HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-1-19, Page 8Nyal's - Cod Liver Compound Cod Liver Oil is preseribed for man Y people who cennot toke it ifettause it IlflUeenteS thelh. When you pee ioo for a large bte He of Hyena Cod Liver COM- • poencl yoe luvest in a remedY Yon Pail tette. It le pleasant to the Isiste and Call be taken by anyone at limy season, Nothing better tor a cold Hort is banging on, or for e rile clown sys- • tem, It increases the appetite, tinkle up and gives health and strength to ward of disertee. .--We also have the Soc size as well as the large package at Rubber The Best Servant 1 Is a Strong GOOdS of the Farmer 1 .Chartered Sank When yot; have occaelon to buy ting the yelue far your Money. Rebber ficeals you depend on get - The a There is perhapS AO Dile that turns Metropolitan B nk oet very often different from what . it was represented. Our stook of Makes a Specialty of the business of Farmers Hot Water Bottles god and extends to them most Reasonable Terms. Fount* Syringes • Contains the best grades as well as some of the cheaper ones, hut we sell them for exactly what they are worth, and just as• low as is consist .ent with the qoality. When you need these items see our stock before buying, It will pay Also a hill line of Atomizers, F. R. SMITH, DRUG GIST AN.D 13 VATIONER •ffirommaciamemirro gutal Ittins gtents ALL varieties of weather in one day. A, 0, U. W, Friday evening of this week, MONTHLY Horse Fair, Thursday, February and. RENEwst and new subscriptions have been rolling in to THE POST for which the Editor is grateful. Howlex-Mutual Fire Insurance An. -nual meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Gerrie, Friday of next week, at 2 p, m. SAVE •L'ROUBLE. - The person who took a Persian lamb cap from the hall of the Central Hotel, last Monday, is asked to return the same and save further trouble. GoltDON MCDONALD. STRATFORD DAILY HERALD.- Ar- rangements have been made with the Stratford Daily Herald whereby we can club it with THE POST for sett at the low price of e12.so for the two, Sample copies may be seen at our office. AT Hogs -The Annual Masouic At Home under the auspices of St, John's Lodge, Brussels, will be held in the • Town Hall, on the evening ot Wednes- day. 25th inst., J. H. Cameron, vocalist • and entertainer, of Toronto ; Miss Griffin. of Wingham, and the Tony Vitae Orchestra, of London, have been engaged for the occasion. COURT PRINCESS ALEXANDRIA. -The following officers were installed for the coming term in connection with Court Princess Alexandria, C. 0 F. Brussels, at the regular meeting held m Tuesday of last week t -C. R., lohn Shurrie ; V. C. R., Jas. Burgess; Ree. -Secretary, T. L. Callan ; Treas., R Leatherdale ; s ---YriT.--Sec., S. T Plum ; S. W., John Currie; J W., Ed Lowry : S. 13. Jas. Shurrie ; j B , Wm Bernard. BY a mistake in bottles, exactly alike, a person iu town received a dose of saltpetre instead of salts last week. A physician was called and prompt tneasnres used so no serious results fol • lowed. It was an anxious time for a . while. Auother warning not t 0 trust to unlabelled bottles Somebody advises the placing of a pin in the cork of each bottle of poisonous tendency with the • pin poiut through the top of the cork so that in handling the danger can be de- tected in light or dark, WoitiaN's INSTIUTE.-Instead of the regular monthly meeting on the 2oth, there will be a meeting in the Carnegie Library Monday afternoon, Jan. 23rd, when Mrs. Woelard, of Toronto, will give an address on "Canning Fruit." • There will also be an exhtbit of beautiful ._ fancy work. Meeting to commence at 2.3o. The officers hope to see a good representation of ladies of Brussels and serrounding couutry present at this meeting. Lunch will be served. BAST HURON SCHOOL INSPECTORATE - There will be a lively hustle among the eligibles for the position of Public School Inspect* in East Huron, render- ed Vacant by the resignation of D. Robb B. A. .Atnong the applicauts are Messrs. :smith, ot Wiugliam ; Pield, of Goderich ; and Weidenharner, a Exeter. The selection, will be made next week at the sessiop of the Co. Council. We hope whoever receives. the appointment ss---thatsthe same success may attend the work as has marked the career of In. specter Robb for the past 21 years. I 0. 0. F. -Following are the offi- cers of Western Stat. Lodge, No. 149, I, 0. 0. F. Brussels, for the current ' term :-Noble Grand, M. Slack ; Vice- Gradd, W. Btoadfoot ; Recording. Secretary, W. H. McCracken; Financial Secretary, A. McGuire' Treasurer, E. S. Scott ; Chapleitt R. Leatherdale ; Warden, R. Henderson ; Conductor, Jas., Tones; Inside Guard, Fraucis Dun- can ; Outside Guard, W. Martin ; R. S. N. G., Thos. Miller ; L. S, N. G. Will, Beaker •, R. S. V. G., Norman iorbes ; Is. S. V. 0., Robt. Oliver; R. S. S., Fred, McCracken ; L. S. S., Alex. An- derson. D. D. 0. M. Brown, of Wrox- eter, being in ettenclatice installed the .officers and afterward addressed the • .i9L'ed.0, . MRS. Mr.114,30 WALLACE DECEARED.- Friday morning of last week Mrs. IYItingo Wallace died at Clinton, after a brief illness iii her 85th year. She was born end married in Scotland and lived at Ayr, Ontario, before taking up resi- dence at Brussels well on to 50 years ago. • Mr, Wallace, wbo was a shoe- maker, died in 1879. The surviving children are 1 Wins ot London ; Mungo, a Rebublic, Mich. ; Mot Robt. Turn. bull, of Ayr; gm, Wm. Vincent, of St. Paul, Nebraska ; and Mrs Chris. Hel- mick, of Berlin, Funeral service wait •conducted at Clinton by Rev Mr Ford and the remains were brought to Brussels on Monde,/ and interred in the femily plot, Rev. Dr, Oaten reading the burial ' • service at the grave. Deceased hadbeett t about the house ae usual on Thursday. She hint lived at Clintoo for the poet 15 \refire, Her Physicien, Dr. Shaw, and the toiderteker Jos Dunford, were • former old Brussels friends. Wm Will. lace and Mrs. flelmich attended the funeral of their 11101110r, •111111111111111111•• M ONT ELY Horse Fair Thursday, Feb- ruary 2nd. Keep it in mind as it promises to be a big one. EAST Bottom Farmers' Institute meeting will beheld in the Town Hall, Brussels, Monday, 23rd inst. Speakers Gavin Barbour, Cross Hill ; Thos. Mc. Millen, President ; and Mrs. Woelard, of Toronto. Sessions open at 2 and 7..3o p m. Women's Institute will meet in the Public Library building audience room in the afternoon to bear Mrs. Woe - lard. The ladies will serve lunch at the close of tie meeting. HYMENEAL -A (Wet ceremony was solemnized at the Melville Manse, 00 WedileadaY, of last week, by Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., when Sylvester C. Fox, of Cranbrook, Oat., was married to Miss E. Matilda McCutcheon, eldest daughter of Johl McCutcheon, of Howick townships-, -The bride wore pearl silk and carried white carnations and lily of the valley. She was attend- ed by Miss Violet Adams, of Wroxeter. who was dressed in mauve and carried pink carnations. lohn McCutcheon. brother & the bride, acted as grooms man. They are going to reside in Brussels. as Mr. Fox has a good job at Pryne's Flour Mill. Gents' Glove found. Ask at THE Pon. "Summer" oranges at Grewer's. Save the wrappers. GOOD cow, due to calve. for sale. Tilos. NI moms, Bruseels. Do. Cerees, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be at American Rotel, Brine eels. Friday, Feb. Id. Glasses all ety les and prices fitted properly. Cataract, squint, cat- arrh, asthma, failing eyesight and deafneas treated. 50 cords of good green beach and maple wood wanted in exchange for harness. I. C. RIOnARDS. 850000 IIAND CUTTERS -A number of sec- ond hand cutters, as good afl 1101N, for sale at great bargains. D. Bevan. Brussel& Fon &ALP -1 large wood stove with double door and hot air pipe, a good heater ; also 1 heating drum and hot air pipes Apply to MIN IFIAttrDAY, Brussels. Wax, the party who took the heavy halter from in front of I. C. Richards' store on Tues- day please return or pay for it AR he 15 known. ELOcrUTION ..k5112 PRYEICAL OnT,Tuati.-Mias Ida Cole purposes organizing a class in Blom - thin and Physical Culture Persons desiroue of receiving instruction in either or both may have mirtieniars by conferring with Mildl Cole or calling No. 854 telephone, nr writing Bthel P. 0. She will ba at the Public. Library, Brno - eels, on Thursday, January 26th, from 2 to 6 FOR Pale a comfortable cottage on Eliznbeth street, Brussels. Apply to J. R. CAMERON. WELL bred roadster filly. 8 years old, for sale. 110112. Hatinensos, Brussels. COMEORTABLR house and yt, aore lot for sale at a bargain. Fruit, good water and .A 1 com- munity. For further particulars ask at TEE Posz tf WARN in town call and see a fresh set of teeth cut into any saw. My prices are lowest if you consider the extra benefit I am giving. T. McGregor, Brussels, Ont. 0- W. J. FERGUSON PASRED AWAY WITH CLOSING YEAR. -The Calgary Morning Albertan, of January and, speaks as follows of the death of a brother of the late lames Ferguson, of Brussels :-W. 1. Ferguson, of the Western Canada Land Company, of this city, died Sat- urday at his residence, 331 Eleventh avenue West. He was born in 185o near Arnprior, in the eounty of Renfrew, Ontario, and was the second youngest son of a family of thirteen. His parents were hardy Highland Scotch farmers, who helped to colunize McNabb town ship, in Renfrew county. Latter they moved to what is now known as the "Huron tract," and Mr. Fermi. son's boyhood days were spent on a farm near where tbe town of Brussels now stands. For four years he wee en- gaged in school teaching, at which he was most successful. In 1874, in com- pany with his brother Robert, he le- nioved to Portage la Prairie. Manitoba, Where the brothers went into business. While living there be contested the constituency of High Bluff and Poplar Point in the interests of the Norquair government, and though be was defeated by a narrow majority, yet he gained a reputation as a logical, clear amd able debater. When the Western Judicial district Was formed Mr. Fergu• son became clerk of the Surrogate Court and Court of Pleas, and offices in the new Court House at Brandon. In 1892 Mr. Ferguson came to Calgary. and ever duce his interests have been identified with this city. During these seventeen years he has been a most en. terprising and entbusiestic citizen, and Calgary has had few more ardent ad- mirers and advocates than be. Mr, Ferguson was married in 1894 to Miss Jeannie E. Grieve. of Arnprior, Ontario, and their life together has been a happy one. Their one soo, R.. P. Fergeson, i0ii well known Calgary citizen. Be- sides his wife end son his sister, EVirs Tames Broadfoot, of Glediiione, toba, and it brother R. Ferguson, at- torney-at-law, of Conrad, Montana suryive him. The funeral took place from the family residence, .The tributes were beautiful, Only relatives in ettendance et the funeral were R. Fergueon, ettorney•at law, of Conred, Montana, end Mis Ferguson, Mrs. Jos Cherie. of Claresholm abd Mise L. Ferguson, niece, Lethbridge, Alberta, recently of Brussels. Every Department of Banking is Conducted / Drafts and Money Orders Issued at Reasonable Rates BRUSSELSBRANCH F. BRANCF. H. GILROY, MANAGER ^ Hoes are up to es7:25 once more on Brussels market, EsseRuron Fall Fair will be held et Brussels on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 5 and et. Local, horse buyers are picking U0 lot of fine animals for shipment to the West. Prices rule high. Founts Division Court was held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday of this week before Judge Holt. LOYAL Temperance Legion will meet in the Carnegie Libraav audience room Friday afternoon at 4.55 o'clock. THE Ament factory and the Knitting Factory were both closed down during the past week owing to necessary re- pairs being required to the engines of the respective institutions. 11 Doseir miss the Fanners' Institute evening meeting next Monday at 7.30 o'clock in the Town Hall, The Dairy- maids' Fancy Drill will be among the pleasing features of the program. No admission fee. W. C. T. u. -The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the Lecture room of the Public Library on Friday Jan. 27th at 3 o'clock, when Mrs R. Oliver will give a paper on "Purity and Mother's Meetings " All the ladies are cordially invited to be presest at the meetings. Miss Ba.bara McKelvey, B. A., will Lave for Paris for February 1st, where she has accepted' the position &leacher of Modern Languages in the Collegiate in that town Miss MeKeivey has had an excellent training and we expect she will make a first class teacher. We wish her the SUCCESS she desires. DISTRICT L. 0. L. -The officers elected for 1911 in connection with Grey District Orange Lodge are as follows :-District Master. R. Barr, Ethel ; Deputy Master, Neil McNeil, Walton ; Secretary, Chas. Case, Walton : Tveasurer, Joseph Hamilton, Walton ; Dir. of Cer., S. S. Cole, Ethel. The Co. lodge will meet in Wingham on Tuesday, February 7th. THE illustrated Lecture, entitled From Coast to Coast", given in St, John's Chutch school room, Thursday evening of last week, by Canon Spenser, of Mount Forest. was an instructive and pleasing entertainment. The views were good, the commentary upon them concise and the illustrated hymns gave a variety to the program. Rev, Mr. Spenser has a number of illustrated lectures • FROM SAsKATOON -A letter from Mrs. James L Ireland, of Saskatoon, written January loth, says "We are having very cold weather but not as bad as in some other parts, Saskatoon has grown from z13 in 1903 to i5.000 in Iwo, quite all increase Property is going at a great price. Last week two lets were sold for 575 000 that had been bought for $2,500 seven years ago by the Meth- odist church. We enjoy living here and sometimes come act oss Brussels people. Wish you all a very prosperous New Year." HOCKEY .=-Two teams of young ladies of town playei a grime of Hockey on the Campbell rink Tuesday afternoon that attracted considerable interest. Reteree Hawkshaw perlormed the delicate task. so artfully that he carries no marks. The match WAS full of hits and misses, up to -date hockey with an occasional dash of old time "shinny" on the side. Nobody had to be taken home on a shutter and the girls enjoyed the fun fully as well as the sightseers. The line up was as follows :-- Nellie Fox R. Currie J. Ballantyne Aileen Scott Isabel Strachan CPearl Sharpe lara Lowry Nettie Brown Rhea Ernigh Ada bl Gore Stella Gerry Next game Tuesday afternoop. W. F. M S. -The annual meeting of Melville Women'sForeign Missionary Society was held recently anci a cheering report presented. There are 56 mem- bels and Sloe were the contributions last year. A branch hes been organized at Jamestown with hopeful prospects. The new topic cards for opt have been issued and deal with "Western Women in Eastern Lands." Polio Ong are the office bearers for this year t -Hon, President. Mrs (Rev.) 1. Ross ; Presi- dent. Mrs, G. A Deadman ; Vice. President, Mrs. M. W. Ferguson ; Secretary. Mrs, A. Strachan ; Assistant - Secretary, Mrs, 5 C. Wilson ; Treasur- er, Mrs. Geo. Thomson ; Asmatant. lleiteurer, Mrs W. Gillespie ; Organist, Miss Kate Deadman ; Tidings Secretary, Mrs. F. Sperling ; Assistant -Secretary Mrs. P. Watson ; .Auditors, Mrs. D. C. Ross and Mrs. Thomson. Meetinga are held the xst Thursday of each month at 3p. mi HERE FROM THE WEST. -An old time Brusselite is renewing former friendships here in the person of A. S. Crerar, of Binscarth, Man. He had been to Ot- tawa on the Farmers' delegetion ao dropped off at Stratford to visit in Perth and Huron. It is go years since he moved from here, where lie lived for 5 Years. That notalways easily weoed Dame Fortune has smiled upon him so that lie finds himself on Easy street He and his 2 SODS Still farm 570 acres of land. They sold 320 acres a few years ago for St2,o00 testi which they had perchosed 5 years previously for $3,350, Binecarth locality is evidently a fevered !toot AS Mr, Crerar 50510 30 th ittg OUtfita work within 0 radius of 8 PrOtil 300,000 to 400,000 bosliele of grain ere tnerketed annually there, Om harvest wise very good consideritig the poor cropa of many points, The .............................. !Boys andi i . • • Girls . * 4. .i. ' • 41* * + • .t.' Should learn -those subjects by : • 4. which they can earn a living. : :Spotton Business Colleges t . are the largest trainers in Oen- :r. • ado, and our graduatei secure sl; I the best positions. You can • + study at home, or partly it :. • home and finish at the College. • + ' • * : • Individual Instruction. i i Enter Any Day. t * : + * • • + t. , 1 : Wingham • . • STANDARD BANK E4"461 18" OF CANADA 80 BmIch" A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR . • is received in our Savings Bank Department, and • sufficient to open an accountand entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The . highest current rate of interest is allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time without delay. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. BRUSSELS BRANCH J. F. Psowl.einds Dieterstager lames O'Leary, of Winnipeg, former- ly of Brussels, is renewing old friend ships in Brussels. It is 04 Years since he left the Queen's Hotel here He stands the passing years well. Church Chimes Rev. Fr. Blair will conduct service in the R.. C Church next Sabbath moruing, Rev. Dr. Oaten, attended a meeting of the Conference Evangelistic Committee , at London, of which he VMS appointed • Secretary. Rev. Mr. McCarnus, of St. Marys, is Chairman of Committee. Next Sabbath morning Missionary addresses will be given in the Methodist Church, Brussels, by J. A Hunter and R A Pryne and contributions will be taken lor the cause. In the evening Rev. A, C. Wishart, B. A. of Melville Church. will preach sa sermon on the, same theme. Rev. Dr. Oaten will oc- cupy the Presbyterian pulpit. • The special services in Melville church were concluded Friday evening. Rev. Dr. Oaten preached a very profiiable sermon Thursday evening on "The Gospel -the power of God," Friday Rev Mr. Edmison, of Kincardine, oc- cupied the pulpit and presented a straight Gospel message on Dernas. Mrs. Addle Wright sang a very ap- propriate solo. + Business College* - Maitland Presbytery t 0E0. sporroe, Principal I 444.•+•44+•+#4.11+•+.4.44.444.• visitor will return to his Western home in the course of a week er so. People We Talk About Miss Isabel Dark is visiting friends at Cran brook. Miss Kate Manning Is visiting friends at Seaforth this week. Miss Mary Ross is renewing old friendships at Monkton. Mrs. T. Nichols was visiting her dough • ter. Mrs. W E. Duncan, at Petrolia. Miss Hamilton. of Gerrie, is visiting with ielatives and friends in Brussels. Martin Farrow, et Collingwood, was a caller on his fattier, Postmaster Farrow, last week. Miss Ste la and Ittissell Andrews, of Btuevale, were visitotis at George Col *in's over Sunday, R. IL and Mrs Green, of Cayuga, are here on 0 short liottlay with rela- tives ail 11 lerieeds MN ev.ileS, John street, has two. F0.1 S. a,datighter and two grandchildren Crum the West visiting her. Mr, and Miss Porterfield, of Mitchell; were renewing old friendships in Brus sets during the pat.t week. L. A. Wright. manager of the Bank of Hamilton, Prince Albert, visited at W. F. and Mrs. Stretton's. Miss Jean MeLauctilin, who was here for a few weeksrenewingoldirienciships. returned to her bonie at Toronto this week. Miss Carr, milliner, is visiting at her home in Midland for a few weeks. Miss Sanderson is attending to the 1,usiness here. '1'. H. Maxwell, who has spent the past 36 years in Winnipeg, was a visitor at the home of George Kerr during the past week. N F. and Mrs. Gerry, were visitors at Breckeu with W. F and Mrs. Stewart, Mrs, Gerry's parents, and W. H. and Mrs Stewart George Buchanan. 13. A. has moved from Saskatoon to Rainy River, Ont. where tie is engaged as teacher. We wish him SUCCORS. R. E A. Leech. Brandon, Inspector of Dominion Lend Agencies; oral a guest of his sister, Mrs (Rev ) Oaten on Wed tiesday of this week. Our olrl friend James Menzies Witham street, is haraly tip to concert pitch durhig the past week but we hope Ile will soon be able to lie dm& once more. Rev. 13 G. Powell, formerly of Brus- sels, performed the chaplain's functions at the luangural meeting of Exeter town Council. Thee should have had some of the liaisons at the closing 1001- iiigs 01 1911• We are pleased to elate that Miss Belle Henderson who is attending the Nor mal School at Se al fOrd, WAS in the honor roll at the Chi Wales exammatien Miss Henderson expects to complete her Course et Easter. Tuesday of this we. k John Wilton, Who has been on the staff of the Metropelitan Bank here, left for Milver- ton where lie will do duty for the brancli Mere. The Miltierton peeple will tied Mr. Wilton I ming nut* worthy of their respect and esteem We wish Win well, W, one Mr, Willett were at Henson visiting Hugh McMartin and family for a day orgwo. Mrs, Wilton is a datighler, Mr, McMartin's health has ilot been good of late and his relativee heye been mix - lotus abetit him as he is .getting well along in years. hieing in his 83815 year. Misses Luella and Gertie Ross attend- ed the wedding ea Miss Alice Pennock to Leo Ward tit Clifford on Wetitiesdey 01 this week. The happy groom it: a conductor oh the railway, Miss Pen- nock bee Visited the Missert Roes on varloutt Oecasietie In Be1Ho19. May Many haypy years etiMe to Mr, and 85 rs, Ward, ' The Presbytery of Maitland met at Pine River on Thursday. fan. 51.11, f or the induction of Rev. C, M. Rutherford, late of Dungannon. Rev, Mr Bremner presided as Mod- erator. Rev, W. J. West, M. A.. preach ed the itiduction sermon; Rev. Mr. Edrnisoa addressed the minister and Mr. Bremneritie people. Pine River is to be congratulated in securing a man of Mr, Rutherford's ability. At the conclusion of the inductiou at Pine River Mr. Bremner was presented • with a good sized cheque in acknowledg- ment of services as interim Moderator. Special evangelistic services are being held in many of the congregations of the Presbytery, Rev. W. J. West and Rev. A. L Budge assisted Rev. Mr. Gibson with a successful two week's eampaigu at Ayton. Huron County. The consolidation of a number of the town offices in the person of one official as proposed by some of the Hensall council. • Richard Aernsteong, of Newry, has sold his lalacksznithing business in that place and has rented the Kitten& farm, East of Molesworth. lie will t get possession on March lat. While sleigh riding on Harbor Hill, Gloderieh, a son of R. S. Oraigie met with an accident which resultedm a broken leg. Initial meeting of Howick Council was held in GOrrie when Mei. G. W. Walker was appointed clerk; J. H. Rogers, treasurer ; Dr. 'Whitely, medical health officer, and Alex. Mc- Laughlin, menaber of the Board of Health. Col. Higinbotham ex. M. P. for North Wellington, died at Guelph. Wilfrid Laurier has give!' notiee ore resolution for the renewal of the Pacific steamship subsides of 025,000 annually. Joint' Ridewood. of Smith's Falls, fell in attempting to jutnp a,picket fence and was seriously injured by the pickets piercing his thigh The meeting of the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Association at Perth passed an unaiiimousiresolution in favor of free trade in dairy products with the United States. 40.1.•••÷•+•+•+•+•4.••• +De* 44+ ch Business • undersighed having pin, •f ciliusetillites:tfilH tt)tekand otaoidloats, ilgtnsi will continue to 0101 3' it On in • t,he same peemises, Stretton j Blade, Benssels. He will keep 4 4. an up-to-date line of Tweeds, W'orsteds, Pattings, Vestings • and all other goods kept in a first-claell Tailoring establish.. ineut, • se Being a practical Tailor of 4. many years' experietice he is pre- pared to guarantee satisfaction ita to style and manufactere to all customers. Call and see our geode before placing your order. Wm. P. Fraser Merchant Tallor Brussels I .4.4•+.+.4.•+.4.40 •+40+44••••• Two men were poisoned ,with moon- shine whiskey at Ste. Agathe, Quebec. An order in Council has been passed at Ottawa allowing the construction of Hydro electric towers along the lake, on condition that the foundations of the towers be strengthened. Bruce County Council. Albeniarle-A. Waits . Aniabel-,R. L. Rusk. Arran -John H. Wiles. Brant, --Geo. McCallum Brant -Frank Fischer, Bruce -A, McLean. Bruce --A. Mewhinney. Carrick -M. Filsinger, ' Carrick -Coil, Schmidt. Culross -G. Falconer. Eastnor--J. II. Cook. , Elderslie-S. K. Ewart. Geeenock-D. Phelan. Buron-J. Brown. Huron -J. "Wilkinson. Hepworth -.T. Douglas. Kincardine Tp -Sas. •Hunter. Lindeay-A. Y. McDonald. Kinloss -D. A. McDonald, St. Echnuntle-D. Gillies. Saugeen-R. Smyth. Chesley-J. Grant. Lucknow- Moorehouse Mitchell. Paisley -I. f3hoemaker. Port, Elgin -D. Izzard, Southampton -R. H. Dobson. Tara -.T. Grant. Teeswater-S. R. Brill. Tiverton -J. H. McKay. Kincardine Town -Wm. Hunter. Walkerton -J. Henderson. Wiarton-G. Kastner. BORN BENDER -In Blyth, on January 7th, to Mr. and R Bender. a son. Damon -In Brussels. on January 15th, to 'Mr. and grs. H. Drage, 5000 TMICKLOW--In 11lms, On January 91h, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ducklow, a son. DIED BENDER -In Blyth, on January 901, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Bender DAye-At Milestone, Sask., on December lot, Lttlu Ames, beloved wife of H. 0. Cave, and daughter of Wm. Ames, fortnerly of Morris township aged 22 years, 10 months and 18 days. COULTER -to Blyth, on Jan. 10th, Mary Jane Coulter. eged 70 years.. Santanan-In Blum, Jan. 10th, James Hellen. Syne Shearer, beloved AOC of Jas. and. Mrs. ftlhearer;aged six months. The Minister Said : Dearly Beloved Brethren 4.3 am going to stop this .serenon right here. IloW eau I preach When two-I•hirtle Of the congre- gation ate cotighitor their beetle - off ? I earpestly eoninsend you before next, Sunday 001 DCA 10 go to FOX'S DItUO STORE and provide yooreolf With a bottle Of theie "Bleod Root" Corigli Cure Which ensts yon but 250 and cores it cold likemagic. The congregation is clistillesed." as. Fox DRUGGIST an STATIONER • Auction Sales FRIDAY, JAN 201M -Farm stock, imple- ments household furniture, tte., at Lot 28, Con. 8; Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 p, m. Itobt. Olome, Pron. 61 Scott. lino TUESDAY, FEB cTu.--Parm stook, Milne. Ments, furniture, etc.. Lot 88, Con. IL Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock. WM. SCHNOOK, Priv. F. S. Scott, Auc, BRUSSELS MARKET - 00 80 1080 no 72 ill 40 2 51 48 2 1 25 2) P0Otatoea 00 11 • Hogs 78 2080 79 2059 Hay Wheat Oats Peas Barley Butter Bogs The People' Column FDR SALE -A pair of standard bred fillies, 8 Mild). 00W14 and 5 head of young cattle. Pply on Lob 14, Con. 4, blorris. Brussels post - aloe. or telephone 185. • 204 JA 51I5S SHBoDDX. FARM FOR SAL12.-The-undursi1.ned offers for sale 60 acres of land. being Bast half Lots, Con. 8, Grey. All cleared and all in Crass For further particulars apply to Wins HOGG. proprietor, Lot 8, Com 4. Grey, Bilis. eels P 0. 29.2 Meeting of the Humn County Council The Council of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Climber, in the town of Goderish, at 8 o'olook, on the 24th of this month. All accounts for settlement must be phosed with the Clerk before this date. 4 Dated Jan. tith, 1011. W. LAND, Clerk, Notice To Contractors Seated tenders will be received by the mt. dersigned up to 8 o'clock m in., Thursday, Feb. End. for the ereotion of a new brick school house with cement basement in S. B. No. 1 Grey township 254 miles from Brussels. Plans and specifications may be seen et Lot 8, Con. 10, Grey. The lowest or any tender not necessarily aceepted. Separate sealed tenders will also be received for the numbest, of the old framesobool house. ANDREW LAMONT, Brussels, P. 0,, Secretary -Treasurer. 'Phone, 2814 se•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 e 5 • 1January Sale at : ......., . . • e • 1 mcLarems, . : • ............: • 8 • O The January Stock Reducing Sale offers a record- ell 0 0 O breaking cut in the prices of seasonable e Dry Goods and Clothing. • a o 9 a 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0° • 0 • 0128 0 o 00 NrWirN10"9""1"."1"N "V".^1r"."Nr".^r O 02 o 0 , 4.A.A...1.-46......A..k.A.46.A..6...A. o 03 • 0. 00 II Clean -sweep Sale of 0 0 0•00 Children's and Misses' Coats 021 21 : 00 Save money and fit your children out with : • : Winter Coats. Remeniber every Gar- : merit is Cut to Clear. • : • • : .......-1.--•-•••••-•-..............-•-•-•-•-•- : :• * • , • ..C.I‘A.a...A..A...1.4‘.....46,4tuth...6.A.A...e. • • Ladies' Long-Coaats I : . : • Only a few left to be cleared at Very : se • Low Prices. ' :, : VT1.71,-Nr"1"IrTV-Nrv•Tingilrir,IIII i : • • Mfg's Ends of Embroideries and Laces : • on Sale at little more than Half Price. . • e : • 0•0. : 0 s Highest Prices • for Produce. G. N. McLAREN i . . :•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••o600: Fors and Overcoats s • We would like to clear out all Furs and 3 Overcoats still on hand, With the cold s weather still to come this is your oppor- tunity. Furs and Overcoats at Greatly a • Reduced Prices. 0,