HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-2-16, Page 1VOL. 39 .VU. 33
W. H. KER.R, Frolnleta
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Bering -is O. Roses .
feiev notion -hie. Pox,
Pkat set 3'0111 441-a+' 1 Bonino
Steeletiotteg sine --Welker, lana Ai CO.
1i,5ttlti ,y�'G
Iixox •ANNTy7at S
t ARY,--The an nivers
sexy of Itnox Church will be celebrate
ed on Sunday and Monday next, Rev.
W. T. Peercy, Ai, A., of I udesborn
Will he the peeavber nntintday and on
Monday evening a Tett Meeting will
beheld, A quartette from Lucknow
and an elooutiottist from Kl ttai'di lie
will provide the program, There
will also be epi•eehes by feeldent and
neighboring clergymen.
DEBATE.—The 0, li. Soclety of St..
Andrew's. Ohm eh gave cur tuteetain-
meut last Fiiday eveuiog.Walton
Society were the guests of the evert=
log: A. debate was held ou "Church'
Uinon.", The Walton 1 ike upheid the
wfflrtuative and the speakers were
Misses Hetherington and Telfer and
Thomas mid Rabertson. Neg.
atfve was L88.6.1.1 by ells. Denis, Mise
Dot. Cowart, Messrs. Cott and Afe-
K.enzie, representing the Blyth So-
ciety. The ledges, AI es-we.Scott, alet-
elite andDe.) Oltarleewort:h, gave
thew decision in favor of the Walton
debater's:. A qiutrtette was: sung. by
Afissee Leith and Nichol and Messrs.
Sena ll and Somers. A duet' way given
by Mts. Coomhe, of 'S.tskatoon, and
111iss Gladys Out t, 01.11110113110111' se-
lections were given by the kindness of.
Mr. Statue s. Refreshments were
served and altogether a very pleasant
evening was spent.
lace was visited. Tuesday mot fling
about 5 o'clock by a most disastrous
.t re which almost wiped'out the whole
11 King est. The fire is
-side of st
s\n t
su, posed to htave'etarted in J. B. Alc
At thur's hardware store, lot this is
Fanned b
• Gbe [strong
certain. F
wind the blaze spread rapidly towards
the eeorninercial hotel and completely
destroyed the following places of
busint'>ss :—J. and C. Al°Doiell. hard-"
ware :u c1 furniture,; E, Ronnie, dey
goods,and granaries ; R. J. Drysdale,
shoe merchant; T, W. Palmer. nes-
tauintnt ;.re. Alarms, barber ; 3. fe. Mc-
Arthur hardware and the Commercial
Hotel. ',1The main street of . the town
preseees a scene of desolatiro and
business is practioally at a standstill.
The stores on the South side of the
-street were all more or less damaged
by explosion of cartridges and powder
in the hardware stores tuid .nearly all
their plate glass windows are blown
M, The hotel eves the only place in
whish. there were any persons and
these had plenty of time to make their
escape belbt'e the fire reached thern ren
Haltom ant: was Itrjt ted. lett14' of 1110
r:nlitellIs +>1 the hotel were staved, but
the roittents of the stores were cone
pietely lost, It is understood that
everything is t'ait•ly well covered by
insurance. The following is an esti
ratite of the bases sustained in the ere
Tuesday horning. buildings and con-
tents :—O+anmeeeial hotel, $8.000 ; T.
\V. Pahnee, $8,000 ; 'Kande, 510,000;
McDoell, $25,000; other losses, 81,000.
These losses aro partly covered by in-
sueenee, except the OOrninercial
hotel. It will be a total loss. It
+a two-sfurey feame building, which
rettently bad a substantial addition
Made to it as it was the only hotel in
totem The Queen's, which was de•
strntved by Hee several years ago, is
now being rebuilt end will now be
ensiled .tncompletion. The origin of
the file is still unknown, It is.expecl-
ed thestores and hotel will be rebuilt
this year.
and John McNabb. Ethel congroge-
tiou is associated with Orambroolc as
one charge.
It is reported that Orenbroolc will
u, ganize a Foot, Bull team for 1011 anal
will john the W. F. A„ • playing. In the
Intermediate m
' ediate ser'lee. There; 1s gcocl
material in title locality olid the boys
ehould set to work at once and com-
plete the of gauization..
One of the. early residents of the dis-
trict pessedeway on Monday evening.
Jou. 800, in the person or Margaret
Alclmtosh, beloved, wife of Dorfata
Scott, in her 00111 year, The deceased
was born near Molesworth and had
lived in this neighborhood praetictally
all her fife. About 41 years ago she
was married to Donald Scott', who
with foot• daughters' survive vlz :—
Mr's. C. B. Stokes, Grey townshipp
A'Irs, Nelson Mitchell, Molesworth
anti Aiisset Margaret and Annie at;
horde. The fuueritl took place front
the familyresidence, lot 57, con, 1,
Wallace, en Thursday, Feb. 2nd, to
the Molesworth cemetery, where in-
terment took place. The late Mrs.
Scott was for many years a faithful
member of the Aloleeworth Presby-'
tet Ian Church, and was highly respect-
ed in the community, where her de-
mise will be regretted by a large circle
of relatives and friends.
Fort fieL111,-0hopptn8 mill and ou,8t oo elut-
ing of en ggive, boher, choppor. roller and older.
press A1.0 comfortable d welling. Machines
will be sol separate from the house and lot i1
desired, All must be sold brfm•e April Tet
Osllaud enquire. Gtao, 9ttcntoN.Ct'anbroak.
Hugh Byron, of Montana is visiting.
his paretics on the'I4ih con.
Fred. Hunter left. on Monday thorn•
ing to fill a position in Hagersville.
Service will be held in the Lutheran
cit telt o,. Suiuhty morning next.
Aire. J. GorsnJitz (sr,) receive
word nn 'J'nesday that her brother
Mel died in Berlin.
S. Balfour returned from an extend-
ed visit to Dublin. \Ve were sorry to
see him 1'etnvn alone.
Miss Norma Sperling entertained it
number if her friends to a -Valentine
Party Tuesday evening. ,nt servlet
The. postpnued Saot+ane
will be held in the Methodist church.
of SundayILO ernnou next.
Last Sabbath afternoon Mr, Lack'
land, of Walton, preached. in the
Methodist church here giving a good
The Annual B,einort of Knox chuteli
has been issued showing the general
receipts to be 8070.98 anti expenditure
.028.07. leaving a balance of $42.91 on
hand. 5137.74 were conttibnted to
the schemes of the church and other
good causes.` $12000 of the above
were for 'Missions. Rev. D. Be Me-
E/U.1 as been the faithful pastor for
the past SS yyettrs. The Elders axe W.
Deuteron, J. P. McIntosh, J. S. 'ATc-
Nair and Wm. Petrie.. Board of:
Martagets,..Win. Patterson, Ed. Fel.
ton, N. D. McNair, Geo. llcTaggant,
Alex. Perrie and A. McDonald. The
latter is the SecT•etaxy-Tr'easrner.
Trustees are Wm. Petrie, L, 'McNeil
. e
• 0
Mrs• McSpadden spent last week
visiting at Winthrop.
Mian. Josephine O. Rea was on a
visit to Goderich last week.
Apin•opriate Ter -Centenary Bible
Services were held in our churches
last Sabbath.
Not a few of the elderly people taro
suffering with le, gt•ippe and the doe -
tore are all kept busy.
Farmers' Institute meetings were
held Monday afternoon and evening
and were, most successful.
A goodly number of 001' young
people attended' the Box Social at
Winthrop lase week and report a
good time.
Measles have been a genuine epi.
demi. Ilene during the past week or so.
The Public Schdol was well nigh
seholneless srlme dave.
Debate in the A'Ietliodist ehureh,
under the auspices or the League, will
be held ori Tuesday evening of next
week. A good time assuted.
The contract for Michael Rotvland's
'tow brick house, McKillop, has been
let to Jno, Rueter, Oraubrook. Work
will be pushed of the opening of
Spring. s
Spring is approaching so settee of
tete citizens are getting restless and
are planning a long trip West to tt'y
their fortune. int the great hopeful
Friday, March 1011, Blyth young
people are In visit Welton and debate
on the subject, "Resolved that Eastern
Oanada offers more advantages than
Western Oauada."'-
Next 'Tuesday afternoon an auction
sale of property belonging„ to the
American Presbyterian ohuroh.'will
take place on the property, at 2o'eloc
It is a rivet' able pieee of land.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Dr
Oaten, of Brussels, 'conducted the
Quarterly Ontutnunieu service in thi
Methodist church, following a wel
painted sermon., Mr. Laekland
preached at Brussels in the morning.
\Vahon Ohristiao Endeavor• Society
>nrn-ved to Blyth Jest Friday even
,ie , rrh tit
Ohar}i° Murray, Willie Aiurrey, ars-
ale McCulloch, a al
AJ, D. Ot.une, Ttan e ,
,An Olde 1:yine Payette lenctale will
he held nu Friday twee iog, Feb. 2elli,
lis tie folks or the \Valtun Adult Bible
Olase at the Iwo of Alexander and
Mee. Buchanan. 1•tegulashens
Every woman tense . ware a hanker
dress and everything eltaly apprnpet'-
rte. No .gent trust ware a biled shirt
or dudle troller. , Bring pennies He
fines. Good Icaugltphy and refresh -
men t,
efresh-anent, Adwishiu 10 cents. Komi pe -
tent komitos•in charge. All welicurn.
The aunual meeting cif Iiiox church
eis held Wednesday afternoon of last
Miss Lizzie Attridge, of the'1Timos,"
\Viagham, was visiting the Kreuter
families in Ethel and Grey.
Some talk stirring about the re-
organization of the• Ethel Foot Ball
team. We should have cue fon' 1911.
The pallbearers at the funeral of the
late 'Thos. Obaprnan were Joseph
Welsh, J. Menarey, Geo. AlcOall,'
Havey Keys, Ed. Fletcher and Geo. -
E. Mitt heli.
A Allssinuary Concert by the Junior
League of the Methodist °hutch will
will he held hi the Township Ball
Tuesday evening February 21st. A
choice program will be presented.
Wednesday evening of this week a
fine litho was enjoyed at the Wedding
reception tendered by Jacob and Mr's.
Krauter.in honor of Mr. and airs. W.
J. Clark. The latter was hiss Ange-
line, only daughter of ithe host and
hostess. The guests made nse of the
Diltvarth Hall its well as Mr. i x'au.ter's•
home and all had a good bine. Ale.
Clark and beide arrived home from
wedding trip AJnnclay evening.
OAn.D cit THANKS.—The andersignell
desires to reton•n her sinoerr0 thanks
It many friends for their kindly help
and sympathy in the illness andsub-
sequent decease of her husband,
Thomas 'Chapman, malting speeial
iuentinn of the Orange Order ofEthel.
It will never be forgotten.
Yours gratefully,
FARMER'S -GLUE.— Saturday, even-
ing -or this week a meeting of all in-
terested organized Farm-
Club will be held in the Township
Hell here, commencing at 8 o'clock.
The initial officers are John Pearson,
President ;.Sam, Campbell, Vide -Presi-
dent aid Telford heifer, Secretory..
The . farmers of the coututnuity are
cordially invited. Several short ad
cheeses are expected.
FARMnres'INsTlTIITE.—Friday after-
nnnn the annual meeting of East
Huron 'Farmers' Institute was held
here when addresses were delivered by
Messrs. Silcox and Murphy. Mrs
Parsons met theladies of the Wnme,i's
Institute al the home of Mrs. G. W.
Pollard, where a good tune was en-
joyed. At the union meeting in the
hall in the evening there was 'a large
attendance:. The speakers orthe aft.er-
noonwere reieforcedt by an excellent.
musical and li terat'y program arranged
by the Women's Institute.- Ptelixuin-
ary steps were taken in organizing a
Farmer's' Club.
of lar^inotdville ; Ah s. Robert Hogg,
McKillop;'Mrs. John Romntik, Wing -
/Mtn, and Maggie anti Nettle at home.
He is also su oto ved by one brother and
three slaters, Iobi,, t Alts,
Mc0ulle, Leadbiny; Mv's, Alex.
Milieus and Airs, 11. 13, Scott, Harpurd.
hey. Funeral tookplace on Wednes-
day 10 Mai ttandbank cemetery. Mr,
011e8,0 was a resident of Grey LOW n -
ship for a few years,
Sates DATE c'i3A0ct1i1,—Th0 auction
stile of farm stook, implements, etc„
announced by Hugh W. Afcltay,
Lit, 10, Doff, 9, has been ehnnged feou
`'tiesclay afternoon,of noxi Week 10
Thursday owing to Anel er having
l 111';1;motioned
a sale1e at Wa inti or i
date. Those interested sllunhl govern
themselves accordingly.
Alex, R. and :Airs. Stewart, feotn
Lake View Alberta are visitirt the
fortner's father' and mother. A. and
Mrs. Melva -it, lotb con., Grey.. He is
one of the Grey boys who have gone
West incl, prospered. Mr. Stewart
was 'a delegate appointed to attend
the W F. A, Convention at Ottawa.
He and Mrs. Stewart intend to male
quite a lengthy visit before returning
Binh, Joht Ston shipped a carload
of horses to the West, He internis
erring le v. couple of weeke.
T. Greenslade, of Port Elgin, dangh-
110 Mary and eon brute, were visitcts
at the inane of Jatnee Evans 7th line..
They are relatives,
A baby boy has arrived at the home
of 11. Alutbers and will mance hie home
them. We eoitg't'akulete hien on his
wisdom and welcome the young
getitlernrut to the neighborhood.
EARLY LAMBS.—JOltil Ooolc, lith.
line, has brut 0 Dorset lainbs added to
his fleck ,aimedythis. season. One of
tlietn has attained to 25 pounds
weight.. Mr. ;Gook thinks the Dorsets
lead tile, sheep van.
I 15ER HEART.—A finer` year
old cow belonging to John Mustard,
2nd line, took sick. or a recent Sunday
and a week later went to cowdom
despite all that could be done, It was
decided to investigate cause of death
and to the surprise of all a 3 inch wire
nail was found clrleen into the tapered
end of the heat p
heart, It is supposed bossy
had swallowed the nail while nosing
round soxne old boards, The case is a
peculiar oneand the like not often
heard of.
A PxoxieER CALLED,—In Morris on
February 4th, 1911, Mary Darling, be-
loved wife of John Shortreed, sr. was
called to hoir reward. Deceased was
born in the township of Esquesing,
Httltou County. on September 24,
1830, being the third daughter of the
hate George Darling and Jane Beattie,
of the Scotch Block, Esquesing. Her
father' emigrated from Scotland to
Canada about the year 1820 and sett-
led in the Scotch Block. then a wilder-
ness, composed principally of High-
land pine, and started to hew out a
hone for himself and family on the
200 acre farm now occupied by Noah
Hamilton. Mrs: Shortreed's father
'died about the year 1845, leaving a
widow and family of five daughters
and one son, Robert, dying in 1800.
All her sisters are deceased but Mrs.
Jane Stevenson. of Akron, Ohio,
Mr. and Mrs. John Shortreed were
Married in lesquesiug on the 13th of
October. 1850 by Rev. John Gillespie,
pastor of elle United Presbyterianchurch at Mansewood, and imm d
itttely started for the Huron Tract and
located in Morris on Lot 19, con.0,
where they have residecl];ever since
Me. Shot treed having been there
previously and erected a, log house
attd chopped a srnttll clearing. There
was no station nearer than Hai purhey,
risk's fisi1}, i * nor depot at Settforth int
that time. They moved up from
Halton Do. by team, bringing thein
household furniture, being part of
three days on the road. Mrs. Short -
reed united with the Presbyterian
calm eh early in life and has been a
cou4';stent and earnest Christian ever
since, having hope in resurrection
through Christ. She leaves ber hus-
band and a tamily of five sons and
four daughters to mourn the loss of a
loving wife and tuother, namely, Mrs.
13. Scutt, of Telfer. Loudon township
Mrs. W. G. Mc•Spaciden. of Win-
throp; John, reeve of Morris ; Mary
and Christina deceased ; George D.,
M. D., of Grand View, Manitoba ;
i\Tm. 3. and Robert nit the homestead
Walter, deceased. Mrs.. Shortreed
was a sufferer for many years from,
rheumatism, and had a slight stroke
of paralysis only three days before
her death, also erysipelas in her right
arm. She , gradually sank till
death carne to give rest from a life
of toil She was always
very patient. On account of the
storm there were only a few present
tie the funeral:. All her children were
with her during her last hours but
George D., of Grand View. The pall-
bearers were her three sons, two sons-
in-law, R G. McGowan and Wm. Tay-
lor, and Peter McArthur, Rev. A'ir.
Lundy conducted the service. Mr.
Shortreed and family share in the
riathy of a wide circle.
Connell on Monday.
TENPOST gives the news.
Another wedding or two in the neat
Mtn -re.
ltirs. Thos. Johnston is onthe sick
list with la' grippe.
Mrs.. E. Sellers has been quite ill
but is improving nicely now.
James VattOamp and Wm. Watson
'\vere visitors tit llelgiave last week.
Mrs, Jessie Hyslop, of Windsor, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. John Broad
Mrs. Herbert Kirkby has been on
the sick list bot we hope site will soon
be convalescent,
Township local items always wel-
come at THE POST. One telephones:
ale Nos. 31 and 32.
Ahs. W. 3. Johnston, sr., is not int -
proving as quickly as her many
friends world wish.
Gen, Biggins took a sleigh load of
sorting people; to Wroxeter last week
for a skating party.
A game of hockey was played be-
tween Wing -ham and Bluevale. The
latter won by a snore of 7-2.
A number of Mnrrisltes will attend
the annual meeting of 13i'ttssels Tele-
phone Co. Satin•deyy afternoon.
Ex -Reeve and Ales. Turnbull, of
Grey, were weleotne visitors at the
home of John Clegg, Stli line, for a
few days this week.
The young people of Browntown are
preparing an excellent program .for
their Box Smith. to be held on the
17111, Don't miss it.
The auction sale of Wm. Keys
Wednesday afteenon n of last week
wee attended by an enorous crowd.
Sate:totalled over $2500.
Auction sale at Gen. Taylor's Friday
afternoon of this week. His farm is
Lot 1. earner of 5th line aucl Belgrave
and Blyth gravel road,
. A blood poisoned right hand has
been bothering Peter McCall, 7th litre.
His many friends wish him speedy
fieedont from so undesirable a com-
4 choice draft filly rising 2 years
old, sired by "Aleseott," was sold by.
Alex. Mustard, 2nd line, to D. Mc-
Pherson for the neat price of $225.00.
It. pays to grow the good ones and
Anomie farmers are not behind when
it cones to dandy horses.'
SUCCESSFviL.—Tuesday of last week
Frank elatein, 5th line, was success-
fully operated on et Fergus hospital
and is making as gond progress as
id be expected. Ile will be there
weeks yet however. Mrs.
' Twine on Wednesday
Wm, and Mrs. Hogg, 4th Con., have
returned home a'fteespending a week's
holidays with friends in Wellesley.
Sinclair Phippeu and his sister, Miss
Georgina, Of Winghant, were visiting
frieuds on the3rct of Greyla;t week.
Last Friday, A'Iargaret Jane, baby
,, ere.] erre. - ward, 14111
fountain pen as a token of MO, regard
and our gratitude to you for your
past help ur elle choir. We will nates
otter pleasant d!s naifintt � at all 0138‘.. -.:.
y P N
little-atherin rs and we tender you.,',;
b 6
our best wishes for your tutors Wel",
rare in that Amoriett,I, city to which,
you are going. Signed in behalf of
the Ohole. Miss Schnook though very
t choir for
lrmtch Surprised Lhanked the c
their gift. '
MOVING To FLINr.—Win.. Selinaek,
who is leaving this vicinity for Pilot,
lob„ gave a farewell part( on 'Thurs-
day and
wetly friends ar
da evening to his xr a ay t
a very enjoyable time was spout in
games, music, etc, The neighbors
were not satisfied with the one even-,
ing of fun and they assembled there'
again on Monday evening of this i
s week
presentation 1
when a reset tabint was made to Mr.
and Mrs. Schnook. Following ad-
dress was read by Wxn. Bann and the
presentation was made by Jos. McKay
and Win. J. Mainz :—
To Mr. and Mrs. Schnook.—
DEARFStrete Is.--ILiswith sad hearts
that we learn that through circuin
stauces over which we have no control
our relationship as ueighbors and
friends, would like in a small way to
express our appreciation of you as
friends and .neighbors. You w ere
ever ready to help in any work that
would be a benefit or an uplift to the.
community and to very many of us
who were in need ofyour 'help, you
were a friend indeed. In the various
positions of trust in connection tvitli
the chinch and school you were faith-
ful in the performance of the dntiea
devolving upon you and we would
like you to accept these rings as a
taken of our esteem to Mrs, Schnook
this diamond ring and. Mr. Schuock a
signet ring. AII', Schnook, although
completely taken by surprise, wane a
suitable reply thanking the people
heartily in behalf of zeta. Schnock and
himself and assuring tltetn it would be
along, time before he wonld forget
ztoncrieff and the friends he was leav-
ing there. The remainder of the
evening wee passed with music,danc-
ing, games and social chat. The
ladies served a lunch at 12 o'clock,
the party going home in thewee sine'
hours. zit'. Schnook will certainly be
missed in this neighborhood but we all
join in wishing him every success fn
the land of lJncle Sam.
ice in an-
t s,
Trains and mails were slightly out
of regularity on Tuesday owing to the
The Fanners' Institute ,meeting is -
on the program for 'In eighty o. khl a
week iu the Foresters' Hall afternoon
and evening. A meeting of the ladies
is to be etddressed in the Orange Ball
in the afternoon by Mee. Parsons, of
Elizabeth Elliott Scott, widow of the
late Da
vid Scott J. P. or East Wawa -
nosh, Out., died Tuesdiay at her home,
in the 75th year of her age. She had
been ailing for three months, and her
death was due to a general breaking
down from old age. Born in the
township of Esquesing, in the "Scotch
Block," Halton county, in 1835, Airs.
Scott moved to Huron:couutvl in 1835,
where she resided ever since. Site
leaves a family of four sons and three
daughters.. The sons are Peter We
of Belgrave ; William E., David S., ,
and Cyrus W., all living in theneigh-
borhood, and the daughters : Mrs.
William Scott, of Blyth; Mrs. John,
Bell, of East Wawanosh, and Miss ,
Isabella at hoarse. Mrs. Scott was a
member of the Presbyterian Ohurch.
The funeral takes •place Saturday at
1.30 p. m., to the Brandon Cemetery.
The auction sale of D. Breckenridge
jr. will be held Wednesday afternoon
of next week. Sale unreserved as
proprietor has rented his farm.
Next week Jas. A. Simpson leaves
for his hone in Tessier, Sask.. lie has