HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-2-16, Page 5SUSlNE$S : UAl$OS,
.kl. htV�7ltd.Qi�L�1�--
• 100ae1 at Aigstilag Irleene,p, 01.
nee at Grocery, t'urseerry street, brueeele,
O .
K. T, M
lar a et
as r:gu p e61o(0 a o 4
O t t th & h os, N, 3
halal . n fags!&r 01t, 00 t (n the 1(4 S ,1
Rheas H&oiiar 1JI°l 01 400 tet anti sr4
1'4(3.mq evoitiugs of twit poem
• visitors &testy. welcome.
A, 13OB BUB, (EMU' A, paw:pl I'm Lr lt, IL
r �.
..Mee la the P.ost•411We, 0(401. 50.4
A e .o 'c'
� nt H wl k Nlutuai
Fire Insurance Company
Otlloe and.ltesidonoo-
1 • mast, will sell lar better prices, to
aatter wen, ,u less tune ,stud less ohurgea
l 80 auy ether AuctiopeeI an East Huron ur
an won't coarse anything. Dates and orders
,un always be arranged at. this ofloe or by
...es,aal apphoatlon,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable, ` Hales. arranged for
at bbe UMW! of Tan rosT. l3ruaeele. 92(17
LliW1111n!►ps Oard cent of the popnlnllen were Mormons.
We had a vett' Intertest n visit to the
s H D 1 � .0
MI ,�F3T A A. M5 'R d !d t0 ). 1 3.1,'11 to n 1
,� I•I R � ON n 1 1 1 1 "i ua1�•alts ! is
b 1.
1151'wv,. `iii O'
x t its Jn l 11 ve
is W l H All'Li
TOaphor sof (AIAnO ,�
Studio at garter's Music Ptoro,one door North stall ljvinl[� autl n 1 edi Many of 1311
of the eitauder4 Nenit, Brussels. 0 tf fo'Liily, Vile daughter, M re. ()aril,
t'1>() tl ( It n
k s lair ) Lt tl 10 so 1 was
MiSS P RL S AR -- ettlled 11t !cion nt A , ) ..va .
E H ALE li t t t)
fa , esf - 11'ou 111) adornin6g. the fient1 novel/.
i s ssee ?)sed u l het• eC0 d f the o
slim oC the Plunofovge �epar4m0nt of the To• TL10 bnttse 17aS1. a 1phg 1. hall•
r'outo OOaeelvatory., of Musle, snit is prepared catty with. spites cif 1001110 on either.
t !aka pal [ a ntfrer 1{pnta; PA'hraess straat, .. si(lu 0nc0 occupied by lIlr, Ypto,g's
Sv1vp8. P A it'd. Btnd tl) It t LCI)
OR. Tn T, M RAE Q t i t
to n ill h, tl'v t 1 Ihrr
nln 1 ttfi. d walk lt.
nah o • 8
H 1 0 odic ne iv r t f
151 f M ! ,, Un o si y o Toronto ;
GiOwntiatp and Graduate pf tato Uolloge aP N}ty IJ7: I11L largo rouln Irl Isle I'1 u0l nl thu.
aieian8 told Burgeons, .Oltt. 1 Post. bTadaot0 Monte f(il• pl'tiyers 01)11 in the pv0111140
U111cr`geEe, Ear, Nose .and' 1'hroal 13osp'lel, I>iayiiig it ld singing its tin y tither!laI)-
eihar��t,o, Ill. 1i seburgoon to 131, Mich !Seanil
norsRFoai)lthll,'rw•o„toe py i y, 'They All stat at one table
Oilier) over 11. 11, smith's Drug Store. Telt- dull Were happy and eon ten ted in their
phone connection with Uranhreek at all hours. 1101110 lila, 1>he said there . Were 28
wi005 and 32 chlltlt•en, `Phu AtrOets of
DR. 1111, FERGUSON Salt Lake City were all laid out by
erect o r.
N 13rgtuu lIt ltlar,t +bii(l
)!t S.crl rt et 11A vibe
110 bloclt>3 easy are bn'ge,7 nl' illlttlt
mtticing a smile. llfany' ietetestlu
things Mrs.O)trd told 110 0/ leer 'ttth-
er's early life Alla the fohutlhlg; or
that. city -1)ut settee !vial not lierniit.
rnor0 ul' it now. We intended. the
Mo1•uuol '15tbernacle, the ruin' of 1011101.
wits built by this great 01011 tu)d his
ttssistLLnts without a sitlgle nail
Anolhrr night we spent at Grand
Junction, Oolitado, Nearing the end
or otlr most inti t esting anile instructive
jaulal0y ive r Dile fr• two (hays I Brough
rocka and Maser!, Seeitlg nothing but
small buts hero Ltnd there 0 few forelg-
ners Aima sheep and cantle ranches.
We travelled right into lite wonderful
orenige-(.;roves of Rivet'tlale, where
Melee oiralges g'euw than any other
DR. •WARDLAW place iii tlte world. We ivory delight-
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College: Da and night calls. Olttee opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Obyelolan and Surge011 Post G •adnate courses
London (Eng L New 'York ant{ OImago lits-
ee n
,k 1 15 to tri n "sell e r
et s, n al I t x o ted) a re a ea
N ! 0 y . ,
nose eitd !hien!, Eyes tested for glasses.
Dental Burgeon
Honor Graduate Dental Dapart,nent, Terente
University ; Llaentiute of iloyal College or
Dental Burgeons, of Toronto, Oliiee 11 Hndth
Block recently vacated by Dr. r'eild.
R, M. M'LEAN, D.O.S.,
Oorrie, Ont.
Honor gradneto Ueiversify of Toronto, 1)a-
part,ilYntofDentistry i Graduate Moya! 001•
lege of Dental NnrOeony of Ontario. At Wrax-
eineevery Tuesday afternoon nod Wednesday.
Offlue in Grana Central block. At Fordivlolt
every P'ridu,r forenoon. Office in Gerrie hl
',arch's Block. 21•em
e(1 with the change, for although our
way had been intensely interesting
the sight of so 'noel' eu1tivlltiOn Luld
fruit looked p1 etty good 4o us.
Stopped here one tiny ,old night Utic-
�:itaQ'. ut{,! Z';1i'M.lt'1,Ili : �y';f�J¢ f8'wtA' i11g 011 ante ride (over their 7magnilicent
__ _ (1•Lves i,nd avenues, '1'h(: p;to13 an(1
magnolia areas Ile truly iuuuense.
t10.140(500 tor tap al otrovol itatt ((auk.
KOLIOIT.11tS, eaten, es
roma 1. ETU.
• T., Toronto To Goderich
511 trains going 13a.t connect with 0. P. IL at
Orangeville for Owen Bound, 3101.11 and 0.
G 13 stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
Steamship Comply Limited
Are Irou Sending for lielollves or friends
'Prepaid tickets 1051101 from any point ,
in Greet Bette itt to destination
in. Canada.
Direct Services
Liverpool to Halifax and MOIlt1,111.
Glangow to Halifax, Portland, Boston o
London and Havre to Bt John and Ddontreal.,
(According to season )
Early application for bertha advisable for
March,. April and Mity salitates.
Pull information M3 to rates, eta., Ott applies -
tion to •
Agent Allauldne, Brussels.
still nn eye,.
at Diego's action--nrie
his• head- IA irisr•*•10 is his' r6volver
and—well, thee did it I
Considering that scarcely ten
paces separated them, it is little
Short of*marvolous that Anson vas
not bIown to pieces. Instead, how-
ever, ono,tiny shot alone reached
him, lodging in his forearm ancl
causing quite minor wound, With
savage howl, he rushed towards
the Indian just as Cater arrived on
the scene with the nine Caribs, for-
tunately in time, to prevent further
trouble. Diego was soon oVerpow-
ered and disarmed, and, precaution
being ,the better part of valor, the
two partners had him bound arid
deposited in his quarters. -
Next rnorniug Diego expressed
torrow for his action, eking that
From Faraway Friends.
A Trip to .0alifornia by Former
Deen Ma. Kenn. e- According to
promise I will try to give you a. brief
outline of our trip to• this great land
where the oranges elem. We left
London hue 5th, %thief'. by the way
was Will's. birthday, arriVillg in
Ohleage about Midnight. Spent next
day seeing the city in company with
brother Jitn. Leaving there that
evening we thavelled in- a netv and
emnfortable coach with unsst (slinging
1.fficialsrarriving i Denver, Colorado,
a mogul ficent depot here and se, first
was quite pleased with the appeiseariee
of things. • As WO meant Lo spend a
few days there we steeled up bOlVti
Mild the first sight. Was a great arch
Itel'Oes the wide street with a mam-
moth electrical sign "eVelorne." The
streets of Denver are kept notieeably
cleat/ foe so large a city, it. having
82,000 population. There are some
floe stoves and office buildings beside
schools and State buildings and to OS
there seemetl to be a very business -
Weather was most beautiful. There
Parker & Co. RetUrn Money Paid Them
if Their ;Medicines Fail to Do as They
no end of stimng currents; so that flower arrangemente-a-eeeeeemeeemeeetreadv put in appearance to look
in the absence of evidence it would greatest height and became so h , ".
faint lowing of distant kine /th
weird cry of some night bird, gives
an enhanced beauty to a scene, not easily forgotten. ,
state lar
t pops feelaxlq in }TipRlAnd fo
Canadtl ss a !alae of opportunities.
101'the! impligratiou N' ents dis10ula e
g i
cs utuCu as pstssible the aunllpg of nnty
:ellleis to this country before March.
r I vestige'i( na gOrxlatl, i?•rofesoir J. R
Ru bei10011 the elmilinith 'sae.' t
vs hxt lila
I nt t the t uv0run,ent will he R
v, :1t 7711 t1 1li , tn1e
ForWomen-Ly dia 13. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound
Belleville, Ont. --"I was so' weak
and worn out from a female weakness
that concluded to try Lydia E. Pink-
bam's Vegetable
Compound. I took
several bottles of
it, and I gained
strength so vapidly
that it seemed to
make a new woman
of me. I can do as
good a clay's work
as I ever did, I
sincerely bless the
day that I made up
my mind to take
your medieine for
female weakness,
and I am exceedingly grateful to ypufor
your kind letters, as I certainlyprofiteit
by them. I give youpermission to
publish this any time you wish."—
Mrs. ALnERT Wxolc err, Belleville,
Ontario, Canada.
Womeneverywhere shouldremembor
that there is no other remedy known
to medicine that will euro fomalewealc
ness and so successfully tarry women
through the Change of Life as Lydia E.
Pinkham'sVegetable Compound, made
from native roots and herbs.
For 80 years it has been curing
womenfrom the worst forms of female
ills --inflammation, ulceration, dis-
placements, fibroid tumors; irregulari-
ties, periodic pains, backache, and
nervous prostration. . •
If you want special advice write
forittoMrs.Pinkltam Lynn,Mass,
It is free and always htelpful.
DAMMING'Tes 8'1', 14AwltIN0O
Shi i
>in interests erests
Moatreaf both
OCeailoil )
g Ig al d inland navigation, are
very laudh upset justnow for two
reasons, and, if one may lu'lue from
casual observation, their alarm is just
for the (souses, of their worry are of
national 1
117 >0' A
1t nee
One i•
s the
1 at.
tela of the
k Au '
Im1n >
1 tm Company 1 auy of
Atnerlta, a subsidiary eompnpy of the
Sttulclard Gil, to obtain ;mm11081o11 10
dap! the Lung Sault rapids wear Corn
wall 'Permission in the shape of the
passing of what is knows as the Malthy
1310 through tike Harbor and Rivers
committee of Congress has already been
obtained i
[flute inl ,
d the Le UuI1e11 States. and '
, all Itis
understood thatany amain) of lobbying
ls.l being carried n 7
f , Otte to prevent
&tp move on the part of Canada's
Parliament which would delay the
scheme. Shipping interests contend
that if the slam were baht the St.
Lawreuee would be ruined ml a uavig
able waterway front the hetet of the lakes
to the sea. There is one cuusilatioi,
however, " Sir Will rid - Laurier has
promised that before the Governmeni
would agree to the damming of the St.
Lawrence from shore to 'shore there
would be a full investigetien of the pro-
Then there is another proposition on
the-tnpis which also affects the
St, Lawrence, and which. so far,;
has been kept mighty quiet by those
who are anxious to have the work done,
It is the bbilditig of a clam on Lake St.
Francis which will give a larger flow
of water into the Beauharnois power
eauet. The Canadian Light and Power.
interests who have the water rights at
Heeuharnois have found that they re-
quire More water.
The navigation interests claim that
if the plan they have in view Is carried
i.u1, the water in Lake St. Francis. the
Lachine rapids. and even further clown
the rivet. will he lowered by: at least
welve inches. This project will also be
evestigated by the Government before
ny further work is allowed. As
may be seen both are of great interest
to the whole Dominion, as anything
whichnnty affect the St. Lawren•,e
,oute will affect practically every city,
town and village in the Dominate,
one way or another.
Clergymen from all over the country
turned towards Montreal this week
when the animal meeting of the diocese
opened its eend session In the routine
of business which was discussed there is
cue of particular importance to all
churches ot the English faith, although
if carried out. it will be somewhat of a
blow to the business community. It is
t motion presented to the synod by J.
M. Fisk suggesting that the church
undertake its own fire insurance. The
motion reads : "'Phot this evuod, recog-
nizing the advantage that would accrue
to the various parishes of the Church of
England in Canada, by forming a mu-
tual fire insurance union, to co-operate
in carrying the risk on all church
property, such as cathedrals, churches.
rectories, parsonages and their out-
buildings, •colleeec, church schools,
halts; etc.. throughout the various dio-
ceses of the Dominion of Canada (or
such dioceses as may desire such union)
reoomineud and authorizes its delegates
to the General Synod to bring the sub-
ject before that body at their next meet-
ing, with the view of forming such a
That the familiar "Hair cut and shave
sir," is- pot the only qualification re
qui red by the nnnlei'n barber was
1 nought out at the Royal Commission
ou Industrial Training when one of the
witnesses reminded the Commissioners
of the period when the barbers' and the
011 rgeoils profession were one honorable
guild, 'Phis witness declaring his at-
tention to follow his practice of remedy -
or not. The Commission, which hes
' touring Canada with a view
hal- ^ emotion on industries and
wonderful of etre g, its of one sort and
gtteuole.•ss, dna "" here for the',past
will soon O out to 'niries in
g diplomatic the
years. The young lady is over 20
years or age and the groom ber
failing Hair
jas. Harris, of Wapella, Sask.,
"I have found Parisian Sage to be
the best scalp and tenet:one: and dress-
ing I have ever used. My hair had
been coming out in combs fell and
Wad vety dry and brittle and the scalp
nae 1 have us.ed tevir bottles of Pari-
sian Sage and it has stopped my hair
front falling, the itching, ancl clandura
have diseweared and my hair is fine
and soft aud glosey. I would -not be
without this lb ie Dail Tonic fin Ina y
times the mice."
For women, men, cm children Peri-
sian Sage is without any clnobt the
finest peeparation for tlieliair. Daint-
ily perfumed, It is Nee Prom grease or
stickiness told ought to he where
every member et the family could use
it daily. Large bottle 50 cents at all
druggists or from the nrepi•letortr,
The &helix Mfg. Om, Fore:filiee, Ont.,
postpaid. The girl with the Auborn
hair is on every package. Sold and
guaranteed by Jas. Fox.
The immigration rush to Canada for
let is on, advance guard from England
will arrive Slime time this week. Scouts
amount merely to a 'speculation as closely associated with Buddhistic
to why be never came to the sur- expressions as to be• regarded ail
face again. . . one of the essential ornamentations
"That is how we recovered 0, for the tokonoma, or raised dais
goodly portion of our stolen rub- forming the decorative feature of a
ber. Delighted with the success of SaPar.ie'% room when religious
our chase, we shook hands with paintings or imagea were shown.
When the power of the Fujiwara
ourselves and each other all the
way back te camp, journeying
throughout the eight. Then came
the hardest blow of allthe five
men we had left in charge had dia.
appeared, and so had remain-
der of our rubber 1 Evntiently tak-
ing a leaf from Anson's book, they
had fashioned a similar raft to his,
followed us closely down stream,
passed us under cover of night,
and probably by then had dispes-
ad of their ill-gotteri gains and
reached a safe hiding -place 1,"
and the partners decided to forget
keep a closer eye on the Indiannd
Pealhes, at about $12 apiece, ins -
13 ever again 'permitting liim to
handle fir•earms. But Diego tvas Ported from the hothouses of the
south of France, generally appear
merely biding his thno. was out
on• the tale of the Czar of Russia
for revenge, On the twelfth
on certain festive occasiens, whioh
Cater and Anson. decided, as the
shows that the Russian imperial
near. supply of rubber WM; eXhilliat-
3.5 carried on on MOSt lee- Was to be considered the
ed, to abandon the first camp and
ish settle, though, LIB a matter of authority
travel' farther up the stream,
feet, the Czar's tastes are very sim- for highest school of flower ar-
TWO or three tights berore mov- plo, codfish, fried in oil, acarcely rangement, and passing unimpaired
it:1g the camp, however, Cater, wb throngh the stormy days of Ojin
had boon unable to -sloop en ac- recluil'us a ehef 'with a salarY Tull- the me received further promotion
.teent of the mosquitos, and who
while the national dish, known BA at the hands of Emperor Mizuno -o,
meet which he shared ivitb Anson
had gone outside the little apart.,
for stnoke, observed a light cabbage, meat broth, and a few
other specifically Russian ingred- handle:3 and still kept! as a great
dirootun tho crew' 3 eerep, white-, bents, is .0, dish that every nationai
treatture; to the head of the Ono
gloaming through the trees in tho
or ji f ty cook has.a1 her finger ends, family, Ikenabo,
was situated some forty Afterward, he was so honored as
yeeent ar the r along tilt) n to be allowed to visib the Imperial
,01.0,,,ping up, he discovered Diego "Darlieg," said he, tenderly, "1 Palace, .and later received pantie -
end one of the Caribs carrying bale have made up my mind to ask you sion from the.„13mperor to hold the
after bolo of rubber to the boats; --te ask you--" "Yes 1" she festival of the flower, arrangement
"wen/Ay with the in/Amnia) ,01 mak- whispered, breathlessly. "To ask of Tatuthata.-6Tuly), which had been
ing off with a, goodly pot Lion before you to beeome my wife. I know, previonsi,y delebrated at the palace,
. iitlavest, that it ie beltl—it is pre- at his own house. Further favors
"What does this racan 'I" he clear- sumptuous for me to do so. You From the throne came in the form of
aro 80 much suporier to me. I an], the gif it of tt semen from Seiryoden
"It means. hogs, dat, Oie dean Rot I fool, unworthy of yotr--" "Say Palace, to be used on the above oe-
eo that for you at pratten," wea no more, Sohn. I an't yours. You casion, all beins high honors and
hi.; Import:1)1mq response; and with new be unworthy of ree, but-- greatly enhancing the popularity of
the tree treed be rushed st Cal cr. '11nt v dettrent.7" "Half a tho art and its famoun repiseetreta-
ahniug Wow 4i,t his head loaf is better that no bread." tives.
family was at its zenith and the
various inembers vied with one
anoth er in perfecting the elegance
and beauty of their homes even
those who disliked any semblance
of Buddhism and its practices con-
fermed to their manner of flower
arrangement, so powerfully did its
charm appeal to them ; and during
%Ire da,A of the Ashikaga Shoguns
it was Considered an indispensable
drawing room decoration, mad up-
on such occasions as th•e fetes of ar-
mour absolutely necessary in point
of etiquette.
Rival schools in the ars aroused
such jealousy among the enthusi-
asts as to cause the eighth Shogun
of the Ashika,gaNfamily, Yoshimasa,
to issue a declaration to the effect
Wo51 SN '1•u TDB 15000115
f4'uutun t0 110011eal ba00 orgr niz•;d a
ntovemetlt for '1111. be te•I e t
4 1.1 11 Of t i
i to
leo 1l,
c .11
it1 118 aJ '
1 1 sal anec nl' a•s
1 v la
j1'I,ese' 0100511 sate that the hien tut tole
busywiti their commercial bi1shless to
1>us1 this movement, and intend to go
ahead unaided, W hen women who have
Rl crud this me el ❑'
nt L all of. u'hGI r,
11 LI L
tool hull ekN'
g . eptia dict .tl Iha home aF r
4 lural themselves 141110 b(u)t1 Atn1iS
a aar 01)ou the shupkc(ptrt 01 1 n l
who • ittlltidt 11)eil. .bp5l alk,•. It )I irate
homes, I»' bringing samples 1 tulte(1
slips or other things which .ti loose,
krt'pers plasm Ara all laecesslry,
+♦ 1.0'F4.10++ .+4. p'4q.414N4h41F
Nils 1 Clark Alin ray, 20 McTnv,el' St rl. -
after dlselt,5Sirlg' tae many 111101inces'
Isley are suhitCit.d to 1ltr ugbout
rhe year liy - the uunessine
t ingiirg of door bells, decided.
e e for
fd NTED3♦•
i�'LL '•'ll le ):117"'
ie 1 111
] n
♦ Jetvelry Iiej,atiriilg
BPl ZANY td<ANT TV ® Clock llepairing ♦ .
- Engraving 4'
♦ .i.
At Bee
t I !tet
er Pr�ees
I pay beat in urines for 117inlc, (bon, ),tuskrat,
Weasel, Lynx, Bear, ,&e,
I pay 011 exarrss allergen, charge nu cony
misSion. I1,old fau's'005510te on request
' Write for my latest price list.
72 Colborne st., Toronto, Ont.
' An excellent stock of 1'Jatelles, .j..
p Clocks and I+'Lae Jewelry, 5ter-
liug 1 ilver ant1 Plated Ware at q',
youi service,
Engagement`A1(1 ♦
\�1`odding Itings
'i coke. 4, 4.+4+4.4,,+4, 4)+4'1'415.4.4.' m
British Employers Are Liable For
When a few years ago British
employers became liable at law for
injuries suffered by employes in the
course of their work cartoonists
got busy depicting the hired girl
gleefully tumbling down stairs with
the tea.tray or the coal box, secure
in the prospect of a long rest and
no loss of wages. Householders, of
course, cover their risk by insur-
ing each employe against aceidents.
English courts, as a rule, place a
liberal construction on the word
accident, and accordingly on the
sks of the insurance companies
may be found many odd claims,
Here are a few :-
-A c,e.iy whieliing her tail caused
injury to tri, milkmaiTa. eyo.
A farmhand was ,stung by 81, bee.
A manservant sprained his leg
through stamping on a rat.
A coachman coming out of a sta.,
ble was struck on the face by his
master's boot, intended for a cat-
erwauling cat,
piece went down her throat.
A curate was scalded ihrough
stumbling while carrying a tea urn
at a parochial gathering.
A ,servant was priciced by a rus-
ty needle while sewing on a button.
on her employer's clothes,
It is somewhat difficult to imag-
ine that success could attend claims
like these:—
A servant received a shock
through seeing a large Teddy hear
when the room was only dimly
Another, servant fetching coal
.out of a collar 'collapsed from fright
ozused by the silent appearance of
tives in the servicei ordering them to dis-
pense with the
In December there w.ere
cutting festivals in Canton, Hong
Kong, Amoy, and even in Manila,
where on Christmas Day over 1,-
000. Chinese underwent shearing.
In Singapore and other cities of
the Straits Settlements, down in
Batavia, throughout the cities of
Japan and Corea, the snip -snip of
the progressive shears has beee
sounding the knell of the old re-
In Shanghai the craze has been
deep-rooted. At one time 4,000
Chinese. gathered in a market-
place in the he -art of the native
city and patiently stood in line un-
der a blazing •sun until each Could
take his turn At tbe shavipg stools
of the -corps of harberi. Each mat
picked up his once precious queue
as it fell from the. shears and car-
ried it home with him, in the sleeves
of his blouse.
The North China Post describes
a remarkable seene which occurred
in Hong Kong recently. The oc-
casion was the shearing of six of
the oldest • and most influential
Chinese of the city.
A congregation of Chinese pack -
,ed in. the largest available in
the city and the six old men took
True Household
OTHERS, we owe it as a
duty to our husbands and
families to take good care of them.
We all want, of course, to have our
loved ones cheerful and comfortable.
Our doininant part.is to give them the very
best that we can make or bake. But sometimes
we are tempted to save a few pennies in food
and think that in so doing we are economising.
But is it so ? Is this the kind of economy that
is wise and profitable ? Is it doing our full
duty to our loved ones ?
We wouldn't think of buying
the lowest priced eggs in the
market just for the sake of
economy. We would feel that
because they were cheap they
would be good eggs to avoid.
The /ow price would give us
a suspicion of their freshness
and quality.
But when it conies to flour,
for example we may be
tempted to buy the second
best instead of the best because
of the few pennies difference
in price. We may think that
economy in flour is different
from economy in eggs. But
it isn't. The prhiciple is the
same. The difference in cost
between the best flour in the
follow the present sehern
other programme of extension, the
,seope of whieh will depend on the
development of the shipping:, busi-
ness after the present improve-
ments, which will take twenty years
to accomplish, are completed.
Monsieur Cedard Will Superintend
Coronation Banquets.
His Majesty King George of Eng-
land has a new chef, or rather a
new chief chef. Of course he is a
Frenchman as Was also his prede-
cessor M. Menanger, who is retir-
ing from the royal seevice. The
utilie of the new chef, who receives
the inosleht sup of $10,000 per yeart
Is M. Cedaret.
It may be a'far cry frem a king's
kitchen to Westmin.ster Abbey, but
the man who has been imported
from France to sepervise the meals
of British royalty also is destined
to serve the Cortmation banquets
and to feed hundreds of kiug's
g:uests on that auspicious occa-
sion. We opine that 1\2, Cedard
will, so to say, have his hands full
in more senses than one.
VigoroUs ealth -the power to enjoy to the full lines
work and pleasure—comes ottly with a
good digestion.
your food being properly converted into b•awn and sinew, red blood and active
breln, 50o. a box at your druggist's or from 32
National bruit rind Chemical Co. of Canado. 1. Mita, Montreal.
world and ordinary. flour is so
little that in justice to our
responsibility as wives and
mothers we can not efferd to
take chances.
From every point of vieW Royal
Household Flour is more economical
than any other. It produces more
loaves to the barrel. It is richest in
food value. It is rnore uniform, It
is best for Pastry as well as Bread and
yields inore baked product in either
bread or panty than any other flour.
furnishes more nourishment, more real
food value per pound and per penny's
worth than any other flour in the word.
egihrle's "Book for a
Cook" will ho sont free
to the woman who asim
for It and sends in the
nama of her dealer.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co.
Limited. 32
the year's product°
tc,l of 390,000 tons, only 14,0
less than in the previous year.
Bulgarian Woman Ras Record to
Prove Great Age.
The claim of Frau Duthiewitz of
Posen, Poland, born on February
21, 1785, to be the oldest -woman in
the world is now coutested by lime.
Baba Vasilka, who was born in
Nlay, 1784, in the little Belgarian
village of Ba•v'elosko, where she has
lived ever since. The record of her
birth is preserved in. a neighbor- •
leg mmemetery of the Orthodex7-.
Grgek faith.
She is tie daughter of a peasant, ,
and lias worked herself as a pea..
sant up till a comparatively recent
date. For more than 100 years elle
regularly worked in the fields, 41.0 -
cording to the custom of hee corms.,
try, where esomen are employed in
all sorts of maneal labor,
The events ef her life up to the
time when Idle attained the arse of
80 are far niore distinctly impress-
ed on her mind than the happen-
ings of the last 40 years.
Her '8071 Toder, following the
family tradition, has also worked
hi the .fields as a peasant nearly all
his life, but he has also taken part
in various W1115 and rebellions in
the Balkan Peninsula,. Ile is not
quite so fresh. end vigorous as hitt
mother, ..although he is still enjoy-
ing, snob, small luxuries of life as
a oleo and the' strong spirits &title