The Brussels Post, 1911-2-9, Page 7................ Fashionn Hints SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS, Any frtwtkish deceeatiou on a nil is bad taste. The novelty striped' cheviots are peeting with favor, Foulards, promise to be as popu, ler as they were last season, Many new muffs are made of cor- hu'oy .edged` with strips of fur. The skirts area trifle wider, so Ihat one may now walk with ease. Linerie are shown in many new ;.soaves and a host of new colorings. All evening gowna are longer. hound length models touch the ;round. We see smart tailor .modes of serge, broadcloth, and velvet 'for nidseason wear. The white blouse except in the nest expensive form is not much leen this winter. The tunic skirt, for tailor'mades, e in high favor, and of these there s. an infinite variety. Perhaps one of the newest ideas a suits or wraps is the combina- tion of velvet and ratine,' Large mounts of aigrettes are ex- tremely modish and share honors with the ostrich plumes, A toque of ermine with a jewel ted a black osprey, makes a most nscinating headpiece. Here and there one sees a skirt vith a yoke, but the tunics is next o the plain skirt, the favorite. The 'gold mesh purse, which is so leer to tht heart of women, has >een almost supplanted by the ')lack velvet bag. The accepted bat of the winter. is arge, nay, enormous, framing the 'ace completely, no matter what Ingle the head is turned. The brimless hat that eclipses the brow has now a rival" Itis the >rim turned straight up from the lace or the side of the head. ON THE VERGE • OF. A REAKDOWN Dr, Williams' Pink Pills the Only Hope for Wakened Dormss People This warning will be read by thousands et people who only just s(t:coeed in getting through the day's work withouta breakdown. If you feel always tired out, have but little appetite, and a poor di- gestion, cannot sleep well, suffer from , headaches, backaches and nervousness, ib, may mean that you are on the verge of a serious break- down, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills curer weak, nervous, troubled men and women because of their direct as - tion on the blood. Every dose of these Pills helps to make new, rich bleed,' which tones the vital organa, strengthens the nerves and brings renewed health and strength. blr'." Geo. Johnson, of ilequille, N. Se suffered for some years as a result of overwork and strain, but found Ino help for his condition until he began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills. Mr. Johnson says :—"While working on a railway handling heavy ties I hurt my bank and had to give up work. Later -I was able to do light work, butfor about six years I suffered from dreadful pains in the back and down my legs. This condition became aggravated by in- digestion and chronic constipation, and my life was one of constant misery.. Duringthose years I was treated by different doctors, but did not get any help' One day a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills, and proved his faith in them by presenting me with a box. .It was more to please him than from any belief that they would be of service to me that I began taking the Pills. Before the box was fin- ished, however, they seemed to be helping me; the pains in my back. Buttons are in decided favor as. and Legs grew less intense and the :rimming, Not only are they used bloating in my stomach, caused by ,h. blouses, skirts, and wraps, but the indigestion, disajipeared. I they are exploited on hats. continued . taking the Pills until I The simplest means of finishing had used over a dozen:. boxes, when >ff the high waistline is to employ t draped or folded girdle with a suckle or butterfly bow in the back. I found myself fully restored to my former health. I am now able to do heavy farm work, and for the On some of the loveliest evening past year have not lost a day, or gowns a cord outlines the high had the least symptom of my for- waist. This is of.gold, silver, or of silk with tasseled ends. Classic simplicity will mark the majority of the new evening gowns, the extremely short waist line be- hig one of its chief characteristics. The winter bead and sequin em- broidery has reached the height of popularity. There is scarcely a sown or blouse that escapes its presence. Jackets are lined with contrast ing colors. The linings usually asually match the colors and cuffs of velvet, . and onmany new suits These are of bright hues. Borders are one of the ohisf sharacteristios of the many new sot - ton materials, and are charmingly exploited on the striped and dotted French misses, cotton voiles, and marquisettes, French tulles, .mous- salines and pongettes. FIFN ;)ISH STEP:1i0TIIBR Burnt Child's Tongue With Red-hot Spoon.. mer troubles, and I attribute it en- tirely to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be had by mail 'at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co:, Brockville, Ont. APPROPRIATE DIETS. Plane food—for the aviator, Game for the baseball fan, Crabs for the youthful oarsman, Smelts for the mining .man. For the.upholsterer,-stuffing;" Plums for the grafting "boss;" For the Arctic• explorer, ices, Snow pudding and Chili sauce. ,For the coward. and' politician; Quail and crow are the birds, The fool who, flies in passion Should be made to eat his own words. More details 'of foreciotts acts of cruelty were given at the South - Western Police outh-Western_Police Court in London, England, recently, whon Arthur and Ethel Rankin were again re- mended on the charge of ill-treating the eleven -year-old daughter of the former. It was alleged that the sten- mother Fractured both the child's arms by twisting: them. Pressed a hot flat -iron against her hands. Stamped on her toes.until a nail • was destroyed. Burnt her tongue with a red-hot spoon. Turned her finger -ends over until the blood came. Beat her with a copper -stick and other articles. "She made me put niy tongue cut,," said the little, girl, "and struck hie under, the chin. The state of shy .fingers was caused by -the way in which she pressed them on the table, I told the inspector that I ran into the park and heat myself until I was bruised. Mother told use to say that." Dr, J. J. Douglas described many bruises slid abrasions which he toned oe the child's ixldy and limbs. Dr. H. A. Eccles stated that the right elbow was -fixed in a bout position, and a very difficult and dangerous' .operation would be needed. Neighbors gave ovidenee regard- ing the moaning .and erying of the little girl, and a remand was was Ordered. • "It says here," began the lady who could do more talking in one day than six photographs and five parr,:,ts combined, 'that after a balloon hes ascended to the height of si:r miles "Re occupants darn not open their months." "Will sou go. up, Marie, if I buy.a Balloon j" liskeel be husband despt,satply. For the glove -maker, lady's fin- gers; Capers for the clown to eat; For .the match -maker, minute pud- ding; And for lunatics, cracked wheat. ANA, ' bIAIYA, . Dx(lI ER DXVilf. "Verde& by Whieb the 011110ren Plied "Who's fb," Some ehoiee hits of immortal poetry with which everyone is fam- iliar have been oolleeted lately through the readers o:t the N..ew York Sun. First a glance through the quaint old doggerels will doubtless bring back many a pleas- ant memory of childhood's merry days. This is how an old Irish wo man used to find out "Who'a WI" : One,ery, two-ery, diekery dairy, Alabo, craelrabo, &tickahe, lary, Dinxtum, denxtum, very good time, Dummlety, dommlety, twenty-nine. A clergyman's daughter in Wind- ham County, Connecticut, bands in a counting -out rhyme used in the '2O's as follows: "The meanest man I ever knew," said Mark Twain, "lived ie Hanni- bal. Be sold his son-in-law the half of a very fine cow, and then rofused to share the milk w i ih the young fellow„on the ground that he had only sold him the 'front half. The son -in -lav was also colnnollled. to provide all the cow's foddcu and to carry water to her twice a day. Finally, the cow' butted the old man through a barbed-wire fenee,,;and he sued his sou -in-law for damag- es!” Intry, mintsy, cutry, corn. Apple seed and apple thorn,.. Wire, briar, limber look, Six gray geese in a flock. Ono flew east, one fiew west, One flew over the cuckoo's nest, Over yonder hill, where 'my father lives, He hath jewels, he hath rings; He hath many pretty things. Strike Jack, lick Tom, blow the bel- • lows, old man, Black finger, out of game. STILL ANOTHER 1 VS ANAS+ TELLS TELLS WILY Rif PINS ITIS' FAITU TO D ODD' S KIDNEY PILLS. Dootors failed to eure his Bright's Disease, but he found relief in the 'Great Canadian' Kidney Remedy.. Clam Point, Shelburne Co,, Ni 8,, Jan. 20 (Special). Joshua Kckerson, postmaster here, is among the many in this neighbor- hood who tell of pains relieved and disease banished by Dodd's Kidney Pills, . "I am sixty-two yearn old," says the postmaster, "And I'll tell you why I think so highly of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Owing to a bad cold my Kidneys commenced to bother me, and the trouble developed in- to Backache, stiffness of the joints, and finally Bright's Disease. "I was treated oy a doctor, but that -did not help ins much, and it was six boxes of Dodd's. Kidney Pills that brought me relief." Everywhere you go in . Canada people tell you of the great work Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing, and everyone who tells you can give the reason why. That reason simply In New York in the late '4O'e is that there is no ease of Kidney they used to use this mouth filler, Disease Dodd's Itfdney fills can- not cure. These people have tried them and proved this true. Back- ache, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Diabe- tes, Lumbago, Heart Disease and Bright's Disease are some of the more serious troubles that Dodd's A Brooklyn lady recalls this gem Kidney Pills always cure, simply be - of the '50's: cause these are all either Kidney diseases or are caused by diseased Kidneys. NO FANCY BAIT FOR HIM. leo, a iso, we, wo, wy, whack, , Owner—"Don't you know : that One, two, three, out goon" she. you can't fish. herr;without a' pax- mit 4" Our mothers' will all remember Boy—"Q! I've caught scores this one of 'em wiv a worm 1" Onery, torcy,ickory, Nicholas John TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Dyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smayt—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Dye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. •Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago., "We have now seen married fif- teen years,: Archibald, and I have. never omitted to bake a cake for you on your birthday." "That's true, my dear, and every one of them was, so to speak, a milestone on the path of my life." The Pill that Leads Them All.— Pills are the most portable and That is what thousands of mothers compact of all medicines, and when say of Baby's Owe Tablets. These easy to take aro the most aceep- Tablets promptly and surely cure table of prepartions. But they all the minor ills of babyhood and must attest their power to be po- childhood, and what is more they polar. As Parmelee's Vegetable are absolutely safe—they have Pills are the most popular of all never been known to harm the pills they must fully meet all re - youngest baby—they never will quirements. Accurately corn - harm anyone—they are good for pounded and composed of ingredi- bebies of all ages. Concerning ents proven to be effective in regu- them Mrs. Wm. Higgins, Karn, dating the digestive organs, there Ont., writes :—"I shall never be is no surer medicine to be had any- where. De Quiz—"Brezy is a splendid cine and are as good as having a talker, isn't hal" De Whiz—"One doctor in the house.. I gave them of the finest I ever escaped from." to my little boy for colic and they quickly cured him. I am always 1 We Make the EmFhatlO statement that "Tee lad to recommend -them to other D dcL Mendel: Plaster will do more to relieve g aenralgia lama bask, lumbago and kindred mothers." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. One; piece frocks take precedence in now styles, and long coats are macre to match when not used for walking. Ana, masa, diekery. dick, Della, dolla, deminick, Hieha picha, domi, nicha, Hi, poo, tush.... Ana, mama, mons, Mike, Bassa, lona, bona strike Hare, ware, froune, snack, All' ' ballico, b k ulchly atone r"oudi,s, cures colds, )cols Lao -throat. and aumds- - - 28 cents.. The • itbsont-minded professor re- turned house one -evening, and af- tor ringing'llis front door -bell: for some time to no ei'fect, heard the maid's voice from the second -storey. window: "The Professor is not in," „All right," quietly answer- ed the Prutcssor, "I'11 call again." And he hobbled down the stone steps. Dont Ver tree sample to Dept. W. t.., 11n1 UeDYi Drug A Chemical Cou Toronto, Quebie, quabie, Virgin Mar.. Stickilu'm, stackilum buck., This one they use now: Bena, meena, dipsey dee, Oliga, boliga, dominee, Oka, poke, dominoka; Uss, puss, pooh, Oliga, boliga, boo, • Ont goes you. � G� AS GOOD IS HAVING DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE • without Baby's Own Tablets in the house as long as my children are small. They are a' wonderful meth- neuralgia,. eds- troubles than any other plaster. 255 tins and 51 yd. rails All druggists. THE TOP OF•THE MT'DICAL LADDER,,. "Has the doctor a large prac- tice'?" rac-ticet" "So large that when people have nothing the matter with them he tells them so." ' The Oil for the Farmer. -A' bottle. of Dr, Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the. farm house will save 'many a jour- ney for the doctor. It is not only good for the children when taken with colds and Croup, and for the mature who suffer from pains and aches, but there are directions for its use on sick 'cattle. There should always bo a bottle of it in the house. "I hear you a.a going to Au- stealia with your husband, Jaye," said the mistress. "Aren't' yo,u PILES CORED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PASO OINT- men fails tocure any ease of Itching, Blind, ]flooding or Protruding Piles. in s to 50 days. .500. "Look here," said the reforming husband, "we must have things ar- ranged in this house so that we shall know just where everything is kept." ``With all my heart," sweetly answered his wife, •'and lot us begin with your late hours, my love. I' should dearly love to. know where they aro kept." Pa lets things run on as usual. THE '.TWENTY-ONE RULE, , Old Jacob Weatherly .is a man of extreme regularity, " and en the principle that "Early to bed," ate,, is the hest eufding rule for a household he insists that everyone under his roof and authority shall retire at 9.20. As may be readUle understood, this rule. sometimes proved irksome to the younger members of the family, especially Charles. Recently, hewever, Charles reached man's estate, and on his birthday Jacob gave him his bles- sing, "I have no longer airy authority over you," he said; "now that yc,u are twenty-one you must act as pleases you best." Qn the, following Saturday even- ing, therefore, Charles returned Home at 11.15 p.m. and rapped at the door. "Who's that 4" said Jacob, from the window, "Charles," replied his son. "But why do you come home at this hour'? Don't you know we lock up at 9.30 I" "Yes," remonstrated the youth; "but I'm • gone uwenty-one now and can do as I please." "Quite so," said the old man; "but so can I. And the window went down with a bang, and Charles was left to face the stark fact that twenty-one worked two days. x r i i . .r� quickly slops eoudha,, cures colds, heels the !latent and lungs. • • • 25 cents. "My wife and I always settle our little disputes by arbitration." "And who is the arbitratort" "My wife, of course." The publisher of the best Farmer's paper in the Maritime Provinces: in writing to us states: I would say that I do' not know of a medicine that has stood the test of thne like MINARD'S LINIJM.ENT. It has been an unfailing remedd`y in our house- hold ever since I can remember, and has outlived dozens of would-be competitors and imitators!' A Sudden Chill often manna sudden illness. ,servolis about the long voyage rottener is all the to needed toward nE R. ( ``Wall, ma'am " said Jane ca rely,. Unequalled for tumults and diarrhoea Avoid > You may have observed that the man who always laughs et his own jokes seldom has any laughter left for the jokes of others. There is no medicine on the mar ket that can compare with Bickle's 'Anti -Consumptive Syrup in expel- ling from the system the irritating germs that, colds engender in the air passages. It is suicide to neg- lect your cold. Try the cheap ex- periment of ridding yourself of it by using Bickle's Syrup, which is a simple remedy, easily taken, and once used it will always be prized as a sovereign medicine. Your friends keep tab on your strong points and your enemies are intimately well informed regarding your weak ones. cubebtutee. Chore is but one"Paittkiller,—Parry "that's his. look -out. - 1 beioug.'to nar,a' hies now, and if anything happens THAT DESIRABLE TIMEPIECE.to me it ']1 be his lose, •not mina." "You may say what you please about expensive clocks," said Ar- gonaut, "but it's a fact that I have got a cheap clock at home that I bought twenty years ago, placed on the mantleshelf, wound and set right, and from -that day to this it has never varied so much as one minute." "Indeed 1" "Wonderful 1" "Amazing 1" came from the audi- tors of this remarkable statement. "Do you mean really to say," asked one of them, "that the clock iias never varied a minute all these yea's 1„ "Not a minute," returned Argo- naut. "The foot is I broke the mainspring in winding it, and it's never' dune a tick ever since.„ Minaret's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Boni Have a Ririe Oile "vlsi Minard's LInimefit Cures Diphtheria. A man's face is part of a bar- ber's fortune—unless he shaves himself. By Oribing the. Nerves with opinm ou may atop a dough, but the iueammation goes from bad to worse. Allon'0 Iung Balsam, containing no opium, goes to tho root of the trouble and euro, doopsoatod affections of throat end lungs. Kind Lady (atcnildren's party)— "Well, my little man, and what ale you going to be when you grow tip 1" The Little Man (tugging at uncomfortable nel:kwear)—"Same- fin. what -don't wear a collar." MS: Winslow's Soothing Syrup Bea boon mood for over SI%TY-FIVE YEARS b7 MILLIONS 01 MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS, 11 SOOTHES the 01I1L1)SOFTENS too OU05, ALLAYS all PAIN: gauREs WIND COLIC, and ie the 05 d,• for WorldIT¢A. Sold br k for lntn l0 G41.31'11711 or tee, world Boma and eek for 'Stn. wionlow a Sootis a strap testa ed other kind. Troon d•Dru 00,1, 5 Dania. O ,6ranteer under tho Food and Dru¢a 401, Llano Nth.1505. Sorrel Number 1055. AN OLD AND }VELI.52512» REMEDY., No matter how deep-rooted the corn or wart may be, it must yield to Holloway's Corn Cure if used as directed. "Now, young people," said a professor of natural history to his class—"naw, then, as to hens. A hen has the capacity of laying six hundred eggs and no more, and she finishes in just about five years. Now, what is to be done with her after that t" "Cut . off her bead and sell her for a spring <:liiokea !" exclaimed an urchin whose father dealt in poultry. Bunn CAUSED OJ BN SORE.. Zein -Balt Worked a Wonderful Core Mr. J. Nixon, of 001 William Ave„ Winnipeg, a bleeksanith at the G,P.R. shops, .heel his foot badly burned by some molten metal fal- ling upon it, He says; "The burn wee a very bad one, and after the first few days it left an epee Sore, which showed merited signs of blood -poisoning. It discharged freely and caused me terrible ag- ony, For three weeks 1 suffered acutely and could get no ease. At last'I obtained a preparation from the doctor, which seemed to stop the discharging and made me quite hopeful, but finally the woundbe- came as bad as ever. "I was then advised to use Zam- Buk, and from the: firstapplication the balm gave me relief. The in- flammation was thoroughly cheek- ed, and the poisonous matter clear- ed away in a very snort time after beginning with Zam-Buk. Healing then began, and in less than two weeks the wound was healed. Zam-Buk is equally good for piles, blood -poisoning, festering wounds, chaps, cold sores, children's eruptions, scalp sores, vari- cose ulcers, chilblains, etc. All druggists and stores sell at 500. box or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price. You are warned against harmful sub- stitutes and inferior preparations. Mrs. Embon—I have been told that Mrs. Langun and I look a great deal 'alike. I've never seen her, but they say she's my double. Bachelor Brother -If she's your double, Miranda, she's the biggest on earth. DRUG SHARES AT PREMIUM. National Drug &s Chemical Co. of Canada 6 per cent. first prefer- ence shares of 11 each are now quoted on the London market at a premium of 12% p.c., the present price being 41±_s. 6d. He—"I've brought you a. pet. monkey to 'amuse you, darling. She—''Oh, how kind of you! Now I shan't miss you whilst you're away." Welcome as Sunshine after a storm. Is the re1104 when an obstinate, pitiless cough has been driven away by Alien's Lung. Balsam. No opium in it. The good effect lasts. - Take a bottle home wit's: you this day. He (at end of fishing story)—"My rvord, it was a monster. 'Pon my soul, I never saw such a fish in my life!" She—"No, I don't believe you ever did." Aa a vermicide there is no pre- paration that equals Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It has saved the lives etcountless children. To be at peace with your neigh- bors often means war with your- self. MInard's Liniment Cures. Distemper. She—"Women like to be adniired by men." ' He—"risen why do some try to poke out men's eyes with their umbrellas 1" Stiff neck! Doesn't amount to much, but mighty disagreeable. You will be surprised to see how quickly Hamlins Wizard Oil will drive that stiffness out. One night, that's all. The man who is the first togive advice is usually the last to take it. An Absolute Cure for Mood Blindness (Opthalmin) and Coniunctivitie Shying horses all suf. fer from diseased oyes. A trial will 0enelne0 any borne owner that tide remedy ubonlutoty onto. doteolt oftho eye, tire. epcetivo of the 1005,0 of time the animal boatmen afflicted. filled, Imo'a'tV1StOyunder 005 Qt ARANTEE Money refunded 11 ender directions Rices not ours. 55.00 per bottle, pootpnie en racatpt of price. t131CReeledy Aes'n, insf. 5,1933 Wabash Av„ ChIcore,lll. FEATHER DYEING Clounirig hod Darling sad Rid ?loves cleaned. ode can bo lsnt by poet, ?loves 0 i • Tho 5,051 pisco is BRITISH AMERICAN DYE1NC CO. MONTREAL. 188E11 NO. 5-11. Only one "2R0M0 QUININE" That Is LAXATIVE $Bono QUININE, Look Vi' the over w Cure of It.W. (MOVE. La v y. Used '510 AGENTS WANTED, QMI1 WORIt, -- 1YE WANT iausLuAni,p If 1l rambles to operate Mu highspeed ituIOISM t o ltnittIng bfaobh,o0 at Monne; whole or spare time knitting for the trails ;good wages. Per all particulars address, The Canadian SYholosaf5 particulars Ote„ Dept, 1Y, Orlllia, Ontario, Miry , AN'thiD aro 10.05, for iIromott 51011 Amonthly, and brakemen esu, on an Venae* ian railroads, Itxperionoa nunoaessaryi 5o; atram, Positions guaranteed comppetent men, Promotion, Railroad ltmplaying Headquarters —Drt 400 mon sent to - posltlwts iaonthly, Otate aoegn,lerAvoolvelole Dept,ao,8247ASonltra WANTED, r EARN THE BARRER TRADE -NEW system—oonetant p1,raotlas.-oareSeb tostiac, don—fow weeks complete eonrae—tools free. irednates earn twolro to eighteen dollars wook• ly. write for catalogue, Molar Dasher Oulloge, 511 Queen East, Toronto, CANCER, Tumors, Lumps, eta. Internal 'VUJ and external, (lured without Hain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr, nellman,Medical. Co„ Limited, Oollingwood, Ont. EOR, 1.0 WEE?. E5eECTRED OYUYs'i08 FOR x.TG]3TXO'I BEST MACHINES, MOST ECONOMICAL. 1m OPERATION. CANADIAN ELECTRICAL &MOTOR CO' LIMITED 99-101 Queen St E., Toronto an Wanted Insurance is not so difficult to sellas you imagine. It pays better than you perhaps think. For a Ulan who will work, the business ispleasant and pro. fitabie. The National Life is sound and prosperous. Its Policies sell readily in competition with any policy issued. You should investigate. You will probably decide to act as Agent if the territory is open. This is a genuine ®pportu: silty to advance your fortunes. National Life Assurance Co. HEAD OFFICE, • TORONTO \�. -, And many a man who palls' a spade a spade shovels his food in with a knife. Clear Stomach, Clear Mind.—The stomach is the workshop of the vi- tal functions and when it gets out of order the whole system clogs in sympathy. The spirits flag, the mind droops and work becomes im- possible. The first care should be to restore healthful action of the stomach and the best preparation for that purpose is Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills. General use fbr years has won these a leading place in medicine. A trial will attest their value. Any husband who is made good by nagging will bear watching. Minard's Liniment Cures Carpet In CoWs, CANARIES WERE VACCINATED Nothing is too small for the at- tention of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, provided it is connected in any way with infection. It appears that the canary suffers from a sort of marsh fever, oolnniunicated to it by an insect known as the cortex. Dr. Rout, head of the institute, has told the Academy of Science that the bacillus of this fever has been isolated and a serum made to in- oculate other canaries. Canaries vaccinated with this serum proved comparatively immune against ,the attocks of the codex, while non- inoculated birds stiffened severely when attacked. There are many ways o a husband; being a g• Lone of them. tip Y:.,,.. 1.ter>:. rn Fire, Ladhtsii ad Rust and Storm Proof 11: arable one, Ornamental Let us know the size cf any roof you are thinking of covering and wa will make you an interesting offer. Metallic Hoofing Co. Limited MANUFACTURERS TORONTO and WINNIPEG gsa taatvfaaeasezerr ars',surateociw s 8o'I1�Ir Mop Shines Sieves So They Slay Shined "Black Knight" is a joy to every woman who' takes pride in her home. It enables her to have the stoves always clean, freshly, pelf lied and brilliantly black. 'Black Knight" 1s ready to use —easily applied—and a few rubs brings a mirror-like polish. "Black knight" does away with all the hard work and dirty work of stove polishing. rr yopx dealer ebpuld not hero ,Knight', we wbltaend you ea agge dau, pas5palb, for roe. 1111gA Al'e� 11t11ey Co, i udiee& sant. a$ *OrreolVforesnws'�3er t"tot Pers.