The Brussels Post, 1911-1-26, Page 5If
E 6 U ,
luttt••• R. MoORAOKJ N-
♦ Iaeuer of Marriage Llp. enseo, Of.
Doo et Oroyery, Purntaorry tttoet, C1rp06ele,.
K, O. 7'. M.
Brussels e f o N
Rent the ao q0 4
T u M nU a o 2
1 4
bold their regular me to inbe Dodge
h tr , d
t eg eF g
Inco, Booker Bl01 ouUI the tat and Ord
Tuesday evening, of each month,
Visitors always weleowe.
A, SOMERS, Com, A. MoGIIIRE, 8, K.
Mee Iu the Punt ounce, Bthel. 804
Agent Howiek Mutual
Fire Iuaurauoe Company
moo and Reeldenae-
better men, In leas time and lase chargee
than any other Auotieneer in East Huronor
be won't charge anything. Bates and orders
can always be arranged at this °Moa or by
p eroonal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at theoffice of Tan POST, Brussels. 2211
TV •
• Berrleter, Nollo/tor, Ouuveyaneer,
Notary Public,. &c. u16oe-Stewart's. Block
1 door North 0f Central Hotel, •
Sultailor for the Metropolitan Bank,
reoonr'ooa•,K.C. R. 0.,H►Ya
OWcel-Tbbee formerly occupied by Messrs
Catner00 & Hoag
y g
Busllnslts Cards IFin,•Sec„ T. G. Batelitfe ; Treasurer',
Price )•r
Vt1ce D Min av;
V a ( u
1 , 1 i ,
MISS BERTHA ARMSTRONG Conductor, 1V Boyd R. S N Q t1
Teacher or Pians Porter L S. T. G., J; Dionne , 11,.
Studio at Qarter's Music Stere,eno dour North
of the Standard Sunk, Brussels. 8•tf
tae pissed agooesafully her impend examine.
to the To-
to f
Eon or oPianoforte De
arta n
to tae pupils at he of ntnsio, olid .% prepared
'bacess re
to take pupils at her Home, Pt et
V.0,,•3. Dickson; L. S. V, G. ,Too.
Valiance • R. S, S., J, A. Mol3ain ; 'L.
S. S, W G, . i\1cOlrila ; I, G., ,Jas.
FergusonHamilton I elt,uscrn O, G., rhos, 11
Ohaplaul,iI'. G. Ballantyne, After
C es were
the installation short slice h
eG made and a lunch served in their hall.
All presort were highly entertained,
A. Y. F, A, of r trinity Ohtu'ch,
Blyth, Witt hold a Valentine Social on
St, Valentinljs night, Feb. I4th,
in Tttdustry I3:t11. • •
R, R, Sloan left, for Toronto, whither
he expects to bo sent out in the St.
Catharines disll'ict in connection with
the fruit firm he is engaged with.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
Church will hold a Shredded Wheat
Banquet in the basement ,of lllechurch
on Monday evenieg, lvi:bpuety 20tJt.
A good program is being prepared.
R. Stewal t, n foretop femme or
West Wawanosh, who has been
living in Lown for the bast few Years,
has purchased tt farm hear ldepwol•th
and will clove there in the early
Spri ng.
Albert Sellers, of Chicago, and
Russel Sellers, of Valparaiso, Ind.;
Who: have been here attending the
ferment of their grnndumthei', the halo
Mrs. Coulter, have returned to their
respective Inures.
E. T. Adams, who has conducted a
jewelry store in town for the past
year, is closing up his business
through an arrangement wiili Robert
McKay w11rf`has bought part of the
stock, Itis 115 intention to move the
balance of the stock out West, where
he is going in a couple of weeks,
RECEPTION.- Mfrs, W. H. Cooper
held hep post -nuptial reception lit the
Parsonage oil Wednesday afternoon
and evening and of Thursday aloe -
noon. The bride wore tt pretty
Sees of titulary silk and many callers
braved the stormy elements and came
and went during the afternoon, The
drawing room where the'' handsome
bride greeted the guests was snitably
decorated with carnations and fends.
The tea table was also •very taste-
fully arranged with many dainty
confections and the guests were innst
attentively waited on by Misses. Long
Bergman, lungeland and Coulter,
while Mrs. Schaefer and Miss 'White
poured the tea. -Sun, Milverton.
J. P. Bell has disposed of his laundry
business to Willard Elliott.
J. Curtis, principal of the Public
School, was on the sick list.
Special evanigelistic services are be-
fug held in the Presbyterian
Mrs. Coates of London, visited her
mother, Mrs. Anent, for a few days
'Paltep Gibson, who'is employed in
the Furnitnr'e factory, while at work
the other day had the misfortune to
slip and fall, in :ming. one of his arras
and will be laid a ,,_fol• a few days.
The Quarterly Board of the Seaforth
Methodist church has extended air in-
vititti0tt to Rev. A: W. Barker,' B. D.,
of Comber, to become pastor at the
close of the present Conference year.
D. T. Pinkney and Jr. F. Daly, in
the interest of the `Citizen's Band,
solicited subscriptions for the purpose
of baying uniforms, Their efforts
met with the helrrty approval of the
people as a large ailment was snbsct'ib-'
Our reade0s•.will. regret to learn of
the sudden death of J. C. Harstone, B.
A., au foruler principal of the Seafoeth
Collegiate Institute, which occurred
in Weston High School ou Tuesday
morning of last week. While in Sea -
forth he was very popular and hissad-
den death Will be a matter of regret
to -his many old friends and ex•pupils
in Seaforth and vicinity. While con-
ducting the devotional exercises at the
Weston High School, J. 0. Harstone,
the .principal was seized with heart'
failure and died in a few minutes.
For several days he had suffered froth
at heavy cold but no. serious results
Were ever thought of by .himself, his
family o• his friends. When he was
seen to -stagger smite of the senior.
pupils and the assistant principal at
once went to his assistance and a doe -
toe, was summoned, but ML'. Hatstone
lived only a few Inmates.
The annual meeting of the Seaforth
Agriculture! Society was -held in the
Commercial lr[rtel on Wednesday
aftex'noou of last week. Treasurer's
repm•t showed the society to be in
good film:mild standing, with a halftime
of over $200 in the treasury. It was
decided to hold a Spring Fair this
year, the date to bo fixed later. The
date set for the annual Fall Fair was
Thursday and Friday, September 21
lund22. Following officers were elect-
ed . President, J. P. Daley; vice-presi-
dent, W. Chariot s ; second vice, J.
Baoheler of Medicine, 'University of Toronto 1
Ideent1ate end Graduate 91 the College of Phy-
aiolane anti Surgeons, Ont, Fost•grnduate
Eye, Ear, Nose anal lthront ilos7]ltai,
aoltn.goe111 Bx Torouse Surgeon to St. Mion.
OlOoe over it. It. settees Drug store: Tole•
phone eon:Motion with Uranbrook nt all hours.
Physlolan and Surgeon ;Post Grndunte coarses
Gondar (10lg ), .Naw York and Chicago. Hon•
pilels, elpesiolattenOlon to disease of eye, ear.
nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses.
Dental Surgeon - '
Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto
University ; Lioentiato'of Royal Collage of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office to Smith.
Block recently vacated by Dr. Fetid.
R. M: Al' LEAN. -D,0.S„ L,O.S.
Gerrie, Ont.
Honor graduate Uxiversify of Toronto, De-
partment of Dentistry; Grndunte Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. A t Wren.,
eter every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesdaay.
Chloe in Grand Central block. At Fordwich
every Friday forenoon. Office in Gerrie to
Leech's Block. 21.Om
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
QlOWD Teux •R zg. W2?
Goma Some GOING Norm
Mail 7:05 a m Express ... ,.,.10:65 A m'
Express 11126 n m Mxil 1:44 p m
Express 8:02 p m Express 8:69p mammo:am roomy
To Toronto - -To Goderlch
Express..,...... 7:41 a m Express 11:87 a to
Express 2:57 pm I Express 7:26 p m'
Going East - 7:06 e. m. and 8:56 p. m.
Going West el 12:48 and 0:47 pont.
All: trains going East connect with 0. P. R, at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T.
G. B, stations.
GEC. ALLAN, Local A gent..
3 istr'T.Ct.. CTUa
Oat. W H._Guuilr 's resi`nati nc
of the position of High Onustatble of
. the County of Huron- has- been -placed
Royal Mail Steamers
From at. John From Halifa 4
Hesperian .. . Fri. Deo. 28 Sat. Dee, 2
Tunisian ....... Sat. Deo. 81 ` .
Corsican Fri an. 0 Sat. Jan. 7
Grampian Fri: Jan. 20 Sat. Jan. 21
Corinthian ..... From Boston Fri. Dec. 28
Lake Erie From Boston Fri. Jun. 6
Pretorian.1.-From Boston Fri Jan. 20
• Superior accommodation may be obtained at
minimum rates on sallinge for the balance of
the Winter season. •
RONATION, June 2lnd 1911
Reservations for May, June and July soilinge
should be mode as soon as possible to obtain
choice of. accommodation. Reservation lists
now open. Full 'information ne to rates, eta.,
on applioation to
Agent Allot. Line, Brusaele.
The Allan Line, 77 Yonge 01., Toronto
Regular Monthly 'Horse Fairs will be
' held in Brussels this season as follows
THURSDAY, Jan. 6th, 1911
" ' Feb. 2nd, 1911
" Mar. 2nd, 1911
" April (th, 1911 '
• lending local and outside buyers will be present
To Machinery Users
and Farmers
' "VY -
The. New Machine Shop of the
• • and MACHINE Co.
is now ready for business. and, a
• with good MachiHell and Skilled •
• Mechanics, we are in 00 position •
toattehd to your reptiles prompt-
ly'and at reasonable rates.
If you will let us know you', a.
Wants we will give yon honest .
• advice and help if nonnected
• with Machinety.
ZGive Its rt trial and, by coming
to I3rnss0ls, save time and money
for yourselves.
• • o
! Mill Street Brussels
before the County Council at its meet -
log this week. •
J. Soilade, having some• time ago;
banded in his resignation as leader, of
the 33rd Regiment Band, J. B. HAM ter
has been appointed by the executive.
of the • Goderich, Musical Society to
fill the position.
Rev. W. W. Stoddart has received
and accepted a call to the pastorate of
Memorial Presbyterian church of
Rochester. N. Y. This is. ole of the
strong churches' of Rochester, wish a
membership of 700 aud a liberal stip-
end. 101i'. Stoddart will take charge
of his new work on February 1st
tery of Huron held its regular meet-
ing on Tuesday of last week in Willis
church; Olinton. All but twomiuist-
ers were present and the following
elders ; H. Shang, of Exeter; W.
Kydd, of Thames Road ; 0. McKay, of
Kippen'i J. Young, of Auburn ; J.
Brigham, of Blyth ; T. Grieve, of Sea -
forth; and ' W. McCash, of Varna.
The session records were .presented
and examined. The elders' commis-
sions were presented and their 101nes
part upou the roll of Presbytery.
Auditors were appointed and the
treasurer's accounts audited. Mr.
Smith resigned the interim moderator-
ship of Bayfield and 101o. Johnston,' of
Varna, was appoiuted to that olice.
Rev. N1r. Small's Motion, changing:
the tithe of March meeting to Monday
evening, and occupying the evening
sederunt with the eonsideralion of ton -
null reports and popular addresses
by convenors of committees on moral
and social reform, evangelism and
systematic beneficence, was carried
and an invitation to hold the next
regular meeting in Blyth- was ac-
cepted. The consideration of the
Assembly's remit on church union
was 'approved. This approval is
given in the belief that the 'rights of
sessions and congregations will be
guarded. .The next meeting is to be
held at Blyth on Monday, March 601o,
at 8 o'clock, •
While a number of boys were coast-
ing down a hill at J. B. Hamilton's,
8011 con. West, Norman, sou of Scott
and Mee. Hamilton, had the rnisfort-
one to have his right leg broken near
she thigh which will necessitate hint
being in bed for eight, weeks.
Albert Hammond, W110 has conduct-
ed the harness business in this village
fur the mast 14 years, bus sold to Fred.
Liersch, who has been employed in
the same shop for a long while, ale.
Hammoticl intends moving o'n the
faun, en which Alf. Edwards is living,
situated on lot 31, con. 6, Mina.
I IDuring the. past year the Trow-
bridge Oheede facto] y received 1,880,
111 lbs milk and made 1,721,491 lbs
cheese, the aveta a price of cheese,
10,709c, total member of boxes ship-
ped 2112, The ,patrons received
;1:15,603.61, manufachiring and box-
ing, $1,280,70.' Average number of
lbs of milk to make 1 Ib of cheese,
10 84. bolliwiiag au+e the officers
for 1911. Pres.. Reid Moore, Vire-
Pres. John tinntiltou, Jose John-
stun, J'. 14. 111elvili, E. L. lialpenlly,
Salesmen, •
1. 0. 0.F. --At there nhte Meeting
of Atwood Lodge, No. 382 I. 0. 0. F„
the following ntficers elect were 111•
stalh•d into their eespeetive places by
J1 D. C1, 1t. An,lc tsin, and staff, as
follows 'l 1. P. G, Ji os, fl100ilCot;
G., :lithe Roger ; V. O„ 10. I.I.
Swing ; Ree. -Seo.. Jas. 11. Dickson •,
remains were Interred 1tl Chicago on
Biel onlay, 'the synlpMhy of many
stutlris will be txttudtcl to the tlonrtt
ed mother the' e ativeo t r
l i and other t ll r e l
N lends. I
liitoltitN LEG, -Robert .Grieve, Of
going back
into McKillop
oifioKi'lop, met with a paleracciden
on Wednesday of ltsl are s. ieWas
otMata foe wood,ad when passing.
omits mill a team standingii fioa
of the mill ran away, Mr, Grieve did
By Lydia Ee Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Gardiner, Maine. -"I have been a
great sufferer from organic troubles
and a severe female
weakness. T 1 e
doctor said' would
have to go to the
hospital for an
operation, but T
could not bear to
think of 1t. l de-
cided to try Lydia
E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound
and Sanative W ash
-and was entirely
cured after three
months' use of them." -Mrs. B. A.
Wirma e, R. P. D. No. 14, Box 89,
Gardiner, Me.
No woman should submit to a surgi-
cal operation, which may mean death,
until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made exclusive-
ly from roots and herbs, a fair trial.
This famous medicine for women
has for thirty years proved to be the
most valuable tonic and renewer of
the female organism. Women resid-
ing in almost every city and town in
the United States bear willing testi-
monyyto the wonderful virtue of Lyslia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
It cures female ills, and creates radi-
ant, buoyant female health. ' If. you
are ill, for your own sake as well as
those you love, give it a trial.
Mrs. Pinkbam, at Lynn, Mass.,
Invites all sick women to write
berfor advice. Her advice is free,
and always helpful.
McDowell ; secretary, M. Broderick ;
treastn•er, A. E. Colson ; directors.
W. Arneut, Seafotth,•`D. FoLheeing-
ham, A. Broadfoot and W. Wallace,
Tuckersmith ; J. L. BWewn, .James
Dorrance, James Evans and. Jas.
Carlin, McKillop'; Wm. Rinn, Hullett.
Honorary directors R. Scarlett•, J. S.
Smith and James Cowan,McKillop
R. Charters W R Smillie, J. B. Mc-
Lean and George Dale, Tnckersumth ;
James Dick, T. E. Hays, Thomas
Stephens, D. T. Pinkney and. Gooige
Chesney, Seaforth.
The annual meeting of the Farmer's'
Institute will be held in Brown's Hall,
Fordwich, on Feb. 0th.
While H. W. Laird was attending
to some colts, one of them caught him
by the tight eat and tore the cartilage,
Finelwicll Rural Telephone 0n.,
Limited, which has purchased Dr.
Foster's lines, held a meeting in
Brown's. Hall. W. H. Gregg was ap-
p} ointed chairman and Millon Lenmtrdi
secretary. Following Provisional
Directors have been appointed-: 'Alex.
Gibson,, Joseph Williamson, Thomas
MK/lenient, Bert Oonper and Harvey
Sparli itg.
W. Wyatt, of New Ontario, is re-
newing old acquaintances in this
George Hain has resigned from
0ffire in connection with the Me
Killop Municipal Telephone Company.
Jos. Dorrauce, of Saskatoon, fs
spending a few weeks in this section.
He is combining business with pleas-
ure and is buying a car of colts to
ship West to put' on his ranch. Mr.
Dorrance has prospered since going
West. '
HYMIi7NEAG.-A very quiet event
took place at the Parsonage, Brussels,
when Anna, only daughter of Albert
and Mfrs. Constable, of Leadbury, wars
united in marriage to David Hall, of
Saskatoon, on Wednesday, January
111h. Their many. friends wish them
a lnsppy and prosperous life.
DIED INCIIICAno.-Daniel Knechtel,
an old Heron boy, and a son of Mrs.'
Knechtel, of Harpnrhey, aid ie°thee
to 1V1n, Knechtel, of this township,
died at his hone in Chicago on Jan-
uary 11111, Deceased had been a resi-
dent of Chicago for about 20,years.
He was 58 years of age. Bright's
disease was the clise of death. The
to make room for Spring Goods
Men's $11 Suits for 6 98 Boys' $8 Suits tor 4 00
Men's $12 Suits for 7 89 _ Boys' $6 Suits for 3 53.
Men's $ 9 Suits for 5 89 Boys' $5 Suits for 3 17
Men's $ 8 Suits for 4 39 Boys' $375 Suits 2,67
You can hovel Butt or 50 Blake at those prices.
6 only Boys' Overcoats at Half Price
l only Man's. Imit. Fur -lined Overcoat with fur
collar, at 15.39 worth $23.00.
I onlyLadies' Ponnetta Coat worth $18 for 9.79
Ladies' Dress Goods, ,Flannelettes and Groceries
at Lowest PriceS.
g-Tlaesc 1)010es are unquestionably Great Bargains and mist be
Geo. M. Mitchell.
notice them eounog entithey
were close behind him, and he Was
Unable to get out of the way of tic•
count of 111e rigs in front or hint, The
runaway teals crashed right on top
of his sleigh, will Mr, Grieve undo.
there, with the result that his right
leg was b1'.okeu at the ankle joint,
If Vou,Have• Scalp or Haire Trouble,
Take Advantage of This Offer,
We could not afford to so strongly
endorse Bexail "03" Hair Tonle and
continue to sell it as we dm, if 11 did not
do all we 01111111 it will. ,`ih Auld 'our
enthusiasm can.'3Ins away, and Resell
"93" Bair Tonic 000 give entire satis-
faction to the users, they would lose
faith in us and our statements, and in
consequence our business prestige
would suffer.
We assure yon that if your hair is
beginning to unnaturally fall out oi' if
you -have any scalp trouble, ljexall
"93', flair Tonic will promptll eradi-
cate dandruff, stimulate hair growth
and prevent preinature baldness.
Our faith in Rexall "98" Hair Tank
is so strong that we ask you to toy iC
on our positive guarantee, that your
money will he cheerfully refunded if it
does nit do as we claim. Two sizes,
50c. and $1.00. Sold only at our store --
The Rexall Store. F. R. Smith.
Andrew Yule has been very low
with pneumonia but his condition is
improved and he is now likely to pull
Mayor Vanstooe, of Geavenhilrst,
who is an old Listowel boy, was re-
turned by acclamation .t'or a second.
term. .
Inn tits Methodist Church' On Banally,
there was missionary addresses given
by Mrs. Gordan. H. Wright, Pres. of
the Loudon Conference Nis. branch.
The 28th Regiment of Porth avid
have a representative at the Corona-
tion l0 England next Summer and
Capt. Bricker, of Listowel, has, we
understand, the first chance of going.
At the regular meeting of Bernard
Masonic lodge Won shipful blaster
Joseph Ainlay was presented with a
handsome Past Master's jewel, in ac-
cord/thee with the custom of the lodge.
As well as being Past Mester, B
Ainlay is also the Master for another
F. Buchanan was iu Hamilton at-
betding a meeting of the Board of
Directl'ls of the R. T. of T.
Tax Collector C. N. Griffin has re-
turned the toll, and reports the taxes
fully paid up, except in one case,
where they are returned against the
The entertainment in the opera
house on Tuesday evening, under the.
auspil•es of the High School was -well
alteuded. J. W. Bengough fully
sustained his reputation as a popular
,titer 1101001'.
There passed away in 1Vingham, on
Wednesday morning, of hist week,
Mary Anti Solute. wife of Eli Elliott,
in her 06111 year. Funeral took place
from her late residence at Winghaw
brick -yard Friday afternoon at 2
Perth County
The contest in conuectiou with the
Epworth League of the Methodist
church St. Marys is (rousing great.
interest, At the last meeting of the
League about fifty new members were
The Caloric Gazette has a notice'
that application is to be macre to the
legislature for a charter by the Stoat-
ford Railway 00., composed of St
Marys capitalists, with power to con-
struct a street railway in the city and
to construct an interurban line
thlougli St. Marys -to Lake Huron.
John lleUlary, one of Rev. Jas.
Livingstone's old church meuchets in
Loudon, seems to have a warm .spot
for his former pastor, who is now
stationed at Mitchell. While in Lon-
don be always sent hila a cheque for
$50 as at Christmas box, and since
leaving there a cheque for $25 has
cone as vegetally as the years roll by.
In addition to this illy. Livingstone
received front the same gentleman $80
just prior to his leaving for Victoria,
B. 0., last Fall, to attend the Meths.
dist Cnufe,ence. Such tokens of ai:)-
preciation are creditable to the donor,
and are heartily appreciated by the
Stratford District Loyal Orange
Lodge No. 1 was held in M•lite.hell ou
Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 10. There
was a good attendance, and all prim-
ary lodges of the district were repi'e-
denled. The following officers were
elected for 1911 : 13r, NL, T, Boyd,
Mitchell ::D M., G. Heagy, Stratford ;
Chap., E. Ecknlier, Brodbagen ; Rec.
Sec., E. Harris, Mahaffy ; Fin. Sec.,
A. Mills, Oat lingfotd ; Treas.,S. L.
Ireland, Stratford ; D. of 0„ R.
Buchanan, Stratford ; Lectulecs, J.
0. and Fred. Dunseith, Stet -aced.
Past County Master J. 0. Dunseith in-
stalled the officers, after which ap-
propriate speeches were made. The
sena-annual Meeting will be held in
Stratford next Jnue.
Following tu'e the salaries paid at
Mitchell to the Municipal officiary :-
Salaries are, Clerk, $426 ; Street Oom-
utissioner and Day Constable, $500
Night Watchman, $860 ; Assessor,
$100 Auditors each, $25 ; Electrician
and Engineer and Fire Co. left to
Electric, Light Commission. Officials
are Clerk, A. D. Cameron; Street
Commissioner and Day. Constable, W.
11. Cooper; Night Welchman Wm,
`.Churns; Assessnt,:l, Skiunet Audi-
tors, 'l'V. Babb and C. Woodger ; High
School Truster, If, batten, Public
Library, W. .:Forrester ; Board of
Health, 1 Wm.iJeisil.l I oundkee tern
1 Istel
1 ,
1.Gardner, 0. Pearce, Wan Slone
Civil Engineer, Sohn Roger ; Band
Re tesentativc, .1 Broderick own
t Solicitor, F. M. Thompson, K.
T.I. 0. ; 1
Feuceviewers, lt, Betbb, T, Golloitz, r.
Moore. G. freealt' '.I.Skai
et rind
S. Nicholson,
Oofnlllanut leas elgloin been node to
Mitellell P011ce pltagistrltte of lllleged
disorderly conduct, at reiigious meet-
hugs held inStetffa, by certain young ,,,,,,,A644,4,4,4,.+44.4,6+4,4,40,1,44.1..
r o' respectable lia•i i'
men 1 1 apl ctllble 1 g1 n
aitimpossible tRu maintainutinny
,C11istrmts Tree Festival the pastor
tle neighborbuod. At. the Methocisiar ana mf the mtg m n vhsn,H.McLeIIaud
'1 re IP r f.+
nil member o the It. l vedb a x le
Y '3'
ll1n •
church. challenged y gentleman u o
l a 1. 81 lege' the ge It tt 1
"come outside.' The Magistrate has dr E % H "E '"
n10relief to offer. He -is 1700 a const -4. IP
able, but if an information is laid he- • ' :
and bt, charge is proven, such punish-
nionsttnluy be depended upon null as will
preventtt roped Hoe of such unseemly
fore him against the offending parties 't'
New Jewelry Stare
1Vatoh Repairing r
Jewel. Repairin •
•1. Chick Repairing •
Engraviu r
•• Art exceileut stock of \Vatehes, b
4. O10eks and Fine Jewelry. Stec. •
At Best Market Prices
I pay best in prices for Mink, Coon, Muskrat,
Weasel, Lynx, Bear, &e.
Ipayell express charges, charge no coo-
mission. I hold furs separate on request,
Write for my latent price lint,
•y. ling Silver and Plated \'pare at ;
♦ -
your service.
• Engagement and •
Wedding Bingo
72 Colborne st., . Toronto Ont. +4040+4++•44+•÷41+410.1444+41.14 +1P
Give Children Good Bread and Buller
OU may say bread is bread and all children want
PenofIn a way,that's true.
plenty Y
difference • it: makes considerable whether the
bread you give your children now counts just as a
"filler" or whether it counts for future health. For
there is a vital difference between breads made from
different flours.
The most healthful as well as the cheapest food
in the world is bread made from
Royal Household Flour
This bread isn't merely something
to fill a hungry stomach. It is a
perfectly balanced food, rich in strength -
giving, blood -making' material.
It counts for long life.
It counts for a vigoreru eon.ttitulion.
It counts for bone and muscle making
and good rich blood.
And this because "Royal House-
hold" is made from the finest
wheat in the world -the
famous Red Fyfe -richest in
high quality gluten, most in
demand, and most valued in
all the markets of the world.
Growing children thrive on bread
made from "ROYAL HOUSE-
HOLD". It gives them just the
nourishment their systemaneed and in
the most digestible and tempting form.
And it is natural food. 'It takes
the place of meat, at one quarter of
the cost, and is more quicldy assimilated.
There is no better flour in the
world than «ROYAL
HOUSEHOLD", it is best
and most economical : for
Bread, Pies, Cakes, Rolls,
Muffins, Biscuit, and all
fancily baking. 29
Write for Ogilvie "Book for a Cook'. sent free -mention name of your dealer.
"A newspaper -not an organ."
The newspaper for the man who courts open-minded dis-
cussion on all public questions and who expects support of right
-of justice -and of decency in the treatment of;'public affairs.
A newspaper with definite opinions on all political social
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editorials are fair--broad-minded-honest-and written by some
of the cleverest writers in Canadian Journalism to -day -just
such a newspaper as an aggressive and intelligent Canadian
people mill enjoy and read with profit.
1.50 a Year
This paper and the Toronto Daily Star together
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