due to relive in g Y n vly r a Durham heifer timing 2 years &steers rising 2 yeeay 2 entre eprin t furrow tor, and other in May, , 1 cart, 1 hit herEit , l large k watering tank, 1 curt 1 kitchen ot1 nook ,t v v table,. o b 0 ii wood heating etovb 1 root l ernew, gel. 1 an pulper P pan large nearly p g number of , 8 corn and Halloo b stad near- ly dew, 1 Dorn planter, n omen »Dent 1 Mention. and e-Ather atheist too •nlcd ,,de to0 Mention. thattom -An emits of s' and under Desh :over amomnE 8 months' credit will be gluon on furnishing approved joint notes; !per went. off for eael on credit mnounta, RUGH W. MORAY, Proprietor, Auction Sale 01— Desirable Farm in the Town- ship of Grey. Where will be offered for sale by Public Auo. Mon at the Rieke £douse, in the Town of Mit• alai!, on Settirday, the twentyflftli day of February, 1811, at the hour of 2 o'clock, lot 29, in the lath eoi eemaipy,n of the Township of Grey in the Oonntyof Hhron, containing 100 acres more or less. The property 10 situate one quarter of a mile from Poet Omce and m T 2 mina from C. P. io R. station 6 intim; from to G. er 0�. ntation tea andwen d burn end t f One ho s, Watered 'Mere nod barn and fraena hoarse, watered by three alta: wThee° le a ori F!' gravel181-7pit 'n;tnt premises the n Teo 100 8 RAL', :-10 per p'4mt, of the our- chn chime t m obo,ad n. I o the. y 1 n of Tele » 1• Mice within 80 days thorektter; or 00 per scent of the purehoeo money may', remain on mort• gage at 0)S per cont. Premmer1U will be 'von on the i - i rat da o g e March. S For partiehlu,end conditions of 8016' apply n A Perimeter, WONT)) Elliot, or William Pori esl8r, the Vettdoro, or James Jones, 111. A. Dabber, Atictloneer, Vendors' Serious-. Guelph, The Rayo 4amp is 41;10 Bade lamp, sold at a tow prlco.. There aro lamps 0hat Wet tour,, et tdiero.is ne Dotter lamp ma40 at say. prlue, goastrueted of solid Muse l MOM pinted,-eaally heat eloan; Aa ornament to any room in any house. whore io nothin�gg known to the are at lamp•lnakiog that can add to the veltle of the AAYA) Lamp as a ngbt- ylvlag devioe, Erns Oster everywhere, 11 not at yours write Rot 4e, stripers simpler tR floe en'sost sewer 21 The Queen City 011 Company, Limited, Toronto, $l a box ��' �� far $5 5 The most highly CRficient application TIT; the reduction of $wettings, Goitre, 'thiels Neck, Glandular Enlarge,, metria. Its Positive. PALESQ of all kinds, in any and all stn es quickly re- lieYed end poeitiv y curd, Cure Yost suffering and Pit quietly. 'Common $ansa for. Piles will do 10. t a box, 85 for 6 boxes; Mailed on receipt of price, LYLE Tolnoranv, TORONTO Change that limping, useless horse into a soiled 'healthy horse, wtzang and eager to do a good day's work. o-leon't let a Spavin, Curb,'^ splint, Sprain, Ringbone sr any other name. aces keep your horse iu the stable. Cure it v�ith Ken all's Spavin Cure I1 cures without leaving a scar, blemish or white hairs -because it does not blister. Port Fans, B.C,, June 14th 1908 "Have been taster your Liniment for years and Audit all that yourepresent, Have not been without it forte years," GEORGit 0050015. $1, a bottle --6 for $5 Itzcellent for household' use. Sold by an dealers" Ask fpr free bank "A Treatise Oa The Horse! or write us for copy. 55 IIA. B L KENDAL'. CO. Ennshery Palin, Vt. Fire, Lightniul1 Rust and Storm Proof Durable and Orn amental Let ue know the size of any roc? you are thinking of covering and we will make you an interesting oiler. Metallic Roofing Co. Limited MANUFACTURERS TORONTO and WINNIPEG L ILL $,Rnitc• or•m,elr tnnu'tio1,. e Datedthe 8th day of February, 1011, W. M. SIINCLAIR, Solicitor for the Exeeators. The People's Column FOR SALE -A. pair of standard bred filitee, 8 snitch cows and 6 head o1 young cattle. Apply on Lot 14, Oon, 4, Morris, lIrusoole post• office, or telephone 195. 29.4 JAMES SHEDDEN. FARM -POR SALE. -The farm known as the shine's farm, is now offered for sale in order to wind up the estate, The farm con - titian 93 sores being ports of tote 6 & 0 in the 12th coir, of Grey. Mostly all seeded to gratis and in a state of good cultivation. On the farm is a good brick house and bank barn, also a frame barn, orchard, &c, Property to be void worth the money.' Apply to JAS. BOTZ, Lot 4. Lion. 11, 4rey, or on the premise., 17.12 MRS. W14. SHINE. tFnhAdRngM POR SALE being South half Con. 4, Morris township,Huron Co.,con e LW Hares more or te4n On the prem- iere) ie a frame hones, bank barn, good orchard, well. i 1 0 w �dS III, l 1' All cleared diat•exon t about an sero, cheer 1 S mt Dene off 'except Only 2 tetras from Brussels. a aortia of Fall wh�,nt n and about 60 aures needed down. ForrmSprice, terms and other information appty.rhn the premises or if writing Melanie P. O. 'Phone 128, Or F. S. Scott, Brussel8. 11-tf A. L. KERR, Proprietor. FARM FOR SALE. -The undoralsned offers for sale, his 100 acre tarot, being Lot 80, Con. 16, Grey. About 70 notes bleared, balance in swamp, 8 noes nt Fall Wheat, 8l 450200 8000• ed down. Full plowing is beteg done. 0» the farm is n frame loos°, tank barn, driving eked, good orchard and drifted well. Close to poet• ofiiae, church and school, Fur further partiott. hers apply to JOHN OSBO1tNN, Proprietor. or 12 H. Scott, Broessls, Ir FOR SALE, -Tho 100 here fe1•18 bo• Mgof the 20o,14, Grq oror g e by the underelgited. There are 86 armee cleared, bnl• 4111oe well timbered, On the hum there is H tBtood bank barn, !ergo driving eked and a cone 10rtable house. Platte in good condition mar well fenced. For tuetlier partiettlara imply 1. JAS. A. MONAIR or 31113. D S M8 NAI1 3 ®Teo Mors, Oranbrock P. O:, or F. 8.SUOTT, oro, sets. 7af ARMS FOR SALE- Leta t and d22 0 . F , O n 14. MLots 2p1 end Lot 29 en p the h th nMine, hon. Lod 21 and 'L2 bleabou 709 'res, e1 homestead t and oonE,dr -m shout l t mires, ed and has 1 lend, well fenced, well filo ••ori' cod has i6 beret ll ggood with ne,t ' goon comfortable Diiiidfnga wiEh all modern run roVomO7 rte • 1 P ,Pent of good Miring 0.00 0? 1(3 wood hoar In ore amid. choicest farms g This t a one of ib, a M In b it Comity t of n r.. y Enron nn 21w38 betold2,n termor tt °uo, pphouse ouse ne , 28 i npeet 126 0d tall ith boa for bu lb s. hre ail in Pn,tareand ball bora far years; The, aro ten anr88 Of geed bosh on this farm. ir, Nether particulnre apply le A LEX 01.152(11,' 10R, Walton. 1'. O,,or en 1lte premise,, 4940 AQENT$ WANTED. bu 10a a. for nominee i age WANTED, a S4, MIIntbntbl,and brakwnen SBe, on all Caned Ian railroads. Experience unnecessary; • no Strike, Positions gnarantted competent meen, Promotion. Railroad 08 10110 , ' Ileedq ort -over tee mon sent to posiitone ,nnntlniy, Stets 904' 287Mnnmqul40reob,E'5,0011170, 2 iaytlon, Dept, WANTED. •EARN )lint RARasa TRADE -•HDR eyotem-oohetant practice-oerefel fns reo• ,lou-lew weeks con roto source -recto tree Ie.Write earn is e1, o 50 mi�1fi,teon dollero week. 1y, Wrlto for catalogue, muter Barber 0o1Lge, 121 Queen East, Toronto, GAMEKEEPER Experienced with beet beet r,, reforoncoo, lora la e WA T(" Duck Marsh, Moot be able to train Toga. Reply In first instanoo1» . otter to Tit Rind 011,78 Adelaide w„Toronto MANGER, Tumors, Lumps, o0, Internal 'IL/ and external, oared without pain hr our borne treatment, 'Write ua before too late. Dr, Bollman Medical Co„ Limited, CollIngwood, Ont, DY EINE 1 CLEANING I ,For the vor-v beat, send your work to the "BRiUER AMERICAN DYEING 00.” Look for agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal. Toronto, Ottawa. Quebec. CfJhen buying your Piano insist on havinty ale e.0YTO GIE '11 Piano Action ELECTRIC m MOTORS FOR a' ELECTRIC DYNAMOS FOR I IG11RTIN G BEST MACHINES, MOST ECONOMICAL I& OPERATION. CANADIAN ELECTRICAL & MDTDR CO' L1i11T8185 99-101 Queen St., E., Toronto A man seldom has occasion to be ashamed of his associates in a worthy cause. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper.. Young Man -"Do you think your sister would bo sorry to marry and leave you?" The Terror — "Oh, yes. She said she would have been married long ago if it hadn't been for me." SAVED HER FINGER. STRATFORD. ONT.; Write us nt once foe our free aata- loguoand learn what Is being. done in -8 the lending Saaineos College in W oetern Outnrle Our graduates 5200,0 good 9f positions and meet with aucec,e, Dari- 8- nese men say they are the beet We have three depn riot elite-Commer- 8- clag Shorthand ,anq Telegraphy.. ,l. ��„ W o siva loth vidnitI inetr lct,on and on r may outer at any times :rr. D. A. 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